FangLing Shape Cutting

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F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

FangLing Shape Cutting Control System

Operation and Installation Manual


(Apply to F2000 series: F2100B/T、F2200B/T、F2300(A/B)、


Shanghai FangLing Computer Software Co., LTD.


F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Version Date Page Description
Spec.01 2011/8/10 All New manual creation
Add Section 8.7.4, 8.7.5, 8.7.6, and
Spec.02 2012/2/28
Chapter 14
Add Section and
Spec.03 2012/4/12
3.11, modify Section 1.3
Modify Section 4.1 and Chapter
Spec.04 2012/8/8
14, add Section 6.7 and Appendix 2
Perfect chart and catalog, integrate
Spec.05 2013/5/20
F2000 series specification
Add the section of arc THC module
usage illustration, interface
Spec.06 2014/2/20
In appendix 3, add the
interpretation of wiring with
F1620/F1630 THC.

Merge the F2000T into the F2000

series manual.
Spec.07 2014/4/15 In appendix 3, add the
interpretation of wiring with

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

User Guide

Read this Manual

This manual is used to the numerical control cutting machine system (F2000
series) produced by Shanghai FangLing Computer Software Co., Ltd.. Read and
understand this instructional manual, the cutting machine manuals and local security
regulation before use carefully.
Note: This product is not designed to be field serviceable. Please return back to
the after-sales (service) center for any required service.
Address: Room 711, NO.955, Rd. Jianchuan, Woxiangwojia mansion, MinHang,
Shanghai, China
Tel: 021-34290970
After-sales: 021-34121295 Fax: 021-34290970

Work Condition

 Working Temperature, 0℃~50℃. Relative Humidity, 5~95%.

 Operation Voltage: DC +24V.
 The controller should be installed in a cab which can provide protection from
 The controller would be better used in the situation without high voltage


 KEEP HANDS CLEAR of dangerous moving machinery. All control action,

including manual action, can be executed using the front panel keys or remote
F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 Loose fitting clothing or ties may become entangled in the machinery. These
items should not be worn while operating the machine.
 This controller should only be operated by trained service person.
 Do not open the controller unless obtaining the authorization.
 Do not let any acid or alkalescency substance to corrode the controller.

High Voltages

 Electric shock can kill. Be sure this equipment is safely installed in accordance
with enclosed procedures and specifications.
 Avoid contact with electrical wires and cabling while power is on.
 Only trained person can operate this controller.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

MANUAL ................................................................................................................................................. I

USER GUIDE ...................................................................................................................................... III

READ THIS MANUAL ............................................................................................................................ III

WORK CONDITION ............................................................................................................................... III
MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................................... III
HIGH VOLTAGES ...................................................................................................................................IV

CHAPTER 1 F2000 SERIES CONTROL SYSTEM INTRODUCTION .......................................... 1

1.1 SYSTEM BRIEF INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1

1.1.1 F2100T System........................................................................................................ 2
1.1.2 F2200T System........................................................................................................ 2
1.1.3 F2300T System........................................................................................................ 3
1.1.4 F2500T System........................................................................................................ 4
1.1.5 F2600T System........................................................................................................ 5
1.2 CHARACTERISTICS OF SYSTEM ........................................................................................................ 5
1.3 TECHNICAL INDICATOR.................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................... 8
1.5.1 F2100T Hardware Configuration ......................................................................... 8
1.5.2 F2200T Hardware Configuration ......................................................................... 8
1.5.3 F2300T Hardware Configuration ......................................................................... 8
1.5.4 F2500T Hardware Configuration ......................................................................... 9
1.5.5 F2600T Hardware Configuration ......................................................................... 9

CHAPTER 2 STARTING UP OF SYSTEM ...................................................................................... 10

2.1 INTRODUCTION OF SYSTEM OPERATION BOARD............................................................................ 10

2.2 POWER ON PROCESSING AND MAIN INTERFACE............................................................................. 12
2.3 FUNCTION INDEX OF MAIN INTERFACE ......................................................................................... 15

CHAPTER 3 CUTTING FUNCTION ................................................................................................. 16

3.1 CUTTING OPERATION INDEX.......................................................................................................... 18

3.2 SPEED REGULATION ...................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.1 Normal Speed Regulation .................................................................................... 19
3.2.2 Quick Speed Regulation....................................................................................... 19
3.3 FORWARD ...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 BACKWARD ................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5 EDGE CUTTING / OFFSET CUTTING / RETURN ................................................................................ 20
3.6 BACK TO REFERENCE FUNCTION ................................................................................................... 21
3.7 OXYGEN GAS PREHEAT TIME REGULATION ................................................................................... 22

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

3.8 PERFORATION POINT SELECTION ................................................................................................... 23

3.9 DYNAMIC AMPLIFICATION ............................................................................................................. 24
3.10 CUTTING EXIT ............................................................................................................................. 24
3.11 FRAME ......................................................................................................................................... 25
3.12 ARC THC INSTRUCTION .............................................................................................................. 26
3.12.1 Wiring Instruction.............................................................................................. 26
3.12.2 Arc Setting and Actual Arc Displaying ............................................................. 28
3.12.3 Location Check ................................................................................................... 28
3.12.4 Set Arc / Adjust Arc While Running ................................................................. 29
3.12.5 Auto / Manual Turn High .................................................................................. 29
3.12.6 Crash / Position Successful Signal Check......................................................... 29

CHAPTER 4 PART OPTION ............................................................................................................. 30

4.1 XY MIRROR .................................................................................................................................. 30

4.2 START POINT SELECTION ............................................................................................................... 30
4.3 ANGLE ADJUSTMENT ..................................................................................................................... 31
4.3.1 Steel Plate Adjustment ......................................................................................... 32
4.3.2 Steel Plate Adjust Angle Memory Function ....................................................... 33
4.3.3 Enter Angle ........................................................................................................... 33
4.4 ARRAY ........................................................................................................................................... 34
4.5 ZOOM IN/OUT ................................................................................................................................ 37
4.6 SELECT ROW/NUMBER .................................................................................................................. 38
4.6.1 Select Row ............................................................................................................. 38
4.6.2 Select Number....................................................................................................... 39
4.6.3 Operation after Select Row/Number .................................................................. 40
4.7 RESTORE ....................................................................................................................................... 40

CHAPTER 5 MANUAL FUNCTION.................................................................................................. 42

5.1 FIXED MOVING FUNCTION ............................................................................................................ 42

5.2 CONTINUOUS MOVING FUNCTION ................................................................................................. 43
5.3 FIXED-LENGTH MOVING FUNCTION .............................................................................................. 43
5.4 BREAKPOINT RECOVERY ............................................................................................................... 43

CHAPTER 6 FILE OPERATION ....................................................................................................... 45

6.1 FILES IN THE HARD DISK ............................................................................................................... 45

6.2 FILES IN THE U DISK...................................................................................................................... 46
6.3 SEARCH FILE ................................................................................................................................. 48
6.4 EDIT CODE .................................................................................................................................... 49
6.5 NEW FILE ...................................................................................................................................... 50
6.6 COMPILE CODE ............................................................................................................................. 50
6.7 FOLDER MANAGER........................................................................................................................ 50
6.7.1 Select Work Folder ............................................................................................... 50
6.7.2 New Folder ............................................................................................................ 51
6.8 CLEAR FILE ................................................................................................................................... 52

CHAPTER 7 PARAMETER SETTING ............................................................................................. 53

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

7.1 COMMON PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................. 53

7.2 FLAME PARAMETERS ..................................................................................................................... 54
7.3 PLASMA PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................... 57
7.4 POWDER PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................. 59
7.5 SYSTEM PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................... 60
7.6 PARAMETER IMPORT ...................................................................................................................... 61
7.7 PARAMETER EXPORT ..................................................................................................................... 62
7.8 SAVE PARAMETERS ........................................................................................................................ 63

CHAPTER 8 DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION ............................................................................................ 64

8.1 DIAGNOSIS INTERFACE INDEX ....................................................................................................... 65

8.2 INPUT DIAGNOSIS .......................................................................................................................... 65
8.3 OUTPUT DIAGNOSIS ...................................................................................................................... 65
8.4 KEYBOARD DIAGNOSIS ................................................................................................................. 66
8.5 SYSTEM SELF-CHECK .................................................................................................................... 67
8.6 DATE AND TIME ............................................................................................................................. 69
8.7 SYSTEM DEFINITION...................................................................................................................... 69
8.7.1 Parameter Backup and Restore .......................................................................... 69
8.7.2 Input Definition .................................................................................................... 70
8.7.3 Output Definition ................................................................................................. 71
8.7.4 Coordinate Definition .......................................................................................... 71
8.7.5 Motor ..................................................................................................................... 73
8.7.6 Option .................................................................................................................... 74 Remote Controller ....................................................................................... 74 Default Coordinate ...................................................................................... 74 Default IJ Coordinate ................................................................................... 74 Switch between Metric and Inches ............................................................. 75 Short Line Fitting ......................................................................................... 75 Steel Plate Angle Memory ........................................................................... 75 F Instruction Forbidden ............................................................................... 75 Manual Angle Input to Adjust Steel Plate ................................................... 75
8.7.7 Language Switch .................................................................................................. 75
8.7.8 Clear File ............................................................................................................... 76
8.7.9 System Update ...................................................................................................... 76

CHAPTER 9 GRAPH MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 78

9.1 CHOOSE GRAPH............................................................................................................................. 78

9.2 FILM/HOLE SIZE ............................................................................................................................ 79

CHAPTER 10 CODE EXPLANATION ............................................................................................. 81

10.1 CODE SYMBOL AND INTERPRETATION ......................................................................................... 81

10.2 COORDINATE SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 81
10.3 G CODE EXPLANATION ................................................................................................................ 82
10.4 M CODE EXPLANATION ............................................................................................................... 88

CHAPTER 11 PORT EXPLANATION .............................................................................................. 90

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

11.1 INPUT PORT ................................................................................................................................. 90

11.1.1 Input Wiring Instructions .................................................................................. 92
11.1.2 Remote Controller Input.................................................................................... 93
11.2 OUTPUT PORT .............................................................................................................................. 94
11.2.1 Output Wiring Instructions ............................................................................... 96 Oxygen Gas Typical Connection ................................................................ 96 Three Level Perforation Circuit .................................................................. 97 Typical Circuit of Using Powder ................................................................. 98 Typical Circuit of Using Plasma Cutting ..................................................... 99
11.3 MOTOR PORT ............................................................................................................................. 101
11.3.1 Typical Wiring Diagram of the Motor Interfaces .......................................... 103 Connection Methods for Differential Stepper Driver .............................. 103 Com-anode Connection Methods for Stepper Driver ............................. 104 Connection Methods of Servo Driver of Panasonic Company ................ 105
11.4 ARC THC MODULE INTERFACE (THC) ...................................................................................... 105
11.4.1 DC MOTOR Interface Instruction ................................................................. 106
11.4.2 Arc Import Instruction..................................................................................... 107
11.4.3 Position Interface (PS) Instruction ................................................................. 107
11.4.4 Arcing interface(ARC_START) instruction ................................................... 108
11.4.5 Wiring Diagram of F2100T CNC System with Arc THC Module................ 109
11.4.6 Wiring Diagram of double approach switch .................................................. 110
11.5 POWER INPUT INSTRUCTION ...................................................................................................... 110

CHAPTER 12 USE OF BIOS .......................................................................................................... 111

12.1 SYSTEM UPGRADE..................................................................................................................... 112

12.2 WELCOME INTERFACE UPGRADE............................................................................................... 112
12.3 MOVEMENT CONTROL UPGRADE .............................................................................................. 112
12.4 SYSTEM BACKUP ....................................................................................................................... 112
12.5 SYSTEM RESET .......................................................................................................................... 113

CHAPTER 13 INSTALLATION AND DEBUGGING .................................................................... 114

13.1 HORIZONTAL / VERTICAL PULSES NUMBER SETTING ................................................................ 114

CHAPTER 14 SHANGHAI FANGLING F1500 REMOTE CONTROLLER .............................. 116

14.2 THE LAYOUT OF REMOTE CONTROLLER .................................................................................... 117
14.3 THE OUTPUT PORT OF RECEIVER ............................................................................................... 117
14.4 INTERPRETATION OF JUMPER SWITCH ........................................................................................ 118

APPENDIX 1 G、M CODE RAPID CONSULT ............................................................................. 121


SYSTEM.............................................................................................................................................. 122

1. FLAME CUTTING TIMING SEQUENCE ............................................................................................. 122

2. PLASMA IO TIMING SEQUENCE ..................................................................................................... 124
F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual


AND COMMON THC ........................................................................................................................ 126

1. CONNECTION WITH F1620/F1630 THC ................................................................................ 126

2. CONNECTION WITH HYD THC ............................................................................................. 128
3. CONNECTION WITH SH-HC30 THC ...................................................................................... 130
4. CONNECTION WITH ONTIME THC ...................................................................................... 132


1. F2100T PROFILE INSTALL SIZE ............................................................................................. 133

2. F2200T PROFILE INSTALL SIZE ............................................................................................. 133
3. F2300T PROFILE INSTALL SIZE ............................................................................................. 134
4. F2500T PROFILE INSTALL SIZE ............................................................................................. 135
5. F2600T PROFILE INSTALL SIZE ............................................................................................. 136

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 1 F2000 Series Control System Introduction

1.1 System Brief Introduction

The numerical control system F2000 series is a new production, which is

integrated many merits of the same productions at home and aboard. The controller
can control the motion of two axes, which is apt to the application of flame, plasma or
laser cutting. This controller is very light and handy and it is very easy to operate. The
controller provides menu or illustration for all the operations for the convenience of
users. All key switches are human oriented designed, and they are very convenient
and comfortable.
The controller chooses high speed DSP and ARM as its core to assure the cutting
process to be more stable. The motion control algorithm is optimized so that the
machine can move more stale and reliable, and it can save the life of the motor and
the mechanical parts.
The numerical control system of F2000 series consists of F2100B/T, F2200B/T,
F2300A/B、F2300T A、F2300T B、F2500A/B、F2500T A、F2500T B and F2600/T

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

1.1.1 F2100T System

Fig 1.1 F2100T

1.1.2 F2200T System

Fig 1.2 F2200T

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

1.1.3 F2300T System

Fig 1.3 F2300T(A)

Fig 1.4 F2300T(B)

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

1.1.4 F2500T System

Fig 1.5 F2500T(A)

Fig 1.6 F2500T(B)

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

1.1.5 F2600T System

Fig 1.7 F2600T

1.2 Characteristics of System

1) Chinese/English/French/Portuguese/Russian/Denmark/Korean language menu,

the menu can be switched only by one key.
2) 47 categories different graphics (including grid pattern), chip part and hole part
are alternative.
3) Support the EIA code (G code) and various FastCAM、FreeNest、SmartNest、IBE
4) Compact keyboard design and easy to input files.
5) Graphics have some operations such as Proportion, Rotate, Mirror.
6) Graphics can be arrayed in matrix, interaction, stacked modes.
7) Steel plate can be adjusted according any steel side.
8) Coordinate system can be customized to support the two dimensional coordinates
of all eight kinds.
9) All input and output port type and the number can be customized (normally open
or normally closed).
10) Self-diagnostic function, to diagnose the key status and all the IO status, facilitate
inspection and debug.
11) Provide a front USB interface for copying files.
12) System can be upgraded by USB interface easily, and we provide lifetime

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

upgrade service.
13) All functions and techniques can upgrade online and don’t worry about the after
sale service.
14) Import and export files by single or all files.
15) Display time, week and clock.
16) Parameters backup and online upgrade.
17) Support the Flame, Plasma, Dusting draw and Demonstration four kinds of mode.
18) Including various types of processing parameters to meet the needs of different
19) Flame and Plasma are separated in the control IO ports.
20) Support THC, two level preheat, three level pierce in flame mode.
21) Plasma arc feedback, positioning feedback, automatically shut down the arc at the
22) Built-in plasma arc auto/manual turn high function: display actual arc pressure and
set arc pressure, set THC parameter, check for collision/position successful signal,
control arcing signal, check for location.
23) Plasma arc controlling supports two close arc THC ways of speed and distance to
make the machine more stable and safer.
24) Support edge cutting. It can save the preheat time for the thick steel plate.
25) Movement speed can be real-time acceleration, deceleration.
26) According to plate thickness, the cutting speed is automatically restricted by a
speed limit in the corner, effectively preventing over burn.
27) Select row and column manually.
28) Dynamic/static illustration of the process, graphics zoom in / out, dynamically
tracking cut-off point under zooming state.
29) DSP as core can control the machine move in high speed accurately, stability and
in low noise.
29) Starting speed and acceleration can be set by your convenience.
30) Automatically memorize the working situation and the last cutting point when
power off.
31) "Cutting offset" function can avoid waste the steel plate when the nesting of the
plate is calculated wrong.
32) Set up different administration authority and the corresponding password to
safeguard the interests of equipment manufacturers.
33) Long-distance remote control can control the machine to move forward,

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

backward, left, right and cutting start, stop and so on (optional configuration).
34) Plasma arc controller support two modes of close arc THC: rate and distance,
making machine more stable and safer.

1.3 Technical Indicator

1) Control Axis: 2 axis linkage(3 axis customizable)

2) Control accuracy: +/-0.001mm
3) Coordinate range: +/- 99999.99mm
4) Max pulses : 200kHz. Max speed: 15,000 mm/m
5) Max lines of code: 150,000lines
6) Max size of single code file: 4M
7) Max power of drive arc THC motor: 45W
8) Time resolution: 10ms
9) Working Voltage: DC +24V direct-current power input, power > 80W。
10) Working Temperature: -10℃~+60℃. Relative Humidity, 0~95%.

1.4 System Interface

a) 15 pins SMA Male interface of 2 axes of motor drive.

b) 25 pins SMA Female interface of 16 channels optoelectronic isolation output
ports max back flow current 300mA.
c) 25 pins SMA Male interface of 16 channels optoelectronic isolation input ports,
max output current 300mA.
d) 5 cores THC motor output and limit input ports.
e) 7 cores arc pressure and position input port, arcing signal output port.
f) Selection of partial pressure proportion of arc input: 1:50 or 1:100
g) USB interface on the front panel, for the convenience of transmitting cutting
h) Extend IO input/output ports, PWM input ports, analog input ports.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

1.5 Hardware Configuration

1.5.1 F2100T Hardware Configuration

1. Monitor:7 inch, 800*480, high definition 16 million colors and high

brightness LCD
2. Memory: 64M SDRAM
3. Program space available for user: 256M electronic hard disk
4. System master frequency: 400MHz
5. USB: USB 1.1 front interface, at least 16GB U disk supportable
6. Keyboard: electronic PCB foil keyboard
7. Chassis: full-steel structure completely shielded which defends electromagnetic
radiation, interference and static electricity

1.5.2 F2200T Hardware Configuration

1. Monitor: 8 inch, 800*600, high definition 16 million colors and high

brightness LCD
2. Memory: 64M SDRAM
3. Program space available for user: 256M
4. System master frequency: 400MHz
5. USB: USB 1.1 front interface
6. Keyboard: electronic PCB foil keyboard(one machine) or standard industrial
keyboard(split type machine)
7. Chassis: full-steel structure completely shielded which defends electromagnetic
radiation, interference and static electricity

1.5.3 F2300T Hardware Configuration

1. Monitor: 10.4 inch 800*480, high definition 16 million colors and high
brightness LCD
2. Memory: 64M SDRAM
3. Program space available for user: 256M electronic hard disk
4. System master frequency: 400MHz
5. USB: USB 1.1 front interface, at least 16GB U disk supportable
6. Keyboard: electronic PCB foil keyboard

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

7. Chassis: full-steel structure completely shielded which defends electromagnetic

radiation, interference and static electricity

1.5.4 F2500T Hardware Configuration

1. Monitor : 17 inch high brightness LCD with industrial VGA interface

2. Memory: 64M SDRAM
3. Program space available for user: 256M
4. System master frequency: 400MHz
5. USB: USB 1.1 front interface, at least 16GB U disk supportable
6. Keyboard: PCB foil keyboard
7. Chassis: full-steel structure completely shielded which defends electromagnetic
radiation, interference and static electricity

1.5.5 F2600T Hardware Configuration

1. Monitor : No, but standard monitor with VGA interface supportable

2. Memory: 64M SDRAM
3. Program space available for user: 256M
4. System master frequency: 400MHz
5. USB:USB 1.1 front interface, at least 16GB U disk supportable
6. Keyboard: no, but standard keyboard with PS2 interface supportable
7. Chassis: full-steel structure completely shielded which defends electromagnetic
radiation, interference and static electricity

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 2 Starting up of System

2.1 Introduction of System Operation Board

Fig 2.1 F2100T system board

Fig 2.2 F2200T system board

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Fig 2.3 F2300T(A) system board

Fig 2.4 F2500T(A) system board

【F1】-【F8】 Function key in different interface

【S↑/PgUP】 page-up key of code interface or Torch up in other interface
【S↓/PgDn】 page-down key of code interface or Torch down in other interface
【F+/HOME】 Accelerate or skip to the head of code line
【F-/END】 Decelerate or skip to the tail of code line
【1】-【9】 During the cutting process, change the cutting speed to ratio of the
speed limit you have set, for example press【1】, change the cutting speed to 10% of

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

the speed limit you have set, press【2】, change the cutting speed to 20% of the speed
limit you have set

2.2 Power on Processing and Main Interface

When power just on, the system will first go into the interface of starting up:

Press F2 to run BIOS

Auto boot after: 3

Fig 2.5 System self-check interface

In the starting process, there is 3 seconds to countdown, before the countdown is

over, if pressing 【F2】, it will enter the BIOS (please take the reference of the chapter
12 to run bios). If pressing any other key, it will jump over the countdown and directly
enter the welcome interface. If pressing no key, it will countdown to 0 and then enter
the welcome interface shown as Fig 2.6.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Fig 2.6 welcome interface

In the welcome interface, press any key to enter the main interface automatically
shown as Fig2.7.

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

?Ignition s
?LowHeat s
?HighPreheat s
?Pierce1 s
?Pierce2 s
?Pierce3 s
?TorchUp s
?TorchDn s
?THC En ?Blow

CutSpeed ? X? 300.00 Kerf? N? 1.40

ManualSpd ? Y? 3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual ? F? StepMov
StepDis? G? 5.00 Flame Cu ? M?

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00

X: +000000.0
2: G92 Y: +000000.0
F1 ShapeLib F2 Files F3 PartOption F4 Setups F5 Diagnose F6 ZoomIn ManualMov F8 Zero

Fig 2.7 the main interface

Note: the system type “F2200T” shown in “FLSK F2200T” at the left and up
corner of above figure shows different contexts, the following is the same, it will

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

not be interpreted repeatedly. For example, it will show “FLSK F2100T” in the
system of F2100T.
In the main interface, press 【F1】-【F8】for the following functions:
 【F1】ShapeLib: Pressing F1 to enter the Shape Library including 45 common
shape, and most of them have plate size and hole size.
 【F2】Files: You can load local files, U disk files or edit, import, export and
delete codes.
 【F3】PartOption: Make actions of mirroring, rotation, plate adjusting, plate
arraying, selecting row and hole or code edition etc.
 【F4】Setups: Setting all parameters.
 【 F5 】 Diagnose: Including input ports diagnosis, output ports diagnosis,
keyboard diagnosis, system self check, date setting and system self defines.
 【F6】ZoomIn: Zoom in the shape in full screen.
 【F7】ManualMove: Manually move the machine.
 【F8】Zero: Clear the coordinate of X and Y before starting cut or after cutting
 【X】CutSpeed: Setting the cutting speed.
 【Y】ManualSpeed: Setting the manual moving speed.
 【Z】Kerf: Setting the kerfs’ compensate value.
 【F】Manual: Setting the mode of manual movement including keepMov(keep
movement), StepMov(step movement), ContiMov(continue movement). The
selected mode is black background.
 【G】StepDis: Setting the distance of the fixed-length.
 【N】Before the cut running starts, set kerf’s size
 【M】Selecting the cutting mode including Flame Cu(flame cutting), Plasma
Cu(plasma cutting), Demo run.
 【START】Begin to cut
 【SPACE】 Enter cutting interface

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

2.3 Function Index of Main Interface


F1 F3 F6 F7 F8
F2 F4 F5
ShapeLib Part Zoom In Manual Zero
Files Setups Diagnose
Option Move

F1 F1 F1
F1 Origin F1
F1 Input Point
Disk File select common
Film size Diagnose moving

F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2
Hole size U Disk Angle Flame Output continue
File Diagnose moving

F3 F3
F3 F3
Search step
Array Plasma
File moving

F4 F4 F4 F4
Edit File Scale Dusting Speed-Down

F5 F5
F5 Select F5 Keyboard F5
Del File line and System Diagnose Speed-Up

F6 F6
F6 F6
Import System
Copy to U Code edit
Parameters Self-check

F7 F7
F7 F7 F7
Preview Export
Revert Date time Recovery
Graph Parameters

F8 F8 F8 F8 F8
OK OK OK Save System

F1 F2 F8
F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
Parameter Parameter System
Definition Encryption Decryption Language Empty File
Recovery Backup Update







Fig 2.8 Function index of main interface

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 3 Cutting Function

In the main interface, press the 【SPACE】to enter the cutting interface, shown as

Current Line/Hole:
3 File:
Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
●Pierce3 s
●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】 300.00 Kerf【N】1.40

ManualSpd 【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 StepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

-X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 1 X:+000000.0
2:G92 2 Y:+000000.0
F3 F7
F1 ShapeLib F2 Files F4 Setups F5 Diagnose F6 ZoomIn F8 Zero
PartOption ManualMove

Fig 3.1 cutting function interface

①Shows the current workpiece's cutting path, including the slotted value.
②Shows the G-code being processed, shows the current and next line.
③Shows the current cutting speed, during processing, you can press the
keyboard's number keys 【1】 - 【9】 to achieve quick speed regulation. For example,
press the number【3】, the speed is automatically adjusted to 30%; press the number
【8】 the speed is automatically adjusted to 80%.
X shows the absolute coordinate of the torch in X direction.
Y shows the absolute coordinate of the torch in Y direction.
In the cutting interface:
 Press 【X】: Modify the current cutting speed.
 Press 【Y】: Modify the current speed manual shift car.
 Press 【F】: Change the current manual method.
 Press 【G】: Modify the current fixed-length fixed long-distance move.
 【START】(【F9】): Start cutting.
 【STOP】(【F10】): Parking, the system can suspend all ongoing actions.
 【F1】:The torch move back along the cutting path(I / O port closed)
 【F2】: The torch forward along the path (I / O port closed).

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 【F3】: Return to the starting point of cutting torch, i.e. the starting point of the
current work piece.
 【F4】: Decrease the cutting speed, each decrease of 1% click rate. Decrease the
rate of manual moving machine in manual mode.
 【F5】: Increase the cutting speed, each 1% increase in click rate. Increase the
rate of manual moving machine in manual mode.
 【F6】: Reduce the preheat time, skip the remaining preheat time, and the system
automatically records preheat time.
 【F7】: Increase the preheat time once 15 seconds.
 【F8】: When the system is suspended, for selecting perforation point; when the
system begins to move, for the dynamic amplification.
 Four direction keys (Up, down, left and right): When the gun through, manually
move the torch.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

3.1 Cutting Operation Index


F1 Back

F2 Demo

F3 GoBack/Frame

F4 Speeddown

F5 Speedup

F6 Preheat down

F7 Preheat up

F8 Jump to

Fig 3.2 Cutting operation index

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

3.2 Speed Regulation

3.2.1 Normal Speed Regulation

In automatic operation, or when the system is suspended, in the cutting interface

the system can regulate speed.
In the operation panel, press 【F5】【
/ PRE】【
/ HOME】, increasing 3% of current
rate with per click. Hold the 【F5】【
/ PRE】【
/ HOME】, then the rate will continuously
increase to the maximal cutting rate.
In the operation panel, press 【F4】【
/ NEXT】【
/ END】, decreasing 3% of current
rate with per click. Hold the 【F4】/【NEXT】/【END】, then the rate will be
continuously reduced to 0.5% of maximal cutting rate.

3.2.2 Quick Speed Regulation

In automatic operation, or when the system is suspended, in the cutting interface

the system can carry out quick speed regulation.
In the cutting interface, on the operation panel, press the number keys 【1】 -
【9】, the speed will quickly adjust to the corresponding percentage figures 10 times,
for example press 【3】, adjust to 30% of the speed limit you have set, press 【8】,
adjust to 80% of the speed limit you have set.

3.3 Forward

In the automatic function interface, press key【F1】,the machine start to move

without real cutting. The process does not include any ignition, perforation and any
other I/O working. The machine just moves the torch according to the graphic figure.
The function can be used to check the trail and code before you start the real
cutting process, or can also be used when the process needs through the gun. Press the
red “STOP” key to stop the null cutting process if you want.

3.4 Backward

During the running process, if you want to go backward according to the origin
trail to (maybe the iron board was not cut through), you can follow the following

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 First, press “STOP” key to set the machine at pause status.
 In the automatic function interface, press key【F3】(Back) to make the machine go
backward along with the original trail. When the torch reaches the position you
need, press “STOP” key to stop it. You may press key 【F2】 to go forward if the
machine just went back too much.
Notice: Go backward or forward function can be used repeatedly to make the
machine reach an ideal position.
 When the torch reaches the position you need, press “START” key again, if the
current cutting code is G01, G02 or G03, system will automatically perforate
before performing these procedures, and then continue the current program, if the
current row is not G01, G02 or G03, the system will directly continue the current
line program.

3.5 Edge Cutting / Offset Cutting / Return

When the torch is not on the actual path of the current work piece, it will prompt
as follows:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
[G]Cutting return ●Pierce2
[X]Offset cutting ●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
[Y]only return ●THC En
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】 300.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 StepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00
+Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F4 F6 F7 F8
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 Frame F5 Speedup
Speeddown Preheatdown Preheatup JumptoPierce

Fig. 3.3 edge perforation

There are two reasons led to this situation:

1) When the common parameter "edge perforation" selects "Yes" and if G-code of
the next processing line is M07, the system will be automatically suspended. At
this time, the torch can be manually moved to any edge of the plate, press the

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

"start" button, the system will prompt as above

2) When the processing is paused, due to mechanical failure or other reasons, it
needs to move the torch out of the actual path of the workpiece, the above prompt
will appear.
 If press【G】, the system cutting returns back to the paused point, continue to cut
it. This feature is particularly useful for thick steel plate, it can reduce the preheat
time and increase cutting efficiency. This function is the commonly-used edge
perforation function.
 If press 【X】, the system considers current point is the paused point, it will
continue cutting it. That is, the system offsets the cutting point. When the cutting
machine paused or a power outage, if the cutting tip or steel plate with the pan
has been offset, or the user would like to think that is offset cutting, you can press
this button.
 If press【Y】, The system only return to the paused point quickly, and then break
off. During the cutting process, if discovering cutting torch malfunction or other
issues, system needs to move the cutting tip out of cutting region to overhaul.
When return to breakpoint after the maintenance, this key can be pressed. Then
return to the paused point, press the【start】 button, the system automatically
continues to cutting.

3.6 Back to Reference Function

Pause in the processing, if press the 【F3】, then the system will prompt:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
Are you sure to return? ●Pierce3 s
●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
ENTER: sure ESC: cancel ●THC En
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

-X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 GoBack
Speeddown Speedup Preheatdown Preheatup JumptoPierce

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Fig. 3.4 return reference prompt

Press the Enter key, the system will automatically return to the starting point of
the work piece, and then the system automatically switches to processing the main
interface, and waits for further user action.

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
●Pierce3 s
●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 ContiMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00
+Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F3 F7
F1 ShapeLib F2 Files F4 Setups F5 Diagnose F6 ZoomIn F8 Zero
PartOption ManualMove

Fig. 3.5 main process interface

During the return process, the user can press the "Stop" button to stop the
operation, and can continue to return operation after pressing of 【F3】. Number of
back to reference and stop has no limit.

3.7 Oxygen Gas Preheat Time Regulation

 In the preheat process, press the START (F9) key to skip the process of preheat
and perforation delay, and immediately open the perforation signal then begin to
 In the preheat process, press the stop (F10) key to stop preheat, waiting for the F9
key is pressed again.
 In the preheat process, press the F6 key then the preheat time will be reduced to
the current preheat time spent, and skip the process of preheat and perforation
delay, and open the perforation signal then begin to cut..
For example: the original system sets the preheat time of 60 seconds, when
preheat needed, the interface will count down, under normal circumstances, till 0, the
system begins the next step of cutting, but if the system has the remaining 10 seconds

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

of countdown time, press 【F6】, then the system immediately stops preheat to begin
the next step of cutting, and records the preheat time of 50 seconds, the system
automatically thinks that users need preheat time of 50 seconds, the next preheat after
the null cutting when the preheat time becomes 50 seconds.
 In the preheat process, each press the F7 key, preheat time increases by 15
seconds and the preheat time maintains the increased value till incision ending of
this time.
For example: The original system sets the preheat time of 60 seconds after the
null cutting, during the system countdown, each press F7, on the interface the
countdown increases by 15 seconds, and the next time you need to preheat, the initial
preheat time be 75 seconds.

3.8 Perforation Point Selection

Before you start cutting or cutting is paused, the function key prompt F8 is
"select new pierce", then press F8, the system will prompt:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
Jump to new pierce? ●Pierce3 s
●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
ENTER: sure ESC: cancel ●THC En
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 StepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00
6: G01 X0 Y500.00
+Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
7:G01 X500.00 Y0 Y:+000000.0
F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 GoBack
Speeddown Speedup Preheatdown Preheatup JumptoPierce

Fig. 3.6 select new pierce

If you press ESC, the system will then return the cutting interface. If you press
ENTER, the system will again prompt:

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Pause 00000/00000

Input No. of pierces:

Press <- -> select No. of pierce 【X】 Xmirror
【Y】 Ymirror


CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 ContiMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00

Operate Mode:
-Y:0.00 X:+000090.20
PartOption Y:+000024.10
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig. 3.7 pierce prompt

Pierce point can be input manually at this time. You can also press ESC to exit
without manual input perforation point, and then press the left and right arrow keys to
select the perforation point.

3.9 Dynamic Amplification

After the start of cutting, the F8 in the cutting interface will become "dynamic
amplification", then press the F8 key, full-screen amplify the processing graphic , and
dynamically tracking.

F4 F5 F6 F7
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 GoBack F8 ZoomIn
Speeddown Speedup Preheatdown Preheatup

Fig 3.8 Function key of cutting interface

 Press the F8 key continuously, the system will progressively amplify graphic.
 Press ESC to exit the amplified display, back to the cutting interface.

3.10 Cutting Exit

When the cutting operation does not get finished, and the cutting machine also
being in the pause condition, if press 【Esc】, the system will query whether quit the
cutting operation. If pressing 【Enter】, the system will exit, and if pressing 【Esc】

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

the system will not exit, get into the automatically interface and go on with the cutting
operation at the current place.

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
Quit of cutting? ●Pierce3 s
●TorchUp s
ENTER: Quit ●TorchDn s
ESC: Continue cutting ●THC En
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 ContiMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.00

6: G01 X0 Y500.00
7:G01 X500.00 Y0 Y:+000048.70
F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 GoBack
Speeddown Speedup Preheatdown Preheatup JumptoPierce

Fig. 3.9 Quit of cutting

3.11 Frame

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
●Pierce3 s
●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00
+Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 Frame
Speeddown Speedup PreheatDown PreheatUp JumptoPierce

Fig. 3.10 Walk along frame

Before the beginning of the process, if press 【Space】the system will enter into
the interface of auto processing, at this time, 【F3】is the function of walking along
frame,after press 【F3】, system will walk against the clock along the virtual frame

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

as the figure 3.10 shows, the beginning point is the lower left corner. In the end of the
walking, the system will prompt “ Quit frame test? ENTER: Back, ESC: No Back”. At
this time, press【Enter】, the system will automatically back to the process’s beginning
point of parts. If press 【ESC】, the system will stop at current point.

3.12 Arc THC Instruction

3.12.1 Wiring Instruction

F2100T System links with location proximity switch, arcing signal of plasma
power and arc interface of partial pressure circuit board by 7 cores socket, links with
lifting motor (limiting switch) by 5 cores socket. Pins interpretation schematic shows
as follows:

Fig.3.11 Arc and location signal wiring schematic

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Fig.3.12 Interfaces of arc partial pressure circuit board schematic

Fig.3.13 Lifting body monitor and limit switch wiring

Interpret: specific system wiring interpretation with arc THC module, please
reference to the section of 11.4.4.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

3.12.2 Arc Setting and Actual Arc Displaying

In the main interface or auto interface, display the arc setting and actual arc. Auto
interface is shown as the figure 3.14.
FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:
Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

Setting Arc: 120.0 Actual Arc: 0.0

●Positon Check s
●Arc Delay s
●Arc Check s
●Arc Striking Punch s
●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
●Close THC
●Arc Feedback
●Location success
[0] Auto Turn High

CutSpeed 【X】3000.00 Kerf【N】0.00

ManualSpd 【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 StepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Plasma Cu 【M】

-X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F3 F4
F1 Backward F2 Forward BacktoRefer F5 SpeedUp F6 ArcDec F7 ArcAcc F8 JumpToPierce

Fig.3.14 Auto interface with arc THC setting

3.12.3 Location Check

 Locate with F2100T system: several settings needed to be done.

1. Location check signal outside inputs to location successful import.(the fifth pin of
2. When torch hasn’t touched with steel panel, in the system diagnosis(Chapter 8) ,
location successful feedback signal display “●”. When torch has touched with
the steel panel, location successful feedback signal display “●”.
3. In the figure.7.4, Location check time must be more than the time of which torch
drops down from the highest point to the steel panel.
4. In the figure.7.4, location ascend time should be the time of which torch ascends
from steel panel touch point to cut running height.
When the running status is in the stop and suspend mode, press【.】 into location
check status, torch descend down (the longest time of which is location check
time), when check for the location successful signal, torch ascend up(the time of

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

which is location up time), location check ends. Torch descend time exceed over
the location check time while the location successful signal hasn’t been checked
for, at this time, stop the torch descending and alarm to notify.

3.12.4 Set Arc / Adjust Arc While Running

Arc can also be set in the plasma parameter setting page.

In the auto interface with Plasma cutting status, press 【F6】 to reduce arc value,
press 【F7】to increase arc value, the stride of decreasing or increasing is the manual
adjusting stride of setting arc, it can be set in the plasma parameter interface.

3.12.5 Auto / Manual Turn High

In the plasma cutting status, press 【0】 to switch the two statuses of auto turning
high and manually turning high.
In the manual turning high status, press【PgUp】to ascend the torch (full speed)
and press 【PgDn】to descend the torch (full speed).
In the automatically turning high status, press【PgUp / PgDn】also to ascend or
descend the torch, when release【PgUp / PgDn】, it will enter into the automatically
turning high status. Until the ascending torch touch with upper limit and the
descending torch touch with lower limit, it will automatically stop.

3.12.6 Crash / Position Successful Signal Check

 In the non plasma cutting status, punch occurs to crash and crashing signal or
location successful signal is available, torch automatically ascending time is
location up time. Refer to location up time in the figure 7.4.
 In the plasma cutting status, punch occurs to crash and crashing signal or
location successful signal is available, it will automatically stop and the
torch will automatically ascend, the time of which is the torch ascend time.
Refer to torch ascend time in the figure 7.4.
 In the process of ascending, press【STOP】or torch up and down body touch
with the upper limit status, it will stop ascending.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 4 Part Option

Before starting cutting, you can use “F3 PartOption” in the main interface. Press F3
to enter part options menu:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

【Y】 Ymirror

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

Operate Mode:
PartOption Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.1 Part options

4.1 XY Mirror

In the interface of part option, the system will prompt:

【X】 Xmirror
【Y】 Ymirror

 Press X to mirror along the horizontal axis(X axis)

 Press Y to mirror along the vertical axis(Y axis)

4.2 Start Point Selection

After press 【F1】, System will prompt to select start point:

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

F1 Center
F2 L&B
F3 L&T
F4 R&B
F5 R&T

At this time, press 【F1】-【F5】, the starting point of cutting part automatically jump
to relevant location. For example, press 【F4】, part’s start point will automatically jump to
lower right corner. As the following figures show:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

【Y】 Ymirror

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

Operate Mode:
PartOption Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.2 Before press F4, start point is at original point

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

【Y】 Ymirror

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

Operate Mode:
PartOption Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.3 After press F4, start point is at lower right corner

4.3 Angle Adjustment

Press F2, the system will prompt:

F1- steel plate adjust

F2- enter angle

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 Press F1 to adjust steel plate

 Press F2 to enter angle directly
 Press ESC to exit angle adjusting

4.3.1 Steel Plate Adjustment

After entering steel plate adjustment menu, the system will prompt:

X-start Y-OK ESC-exit

Adjust X:+00000.00
Adjust Y:+00000.00
Angle +00000.00

Here, you can manually move the cutting tip to the edge of one side of steel plate or a
corner of the plate. When the cutting tip moved to a good position, press 【X】 key to set
the current point as the starting point of correction.
And then manually move along the cutting tip, as long as moving to the edges of the
side. After ensuring the two points far enough and two points at the same side of the plate
in the same line and press 【Y】. The system will automatically calculate the current offset
angle of plate, and then automatically rotate graphics.
FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole: FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:
Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000 Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror
【X】 Xmirror
【Y】 Ymirror
【Y】 Ymirror

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20 CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00 ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】 StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00

Operate Mode:
-Y:0.00 X:+000000.0 +X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
Operate Mode:
PartOption Y:+000000.0 PartOption Y:+000000.0
F1 F5 F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.4 Before adjusting Fig 4.5 After adjusting

After adjusting, the system will ask whether to return to the start point, if press
[ENTER], the system will back to the start point of the operation, if press [ESC], the
system will do nothing but go back to the graphic interface.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Pause 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

【Y】 Ymirror
Enter: Return back
ESC: Don’t move back

Angle: 10.048

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

2:G92 Y:+000009.4
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.6 Return to the start point after adjusting

4.3.2 Steel Plate Adjust Angle Memory Function

About steel plate adjust angle memory, please refer to the section of

4.3.3 Enter Angle

When the angle of the current work piece is known, you can enter the angle:

Please enter angle

min:-360 max:360
Angle: 0.00
>0 Rotate CCW on the base of current
<0 Rotate CW on the base of current
=0 Reset the current part to 0 degree

Enter angle

After manually enter the angle, press [ENTER] to make sure, the graphic will be
rotate with the corresponding angle. Positive angle means rotate in counterclockwise,
while negative means clockwise. Press [ESC] to exit angle adjusting.
Illustration: when enter angle 0, process graph will restore to the location of 0°, at
this time, the system will clear the angle of steel plate adjusting or manual entering. In the
general condition, the angle entered is not as the angle of steel plate adjusting. If the angle

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

entered here needs to be as the angle of steel plate adjusting, please refer to section

4.4 Array

In the part options menu, press [F3], the system will prompt as Fig 4.7, there are
three ways to arrange, arrange in matrix, staggered arrange, arrange in stack.

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror
F1: Straight 【Y】 Ymirror
F2: Stagger
F3: Nest

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00

Operate Mode:
-Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
PartOption Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.7 Chooses arrange method

Press [F1] to carry on arranging in matrix:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

Enter parameter(unit mm)

【X】 Xmirror

Rows 2 Cols 2 【Y】 Ymirror

RowSpc 500.00 ColSpc 500.00

F8: OK

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.8 Arrange in matrix

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

The result is shown in fig 4.9

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

【Y】 Ymirror

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.9 Result of arranging in matrix

Press [F2] to enter staggered arrangement:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror
Enter parameter(unit mm)
【Y】 Ymirror
Rows 2 Cols 2
RowSpc 500.00 ColSpc 500.00

F8: OK

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.10 Staggered arrange

The result is shown in figure 4.11:

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

【Y】 Ymirror

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.11 Result of staggered arrangement

Press [F3] to enter arrangement in stack:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

Enter parameter(unit mm)

【X】 Xmirror

rows 2 Cols 2 【Y】 Ymirror

RowSpc 500.00 ColSpc 500.00
RowNest 500.00 ColNest 500.00

F8: OK

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.12 Arrange in Nest

The result is shown in figure 4.13:

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

【Y】 Ymirror

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.13 Result of arrangement in nest

4.5 Zoom in/out

In the part options menu, press [F4] (zoom in/out), the system prompt as figure 4.14:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

Enter proportion 【Y】 Ymirror


CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

Operate Mode:
-X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
PartOption Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.14 Set scale

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

After entering the scale, press 【Enter】, then the system will automatically zoom in
or zoom out the graphic when the parameter is checked to be correct.

4.6 Select Row/Number

In part options menu, press【F5】to enter selecting row/number, the system will

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

【Y】 Ymirror
F1 Select line
F2 Select pierce

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00

Manual 【F】 keepMov

StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00
Operate Mode:
+Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
PartOption Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK
StartPoint SelLinePierce

Fig 4.15 Select Line/Pierce

4.6.1 Select Row

Press【F1】to select the number of row to start cutting with, the system prompts:

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror
Input no. of Rows:
Press <- -> select Rows 【Y】 Ymirror


CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00

Manual 【F】 keepMov

StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00
Operate Mode:
+Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
PartOption Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale SelLinePierce F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK

Fig 4.16 Prompt to select row

Here, you can directly enter the row number or press ENTER to enter the interface
and press ←or→ to select row.

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

【X】 Xmirror

【Y】 Ymirror

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00

Manual 【F】 keepMov

StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00
Operate Mode:
+Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
PartOption Y:+000000.0
F1 F5
F2 Angle F3 Array F4 Scale SelLinePierce
F6 EditFile F7 Revert F8 OK

Fig 4.17 Select row

After selecting row, press F8 to confirm.

4.6.2 Select Number

The operation is similar to the choosing row operation.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

4.6.3 Operation after Select Row/Number

After selecting row or number, press F8 continuously to exit to the main interface.
Press SPACE to enter the cutting interface, there are two kind of operation:
1.Move from current position to the new position and then cutting
 Press F1 in the cutting interface, the system will directly run to the position of the
selected row or number without cutting, then pause and wait for the next operation.

F4 F5 F6 F7
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 GoBack F8 ZoomIn
Speeddown Speedup Preheatdown Preheatup

Fig 4.18 Function key of cutting interface

 Press START in the cutting interface, the system will prompt:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Pause 00003/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
●Pierce3 s
[X] Offset cutting ●TorchUp s
[Y] Only return ●TorchDn s
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

7:G01 X500.00 Y0
-X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.00
8: G01 X0 Y-500.00 Y:+000048.70
F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 GoBack
Speeddown Speedup Preheatdown Preheatup JumptoPierce

Fig 4.19 Operation after selecting row/number

2.Cutting from the current position

After the prompt of Fig 4.19, press 【X】, then the system will start cutting from
current position. Press 【Y】, the system will also directly move to the selected row and
number, then pause and wait for the next operation.

4.7 Restore

If you want to cancel all of operations with graphics including mirror, rotation, adjust,
scale and array, press 【F7】 in the part options menu, the system automatically revert to

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

original state of the graphics.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 5 Manual Function

In the automatic interface, press 【F7】(Manual) to enter manual function interface,

shown as Fig 5.1:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
●Pierce3 s
●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 ContiMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

7:G01 X500.00 Y0
8: G01 X0 Y-500.00 Y:+000000.0
F2 F4 F7
F1 KeepMov F3 StepMove F5 Speedup
ContiMove Speeddown Recover

Fig 5.1 Manual function interface

The speed in the manual status is controlled by the manual moving parameters.
During the process of fixed moving function, you can adjust speed by acceleration or
deceleration key. In the manual interface, press numeric key, the cutting speed changes to
ratio which is 10 times of the corresponding figure of the speed limit you have set, for
example press 【3】, change the cutting speed to 30% of the speed limit you have set, press
【8】, change the cutting speed to 80% of the speed limit you have set.

5.1 Fixed Moving Function

When you enter into the manual interface, the default option is continuous moving
function. Press key 【F1】 to go for the fixed moving function. At this moment, the system
will move toward the specified direction if any directory key is pressed, and when the
directory key is released, the system will stop.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

5.2 Continuous Moving Function

When in the manual interface, press F2 to enter the continuous-moving function

interface. At this moment, the system will move toward the specified direction if any
directory key is pressed and then released, and when the directory key or stop key is
pressed the system will stop.

5.3 Fixed-length Moving Function

In the manual interface, press F3 to enter the interface of fixed-length moving,. The
system prompts to input the fixed length:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
●Pierce3 s
Input the step distance ●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
5.00 ●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 StepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

7:G01 X500.00 Y0
8: G01 X0 Y-500.00 Y:+000000.0
F2 F3 F4 F7
F1 KeepMov F5 Speedup
ContiMove StepMove Speeddown Recover

Fig 5.2 Input the fixed length

After inputting the fixed length, press ENTER. Press any direction key and then
release, the system will move the fixed length toward the direction, in the process of
moving, when any direction key or stop key is pressed, the system will stop moving.

5.4 Breakpoint Recovery

To guarantee that the breakpoint could work correctly, you need to satisfy the
following conditions:
1) When the system is paused, the system will automatically regard the paused point as
the current breakpoint and remember it.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

2) In the process of incising, when power is off, the system will regard the power-off
point as the breakpoint and remember it.
When you need to process after the breakpoint, after the system powers on, don’t
move the torch, press F7 in the main interface to enter the manual function interface, then
press F7 to recover the breakpoint. After recovering it, if the torch hadn’t been moved and
is on the position when the power is off, press START keyboard, the system will process
After the breakpoint is recovered, if the position is off from the original one, you
could move the torch to the original point manually, or realizing it through choosing rows
or numbers. (Please refer to chapter 4.6 Row and number Selection). The method is:
choose stopping incising, move the torch to the original point manually, choose the nearest
row through choosing the row selection(or number selection), press “START”, then the
system will show in Fig 5.3:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Pause 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
[G]Cutting return ●Pierce3 s
[X]Offset cutting ●TorchUp
[Y]only return ●THC En
●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 StepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00 +Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0

7:G01 X500.00 Y0
8: G01 X0 Y-500.00 Y:+000000.0
F4 F6 F7 F8
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 GoBack F5 Speedup
Speeddown Preheatdown Preheatup JumptoPierce

Fig 5.3 Restore breakpoint

 Press G, the system will start incising from point which is after moving, and after
returning to the position before the torch moves, it will process according to the
normal curve.
 Press X, regarding the position after moving as the position before moving, and then
 Press Y, move from the position after moving to the position before moving, then wait
for the next operation.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 6 File Operation

The system supports cutting code which has txt and CNC postfix. And the maximum
capacity is 1M, the largest number of rows is 10000 lines. You can edit, compile, delete,
export internal document, also you can import the file in the U disk into system.
In the main interface, press key【F2】(code) to enter local machine code interface,
shown as follows:

Work folder:/flash

0-/flash 1-DIR1 2-DIR2 3-DIR3 4-DIR4

5-DIR5 6-DIR6 7-DIR7 8-DIR8 9-DIR9

F4 F7
F1 DiskFile F2 UDisk F3 Search F5 DelFile F6 CopyToU F8 OK
EditFile Preview

Fig 6.1 code interface

6.1 Files in the Hard Disk

In the file manage interface, press F1 to enter the hardware file list, as shown in Fig
6.1 the system only lists the folder, TXT file and CNC file.
 Press F4, if the current position of the cursor is txt file or cnc file, you could edit them.
Please refer to chapter 6.5 on how to edit files.
 Press F5, if the current position of the cursor is txt file or cnc file, you could delete

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 Press F6, if the current position of the cursor is txt file or cnc file, you could copy the
current file to the flash disk when it is connected to the USB interface.
 Press F7, if the current position of the cursor is txt file or cnc file, you could preview
the current graphic.

6: SHAPELIB/UsedPart.abs
7: SHAPELIB/UsedNoKf.abs

F4 F7
F1 DiskFile F2 UDisk F3 Search F5 DelFile F6 CopyToU F8 OK
EditFile Preview

Fig 6.2 Graphic preview

 Press F8, if the current position of the cursor is txt file or cnc file, you could import
the current file to the system, after importing, the system will return to the main

6.2 Files in the U Disk

In the code interface, press key【F2】to go for U Disk interface.

In the U Disk interface, choose the corresponding cutting code, press 【F6】, the
system will save this code into the internal documents.
Note: When you open a file on U disk , you must save it as the local machine code
before you start cutting. When saved the U disk documents, file name automatically
memory, shown as Fig 6.3:

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

6: SHAPELIB/UsedPart.abs
7: SHAPELIB/UsedNoKf.abs


F4 F6 F7
F1 DiskFile F2 UDisk F3 Search F5 DelFile F8 OK
EditFile CopyToDisk Preview

Fig 6.3 save U disk files

When input file name, if you do not want to change the file name, you can be
directly press 【Enter】 to preserved; or modify the file name and then press 【Enter】
to save. If the same named file has already exited, the system prompts:

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

6: SHAPELIB/UsedPart.abs
7: SHAPELIB/UsedNoKf.abs

file exist, confirm to cover?

Enter: confirm / ESC: cancel

F4 F6 F7
F1 DiskFile F2 UDisk F3 Search F5 DelFile F8 OK
EditFile CopyToDisk Preview

Fig 6.4 Replacement documents

If you want to replace the internal documents, press 【Enter】 key, if you want to
change the file name, press 【Esc】, change the file name and then save.

6.3 Search File

In the file manage interface, press key【F3】to search a file. You can input all or part
of the file name, then press 【Enter】, and the system will list all the files that include the
input word or file name.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

6: SHAPELIB/UsedPart.abs
7: SHAPELIB/UsedNoKf.abs

Input searched string

Work folder:/flash

0-/flash 1-DIR1 2-DIR2 3-DIR3 4-DIR4

5-DIR5 6-DIR6 7-DIR7 8-DIR8 9-DIR9

F4 F7
F1 DiskFile F2 UDisk F3 Search F5 DelFile F8 OK
EditFile Preview

Fig 6.5 search file

6.4 Edit Code

In the local machine code interface, move the cursor to the file that you want to edit,
then press 【F4】to enter the edit interface.
When enter the characters, some keys are reuse keys. Press these keys directly, enter
the characters under the button. If first press 【Shift】 key, release the 【Shift】 key and
then press Shift Multiplexing button, then enter characters on the button. Or press both
【Shift】 and reuse keys, then enter characters on the button.
When editing the code, press 【F2】 can insert a new line after the current line, and
press 【F3】 to delete the current line. Press 【F + Home】 key, the cursor automatically
moved to the first character of the current editing line, press the 【F-End】, the cursor
automatically moved to last character of the current line.
Each edit line supports 128 characters maximum.
When you open a file on U disk or new a code file, you must save it as the local
machine code before you start cutting. Otherwise, you cannot make use of the breakpoint
recovery function or power off protection function.
After edit the code , press 【F8】to save the code.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

6.5 New File

In the editing code interface (refer to 6.4 edit code ), you can press key【F4】to create
an new file to input your own code.

6.6 Compile Code

After create a new code or edit the code, if you want to know the code is valid or not ,
in the edit interface, press 【F1】,you can compile code to check whether the code is

6.7 Folder Manager

6.7.1 Select Work Folder

The system supports 10 folders, as the figure 6.1 shows.

Work folder : current work folder’s name.
0-/flash 1-DIR1 2-DIR2 3-DIR3 4-DIR4 5-DIR5 6-DIR6 7-DIR7 8-DIR8 9-DIR9
These 10 symbols interpret 10 folders’ names. The number in the first stands for the
short key, press the corresponding number, switch current work folder into corresponding
folder. For example, press【1】, it will show as the figure 6.6.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

6: SHAPELIB/UsedPart.abs
7: SHAPELIB/UsedNoKf.abs

Work folder:/flash/DIR1

0-/flash 1-DIR1 2-DIR2 3-DIR3 4-DIR4

5-DIR5 6-DIR6 7-DIR7 8-DIR8 9-DIR9

F4 F7
F1 DiskFile F2 UDisk F3 Search F5 DelFile F6 CopyToU F8 OK
EditFile Preview

Fig 6.6 Folder 1

The current folder will switch into /flash/DIR1 and then all supported G code files
under the current folder will be shown.

6.7.2 New Folder

It will be complex to new a folder. It needs to first enter into the edit file interface,
then new a folder.
In the file of own system, move the cursor to G code file name, as the figure 6.7

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual


Work folder:/flash

0-/flash 1-DIR1 2-DIR2 3-DIR3 4-DIR4

5-DIR5 6-DIR6 7-DIR7 8-DIR8 9-DIR9

F4 F7
F1 DiskFile F2 UDisk F3 Search F5 DelFile F6 CopyToU F8 OK
EditFile Preview

Fig 6.7 cursor moves to G code file name

Then press【F4】-- edit file, the function keys under the edit file show as figure 6.8.
F1Compile F2AddRow F3Del Row F4NewFile F5NewFolder F8Save

Fig 6.8 Edit file interface

At this time, press【F5】, input the folder’s name in the prompting frame and then

Pls input folder name:

Illustration: the system supports only 10 folders, after more than 10 folders, the new
folder will replace the second folder, successively the third folder, the forth file and so on.
The first folder /flash is reserve folder, this folder can neither be replaced nor be modified.

6.8 Clear File

Refer to the explanation about clear files in the section of 8.7.8.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 7 Parameter Setting

In the main interface, you can get the parameter interface by pressing key【F4】
(Setups). The parameter function interface is showed in Fig 7.1

Max cutting speed 1000.000 mmpm

Manual move speed 3000.000 mmpm
G00 move Speed 1000.000 mmpm
Demo/back speed 2000.000 mmpm
Dust speed 1000.000 mmpm
Kerf value 1.000 mm
Corner speed(1-100) 100.000 % mmpm
Cutting type Flame <->
Demo Run Speed 1000.000 mmpm

F1 Common F2 Flame F3 Plasma F4 Powder F5 System F6 Import F7 Export F8 Save

Fig7.1 Parameter Interface

You can set five kinds of parameter in the parameter interface:

1) Common parameters: cutting speed, manual move speed, G00 move speed, the size of
kerf gap, corner speed, cutting type, edge cut enable, hold preheat.
2) Flame parameters: all the parameters used in oxygen gas cutting
3) Plasma parameters: all the parameters used in plasma cutting
4) Maring parameters: ignition, perforation cycle parameters, dry dusting offset
5) System parameters: you can set system pulses, maximum speed limit, motor
parameters and soft limit parameters.

7.1 Common Parameters

It is the favorite’s parameters in Fig7.1.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 Cutting Speed: the maximum cutting speed, unit is mm/m.

 Manual Move Speed: the moving speed of cutting torch in manual, unit is mm/m.
 G00 Move Speed: the cutting torch speed when G00 is executed or the cutting torch
go back to the reference or some other occasion, unit is mm/m.
 Kerf: According to the cutting gap width, users set Kerf Gap compensation(the value
should be half of the cutting gap ) to ensure the dimensional precision, the system will
generate a new path automatically to make compensation to work piece. Before
cutting a work piece, you can modify kerf gap value, once begin to cut, you are not
permitted to modify the value.
 Corner speed: Plate thickness affect the cutting tip’s ac/dc rate when it moving. The
angle between the end of a cut-point line’s tangential direction and the direction of the
tangent line of the beginning of next cutting point, and the thickness of plate
determines cutting tip speed at the transition.
If the normal cutting speed is V, angle is α, the proportion of corner speed is h, then
cutting tip speed in at the time of intersection is Vx.
Vx  V
Notice: The unit is %mmpm. The max thickness of plate is 100, if more than 100mm
also are considered to be 100.
 Cutting Type: There are two cutting types : Oxygen fuel gas and Plasma parameters.
You can press 【←】or 【→】to switch with them.

7.2 Flame Parameters

The oxygen fuel parameters, in Fig 7.2, control time delay in IO operation, and
whether use high adjustment.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Ignition time 0.00 s

Low preheat time 10.00 s
High preheat time 0.00 s
Pierce 1 time 0.00 s
Pierce 2 time 0.00 s
Pierce 3 time 0.10 s
Blow time 0.00 s
Torch up time 0.00 s
Torch down time 0.00 s
Pierce up time 0.00 s
Pierce down time 0.00 s
THC enable No <->
Hold preheat Yes <->
Edge cutting enable No <->

F1 Common F2 Flame F3 Plasma F4 Power F5 System F6 Import F7 Export F8 Save

Fig 7.2 Flame Parameters

 Ignition Time: the time delay of opening ignition I/O.

 Low Preheat Time: The preheating time before perforating the steel plate. Enter any
positive number ,unit is s. During the low pressure preheating process, you can
prolong the preheating time by pressing “stop” key, then the preheating time will
delay until you press the “start” key to start to high pressure preheat delay.
 High Preheat Time: Like Low Preheat Time except open different IO.
 Pierce 1 time: Perforation time with low pressure fuel gas. Enter any positive
number ,unit is s.
 Pierce 2 time: Perforation time with middle pressure fuel gas. Enter any positive
number ,unit is s.
 Pierce 3 time: Perforation time with high pressure fuel gas. Enter any positive
number ,unit is s.
 Exhaust Time: The delay of turned off oxygen gas to open the exhaust. Enter any
positive number ,unit is s.
 Torch Up Time: When oxygen gas is turned off, the time for the torch to lift up. Enter
any positive number ,unit is s.
 Torch Down Time: When oxygen gas is turned off , the time for the torch to put
down. Enter any positive number ,unit is s.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 Pierce Up Time: Time for the torch to lift up during perforating. The difference
between Torch Up Time and Pierce Up Time is that: Torch Up Time means the time
that the torch needs to lift up when it needs to move to another place after the current
cutting is over; while the Pierce Up Time means the time that the torch needs to lift
up after preheating in the fixed cycle of perforation.
 Pierce Down Time: Time for the torch to put down in the perforation. The difference
between Torch Down Time and Pierce Down Time is that: Torch Down Time
means the time that the torch needs to put down before preheating; while the Pierce
Down Time means the time that the torch needs to put down after finishing Torch Up
Time and opening cutting oxygen in the fixed cycle of perforation.
 THC Enable: According to the user device configuration, choose whether or not to
use high adjustment box.
 Hold Preheat:If this parameter is set as “yes”, in the process of cutting, before
complete cutting (before M02 code has occurred), Low Heat IO port is on the open
status all the time. If set the parameter as “no”, in the process of cutting, M08 or M02
code has occurred, it will close Low Heat IO port.
 Edge Cutting Enable:press 【←】 or 【→】 to use or not use edge cutting. When
use edge cutting, the cutting system will automatically stop whenever M07 code has
occurred. When it stops, user can manual operate to move the torch to the edge of
steel panel, then press start button, the system will notify:

FLSK F2200T Speed: File: Status: Current Line/Hole:

Version 00000 SHAPE_43.TXT Stop 00000/00000

●Ignition s
●LowHeat s
●HighPreheat s
●Pierce1 s
●Pierce2 s
●Pierce3 s
[G]Cutting return ●TorchUp s
●TorchDn s
[X]Offset cutting ●THC En
[Y]only return ●Blow s

CutSpeed 【X】1000.00 Kerf【N】1.20

ManualSpeed【Y】3000.00 Angle 0.00
Manual 【F】 keepMov
StepDis【G】 5.00 Flame Cu 【M】

+X:500.00 -X:0.00
+Y:500.00 -Y:0.00 X:+000000.0
2:G92 Y:+000000.0
F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
F1 Back F2 Demo F3 Frame
Speeddown Speedup PreheatDown PreheatUp JumptoPierce

Fig.7.3 Edge cutting

When press 【G】, after the system ignites to punch hole and continues to cut to the

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

suspend point, it will continue to cut. This should be the function of edge cutting hole.

This function will be especially useful when cut the thick steel plate. Thick steel plate is

hard to be punched holes and the punched hole will be also larger. If directly punch hole in the

cutting path, it will maybe affect the final production quality. Using edge cutting can may

accelerate the efficiency of punch holes, save cutting time and improve production quality.

Of course, don’t use edge cutting, punch hole with lead-in is also a more effective method.

7.3 Plasma Parameters

As shown in the figure 7.4, these are Plasma Parameters, which are related with the
precision of transmission shaft of the machine.

DelayBeforeArc 0.00 s
Pierce time 0.00 s
Torch up time 2.00 s
Arcing check time 15.00 s
Position check time 0.00 s
Position up time 0.00 s
Speed to lock THC 95.00 mmpm %
Distance to lock THC 5.00 mm
Lose arc delay 0.00 s

Watch arc enable No <->

F1 Common F2 Flame F3 Plasma F4 Powder F5 System F6 Import F7 Export F8 Save

Fig 7.4 plasma parameters

 Arc time:Before the arc starting, the system time to wait. At this point, all output I /O
are turned off. Enter any positive number, unit is s.
 Pierce time: Perforation time. Enter any positive number, unit is s.
 Torch Up Time: When arc press is turned off, the time for the torch to lift up. Enter
any positive number, unit is s.
 Arcing Check Time: Enter any positive number, unit is s. If not detected any
feedback signal of success arc starting within the detection time, the system prompts
an error message and terminates the current work of cutting, according memory
breakpoints to withdraw from the program.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 Position check Time: Enter any positive number, unit is s. Delay time of the success
of position check.
 Position up Time: Enter any positive number, unit is s. Before positioning check, the
time for the torch to lift up.
 Close arc: In setting the rate of X%, open the output port, close the arc press signal,
to prevent the steel melting under low-speed cutting tip due to temperature is too high.
 Distance to close arc: in the minimum distance of the cutting line of the initial
segment or end segment, close the arc voltage increases.
 Lose arc delay: detect the delay time of the feedback of the broken arc, if there’s
still no arc voltage input, the situation is considered to be broken arc. This parameter
can effectively avoid the arc broken alert because of the sensitivity of the broken arc
detection in the cutting methods with lead, this guarantees the continuousness of the
cutting and avoid the interrupt of frequent alert.
 Time to Lock THC before M08: broken arc check delay is independent of auto
turning high, it’s normally default value. Unit: s.
 Watch arc enable: whether real-time detection of arc voltage signal in cutting
process or not.
If setting "yes", in the cutting process, the system detects he real-time arc voltage
feedback signal. If do not detect the signal, the system will stop the current work-piece
cutting and transmit alarm signal.
If installing a "No", then in the cutting process does not detect arc voltage feedback
 Set Arc:set the arc while cutting, the range of value is 50.00-300.00。Unit: V
 Arc Protection Value: When actual arc value ≥ (arc value setting + protection
value over arc), the system will give an alarm of breaking arc and stop cutting, the
range of the value is 5.00-100.00. Unit: V。
Notice: actual arc value is less than 30 V, system will also give the alarm of breaking

arc. This 30 V is fixed value and not modified.

 THC Sensitivity: This is sensitivity reflected by THC motor. It turns larger, reflection
of THC motor turns more sensitive, but could not exceed the range,otherwise in the
process of motor turning high, it occurs wave phenomenon, it is normally set as
30-50,the range of which is 0.00-100.00。Unit: %. In the actual using, according to
the cutting speed and inertia of lifting, it will stop adjusting motor until the motor can
not shake and reach the level of turning high quickly.
 Set Arc Manual Adjustment of Step: press F6 and F7 in auto interface, reduce or

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

increase the stride of setting arc, the range of value is 0.10-10.00. Unit: V。
 Fast Location Time:This is the time of full speed decline in the step of location
check decline, the range of which is more than or equal to 0.00, Unit: s.
Notice: Fast position time cannot be more than position check time.

7.4 Powder Parameters

As the figure 7.5 shows, it is powder parameters of system about the powder paint

Marker Ignition Time 0.00 s

Marker Preheat Time 0.00 s
Mix powder Open Time 0.00 s
Mix powder Close Time 0.00 s
Marker Up Time 0.00 s
Marker Down Time 0.00 s
Marker Horizontal Offset 0.000 mm
Marker Vertical Offset 0.000 mm

F1 Common F2 Flame F3 Plasma F4 Powder F5 System F6 Import F7 Export F8 Save

Fig 7.5 powder parameters

 Marker Ignition Time:input ≥0 arbitrary value, unit: s.

 Marker Preheat Time:input ≥0 arbitrary value, unit: s.
 Mix powder Open/Close Time:Delay time of scatter powder mouth relative to spurt
powder mouth open/close, input ≥0 arbitrary value, unit: s.
 Marker Up Time:The time of powder torch going up. unit: s.
 Marker Down Time:The time of powder torch going down. unit: s.
 Marker Horizontal Offset:Horizontal offset of powder gun relative to cutting torch.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Unit: mm.
 Marker Vertical Offset:Vertical offset of powder gun relative to cutting torch. Unit:

7.5 System Parameters

The system parameters, as shown in Fig 7.6, are related with the precision of driver
shaft of the cutting machine, coordinate axis, increase/decrease of rate and little arc
processing limited parameter.

Fig 7.6 System Parameters

 Horizontal Axis Pulse: The number of pulse that system needs to generate when the
machine move1mm towards X axis, maintaining 3 digits at most after decimal point.
 Vertical Axis Pulse: The number of pulse that system needs to generate when the
machine move 1mm towards Y axis , maintaining 3 digits at most after decimal point.
 Max Cutting Speed: the maximum cutting speed, unit is mm./m.
 Max G00 speed: the allowable maximum speed when cutting tips idling.
 Small Arc Limit: Maximum speed at cutting a small arc.
Small arc definition:
0 mmpm< cutting speed <2000mmpm small arc=5mm

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

2000 mmpm< cutting speed <4000mmpm small arc =10mm

4000 mmpm< cutting speed <6000mmpm small arc =15mm
6000 mmpm< cutting speed <8000mmpm small arc =20mm
8000 mmpm< cutting speed <10000mmpm small arc =25mm
10000mmpm< cutting speed <12000mmpm small arc =30mm
12000mmpm< cutting speed <15000mmpm small arc =35mm
 Flame adjusts time: the whole time for the system accelerates from its start speed to
the expected cutting speed.
 Plasma adjust time: when plasma cutting , from the time the motor starts to the time
when the motor is up to the cutting speed.
 Emergency STOP Time: When encounter Emergency Stop input, the time for
dropped from the current speed to zero.
 Start Speed: the system’s speed when it began to start. Generally do not have to start
from 0 , motor will allow a start speed.
 Max Coordinate: The maximum positive coordinate which the machine can reach
horizontally. Its unit is mm (millimeter). If current coordinate exceeds the value, the
system will stop running.
 Min Coordinate: The minimum negative coordinate which the machine can reach
horizontally. Its unit is mm (millimeter). If current coordinate is less than the value,
the system will stop running

7.6 Parameter Import

In the parameter configuration interface, press F6 to import the parameters. The

parameters should satisfy two conditions:
1. The parameters exported from the incising machine control system( refer to 7.7
Parameter Export) should satisfy the specified format. The file format is F2300.DAT
2. The file should be stored under the root folder of flash disk which is connected to
the USB interface.
When the above condition is satisfied, in the Fig 7.7, press Enter to confirm, and then
you could import the backup parameters to the system.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Horizontal Axis Pulse 125.000 n/mm

Vertical Axis Pulse 125.000 n/mm
Max cutting speed 2000.000 mmpm
Max G00 speed 6000.000 mmpm
Max Manual speed 3000.000 mmpm
Small arc limit 500.000 mmpm
Parameter? 0.00 mm
Flame adjust time 0.40 s
Plasma adjust time
Parameter file is F2300D.DAT 0.30 s
Emergency stop time 0.08 s
Start speed 250.000 mm
Max +X 100000.000 mm
Max +Y 100000.000 mm
Min -X -100000.000 mm
Min -Y -100000.000 mm

F1 Common F2 Flame F3 Plasma F4 Powder F5 System F6 Import F7 Export F8 Save

Fig.7.7 Parameter import

7.7 Parameter Export

After the parameter configuration is over, press F7 in the parameter configuration

interface to export the parameters, you should connect the flash disk to the USB interface
before exporting.
In the interface shown in Figure 7.8, after pressing Enter, the parameters will
automatically be saved in the root folder of flash disk, the file name is F2300.DAT

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Horizontal Axis Pulse 125.000 n/mm

Vertical Axis Pulse 125.000 n/mm
Max cutting speed 2000.000 mmpm
Max G00 speed 6000.000 mmpm
Max Manual speed 3000.000 mmpm
Small arc limit 500.000 mmpm
Parameter? 0.00 mm
Flame adjust time 0.40 s
Plasma adjust time 0.30 s
Emergency stop time 0.08 s
Start speed 250.000 mm
Max +X 100000.000 mm
Max +Y 100000.000 mm
Min -X -100000.000 mm
Min -Y -100000.000 mm

F1 Common F2 Flame F3 Plasma F4 Powder F5 System F6 Import F7 Export F8 Save

Fig.7.8 Parameter export

7.8 Save Parameters

After parameter modification, press 【F8】 to save, shown in Figure 7.9.

Parameter saved successfully

F1 Common F2 Flame F3 Plasma F4 Powder F5 System F6 Import F7 Export F8 Save

Fig.7.9 System Parameters

Note:when any parameter has been modified,you must take preservation operation
to keep modification valid, or the system will take the original parameters.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 8 Diagnosis Function


forward limit Move up input

back limit Move down input
right limit Move left input
left limit Move right input
emergency stop Acceleration input
arcing feedback Deacceleration input
Position detect Torch up input
Plasma Collision Torch down input

F1 Input F2 Output F5KeyBrd F6SelfCheck F7DateTime F8SystemDef

Fig 8.1 Diagnostic interface

You can be diagnosing the I/O and keyboard in the interface.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

8.1 Diagnosis Interface Index

System Diagnosis

Input Diagnosis

Output Diagnosis


System SelfCheck

Date Time


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
ParaRecover ParaBackup Define Encrypt UnEncry Language ClearFile Update

Fig 8.2 Diagnosis interface index

8.2 Input Diagnosis

The system will read current IO information when press 【F1】(Refresh) to refresh the
interface, and display all IO’s status. “On” means the input is effective, and “Off” means
the input is ineffective.

8.3 Output Diagnosis

In diagnosis interface ,press 【F2】to enter output diagnosis interface,shown as Fig


F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual


Ignition Blow
Low preheat THC enable
High preheat Position detect
Low Oxygen Arc starting
Medium Oxygen HoldTorch
High Oxygen Marker Output
Torch up Mix powder
Torch down Dust preheat

F1 Input F2 Output F3 OpenOut F4 CloseOut F5KeyBrd F6SelfCheck F7DateTimeF8SystemDef

Fig 8.3 Output diagnosis

Press【↑】,【↓】,【←】,【→】, you can move the cursor to the corresponding output port,
press 【 F3 】 to open the corresponding output port, press 【 F4 】 to close the
corresponding output. ● represents the valid output, ○ represents the invalid output.

8.4 Keyboard Diagnosis

In the diagnostic interface, a key value will be displayed behind “KEY:”, whenever
the key is pressed.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Key Code:


F1 Input F2 Output F5KeyBrd F6SelfCheck F7DateTime F8SystemDef

Fig 8.4 Keyboard Diagnosis

8.5 System Self-check

In the system diagnosis interface, press F6 to enter the system self-check interface.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

1. backup parameter first all

2. lose breakpoint
3. restart after selfcheck
Are you sure?

F1 Input F2 Output F5KeyBrd F6SelfCheck F7DateTime F8SystemDef

Fig 8.5 System self-check

If the self-check is OK, the system will show:

Self check pass

Fig 8.6 Self-check pass

If the self-test is down, there will be the following alarm type:

 DSP Dual ram is error
 ARM Dual RAM is error
When coming across these situations, please power off, reboot after about half
minutes. If the situation happened on the machine which has been working for long time,
please open the chassis and clean up the dust.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

8.6 Date and Time

Press F7 in the system diagnosis interface to set the date and time

Fig 8.7 System time

Move the cursor to the corresponding date, time or week, press 【↑】或【↓】to adjust
the time.

8.7 System Definition

In the system diagnosis interface, press F8 to enter the system custom definition
interface, in the interface, you could set the input IO, output IO or system coordinate, also
reset or backup the parameters and one key switch between English or Chinese.

8.7.1 Parameter Backup and Restore

Parameter Backup: The process of parameter backup is, in the main interface press
F5(System Diagnosis), F8( System Definition), F2(Parameter Backup). The system will
need code, after inputting the code “1396”, press Enter, the system will import the default
parameters. In the following process, if the parameters is modified or some of them is

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

broken, reset the parameters.

Warning: after installing and debugging the complete equipment, equipment
manufacturer please backup the parameters.
Parameter Reset: The process of reset the parameters is, press F5(System Diagnosis)
in the main interface, F8(System Definition), F1(Parameter Reset).
Warning: After resetting successfully, please restart the system.

8.7.2 Input Definition

The controller could change the IO definition, including changing the order of IO
number, the type of IO( normally open or closed) according to the user’s need. In the
system custom definition interface, press 【F3】 to enter the definition interface, press
【F1】 to enter the input definition interface. As shown in fig 8.8.

definition of input

Port Type Port Type

forward limit 02 Move up input 09
back limit 15 Move down input 10
left limit 14 Move left input 07
right limit 01 Move right input 08
emergency stop 03 Acceleration input 16
arcing feedback 04 Deacceleration input 17
Position detect 05 Torch up input 18
Plasma Collision 06 Torch down input 19

Port- press PgUp/PgDn Type-press Enter

F1 Input F2 Output F3 Axes F4 Motor F5 Option F8 Save

Fig 8.8 input definition

In the interface press 【↑】、

【→】, move the cursor to the position that
needs changing, press 【PageUp】或【PageDown】to change the number of the Input, press
【Enter】to change the type of the input.
If the external type of input is normally closed, please set the IO type to ●, if the
type is normally open, please set the IO type to ●.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

8.7.3 Output Definition

The controller could change the IO definition, including changing the order of IO
number, the type of IO( normally open or closed) according to the user’s need. In the
system custom definition interface, press F3 to enter the definition interface, press F1 to
enter the input definition interface. As shown in fig 8.9.

definition of output

Port Type Port Type

Ignition 01 Blow 01
Low preheat 01 THC enable 01
High preheat 01 Position detect 01
Low Oxygen 01 arc starting 01
Medium Oxygen 01 HoldTorch 01
High Oxygen 01 Marker Output 01
Torch up 01 Mix powder 01
Torch down 01 dust preheat 01

Port- press PgUp/PgDn Type-press Enter

F1 Input F2 Output F3 Axes F4 Motor F5 Option F8 Save

Fig 8.9 output definition

In the interface press 【↑】、

【→】, move the cursor to the position that
needs changing, press 【PageUp】或【PageDown】to change the number of the Output,
press 【Enter】to change the type of the Output.
The output type is open drain transistor output type.
Type ● means that if the output signal is effective, the transistor is on. Type ●
means that is the output signal is effective, the transistor is off.

8.7.4 Coordinate Definition

The system could provide IO definition for the user. As shown in Fig 8.10

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

press Enter to change coordinate


-X ← → +X


F1 Input F2 Output F3 Axes F4 Motor F5 Option F8 Save

Fig 8.10 Coordinate Definition

In the interface, press Enter repeatedly to change among 8 type of coordinates. Press
F8 to save.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

8.7.5 Motor

Horizontal direction CW ▌
Vertical direction CCW
XY exchange No

Press Enter to change.

F1 Input F2 Output F3 Axes F4 Motor F5 Option F8 Save

Fig 8.11 Motor direction

Press up or down key, move the cursor ▌to the axes of which needs to change motor
rotation direction, then press 【Enter】, the motor direction can switch between positive
and reversal.
XY exchange: if this function is “YES”, output pulse of X axis and Y axis exchange
each other, in other words, horizontal axis and vertical axis exchange each other.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

8.7.6 Option Remote Controller

Remote Controller Type ▌ No <>

Corridate Type: Relative
IJ coordinate type Relative
Default unit Metric
Fitting short line No
Steel angle remember No
F forbidden No
Save input angle as steel angle No

Press ←→ to change
Restart after change default unit

F1 Input F2 Output F3 Axes F4 Motor F5 Option F8 Save

Fig 8.12 Option

Press left or right key in this interface, remote controller’s type can be set arbitrarily
one of the three types which are NO, P2P, 8421.
 NO type: no input of remote controller.
 P2P type: reference the section 11.1.2 Remote input.
 8421 type: reference the section 11.1.2 Remote input. Default Coordinate

As the figure 8.12 shows, the default coordinate can be set default relative coordinate
or default absolute coordinate. The arc IJ coordinate can also set relative coordinate or
absolute coordinate. Default IJ Coordinate

As the figure 8.12 shows, in the G code of G02 or G03, I or J parameter after the

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

code is relative coordinate or absolute coordinate. Under the general circumstance, the
arc’s IJ coordinate is relative coordinate, only minority several G code of arc’s IJ
coordinate is absolute coordinate. Switch between Metric and Inches

As the figure 8.12 shows, default unit can be switched to either the metric or the
inches, after switching, the data’s units about length are all switched. Short Line Fitting

As the figure 8.12 shows, when short line segments in the G code are too many and
continuous shake or shock occurs in the process of machine tool runs, set this parameter ”
Yes ”, in the general condition this parameter is set “No”. Steel Plate Angle Memory

In the default condition, the angle after steel plate is adjusted has no memory. After
this parameter is set “Yes”, steel plate angle memory will be automatically stored, until the
steel plate is adjust again or the angle is cleared. As the figure 8.12 shows,when short line
segments in the G code are too many and continuous shake or shock occurs in the process
of machine tool runs, set this parameter ” Yes ”, in the general condition this parameter is
set “No”. F Instruction Forbidden

When this parameter is “Yes”, F instruction after G code which is used for limited
rate is ignored. Manual Angle Input to Adjust Steel Plate

When this parameter is “Yes”, the manual input angle in the section of 4.3.3 is also
steel plate adjusting angle. This angle will be shown in the main interface, if open the
function of steel plate angle memory, this angle is also add to the steel plate adjust angle
and accordingly saved.

8.7.7 Language Switch

In the main interface, press 【F5 Diagnose】,then press 【F8 System definition】,then
press 【F6 Language】, it will select needed language interface.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

8.7.8 Clear File

In the main interface, press 【F5 Diagnose】,then press 【F8 System definition】,then
press 【F7 Clear File】, the system will clear all G code file of system.

8.7.9 System Update

In the main interface, press 【F5 Diagnose】,then press 【F8 System definition】,then
press 【F8 System update】, after press 【Enter】and confirm, it will prompt to update as
the figure 8.13 shows.

F1: Function Update

F2: Welcome Update
F3: Motion Update
F4: System recovery

F1ParaRecover F2ParaBackup F3Define F4Encrypt F5UnEncry F6Lan F7clear File F8Update

Fig 8.13 The prompt of system update

Function Update: after press 【F1】, it will update function. The function update file
is F2100B.exe or UserApp.exe.
Welcome Update: after press 【F2】, it will update the welcome interface. This
welcome interface is the first shown interface after power on. If you want to find the
method of make new welcome interface, please contact with our after-sale service
Motion Update: after press 【F3】, it will update the motion. The motion update file is

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

System recovery: after press 【F4】, it will recover the system. At this time, the
system is exhaustively recovered back to the status before leaving factory, in other words,
the parameters, IO ports configuration, coordinate direction definition and so on are all
recovered back to the status before leaving factory. In the general condition, please don’t
use this function to recover this system.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 9 Graph Management

In the main interface, press【F1】(ShapeLib) to enter graph interface,shown as


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

40 41 42 43 44 45 46


Fig 9.1 Page of graph Library

You can press 【↑】、【↓】、【←】、【→】to choose different graph.

9.1 Choose Graph

In home interface of graph, move the cursor to the required graph, press 【F8】 to
confirm, shown as Fig 9.2:

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Lead In 10.00
Lead Out 10.00
Size 1 100.00
Size 2 100.00

Lead out

Lead in

F1 Inside F2 Outside F8 OK

Fig 9.2 Chip size interface

You can press【 ↑】、

【→】to modify sizes, after modification , press
【F8】to confirmed.
Press any key to return to graphics processing interface as shown in Fig3.3.

9.2 Film/Hole Size

In Fig 9.2 interface, you can press【F2】to choose hole size, shown as Fig 9.3:

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Lead In 10.00
Lead Out 10.00
Size 1 100.00
Size 2 100.00

res=1,L/C apart

Lead out

Lead in
F1 Inside F2 Outside F8 OK

Fig 9.3 Hole size

Modify sizes like modify chip sizes.

After modification , press 【F8】to confirmed, then enter into the interface of cutting
as shown in Fig 3.1.
Note: The graphic after No.29 don’t have hole size.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 10 Code Explanation

10.1 Code Symbol and Interpretation

 In the cutting machine programming, the following programming symbols are

generally available, with corresponding parameter following it.

Table 10.1 Programming symbols interpretation

Function interpretation
N Programming segment number
G Code for ready
M Auxiliary function
X Relative coordinate or absolute coordinate of X axle
Y Relative coordinate or absolute coordinate of Y axle
U Relative coordinate of X axle
V Relative coordinate of Y axle
Coordinate d-value of X axle between circle center and
arc’s start
Coordinate d-value of Y axle between circle center and
arc’s start
Arc’s radius, when it’s positive value, the arc <180°;
when it’s negative value, the arc >180°
F Cutting rate, used for G01, G02, G03
 In the following context, all the symbol “/” is the relationship of OR. For example,
X/U represents that the result is either X or U, both of which cannot simultaneously be.
N represents parameter value, for example, Xn expresses that n is the following
parameter. [] means optional context, which can be selected or not.

10.2 Coordinate System

This system uses right-hand Descartes coordinate system acquiescently, as the figure
10.1 shows.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Descartes coordinate

Fig 10.1 Descartes coordinate system

Of course, the system also can be defined coordinate system by user, referencing
“8.7.4 Coordinate definition”.

10.3 G Code Explanation

The G code which this system supports for is shown as the table 10.2.

Table 10.2 Common G code table

G99 Parameter: X/U Y/V I J Part option parameter

G92 Parameter: X Y Reference point setting
G91 / G90 No parameter Relative/Absolute coordinate
G20 / G21 No parameter Inches/metric

G41 / G42 No parameter Left/right Kerf compensation

G40 No parameter Cancel Kerf compensation

G00 Parameter: X/U Y/V straight line rapid moving tool

G01 Parameter: X/U Y/V Straight line cutting
G02 Parameter: X/U Y/V I J Clockwise arc cutting
G03 Parameter: X/U Y/V I J Anticlockwise arc cutting
1. G92 Reference point setting
G92 [Xn] [Yn]
Parameters meaning:
[Xn] [Yn] expresses absolute coordinate of setted reference point and is also absolute
coordinate of which machine tool goes back to. If no parameter after G92, the default
reference point coordinate is (0, 0). Generally, while machine tool is taking (0,0) as
reference point, this code can be ignored.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

After input this code, coordinate of reference point setted by G92 can be saved
automatically. Before new cutting code hasn’t been inputted, the coordinate of this
reference point is always available, whether system is power off or not. After input a new
cutting code, if new code has G92 instruction, the coordinate of this reference point is the
context after G92, if no G92, the reference point is default (0, 0). In one code file, G92
only appears once.
a. G92 X0 Y0
Take (0,0) as reference coordinate, when press “go back” function key, the machine
tool goes back to coordinate point (0, 0).
b. G92 X20 Y0
Take (20,0) as reference coordinate, when press “go back” function key, the machine
tool goes back to coordinate point (20,0).
2. G90/G91
G90: absolute coordinate. X/Y in the code means absolute coordinate value; U and V
mean relative coordinate value.
G91: relative coordinate. X/Y in the code means relative coordinate value; U and V
also mean relative coordinate value.
a. G90 usage

G 92 X0 Y0 // R eference point (0,0) (120, 100)

G 90 // A bsolute coordinate
G 00 X 20 Y 0 // Rapidly moving tool to (20,0)
M 07 // C utting device on
G 01 X 120 Y 100 //C utting to (120,100)
M 08 //Cutting device off
M 02 // End of program (20, 0)

Fig 10.2 G90 usage

b. G91 usage

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

G92 X0 Y0 // Reference point (0,0) (140,100)

G91 // Relative coordinate
G00 X20 Y0 //Rapidly moving gun to (20,0)
M07 //Cutting device on
G01 X120 Y100 //Cutting to(140,100)
M08 //Cutting device off
M02 // End of program (20,0)

Fig 10.3 G91 usage

3. G20/G21
G20: inches unit. All of X,Y,I,J,R,U,V after G20 are inches unit.
G21: metric unit. All of X,Y,I,J,R,U,V after G21 are metric unit.
If no G20/G21 in the code, take the metric as data’s unit.
The conversion formula of inches and metric: 1 inches ≈ 25.4mm。
4. G00 Traverse rapidly
This instruction expresses that rapidly traverse to specific location, which the system
will rapidly move to at the rate of “G00 move speed* time ratio” from start point.
G00 X/Un Y/Vn [Fn]
Parameters meaning:
 Fn – rapidly moving to specific location at the limited rate;
 Un – displacement of endpoint’s X coordinate relative to start point of current segment,
 Vn – displacement of endpoint’s Y coordinate relative to start point of current segment,
(In the relative coordinate system):
 Xn – displacement of endpoint’s X coordinate relative to start point of current segment,
 Yn – displacement of endpoint’s Y coordinate relative to start point of current segment,
(In the absolute coordinate system):
 Xn – displacement of endpoint’s X coordinate relative to working start point,

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 Yn – displacement of endpoint’s Y coordinate relative to working start point,


G92 X0 Y0 // Reference point (0,0)

G91 // Relative coordinate
G00 X100 Y100 //rapidly moving tool to (100,100)

Fig 10.4 G00 usage

5. G01 Linear Interpolation(at cut speed)

This instruction expresses that linearly incise to specific location, which the system
will cut to at the rate of “incise speed* time ratio” from start point of current segment.
G01 X/Un Y/Vn [Fn]
Parameters meaning:
The same to the meaning of G00 code, the difference of them is only that G00
expresses linearly walking(meaning: output ports are all closed), but G01 expresses
linearly incising.
6. G02 Clockwise Circular Interpolation
This instruction expresses that incise clockwise arc (clockwise interpolation) to
specific location, which the system will cut to at the rate of “incise speed* time ratio”
from start point of current segment.
G02 X/Un Y/Vn In Jn [Fn] or G02 X/Un Y/Vn R[-]n [Fn]
Parameters meaning:
 Fn – incise at limited rate;
 Un – displacement of endpoint’s X coordinate relative to start point of current segment,
 Vn – displacement of endpoint’s Y coordinate relative to start point of current segment,
 In – displacement of circle centre’s X coordinate relative to start point of current
segment, unit(mm);
 Jn – displacement of circle centre’s Y coordinate relative to start point of current

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

segment, unit(mm);
 R[-]n – the radius of arc, when the angle of arc <=180°, R is positive. Otherwise, it’s
negative, unit(mm);
(In the relative coordinate system):
 Xn – displacement of endpoint’s X coordinate relative to start point of current segment,
 Yn – displacement of endpoint’s Y coordinate relative to start point of current segment,
(In the absolute coordinate system):
 Xn – displacement of endpoint’s X coordinate relative to working start point,
 Yn – displacement of endpoint’s Y coordinate relative to working start point,
Example 1: B->A
G92 X0 Y0 // Reference point (0,0)
G91 // Relative coordinate
G00 X60 Y100 //Rapidly move tool to B B
G02 X-40 Y-40 I0 J-40 //The arc 1 100

/(G02 X-40 Y-40 R-40) 2

M02 A 1
Example 2: A->B
G92 X0 Y0 // Reference point (0,0)
G91 // Relative coordinate 20 60
G00 X20 Y60 //Rapidly move tool to A
G02 X40 Y40 I40 J0 //The arc 2
/(G02 X40 Y40 R40)

Fig 10.5 G02 usage

7. G03 Counterclockwise Circular Interpolation

The same to G02. The difference is that G02 is clockwise circular(clockwise arc), but
G03 is counterclockwise circular(counterclockwise arc).
8. G40/G41/G42 Kerf Compensation
These functions are used for kerf compensation. Because flame incision and plasma
incision both finally have the existence of kerf when incise route expressed by code is
only actual size of workpiece, the actual incision workpiece without regard to the effect of
kerf isn’t needed size. After set the kerf compensation, the system will automatically work
out the effect of kerf and incise workpiece with actual size.
G41/G42 must match with G40 to be used. If G41/G42 is ignored, the default kerf
compensation is zero; if G40 is ignored, kerf compensation is available.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

G41 //Enable Left Kerf Compensation

…… // incision code
G40 //Disable Left Kerf Compensation
G42 // Enable Right Kerf Compensation
…… // incision code
G40 // Disable Right Kerf Compensation
( Convex Roof Trapezoid w/Hole )
G21 /* metric unit */
G91 /* relative coordinate */
G99 X1 Y0 I0 J0 /*proportion factor is 1, rotate angle is 0, no mirror image*/
G00 X44.45 Y41.275 /* Rapidly moving to (44.45, 41.275)*/
G41 /* Left Kerf Compensation */
M07 /* Incision beginning*/
G03 X0 Y0 I19.05 J0 /*Counterclockwise Circular Interpolation */
M08 /* Incision ending */
G40 /* Disable Left Kerf Compensation */
G00 X-44.45 Y-41.275 /* Rapidly moving to (-44.45, -41.275) */
G41 /* Right Kerf Compensation */
M07 /* Incision beginning */
G01 X25.779438 Y58.031634 /*Linear Interpolation */
G02 X75.441125 Y0 I37.720562 J-16.756634 /* Clockwise Circular Incision*/
G01 X25.779438 Y-58.031634 /* Linear Interpolation */
G01 X-127 Y0 /* Linear Interpolation */
M08 /* Incision ending */
G40 /* Disable Right Kerf Compensation */
M02 /* End of program */
The value of Kerf Compensation should be half of actual kerf width.
9. G99 proportion、rotate、image
G99 Xn Yn In Jn
Parameters meaning:
 X – proportion factor, can be set from 0.001 to 1000.
 Y – rotate angle, can be set from -360° to 360°.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 I – image of X axis, make image along X axis, 1 expresses that there is image, 0
expresses that there is no image.
 J –image of Y axis, make image along Y axis, 1 expresses that there is image, 0
expresses that there is no image.
A code can have G99, also cannot. If there is G99, the parameter X, Y, I, J after code
should not be ignored. Mirror image and rotation will take the origin (0, 0) of Descartes
coordinate as reference point.
10. Programme notice items
 The program must contain the instruction of G92 (reference point setting) and
M02(end of program).
 G41/G42 must match with G40 to be used. If G41/G42 is ignored, the default kerf
compensation is zero; if G40 is ignored, kerf compensation is available.
 If G20 / G21 is ignored, the system will execute G21 (metric unit).
 If G90 / G91 is ignored, the system will execute G91 (relative coordinate).
 M07 and M08 can’t be neglected.
 When there is one parameter in the code of G00、G01、G02、G03 is ignored, if this
parameter is absolute coordinate, the system will set it G code coordinate value of last
row; If it’s relative coordinate, the system will set it 0.
 G00、G01、G02、G03 can be simplified: G0、G1、G2、G3.
 If there is contiguous G00 (or G01、G02、G03) around, the following G00 (or G01、
G02、G03) can be ignored.

10.4 M Code Explanation

Table 10.3 Common M code

M07 No parameter Cutting device on
M08 No parameter Cutting device off
M00 No parameter End of instruction
M02 No parameter End of program
 M07 Cutting device on

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

1 2 3 4 5 6 7




Preheat oxygen

Incision oxyen

Fig 10.6 sketch map of cutting device on

1) If acetylene hasn’t been open, open it.

2) Open ignition and delay “ignition delay time”.
3) Open torch down and delay “torch down time”.
4) Close torch down, open preheat oxygen and delay “preheat delay time”. If in the
processing of preheat, press “STOP” key, the preheat time will be automatically
delayed. Finish preheat delaying until press “START” key again and save the time of
preheat delaying automatically in the parameter.
5) Open torch up and delay “Perforation up time”.
6) Close torch up, open incision oxygen, open perforation down and delay “Perforation
down time”.
7) Close torch down, begin to incise.
 M08 Cutting device off
1) Close incision oxygen;
2) Open torch up and delay “Torch up time”;
3) Close torch up.
 M00 End of instruction
In the processing of incision, the system will stop the machine tool with the M00
instruction, waiting for the next operation.
 M02 End of program

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 11 Port Explanation

11.1 Input Port

+3.3V +24V



Fig11.1 input port circuit

 Input signal is a mechanical contact switch, normally open type and closed type are all
supported, it is effective when it is connected to 24VG,and it is ineffective when it is
float or connected to 24V. Com-port of switch outside is connected 24VG, the other
port is connected to corresponding IO port.
 16 channel input ports totally
 Input signal definition

Table 11.1 Input port definition

Pin number Signal name remark

1 X+ limit X+ stop input,float it if not use, this is horizontal

14 X- limit X- stop input,float it if not use, this is horizontal

2 Y+ limit Y+ stop input,float it if not use, this is vertical

15 Y- limit Y- stop input,float it if not use, this is vertical

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

3 Emergency stop Emergency stop input, float if not use

6 Plasma collision

7 Move left/C Remote control input

8 Move right/D Remote control input

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

11.1.1 Input Wiring Instructions

Right limit 1
Right limit input
Left limit input
Left limit 14

Front limit 2 Front limit input

Back limit 15
Back limit input

Emergency Stop 3
stop input
ignition 16
4 successfully
Cutting oxygen 17

Positioning successfull
successfully y feedback
Torch up 18

Plasma collision 6
Plasma collision feedback
Torch down 19

Move left 7

NC 20 1.For Plasma cutting

2.Accessed when CNC positioning is
Move right 8
needed. And positioning successfully
NC 21 input should be configured as
normally open type. Or it can be not
Move ahead 9 accessed when using height adjusting
device to positioning.
NC 22 3.When plasma collision detection is
needed, accessed to plasma collision
Move backward 10 feedback.
Caution: All inputs can be
NC 23 normally closed or normally
open, and all inputs are
NC 11
normally open in defualt.
+24V 24

+24V 12

24VG 25 com
(connecting to 24VG of the
24VG 13
system or connecting to the 24VG
of the external 24V switching
power supply.)

Fig 11.2 External input wiring

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

11.1.2 Remote Controller Input

The system supports two external remote control input, one for line input type, the
other for 8421 encoded input type.
 Line Input Type
The pin 7, 8,9,10 of input port represents left, right, forward, backward, when
inputting valid signal , the machine can move toward the corresponding direction,
when the input signal is invalid, the machine stop moving.
When the input signal of pin 16 is valid, the system will ignite the torch , the
ignition time is the setting value in system parameters, please take the reference of part
of "ignition time " in "7.2 oxygen gas parameters " .
When the input signal of pin 17 is valid, the system will turn on or off the
cutting oxygen. When the cutting oxygen is on, the system cut off the oxygen, when
the cutting oxygen is off, open the cutting oxygen system.
When the input signal of pin 18 is valid, the system will raise the cutting torch, when
the signal invalid, the torch stops.
When the input signal of pin 19 is valid, the torch goes down, when the signal invalid,
the cutting torch stops.
The external switches of line input are designed by the user..
 8421 code input
Input pin 9, 10, 7, 8 is the A, B, C, D bits of the 8421 code. Functions are shown
in Table 11.2

Table 11.2 Function of 8421 code input

Decimal 8421 code(DCBA) Function
0 0000 No Input
1 0001 Turn on or off the cutting oxygen
2 0010 Go back according to the original track
3 0011 Move forward according to the original track
4 0100 Left lateral movement
5 0101 Ignite Input
6 0110 Start
7 0111 Slow down
8 1000 Accelerate
9 1001 Move for the negative direction vertically
10 1010 Move forward vertically
11 1011 Pause
12 1100 cutting torch

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

13 1101 raise the cutting torch

14 1110 Move toward right horizontally
15 1111 Start
8421-type remote control input is designed by the user, the user can also
use the company's wireless remote control module.

11.2 Output Port

+3.3V +24V




Fig11.3 output port circuit

 Output voltage is 24VDC,low level is effective;

I max  300mA
 Maximum output current ;
 16 output ports total

Table 11.3 Output port definition

25 interface Pins No.(Main connector) Signal Remark

3 Ignite

1 Low pressure preheat

17 High pressure preheat

Low pressure cutting


5 Medium pressure cutting

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual


High pressure cutting


2 Torch up

15 Torch down

6 Exhaust

8 Enable high adjusting box

19 Plasma locating

16 Plasma arc starting

Corner low-speed output Or

automatic / manual

07 Spray dust

20 Raise dust

21 Dusting Preheat

9,10,22,23 Not used

11,12,24 +24V +24V/3Aoutput

13,25 24VG +24Vground

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

11.2.1 Output Wiring Instructions Oxygen Gas Typical Connection

Control of perheat
oxygen and fuel Control of
Low pressure gas (low active) gas and
preheat 1
Control of cutting preheat
High pressure oxygen(low active) oxygen
cutting oxygen 14
Torch up control(low active) valve
Torch up 2

Torch down 15
Torch down control(low active)

Ignite Ignition enable(low active)

Plasma arc
starting 16
Low pressure
cutting oxygen
High pressure 17
Low rate at 18
Exhaust control(low active)
exhaust 6

Spray powder 7

Raise powder 20 Capacitor height adjusting

Enable height 8
enable(low active)
Powder preheating 21

unused 9

unused 22

unused 10

unused 23
Caution: All outputs can be
high active or low active,
+24V 11 system default is low active .
+24V 24

+24V 12
24VG 25 (connecting to system supply
24VG. Or connecting to the +24V
24VG 13 side of external 24V switching
power supply.)

Fig 11.4 Oxygen gas typical connection

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual Three Level Perforation Circuit

Control of perheat
oxygen and fuel Control of
Low pressure gas(low active) gas and
preheat 1
Level three preheat
High pressure perforation(low active) oxygen
cutting oxygen 14
Torch up control(low active) valve
Torch up 2

Torch down 15
Torch down control(low active)

Ignite Ignition control(low active)

Plasma arc
starting 16
Low pressure Level one perforation(low active)
cutting oxygen
High pressure High pressure preheat(low active)
Mid-pressure Level two perforation(low active)
Low rate at 18
Exhaust control(low active)
exhaust 6

Spray powder 7

Raise powder 20 Capacitor height adjusting

Enable height 8
enable(low active)
Powder preheating 21

unused 9

unused 22

unused 10

unused 23
Caution: All outputs can be
high active or low active,
+24V 11 system default is low active.
+24V 24

+24V 12
24VG 25 (connecting to system supply
24VG.Or connecting to the +24V
24VG 13 side of external 24V switching
power supply.)

Fig 11.5 Three level perforation circuit

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual Typical Circuit of Using Powder

Low pressure
preheat 1
High pressure
cutting oxygen 14

Torch up 2

Torch down 15

Ignite Ignition control(effective low)

Plasma arc
starting 16
Low pressure
cutting oxygen
High pressure 17
Low rate at 18
exhaust 6

Spray powder control(low active)
Spray powder 7

Raise powder 20
Raise or stir powder control(low active)

Enable height 8
Powder preheat (low active)
Powder preheating 21

unused 9

unused 22

unused 10

unused 23
Caution: All outputs can be
effective high or effective low,
+24V 11 system default is effective low .
+24V 24

+24V 12
24VG 25 (connecting to system supply
24VG,Or connecting to the +24V
24VG 13 side of external 24V switching
power supply.)

Fig 11.6 powder typical connection

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual Typical Circuit of Using Plasma Cutting


Low pressure
preheat 1

High pressure 14
cutting oxygen Torch up control (Low active)
Torch up
Torch down control
Torch down 15 (Low active)
Ignite 3 Connect to high
Plasma adjusting device’s
Low pressure 16 (Low active)
arc starting input or
cutting oxygen 4 arc starting delay
High pressure 17
preheat Connect to high
pressure cutting 5 adjusting device’s
oxygen corner low speed or
automatic / manual (Low active)
Corner low speeed
Exhaust 6
Connect to the locating
Plasma locating input of lifting device
19 (Low active)
when CNC locating is
Spray dust 7 needed
Raise dust 20

Enable high 8
adjusting box
Dusting preheat
Not used 9

Not used 22

Not used 10 Note:All outputs

Not used are low active or
high active, the
+24V 11
system takes low
+24V 24 active as default.
+24V 12
24VG 25 (Connecting to the system’s
+24V supply,also external
24VG 13 24VSwitch supply +24V port

Fig 11.7 Typical wiring diagram of the plasma

 Height-adjusting device wiring with corner low-speed
When the height-adjusting device takes corner low-speed input control signal, the
system's "corner low speed" output signal is used to control the height-adjusting device's
corner low-speed input. The system takes an open-collector transistor output, with the
default active low signal. Reference section 8.7.3, set the output port type of close THC
(corner signal) ”●”. CNC system needs to output low electrical lever signal with this

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

THC during decreasing rate and this signal should be broken off at normal cutting time.
 Height-adjusting device wiring with automatic / manual
When the height-adjusting device takes automatic / manual control function instead
of corner low-speed input, the system needs to use the "corner low-speed" output to
control the height-adjusting device's automatic / manual signal. The system takes an
open-collector transistor output, with the default active low signal. Meanwhile, it needs to
change the type of corner low speed from normally-open to normally-closed in the output
port configuration interface (Section 8.7.3), i.e. from "●" to "●". CNC system needs to
break off this signal with this THC during decreasing rate and this signal should output
low electrical lever at normal cutting time.
 Using height-adjusting device locating
When using the locating function of the height-adjusting device, the locating function
of numerical control should be closed. The approach is to change the input type of
successful locating from normally-open to normally-closed in the input port configuration
interface (Section 8.7.2), i.e. from "●" to "●". There are two types of locating:
The first: locating controlled by the plasma arc starting. CNC emits the plasma arc
starting, the height-adjusting device starts arc after locating, and sends signal of arc
starting successful feedback to CNC after starting arc successfully. After CNC system has
received signal of arc starting successful feedback, it will begin to incise immediately.
Such devices available in the market include AngTai, HongYuDa, HaiSi and other brands.
Such devices can connect the "plasma arc starting" output of CNC system to the " starting
arc with locating" input of the height-adjusting devices, and at the same time in the plasma
parameters (refer to section 7.3 plasma parameters) set the arc detecting time to the value
that allows for completing the testing and starting arc.
The second: finish position from the decline of the cutting torch . Before issuing the
command of starting arc, first issue the command of declining the height adjust device,
then issue the command of starting arc. These kind of height adjust devices could be
SiDaTe, HongYuDa in markets. When using these kind of height adjusting device, transfer
to the interface of plasma parameters(refer to section 7.3 plasma parameters), set the
location detecting time as the time of location of touch.
 Using CNC system locating
When using the location function of digital control system, firstly enter into the input
configuration interface, set the input type of successful location from normally closed to
normally open type, i.e. from "●" to "●". At the same time, return the signal of
successful location to the input port of the successful location of the digital controller. In

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

the plasma parameter interface (refer to section 7.3 plasma parameters), set the location
detecting time and locating up time to needed values.

11.3 Motor Port

XPWM+ Signal Y-
YDIR/YPWM- Shaping Photoele- Different- YDIR-
ctric ial output YCP+
isolation YCP-


Fig11.8 motor port schematic diagram

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

 Signal definition table

Number of the 15
signal Remarks
pin interface

1 XDIR+ Positive at the horizontal axis

9 XDIR- Negative at the horizontal axis

2 XCP+ Positive pulse at the horizontal axis

10 XCP- Negative pulse at the horizontal axis

3 YDIR+ Positive at the vertical axis

11 YDIR- Negative at the vertical axis

4 YCP+ Positive pulse at the vertical axis

12 YCP- Negative pulse at the vertical axis

5 ZCP+ Positive pulse at the perpendicular axis

13 ZCP- Negative pulse at the perpendicular axis

6 ZDIR+ Positive at the perpendicular axis

14 ZDIR- Negative at the perpendicular axis

7 +5V +5V/500mA Power output

15,8 5VG 5V Power Ground

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

11.3.1 Typical Wiring Diagram of the Motor Interfaces Connection Methods for Differential Stepper Driver

Power input


XCP- 10 PUL-

YCP+ 4

YCP- Stepper Drives


6 Power
14 DIR+
+5V 7 DIR-
5VG 15 PUL+
5VG 8

Stepper Drives

Fig 11.9 connection methods for differential stepper driver

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual Com-anode Connection Methods for Stepper Driver

+V input



XCP- 10 Free

YDIR- 11

YCP+ 4

YCP- Stepper drives


+5V 7 DIR
5VG 15
5VG 8

Stepper drives

Figure 11.10 com-anode connection methods for stepper driver

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual Connection Methods of Servo Driver of Panasonic Company


XCP+ 2 3 PULS1

XCP- 10 4 PULS2

YDIR- 11

YCP+ 4

12 Panasonic


+5V 7 6 SIGN2
5VG 15
5VG 8


Figure 11.11 Connection methods of Servo driver of Panasonic Company

11.4 Arc THC Module Interface (THC)

Compare to common F2100 series CNC system without arc THC, F2100T CNC

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

system adds the interface of arc THC as the red frame area in following figure based on
the original system.


Fig.11.12 F2100T system interface schematic diagram

11.4.1 DC MOTOR Interface Instruction

M+、M- are DC MOTOR export pins, LIM+、LIM- are import pins, COM is public
ground。M+、M- link with DC motor, LIM+、LIM- link with upper limit and lower limit
switch of torch.
Interpret: when lifting motor limiting isn’t used, user needs to short COM and LIM+,
short COM and LIM-.
The maximum power of Lifting motor: 45W.

Table 11.4 Motor Interface Signal Definition of Arc THC Module

5 Cores Interface Pin Number Signal Name Comment
1 LIM- Lower limit
2 LIM+ Upper limit
3 COM +24V power ground
4 M+ Motor + for THC
5 M- Motor - for THC

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

11.4.2 Arc Import Instruction

Arc import pins are ARC+、ARC-. ARC+ link with positive pole of arc output of partial pressure

panel. ARC- link with negative pole of arc output of partial pressure panel.

Table 11.5 Arc Interface Signal Definition of Arc THC Module

7 Cores Interface Pin Number Signal Name Comment
4 ARC- negative pole of arc output of partial pressure panel
5 ARC+ positive pole of arc output of partial pressure panel
Interpret: input and output proportion of partial pressure panel is default 100: 1.
If user needs 50:1 partial pressure proportion, open the system box, find the dial
switch showing as the figure 11.13. When this switch is on, partial pressure
proportion input is 50:1, otherwise 100: 1. Default position of dial switch is OFF。

Fig.11.13 Arc input partial pressure proportion

11.4.3 Position Interface (PS) Instruction

Position interface (PS) is also in the 7 pins interface like arc import. Input pins are
+24V(OUT), SIGNAL,COM. +24V(OUT) links with the positive pole of location approach
switch, SIGNAL links with the signal of NPN approach switch, COM links with the
negative pole of location approach switch.
Interpret:Approach switch is NPN type with DC24V.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Table 11.6 Position Interface Signal Definition of Arc THC Module

7 Cores Interface Pin Number Signal Name Comment
1 COM Negative pole of approach switch
2 SIGNAL NPN approach switch signal
3 +24V(OUT) Positive pole of approach switch

11.4.4 Arcing interface(ARC_START) instruction

Arcing interface(ARC_START) is also in the 7 pins interface like arc import. Output pins are

ARC_START1、ARC_START2 linking with plasma power arcing port.

Table 11.7 Arcing port Signal Definition of Arc THC Module

7 Cores Interface Pin Signal Name Comment
6 ARC_START1 plasma power arcing port
7 ARC_START2 plasma power arcing port

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

11.4.5 Wiring Diagram of F2100T CNC System with Arc THC Module

Lifting motor IO CN5


Lifting motor
Arc and position signal

COM Blue Power negsative V-

SIGNAL Black Signal
+24V(OUT) Brown Power positive V+
ARC- Arc_2
ARC+ Arc_1



Power import

DC 24V -
DC +24 Power
DC 24V+
PE Cutting work-piece

+24V GND
+24V PE
Plasma power positive
Plasma power negative

Patial pressure


Plasma Poewer

Fig.11.14 Wiring Diagram of F2100T system with Arc THC Module

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

11.4.6 Wiring Diagram of double approach switch

Two NPN-style approach switches are used for location, which can either be linked with the
parallel mode or be linked with series mode. To make the location more accurate and stable, we
recommend to use series mode to link the two switches. The specific wiring mode is shown as the
figure 11.15. With this link-mode, any one action of approach switch can emit the collision signal.

Fig.11.15 Wiring Diagram of double approach switch

11.5 Power Input Instruction

Power input: 24V-、24V+、PE。

Table 11.8 Power Interface Signal Definition

3 Cores Interface Pin Number Signal Name Comment
1 24V- 24V Power -
2 24V+ 24V Power +
3 PE Ground

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 12 Use of BIOS

When the system powers on, it will display as shown in Fig 12.1.

Press F2 to run BIOS

Auto boot after: 3

Fig 12.1 Power on

When press DEL before the system counts down to 0, the system will enter the
BIOS. If other keys are pressed, the system will enter in before counting down to 0.

F1 - System software update(系统升级)

F2 -Welcome picture update (欢迎界面升级)
F3 -Motion update (运动控制升级)
F4 -System backup (系统备份)
F5 - System recovery(系统还原)
F6 -Start system (启动系统)

Fig 12.2 BIOS interface

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

12.1 System Upgrade

After entering BIOS, press【F1】to upgrade the system, it should satisfy the
following conditions:
 Flash Disk is connected to the system.
 There should be the upgrade file UserApp.exe in the root folder of the flash disk.
Under the circumstance of above two conditions satisfied, Press 【F1】to upgrade
system, when completing the upgrading, press【F6】to reboot.

12.2 Welcome Interface Upgrade

After entering BIOS, press 【F2】to upgrade the welcome interface completely, it
should satisfy the following conditions:
 Flash Disk is connected to the system.
 There should be the upgrade file WELCOME.bmp in the root folder of the flash
Press【F2】to upgrade when the conditions are satisfied, when completing the
upgrading, press 【F6】to reboot.

12.3 Movement Control Upgrade

After entering BIOS, press 【F3】 to upgrade the movement control completely,
it should satisfy the following conditions:
 Flash Disk is connected to the system.
 There should be the MOTION.DSP upgrade file in the root folder of the flash
Pressed【F3】to upgrade when the conditions are satisfied, when completing the
upgrading, press 【F6】to reboot.

12.4 System Backup

After entering BIOS, press 【F4】 to backup system. It only backups OS, but no
parameter, IO ports configuration, coordination configuration and so on.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

12.5 System Reset

After entering BIOS, press F5 to return to the original system that has been

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 13 Installation and Debugging

13.1 Horizontal / Vertical Pulses Number Setting

 Horizontal / vertical pulses number setting

Here, horizontal / vertical pulses number is also introduced in the section of 7.5
system parameter. It’s easy to set the number of horizontal (vertical) pulses. Before
drawing a line, assume one value of horizontal pulses XPls and one value of vertical
pulses YPls, set these two parameters and then save the settings. Enter the manual
interface, choose fixed moving function. Assume the fixed distance is Amm. Move A
mm horizontally, and the actual length of the line is B mm (which is generally not
equal to A), then we can calculate the horizontal pulses number. The equation is
XPls 
B . After calculating , replace the outcome with the assumptive Xpls(take three

decimal places at most). Similarly, move C mm vertically, the actual length is D mm,
YPls 
then the vertical pulses number is D.

 Requirement of pulses number:

The maximum frequency of output pulses from the system is 160 KHz. It is not
possible to work properly according to the order if the pulse frequency is higher than
160KHz. Assume the pulse number is x, the highest speed is Mv (mm/min), then
(Mv*x/60) should be less than 160000.
For example, the pulse number is x=2000, the highest speed is
Mv=12000(mm/min).Because of Mv*x/60=12000*2000/60=400000>160000, the
speed of 12000(mm/min) is not reachable. If we set x to be 500, then Mv*x/60 =
12000*500/60 = 100000<160000, at this time it can operate at the maximum rate of
While in principle the number of pulses can be set to a large value, in fact it
should be set between 150 and 1200. Because the frequency is too high, some drives
can’t work very well, the motor sometimes will be out of synchronism. On the other
hand, the performance of anti-jamming is of foreign interference is poor and the
external interference is strong.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Note: The most reasonable number of pulses is between 150 and 1200. The
number of pulses exceeds this range, please refer to the interpretation of driver and
modify subdivision number of stepper driver and denominator of Servo driver.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Chapter 14 Shanghai FangLing F1500 Remote


14.1 Wireless Remote Control Module Performance and


 433MHz free ISM frequency channel, free license on trial

 Remote controlling distance > 30m,at least not below 0.5m
 Hardware test error code, software optimizing algorithm, bi-direction
communication, insure the communication stable and reliable
 Send module matches address with receive module, the address can be set
manually, at most 128 supportable addresses
 Wireless remote controlling send module is supplied power by dry battery, at least
working more than 6 months service time
 Receiver module is set into 8421 port mode or P2P mode,at most 16 output ports

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

14.2 The Layout of Remote Controller




Fig.14.1 layout of remote controller

14.3 The Output Port of Receiver


















F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual



Internal circuit

Fig.14.2 The output port of receiver

Note:Receiver will pull down the IO ports which are relative of Out1-Out8
according to code value of different button which is transmitted by sender. Specific
corresponding relationships of sender and receiver reference the content of the 14.4

14.4 Interpretation of Jumper Switch


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig 14.3 Jumper switch

1. Address segment
The first seven bits of jumper switch (No.1 -7) are address codes; the status of
this seven bits requires that sender and receiver must be same. If they are different,
receiver cannot reply.
Note:if open the sender, there is also a 8-bit jumper switch inside. Therefore in
the same time, 128 pairs of sender and receiver can simultaneously work at most.
2. Function select segment
The first bit of jumper switch is function select segment. When it is set to short
circuit, select 8421 code receive mode. When it isn’t set to short circuit, select
independent IO port(P2P) receive mode.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Table 14.1:8421 code receive mode (the 1st bit of jumper switch has jumper cap)
Sender OUT1-OUT4
Key OUT9-OUT16
S+/Speed Off On Off Off Off
S-/Speed Off Off On On On
↑ Off On Off On Off
↓ Off On Off Off On
← Off Off On Off Off
→ Off On On On Off
Mode Off On On On On
T↑ Off On On Off On
T↓ Off On On Off Off
Start Off Off On On Off
Stop Off On Off On On
Back Off Off Off On Off
Foward Off Off Off On On
Ignition Off Off On Off On
CutOxy Off Off Off Off On

Table 14.2: Independent IO mode (P2P mode, the 8th bit doesn’t have jumper cap)
Sender key Open output port Close output port

→ OUT1 Other output ports

← OUT2 Other output ports

↑ OUT3 Other output ports

↓ OUT4 Other output ports

S-/Speed OUT5 Other output ports

S+/Speed OUT6 Other output ports

Start OUT7 Other output ports

Stop OUT8 Other output ports

Mode OUT9 Other output ports

T↑ OUT10 Other output ports

T↓ OUT11 Other output ports

Foward OUT12 Other output ports

Back OUT13 Other output ports

Ignition OUT14 Other output ports

CutOxy OUT15 Other output ports

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

14.5 Wiring Connection Figure of F1500 and FangLing

Numerical Control System

Output ports
of F1500
remote OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 OUT5 OUT6 OUT7 OUT8 24V+ 24VG

Input ports of F2000 series

8 7 10 9 12 25
digital control system

Fig 14.4 Wiring connection interpret of F2000 series numerical control system and remote

Note:wiring connection of F1500 remote controller and F2000 series remote

controller please refer to “11.1.2 Remote controller input” section,type setting of
remote controller please refer to “8.7.6 Option” section.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Appendix 1 G、M Code Rapid Consult

Serial number order function

1 G99 rotation、proportion、mirror image
2 G92 reference coordinate
3 G91 Relative coordinate system
4 G90 Absolute coordinate system
5 G20 English unit
6 G21 Metric unit
7 G41 Left kerf gap compensation
8 G42 Right kerf gap compensation
9 G40 Cancel kerf gap compensation
10 G00 Quickly move
11 G01 Liner cutting
12 G02 Clockwise arc cutting
13 G03 Anticlockwise arc cutting
14 G04 Program delay
15 M07 Start cutting cycle
16 M08 Stop cutting cycle
17 M02 Program end
14 G04 Program delay
15 M07 Start cutting cycle
16 M08 Stop cutting cycle
17 M02 Program end

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Appendix 2 IO Timing Sequence Figure of F2000

Series Numerical Control System

1. Flame Cutting Timing Sequence

M07 Level 3 perforation timing sequence M08

with no THC


High Preheat

Low Preheat


up Pierce1


Pierce 1 time

Pierce 2 time
Ignition time
Torch down
High preheat

Pierce 3 time

Pierce down

Note: Red words

Low preheat
Pierce up

Blow time

Cutting mean output

port. Bold
black words
mean parameter.

Appendix fig 2.1 Flame cutting timing sequence (Level 3 perforation with no THC)

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Level 3 perforation timing sequence with


High Preheat

Low Preheat

THC Enable

up Pierce 1
time Pierce 2

Pierce 3

Pierce 1

Pierce 2

Pierce 3
High preheat

Low preheat

Pierce up

Blow time
Note: Red words
mean output
Cutting port. Bold
black words
mean parameter.

Appendix fig 2.2 Flame cutting timing sequence (Level 3 perforation with THC)

M07 Level 1 perforation timing sequence with M08

no THC


Low Preheat
up TorchDn

Pierce 3

Torch down

Low preheat

Pierce up
Pierce 3 time
Pierce down

Blow time

Note: Red words

Cutting mean output
port. Bold
black words
mean parameter.

Appendix fig 2.3 Flame cutting timing sequence (Level 1 perforation with no THC)

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

M07 Level 1 perforation timing sequence with M08



Low Preheat
THC Enable

Pierce 3

Pierce up time

Pierce 3 time

Note: Red words

Low preheat

Blow mean output

time port. Bold
black words
mean parameter.

Appendix fig 2.4 Flame cutting timing sequence (Level 1 perforation with THC)

2. Plasma IO Timing Sequence

M07 The port type of Speed to lock THC is M08

red.(Define it by pressing F5,F8,F3,F2).

Plasma position

Plasma arc


Lock THC
check time

Position up

Arcing check

Torch up time
Pierce time


Current rate≤(Speed to lock THC

*cutting speed)/100
The distance between cutting point
and start/end point of current
cutting G code row < Distance to
lock THC
When arc voltage feedback signal is available , arc
check time ends ahead of time . If until arc check
Note: Red words mean output port. Bold
time is to 0, arc voltage feedback signal hasn 't
been received, it will alarm. black words mean parameter.

Appendix fig 2.5 Plasma IO timing sequence 1

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

M07 The port type of Speed to lock THC is M08

red.(Define it by pressing F5,F8,F3,F2).

Plasma position

Plasma arc


Lock THC
check time

Position up

Arcing check

Pierce time

Torch up time
Current rate≤(Speed to lock THC
*cutting speed)/100
The distance between cutting point
and start/end point of current
cutting G code row < Distance to
lock THC
When arc voltage feedback signal is available , arc
check time ends ahead of time . If until arc check Note: Red words mean output port. Bold
time is to 0, arc voltage feedback signal hasn 't
been received, it will alarm.
black words mean parameter.

Appendix fig 2.6 Plasma IO timing sequence 2

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Appendix 3 Interpretation of Wiring Connection

between F2000 Series and Common THC

1. Connection with F1620/F1630 THC

FangLing F2000 series CNC

F1620 THC
Output port 1
AUTO Auto Signal
1.1 14
UP Up signal
1.2 2
DOWN Down signal
1.3 15
IHS_ARCON Arcing signal with original position
1.4 3
DIR_ARCON Immediately arcing signal
1.5 16
TRANSFER1 Pierce finished signal
1.6 4
TRANSFER2 Pierce finished signal
1.7 17
COM Common port of controller signal
1.8 5
COLLISION Collision feedback signal
1.9 18
PE shield layer of signal wire
1.10 6

Input port
14 Connected with
system inside

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

F2000 Series CNC

F1630 THC
Output port 1
AUTO Auto signal
1 14
UP Up signal
2 2
DOWN Down signal
3 15
IHS_ARCON Arcing signal with original position
4 3
DIR_ARCON Immediately arcing signal
5 16
TRANSFER1 Pierce finished signal
6 4
TRANSFER2 Pierce finished signal
7 17
COM Common port of control signal
8 5
COLLISION Collision feedback signal
9 18
PE shield layer of signal wire
10 6

Input port 1

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

2. Connection with HYD THC

F2000 output ports HYD THC (to CNC)

Plasma arc starting 16 4 IHSARCON

Lock THC 18 1 EXAUTO

Torch up 02 2 UP

Torch down 15 3 DOWN

24VG 13 8 GND5

F2000 input ports

Arcing feedback 04

24VG 13

Plasma parameter Range of value Recommended value

Delay Before Arc 0 0
Pierce time 0 0
Torch up time 0-3 3
Arcing Check Time: 5-30 30
Position check Time: 0 0
Speed to lock THC 90-100 95
Distance to lock THC 0-15 10
Lose arc delay 0-1 0.5
Watch arc enable Yes Yes
The method of setting parameter:
F2100T, F2200T, F2300T(A/B), F2500T(A/B), F2600T:
F4(Setups), F3(Plasma).

Input definition
Port Type
Position detect 05 ●

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Output definition
Port Type
Lock THC 18 ●
The method of definition:
F2100T, F2200T, F2300T(A/B), F2500 T(A/B), F2600T:
F5(Diagnose), F8(SystemDef), F3(define), input password: 1396.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

3. Connection with SH-HC30 THC

Connect to plasma

F2000 output ports

Plasma arc starting 16 (DB15)

Lock THC 18 10 AUTO

Torch up 02 12 UP

Torch down 15 13 DOWN

24VG 13 8 GND

15 GND

Plasma parameter Range of value Recommended value

Delay Before Arc 0 0
According to thickness of
Pierce time 0-3
Torch up time 0-3 3
Arcing Check Time: 0 0
Position check Time: 3-30 15
Speed to lock THC 90-100 95
Distance to lock THC 0-15 10
Lose arc delay 0-1 0.5
Watch arc enable No No
The method of setting parameter:
F2100T, F2200T, F2300 T(A/B), F2500 T(A/B), F2600T:
F4(Setups), F3(Plasma).
Input definition
Port Type
Position detect 05 ●

Output definition
Port Type
Lock THC 18 ●

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

The method of definition:

F2100T, F2200T, F2300 T(A/B), F2500 T(A/B), F2600T:
F5(Diagnose), F8(SystemDef), F3(define), input password: 1396.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

4. Connection with ONTIME THC

F2000 output ports ONTIME AVC103(CON1)

Plasma arc starting 16 4 START ARC

Lock THC 18 1 AUTO

Torch up 02 2 UP

Torch down 15 3 DOWN

24VG 13 6 COM

F2000 input ports

Arcing feedback 04

24VG 13

Plasma parameter Range of value Recommended value

Delay Before Arc 0 0
Pierce time 0 0
Torch up time 0-3 3
Arcing Check Time: 5-30 30
Position check Time: 0 0
Speed to lock THC 90-100 95
Distance to lock THC 0-15 10
Lose arc delay 0-1 0.5
Watch arc enable Yes Yes
The method of setting parameter:
F2100T, F2200T, F2300 T(A/B), F2500 T(A/B), F2600T:
F4(Setups), F3(Plasma).
Input definition
Port Type
Position detect 05 ●
Output definition
Port Type
Lock THC 18 ●
The method of definition:
F2100T, F2200T, F2300 T(A/B), F2500 T(A/B), F2600T:
F5(Diagnose), F8(SystemDef), F3(define), input password: 1396.

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

Appendix 4 Interpretation of F2000 Full Series System

Install Size

1. F2100T Profile Install Size

Appendix fig.4.1 F2100T installation size

2. F2200T Profile Install Size

Appendix fig.4.2 F2200T installation size

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

3. F2300T Profile Install Size

Appendix fig.4.3 F2300T(A) installation size

Appendix fig.4.4 F2300T(B) installation size

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

4. F2500T Profile Install Size

Appendix fig.4.5 F2500T(A) installation size

Appendix fig.4.6 F2500T(B) installation size

F2000 Series Shape Cutting Control System Operation and Installation Manual

5. F2600T Profile Install Size

Appendix fig.4.7 F2600T installation size


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