organizations that develop them. It is limited several military specifications and standards
to consensus-type standards and does not for polymer composite materials. Other pri-
include private sector specifications which are vate sector organizations, such as the
generally not available. Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and
Composite Materials Characterization (CMC),
Inc., are involved in the standardization of
composite materials and tests in order to reap
long-term economic savings.
The two principal organizations which Japan, Germany, France and UK are also
develop test methods for composites in the major players in composites technology. The
USA are the American Society for Testing and European Association of Aerospace
Materials (ASTM) and the Suppliers of Manufacturers (known as AECMA in Europe)
Advanced Composite Materials Association produces European Norm (EN) standards for
(SACMA). The Society of Automotive aerospace composites. Japanese Industrial
Engineers (SAE) Polymeric Materials Standards (JIS) serve as a basis for standard-
Committee is the organization which pub- ization of composites in Japan. Germany has
lishes Aerospace Material Specifications issued DIN standards for composite materials.
(AMS) for advanced polymer composites. The France has AFNOR standards and the UK has
Department of Defense (DoD) has also issued British Standards.
Standards used in USA 1061
Engineering standards for polymer com- standards for determining the physical and
posites also promote international commerce. mechanical properties of polymer composites.
In the global arena, the International ASTM standards are developed by a consensus
Standardization Organization (ISO) is the process and are widely used. The ASTM
body which develops international standards. Committee D20 on Plastics also has developed
The ISO/TC 61 Subcommittee (SC) 13 on standards which may be used for testing plastic
Composites and Reinforcements Fibers is cur- resins and reinforced plastics.
rently coordinating new standards for glass
and carbon fiber composites. USA participa-
tion with IS0 not only promotes international
commerce but also enhances USA global com- The SACMA has developed recommended test
petitiveness in the composites industry. methods for determining the physical, mechan-
ical, and chemical properties of composite
materials (Table B.3). Although SACMA is not a
standards-setting body, it works actively with
ASTM, SAE, ISO, DoD, AIA and others towards
standardization of composite test methods.
The ASTM Committee D30 on High-Modulus SACMA does not regard its SRMs to be ’stan-
Fibers and their Composites develops standard dards’ in the truest sense because they have not
test methods for advanced polymer compos- been developed by a consensus process which
ites. Table B.2 lists the principal ASTM is typical of standard-developing bodies.
Table B.2 ASTM Standards for advanced polymer composites
ASTM C613 Resin Content of Carbon and Graphite Prepregs by Solvent Extraction
ASTM D695 Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics
ASTM D790 Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics
ASTM D2290 Plastics, Ring or Tubular, Apparent Tensile Strength of, By Split Disk Method
ASTM D2344 Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength of Parallel Fiber Composites by Short-Beam Method
ASTM D2734 Void Content of Reinforced Plastics
ASTM D3039 Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials
ASTM D3171 Fiber Content of Resin-Matrix Composites by Matrix Digestion
ASTM D3379 Tensile Strength and Young’s Modulus for High-Modulus Single-Filament Materials
ASTM D3410 Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials with Unsupported Gage Section by Shear
ASTM D3479 Tension-Tension Fatigue of Oriented Fiber, Resin Matrix Composites
ASTM D3518 In-Plane Shear Response of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials by Tensile Test of a +/- 45 D e p e
ASTM D3529 Resin Solids Content of Epoxy-Matrix Prepreg by Matrix Dissolution
ASTM D3530 Volatiles Content of Epoxy Matrix Prepreg
ASTM D3531 Resin Flow of Carbon Fiber-Epoxy Prepreg
ASTM D3532 Gel Time of Carbon Fiber-Epoxy Prepreg
ASTM D3544 Reporting Test Methods and Results on High Modulus Fibers
ASTM D3800 Density of High-Modulus Fibers
ASTM D3878 Standard Terminology of High-Modulus Reinforcing Fibers and their Composites
ASTM D4018 Properties of Continuous Filament Carbon and Graphite Tows
ASTM D4102 Thermal Oxidative Resistance of Carbon Fibers
ASTM D4255 In-plane Shear Properties of Composite Laminates
ASTM D5229 Moisture Absorption Properties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials
ASTM D5300 Measurement of Resin Content and other Related Properties of Polymer Matrix Thermoset Prepreg by
Combined Mechanical and Ultrasonic Methods
ASTM D.5467 Compressive Properties of Unidirectional Polymer Matrix Composites Using a Sandwich Beam
ASTM D5528 Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites
1062 Specifications and standards for polymer composites
However, SACMA recommended methods Table B.5 lists military specifications for various
fiber reinforcements and composite materials.
(SRMs) are being used as standards by various
organizations. The Military Handbook 17 effort is the most
widely r e c o h e d DoD standardization pro-
ject. The purpose of this handbook is to provide
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is ical property data for current and emerging
the primary organization in the USA which composite materials. The MIL-HDBK-17 gov-
issues material specifications for polymer ernment/industry coordination group meets
composites. Table B.4 lists some typical twice annually to develop this handbook.
Aerospace Material Specificationsfor -polymer
composites. In general, the SAE has published
specifications for carbon, aramid, glass and
boron fiber composites. The National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) has developed five
standard tests and a material specification for
carbon (graphite) composites. Table B.6 lists
The Department of Defense (DoD) has issued the specific tests and the NASA/aircraft
several military specifications for polymer com- industry specification for toughened epoxy
posite materials used in aircraft applications. composite materials.
Standards used in USA 1063
CarbonEpoxy Composites
AMS 3892B Fibers, Carbon Tow and Yam, for Structural Composites
AMs 3894E Carbon Fiber Tape and Sheet, Epoxy Resin Impregnated
AMS 3895B Broadgoods and Tape, Multi-Ply Carbon Fiber/Epoxy, Resin Impregnated, Uniform Fiber
Aramid/Epoxy Composites
AMS 39018 Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid),Yarn and Roving, High Modulus
AMS 3902C Cloth, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid),High Modulus for Structural Composites
AMS 3903A Cloth, Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid),High Modulus, Epoxy Resin Impregnated
GlassEpoxy Composites
AMS 3821B Cloth, Type 'E' Glass, ' B Stage Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated,7781 Style Fabric, Flame
AMS 3828C Glass Roving, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated,Type 'E' Glass
AMs 3831A Cloth, Type 'E' Glass, ' B Stage Epoxy Resin Impregnated, 7781 Style Fabric, Flame
Resistant, Improved Strength
AMS 3832C Roving, Type '$2' Glass, Epoxy Resin Impregnated
AMs 3906B Glass Tape and Flat Sheet, Non-Woven Cloth, Epoxy Resin Impregnated, For Hand and
Machine Layup
Boron/Epoxy Composites
AMs 3865C Filaments, Boron, Tungsten Substrate, Continuous
AMs 3867I3 Boron Filament Tape, Epoxy-Resin-Impregnated
B.3.6 FAA ADVISORY CIRCULARS (AC) Division is the Materials and Structures
Committee (AIA/MSC) which is responsible
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
for the coordination and review of proposed
has issued Advisory Circulars (AC) to assist
specification requirements for materials,
commercial aircraft manufacturers in demon-
processes and structures. To promote stan-
strating compliance with the requirements of
dardization AIA has initiated Project 340-1
the Federal Aviation Regulations in the design
Standardization of Advanced Composite
and manufacture of composite material struc-
Materials and has issued two National
tures. Table B.7 lists two Advisory Circulars
Aerospace Standards (NAS) for composites
issued by the FAA. As of this writing, AC
manufacturing which are listed in Table B.8.
145-6 is a draft document undergoing coordi-
nation. AC 145-6 addresses requirements for
composite repairs, including materials, 8.3.8 COMPOSITE MATERIALS
processes, and quality control tests. CHARACTERIZATION,INC. (CMC)
Composite Materials Characterization, Inc.
(CMC) is a joint enterprise funded by users of
advanced aerospace composite materials. CMC
(AIAI was formed as a result of an Aerospace
The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) Industries Association (AM) initiative to pro-
plays a lead role in composites standardiza- mote industry research collaboration.CMC is a
tion. Within the AIA Engineering Standards Delaware corporation chartered in 1987 to
1064 Specifications and standards for polymer composites
Table 8.5 Military specifications and standards for polymer composite materials
NASA RP 1092: Standards Tests for Toughened Resin Composites, July 1983
NASA RP 1092 defines five standard tests (STs) for graphite/epoxy composite laminates:
ST-1: Compression after impact
ST-2: Edge delamination
ST-3: Open-hole tension
ST-4: Open-hole compression
ST-5: Hinged double cantilever beam
NASA RP 1142: NASA/ Aircraft Industry Standard Specification for Graphite Fiber Toughened
Thermoset Resin Composite Material, June 1985
Non-US Standards in use 1065
Table B.7 FAA Advisory circulars for composites compressive, and shear loadings at selective
hygrothermal test conditions. CMC also works
AC 20-10A Composite Aircraft Structures with other national organizations to promote
AC 21-26 Quality Control for the Manufacture of composites standardization.
Composite Structures
AC 145-6 Repair Stations for Composite and
Bonded Aircraft Structure B.4 NON-US STANDARDS IN USE
Table B.10 AECMA Standards for carbon fibers and their composites
AECMA prEN2557 Carbon Fibre Preimpregnates, Test Method for the Determination of Mass Per
Unit Area
AECMA prEN2558 Carbon Fibre Preimpregnates, Test Method for the Determination of the
Percentage of Volatile Matter
AECMA prEN2559 Carbon Fibre Preimpregnates, Test Method for the Determination of the Resin
and Fibre Content and the Mass of Fibre Per Unit Area
AECMA prEN2560 Carbon Fibre Preimpregnates, Test Method for the Determination of the Resin
AECMA prEN2561 Unidirectional Laminates Carbon-Thermosetting Resin Tensile Test Parallel to the
Fibre Direction
AECMA prEN2562 Unidirectional Laminates Carbon-Thermosetting Resin Flexural Test
AECMA prEN2563 Unidirectional Laminates Carbon-Thermosetting Resin Test Method,
Determination of Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength
AECMA prEN2564 Carbon Fibre Laminates, Test Method for the Determination of the Fibre and
Resin Fractions and Porosity Content
Table B . l l Japanese standards for carbon fiber Table B.12 German specifications for polymer
composites composites
JIS R 7601 Testing Methods for Carbon Fibers DIN 29965 Aerospace; Carbon Fibres, High
JIS R 7602 Testing Methods for Carbon Woven Performance Carbon Fibre Filament
Fabrics Yams, Technical Specification
JIS K 7071 Testing Methods for Prepreg, DIN 29971 Aerospace; Unidirectional Carbon
Carbon Fiber and Epoxy Resins Fibre-Epoxy Sheet and Tape Prepreg,
JIS K 7073 Testing Method for Tensile Technical Specification
Properties of Carbon Fibre DIN 65090 Aerospace; Textile Glass,
Reinforced Plastics Preimpregnated Filament Glass Cloth
JIS K 7074 Testing Methods for Flexural for E-Glass (Prepreg),Technical
Properties of Carbon Fibre Specification
Reinforced Plastics DIN 65426 Aerospace; Aromatic Polyamide
Part 1: (Aramid) - Preimpregnated Woven
Fabric, High-Modulus Filament Yam
(Prepreg);Dimensions, Masses
DIN 65426 Aerospace; Aromatic Polyamide
National Standards Institute (ANSI). Table Part 2 (Aramid)- Woven Filament Fabric
8.13 lists draft and published (ISO) standards Prepreg from High-Modulus Filament
for composites. Yam and Epoxy Resin, Technical
CD 1268 Fiber Reinforced Plastics - Test Plates Manufacturing Methods -Part 1- General Conditions
CD 3341 Textile Glass - Yams - Determination of Breaking Force and Breaking Elongation
CD 3374 Textile Glass - Mats - Determination of Mass Per Unit Area
CD 4605 Reinforced Products - Woven Fabrics - Determination of Mass Per Unit Area
CD 14127 Composites - Determination of Resin, Fiber and Void Content for Composites Reinforced
with Carbon Fiber
CD 15024 Determination of Mode I Delamination Resistance of Unidirectional Fiber Reinforced
Polymer Laminate Using the Double Cantilever Beam Specimin
CD 15034 Plastics - Prepregs - Resin Flow
CD 15040 Plastics - Prepregs - Gel Time
CD 15310 Reinforced Plastics - Determination of In-Plane Shear Modulus by Plate Twist Method
DIS 3374 Reinforcement Products - Mats and Fabrics - Determination of Mass Per Unit Area
DIS 5025 Textile Glass - Woven Fabrics - Determination of Width and Length
DIS 14126 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites - Determination of Compressive Properties in the In-
Plane Direction
FDIS 1889 Reinforcement Yarns - Determination of Linear Density
FDIS 1890 Reinforcement Yarns - Determination of Twist
FDIS 3344 Reinforcement Product - Determination of Moisture Content
FDIS 12114 Fiber-reinforced Plastics - Thermosetting Moulding Compounds and Prepregs -
Determination of Cure Characteristics
FDIS 11667 Fiber-Reinforced Plastics - Moulding Compounds and Prepregs - Determination of Resin,
Reinforced Fiber and Mineral Filler Content - Dissolution Methods
FDIS 12115 Fiber-Reinforced Plastics - Thermosetting Moulding Compounds and Prepregs -
Determination of Flowability, Maturation and Shelf Life
IS0 2559 Textile Glass - Mats (made from Chopped or Continuous Strands) Basis for a Specification
IS0 3605 Textile Glass - Rovings - Determination of Compressive Properties of Rod Composites
IS0 8515 Textile Glass - Reinforced Plastics - Determination of Compressive Properties in the
Direction Parallel to the Plane of Lamination
IS0 10119 Carbon Fiber - Determination of Density
IS0 10120 Carbon Fiber - Determination of Linear Density
CD - Committee Draft
DIS - Draft International Standard
JDIS - Final Draft International Standard
1068 Specifications and standards f o r polymer composites