CA1 Course Syllabus (Maam Balaquit)
CA1 Course Syllabus (Maam Balaquit)
CA1 Course Syllabus (Maam Balaquit)
First Semester, School Year 2020-2021
National Goal : The attainment of globally competitive Filipinos through quality and excellent education, relevant and responsive to changing environment,
accessible and equitable to deserving students, and efficient and effective in optimizing returns and benefits.
Mission : The College of Maasin, with the integration of instruction, research and extension, commits itself in seeking a life of faith , learning and action
to develop people into becoming God-loving citizens with integrity in character, intellectually competent and honest, morally and ethically sensitive,
excellence in work performance, creatively aware and responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people for the realization of a just, free and
responsible Christian social order.
Goals : 1. To develop competent and honest administrators, faculty, staff, and dedicated students to learning who are nurtured in Christian values anchored
in knowledge and deep social awareness.
2. To attain harmony in the climate of organization which allows the process of collective decision-making and action that involves the quality
participation of various sectors by cultivating in them the values of mutual trust and respect.
3. To offer relevant curricular and co-curricular programs; methodology of teaching and system of learning which foster development of creative
thinking, human dignity and responsibility, social awareness, and cultivates social responsibility and involvement.
4. To provide quality and excellent performance in the service that reflects the values of justice and equality, acknowledges the dignity of labor, and
develops commitment to duty and social responsibility.
5. To implement an effective and efficient academic-community action programs that enhances the development of people in poor communities by
generating activities for school-community cooperation.
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6. To design and implement infrastructure projects in support of the development and sustainability of the institution.
Institutional Outcomes:
After four years, the graduate will be able to:
Develop Christian values and attitude of honesty, moral and ethical sensitivity for the total well-being of man (physical, emotional and spiritual),
Develop intellectual competence for creative awareness and responsiveness to the needs of people, and
Develop collaborative competencies such as entrepreneurial skills, productive and social skills to meet the human resource de mands of the local, national
and global communities.
B. Common to discipline:
f. Demonstrate clinical competence in specific profession,
g. Exhibit health professional and ethical practice,
h. Practice interprofessional education,
i. Exercise communication skills / become an educator,
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j. Continue to become a lifelong learner (personal/continuing professional development),
k. Become leader/manager/systems approach to health care,
l. Become a researcher,
m. Become a social advocate.
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3) Design a wide-ranging nursing care plan for identified health problems in community and hospital settings.
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Timeliness Posted completed on or before Posted completed within 24 Posted 24 hours post deadline Posted 48 hours post deadline
the deadline. hours after the deadline. period. period.
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Title Page and Title page follow model 1 missing information 2 missing information 2 missing information No title page.
Formatting format and model from title page. Some from title page. Some from title page. Some
provided. model format are not model format are not model format are not
followed. followed. followed.
6|Pag e
interest and emphasize key
Content / Demonstrates full knowledge by Is at ease with expectedIs uncomfortable with Does not have grasp of
Organization answering all class questions questions, without elaboration.
information and is able to information and cannot
with explanations and Has somewhat clear purpose and
answer only rudimentary answer questions about
elaborations. subject; some examples, facts,
questions. subject.
Provides clear purpose and and/or statistics that support the
Attempts to define purpose and Does not clearly define subject
subject: pertinent examples, subject; includes some data or
subject; provides weak and purpose; provides weak
facts, and/or statistics; supports evidence that supports
examples, facts, and/or or no support of subject; gives
conclusions/ideas with evidence. conclusions. statistics, which do not insufficient support for ideas or
adequately support the subject; conclusions.
includes very thin data or
Enthusiasm / Demonstrates strong enthusiasm Shows some enthusiastic feelings Shows little or mixed feelings Shows no interest in topic
Audience Awareness about topic during the entire about the topic. Raises audience about the topic being presented.
presentation. understanding and awareness of presented. Raises audience Fails to increase audience
Significantly increases audience most points. understanding and knowledge understanding or knowledge
understanding and knowledge of of some points. of topic.
topic; convinces an audience to
recognize the validity and
importance of the subject.
7|Pag e
Planning Goal statement is patient or Goal statement is patient or Goal statement is not patient or Goal portion is incomplete.
family oriented, and contains two family oriented, and contains at family oriented and may not have
measurable criteria and a target least one measurable criteria or measurable criteria or a target
date or time. a target date/time. date or time.
Implementation Interventions portion contains Interventions portion contains Interventions portion does not Interventions portion is
adequate number of adequate number of include adequate number of incomplete.
interventions to help interventions to help interventions to help patient/family
patient/family meet goal, and patient/family meet goal, but meet goal. Interventions may also
interventions are specific in interventions may not be not be specific, labeled or listed
action and frequency, labeled specific, labeled or listed with with rationales.
with "I" or "C" and are listed with rationales.
referenced rationales.
Evaluation Evaluation portion does contain Evaluation portion does contain Evaluation portion does not Evaluations portion is
data that is listed as criteria in data that is listed as criteria in contain data that is listed as incomplete.
goal statement. Does describe goal statement, but does not criteria in goal statement. May
goal as met, partially met, or not describe goal as met, partially also not describe goal as met,
met. If goal was partially met or met, or not met. May also not partially met, or not met. May also
not met, includes revision and/or include revision or new not include revision or new
new evaluation date/time. evaluation date/time. evaluation date/time.
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3. Utilize bioethical concepts/ principles, core values and nursing
standards in the care of clients
4. Integrate the various competencies in the various key areas of
responsibilities in the care of selected clients
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1. Utilize MODULE 1 - Community Health At the end of the learning CM moodle Engage Famorca, Z. et
the nursing Nursing (CHN) experience, the students formative Slide al. Nursing
process in the 1. Background will be able to: and presentations Care of the
holistic care of CHN as a Field of Nursing Recall the summative sent posted in Community.
client for the Practice principles, concepts exercises CM-moodle Amsterdam:
promotion and Basic Concepts and of CHN and Creating Elsevier
maintenance of Principles of CHN Differentiate the assessments Flagg, J. &
Roles of the Nurse in roles of Nurse in
health in Formulation presentation Pillitteri, A.
Caring for Communities caring for
community and of individual on nursing (2018)
and Population Groups community
hospital and practice (with Maternal &
2. Primary Health Care Approach Explain the
settings. collaborative audio, video Child Health
Definition principles of PHC,
2. Relate assessment text) Nursing: Care
Legal Basis health promotion,
effectively with 3. Health Promotion community and case Assigned of the
clients, Concepts organizing and management Reading (thru Childbearing
members of the Strategies community health plan PDF thru CM- and
health team and Theories/Models of Health nursing process Google form moodle) Childrearing
others in work Promotion by Pender, and its application tests Explore Family (6th
situations Bandura and Green in caring for NLE type Synthesis edition)
related to 4. Community Organizing community as the Philadelphia:
examinations analysis of
nursing and Definition primary client Lippincott
thru CM- laboratory/
health Community Participation Determine the Williams &
steps in building moodle diagnostic
3. Observe Capacity Building Creative values and Wilkins.
Strategies community
bioethical assignments comparative
principles and Partnership and Department of
Collaboration Identify the steps in with audio analysis
the core values assessing feedback Rationalization Health. (2015).
(love of God, 5. Community Health Nursing Pregnancy
Process community health Creating a of NLE-type
caring, love needs and nursing examination Care from
country and of Community Needs Anterpartum to
community process (shared with
people) diagnosis marking Postpartum.
Community Diagnosis and framework
4. Ensure Describe the manuscript Manila,
a well- different health and Philippines
organized programs of DOH rationalization
recording and Discuss the role of
a nurse in caring for
10 | P a g e
reporting Implementing e. Evaluating clients with thru CM- Department of
system Community Health Nursing communicable and moodle) Health. (2015).
Services non-communicable Basic
Home Visit and Bag disease utilizing the Newborn
Technique health preventive- Care,
7. Public Health Programs of the promotive Resuscitation
DOH approach
Maternal Health Examination.
Family Planning Manila,
Child Health Philippines
Integrated Management for Castro, C.
Childhood Illness (IMCI) (2012).
Nutrition Program Community
Oral Health Program Health Nursing
Essential Health Packages and
for Adolescent, Adult Men Community
and Women and Older Health
Persons Development
8. Control of Non-Communicable 1st edition.
Diseases Educational
National Prevention of Publishing
Blindness House, Inc.
Mental Health and Mental Hinkle J.L., &
Disorders Cheever K.
Renal Disease Control (2014).
Program Brunner and
Community-based Suddarth’s
Rehabilitation Program Textbook of
9. Control of Communicable Medical-
Diseases Surgical
National TB DOTS Nursing (13th
Control Programs on edition)
Leprosy, Schistosomiasis, Philadelphia,
Filariasis, Malaria, Rabies, Pa. Lippincott,
Dengue, STI and AIDS.
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3 MODULE 2 – Obstetrical Nursing At the end of the learning Williams and
weeks (Well clients) experience, the students Wilkins.
1. Procreative Health will be able to:
Definition and theories Identify the goals
related to procreation and philosophy of
Process of human maternal and child
reproduction health nursing
Risk factors of genetic Describe the
disorders anatomy and
Common tests physiology
Utilizing NP in preventing necessary for
genetic disorders and care reproductive and
for clients seeking services sexual health
before and during Formulate nursing
conception care related to
2. Antepartum/Pregnancy reproductive health
Menstrual cycle such as educating
Fetal circulation about menstruation
Estimating Expected Date Describe the
of Confinement (EDC) growth and
Teratogens and their effects development of the
Normal changes during fetus by gestation
pregnancy (local/systemic week
physical and emotional Assesse fetal
changes) growth and
Leopold’s Maneuver development
Danger signs of pregnancy through maternal
and pregnancy
Prenatal exercises
Preparation for labor and
Describe the areas
of health
Addressing the needs and
discomfort of pregnant
commonly included
in a first prenatal
3. Intrapartum/Labor and Delivery
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Factors affecting labor and Identify expected
delivery outcomes for
Stages, discomforts, achieving a healthy
common and danger signs pregnancy
of labor and delivery Plan nursing care
Physical and psychological such as preparing a
preparations during woman for a pelvic
delivery examination or
Care of clients fundal
experiencing labor and measurement
delivery process Integrate
Provision of personal knowledge of fetal
hygiene, safety and growth and
comfort measures development with
Coping mechanisms of nursing process to
woman’s partner and achieve quality
family maternal and child
4. Post-Partum health nursing care
Body/psychological Describe the
changes on the Mother common theories
Phases of puerperium explaining the
Nursing care of mothers onset of labor
during post-partum Discuss the role of
Family planning the components of
Assess a woman in
labor, identifying
the stage and
Establish outcomes
to meet the needs
of the woman
throughout the
labor process
Describe the
psychological and
13 | P a g e
changes that occur
in the post-partal
Formulate nursing
care to aid the
progression of
physiologic and
occurring in the
client and family
2 MODULE 3- Pediatric Nursing At the end of the learning
weeks (Well clients) experience, the students
1. Immediate Care of the Newborn will be able to:
Establishment of respiration Describe the
Maintaining patent airway characteristics of
Changing of diapers the term newborn
Eye prophylaxis Assess a newborn
Cord care for normal growth
Vitamin K administration and development
Regulation of temperature Formulate nursing
Sensory stimulation (audio& care of the normal
tactile) newborn, such as
Vestibular stimulation administering the
Breast feeding first bath or
instructing parents
on how to care for
their newborn
Describe the
2. Child Growth and Development
principles of growth
Definition and development
Principles and developmental
Major factors influencing stages according to
Growth and Dev’t. major theorists
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3. Health Promotion in Children Assess a child to
(e.g. EPI) determine the stage
of development he
or she has reached
Formulate nursing
interventions to
assist a child in
achieving and
maintaining normal
growth and
15 | P a g e
Premature Rupture of in the power (force
Membranes of labor), the
Pregnancy-induced passage or the
Hypertension passenger that can
cause dystocia or
3. Nursing Care for High Risk
dysfunctional labor
Clients During Labor and Delivery
Formulate nursing
High risk factors actions specific to
Problems of the passenger, the woman who
has developed a
passageway, power and
complication of
placenta and psyche
4.Nursing Care for High Risk
Clients During Postpartum
Thromboembolic conditions
Postpartal psychiatric
5. Nursing Care of couples with
problems of infertility
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3 MODULE 5- Pediatric Nursing At the end of the learning
weeks (Acute and Chronic Conditions) experience, the students
1. Nursing Care for Common will be able to:
Health Problems During Describe common
1.1. Infancy physical
Intussusception developmental birth
Sudden infant death disorders,
syndrome respiratory,
Colic cardiovascular,
Cleft palate gastrointestinal,
Imperforated anus urinary, neurologic,
Hirchsprung's disease immune and
Spina bifida hematologic
Hydrocephalus disorder
Meningitis Assess the child
with disorder
Febrile seizures
Formulate nursing
3.2. Toddlers diagnosis related to
illnesses in children
Plan nursing care
for the child with
Child abuse
Cerebral palsy
Formulate nursing
3.3. Preschoolers
care for the child
Leukemia with illness
Wilm's tumor Use critical thinking
/nephroblastoma to analyze ways
Asthma that nursing care
UTI for a child with an
illness could be
3.4. School Aged Children more family-
Diabetes Mellitus centered.
Rheumatic Fever Integrate
Rheumatic Arthritis knowledge of the
Scabies disorders in
Pediculosis children with
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Impetigo nursing process to
achieve quality
3.5. Adolescent maternal and child
Scoliosis health nursing care
Bone tumors
Accidents (trauma/injury)
STD e. Amenorrhea
Obesity h. Anorexia
Substance Abuse
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3 Unit 6 - Medical Surgical Nursing At the end of the learning
weeks 1. Nursing Care of Clients with experience, the students
Problems in Oxygenation will be able to:
COPD Describe the
Asthma concepts related to
Pneumothorax problems with
Pleural Effusion oxygenation,
Tuberculosis fluids/electrolytes
ARDS imbalances,
Pneumonia metabolic,
Pulmonary Embolism endocrine,
inflammatory and
2. Nursing Care of Clients with
Use the nursing
Problems in Fluid and Electrolyte
process as a
framework for care
of patients with a
Isotonic Volume
Describe the
Sodium, Potassium, management of the
Calcium and Magnesium patient with a
Imbalances disorder
Acid-Base Imbalances
3. Nursing Care of Clients with
Metabolic and Endocrine
Hiatal Hernia
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Abdominal Hernia
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Disorders of
Anterior/Posterior Pituitary
Addison’s Disease
Cushing’s Syndrome
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Trigeminal neuralgia
Bell’s palsy
Retinal Detachment
Meniere’s disease
Otitis media
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1. utilize the nursing process in Oral questioning Formulation of individual Engage Rationalization of NLE-type
the care of individuals, Short quizzes and collaborative Slide presentations sent examination (shared with
families in community and CM formative and assessment and case posted in CM-moodle marking manuscript and
hospital settings. summative management plan Creating movie rationalization thru CM-
assessments Creative assignments presentation on nursing moodle)
with audio feedback practice (with audio,
video text)
Creating a nursing
Assigned Reading (thru
process framework
PDF thru CM-moodle)
Synthesis analysis of
laboratory/ diagnostic
values and comparative
2. ensure a well-organized and Oral questioning Formulation of individual Engage Rationalization of NLE-type
accurate documentation Short quizzes and collaborative Slide presentations sent examination (shared with
system; CM formative and assessment and case posted in CM-moodle marking manuscript and
summative management plan Creating movie rationalization thru CM-
assessments Creative assignments presentation on nursing moodle)
with audio feedback practice (with audio,
video text)
Creating a nursing
Assigned Reading (thru
process framework PDF thru CM-moodle)
Synthesis analysis of
laboratory/ diagnostic
values and comparative
22 | P a g e
3. relate with client/s and their Oral questioning Formulation of individual Engage Rationalization of NLE-type
family and the health team Short quizzes and collaborative Slide presentations sent examination (shared with
appropriately; CM formative and assessment and case posted in CM-moodle marking manuscript and
summative management plan Creating movie rationalization thru CM-
assessments Creative assignments presentation on nursing moodle)
with audio feedback practice (with audio,
video text)
Creating a nursing
Assigned Reading (thru
process framework
PDF thru CM-moodle)
Synthesis analysis of
laboratory/ diagnostic
values and comparative
4. observe bioethical concepts/ Oral questioning Formulation of individual Engage Rationalization of NLE-type
principles, core values and Short quizzes and collaborative Slide presentations sent examination (shared with
nursing standards in the CM formative and assessment and case posted in CM-moodle marking manuscript and
care of clients; and, summative management plan Creating movie rationalization thru CM-
assessments Creative assignments presentation on nursing moodle)
with audio feedback practice (with audio,
video text)
Creating a nursing
Assigned Reading (thru
process framework
PDF thru CM-moodle)
Synthesis analysis of
laboratory/ diagnostic
values and comparative
5. promote personal and Oral questioning Formulation of individual Engage Rationalization of NLE-type
professional growth of self Short quizzes and collaborative Slide presentations sent examination (shared with
and others. CM formative and assessment and case posted in CM-moodle marking manuscript and
summative management plan Creating movie rationalization thru CM-
assessments Creative assignments presentation on nursing moodle)
with audio feedback practice (with audio,
video text)
Creating a nursing
process framework
23 | P a g e
Assigned Reading (thru
PDF thru CM-moodle)
Synthesis analysis of
laboratory/ diagnostic
values and comparative
The course will follow the standard grading system of the school as follows:
For purposes of transmutation, the course will use the following grade equivalent (at 60% passing):
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DR Dropped
FA Failure due to
Dean, College of Nursing Coordinator, Research and Curriculum Development OIC, Vice President on Academic Affairs
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We have read the course syllabus and we understand that we have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from us as a student of CA1:
COMPETENCY APPRAISAL 1 for the First Semester of Academic Year 2020-2021 and we are fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the above
mentioned requirements and expectations. Furthermore, a copy of which was provided for reproduction and individual reference and guide.
Name Course Signature Date
1. _______________________________________________ ___________ ___________________________ __________________
2. _______________________________________________ ___________ ___________________________ __________________
3. _______________________________________________ ___________ ___________________________ __________________
4. _______________________________________________ ___________ ___________________________ __________________
5. _______________________________________________ ___________ ___________________________ __________________
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9. _______________________________________________ ___________ ___________________________ __________________
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14. _______________________________________________ ___________ ___________________________ __________________
15. _______________________________________________ ___________ ___________________________ __________________
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