Introductjon Jaisar Spintex PVT LTD
Introductjon Jaisar Spintex PVT LTD
Introductjon Jaisar Spintex PVT LTD
Jaisar spintex pvt ltd., is one of the leading textile companies. The
firm is founded in 1990 by P.L.Jeganathan. Initially it is started only for
manufacturing terry towels. It is presently run by him and his son
J.Lakshmanan. After that the company has started the spinning mill in 2012.
The company has enlarged as a main dealer of exporing a terry towels in
foreign countries.
Jaisar spinte- pvt ltd., has manufacturing a terry towels more than 27
years. During initial times, the company gave employment for workers. But
now there are nearly about 1000 employees in the industry. In the modern
world, it plays an important role in business. They did not have the systemized
management when they were started.
... But after computerization ,maintenance of accounts ,entering order
q.etails, preparing reports are being an easier task. In 2012 they started spinning
rriill for production of yam. Before that they purchase yarn from outside. They
have the communication facilities like internet etc. Now the company has
developed in terry towel production and exports in foreign countries i.e. uk,
Australia, usa . They have the capacity to get turnover 2-3 crore per year.
'2• I '.L Company profile:
2·d/ L Organisation structure:
Abundant Raw Materialavailability that helps industry toc.:ontrol costs and
reduces the lead-time across the operation.
Availability of Low Cost and Skilled Manpowerprovidescompetitivc
advantage to industry.
Availability of large varieties of cotton fiberand has a fostgrowing synthetic
fiber industry.
Industry has large and diversified segments that provide wide variety of
Industry has Manufacturing Flexibility that helps to increase the
Cheap labour and strong entrepreneurial skills have always been the
backbone of the industry.
Industry is highly dependent on cotton.
Lower Productivity in various segments.
Lack of Technological Development that affect the productivity and other
activities in whole value chain.
Higher Indirect Taxes, Power and Interest Rates.
Lack of professionalism and integration of supply chain
Dependence on quota system
Very low investment on R&D
Limited exploitation of economies of scale
Less attention on mar, power training.
Poor quality standards.
Growth rate of Domestic Textile Industry is 6-8% per annum.
Large, Potential Domestic and International Market.
Product development and Diversification to cater global needs.
Elimination of Quota Restriction leads to greater Market Development.
Emerging Retail Industry and Malls provide huge opportunities for the
Apparel, Handicraft and other segments of the industry.
Integration of Information technology
'Supply Chain Management' and 'Information Technology' has a crucialrole
in apparel manufacturing. Availability of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
makes communication fast, easy, transparent and reduces duplication.
Threat for Traditional Market for Powerloomand Hand loom Products and
forcing them for product diversification.
Geographical Disadvantages.
International labor and Environmental Laws.
To balance the demand and supply.
To make balance between price and quality.
o There has been an increase inseasons per year which has resulted in
shortening of the fashion cycle.9.
Phasing out of Quota
o India will have to open its protected domestic market for foreign
players thus domestic market will suffer.
•: · . Process of the Company
It involves various step by step process for manufocturing ten-y towels.
They are given below
This session consists of beams where the thread can be rotated.
About 12000-15000 meter thread can be weave hem for the size ranges
12xl2 and 24x40.
Here the thread can be made stronger and it is made to be ready for
This section consists of two types of machines such us I 000 kilo machine
and 1500 kilo machine. 1000 kilo machine consists of four holes and 1500
machine consists of 6 holes. Here the thread is allowed to puss through the holes
and gets cleaned there.
It is the process of removing water from the cloth where the cloth is
~e ed to heat to remove water .
ri mming:
It is the process in which the size of the cloth can be altered here. Various
ess involved here are length cutting, cross cutting, length humming, cross
ngth Cutting:
Cloth can be cut according to the length needed.
L ngth Humming:
Here the cloth that is left unstitched is joined here.
ro s Cutting:
Cloth is cut crossly according to the need.
Cr o s Humming:
Here the thread that is unstitched during cross cutting can be joined.
There are two types of packaging namely pale packaging and carton
agi ng. Goods are transferred to Mumbai or Tudkorin through ships.
es d ur ing an emergency it can be send through al.!rop l un e.
_ Iachines Used:
:...e gth cutting - 2
► Automatic-I
► Manual-I
Length Humming-2
► 1000kg(4 holes)
► l 500kg(6holes)
Weaving -2
-_ . Hun1an Resource Departn1cnt
The term relates to the total relationship between an individual and the employer
for which he is paid. Satisfaction does mean the simple feeling state accompanying
the attainment of any goal; the end state is feeling accompanying the attainment by
n impul se of its objective.
Attendance Maintaining:
In this company Hr Manager managing the utlendunce as the
Biometric system.
► Based on the attendance salary will be provided to the employees.
Salary process:
There are 2 types
► Monthly
► Weekly
► In this company the staff members will gel tlw monthly salary
based on their experience.
► ESI, BF will be provided for the staff members.
► The labours will get the weekly wages in this company
according to their work and working experience.
► For the staff members they get the salary minimum l 0,000-
15,000 and based on their experience.
► For labours ,th ey will the 250 rupees per duy as the wages.
► Bonus for festival times.
► They train the new employees for 2 weeks based on their
working capacity they will give job to them.
► For weaving section, alone they will select the experience person
to the job.
► They will give training to the employees and took to thdr job.
Employee Relations:
► Hr Manager directly go and meet the employees
and get their employees need.
► .Employees also directly meet the manager and says
their problem at any time in th<.! working hours.
► Hr manager will be friendly to all the employees and
motivate to do their job correctly .
Shift process:
In this company ,the company will runs as shift process
► For Bleaching,Weaving,Length cutting alone there will be a
shift process.
► Other department there is no shift
Selection process:
Staff- Any degree based on the department.
Labour- gth and based on their experience
► Direct interview method
► Consultancy
► Net ads
► Wall posters
Working hours:
► Total employees:800-1000 ( all shift included)
► Tea break-15 ruins, Lunch-30 mins
► Token will be provided for tea break
► Weekly Sunday will be a holiday
► Government holidays included
► 8 hours per shift
The towels to exports to foreign countries.
► Usa,Uk,Australia.
► Institutional towels·only
Future plans:
They are plan to be start a other manufacturl! similar to turkey
owel process.
► Spinning hygrocotton patented by welspan company similar to that
► Terry towels-snay free (knitting machine)
. 1arketing Department :
The main motive of this department is to promote the brund of the product
by doing various advertisement campaigns to increase sules of the company
and also makes sure that the product satisfies the needs of the customer.
In order to satisfy the needs of the customer, the marketing manager in the
companyis good in understanding the needs of the wholcsnlcrs und retailers
and also good in understanding the pricing and promoting strategies of the
If there is a need, marketing munager will even map 1ww towns and cities to
see if he can promote his product there.
Finance Department:
The Main function of financial department is in payroll, claims processing
and acting as the repository of pension schemes.
Second aspect of the role of finance function in the industry is to munuge the
taxes and their collection at source from the employ1:1:s. It is mandato1y to
deduct tax at source from the employees commensurntc with puy und
bene fit s.
The finance function will always co-ordinate with the tux authorities and
handout the annual tax statements that form the basis of the employees tax
returns often, this is a sensitive and critical process since the tax rules
mandate very strict principles of generating the tax statements.
The other role of the financial department is processing payrolls and
associated benefits in time and in tune with the regulating requirements.
Quality Depart1nent
Quality policy:
Main function:
The main function of the department is control
and Assure and maintain the quaI ity of finished product.
Consu n1er Awareness
Who is a consumer?
► 80% of the employees are satisfied with their present management
► It should be determined that the unit has a good plunt and technical
ability to achieve reasonable levels of productivity and produce good
► Survey clients and staffs on a regular basis
lo determine whether
improvement made had a noticeable impact or not.
► Fonn a quality council of key leaders and manugl.!rs to direct and
guide organization.
Learning and Observation
I wish to thank Jaisar spintex pvt ltd, for this great knowledge gaining
perience . Finally I thank SVC for making efforts to do internship which
el ped us. relate our theoretical concepts to the practical application.