Basics of News Writing
Basics of News Writing
Basics of News Writing
News Writing
Inverted Pyramid
• Who? – Dr. Maria Elsa Ylona Bolado and Justine Bolado presented a research
paper in the 12th Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences in
Honolulu, Hawaii, May 29 – June 1. The two are faculty of USJR main
• When? – Last night, October 20, 2021, the Tokyo, Japan board of education
passed a resolution banning hat wearing in all school district buildings.
Lead Writing Examples
• How? – By a 6.1 margin last night, the Kobe City Board of Education passed a
resolution banning the wearing of hats in all school district buildings.
• Why? – To give Josenians easier access to the web, the University of San Jose –
Recoletos (USJ-R) will implement its Wireless Fidelity Project in MC I and II in
the second semester of AY: 2023-2024.
Body Construction
and Organization
Body of the
News Remember, short paragraphs encourage
readers to continue reading.
them. said.
• Can be longer than one sentence.
• Should have attribution after the first
sentence of the quote.
VERY IMPORTANT as they hold the story Can be a fact, indirect quote or a partial
together/link the paragraphs together quote
FACT Transition
FACT Transition
(Lead) President Rodrigo Duterte will speak on Friday to the youth to get involved in community
extension services.
(Direct Quote) “The youth will learn a lot about duty and commitment when they hear President
Duterte,” Principal Mark Valle said.
(Fact transition) Before becoming president, Duterte worked as a community organizer in Davao.
Indirect Quote Transition
(Lead) Vice-President Leni Robredo will speak on Friday to the youth to get
involved in community extension services.
(Direct Quote) “The youth will learn a lot about duty and commitment when
they hear VP Robredo,” Principal Mark Valle said.
(IQ Transition) VP Robredo said she believes community service is more
important than college in building character.
Partial Quote Transition
(Lead) President Rodrigo Duterte will speak on Friday to the youth to get involved in
community extension services.
(Direct Quote) “The youth will learn a lot about duty and commitment when they
hear President Duterte,” Principal Mark Valle said.
• Use transitional words to help with the flow (as needed): after all, also, finally,
in addition to, similarly, however, otherwise, meanwhile, etc.
In addition to speaking about community service, Macapagal plans to talk to
students about the importance of voting.