F5-17 Transfer Pricing
F5-17 Transfer Pricing
F5-17 Transfer Pricing
Transfer Pricing
This session covers the following content from the ACCA Study Guide.
Session 17 Guidance
Understand that, although transfer pricing may appear to be a complicated topic, the opportunity cost
approach to transfer pricing is based on the following:
• The minimum transfer price is that which covers the marginal (variable) cost plus the opportunity
cost of making the goods or services to be transferred. This view is from the selling division's
• The maximum transfer price acceptable to the buying division would be the lower of: the external
market price (if this exists) and the net revenue to the buying division of selling the ultimate product.
Net revenue means the final selling price minus the costs incurred in the buying division (s.2).
(continued on next page)
F5 Performance Management Becker Professional Education | ACCA Study System
• When Needed
• Objectives
• Selling Division • Market Price
• Buying Division • Full Cost Plus
Perspective • Variable Cost
• Marginal Cost
• Incongruent
Goal Behaviour
Session 17 Guidance
Read the article "Transfer Pricing" by Ken Garret (October 2009).
Recognise the alternative presented by various practical approaches to determining selling and
buying prices, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each (s.3).
Understand the mechanics and advantages of dual pricing as an optimal transfer pricing
method (s.4).
1 Transfer Pricing
{ }
No external market No production
or and
External market but spare capacity constraints
(c) Conclusion
When used:
{ external market exists
supplying division at full capacity.
Division Red makes Product Y and Product Z. The maximum capacity of the factory is 5,000
units per month in total. This capacity can be used to make either 5,000 units of Product Y or
5,000 units of Product Z, or any combination of the two.
Selling price $12 $16
Variable cost $9 $11
Extra cost if sold externally $1 $1
Contribution $2 $4
(a) Determine which product Division Red would make, and what would be the
monthly contribution of the division.
(b) Division Blue has asked Division Red to supply 1,000 units of Product Y per
month. Determine the minimum transfer price which would be acceptable to
Division Red.
(c) Division Blue now informs Division Red that it can buy product Y from an
external supplier for $11 per unit and is not prepared to accept a price above this
from Division Red.
Explain what would happen if both divisions were given autonomy to make their
own decisions. Comment on whether this benefits the company as a whole.
(b) The minimum transfer price acceptable to Division Red for Product Y is:
The bottling division of a large soft drink manufacturer buys special syrup, made
according to a secret recipe, from the syrup division. The bottling division adds
carbonated water to the syrup to make the drink, then bottles the drink and sells it to
Each bottle is sold for 50 cents. The bottling division has calculated that the costs of
making the drink and bottling it (excluding the cost of buying the syrup) are 20 cents
per bottle. The net revenue of the bottling division is therefore 30 cents per bottle.
If the syrup division were to propose a transfer price in excess of 30 cents per bottle for
the syrup, the bottling division would incur a loss.
3 Practical Approaches
Advantage Disadvantage
Optimal for goal congruence May be difficult to calculate
when: (variable cost is often used
the selling division has as an approximation).
spare capacity; or
no external market
4 Dual Pricing
Dual pricing is sometimes used in situations where there is no
transfer price which would be acceptable to both the buying
division and the selling division, so in the absence of intervention
by the head office, the two divisions would not trade with each
The head office may wish both divisions to trade for non-financial
reasons and may therefore use a system of dual pricing to
encourage them to do so.
Dual pricing works as follows:
< A higher price is used when calculating the revenue of the
selling division for goods supplied to the buying division.
< A lower price is used when calculating the costs in the selling
division for the goods supplied to it by the selling division.
< The head office absorbs the difference between the two as a
head office overhead.
Session 17 Quiz
Estimated time: 15 minutes
Marginal (variable) cost 9
Opportunity cost 4
Minimum transfer price 13
The opportunity cost is the lost contribution per unit from selling
Product Z.
(c) Division Red would refuse to sell for less than $13, so Division
Blue would buy externally for $11 per unit.
Both divisions are acting in a way which is good for the
organisation as a whole. Although the variable cost to the
company of making Product Y is only $9, the opportunity cost of
$4 is a real cost.
The cost to Division Red of producing Product Y, and therefore
the cost to the company as a whole, is $13 per unit. By buying
externally for $11, Division Blue is saving the company $2 per
Selling price 1,000
Further processing costs in
Division F (200)
Net revenue 800
Marginal (variable) cost per kilo 500
Opportunity cost 0
Minimum transfer price 500