FinalLetters Memos
FinalLetters Memos
FinalLetters Memos
RE: D______________
Dear <<<CONTRACTOR>>>:
Attached for your review is a summary of final contract quantities for the subject contract.
As prime contractor for the subject contract, you are hereby required to promptly submit to
this office any exceptions or disputes relative to the proposed final contract quantities,
accounts for extra work and materials, together with supporting measurements and/or data,
and any other documentation listed above. In order to be considered as a part of the final
agreement, your reply with supporting documentation must be received by this office
within fifteen (15) days of the date of this letter. If this deadline presents a serious
problem, please notify this office by certified mail within fifteen (15) days of the date of
this letter as to when you will forward the required information. Should you wish to review
final quantity computations, please submit your request in writing as soon as possible.
If we do not receive any notification from you within fifteen (15) days of the letter, we will assume
you are in agreement with the final contract quantities and have no disputes. We will, proceed with
the processing of the final estimate.
Your name
We are in the process of Final Acceptance of the above noted project. We wish to have
your acceptance of any work which came under your jurisdiction.
Please contact this office at (your number), to inform us as to when your inspection will
take place.
Work on the subject contract has been satisfactorily completed and is not ready for your
final inspection.
Resident Engineer:
Federal Aid: (yes/no) F.A.#
All signal pole designs have been verified and are acceptable:
(Yes/no/not applicable)
Orders on Contract:
# Approved:
# Submitted but not approved:
# To be submitted:
Claim: (yes/no)
(If yes or possible explain claim)
Pg 2