دانائ کی تلاش (In Search of Awareness) by Saeed Rashid

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In Searchof Awareness &ffr

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+ L ?zl r t

cti|rlY @u/)
*i Stbt
i{i,.f'{,.r, o
4 4 +;* ?'ss
7 )lt 6if L,-tr.rt ot

Q \U:)' ',-E di.n tJz7 o1 O,

J J'JP,f 'r jv " 6,4-,j:
-;u,u { {t ()

(Wrt^/: )rt *,'l-lt ;f cti ",-t,/.

c- gf gi { J o
(l,v tr i,t-,4,6 ei Qt{of ,! o,f , -0 o ti'\-&i' :;fl'ti:'
(]-u'e rl
,yt, ott(. 1tl
,! lt ,.( t,6 dt;t L Jt{ gr { OAt
-9( ,J*-.;'ali t! otV
- 7 Ct ) t -,!o* Jt? jn,J,-rwrr it

qt 4tt=i q t/-'(-,,f ' uf t { + t 4qt -? t|'i t1t4( r5:i

"f -
rontt-?Cil tsvLt f Gt(',)-?(r O'*i tv/r 't4,*-?A(,-.t r7l ^
-?(n6,,rd {J',i4-Lt{ ry ({^\&!&
Ltit C: ;Ir o
-Li( a dy' v'?i n yi Lt Jli' f l & L Jt L L 2-/,; ,! o,,; L1',>? 6r tt.,'; r-t
-{-e(6 =i ::in o _U'. rti:t(LV
-e j nlimrtations 6t,! gAtI
,,rrLimits -? jv,!,; Lt,.r+ jtt i zt_f,,.tJn
_? ji +,;t 1!g,,)vA"i Whatishonoured
ina country, there(Aristofle)

-?Qr ,f d;rf 6 J,, n ?i n { 6' o)t n -?W tf.vA, o,iliilv oitiiQE:z

"+iY, -
o{ 02 !on it, )1,Jt } ,l {/.Ji 6'c/-'V6 1',tff='1-c-0f i + jf y, & r-)
-. -f
('y' ''9)-{* l-,,,i.ff'1-<- Ln l:;'z' L { ?./. Ex!{ av --,!/ o
-v( VtlM'ei n,-t t?t L Olut%'fjV -?;V g.4i /- Lsvt,-a's)r@Jr o
-?+'l ,f r+r,.{1-En o -?o/Vt tt,.F
QFt) (,

Ut/\ -?i x u!: 1f E@t

)t( 1 -?iirr1r.0) ttt(l'0)e'!jr-)
- -'l
ctd L i r;E'n{ U.-,i 7W }v cLi :z r-) {lFrt_7 j"d tJ:i,elt,. o
t,tf',f >vt +1q,LV li ;v -;v L; ,( ,.f g ,rt{i; l t ?,n 2,! /, A
QFD?,I{u. t! urtjr + ?,y ( ,J O -,1Lx1f i jlPt,iLn,5:i 67;'?Ol U
Li z
-r{-'gr/l 4, nwY. U
Ql fir>l -,!" 6',{ ,Jr,>ac>1.a)
-e{ L -?i n tr ot' gJtCommited (-)
- * j" o,,/ ,!+,01,fl=( o - ? h ' 6 ' i t6 + ( w tx{ e - &.+
(! oft-+7 J.,t;( i$ ,l ri;(.:j C -? lV( ft 6i*.{t e4!
-? { 0,,,#,4'q4, aar4 GJ'l o -i" ,( :rd( clt a' 6 ( { o
(. er u, , "P.g- ' ; -r j" o{: g,,i r4i/: -'i ( gtt76 uL;t&,* o
-( { (elud :o,ett o -{u'* € /t;,ilt{d-4,f o
tuil\-Lt,OrU,/) L,{oVh. rjd /-) sat tt ( sv-tvxji + J, ,, .V(| Gi ,! ,!u { +,
$ qlt{., thb nJ+rrr 1(,):)6r tFo;tu
-?tV er:Potent {( ,5{U'-ti(u1ft o
Facfir ^

-?iV J, Si$t(g,tr{-,/14 * r-\ -+ j"f.e,,f {*tti7i/1f qtg{e \J

-? 6irrtJY. sV Jt| \J
-? Ai Ut'L/,el:t, :1L.{4' L/eS o
- "t:
€ t:tu ( Pteasure
Sequencing ttt pain * t* =V( , d-t l/ "a'7ln:ttni,:.y: U

-?Ln r.fv jn r\
-(r/ , -t)V'
_ t4ot'+t € i't { & 0f "-6* n
-7' i,fmonitor
g!-ri /lttotiues
lt,1Vl l tl -i
a Jy' v ot9 ?), f/examine gt dV] I t I
t+ ol
-O/,,r.-) 6'{,il ,r rti ai.f -r.t LtL,"br t:t Ul -LV

examine thatyoumake
thedemands -r.t Lx tJll ti Lx *'1b
-(n,-{ .bEld -giLn rtd ,l Ln6rZ
=b o( Ln +}
,&t JE ,:\) e biltL rft otn tt 1r, L 6!utss^g,,, -t- Ln ; ,bl! 'tt Lx a]
-g: rlru, L 4'vt clr6 L OiE
-7i r, "t
ul; ,.><L ,rt ftjt Blunt -$ifr\i t&l
Lt; ! rz inevitabl,
.,9;t4{ I
- V Vl,V..+ Embanassment
,Jtfi ? 6 "r J Jt ,( ii ("r,I t'yut +' j,L;r, a) ?UV 6tf o,!7 / -P'u( tf 6/ I,{ , ,9 ,fl C

t+ ii -.-i6 {
-utdt-'r { ,t, gvt &t -*V ,,f un| 6{ / u, fe,tL,f*,rL',!(.ertri',f rt" I al

-l (Attitudes)
ct*, ,l (Vatueq
,6t -? 4 >;Vti'd-U.d+KResponses L,1yo/=i zt
-;t L,hoterate.,rru-l AccePt dJ: =ri f ,f L Llt .-t o/ ( rlt ? et ,r'L L t; a\
-9:,1 uf'tttt
t!'t -? vfb
"/tt 'z
Urtt; -? b', 4t i ;t .>z { U1, rr( { d)t dt-lit
-o,tLn uji ,:t Lx : $ 6l
tltuL; e '?/ selfimage
)v +ez, t! subcosciousg( 6 CA'
-eC(Mentor) '{httturtor\
t)r ,rt(Educator)f J.,t
:.-tLiry rrlL{,P ( t?t
-a Teaching(1 e { ,rt 6?.++/ 4 U
-ut t-/ ,Pt "t,f , r.tL/ Jt e J' { Jt' ,/
t! J,'? fre Contribution0t
tst I Y,,( ,7Atr7 a)
? ,/) L" ,P l'Ox q { 4l
-+ Ltt Z Limitations
' 4 : 6 , ' j { u n 6 - 'L ? ? L ,"rtj,n ,i, 6
,-t ,!,* e,./ttn'ru tn,:n:ln
*,; j{'€ j{,! zi
n;( Etfecrive , k ,,fl :,,:':n L
-(d -?izblt tL'i
-7 { euninerf t t.t tl}. ,r'4or Ellorto,!7 , -E-'6,t
zi ?, .,_.,*s5.,itl ,tt
gtf oti I U ,l.,tt / ii gVt
-f .fsin""
't{r.t Trusr -?&'i/s'ssttt/
ayi L,{ I't ,,g,f t
{,f ,,! ,.{ If ir,* Jt Oi -f t)n ,f
Areyoutrustworthy -? z P 'Q, ,! 6'i n
,.Yr I + r )? ,ft'? Oi ,f I can,tdoit urtI won,tdoit
'4 4 Jf 'rl4 Ol,.tMarathon aace
Staple { {i;
-e-f lb,>tr
-zTostayatthetopJ ,( Toreach thetop ,-tr|
-p L-,/ d Lifeisa
#fltJ o
tst g{, f si*t,es,,rlFifties
'u{ ,jrC.} ,! 0,"
-? ,yt o fi

g!!zr r-\
-? ..t Concentration
ittt o
'g( VerticalMovement
{Careerf -,tt;ti
,flf {l;
-+ jv ,!s)t 4.
-t- Llvi ,l *r;i
-a HorizontalMovement
-lntegrity f) St Lifelsa WhoteT,}
gfr J? , ^P -t:cOt t t{(,-i Ut,)V,/ f A t Lfl r-\
&rh:iL 6VVU9t,.tt)rf
-'t +$"tntesrity -t- p{tr =f ; gt L,ferecipirarc{gd grt
( tttb L U /e --t
L gli Lx Li sV* + gt4t -?V, L,f tl c,frctd'g(c/ Ntract n
'? -b ,Yt
:ti t{;- Jli tn Ol ,/- J( Ll: u/ -? Lt-'f3 z{ tltrtPatience
,,.; ysft!;t
^,lr -+ j",,t0V Unilateral
)/ 4;i u!) +,-,
-?V tl/-( u,te,,!,!tt $)v ,rttt? oV .,PVI -0"'t Effective
u!) eoi {wtt'e.i $f
-?6, ,# + o:l)+ i; 6rF ii 6,/u -7E faannce/Robse,-t( r?t /-\
g e'ot t- ff'z ,! ofl { ;v L t,f s'i gl cnc* a)
''i t f t ,f '4 6_tqrg(rimeManasement
-4 -? -q- Compass.f oirection
-+ 0ntf ,1,;t'r,Jn4, ,1,-F \J -+ tf n p ,-f fi ,,Jrl'd 6 i 4t ucseltDevaluation
-?i n c.-gltr ite {r rrtrly'r'J$ /O}At ,;[Y gr7 6 OtJ f i r,F L rl, 0n {6ntudes)stl, /^\
. -.- i i A L,lr eiel r-7 a 1J
:i r ense
T 'I Factors;-el
- 4 0"(,d PersonalitY
-? ,l- gi, ! cf settimage/1 SkillL L ()V( ,J Oll 6
.:r Communication 1! ft;
-suggestions -,
al -7 $'{co'nt
-?in i +l c- ltit "7i/ebt/{ bY s'
t t'
ucliu n
e" ly' Tension
- ? i n Gounter-prod
.-, La vol6 U
-*V;9t{ ('Tnins,!d',-{ 15t'bx6
'i( -e JnrC EmotionalConditioning
dr-fr q?. ,! 4t t 4
/- L t/'i 4 +'
-t 0n ett/ t! UloWill';rrVision a\
"lf ,lealousy
-t 0" ]|(tnteriority
-+rtf'+frrr,f'6,{oa' /1
{ (voratcourasea, { Ltlr ut it i r 0,* i 6' yt ili r-)
+ 0" 6 ll 6't i 7i / ut2LRole "-a SheerDishone
A Lf ,J
-+ e;P ,{t 1f txtra-sensory Jy' L Law0f rarm-d{ orV2'7 ,xVlp:
'( ,.t * ti 1!t:
-?CVsr:i )tPeck0rder
1,t-zrrfr, o -76rs
/1 r-)
-+irf tf {tosisticSuppor{f V, ! ? t€ d
,.f- t1t '? ei Z Principtes
Humility t
I a

-,.t (t tdt/srttaini.Sr( {,[rvtP LJ, 'O
-1- ii ,-f LrrBestPrinciple.rrlBest
4 Honesty
,,t qt { r,c,} et'rt 6rr/t/, ,L'n f cit sl O
-7t tt 4 /r,{ tL.,t/?U.Oi n -
-7 * oP 4t ,Y,;+ ,-r'(i fV t* , 'fi1out\i
- -*Vb/r.tstrain'!j * f. /4 nl ey,! oi, O
'?i/,! ry otTVN* * o
LV O'izZ ,l q L",{ t4 ,-} EU d O
",a's1n -
-jn,.( 7 */ ee/'ft ,.i J et ,,f -LI
-?Cnlr P,!:1f e{$w 6 o bE, : t-n {,f +,w L d?.}n u
c-t&,(n: ,.F>Etb,fefb / odl -" ,s-$ 1,1 tft tf , d static{',^=Y!'a4
-t/, fv
(c19$-Je tL nV.=t17
-UfrLf .-over-reaction \J

'' 1t:@{'
-?wts'1'fv'z! o
Ro rd;
-//tr T!!f, i: i
n- / o,tt t- , -7d ft6ra{ {$,,v o
(.JFtt -7i n ,$(strain
{c- {lf t ff
'f "
-f g. c.{ )tt(FaultsZ Social L ttt OV.}O,:r! ,/
Rote o
-gt-Ln ,r/rl Lntt
(Heis notbad,
-Zr,.i S(ut &t L c)t& u!Lbt J &t o
weak) -,
-?in tf. e) { t'Vi
-4 L/aationatize/ljta rrt t- d Ottt5q
tr 4)-?Ev d"iltf ,t-J q,tP, { 4
(-i x g{ tr. 7' 6 $t /,jt" oAtJ *l
" -F I o7tt ,i ei n sis $ 'n1 o
-,|Ln ji i Ln :.tf 6/
-in,,{ d64{tn )t()fl o
,.t w 4 6t ,I UiY ? )"1
rrf Satisfactory (
'-,-,: ttt UIZ ('rt| ? ,rt UlrL ,,1/
t "'eLP UFtr
-r.tLn ots4lti Ln f tl Thinking
9c Divergent
-vt L/ 3 ,rt L,lo-() Teaching
;rl Reproductive
-vt Ln Outdate
,c Values
,tt g! Ln0utdatei- L|.jW
llnsPiring -,,rllmpressive
-gf Freedom
-& L,f )Vt"ttf. et tl L/J; {aon-{ -JtL/1,, t ,r'l/rYv t
-l Critical
Thinking (;f,r -'/Lf tut,,t,/,fa f)
-r-f Ln Proactive
,slLs,t Reactive
;4,L,e LJv L:?l
/ oepression ,rt ? j/Frustrate0Ut + n
i KFrustration
gf;,r Instructor
'+i toAggression
-gf Mentor
,rt t Educator
(option{ tfl ttu
Jt ,f ?i, i 4 choice
Z cr'oice t +i i C
Q4.Ln ei L,1.6 LlPconsequences)
t+ it gl r.orrl t.o

-*-toit,3t g!:i '

E x U v i ((n ji
-?i Zc- E.o O
? tt?:
-U, "L;,-t,St;
,6 ,r
, r,.\ En UUI ,/ ,/ u' t g7:t -+ i"t A ci C
21)t ,rlt2tKlEJlEmotionalCommunication
\ qv t
:7ji o
l2 L)QI ?l<-ii 1Joy ,:1vt!4
(Jb) ee ? oz ''t g:t 'r -,-f LWtttutLV
zti'Lo/(s)v O -,-t Ln JE Otl u'tLx v-)
-gfiL,le7 rrt L,/4
ti 'i/ 't;ri (7 ]n ,U l d r f 0 "1 4 - L :? L ' - t 4 e .)
"iV -tt Ln : .bt;,i Lx u.-)
o'ft LI 6 t|'i -6 L,frodrate,*t:z Lf .,rtL,fo7, L/q
d" :ti ,l,t'p $tlt '! ,7t Stream Cfglr
dv( ; ,/j, ?€-79 rr ? * -?
dt(P / v 4: ? d/ -'t 4 timitations
,,rl Limits,! utt -f gt ( ,l)t ,i
ira Challenge
.-,w at F : e- JV sL.6,C o$ f
-c- ,tf 1JrV,
L. L Ltjl v,4
, ?& it i l cl 0 :c/ 1t) t
st urL j: Jt 1t) f
e ,rl9 Ol {qdnirsV *
(1u tt)r)
Llt fi tl?s ,!tt dn lwi 'li Thyself
Jt( 1( u27,
-?i ngf unpteasant L? P " ltq L"{'d * } nKL/ SrOl*
-c)vr O
zJ ,/ 6, ,f 4 'On s4 ,f ! a Pleasant
I $ ,f €- Oi;(
" t- L)'1I'V
\$:tt :t7P1

,f9 ? vtit I ur! ,t I

!,{Llenoir tp t? ttit al { ui gt
laL l,
-?0v,,6u#"*Jv'fg (uJt"l
Pain passes,
ofcreation beauty remains.
t7{1ft: o
)tt ? d, Oppottrnit1
ly' rt i ? or OptirTist
Ditficulty (tt+),t<Jib *
-+{-tDifticdty l .fif
r.tOpportunityT ctPessinlst
t{t,i(nf,*-ri{e *
-7i't;ri,f ,L I4 *?inot7!'( o QVl(t;7Jl.-6,E r)'-n *
'c,- ^!(- g/Creativity
.,tt? $U(rl Creativity
o (t:r)f ( U?iz-;tt 4 Srl *
-+J"L') ,t; =?'+e.,t7 (10 / {, rLz/ot,?1/, i} 6 *
-4L'st Lc)f {d

(j-.v tr f,y -"i.-f, sN Will;rlVision,

L *i L o,Jr - ?ii o,4 ( 6,',G ,!t: ,Jttfl ,P -?;'4c,-vatues

;1 uPr,Vii
# *o1t "64t4t,!u*
6t (t; 0V{ ot*,f tt
oy' ,v)-LV,/,.f-,! ,!O,y. -eriQuadrants\LS( O
-? jV J' j, {o" ,! tprec Tension * lmportant g lmportant
+ Urgent + NotUrgent

rrl (Happines
-KEfficiency s'( .>f + { tTension ft Notlmportant g Notlmportant
+ Urgent + NotUrgent
-6 ,/ Elfectively
t!. { aoutine
{i { creative
,C Tension 4 L gr( urgenr
U! Nottrnporrant
(i; ,Jrv 6 ofl V
-? <- UlvTemperament.rrlvatues (Tension -r|V'ftu.
-+ i" ett' L ovt/i ,l {i: a) '7{t^pon^n!-r9rfl
tn ,t 6{Ln,>Lp'n ,t'
Talentrtr nDetermine
l-7i c- Vision,,rl
cr Communication
SkiilLJ!,i ,-t U!/ 6 ,-, ( ft;
-? s| 6' t''f:0ver project
! Over
,/ {U' L rlt J +, Tesr gii K,1fu y,3.yK ( sAt,{l -? 0/
t t,{ { g{ ii , ,t})-riF,/.{ 1)i,
-z ttt -Ltt- Cb
,f'(iud,I/? {"
" (jl
(-x d 4 u ! l ; +( '$ {s l
J./,{L/il?Cf )vr}I{f q^it,$I O
L HumanResource
Devetopment/- L 6; Oi
--* 'i 4, ! -rr
0/J oi t|'t ,'t i zg , 136
g/g:,:,7 -?i n gf timeFactor
,{t /- Ld-l.r'ptanning
- 'ty'! vf-6rJ gfc.rrg
(Q*" ,rt ,r Zzbfi L , J Lg LJt"
'zti''y _?
(j--e .et4.,y -gn Ln,a@ +'9{ tdtf ,/. ett ft 6 ,Jt ,r Z-i
L+;€t <-:.it1 nt etu o
jr ,r z-v f ,V,1,-P t! tt ,t E' ,! L 6,i
ts 1r,/ ?t =t I A 6 , ,f L 0;i ,'f ( ,/- th: \J
-& L,f ,r'/ 6y.(,{ tlt'?,yb ti f,t 1-- cltt -pt L c:lrt y t:, 4 <- usttt ,) - Ui

Z gL-rt
-C ,-{ A eWll,,rlVision Constraim
i/f Sl tl* 6 d pt L c:t,t -* 0"t;(si )a ei 1!6t .,51 gt?
" faacF,n;fryl
-rn6 u,/u,ljn,l'r Ln -,>t)(;t 1el
things t0little smitn)
men.(eoto lv {tlPttt et,5tb e Ln,-t tg L o;:u 6,,J ,V O
t/,t.4 -+Vb/'t cnange{,i
cE**l tcnangr/ C
*( ,t!r4 4 +q vZtJ Jt*=VcF,,1,
tJ! :4 4 f QtVZt-./,P't =V d. -us 6; {,, L -*V Concentration o
- "L: 6,til'rt
7Qtvt,=V,!.& +rr tt -Ll6-r tfr X/4r L ,tLt{,/ -+i x ,-f, U,'n=V( * LD ti ct)ttr
- -
-LQ6-'/x ,-.dr-dL b, st da E +( ,t!r44 L Jlcontribution,.fV ( ,{ -t ,)" ,fu t).V( Lts
(>'L{1fi7 of,- jf -? &:t)tt6 U:tsW,t { -?inf protession
61? 0" ,,t VqP ,! L,, J-, $rr"aL|rr"i.; U ,,f td 1t{ *t-7V./},vr, L,Jut
-?i n ,.tQ-jl,!i L Ltt zZ=Jh.(yVUl L" 4 -iVn't 4 dut?{,F l- LV n (P
/ o;;Vl?t ,fe ,rt / r1r,lt,
+, + * ? Ci ,g 1 -? &t),f u/,f_4_
{ {1, -4,1, t "LP,4 -,5 {- i-,fc,nically L
Evaluate 'i 'tt JF'
-?0V,f,f'oY:,!rt ,f, o, e- ,j;., qt lil ia z-t
condone ,jf't., 6/i fal ,,ii{ ,.t )tr1 tt ()i e J;, ,,f
-t'f "short O/Apersonatity
_rt/,./ 6i+J)r" l+6 r,t",ytt)lti" L:t' ,C9eLD L
.,-? ji,,.ti / gf_
-+ 0" o'r Ju/$tflt f ct/ Misunderstood
f =r 7t o ;traf.
-,.t Ott'?iqt'Vr! rltt -* jf 6i/vt)trztf. +Relations
,il:;tfli d.f) (j,
?in l rrt ( L;t iz onte g1: ui ?ix 6t Q
A gmdnnncanaffwdtobegooda[tlp tinnwitha[ttrepeople.
-( LWlil*f

-? oi ,1-i-/l'flc0fls0QU0rces;
,t L/Jr/fcnoice
./i ,! ,l ,I JsL 2) /

t tl Fearol lreedom.rle A t tj Freedom

fromlear \_,/ {iLift Lt, ,n o lr' 6
-*J"e.r/ 1-LL,L/ I +,
tlUiuwll'/vision o tJf tl
-st' Emotionat rf .f j n !!;i
Inrefligence Inteligenceo -ct LnReactive gAt e,V(
(b t tlProactive
j rv I ( 4f
-?i nMessase ,!,tlu,r, o -{ o,,,t q d ttt LVi Lrr J ef-Jr,-/.

19 1B
y) L tlk { {, cL; .6 u;r( ji zv L/., sccrisis
z-ti - { r Jn 6,'F ft ,! uat o
(lut et '64 Y Ji J "
')t" -?
t ,-l:,,1 ?{,.P u ,! ( ,t/ +t L ti St rJ-"ub,i" -.-i x -Q (' +tz,D( E' O
,/ it {'?,f (o *F -?ii ,? ( J,; Jv i drt ,! ,/
-11t " -/" "1, /
+i L cfz'ov6t * A L /,i Lp,-t t & Or" vr:lLti6l, Jtr)/:
=Gtlt(iat{t s:n,f,ZFtti sli r!rt? jtn t7t{,gttt O
d *E /,-( gt,l,l, &-r-tutdbglW,,5,4J, ,f J!-*, , d(fi 4t U O;t -Z f4 ,t rt t ili aS"
,,-f. n
{,*t lonL,, ,t/vt 4, ,,!t: ,1,.J:-?{t,; !r,r-,
Qu?. sebprl J* Jrtlt ytK (t:
-5- Justice
QVt -JFt) ,r_1
"f follow :[i t/ i- {t ig (
-:Ue l, -0" v( ;lL",f ,i, i n ; iv ,!- +t ,fr
-f in 6l U -V,,.{ -:v,!. {i x :iU j)" n :
-Transformational -?ir,I ADeterminism
4 t el
/ transtormational
+t e.? Cn { 6,t dJt L/-Genetic
! Biotogical
-+0n,fv+ -76 gt Lr, *ri LHeredity
,l: -Ui 6 q.-tsuperordinates
L { I d o k ryl d -,* Determinism
,J ?i n { O' ,Nt t}Psychic
L rtt!?,
-,ad {-t Subordinates _?( Atl , -{ j.,u,L,sptLL d ,-t:
. ,,.{ € 6lI,/ ,9,fl 1f oeterminisrLl,h J,V
-ut L ?W (.€ ,,!7 d.p. (
)fl zt OAtt/- -gt L,f}efieveeCEnvironmentalDeterminism
-7r:t'eta{ f{p,.fl :7b z L JFl=1e,(gtt-7i x7t

ttt b/tlotd'gi U,f Ntract(commodity

! a,,bl ,{ -p ,f,
t- w 4, 6t ,l olv ? lu,
"l -7ht L'f ,tt Jq ( ,4e ? ,ri 0!q, ( ,,{/

Continuous lmprovement-rz)
Ouality -?i f,i,
n0risis )/Crisis/e.-.
Q,t ,f t4

21 20
+ )Pv c)l:bL cll o6 u!: e.g /cauteL,4i {
-?ri( Management
;rl Time
9! Direction
-e jutt / t1,i 1 AUjn jn o
-z -. I 0ualityManagement.,rf Control
-{5 n t- L gtt,rt4( )t S(
-*,t./i -?i Resource
nHuman p ,y1( J,o
xiqW * J, EiligntofDissent rc/r Spirit
-rg { ,ti|' ,! O; i Ux { 4trgfrreeoom
',.f {Li {'1Lq'6fu/Jf' o
-?i nt/., tJrvc- Sustainable c-l
-Bv Lf) {1f ,4,L*i
-r.J,tLP ,tt b.fhqiree.- !:ts:y L9P'gi A,fnpress
-b 1ft
?t ;-Gousseau)rr,,
"-1s-clr( &t &-l ,tF ,1"Lf tt ,-f-iff' -7wLl
-f r/jv,!( rtt'?int/;tt ,-f : u a-: )? J, , -r)n gt if iz E U .)t',ttfl; t)Ut
-?,ft,bf r ,,Fe r-) "
-?inW 6,f LEpreacheryri -?6
,Pt j ,rt rl:tlConfidenue
6A",ot /L *J ' d i , , f i i
y' (Unconscious
-?i nBase andsubconscious) +: ,! *, ! qt s[: i* D'
-+-ui {t $tf ;-ut -?w1r.1(.Grv
-,.( ,,L,frorget'?i lL,frorgiuerVt tth O
-?Jo 6 61,6{!tJ,vtt_
-?ri dAtcf , c,l-)+g, O
( LF- Lg opit'g,,1:bLL/.Lt *Ert cP O

-f 0i Ot*c-/_,l;!q O
t& i Ldy'ilJ",f Etrr+J/
lsthere s0wiseastolearn
anyone lromtheexperiences
(lq ?*1y Vi J-'Lt sr
:gtLnLl e,f.Jt,.F
'ur/ ts-,.f tV ',-{ i6 ,-t 'J:4u'$Ltu,f ,f '1
(lut 4,.{q,q !+ j/,f q, 'r.f 'jr+ ,L: e ertT ,f 'j".<',f
-r: -Reactive
proactive,iiFx nt 1in4
<+q /{r,v t {Ju*t, ii $.
i/commit),rt 7i/commentf t / f,'i snrewo .'(r
7J 9( 6 ,f A dn e,! .{
vo -?, &'trf L r/ t,t.LgBatt
lt 0" ti' / r! I -*

vt oq ,' V { oti ,-f €- o?(

L +',! {,!n! htelisence gt,* nt(conrricts)glifb
6 ,>1
,Vfrl '
-d 0" 1f {,!te ! Emotionatinteltigence
,:t | :Q (faent ! 1.0'.2fj Setection
b'Appticantsdrlryt fl
*L,4L/{-i J //,t,
-e-i x 4tfig[E.Qpromotion
,/V L (< ,l_ t- -i 1; tl) personatity 't-f Effective
(Jr>{:vli f vtUA( t ct
-U t|rt/ -Values.,rl Will, 'r4 gf(Comp
Vision onents\{}
Visiony'l * lmpressivea.r!i?.'n os!)Communication
(gti(z-tq{F su;{7,4:z
gf VafuesLx wL;t!
Confidence-? ji { d CommunicationSkiI Ut/ L th:
6v L Sti/till7*
QFry t ,r .,rrworth{ th:,( il ,f -e, LVn L lzr c- d. +
-?C n + Lt t L 4 r rtvalues.l+i

i * uLw't + L €' 4 J n

25 24
ottl -('+ lr,rt 76,',!" it, ?1 ?{, c/ O
- "f " (Gl tv Leq {,f t6tf'"t;f;t'
-?6t.-fr ur "?p/ .-*/t
-P) z-th ? ,f i ,tL ,t dey O
@,(,gy-? e"JI z ( urtpatience 6,!ttG;:i (L7:
G,tilrt-r-Ju.l-y*lis G)
,,rtTeaching gfyl'Knowledge { ;t tle L t/,/ rVt,3
-tt 4' L.fEvatuate
f .- gltc gf vatues
{ ;t t)rt L! LdJ G uitl
-LV jt 6 lt * * J"Effective
r!,t-,5,gfTeachins L)'r { LtY. L z-i Ljl

$4 ,*. *, -4, L,f eccept4Person ,*- + /* C o {6,r,r{,v,1

-x tn tggf;r{ rtoti'd"9f $t { 4 { rw € q, ? oJt* j ft?,!rto
+ ./ uil L#g:1 i(
Avt_ 1i {uill7*},r (: t : / )

o t g '€ ( {d i n J u
{ rlt-/t,trn4- i[::':,
{4fW ,i & {" :*
-E ufMessase (1v)
O" ( I Lf +,'t ? 6" Lr) + $rV e,r 4 { rr?l o
8V L rl,'rt,!x rfl"o/ Lx4
eCsubconscious +gl
- tsV LEmotional
overtones dialogue
t-t !, -?ht i nsilent
L{11u*vr o -?i nry'4 (Relation 4 package
slUts' Lfl OtJb,KConcept deal
ni,f ,tt6{,;,!g, ?/,V,{'Bv
"( I

-n& 1A u!. Lt LV Lr X gr ,j4zt, C :!LSLt*f O
(-l; ;tt er.i)
--/ j,, 4 !, o,!7*,t t!_(,r/ *
-? 6Li6 yLF iP ,.t.>t 62+t ,tt ?W /'* gtri f t *
-'od,t,.F Ol.d)tyz "!:
-fi.-rJl'e,Ln rtte &{;;f Jl /
?l e u!;,Jt?, tJ'V4 t,f ,t' U t)i u *
,-t Exposure ! ' eVtL& ;f -frt ,r4 -t4
-4 Li lmPress
-# + zL'4)U
,-f db {..AW ,!
_? qt :qt{ e1r 6r .rit,,tb d
-?'Yt <-etv lr +
Thosethingsthat hurt,ihstruct -?stJt nVQtlln"oi,!tln +
lVa.=.p C 1-;11tr
{,1 -?i n f * 6t ,,?{ r,f { f +
Pr o b l e msca l l fo rth o u r co u r age and wisdom,
-?*l,Jy.V:1 ;grf" {6r'/r't tJr'{f o'vt/ o
i n d e e d ,th e y cre a teo u r co u ra geand wisdom.lt is '-?rtV /conoone
I Lf -?vLt,f ',.f ,J,e / n

o n l y b eca u seo f p ro b l e msth at we gr ow m entally -,-f{utrf

a n d s p i ri tu a l l y. It'salwayswilful
?jLF 6 jLi C -?iZwZ1# ,!e+,,f td{,l,r,f n o
-'r tf t,-t/z,oui y1
-,.ILnLl d Pteasures
h L * -ft'u cPt ( d i ?b/6, ;r11.,(ii L v?. O \J
_cr,f ;r4
ttl Sensual
L { ,',f ,.F,6t : ? Jn =,i 6, t Jv o,r j{ C Spiritual
-t J" U! tmagination
tf' tt Jt " I ,/ 6"f C/ ,.{,Qp!n[criticise.r? o
-?irt-E L{grtz|t:?qt8,t ;stttO/ C
-ni'[: 'criticise
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/L) ,tf / ,) c._t L E / J
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c2 ,{ ,{ ,{

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{ 4, o U -6 I osl)
tl ?i n ,.F'
-6 -?l .- Q ,.t+v t-n lbrL,,.t4v +y.1
-?in0(,?4t/-Ltftu( * -
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-"'f "
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-,! -f - -
-? LV r.,V] ir\ LV t \j,,-fLV : LV r\ -?./. + Li : &V*- Lr : Lf ,,f./,f
-+ jV,fu,i-: et r o1(t; O,v6ufl c/. -7'c/ tth t Conf
uPl t]

-+ i" oP'4ttl-ti t {t V' c,r|Sensibility 4t( prrtonatity

t! ,lt * irr Message /i f1
6 c)t-,t
l{t;7 a) -- Ltt Lstreamofconsciousness

li,! d,'+t vf(tnf.t-, -?f 4&G'+ a\

-j" ,.t ( d,lZ, t!,.r1z-Vn JnTt ,z
- "':

e:6 ,! ;U: , 6l t','t : 5t a)

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gd +iE'F {' ! ,/_V!* priorities C {Lf *.,of)t} *o{r)r" rl

:*t '(
-+LVJ+ i*t,.{a r-\
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-* C+1sul+'$,t: 6 $rg: -L q' Ln L bs( 7,wt /,J II

rfu+L"t -Q* rl
-EtLv 6i ?=i,f |y U
( 6:in .,rt-ctb,
{ d'? jn $t L Jt
-.2,! rJri,
-?i nUnmistakable
;I i n f f# ( tlfl Messnge
b'e*: o
-vtq 6rJt',-tdfuLJt'?in tV Ll,('

Direct 'rL Ln L t
"'f,, iltyrt( f. q,/i Li *r)v.6,>:b
1I vr-; , g t{ OtAhdirectLeaders
Visionary -,rl tZ / .al
J tJ!+ ht Ln u01W,f-,.ti
Creative Leaders '-ttl
V $.l rorntrC Direct gf, Personal
Leadership Life ty{E LreJt
-r)/tf matter(,cindirect
1jl €;",f€u'F o ?i r s ugt| ti
-?i n dJt F ea s 76; vt; 2-,v d i"r-{
individual pi Lut6,o O
4 (v 6 . J i L l 8 , LnLuT Lttftt
,?' 't ?i n t'Vet g9; 6uftctiveteadersf:
6 ( - jf(Ll a{
-&ati ,!
allleaders invoice
areeloquent andmany / gtugtu o
areeloquent aswell. !f] o f,jt,t,,t6! {,1t
. ^/
t-t:15:LO*l ?0v'/Ln
' ,4

{sut iSi(fut o
{,-,i 5 J7;9e,'
,iu/r 6,JP c-/e.at
</ 7;rtgii
?!-,'4 0t
+etf 6-l
hr ,.ftlrrL-61 O
' i,,r. 1IJfr
- -l


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,-f 6fti ; o, *t u!,.t Ubt o'(c4! { ot ,i 6n
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- ( ,>P { Ottl -s1tt5t /- L Oy'::
(t: t! clrd-
"1 ?;1,
-? rf lY.+,+, tJbLx ,fV .-

o,+ L tlt -? (2tfi .,51 g:V' jytt ,r; 'rt/,Fb dJt
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,rt J) otiiy,!,r,j /:( rrt{ i-,.>:f lf -7 rt 4,f
' -?ii avgt,ett',!gf +4f ,5'tfft O
-iV ,dn ttse.1L/-'P
-+* t lOf ! <- 6VEi t! ".n O
tsvL ou.t
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dvt t)tttte:l) uhl i) * ?i n ui,1t,j$ -tlnLV{'P n $ Ly', " ott O
,.f 6'li ,J -t jV u " ,/i :/ e,Li Jt / tt -t)x r)i E+'frV e.* jn Otd,{OtI -tln {., V :
,J -+i2a/w( 6:L.t;ti ttt ,F +t dn : dVt sht
,! 8 g;t .,rti1,-( -:) t!," irtt'ir ,,f ;) ,!f Jt i o
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" 't
z, | .- f )' - ( g:tg)t !?, U 4(w
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,rt,{ p.,ffa -?i n Lt'j, ,rt./ cir,H -7
-l(. 34
-+iV n i2t'a
Vt or )L L c a u s e c x { { , { O
in ,p + /- L;r 'ti Ji
"!: 1: dV ,1, ld C'i/fu + el tIt f ct't Ui=t ,f & o
-rf.flos!)ttt 7 + , . / t ! o j r t r i r - L , t V L -t t J t Y L , t -LV
Lp, 4 brl,.t 4v L r ,4 0 JbI /V,t ln ,.r:ctt-?6V Wz*t.f{ {V,*i
-,i F, vt:Jbl ttt!1,-t!
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+ ir sf-:?.:f .- I - rltt i ( u/ l - ?
z.-/ ts,.ut
- ?lc.-L i:,-F y!c- L i : -fdljttif'n'Jte

f { t|ft t! ,.rtLV ,t tJx,rt r coo

j" ,,{
Ln 2- bt; ( ?'ftt f) J * o
t,yb+L n i4 o t, A


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