8 Active Materials For Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2
8 Active Materials For Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2
8 Active Materials For Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2
12.1 Introduction
Solar reforming of hydrocarbons from the photocatalytic reduction of carbon
dioxide is receiving considerable attention worldwide due to both the simplic-
ity of the process and the easy manageability of the system. Carbon dioxide, a
so‐called greenhouse gas, was considered as a waste material until recently, but
nowadays it is regarded as a good C1 source material and thus has become to
be considered to be valuable [1]. The methods of reducing carbon dioxide can
be electrochemical, photochemical, photocatalytic, photoelectrochemical, and
biochemical. Studies on methods for recycling carbon dioxide into useful
products, such as CO, methanol, methane, formic acid, formate, and ethane,
particularly using semiconductors in aqueous suspension systems, have
received considerable attention in recent times. There have been many
attempts to employ various means of activation to reduce carbon dioxide.
These are briefly summarized in Table 12.1.
Among the various activation procedures, only a few have been vigorously
pursued in view of the possibility of commercializing the developed process.
Among these very few possibilities, photocatalytic or photoelectrochemical
processes assume prominence.
It is known that every year, billions of metric tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2)
are released into the atmosphere. But what if one could recycle all that CO2 and
turn it into something useful, making value‐added chemicals? This desire
mimics how nature converts carbon dioxide into carbohydrate by photosyn-
thesis. Scientific pursuits often try to mimic nature, and carbon dioxide reduc-
tion is another such attempt.
Table 12.1 The processes employed to reduce carbon dioxide to useful chemicals [53].
Process Equation
gamma irradiation
1. Radiochemical CO2 HCOOH, HCHO
Ce 4 ; T 900 C
3. Thermochemical CO2 CO 1 / 2O2
4. Photochemical CO2 CO, HCOOH, HCHO
5. Electrochemical CO2 xe xH eV
6. Biochemical CO2 4 H2 CH 4 2H2O
7. Biophotochemical CO2 oxoglutaric acid isocitric acid
8. Photoelectrochemical CO2 2e 2H eV , semiconductor
enzyme , eV
9. Bioelectrochemical CO2 oxoglutaric acid methyl viologen
isocitric acid
h , enzyme p InP
10. Biophotoelectrochemical CO2 eV , methyl viologen
carbon dioxide into value‐added chemicals or fuels, the conversion levels still
remain small (less than millimolar quantities) and thus not are amenable for
commercial exploitation [2–4]. To utilize solar energy, the photosensitizer
should absorb irradiation in the visible or ultraviolet range. Even though this
process has environmental interest, the low turnover rates of the available cur-
rent procedures have prevented wide‐scale industrial adaptation. Lehn and
Ziessel [5], in the 1980s, were the first to initiate the study of catalytic carbon
dioxide reduction using visible light. They observed that Co(I) species pro-
duced in solutions containing CoCl2, 2,2′‐bipyridine (bpy), a tertiary amine,
and a Ru(bpy)3Cl2 photosensitizer was responsible for the reduction of carbon
dioxide. Subsequent to these studies, several catalysts have been reported with
rhodium bipyridyl photosensitizer.
One of the issues for the low yield in the reduction of carbon dioxide is asso-
ciated with the high value of the reduction potential for the initial electron
transfer from the catalyst surface. That is, for the following reduction reaction
CO2 aq e CO2 aq
the reduction potential value is −2.14 V versus the saturated calomel electrode
(SCE) [2], even though the subsequent electron transfers may be favorable, i.e.
have a more negative or positive value reduction potential with respect to the
conduction band minimum of most of the semiconductor materials, a situation
favorable for the feasibility of the reaction. Rapid reduction thus requires an
over‐potential of up to 0.6 V due to the kinetic restrictions imposed in convert-
ing the linear neutral molecule to the bent anion moiety.
The question to be answered at this stage is how this thermodynamic limita-
tion is overcome in the product formation in photocatalytic reduction of car-
bon dioxide? An answer may be that photon‐assisted multi‐electron transfer is
possible under photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide in aqueous solu-
tions. However, as this complex process has to involve various reactions and
each of the steps involved depends on the preference of the product to be
obtained, the reduction of carbon dioxide is governed by the reduction poten-
tial values for all of these steps. A listing of reduction potential values for the
photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide to various products in aqueous
media is given in Table 12.2 [6]. This listing shows how to tune the ultimate
product obtained in the photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide.
12.2 CO2 Photoreduction – Essentials
The carbon dioxide photoreduction reaction in aqueous media was first reported
by Inoue et al. in 1979 [7], where CO2 was photo‐reduced into organic materials,
such as formaldehyde (HCHO), formic acid (HCOOH), methanol (CH3OH),
346 Photocatalytic Functional Materials for Environmental Remediation
and hydrocarbons (such as methane, CH4, and ethane, C2H6) by using semicon-
ductor photocatalysts. When the semiconductor is exposed to irradiation, it
absorbs appropriate photon energy (hν) corresponding to the bandgap or higher.
Active Materials for Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide 347
Then, if the absorbed photon energy is sufficient to overcome the bandgap of the
semiconductor (the forbidden or void energy region that extends from the top of
the filled valance band to the bottom of the vacant conduction band) the elec-
trons (e−) in the valence band (VB) can be excited and transferred to the conduc-
tion band (CB), leaving positively charged holes (h+) in the VB. These
photo‐generated electron and hole pairs (e−/h+) may move to the surface of the
semiconductor and react with the adsorbed species (e.g. CO2, H2O) to initiate
the CO2 photoreduction.
It should be realized that the photogeneration of electron and hole pairs is a
reversible process, and these electron and hole pairs may undergo bulk or sur-
face recombination, emitting photon and heat energy. Such a recombination
process can inhibit electron and hole pairs participating in surface reactions
for CO2 photoreduction. Therefore, a decrease of the electron and hole recom-
bination rate can increase the lifetime of these charge carriers and significantly
improve the efficiency of CO2 photoreduction. A pictorial representation of
the photocatalytic process is shown in Figure 12.1.
It can be seen that CO2 photoreduction with water requires both multi‐
electron transfer reactions and water oxidation and they have to occur simul-
taneously. The band‐edge energy positions of the VB and CB of the
CB –
ce n ati hν
rfa bi VB +
Su com – + +
– + D+
+ Oxidation
1 4 3
A– – Volume
co ce
re urfa
The work by Lehn et al. showed the selective CO2 reduction into CO by
using Re(I) diimine complexes [5, 9]. Subsequently, metal complexes in photo-
catalysis have been studied for both CO2 reduction [10–13] and H2O oxidation
[14–16]. CO2 is reduced to form CO with homogeneous photocatalysts, such
as Re complexes; however, efficiency of the process increased in the presence
of electron donors, such as triethanolamine [17, 18]. However, CO2 reduction
and H2O oxidation processes require distinct and possibly separate reaction
conditions. As a result, carrying out these reactions simultaneously using a
metal complex catalyst in a single system is a difficult task. Reverse oxidation
of organic products generated from the reduction of CO2 and the reverse
reduction of O2 generated from the oxidation of H2O may terminate the conti-
nuity of the reaction. Catalysis by metal complexes will not be further consid-
ered here, as the scope of this chapter is only to examine the heterogeneous
photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide by semiconducting materials. It
could be questioned as to why one should restrict consideration only to semi-
conducting materials, especially for a globally important reaction such as car-
bon dioxide reduction. A limited answer to this point is that the literature is
vast if one were to consider all the information, and also there appears to be
vast choice of materials among the literature. Any successful direction in the
literature will go a long way in attempting to commercialize this process.
The reduction potentials for the proton‐coupled electron transfer (PCET)
reactions of carbon dioxide are within the range of −0.7 to −0.2 V (see
Table 12.2) and are close to the reduction potential of water (−0.414 V at pH 7).
Gas phase carbon dioxide is a linear molecule; when it is adsorbed on the cata-
lyst surface the bond angle is reduced from 180° and thus becomes susceptible
for reduction. The values of the reduction potentials of carbon dioxide are
given in Table 12.2 and generally refer to multi‐electron/proton transfer reac-
tions as compared to water decomposition. Water decomposition is a two‐
electron transfer reaction and hence in the liquid phase hydrogen generation
from water can be facile compared to the reduction of carbon dioxide. This
may account for the low yields obtained in the experiments on the reduction of
carbon dioxide in the presence of water decomposition. However, the solubil-
ity of carbon dioxide in water is small, being of the order of ~5.4–6 × 10−4 mol
fraction of carbon dioxide [19] in liquid phase at around atmospheric pressure.
The solubility of CO2 in water can be improved by the addition of substances
such as NaOH, NaHCO3, or Na2CO3.
It is normal to use sacrificial reagents to consume the generated holes. The
addition of a sacrificial reagent to the reaction mixture enhances photocata-
lytic reduction. For example, methanol is used as a sacrificial hole scavenger.
This implies that some of the CO2 reduction products are formed through the
action of holes and not the action of electrons. The presence of organic adsor-
bents (CH3CO2H, CH3OH, HCO2H) on the surface of the photocatalyst plays
an important role in the photoreduction of CO2. The presence of acetic acid on
350 Photocatalytic Functional Materials for Environmental Remediation
the photocatalyst surface leads to the formation of CH4. This can occur by the
conversion of acetic acid to CH4 via the photo‐Kolbe reaction.
It has been already stated that the deviation of the bond angle from 180° is
essential in activating carbon dioxide and facilitates its reduction. This implies
that the adsorption sites should be such that the bond angle of linear carbon
dioxide is reduced from the value of 180°. One such visualization has been
made in the literature and is shown in Figure 12.2. This type of site may be
present on stepped surfaces of semiconductors. Other geometrical arrange-
ments are possible for the adsorption and activation of carbon dioxide [20].
Fujishima, Honda, and their co‐workers reported the photocatalytic reduc-
tion of CO2 to organic compounds, such as HCOOH, CH4, CH3OH, and
HCHO, in the presence of semiconductor photocatalysts such as TiO2, ZnO,
CdS, SiC, and WO3 [7]. Heterogeneous semiconductor compounds, including
metal oxides, oxynitrides, sulfides, and phosphides, had been investigated for
this purpose [21, 22].
The photocatalytic CO2 reduction is a useful method since no additional
energy is needed and there is little negative effect on the environment. The use
of cheap and abundant sunlight to convert a greenhouse gas into other carbon‐
containing products is also an ideal approach. Some of the typical semiconduc-
tors employed for the study of this reaction are assembled in Table 12.3.
Bent CO2+
Figure 12.2 One adsorption geometry for carbon dioxide that facilitates its reduction.
Source: Reproduced from Ref. [75].
Active Materials for Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide 351
Semiconductor (eV) Description Ref.
Semiconductor (eV) Description Ref.
MoS2 1.23 compared with the pristine Bi2S3 or MoS2, the [71]
as‐synthesized D‐Bi2S3@MoS2 composite has
exhibited much higher adsorption behavior and
photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation
BaLa4Ti4O15q ~4 and 5 H2: 10 μmol h−1, O2: 7 μmol h−1, CO: 4.3 μmol h−1, [68]
HCOOH: 0.3 μmol h−1
KTaO3 ~3.5 reduce CO2 to CO and oxidize water to O2 [72]
WO3 and 2.8 around 5 μmol h methanol [61, 69]
–1.0 CB
Potential vs. NHE (V) at pH = 0
0.0 CO/CO2
4.0 WO3 atomic layers
WO3 atomic layers
Figure 12.3 Energy level diagram of layers and oxygen‐deficient WO3 atomic layers which
can be used with the infrared radiation of solar radiation for the photocatalytic reduction of
carbon dioxide. Source: Reproduced from Ref. [36].
354 Photocatalytic Functional Materials for Environmental Remediation
i) Is a direct proton source desirable (rather than the protons coming from
the decomposition of water), so that the reduction of CO2 is facilitated?
ii) It is essential that the species employed as a proton source should not
undergo any electrochemical reaction within the potential range for the
CO2 reduction reaction.
iii) The reactivity of the proton should be as high as that in Nafion (very nearly
a bare proton), where the proton is in a highly electronegative environment
of fluorine atoms.
iv) The available protons should be capable of reacting with carbon dioxide
directly, promoted by the light absorbed by semiconductors (TiO2), and
the reduction reaction should be carried out on some reactive metal sites.
This possibly means the photon absorption and reactive sites may be
Nafion layer CO2
H+ H+ F2 F2
CO2 C x CF y
H+ CH4 F2 F2 O
Pd H+ CF z C
H+ CF3
e– O2
TiO2 H+
Figure 12.4 Pd/TiO2 on Nafion catalyst system for the photochemical reduction of carbon
dioxide. Source: Reproduced from Ref. [37] with permission from the Royal Society of
Active Materials for Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide 355
12.5 Selection of Materials
It is realized that in any successful attempt to make this process viable com-
mercially, the selection of photocatalytic material is an important requirement.
There have been various attempts in this direction in the past based on various
methodologies. However, even today, the search continues to identify a mate-
rial which will be able to provide the efficiency required. In this connection it
has been pointed out earlier that the positions of the conduction band mini-
mum and valence band maximum of the semiconductor represent the reduc-
tion and oxidation ability of the system. A compilation of the known
semiconductors and their characteristics is attempted in Table 12.4. The data
presented in this table may be useful in order to select a semiconductor mate-
rial based on the logistics of the process instead of on a trial and error basis.
This is an important aspect, since the selection of suitable materials is the
immediate need for making this process commercially viable and environmen-
tally acceptable. Note that in the two “Band edge” columns in Table 12.4, the
figures in brackets are the pH value at which the band edges values are reported
if this isn’t pH 7. The values given in Table 12.4 can be used to identify appro-
priate and suitable semiconductor materials for the simultaneous photocata-
lytic reduction of carbon dioxide and photodecomposition of water.
356 Photocatalytic Functional Materials for Environmental Remediation
Eg CB edge at VB edge at
Name Formula (eV) pH = 7 (eV) pH = 7 (eV) λ (nm)
Eg CB edge at VB edge at
Name Formula (eV) pH = 7 (eV) pH = 7 (eV) λ (nm)
Eg CB edge at VB edge at
Name Formula (eV) pH = 7 (eV) pH = 7 (eV) λ (nm)
Eg CB edge at VB edge at
Name Formula (eV) pH = 7 (eV) pH = 7 (eV) λ (nm)
Source: data collected from literature, especially from Refs. [4, 73], among others.
However, there are still disadvantages hindering the use of TiO2 as an effec-
tive catalyst for CO2 photoreduction. Firstly, the efficiency of CO2 photoreduc-
tion using TiO2 is still too low for practical applications. It can be seen that
even the best work could only achieve a CO2 conversion rate at around
26 μmol g−1 h−1 [40]. Such reaction efficiency is obviously too low for practical
applications and, therefore, it is necessary to improve the activity of TiO2 or
find alternative materials for carbon dioxide photoreduction.
Yet another problem when using TiO2 is its relatively large bandgap (3.2 eV)
that can only be effectively excited by ultraviolet (UV) light. As only small frac-
tion of the solar spectrum is within the UV region (not higher than 3%), there
is a need to modify the light absorption range of TiO2 to efficiently utilize solar
energy for CO2 photoreduction. One of the most widely used methods to
improve the activity of TiO2 for CO2 photoreduction is by modifying TiO2 with
a metal. This is because the added metal is able to act as a trap of the photo‐
generated charge carriers in order to suppress the electron/hole recombination
rate and improve the activity of TiO2.
Metal loading on or in a semiconductor can either create alternate adsorption
sites or alter the electronic energy levels, thus facilitating the electron‐transfer
reactions. (Metal can be loaded on the surface and not incorporated into the
lattice, or it can be loaded in the lattice, in which case the doped metal can give
rise to additional allowed energy levels in the so‐called forbidden gap or can
alter the Fermi level of the semiconductor by charge injection into the host lat-
tice.) Thus, metal loading on to a semiconductor may function as electron traps,
thereby suppressing electron/hole recombination rate and thus promoting the
desired reaction. This process increases the possibility of these charge carriers
reacting with the adsorbed species on the metallic sites that are loaded on the
semiconductor photocatalyst. If the loaded metal undergoes oxidation due to
calcination, then what one gets is a coupled/composite semiconductor system
which also experiences Fermi‐level equalization due to intimate contact. When
the added metal is doped into the lattice of the semiconductor (TiO2), the dop-
ing can be either substitutional or interstitial. Both of these two types of doping
can affect the lattice spacing of TiO2. Incorporation in the substitutional posi-
tion or interstitial position is reflected in the variation of the lattice spacing of
the parent semiconductor. Additional allowed energy levels in the forbidden
gap of the semiconductor depends on their energy positions, can act as electron
or hole traps, and promotes the corresponding reduction or oxidation reactions
or facilitates the recombination of the charge carriers. Hence, the ratio of the
doped metal to that of the parent semiconductor must be carefully considered,
because the presence of the metal dopant can simultaneously suppress and
enhance the recombination of the photo‐generated electron and hole within the
semiconductor. It has been reported in the literature that incorporation of met-
als such as Cu, Pt, Pd, Rh, Fe, and Ag into TiO2 can improve the photocatalytic
reduction of carbon dioxide. All these studies can be generally understood by
Active Materials for Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide 361
–2.0 –2.5
–3 Cu2O
CuFeO2 –1.0
2.24 eV
3.0 eV
–4 TiO2 –0.5
1.1 eV
1.95 eV
1.47 eV
2.4 eV
1.17 eV
2.4 eV
–5 0.5
1.35 eV
1.7 eV
1.0 O2/H2O
3.2 eV
3.2 eV
–6 1.5
2.7 eV
–7 2.5
Figure 12.5 Conduction band potentials (open squares) and valence band potentials (gray
squares) of some commonly used semiconductors, along with with the potentials of several
carbon dioxide/water redox couples at pH = 0.
362 Photocatalytic Functional Materials for Environmental Remediation
The efforts extended in making this process more efficient have not so far
yielded the desired results. This probably indicates that the basic choice of
materials has not been appropriate. In spite of the concerted efforts to modify
and redesign the available known materials, perhaps one now has to focus on
completely new materials for this reaction. It has been pointed out already that
the energetic position of the conduction band and the valence band controls
the reduction and oxidation reactions that can be promoted by these semicon-
ductors. These positions, as given in Table 12.4, are for the static state of the
semiconductor under a semiconductor/vacuum interface. These redox values
may be altered during the adsorption and activation of the reagents. This has
partly been taken care of in the concept of band bending when the interface is
changed to the reaction medium [42]. There is a possibility that the energy
level positions of the bands of the semiconductor may functionally change
depending on the reaction conditions employed. This aspect has not yet been
fully and explicitly dealt within the literature.
It was pointed out earlier that the adsorption of carbon dioxide should be
such that the band angle should reduce from 180° to a nearly tetrahedral angle.
There can be various modes of adsorption of carbon dioxide on the catalyst
surface, depending on the nature of the surface morphology. Essentially, the
possible structural modes of adsorption of carbon dioxide can be visualized as
shown in Figure 12.6 [3].
The modes shown in Figure 12.6 are the ideal configurations of the adsorp-
tion mode of carbon dioxide. Depending on the nature of the surface site and
the adsorption geometry of the substrate, the modes of adsorption of CO2 can
vary and one typical configuration was shown in Figure 12.2. As already stated,
the reduction of CO2 is limited kinetically since the lowest unoccupied molec-
ular orbital (LUMO) level is an antibonding orbital and hence the reduction
process has to be coupled with proton transfer. For this purpose the qualitative
molecular orbital energy diagram for carbon dioxide is as shown in Figure 12.7.
The reduction of carbon dioxide to hydrocarbons can be carried out on sur-
faces where proton and electron transfers are simultaneously possible. Thus
the search for catalyst systems should be carried out on such surfaces where
the transfer is facile for both these species.
Carbon dioxide is chemically inert, has a closed shell electronic configura-
tion, and is linear in structure. The addition of a single electron causes the
necessary bond angle reduction and bends the molecule structure due to the
repulsion between the added electron and the electron pairs on the oxygen
atoms. This repulsion contributes to the high energy of the LUMO level of the
carbon dioxide molecule and thus accounts for the low electron affinity of the
molecule. This situation makes it virtually certain that no semiconductor is
capable of transferring the single electron to a free CO2 molecule; the reduc-
tion potential is around −1.90 V as stated above. Though single electron reduc-
tion thus experiences a higher energy barrier, the situation is manageable with
Active Materials for Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide 363
e1g e1g
a1u 2p(degenerate)
e1u a1g
2s (a1g) π
σ a1u
σ a1g
a1g 2s(degenerate)
Figure 12.7 Qualitative molecular orbital diagram for carbon dioxide. Source: Reproduced
from Ref. [3].
3) Altering the valence band maximum in order to change the value of the
4) Altering the conduction band minimum to more reductive potential values
so as to facilitate hydrogen production.
5) To generate multiple photocatalytically active sites and also to alter the sur-
face area, new nanoscale morphologies have been employed.
In spite of these attempts, so far no realizable success in the reduction of
carbon dioxide seems to have been achieved. This may mean that the steps so
far attempted, though they may logically be in the correct direction, may only
marginally improve the efficiency; perhaps the search has to take an alterna-
tive, so far untrodden, path.
At present, the formation rates of products from the photocatalytic reduc-
tion of carbon dioxide on semiconductors rarely exceed tens of mmol g−1 h−1.
This means that the efficiency of the process is generally lower than in natural
photosynthesis or even less than that achieved in the photocatalytic generation
of hydrogen. However, this has not hampered the interest of scientists pursu-
ing this research field.
Recent developments are concentrated on the search for new photocatalytic
materials and new nanoscale configurations. New photocatalytic materials
could be novel materials of metals with d0 or d10 electronic configurations,
though this concept that systems with this electronic configuration will be
Active Materials for Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide 365
appropriate semiconductors for this reaction has not yet been fully established.
New nanoscale configurations could offer improved surface area, increased
charge separation, and vectorial electron transfers. The mechanism of the pro-
cess has been studied by both experimental and computational methods. These
studies are aimed to answer the unanswered questions concerning the chemi-
cal pathways of CO2 reduction. Of particular interest are the approaches to
overcome the barrier associated with the activation of a CO2 molecule toward
the first one‐electron reduction. This step is rate limiting, because of the highly
negative electrochemical reduction potential of CO2 to the anion radical with
respect to the conduction band levels of commonly employed semiconductors.
Other important aspects of the mechanism that are relevant for a deeper
understanding of the process include charge‐carrier dynamics within the semi-
conductors, the effect of the nanostructure of the photocatalyst, and the impact
of the choice of the catalytic metal on the photocatalytic reduction of carbon
dioxide. Most of the studies reported on this reaction employ TiO2 and its vari-
ations [43, 44], as it is considered a good model system for comparative study.
The situation regarding the results reported about this system does not allow
a direct comparison of the system as there is no standardized procedure
adopted or assigned to report the results. It may be worthwhile if standardiza-
tion could be achieved on the amount of the catalyst employed and also if there
was a proper measure of the photon intensity employed. Another aspect on
which there is no clarity or consistency is the counter reaction; this is the reac-
tion involving oxygen or hydrogen peroxide formation in relation to the reduc-
tion reaction carried out. Until this is achieved, there will be always doubt on
the sustainability of the reaction or long‐term use of the catalysts for commer-
cial exploitation. The system ultimately employed commercially should be
based on the cost of the material and also that it is abundantly available.
Since ultimately the products of reaction should be separable, photoelectro-
chemical cells will be advantageous for exploiting this reaction commercially.
The feverish attitude in studying this reaction and the consistent attempts to
identify the appropriate semiconductors for promoting this reaction can be
expected to move this process closer to success.
In the future, the direction of research may be to exploit the effects of mixed
crystal phase, defect disorders, and modifications in designing the chosen
catalyst systems. It is also necessary that the mechanistic details of the charge
transfer will have to be elucidated with respect to details of each and every step
at the interface.
Various configurations and various additives have been tried for the photo-
catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide. Varghese et al. [45] reported experiments
conducted in outdoor sunlight. The relative hydrocarbon production rate of
111 ppm cm−2 h−1, or ≈160 μl g−1 h−1 has been reported when the nanotube
array samples are loaded with both Cu and Pt nanoparticles. This rate of CO2
366 Photocatalytic Functional Materials for Environmental Remediation
Figure 12.8 Flow through nanotube array loaded with co‐catalyst for photocatalytic
conversion of carbon dioxide and water into hydrocarbons. Source: Reproduced from
Ref. [45].
The author’s grateful thanks are due to his colleagues and to the Department of
Science and Technology, Government of India, for the creation of the National
Center for Catalysis Research at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.
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