The Circular Saws BCO 800/60 - 120 - 180 For Edging, Multi-Rip and Cant Sawing
The Circular Saws BCO 800/60 - 120 - 180 For Edging, Multi-Rip and Cant Sawing
The Circular Saws BCO 800/60 - 120 - 180 For Edging, Multi-Rip and Cant Sawing
Technical data for the new circular saws BCO 800/60-120-180
Type 60 120 180
Board length min. m 1.25 2.0 (1.5) 2.0 (1.5)
Max. passing width mm 800 800 800
Edging width, min.-max. mm 15-450 15-450 15-450
Board thickness mm 12-60 12-120 50-180
Saw blade diameter mm 450 530 650
Saw shaft diameter, hard
mm 105 105 105
Saw shaft rpm 3400 2800 2300
Feeding speed m/min. 30-400 30-300 30-150
Main motors, max. kW 2 x 160 2 x 160 2 x 160
Hydraulic setworks kW 5.5 5.5 5.5
Weight with main motors kg 5,000-9,000 5,000-9,000 5,000-9,000
Modular building of infeed and outfeed equipment secures many different solutions for saw-
mill lines.
1. Advanced sit-down version using the BCO 800/60 as an edger with ø450 mm saw
blades. It operates at a cutting depth of 12-60 mm and a feeding speed of up to 400
m/min. Dependent on board length this machinery processes up to 50 boards/min.
Trimming saws can be placed at infeed of transverse conveyor.
2. Stand-up version BCO 800/120 equipped with ø530 mm saw blades. Cutting depth
12-120 mm and feeding speed up to 300 m/min. Dependent on board length this
machinery processes up to 35 boards/min.
3. A combined version using the BCO 800/180. Equipped with ø650 mm saw blades
cutting depth is 50 to 180 mm and feeding speed up to 150 m/min. This machinery
cuts boards and cants.
The lines can be equipped with various measuring equipment and optimizing software.
1. Full face scanning of upper side or upper and under side of timber. The laser and
camera equipment are built in modules, length each 1 m, and can be combined ac-
cording to required board length
2. Point laser scanning. Calculation and optimization are based on software and PC
from Microtec
3. Laser and photocell measuring. Calculation and optimization are based on PLC
Dependent on measurements and cutting patterns boards/timber can be aligned for skew-
ing, centring or for following a base line.
Board optimizing
by skewing
Board optimizing
by centring
Optimized centre yield and Cutting with 2 heads and 6 blades giving
side boards cut from a cant 5 variable board measurements
Below another modular built solution based on our indeed flexible circular saw. The BCO
800/180 circular saw is mainly used for cant sawing - here shown in combination with our
chipper canter BCO 500. Equipped with ø650 mm saw blades the cutting depth will be 50
to180 mm, and feeding speed will be up to 150 m/min.
This means very flexible cutting and optimum cutting yield.
The BCO 800-series will cut the centre yield at variable measurement and the side boards
in the same run.
This machinery can also be equipped with various feeding equipment and 1D or 3D meas-
By using a mid-centred infeed combined with 1D-scanning optimization, according to top
diameter, is achieved.
By using an in-feed, combined with 3D-measuring type Microtec DiShape, the cant is
aligned by skewing according to measured data, and optimum cutting yield is achieved.
If your requirements to cutting height cannot be met by 180 mm provided by the BCO 800-
series, the Brødbæk & Co. circular saw family can offer as follows:
By combining the chipper canter BCO 500 or 600 with the 4 arbor saw BCO 400 or 500 se-
ries cutting heights of 275 and 375 mm respectively are obtainable.
The Brødbæk & Co. family of circular saws
also includes: