The document is a booking confirmation for a flight from Vishakhapatanam to Kolkata on December 5th, 2021. It provides details of the flight, passenger, payment amount, and important information. The total price for the booking is INR 6,146.
The document is a booking confirmation for a flight from Vishakhapatanam to Kolkata on December 5th, 2021. It provides details of the flight, passenger, payment amount, and important information. The total price for the booking is INR 6,146.
The document is a booking confirmation for a flight from Vishakhapatanam to Kolkata on December 5th, 2021. It provides details of the flight, passenger, payment amount, and important information. The total price for the booking is INR 6,146.
The document is a booking confirmation for a flight from Vishakhapatanam to Kolkata on December 5th, 2021. It provides details of the flight, passenger, payment amount, and important information. The total price for the booking is INR 6,146.
GST Number 21AAAJC0752B1Z8 GST Name Centurion University of Technology and Management Base Price 4,700 INR Airline Taxes and Fees ( YR50 OC154 IN361 RCF50 Airline GST233 RCI Taxes586) 1,434 INR Booking Fee 10 INR Convenience Fee 0 INR Meal/ Seat/Baggage/ Misc Charges 0 INR GST 2.0 INR Total Price 6,146 INR ( Six Thousand One Hundred and Forty Six Only)
Important Information • Use the Reference Number for all correspondence with us. • You should carry a photo identification proof while checking in.