Islamic Contract Law Assignment
Islamic Contract Law Assignment
Islamic Contract Law Assignment
Table of Contents
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 2
Summary.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Significant Contract Basics............................................................................................................ 2
Contract of Sale of Uqd Bay.......................................................................................................... 3
a. Contract (Aqd)/Uqd........................................................................................................3
b. Sale/Bay..........................................................................................................................3
c. According to Shariah: -..................................................................................................3
d. According to Sunnah: -..................................................................................................3
e. Basic Elements of Bay/Sale: -......................................................................................3
General Theory of Islamic Contract Law: -.................................................................................. 3
Elements of Valid Contract According to Shariah: -................................................................... 3
Formulation of Islamic Contracts: -............................................................................................... 4
An End to Islam Contract of Sale.................................................................................................. 4
f. Iqalah...............................................................................................................................4
Nominate and in-nominate Islamic Contracts: -.......................................................................... 5
g. Nominate Islamic Contracts..........................................................................................5
h. In-Nominate Islamic Contracts: -..................................................................................5
Contract Law and English legal System: -................................................................................... 5
Comparison: -.................................................................................................................................. 6
Exemptions...................................................................................................................................... 6
Certainty in Contract Formation: -................................................................................................ 7
The Prohibition of Riba: -............................................................................................................... 8
English Common Law.................................................................................................................... 8
Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 8
Adams & Adams Legal Services PLC company is seeking a better understanding
regarding Islamic Contract Law. Their interest further inclines towards the reflection
of nominate and innominate pertaining to Islamic contracts and basis for this
categorisation. This further include the formulation methodology of Islamic contracts
of sale in Islam and their end disposal. A brief advise has been provided enlightening
all the concerns of the Adams & Adams Services PLC for further disposal of the
information as deemed appropriate. Therefore, this study is an effort to present
controlling principles of Islamic Contracts Law briefly for better understanding.
Contract with to context to Islamic view can be described as the matching expression
between the positive proposal offered by one person and acceptance of the same by
the other which subsequently forms a contract. Fiqh Muammlat also labelled as
Shariah Commercial Law establishes an important branch of law which deals with
the issues regarding any contract and legal issues arising from a valid contract
including void and avoidable contracts. The capability according to Islam required to
transact s based on two conditions namely prudence and puberty.
Contracts are further divided into two types which are called unilateral and bilateral
contracts. This classification may not be considered as exhaustive as contracts may
further divided and classified into different categories with respect to the validity,
impact and effectiveness. Contracts according to Islamic Shariah may divided into
communitive and non-communitive. Both types of contracts form consist of a sale
and payment of loan respectively.
Few key contracts elements are delineated below for further guidance and
assistance in evaluating the information from the document:
a. Offer & Acceptance
b. Qbdha (Possession) – Haqiqi/ Hukammi
c. Absolute/ Instant Sale
d. No contingent elements.
e. Nature & Value of subject.
f. Capacity of Contractors
g. Delivery
h. Price
Contract (Aqd)/Uqd
Literally means to knot, to contract, to tie, to conjunct etc Or A contract between 2-
parties on a particular subject matter which is to be concluded upon offer (Ijab ) and
acceptance (qabul) of the parties.
It refers to both activities selling and buying and the word bay is derived from term
“ba” means for arm because one extends one’s arm to give / to take.
According to Shariah: -
It means that exchanging property for property/ property for money/ money for
property upon mutual consent among contracting parties.
According to Sunnah: -
“A sale must be by mutual consent”
Automated dissolution: -
i. By death of one party to the contract
Al- Fasakh: -
Which means dissolution of contracts by revocation and termination .
Examples: -
Redemption Sale (Bai al-wafa), supply sale (Bai al-istijrar) , construction contracts
The categorization of these contracts was need of the time because of their
different nature, conditions, rights, responsibilities, parties’ roles etc.Sale
contract is different from lease agreement like in sale contract ownership
changed from owner to buyer while in lease agreement lessor/Owner of
property remain the same.
Contract Law and English legal System: -
Islamic Contract law have wider scope than English law or other western laws
because it considers some dispositions like endorsement etc which are not
considered “contract” in either English or other Western laws. Shariah also have
facilities to accommodate uncatalogued agreements.
Comparison: -
a. English law which is developed through works of judges on the other hand
Islamic law developed through work of jurists (fugaha) which is based on
principles laid down in Quran and Sunnah.
b. A mistake is known in the Islamic contract law as ghalat. Mutual mistakes
have ability to vitiate a contract no matter whether it was signed under
Islamic Contract Law or English Common Law. But the validity of a
contract changes with unilateral mistake. According to the English
Common Law contract having unilateral mistake is valid but according to
the Islamic contract law the same mistake makes the contract void, but
this relies on the fact and circumstances which may vary case to case.
c. The Islamic contract law provides a better protection to buyers than the
English law. Sellers in the Islamic religion were directed many centuries
ago by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which summarizes to disclose the
defects if there are any in the good to the buyer if you are aware of the
defect” (Muslim Hadis book). But the same contrasts in the English
common law where seller is neither obliged and neither directed to
disclose any defect in the good even if the seller knows before selling
them to the buyer. When it comes to the legality of the aforementioned
situations then under the Islamic laws if the seller chooses not to disclose
the defect and the buyer comes to know the same then law empowers the
buyer to get payment back as refund and repudiate the contract
accordingly. But English law does not provide this ease to the buyer which
leads many misunderstandings.
d. Islamic Law further quotes the saying of the Prophet (PBUH) that if the
seller sells defective goods without informing the defects to the buyers
and attempts to cheat them will remain under the anger of God and all the
angels will continue to curse the seller until unless he informs the buyer
about the defects present. In another hadith the Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH)) said 1431 years ago that “whoever cheats buyers while selling
goods, they are not real Muslims” (Bukhari hadis book).
e. Unlike English-based common law, for example, which does not recognise
a principle of inequality of bargaining power, the shari’a ‘emphasises the
idea of balance of counter values.
Now days standard terms are prepared by one party and presented to the other
before the agreement is signed between the two parties. Such agreed terms
consequently bound the parties with class of contracts. Even though an exemption
clause is the term used mostly in contracting. This also covers the compensations
against the loss of material. In any case of frauds, the power of the word becomes a
question. If the contract has been made without the signatures of either parties then
a notice is required to be placed in the premises of both parties. This notice should
also state the exemption.
English common law was first developed in England and was later constituted in
different countries of the world. It has proved to be an effective institution for
expansion of a strong legal system. This law is known by its colonialism.
Key Concerns
Contractual law was refined a century before the English Law by Islamic Sharia.
Shariah focuses on the key elements as mentioned above to make a valid
transaction. Depending upon all the necessary requirements the contract will be
called either valid or invalid / Void. However, future sales are not shouldered by
Sharia. Most of the scholars persuade about the Qabdha (Point of Sale). Subject
matter cannot be considered as the centralized pillar rather the ability to deliver a
particular product is considered as the pillar of central support. In general view of the
Sharia, offer is revocable as long as the acceptance is incomplete from the other
party. If the said condition is compared with the common law, then one may claim a
payment proportionate to the portion of acceptance. Therefore, Islamic law offers
fair opportunity unlike the common law which operates with the rigid legitimation.
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