Rice Price Crisis: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions: Sushil Pandey Mark W. Rosegrant
Rice Price Crisis: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions: Sushil Pandey Mark W. Rosegrant
Rice Price Crisis: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions: Sushil Pandey Mark W. Rosegrant
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A rapid increase in food grain prices in the It is now well recognized that rapid
first half of 2008 has diverted global attention to production growth in the wake of the Green
the food crisis. Rice, the staple food of millions Revolution led to a long-term decline in rice
of Asia’s poor, is not only an economic good prices. In 1970-1990, rice production in Asia
but also a political commodity. The price of grew at the rate of 2.71 percent per annum (pa),
rice escalated in May due to a number of short- with growth in yield being the major source of
and long-term factors, with the export price this production growth. Except for the price
exceeding USD 1000 per ton. spike in 1972-1974 caused by production
Keeping the price of rice low, thus making shortfall in several countries and the oil crisis,
the commodity affordable to the poor, is critically rice prices sustained a decrease over time until
important in reducing poverty. Poor households 2001 (Figure 1). During this period, the world
spend a substantial portion of their incomes on rice market went through a major structural
rice; an increase in rice price is equivalent to a change that helped maintain a low and stable
reduction in their real incomes. rice price during the 1990s (Dawe 2002). This
This paper analyzes the factors that have was conducive to the expansion of the rice trade
contributed to the rapid rise in rice price and as importing countries could obtain the required
assesses the impact of price upsurge on poverty. quantities of rice cheaply from the world market.
A scenario analysis on rice prices was conducted The low and stable rice price also contributed
through projection of long-term demand and to poverty reduction—directly by raising the
supply of rice. The final section of the paper income of rice farmers, and indirectly by raising
includes short- and long-term solutions to the the real income of poor consumers.
price crisis.
2 Sushil Pandey, Timothy Sulser, Mark W. Rosegrant, and Humnath Bhandari
Figure 1. Trends in world rice production and real export price of milled rice, 1961-2008
Rice price: The 2008 price data is average of January-July 2008. Real price of rice relates to Thai rice 5% broken deflated
by G-5 Manufactures Unit Value (MUV) Index. Nominal export price of rice (quoted at FOB Bangkok) is
converted to real price based on 2008 average price of rice.
Source: World rice statistics, IRRI; PSD online, USDA; Commodity price data (pink sheet), World Bank
In 2001, this period of low and stable out in several poor countries. The rice price has
price ended when rice price started an upward decreased since May 2008 but is still twice as
trend (Figure 2). The world rice price had much as in 2007.
been increasing at a rate of about 1 percent per
year from 2001 until the beginning of 2008. FACTORS CONTRIBUTING
It suddenly soared to over USD 1000 per ton TO RICE PRICE INCREASE
in May 2008. Several exporting countries
restricted export to protect their domestic The swift rise in the price of food grains in
consumers, while importing countries hurried general is due to the confluence of a number of
to purchase additional supplies from the world short- and long-term factors. Studies attempting
market. The market became tight as supplies to identify these contributing factors have
dwindled rapidly. The problem reached crisis proliferated (ADB 2008; FAO 2008; IRRI 2008;
level, with world leaders and international von Braun 2008; WB 2008). In the case of rice,
agencies expressing serious concern regarding the following are the major contributing factors
food availability as food riots reportedly broke (IRRI 2008):
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 7, No. 2 3
Figure 2. Trends in monthly nominal export price of milled rice, Thai 5% broken
Rice price: Export price of milled rice (Thai 5% broken) is based on FOB Bangkok.
Source: Commodity price data (pink sheet), World Bank
In most countries, the growth rate of rice Stock levels decreased substantially during
yield has decreased substantially in the past 10 2001-2004. This indicated that, globally,
to 15 years. In South Asia, yield growth rate consumption exceeded production (Figure 4).
decreased from 2.14 percent per year during Rice stocks are currently at their lowest level
1970-1990 to 1.4 percent per year during 1990- since the mid-1980s. A large proportion of this
2005. Overall, rice yields in Asia have risen by drop in stocks is accounted for by stock depletion
less than 1 percent per year in recent years. This in China and India. Although it was a policy
growth rate is lower than that of population choice to deplete stocks in these two countries,
(Figure 3). As Asia accounts for over 90 percent low stock levels constrained the ability to buffer
of global rice production, the global growth rate the price rise resulting from other factors.
of rice yield has fallen substantially below the
rate of 2 percent pa, which was achieved during Demand Growth
the Green Revolution in 1970-1990. With the
possibility of increasing the rice area almost The demand for rice increases as population
exhausted in most Asian countries, growth in grows. Population growth in Asia, though
rice production fell below the growth in demand decreasing over time, is still about 1.2 percent
as population continued to expand. per year. The increase in population drives
4 Sushil Pandey, Timothy Sulser, Mark W. Rosegrant, and Humnath Bhandari
Figure 3. Annual average growth rates of rice yield and population in Asia, 1970-2007
the increase in total demand for rice, the crop generating complacency. Overall, agricultural
being a staple food in Asia and progressively R&D remains underinvested and has decreased
becoming a popular food in Africa. In Africa, in Asia in real terms over time (Figure 5).
most of the demand for rice is being met Public spending in agricultural research in Asia
through imports from Asia. African imports grew by an average of 3.9 percent per year in
now account for almost one-third of total world the 1990s, compared with 4.3 percent annually
trade. There are also additional demands arising during the previous decade. Public sector
from the income-induced boost in consumption, investment in agricultural infrastructure such as
especially in South Asia where income elasticity irrigation similarly decreased over time.
of demand for rice is small but positive. The overall public research intensity,
measured by the percentage of agricultural
Reduced Public Investment in Agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) invested in
Research, Development, and Infrastructure public agricultural research, remained low at
0.53 percent in 2000 for developing countries
Reduced public investment in agricultural as a whole. There has been some increase
research and development (R&D) is an in research intensity in major rice-growing
important factor in the deceleration of yield countries such as China and India, but the
growth. A declining trend in rice price prior overall intensity still remains well below the 1
to 2001 was taken by various governments percent norm (Beintema and Stads 2008).
to mean that rice supply was plentiful, thus
Figure 6. Monthly export price of milled rice (Thai 100% B) and policy responses to
control rise in rice price, January 2006 to August 2008
parameter estimates from these two studies, and Trade (IMPACT) is used. IMPACT was
the poverty impact of a 50 percent rise in rice developed in the early 1990s, revised in 2002
price has been derived (Table 1). The estimates to include the global water simulation model,
indicate that such an increase in price would and updated in 2007 (Rosegrant et al. 1995;
lead to at least 32 million people falling back Rosegrant et al. 2002; Rosegrant et al. 2008).
into poverty; this number could be as high as IMPACT offers a methodology for
100 million. analyzing baseline and alternative scenarios for
global food demand, supply, trade, income, and
LONG-TERM DEMAND, SUPPLY, population. This model covers 29 commodities,
AND PRICE PROJECTION including all cereals, soybeans, roots and
tubers, meats, milk, eggs, oils, oilcakes and
Though factors like climatic shocks meals, fruits and vegetables, major dryland
determine rice production and prices in the short pulses, sugar, and cotton. IMPACT models the
run, the future scenario of rice prices must be behavior of a competitive world agricultural
based on long-term projections of rice demand market for crops and livestock. It is specified as
and supply. For making long-term projections a set of country or regional sub-models within
of rice prices, the International Model for each of which supply, demand, and prices for
Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities agricultural commodities are determined. The
8 Sushil Pandey, Timothy Sulser, Mark W. Rosegrant, and Humnath Bhandari
Source: Based on elasticity estimates derived from ADB (2008) for Estimate A and
Ivanic and Martin (2008) for Estimate B
country and regional agricultural submodels are considered include private-sector agricultural
linked through trade and a global equilibrium R&D, agricultural extension and education,
is obtained through iteration, such that the sum markets, infrastructure, and irrigation. Details
of net trade balances is driven to zero for each of the model structure and assumptions can be
commodity. found in Rosegrant et al. (2008).
IMPACT uses a system of linear and non- A scenario approach is used to assess
linear equations to approximate the underlying the future demand-and-supply situation. The
production-and-demand relationships, and is scenario approach associated with the projections
parameterized with country-level elasticities presented here focuses on alternative paths
of supply and demand (Rosegrant et al. of particular policy options for technological
2002). World agricultural commodity prices development and investments in agricultural
are determined annually at levels that clear production with respect to a reference scenario.
international markets. Demand is a function The reference scenario contains a basic set of
of prices, income, and population growth. assumptions on population growth, income
Growth in crop production in each country is growth, income and price elasticity, agricultural
determined by crop prices and the productivity productivity growth, and trade (Rosegrant et al.
growth rate. Future productivity growth is 2008). The following alternative scenarios are
estimated by its component sources, including considered for projections to 2025 and 2050 and
crop management research, conventional plant assessment relative to the reference scenario:
breeding, wide-crossing and hybridization
breeding, and biotechnology and transgenic • A low scenario presents a fairly pessimistic
breeding. Other sources of growth that are view of future developments in favor of
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 7, No. 2 9
agricultural production around the world. It and actually causes a decline in rainfed
is a further reduction in the already declining agriculture. In addition, this scenario
rates of investments in agricultural R&D. includes increases in other critical poverty-
• A high scenario inverts the trends of and malnutrition-reducing investments.
the low scenario. This is an optimistic
outlook on how governments and other The parameter assumption with respect to
decision-makers around the world will the reference scenario and the three alternative
prioritize investments in the foundations of scenarios are summarized in Table 2.
productivity, particularly in the developing
world. Impact of Alternative Technology and
• A very high scenario augments the Investment Scenarios
improved situation found in the high
scenario with increased investments in The three abovementioned scenarios
yield improvements and intensification of representing alternative paths of investment in
existing agricultural systems. Investment agricultural technology and development lead
in irrigation infrastructure is increased to distinct outcomes that have strongly different
implications for both agricultural production would see rice prices about half of the projected
and trade, and general development paths for value in the reference scenario, while the very
different regions around the world. Looking at high scenario would result in 2050 prices being
the impacts on global rice prices gives a basic roughly a third of their reference outcomes.
idea of such differences (Figure 7).
The scenario of decreasing investments in Per capita food and total demands
agricultural science and technology (low) is
extremely unfavorable. Should this scenario Each of the scenarios compared to the
become a reality, rice prices in 2050 would reference scenario show differences in per capita
be nearly double of the projected reference food and total demands mostly in accordance
scenario prices in the same period. This would with changing prices. Increased prices in
be a tripling of the starting price in 2000. The the low scenario lead to decreased per capita
trends for aggregate cereals would be even consumption, while decreased prices in the
more dismal. high and very high scenarios will lead people
The more optimistic scenarios (high to demand more agricultural commodities. The
and very high) show extremely different changes in GDP growth will strongly impact
possibilities. By 2050, rice prices would decline per capita incomes that will have additional
relative to the starting year. The high scenario effects on food and total demands.
Figure 7. Trends in rice price under reference (business as usual) and three alternative
policy scenarios, 2000-2050
Note: These long-term projections do not factor in short-term supply shocks and trade
restrictions of the kind that prompted price spikes in early 2008
Source: IFPRI IMPACT model projection, April 2008
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 7, No. 2 11
Table 3. Total rice harvested area: Reference and alternative scenarios for 2000, 2025,
and 2050 (million hectares)
in the high scenario. More heavily irrigated These measures can be grouped into
crops, such as rice, would be favored over two categories: stimulating investments
crops that are often produced under rainfed in technology and infrastructure, and
conditions. The combined effects of increased implementing policy reforms. Indeed, the
yields, increased irrigation, and increased current crisis provides a tremendous opportunity
demands stimulate crop production in a different to properly implement suitable strategies as the
way than in the low and high scenarios. Total world’s attention is now focused on the plight
rice harvested area increases by 3.6 percent of the poor and hungry, and the need to redress
compared to the reference scenario in 2050, the relative neglect that the agricultural sector
while irrigated rice harvesting increases by 4.6 suffered during the past decade.
percent in that same period (Table 3).
The above analysis thus indicates that, under Investments in Agricultural Research and
the ‘business-as-usual’ reference scenario, the Development, Infrastructure, and Extension
price of rice will increase by almost 50 percent
by 2025. The rice price will continue to increase, A substantial boost in agricultural R&D
although at a slower pace, from 2025 to 2050 and infrastructure is needed to increase growth
under this scenario. Rice price will be lower in in agricultural productivity. Unfortunately,
2050 relative to the initial value of 2000 only the overall growth in such investments has
if investments in agricultural technology and been very slow in the past. Funding levels for
R&D are boosted substantially (high and very international agricultural research centers have
high scenarios). Such investments are going to eroded substantially over time in real terms.
be critical in increasing rice productivity fast For example, the budget of the International
enough to keep the prices down. Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has decreased
from USD 64 million in 1993 in terms of 2007
STRATEGY FOR MITIGATING THE CURRENT prices to only USD 32 million in 2007. National
CRISIS AND AVOIDING FUTURE CRISES systems are also unable to invest adequately
in agriculture due to an overall decrease in
The above discussions clearly suggest that official development assistance (ODA). The
the current rice crisis is the result of a long- steady decline in rice prices prior to 2001 led
term imbalance between demand and supply. many governments and international donors
Basically, the production growth has been too to believe that there was a perpetual supply
slow to keep pace with the demand growth, of plentiful rice. Lower prices were taken for
despite the slowing down of the overall growth granted, leading to complacency in agricultural
in demand over time due to reduced population R&D. The current crisis has taught an important
growth and trends towards diversification of lesson that these investments are of high priority
the diet. Other contributing factors mentioned and must be kept high enough to prevent similar
above have amplified the effect of this long- crises in the future.
term imbalance and resulted in the price spike In the context of rice, a related issue is that
and the shortage experienced during the past of the balance in the R&D investment portfolio
several months. As the root cause of the problem between favorable (irrigated) and unfavorable
is on the supply side, the long-term solution will (rainfed) environments. High productivity
require measures to correct this supply-side growth in irrigated areas was the main factor
problem. behind the Green Revolution. Though rainfed
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 7, No. 2 13
areas have benefitted from the spillover effects current institutional set-up and mechanisms for
of research in irrigated areas, recent evidence technology delivery and dissemination (Byerlee
indicate that the marginal returns and poverty 1994). Innovative mechanisms involving civil
impacts of investment in rainfed areas may now society organizations and the private sector
be higher (Fan and Hazell 2001). It has been can deliver technologies and information more
found that, in the case of rice, rainfed areas are effectively than the usual formal extension
slightly underinvested in India (Pandey and Pal systems that are based on the traditional mode
2007). It is important to ensure that the research of transfer-of-technologies.
priorities among rice-growing environments and
various components of research are adequately Policy Reforms
balanced for generating the maximal impact.
Regarding the specifics of rice technologies, The current crisis also provides a superb
there is a considerable scope in raising rice opportunity for critically examining the
productivity by closing the yield gap, especially established policy framework, much of which
in the rainfed environments. In areas affected has its origin during the Green Revolution.
by abiotic stresses, such as drought and Some of the past policies, such as subsidies on
submergence, considerable yield gains can be fertilizers and energy, have had high opportunity
achieved through stress-tolerant varieties. High costs. Resources drained away in providing
variability of yield across farms also indicates such supports could be used to support other
the presence of management-related constraints areas, such as greater investments in agricultural
which, if addressed through suitable practices, R&D, which help build the foundation for a
will increase farm productivity. Advanced more productive and efficient agriculture.
scientific tools that are now available can be A twin-track approach to policy actions
brought to address some of these major abiotic is needed. In the short run, the objective is to
stresses affecting rice yields. avoid hunger and poverty through the provision
In addition to closing the yield gaps, of safety nets and social safety protection to the
improved technologies are also needed to push most vulnerable people. International agencies
the yield ceiling upwards. Hybrid rice, with the and governments have been very active in
yield advantage of about 15 percent relative providing such safety nets through mechanisms
to inbred varieties, provides an opportunity such as targeted cash transfer to the poor. Such
in this regard. Rice varieties that can produce programs are essential in the short run despite
high yields under raised temperature likely their large fiscal costs.
to result from global warming are similarly The long-run policy reforms aimed at
needed. Important scientific progress is being improving the productivity and efficiency
made in these areas of research, and sufficient of agricultural production and of the overall
investment now and in the future is needed to marketing systems are needed. Three major
develop viable solutions. IRRI’s 9-point Action components include the efficient organization of
Plan for addressing the rice crisis provides a farming (farm size, mechanization, and tenure
full listing of technological opportunities (IRRI security), improved marketing policies for both
2008). inputs and outputs, and trade policy reforms.
Effective strategies are similarly needed The process of structural transformation of the
to quickly disseminate improved technologies economy puts a resource squeeze on agriculture
to farmers. There are serious constraints in the as key resources, such as land and labor,
14 Sushil Pandey, Timothy Sulser, Mark W. Rosegrant, and Humnath Bhandari
are increasingly absorbed by the non-farm The analysis presented above clearly
sector. The role of policy is to facilitate such indicates that the fundamental cause of the
transformation by creating enabling conditions current rice crisis is the long-term imbalance
for an efficient reorganization of agriculture. between the supply and demand for rice. Yield
These include the required institutional set-up growth over the past decade or so has slackened
for the development of land, labor and rural considerably. Long-term projections indicate
financial markets, establishment of marketing that the price of rice will increase substantially
infrastructure, standards or procedures for unless a major boost in investments in
quality control, and trade policy reforms. The agricultural R&D is made. Productivity growth
trade restriction imposed by major exporting through the development and dissemination of
countries is partly the reason for the current improved technologies is the only viable long-
crisis. Notwithstanding the failure of the Doha term solution for bringing the prices down and
Round, policies that promote trade need to preventing future increases in rice prices.
be an integral part of the overall strategy for A second Green Revolution to reverse
preventing future crises. the rising trend in rice prices and to keep
prices low is needed now as much as the first
CONCLUSION Green Revolution was needed earlier to avoid
famine and mass starvation. The task is equally
Rice prices in international markets challenging but not insurmountable, provided
have dropped from their peaks in May 2008. a substantial boost is given to agricultural
Commodity prices have also softened somewhat research, which continues to remain highly
in recent weeks. However, the world price of underinvested. Increased research investments,
rice is still high relative to the 2007 level and together with policy reforms that make rice
is likely to remain too high to be affordable to markets more efficient, will be the ultimate
millions of the poor. solution to the rice crisis.
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