Guidelines and Rubrics For Photography
Guidelines and Rubrics For Photography
Guidelines and Rubrics For Photography
General Mechanics:
8. Clan master’s must submit the final roster of their team to Mr. Shane Francis Pagar on
October 12 – 14, 2021 only
9. Schedule of games will be announced one week before the game.
10. Players must provide their own stable internet connection (mobile data). The committee
is not liable to any technical issues or problems regarding player’s high ping during
11. Players are expected to conduct themselves and compete with the spirit of
sportsmanship, maintaining a friendly and polite demeanor in activities involving other
participants and public in general.
12. Trash talking during game is NOT ALLOWED.
13. Cheating will lead to an automatic disqualification for all conspirators.
14. Examples of cheating includes, but are not limited to: Ghosting, Account Sharing,
Face of Christmas Photography Contest
Theme: Face of Christmas Amidst Pandemics
1. One (1) to Two (2) participants per Clan Team are required to join the contest.
2. Each participant is required to fill out an Online Registration via MS Forms. Submission
of registration form is until October 29.
Link for Registration:
4. Restrictions and Disqualifications: Manipulation of Photos are not allowed and any
submissions that do not include a complete description are invalid. Any photographs
submitted that contain inappropriate content will be immediately disqualified.
Outstanding Proficient Fair Weigh
(5) (4) (3) t
Content & Theme Strong and Ideas are not Weak 30%
effective concept. fully connection to
Idea is communicated the
communicated . Images theme/topic.
well. Images somewhat Unclear –
thoroughly address the photos seem
address the theme/topic. random. Little
theme/topic or Some to no
subject. Thorough evidence of evidence of
evidence of thoughtfulness thought,
imagination, . creativity.
creativity and Further
thoughtfulness. brainstorming
ideas is
Photograph are Photograph Compositional
Composition: extremely well- look good, just elements not
Camera angle, done including not at the exhibited
subject placement, Rule of thirds, higher level 30%
background leading lines etc.
supports subject
Amazing Good
photograph/projec approach Photo shows
t. Well organized, showing some little to no
unified meaning. creativity but creativity.
Interesting, could have Dull, lacks
different, effective, been planned, impact. 20%
unique approach executed and
to assignment. enhanced to
achieve a
more powerful
Photo has good Photo seems Too much
contrast & range to have been noise in the
of values. Good set on auto photo /
camera settings where control improper ISO
used. Focus is of ISO, flash, Photo is
proper for exposure, underexposur
subject/shot focus and e or
Lighting is shutter or overexposed
adequate or has aperture are Photo is blurry
been managed not managed. or improperly
using flash or fill Photo could focused
Technical - ISO,
or different use more Exposure is a 20%
Lighting, Focus
camera angle attention to problem that
exposure, is something
lighting, focus that
or some photographer
camera should have
adjustment managed but
that was appears to
possible at the have not paid
time of the attention to
shot or after in problems.
the software.
Judges :
1. LensCab
2. Jeff Ortiz
3. Jestoni Alvarez