Lost Spring 1
Lost Spring 1
Lost Spring 1
The Right against Exploitation is enshrined in Articles 23
and 24 of the Indian Constitution. These are important
Fundamental Rights that guarantee every citizen
protection from any kind of forced labour.
Taboos of Firozabad:
Rhetoric Devices:
1. Saheb is a child of destiny. Comment.
2. The flippant suggestion made by Anees Jung seems
incongruent to her and thus pricks her conscience.
3. The genesis of the term Seemapuri glares at its
stagnation owing to its peripheral proximity to Delhi.
4. The epigrammatic statement loaded with hyperbole
essays the gospel of existence in Seemapuri. Explain .
5. Which entrenched practice nuances the fabricated
circumstances of Seemapuri ?
6. Udipi had mapped its trajectory farther and farther. How
does Anees Jung advance this point?
7. Why does Saheb move furtively, apologetically almost
ashamed to push himself into the notice of more fortunate
8. The tennis court lays emphasis on the fact that saheb is
miles away in social hierarchy. Validate.
9. Saheb does not exist in Governmental records. Why?
10. To be born in the caste of bangle makers has become
both a destiny and a curse. Expatiate.
11. Entrenched ignorance is a malady for the bangle
makers. Consolidate.
12. There is a huge chasm between the two worlds of
Firozabad. Validate.
13. Ironically, despite the intergenerational endurance and
toil, people have not enjoyed a full meal in Firozabad.
1. Every morrow, Firozabad wakes up into haze,
intergenerational endurance, fraught propositions and
child servitude. Validate.
2. The granular specifications of bangle making
underlines the paradoxical dynamics of the city hailed as
the ' Land of Bangles'. Substantiate.
3. Women of Firozabad have been self - effacing and sub -
servient. Explicate.
4. Anees Jung's evaluative language interrogates the set
administrative algorithms of Seemapuri and Firozabad.
5. Reorienting the growth trajectory of Seemapuri and
Firozabad and tearing down the veneer of hypocritical
disposition is a momentous view propounded by the text.
Advance your opinion.