General Principles AND National Taxation: As Lectured by Atty. Rizalina Lumbera
General Principles AND National Taxation: As Lectured by Atty. Rizalina Lumbera
General Principles AND National Taxation: As Lectured by Atty. Rizalina Lumbera
as lectured by Atty. Rizalina Lumbera
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
1. Lectures in Jurist Bar Review Program and notes of Atty. Rizalina Lumbera
Some of the contents of the above have been paraphrased and questions propounded differently in
order to tailor the author’s learning method.
Answers to some questions are likewise tailored to the personal preference of the author
I do not guaranty the absolute correctness of this work due to human errors and failure to understand
the question or concept perfectly. I apologize in advance for any error you may encounter in this work.
However, please see to it that the error is an opportunity to learn, as Dean Jose Sundiang puts it
“The beauty of an error is to correct it, and not to perpetuate it.”
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………... 1
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
but authorized
NATIONAL TAXATION Documentary by the local
Stamp (DST); Sanggunian; and
Real Property
Estate (EsT) Taxes (RPT)
Tips in studying taxation law
Remedies and In the collection of taxes, by or
Study the concept before the technical procedures against the TP or the government
term itself, as to ensure that one has
enough grasp of the concept to Supplements Bureau of Sanggunian
remember the technical term itself. to governing Internal Resolutions
law Revenue (BIR)
As to cases, study the law itself, as the
Supreme Court (SC) does not usually (NOTE: Taxation also includes
deviate from the law, considering that “Tariff and Customs Duties”, however
the law is explicit enough. Thus, in case it was left out considering that it does
of doubt: not form part of the Bar Exam Syllabus
for 2021)
1. If tax is to be imposed or not:
a. The rule is NOT to impose Classification of national taxes
the tax as taxes are burdens;
2. If the taxpayer (TP) is exempted The following are the classification of
or not: taxes and their inclusions:
a. The TP should NOT be
exempted, as exemptions 1. Business taxes:
are strictly construed a. VAT; and
against the TP b. PT;
2. Transfer taxes:
Outline of taxation law a. DT; and
b. EsT;
3. In the manufacture, production,
Where found? National Local and importation:
Internal Government a. ExT;
Revenue Code Code of 1991 4. In the execution of documents:
(NIRC), as (LGC) a. DST
amended by the
effective 1 Role of supplements
January 2018
The supplements shall explain the
What taxes Income (IT); Ordinary Local NIRC or the LGC, thus forming part
included? Tax, as of the law
Value Added indicated/
(VAT); enumerated in
the LGC
Donor’s (DT); (OLT), and
OLT which was
Percentage NOT
(PT); indicated/
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
NATIONAL TAXATION He must pay IT, as it is an income
Governing Law
Q: After receiving X’s salary, X bought
NIRC, as amended by the TRAIN Law groceries from Mama Mall Kita (MMK).
From the products bought by X, what tax
Q: Is it correct to say that if one tax is must MMK pay?
imposed, there can be another tax imposed
on the same subject? MMK must pay IT, as it is an income
earned from the selling to X.
No, as one subject may be subjected to
two or more taxes. (NOTE: In effect, everyone becomes
a taxpayer as there is a cycle of income-
This is called as double taxation in its expense-income.
broad sense.
If one does not spend, he will
Q: A, imported goods from Canada. ultimately die)
Subsequently, A sold the said goods to B.
Q: As X has a sizable balance after his
The BIR taxed A ExT, on the basis of the purchase with MMK, X bought assets (real
importation of the goods. Subsequently, property or personal property, whether
the BIR also taxed IT on the sale of the said tangible or intangible). What tax should X
goods. pay?
A questioned the tax imposed on the sale, X must pay IT and/or Withholding
alleging that as he already paid ExT, no IT Tax (WHT)
should be imposed on the sale. Is A
correct? Q: If instead, X invested his balance in a
bank and bought shares of stock in MMK,
No, as two or more taxes may be what tax should X pay?
imposed on the same subject matter,
which is valid as it is double taxation in X must pay IT on the interest earned
its broad sense. by the investments, as the income
earned upon such is subject to IT.
Thus, if ExT is paid due to the
importation of goods, the subsequent (NOTE: It is a different source of
sale may still be taxed based on IT, as it income from the compensation as an
realized income. employee)
The taxes imposed are for different Q: As X saved more money, he donated a
transactions, and thus a valid double sizable amount to Y. What tax should apply
taxation. to the donation?
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
INCOME TAX Definition of Income
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
Calendar v. fiscal year
To compute for the TNI, the AD, if
any, is deducted from the GI (GI – AD CALENDAR FISCAL
= NI) Starts 1 January 1st day of any
The TNI, in turn, shall be subjected to Ends 31 December Last day of the
tax (TNI x Tax rate) month after a
GS (benta) period
less COS (puhunan) Who may Natural person; Corporations
avail? and
GI Corporations
less AD, if any
TNI Q: If the fiscal year starts on 1 February
multiplied by Tax rate 2020, when will it end for purpose of
Tax due computation of IT for the year?
Income-expense cycle It shall be on the 31st day of January
A buyer buys from a seller. In turn, a
seller buys from another seller, and in Q: Can a TP choose to start the fiscal year
this sense the former becomes a buyer. on the 14th of February, as he believes that
it would bring luck to his business as it is
In short, by these transactions, the “day of the hearts”?
everybody becomes a taxpayer.
No, fiscal year can only be on the 1st
day of any month
FORTH Kind of ITs (generic)
Taxable period The following are the kinds:
Taxes are always computed based on 1. Net Income Tax System (NIT);
the taxable period of twelve (12) 2. Withholding Tax (WHT);
months. It may be called as: 3. Gross Income Tax (GIT);
4. 8% Tax on the Gross (8%TG);
1. Calendar year 5. Other types (minor ITs):
a. Starts 1 January, and ends 31 a. Fringe Benefits Tax;
December; or b. Minimum Corporate IT;
2. Fiscal year; c. Improperly Accumulated
a. Starts at the 1st day of any Earnings IT;
month and ends on the last day d. Branch Profit Remittance Tax;
of the month after a twelve- e. Intercorporate Dividends Tax
month period
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
NIT Over P250,000 but not over P400,000……..
20% of the excess over P250,000
The GI from the whole twelve (12)
month period, whether calendar or Over P400,000 but not over P800,000……
fiscal year, shall be added. P30,000 + 25% of the excess over P400,000
Subsequently, the AD, if any, shall be Over P800,000 but not over P2,000,000……..
deducted from the GI. P130,000 + 30% of the excess over P800,000
The total shall be the NIT (or TNI), Over P2,000,000 but not over P8,000,000…...
which shall be subjected to the P490,000 + 32% of the excess over P2,000,000
applicable tax rate Thus:
Over P8,000,000 ……………………………
GI P2,410,000 + 35% of the excess over
less AD, if any P8,000,000
multiplied by Tax rate xxx
Tax due
Sec. 27. Rates of Income Tax on Domestic
Tax rates Corporations;
The income tax rate shall depend on (A) In General:
the TP, whether: Except as otherwise provided in this Code, an
income tax of thirty-five percent (35%) is
1. Individuals; or hereby imposed upon the taxable income
2. Corporations derived during each taxable year from all
sources within and without the Philippines by
SEC. 24. Income Tax Rates; every corporation, as defined in Section 22(B)
of this Code and taxable under this Title as a
(A) Rates of Income Tax on Individual corporation, organized in, or existing under the
Citizen and Individual Resident Alien laws of the Philippines: Provided, That
of the Philippines. effective January 1, 2009, the rate of income tax
shall be thirty percent (30%). x x x
(2) Rates of Tax on Taxable
Income of Individuals; “Tax is withheld at source”. This is one
The tax shall be computed in way of advance collection of taxes.
accordance with and at the
rates established in the The source of income is obligated to:
following schedule:
1. Withhold a certain amount; and
2. Remit such withheld amount to the
(a) Tax Schedule Effective January 1, 2018 until
December 31, 2022:
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
Technically, the recipient receives The purpose for imposing an FWHT is
income minus the withheld amount to ensure that taxes are paid, because if
(“income net of (withholding) tax”) not, it would be harder to impose taxes
INCOME Nature Tax is withheld at source
WHT Obligation of 1. To withheld a certain
source of amount from the
income income; and
2. Remit the same to the
Credited Yes No
BIR against tax
Kinds of WHT Can it be No Yes
subject to
other taxes?
The following are the kinds:
1. Creditable (CWHT);
2. Final (FWHT); It is income tax on the gross. In effect,
3. Expanded (EWHT) there are no AD, and thus the GI itself
is multiplied to the tax rate.
GS (benta)
All withheld taxes are to be deducted less COS (puhunan)
from the tax due (Tax due – CHWT). GI
Thus: multiplied by Tax rate
Tax due
GS (benta)
less COS (puhunan) (NOTE: Compare with NIT, where
GI the NIT/TNI is multiplied with the tax
less AD, if any rate.
multiplied by Tax rate As there are no ADs, the GI itself is
Tax due multiplied to the tax rate, as if it is the
Tax due
It is so, as there is no NIT/TNI to
FWHT speak of, considering that there are no
All income or transaction which is
subject to FWHT shall NO LONGER
be subject to any other tax
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
8%TG Did I receive anything?
That there no ADs, there is no NIT to No, not all kinds of income are subject
speak of. (See example in GIT) to IT
With authority from her government Kind of TPs (according to residence and
agency, Curacha moonlights as a private citizenship)
practitioner and as a bar lecturer.
As Curacha, for some reason, lives as if she Resident Non-resident
has more than 24 hours in her daily life and
has worked with various plants prior to her Alien
Individual Resident Non-resident
becoming a lawyer, she owns a business
Engaged NOT
named as “Curacha’s Cures”, selling in T/B engaged
personalized scents which are scientifically in T/B
proven to ease headaches.
Corporations Domestic Corporations
Foreign Corporations
What is Curacha’s classification as an Resident Non-resident
income TP?
In fine, the following are the
Curacha is an MIE, considering that she classifications of TPs based on their
is a: residency and citizenship:
1. Individuals:
1. CIE, as a government employee; a. Citizen:
and i. Resident (RC); or
2. SEP, deriving income from:
Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
ii. Non-resident
(NRC); or 1) General Professional Partnerships
b. Alien (GPP); and
i. Resident (RA); 2) General Co-partnership (GCP)
ii. Non-resident:
1. Engaged in GPP v. GCP
(NRA- GPP is a partnership:
ET/B); or
2. NOT 1) Exclusively established for the
engaged in exercise of the common profession
T/B of the partners; and
(NRA- 2) No part of its income is derived
NET/B) from trade or business
2. Corporations:
a. Domestic (DC); or On the other hand, a GCP is any
b. Foreign: partnership other than a GPP.
i. Resident (RFC); or
ii. Non-resident Q: Among the two, which may be
(NRFC) subjected to tax?
(NOTE: In short, there are five (5) Only the GCP may be taxable, as a
kinds of Individual TPs, while there are GPP is declared as exempt from tax
three (3) kinds of Corporate TPs, based
on their residence and citizenship: RC
Kinds of partnerships
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
Thus, it would not apply in classifying 1. The TP was previously classified as
TPs. an NRC;
2. The NRC decided to return to the
(NOTE: Further, the fact remains, Philippines within the taxable
that the dual citizenship holder is still a period;
Filipino citizen.) 3. The return to the Philippines is to
reside herein permanently
Effect of NRC returning to the Philippines
within the taxable period with intent to (NOTE: Take note that this is the
reside permanently therein only instance where a TP may be
classified differently within the same
Section 22. Definitions; taxable period)
When used in this Title: NRC RC
Return to Ph
Corollary thereto, the TP shall be In the year 2021, X came back to the
considered as an NRC with respect to Philippines on the 1st day of August to visit
the taxable period that he was residing his relatives.
abroad., provided that the following
concurs: Assuming X stayed until December 31,
what is X’s classification as a TP for the
year 2021?
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
X is classified as an NRC all RA
throughout the year, as there is no
showing that X intends to reside in the Section 22. Definitions;
Philippines permanently. When used in this Title:
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
a. If the NRA stays in the If the RA decides to engage in
Philippines for an aggregate business, then another source
period of more than one of tax shall be imposed.
hundred eighty (180) days;
2. Principle of habituality: In effect, no matter what, the
a. If an NRA regularly enters into RA shall be subject to tax
commercial transactions here considering his residence in the
in the Philippines; and Philippines
b. Regardless of period of time;
and Q: Is it absolute that all NRA-NET/B are
3. NRA puts up a branch of his not residents of the Philippines?
business in the Philippines;
4. Appointment of agents; No, as the following special types of
5. Hiring of employees NRA-NET/B working within the
Philippines are considered as NRA-
Q: Is it required that all of the above appear NET/B despite residing in the
before an NRA may be considered as Philippines, as long as employed in:
1. Offshore Banking Units;
No, any one of the indicators is 2. Petroleum Service:
sufficient to consider an NRA as ET/B a. Contractors; or
b. Subcontractors
Q: If none of the five indicators appear, 3. Multinational Companies (Sec. 25,
what is the effect to the NRA? NIRC)
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
All others (NRC, RA, NRA-ET/B, interest-bearing obligation of
NRA-NET/B, RFC, and NRFC) can residents, corporate or otherwise;
only be taxed with respect to income 2) Dividends. – The amount
within the Philippines received as dividends:
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
a) The use of or the right apparatus purchased
or privilege to use in the from such non-resident
Philippines any person;
copyright, patent,
design or model, plan, f) Technical advice,
secret formula or assistance or services
process, goodwill, rendered in connection
trademark, trade brand with technical
or other like property management or
or right; administration of any
scientific, industrial or
b) The use of, or the right commercial
to use in the Philippines undertaking, venture,
any industrial, project or scheme; and
commercial or scientific
g) The use of or the right
to use:
c) The supply of scientific,
technical, industrial or
commercial knowledge i. Motion picture
or information; films;
ii. Films or video
tapes for use in
d) The supply of any connection with
assistance that is television; and
ancillary and subsidiary iii. Tapes for use in
to, and is furnished as a connection with
means of enabling the radio broadcasting.
application or
enjoyment of, any such
5) Sale of Real Property. – Gains,
property or right as is
profits and income from the sale of
mentioned in paragraph
(a), any such equipment real property located in the
Philippines; and
as is mentioned in
paragraph (b) or any
6) Sale of Personal Property. –
such knowledge or
Gains, profits and income from the
information as is
sale of personal property, as
mentioned in paragraph
determined in Subsection (E) of
this Section.
e) The supply of services
by a non-resident
person or his employee (B) Taxable Income from Sources
in connection with the within the Philippines. –
use of property or
rights belonging to, or 1) General Rule. – From the items of
the installation or gross income specified in
operation of any brand, Subsection (A) of this Section,
machinery or other there shall be deducted the
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
expenses, losses and other A week after, X went to the US.
deductions properly allocated Coincidentally, Y saw X. As Y had a good
thereto and a ratable part of time and experienced good service of X, Y
expenses, interests, losses and approached X and paid him.
other deductions effectively
connected with the business or Considering that Y paid him in the US, can
trade conducted exclusively within the income derived from such service be
the Philippines which cannot deemed as income without?
definitely be allocated to some
items or class of gross income: No, as the place of payment would not
Provided, That such items of matter in determining whether the
deductions shall be allowed only if income is derived within or without
fully substantiated by all the
information necessary for its What is relevant is the place where the
calculation. The remainder, if any, service was rendered, which, in this
shall be treated in full as taxable case, is in the Philippines.
income from sources within the
Philippines. (NOTE: The same would hold true if
its in the reverse, where X cuts the hair
2) Exception. – No deductions for of Y in the US, but payment was made
interest paid or incurred abroad in the Philippines.
shall be allowed from the item of
gross income specified in In such a case, the income is derived
subsection (A) unless indebtedness without, regardless of where payment
was actually incurred to provide was made.)
funds for use in connection with
the conduct or operation of trade Q: X, a resident Filipino citizen, has a bank
or business in the Philippines. x x x deposit in ABC Bank, a corporation formed
and organized under Philippine laws, and
Thus, the following are considered located therein.
income within:
X is now a resident of USA. However, X
1) Compensation for services; maintained his bank account in the
2) Dividends; Philippines.
3) Interest on:
a. Bank deposits; or While X is in the USA, his deposit made
b. Loans, obligations, interests.
debentures, and
promissory notes; With respect to the interest income, is it an
4) From Real Properties; income within or without?
5) Rentals;
6) Royalties; It is an income within, considering that
the bank who issued the interest
Q: X cuts hair for a living. One day, X cut income is located in the Philippines.
the hair of Y, a foreigner. However, as the
two had a good chat, Y, as well as X, forgot (NOTE: The same concept in
the payment. compensation applies.
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Thus, if the bank which issued the If XYZ issued dividends, should the
interest is located in a foreign country, income in favor of the SHs be considered
the income shall be considered as an within or without?
income without.)
It shall be considered as within, as the
Rule as to dividends issuing corporation is a DC.
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
The income generated by XYZ from the For Income Without:
Philippines and the USA from 2018-2020
are as follows: Php100K(Dividends)
minus Php25K (Within)
PhI FCI Php75K (Without)
2018 Php1M Php4M
2019 Php2M Php7M Q: Assume that W is an NRA-ET/B, and
2020 Php1M Php1M his dividend income has been computed as
TOTAL Php4M Php12M above, how much is taxable in the
PhI +FCI Php16M Philippines?
Assume that W received dividends in the Only the Php25,000 shall be taxable in
amount of Php100,000, is his income the Philippines, as an NRA-ET/B is
considered within or without? taxable only on income generated
within the Philippines.
His income shall be considered as
follows: (NOTE: The same holds true if the
Within: Php25,000 RFC, and NRFC, as they are taxable
Without: Php75,000 only on income generated within)
The reason for this is because the FC Q: In case of interest from loans, what is its
derived from the Philippines an nature with respect to the debtor?
amount less than 50% of its total
income: It is an expense, considering that the
debtor pays such to the creditor.
Php16M (TI)
divided by 2 Q: In case of interest from loans, what is its
Php8M (50% of TI) nature with respect to the creditor?
Php4M (PhI) < Php8M (50% of TI) It is an interest income to the creditor
That it generated less than 50%, then, Q: X is an RC, indebted to Y in the amount
the portion of the dividends of W shall of Php100,000.
be within (pertaining to the portion of
FC’s income generated within), and the The loan produced interest in the amount
remaining portion out of his dividends of Php10,000.
shall be deemed as without, computed
as follows: If X paid the interest to Y, is the income
interest considered within or without?
For Income Within:
It is within, considering that in the
Php4M (PhI) determination of the source of income
divided by Php16M (TI) interest, the residence of the debtor
0.25 shall be considered.
multiplied by Php100K(Dividends)
Php25K (Within) That X is an RC, the income interest
shall be considered as within.
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Q: If at the time X paid, he is in the USA CREDITOR TAXABILITY OF
for a vacation, can it be said that the INCOME
income interest of Y now an income
without? RA
NRA-ET/B Taxable
No, it is still an income within. The NRA-NET/B
residence of the debtor, regardless of DC
place of payment shall be the basis in RFC
determining the source of the income. NRFC
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Corollary thereto, if the property is generated by
located outside the Philippines, then it the FC, only
the portion
shall be considered as income without. pertaining to
the income
Summary of rules to determine if income is generated in the
within Philippines
shall be deemed
as within, while
Thus, the rules are as follows: the remaining
shall be without
1) Compensation for services:
a. If the service was rendered Interest For those For those
in the Philippines income on issued by banks issued by banks
bank deposits located inside located outside
2) Dividends: the Philippines the Philippines
a. DC and FC
3) Interest on: Interest If the debtor is If the debtor is
a. Bank deposits: income on a resident of NOT a resident
i. If the bank loans, the Philippines of the
which issued obligations, Philippines
the interest is and
within the promissory
Philippines; notes
b. Loans, obligations,
debentures, and Real If the property If the property
properties, is located in the is NOT located
promissory notes: rentals, and Philippines in the
i. If the debtor is royalties Philippines
a resident of
the Philippines Income without
4) From Real Properties, Rentals
and Royalties: Section 42. Income from Sources Within
a. If the property which the Philippines:
produced income is
situated in the Philippines
Compensation For service For service (C) Gross Income from Sources without
for services rendered in the rendered the Philippines. – The following
Philippines outside the items of gross income shall be treated
Philippines as income from sources without the
Dividends For those For those Philippines:
issued by DCs issued by FCs if
and FCs 3 years prior to
the issuance of a. Interests other than those
the dividend, derived from sources within
the income
generated by
the Philippines as provided in
the FC in the paragraph (1) of Subsection (A)
Philippines is of this Section;
less than 50%
of the total b. Dividends other than those
derived from sources within
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the Philippines as provided in (E) Income from Sources Partly Within
paragraph (2) of Subsection (A) and Partly Without the Philippines.
of this Section; – Items of gross income, expenses,
losses and deductions, other than those
specified in Subsections (A) and (C) of
c. Compensation for labor or
this Section, shall be allocated or
personal services performed
without the Philippines; apportioned to sources within or
without the Philippines, under the rules
and regulations prescribed by the
d. Rentals or royalties from Secretary of Finance, upon
property located without the recommendation of the
Philippines or from any interest Commissioner. Where items of gross
in such property including income are separately allocated to
rentals or royalties for the use sources within the Philippines, there
of or for the privilege of using shall be deducted (for the purpose of
without the Philippines, computing the taxable income
patents, copyrights, secret therefrom) the expenses, losses and
processes and formulas, other deductions properly apportioned
goodwill, trademarks, trade or allocated thereto and a ratable part
brands, franchises and other of other expenses, losses or other
like properties; and deductions which cannot definitely be
allocated to some items or classes of
e. Gains, profits and income from gross income. The remainder, if any,
the sale of real property located shall be included in full as taxable
without the Philippines. income from sources within the
Philippines. In the case of gross
income derived from sources partly
(D) Taxable Income from Sources within and partly without the
without the Philippines. – From the Philippines, the taxable income may
items of gross income specified in first be computed by deducting the
Subsection (C) of this Section there expenses, losses or other deductions
shall be deducted the expenses, losses, apportioned or allocated thereto and a
and other deductions properly ratable part of any expense, loss or
apportioned or allocated thereto and a other deduction which cannot
ratable part of any expense, loss or definitely be allocated to some items or
other deduction which cannot classes of gross income; and the
definitely be allocated to some items or portion of such taxable income
classes of gross income. The attributable to sources within the
remainder, if any, shall be treated in full
Philippines may be determined by
as taxable income from sources processes or formulas of general
without the Philippines. x x x
apportionment prescribed by the
Secretary of Finance. Gains, profits
Income partly within and partly without and income from the sale of personal
property produced (in whole or in part)
Section 42. Income from Sources Within by the taxpayer within and sold without
the Philippines: the Philippines, or produced (in whole
or in part) by the taxpayer without and
xxx sold within the Philippines, shall be
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treated as derived partly from sources 2. Duplicate DT/ in its Strict Sense
within and partly from sources without (DTSS)
the Philippines.
Gains, profits and income derived
from the purchase of personal property DTSS, has the following elements:
within and its sale without the
Philippines, or from the purchase of 1. Taxing twice;
personal property without and its sale 2. The same subject matter;
within the Philippines shall be treated 3. With the same taxable period;
as derived entirely from sources within 4. For the same purpose; and
the country in which sold: Provided, 5. For the same kind of tax
however, That gain from the sale of
shares of stock in a domestic On the other hand, in the absence of
corporation shall be treated as derived any of the above elements, then there
entirely from sources within the is DTBS.
Philippines regardless of where the said
shares are sold. The transfer by a non- DTSS DTBS
Legality Illegal/ Legal/
resident alien or a foreign corporation Unconstitutional Constitutional
to anyone of any share of stock issued
by a domestic corporation shall not be Consequence Prohibited Allowed, but
effected or made in its book unless: (1) frowned upon
the transferor has filed with the considering the
dual impact
Commissioner a bond conditioned to the TP.
upon the future payment by him of any
income tax that may be due on the Can it be No, as there is Yes, as the law
gains derived from such transfer, or (2) reduced? nothing to recognizes the
the Commissioner has certified that the reduce as it impact to the
cannot be had in TP, the law
taxes, if any, imposed in this Title and
the first place provides
due on the gain realized from such sale remedies
or transfer have been paid. It shall be
the duty of the transferor and the Q: Why is DTSS unconstitutional?
corporation the shares of which are
sold or transferred, to advise the As it violates the equal protection
transferee of this requirement. clause
1. Direct Duplicate DT/ in its Broad As to RCs and DCs, income derived
Sense (DTBS); or without the Philippines shall be taxed
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1. Philippines; and a. Shares of stocks (C); and
2. Foreign Country b. Real property (D)
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What kind of tax and rate should be GS/GR (benta)
applied? less Php250,000
Among the two, the former is much multiplied by 8% Tax rate
important with respect to the Bar Tax due
Exams, as it is seldom that the
examinee is asked to compute for the When 8%TG applicable
tax rate.
The tax on the GI shall be subjected to
KIND OF TAX an 8% tax rate, provided that the
A B C D following concurs:
RA NIT; or 1. TP is either:
ET/B b. SEI; or
NRA- GIT/FT (25%) c. MIE
NET/B 2. GR/GS does not exceed Php3M in
DC NIT a year (= or < Php3M/year)
Rationale for Php3M threshold
Individual TPs
Section 109. Exempt Transactions. –
Options of RC, NRC, RA, and NRA-ET/B
as to A (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection
(2) hereof, the following transactions
The TP may opt to be subjected to: shall be exempt from the value-added
tax: x x x
1. NIT; or
2. 8%TG (BB) Sale or lease of goods or
properties or the performance
NIT v. 8%TG of services other than the
transactions mentioned in the
To reiterate, NIT is computed as preceding paragraphs, the
follows: gross annual sales and/or
GS/GR (benta) receipts do not exceed the
less COS (puhunan) amount of Three million pesos
GI (PhP3,000,000).
less AD, if any
TNI Thus, the Php3M threshold is for the
multiplied by Tax rate purpose of preventing the operation of
Tax due the Value Added Tax (VAT) with
respect to the TP.
On the other hand, 8%TG is
computed as follows: If Php3M threshold is reached, VAT
will apply, and the TP may no longer
avail the 8%TG
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(NOTE: Take note of rules on VAT, Henry comes to you asking for his options
as VAT and IT on Individual TPs are on his income tax rate, what would you
akin to a married couple, if one advise?
appears, most likely the other will.)
I would tell Henry that he can only be
Q: Do CIE’s incur VAT assuming he has subjected to NIT.
an income exceeding Php3M?
CIE cannot avail the 8%TG, and thus,
No, it is merely passed to the CIE, but can only be subjected to the rates under
does NOT remit the same to the BIR NIT.
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Lucio may only avail of NIT, It shall be NIT, as it is the default
considering that 8% TG may only be applicable rate in case the choice was
availed if the SEP/I’s GS/GR does not exercised.
NOT exceed Php3M.
Q: Assume that Lucio is qualified to avail
(NOTE: Thus, if the SEP/SEI/MIE of 8%TG, but he neither chose NIT nor
has a GS/GR exceeding Php3M, there 8%TG, what is the applicable rate?
is no choice to speak of, as
automatically he shall be subjected to It shall be NIT, as is the default
NIT) applicable rate in case no choice was
Q: In the above stated fact, will VAT apply?
Q: Assume that Lucio is qualified to avail
Yes, as it exceeds Php3M of 8%TG, but opted to be subjected to
Rule as to applicable rate
During the year, he changed his mind and
GR: NIT, when: wanted to avail the 8%TG. May Lucio do
1. CIE;
2. The GS/GR exceeds No, as the option must be exercised at
Php3M; or the start of the taxable year
3. Despite the 8%TG’s
availability: Q: Assume that Lucio is qualified to avail
a. No choice was made; of 8%TG, and opted to be subjected to such
b. It was not chosen; or
c. Chosen after the start During the year, he changed his mind and
of the year wanted to avail the NIT. May Lucio do so?
Q: Assume that Lucio is qualified to avail No, as the option is only for the taxable
of 8%TG, but he did NOT choose it, what year in which it was elected.
is the applicable rate?
Thus, the following taxable year, Lucio
must exercise his option again if he
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wants to avail the 8% TG, otherwise, As to the income earned as a CIE, it
the applicable rate would be NIT. can only be subjected to NIT.
The income shall be computed No, only to the income from SEP, as
separately, and added together for the the GR exceeds Php3M.
total tax due, as follows:
On the other hand, the income from
For the CIE: CIE cannot be liable for VAT, whether
or not the income exceeds Php3M.
Php4M (CIE)
minus Php2M (Exempt) Applicable rate to NRA-NET/B
multiplied by 32% (Tax rate) NRA-NET/B’s GI shall be subjected
Php640K to 25% IT, thus:
plus Php490,000 (Basic)
Php1.130M(Tax due) GS (benta)
less COS (puhunan)
For the SEP: GI
multiplied by 25% Tax rate
Php2M Tax due
multiplied by 8% (Tax rate)
Php160K (Tax due) Rationale for applicability of GIT to NRA-
Total tax due:
It is to ensure that tax will be paid for
Php1.130M (CIE) income earned, considering that the TP
plus Php160K (SEP) is:
Php1.29M (Tax due)
1. NOT in the Philippines; and
Difference between computations in tax 2. NET/B
due of SEP/SEI and MIE availing 8%TG
Thus, it is necessary that such tax be
In case of an SEP, there is an imposed which is in the nature of
exemption of Php250K, thus it is to be taxing at source, as to avoid a situation
deducted from the GS. where no tax will be paid for income
derived in the Philippines by an NRA-
On the other hand, in an MIE, the NET/B.
250K exemption does not apply,
considering there is already an Take not that the GIT is in the nature
exemption granted by law in the of a final tax as well, akin to FWHT.
computation for the CIE tax due.
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Rates of FWHT under B Considering that X is an RC, he may
opt to apply NIT or the 8%TG if
VARIETY RATE applicable
Local/ Peso account 20%
It shall fall under ALL income (A) The FWHT is 10%, as it is an income
other than B, C, and D. derived from a book
Q: Considering that it is under A, what tax
rate applies?
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Q: Assume, that Sulat wrote and published Q: X won a spelling bee hosted by the
the book in the United States, will the “ABNKKBSPLAQ Inc.”.
FWHT of 10% apply to the royalties?
Will his prize be subjected to FWHT?
No, as it is an income derived without
the Philippines, and thus would not fall No, as prizes and winnings refer to
under B. games of chance, NOT those won in
That it is NOT under B, it falls under
A. Q: Lucky, an RC, is the sole winner of the
lotto grand prize of Php2,000,000. What tax
Thus, that it is under A, and Sulat is an rate would apply?
RC, the applicable tax rate is NIT or
8%TG if qualified The FWHT of 20% shall be applicable,
as it is a winning more than Php10,000.
Q: If Sulat is an RFC, and he wrote and
published the book in the United States, Q: If instead, Lucky won the lotto in the
will the FWHT of 10% apply to the United States, what tax rate will apply?
The applicable tax rate is NIT or
No, as it is an income derived without 8%TG, if qualified.
the Philippines, and thus would not fall
under B. It is so, as the winning does not fall
under B, and as such falls under A.
That it is NOT under B, it falls under
A. Q: Unlucky, an RC, is one of the winners of
the lotto grand prize amounting to
Thus, that it is under A, and Sulat is an Php2,000,000.
RFC, the applicable tax rate is NIT
After dividing it to all winners, it appears
(NOTE: Again, the 8%TG would not that Unlucky is bound to receive only
apply considering that the TP is a Php10,000.
How much FWHT will be subjected to
Q: If Sulat is an RA instead, but still wrote Unlucky’s winnings?
and authored the book in the United States,
will he be taxed on royalties received from No FWHT shall apply, as the winning
such? is exempted from such, considering
that it is a winning not exceeding
No, as an RA is not taxable for income Php10,000.
derived without the Philippines.
Examples of “other prizes and winnings”
Inclusions of prizes and winnings
Examples are as follows:
It refers to prizes and winning in
“games of chance” 1. Casino;
2. Raffles; and
3. Other gambling games
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Q: Sinwirti won a raffle in the Philippines Flow observed in determining taxability of
amounting to Php50,000. dividends
Effect if prizes or winnings are won outside RTIA declared dividends, and as such,
the Philippines if TP is RC, NRC, RA, Raffy received dividends.
What is the tax rate applicable to the
In such a case, FWHT would not apply, dividends received by Raffy?
as it would fall under A.
As a consequence, the applicable rate Raffy’s dividends shall be subjected to a
would be NIT of 8%TG 10% FWHT, considering that the
dividends were issued by a DC.
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No, as previously discussed, that as a Considering that Jocelyn is an NRC, she
general rule, dividends issued by an can only be held liable for taxes within
FC is an income within, except when the Philippines, and thus, only the
3 years prior to the declaration of Php25K shall be taxed
dividends by the FC, the income
generated in the Philippines is less than Q: What is the applicable rate to Jocelyn’s
the total income of the FC. income within?
Hence, it was merely removed from the It shall be NIT or 8%TG, as the
operation of B, considering that under income from dividends is under A.
such item, only dividends issued by a
DC are taxable with a 10% FWHT. Considering that the dividends were
issued by an FC, it does NOT fall
Dividends issued by an FC falls under under B, and thus falls under A.
A, for the simple reason that it is NOT
within the conditions falling under B, Q: Assume that RTIA’s income generated
and NOT because it is considered as in the Philippines is Php10M, how much of
income without. Jocelyn’s dividend income will be
subjected to tax and at what rate?
Q: Jocelyn, an NRC, is an SH of RTIA Inc.,
an FC. In this case, all of Jocelyn’s dividend shall
be subjected to tax, thus, the whole
RTIA declared dividends in 2021, to which Php100K.
Jocelyn received Php100,000.
Such dividend shall be subjected to
For the year 2018-2020, RTIA generated an NIT or 8%TG, considering that it does
income of Php5M within the Philippines, not fall under B, as it was issued by an
while Php15M outside the Philippines. FC.
While it is true that the value of X’s Considering that the loss was incurred
land indeed increased, such gain is without the fault of the Government,
merely a paper profit, as it is NOT as such loss was due to the fault of the
realized. seller by his selling the property lower
than its FMV, then he is liable for DT
Q: X opted to sell his land valued at with respect to the loss.
Php3,000,000, for such price.
Q: Considering that it pertains to a sale of In line with the above, only RCs and
real property, does it mean, then, that there DCs may be taxed on such income, as
could only be one value pertaining to such? they are taxed for income derived
within and without.
No, as in the case of a land and an
improvement (e.g. house) thereon, Condominium units
there would be two (2) different tax
declarations, to wit: Condominium units are included in the
operation of CGT
1. On the land; and
2. On the improvement Q: X owns a condominium unit which he
uses as his residence.
Thus, the FMV, assessed value, and
zonal value of the land, is different If X sells such condominium unit, what tax
from the FMV, assessed value, and rate would be applicable?
zonal value of the improvement.
The applicable tax rate shall be 6%
If, however, it is only on the land, or on FWHT/CGT, as it is a sale of real
the improvement, then only one value property under D
could pertain to such
Q: Assume instead, that X leases out his
Q: If the SoS sold is issued by a FC, what condo unit to Y.
tax rate would apply?
If X sells his condo unit, what tax rate
It is NIT or 8%TG, considering that would be applicable?
what is covered by C are those SoS
issued by a DC. The applicable tax rate shall be NIT or
8%TG, if applicable.
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It is so as it does not fall under D, by c. Zonal valuation; or
reason of the asset’s being of a ordinary 2. NIT under A
nature, as it is being used in trade or
business. Thus, with respect to the applicable tax
rate in case of sale of real property
That it is not under D, the it falls under under D, the rule is as follows:
GR: 6% FWHT/CGT of the
Thus, that it is under A, the applicable following, whichever is
tax rate is NIT or 8%TG, if qualified. higher:
Thus, the Government initiated Q: If you were the counsel of X, what would
expropriation proceedings, and you suggest as the better option?
successfully obtained an order of
expropriation against X’s property. I would suggest to X to avail of the
NIT tax rate.
Considering that X was forced to sell his
property to the government for the price of The basis of just compensation
just compensation, what would be the is FMV, thus, in this case the
applicable tax rate considering that it is a Php1M.
“sale of real property” under D?
If the Government would pay
The owner of the expropriated only Php1M, (which most
property is given by law two choices as likely would happen), there is
to the applicable tax rate: no income to speak of and
therefore no tax to apply.
1. 6% FWHT/CGT of the following,
whichever is higher: On the other hand, if the 6%
a. FMV; FWHT/CGT is chosen, there will
b. Assessed value; or always be tax as it shall be attached to
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whichever value is higher among FMV, Exemption under D
assessed value, or zonal value.
Section 24. Income Tax Rates
Q: As the loan became due, the creditor
successfully foreclosed the property of the xxx
debtor subject to the REM.
(D) Capital Gains from Sale of Real
Will CGT attach at this point? Property
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unutilized amount bears to the gross Yes, as both real properties represent
selling price in order to determine the his actual principal residence, and thus
taxable portion and the tax prescribed can validly be the subject of exemption.
under paragraph (1) of this Subsection
shall be imposed thereon. Q: X owns a land. As he was not using the
said land, he allowed his brother Y to build
In case of sale of principal residence, a house thereon as his principal residence.
the TP may be exempted from the
payment of CGT, if: If X and Y sold the land and house,
respectively, may both of them avail of the
1. The TP informs the BIR, within 30 exemption for CGT on sales of principal
days from the sale, that he is residence?
availing the exemption;
2. The TP buys or builds another No, only Y may avail of the exemption.
actual principal residence in lieu of
the one sold, within 18 months (1 In this case, only Y has the actual
year and 6 months) from the sale; principal residence to speak of.
3. The TP avails the remedy once in
10 years; and X is not actually living in the said land,
4. The historical cost (instead of the and thus he cannot avail the
FMV) shall be the basis for the exemption.
computation of the CGT
exemption or application Q: X and Y, husband and wife, had three
children, namely, A, B, and C.
Q: Why should the TP selling his principal
residence inform such sale to the BIR At the time of X and Y’s death, only C was
within 30 days from sale? living and residing with them in their
house in the province of Nueva Ecija, while
It is so, as the period to pay CGT under A and B are both in Manila and are residing
D is 30 days from the sale. therein.
Thus, the exemption must be given to Years after the death of their parents, A, B,
the BIR prior to the payment of CGT, and C decided to sell their ancestral house.
otherwise, the seller shall be liable to Can all of A, B, and C, claim the exemption
pay CGT. for CGT on sales of principal residence?
Q: May a TP avail the exemption twice in No, only C may avail the exemption,
one year? considering that he is the only sibling
who has the ancestral house as his
No, in fact, it can only be availed once actual principal residence.
every 10 years.
Q: Considering that C may avail the
Q: X owns a land. On the said land, X built exemption, does it mean then that the total
his house as his principal residence. price of the sale of the house will NOT be
subjected to CGT?
If he sold the land and the house, may X
claim the exemption for both?
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No, the exemption can only apply to Is the BIR correct?
the proportion of C’s share in the
inheritance. No, the BIR is incorrect.
Considering that X eventually earned Considering his dislike for the property
enough to get a bigger house for his given, he wanted to sell his property.
growing family, he intends to sell his
house. Can X validly claim an exemption due to
the sale of a real property which is an actual
Thus, a sale was concluded, principal residence?
X gave notice to the BIR that he will be Yes, the exemption applies even to
availing an exemption, but the BIR aliens, specifically in this case, X’s
claimed that a 6% CGT should be applied, being an NRA-NET/B.
considering that it is a sale of real property,
and the residence in Taytay cannot be Considering that X is physically present
considered as an actual principal here in the Philippines, the exemption
residence, considering he is outside the would still be possible.
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Corporate TPs Applicable tax rate for A
Kinds of income of Corporate TPs and It is NIT, at a global (fixed) tax rate of
applicable tax thirty percent (30%). Thus:
The same rule and concept in No, it is just because the rate under
Individual TPs apply to Corporate TPs. NIT and GIT are the same, which is at
Rule as to A
The difference is that for NRFCs, the
The same rule and concept in tax is final in nature, as it is a GIT, and
Individual TPs apply to Corporate TPs, thus the computation is different:
thus, if it is NOT in B, C, or D, then it
is in A For DCs and RFCs:
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GS (benta) exclusively to the members of
less COS (puhunan) such society, order, or
GI association, or nonstock
less AD corporation or their
NIT dependents;
multiplied by 30% (Tax rate)
Tax due (D) Cemetery company owned and
operated exclusively for the
For NRFCs: benefit of its members;
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For the exemption to apply, the Exemption under Sec. 30, NIRC v. Sec.
following must conquer: 28(3), Art. VII, 1987 Philippine
1. The TP is a:
a. CI; or SEC. 30, SEC. 28(3), ART.
i. Churches, together Tax IT RPT
with appurtenances contemplated
such as: When exempt “Income as ADE used for its
1. Parsonage; such” purpose
2. Convents; When NOT Income NOT ADE
exempt from
and property,
ii. Mosques real or
c. Both of the above includes personal;
i. Lands; Income
ii. Buildings; and activity
iii. Improvements conducted
2. The above stated are being used for profit
actually, directly, and exclusively
(ADE) for any of the the following Q: Bahay ni La at Lo, Co. (BLALOCO), is
purposes: a non-stock, non-profit DC formed for the
a. Religious; purpose of being a home for the aged.
b. Charitable; or
c. Educational For purpose of tax exemption, what is the
nature of BLALOCO?
Q: Considering that the above stated
provision states that the TP “…shall be It is a charitable institution
exempt from taxation.”, does it cover ALL
taxes? Q: BLALOCO has seven (7) buildings,
three (3) of which are housed by elderly
No, it refers only to real property tax people, one for the office and library, and
(RPT) the final three (3) are being rented by
McDo, Jollibee, and KFC, illustrated as
(NOTE: There is a similar provision follows:
under the LGC, thus an additional
basis, but it refers to one and the same) McDo
Q: Do the TPs stated in the above stated KFC
provision likewise fall under the exempted OFFICE
corporations under the NIRC? Jolli HOME 3 and
Yes, specifically under paragraph E
For purposes of RPT, are all buildings
exempted from such?
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No, only buildings pertaining to Q: In determining the taxability of the
Homes 1, 2, and 3, and the one housing income derived from rentals, is it correct to
the Office and Library are exempt. say that the basis is the Constitution?
On the other, hand, the NIRC provides Q: Assume, instead, that the income from
the exemption from income tax. the rentals amounting to Php500K were
used for charitable purposes.
Q: BLALOCO produces Christmas Cards,
as it is one of the activities given to the Considering that they are subject to IT as
elderly. income derived from real property, but is
used for its very own purpose, is it correct
If BLALOCO produces an income of to say that it is now exempt from IT?
Php1M from such activity, would it be
subject to IT? No, as it is still subjected to IT,
regardless of disposition of the said
No, as it is income derived from its income.
very own purpose (income as such)
Q: Assume, instead, that the interest
Q: McDo, Jollibee, and KFC, pays a total of income of Php20K from the peso account
Php500K to BLALOCO as rentals. deposit was used for a charitable purpose.
For purposes of IT, can the rentals be Considering that it was used for a
subjected to such? charitable purpose, is it now exempt from
Yes, as it is an income derived from a
real property owned by a charitable No, again, it is taxable regardless of
non-stock non-profit corporation disposition
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(NOTE: Thus, the question is NOT CIE: No
on how the income was used, but
rather, how the income was produced) SEP/
Q: X, an RC, donated Php2M to MIE: Yes, up to 10% (Sec.
BLALOCO. Is the Php2M an income? 34(H))
Yes, as the Php2M flows into the Q: Assume, that X is a Corporate TP, is it
wealth of the TP, as it is NOT a mere an AD to its IT?
return of capital.
Yes, up to 5% (Sec. 34(H))
Q: That it is an income, is it subject to IT?
Q: What tax would apply as to the donation
No, as the donation is an item of of X?
exclusion under Section 32(B)(3):
It would depend:
“(B) Exclusions from Gross
Income. – The following items If inter vivos: DT
shall not be included in gross If mortis causa: EsT
income and shall be exempt
from taxation under this Title: Q: If X donated the Php2M during his
lifetime and BLALOCO used Php100K
xxx from the said donation for its
administration. Will it be subject to DT?
(3) Gifts, Bequests, and Devises. –
The value of property acquired No, as the usage by BLALOCO is less
by gift, bequest, devise, or than 30%, and thus exempt from DT,
descent: Provided, however, to wit:
That income from such
property, as well as gift, “Exemption of Certain
bequest, devise or descent of Acquisitions and
income from any property, in Transmissions. –
cases of transfers of divided The following shall not be
interest, shall be included in taxed:
gross income.”
Thus, that it is an item of exclusion, it
shall not be included in the (D) All bequests, devises,
computation. legacies or transfers to social
welfare, cultural and charitable
(NOTE: Thus, in such a question, institutions, no part of the net
neither the Constitutional provision on income of which inures to the
RPT nor Sec. 30 would apply) benefit of any individual:
Provided, however, That not
Q: With respect to X, is it an AD to his IT? more than thirty percent (30%)
of the said bequests, devises,
It would depend: legacies or transfers shall be
used by such institutions for
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administration purposes.” organization, trust or
(Section 87) philanthropic organization
and/ or research institution or
Q: If X donated the Php2M by will, and as organization, incorporated as a
such after his death, and BLALOCO used nonstock entity, paying no
Php100K from the said donation for its dividends, governed by trustees
administration. Will it be subject to EsT? who receive no compensation,
and devoting all its income,
No, as the usage by BLALOCO is less whether students’ fees or gifts,
than 30%, and thus exempt from EsT, donation, subsidies or other
to wit: forms of philanthropy, to the
accomplishment and
“Exemption of Certain Gifts. promotion of the purposes
– The following gifts or enumerated in its Articles of
donations shall be exempt Incorporation.” (Section 101)
from the tax provided for in
this Chapter: Q: Assume, that X is an NRA, would your
answer be the same to both problems?
(A) In the Case of Gifts Made
by a Resident: Yes, the same rule applies, as long as
the 30% threshold is NOT breached
(NOTE: Thus, whether DT or EsT,
(2) Gifts in favor of an Citizen or Alien, the same rule applies,
educational and/or charitable, that it shall NOT be subject to DT or
religious, cultural or social EsT as long as the use has NOT
welfare corporation, reached 30%)
institution, accredited
nongovernment organization, Q: Simbahayanan (SBH) is a religious
trust or philanthropic institution, and its property is illustrated as
organization or research follows:
institution or organization:
Provided, however, That not PARSO- KITCHEN
more than thirty percent (30%) NAGE
Discuss the taxes applicable. (NOTE: Thus, the rules for charitable
and religious institutions are one and
As to SBH’s RPT: the same)
On the other hand, SBH shall There are two (2) kinds of Educational
be liable for the properties Institutions for exemption purposes
rented by the fast-food chains, under the Constitution:
as these are NOT ADE used 1. NSNPEI; and
for its religious purpose. 2. PEI
ii. Lands; and
iii. Improvements
Coverage of exemption Jolli
The exemption includes:
For purposes of RPT, what may be taxed
1. Taxes: and cannot be taxed?
i. RPT; and
ii. All other Internal Revenue Only the portion being rent out to the
Taxes; and fast-food chains may be taxed for RPT,
2. Duties: as it is NOT ADE used for educational
i. Tariff; and purpose
ii. Customs
All other properties cannot be
Constitutional exemption of CI and RI v. subjected to RPT, as it is ADE used for
NSNPEI educational purpose
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It would not matter if the would your answer still be the same in the
income produced is from the above questions pertaining to income tax
real property, considering that considering the inconsistency of the said
the Constitution provides no provision and the Constitutional provision?
such situation.
No, my answer would still be the same.
Corollary thereto, if the income is
NOT ADE used for educational History of Sec. 30, NIRC v. Sec. 4 (3),
purposes, then it would not be covered Article XIV, 1987 Philippine Constitution
by the exemption
For the longest time, the BIR held that
Q: Assume, that the Php15M was deposited the controlling provision over the two
in ABC Bank, a DC in the Philippines. provisions is the NIRC.
Q: May it be made part for the computation With respect to the taxable properties
of UFA’s IT? (rented properties) and exempt
properties, my answer would still be
No as gifts, bequests, or donations, are the same, as the former is NOT ADE
exempt from IT used, while the latter is ADE used for
educational purpose.
Q: May X use the donation as an AD to his
IT? However, for the basis, my answer
would NOT be the same, as it is NOT
It depends: covered by the Constitution, but rather
of law, specifically Sec. 234(B), LGC:
If CIE: No
“All machineries and
I SEP/I/ equipment that are actually,
MIE: Yes, up to 10% directly and exclusively used by
local water districts and
Q: Assume, that X is a DC instead, can X government-owned or -
use it as an AD to his IT? controlled corporations
engaged in the supply and
Yes, up to 5% distribution of water and/or
generation and transmission of
electric power”
57 | P a g e
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(NOTE: Thus, it is NOT the income. For purposes of this
Constitution, but the LGC that Subsection, the term 'unrelated
governs, as it is the law that provides trade, business or other activity'
for such exemption. means any trade, business or
other activity, the conduct of
Despite the difference in basis, the which is not substantially
application is the same, in that the related to the exercise or
exemption would come into play as performance by such
long as it is ADE used for educational educational institution or
purpose) hospital of its primary purpose
or function. 'Proprietary'
Q: Assume, that UFA is a PEI, and still means a private hospital, or any
made the Php15M in income, segregated private school maintained and
into Php10M from tuition fees, and Php5M administered by private
from the rentals. individuals or groups with an
issued permit to operate from
For purposes of IT, will your answer still be the Department of Education
the same when UFA is a NSNPEI? (DepEd), or the Commission
on Higher Education (CHED),
No, it would be way different, in that it or the Technical Education and
is no longer exempt, but rather will Skills Development Authority
always be subject to tax, based on Sec. (TESDA), as the case may be,
27 (B), NIRC: in accordance with existing
laws and regulations.”
“Proprietary Educational
Institutions and Hospitals.– Thus, in determining the IT rate of
PEI, it is necessary to add the related
Proprietary educational trade or activity (RTA) and the
institutions and hospitals unrelated trade or activity (URTA):
which are nonprofit shall pay a
tax of ten percent (10%) on Php10M (RTA)
their taxable income except add Php5M (URTA)
those covered by Subsection Php15M (Total Income)
(D) hereof: Provided, That
beginning July 1, 2020 until After determining the Total Income, it
June 30, 2023, the tax rate is compared to the URTA, and the tax
herein imposed shall be one rate would depend:
percent (1%): Provided,
further, That if the gross URTA < or = 50% of Total Income = 30%
income from 'unrelated trade,
business or other activity' URTA > 50% of Total Income = 10%
exceeds fifty percent (50%) of
the total gross income derived That in this case, the URTA of Php5M
by such educational institutions is less than 50% of the Total Income of
or hospitals from all sources, Php15M, the applicable tax rate is the
the tax prescribed in 10% preferential rate.
Subsection (A) hereof shall be
imposed on the entire taxable
58 | P a g e
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(NOTE: The RTA and URTA is akin donation for administration has
to income ADE used and NOT used NOT been breached:
for educational purpose. i. Corollary thereto, if more than
30% has been used, it shall be
However, the difference lies in that, in subject to DT or ET;
a PEI, it shall be always subject to tax 3. The donor can only use it as an AD
which may be 10% or 30% NIT, while if the donor is:
in a NSNPEI income is exempt if ADE i. SEP/I or MIE, up to 10%; or
used for educational purpose) ii. Corporation, up to 5%
It is deemed RTA if it is for a its Sec. 30. (NIRC) Exemptions from Tax on
educational purpose Corporations;
The following organizations shall not be taxed
Q: Assume, that the income from the under this Title in respect to income received
rentals is Php10M, while the income from by them as such:
tuition fees is Php5M, would your answer
be the same? xxx
59 | P a g e
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GR: No RPT, if the Determine the taxability of such, with
property is: respect to IT.
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It is exempt, as gifts, bequests, Gifts made to or for the use of the National
and devises are items of Government or any entity created by any of its
exclusion. agencies which is not conducted for profit, or
to any political subdivision of the said
As to DT and ET: Government.
Q: If UFA, a GEI, used Php1M out of the On the other hand, as to DT, it is Sec.
Php2M of the donation for its 101, NIRC that governs.
administration, is it subject to DT or ET?
It is exempt as it is considered
No, as it is exempt as a gift for the use of the
National Government
(NOTE: Thus, with respect to DT or
ET, it is always exempt, regardless of Q: If X is a CIE, can he claim it as a
whether or not the 30% use for deduction?
administration has been breached)
No, as a CIE is not allowed to claim
Basis for absolute exemption with respect any deduction
to DT and ET
Q: If X is a SEP/I or MIE, or a Corporate
Sec.86. Computation of Net Estate: TP, can he/it claim the donation as a
For the purpose of the tax imposed in this deduction?
Chapter, the value of the net estate shall be
determined: It depends:
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(NOTE: Notice that the 10% and 5% RPT is exempt if ADE used for
applicable to NSNPEI and PEI are hospital purposes
likewise applicable to a GEI
As to IT, it is exempt if IT, with
However, there is a situation that the the exception, regardless of
deduction may be in full) disposition, of those derived
1. Property; and
An NSNPEI is owned by private 2. Activity
persons, while a GEI is owned by the
Government. Donations are NOT included
in the computation of IT.
Q: Between a NSNPEI and GEI, which
among the two has more exemptions? DT or ET from donation is
exempt if the 30% use of the
It is an NSNPEI, considering that it is donation for administration
Constitutionally guaranteed (DLSU v. has not been breached.
CIR), as long as it is proved that the
income is ADE used for educational As to the donation’s serving as
purpose. a deduction to the donor’s IT,
it would depend:
On the other hand, GEI exemptions is
governed by the NIRC, specifically Sec. 1. If CIE, he cannot, as no
30, and thus the exemption is quite deduction can be made;
strict compared to the other. 2. If SEP/I or MIE, up to
10%; or
The only advantage of a GEI is 3. If a Corporate TP, up to
that with respect to donations, 5%
it is totally exempt from DT or
ET, and there is a full On the other hand, as to a PH, the
deduction allowed with respect rules governing a PEI shall govern,
to the IT of the donor. thus, the Constitution and Sec. 234,
LGC shall govern:
(NOTE: Isn’t it highly unusual that
more benefits are given to a privately If the UTA is less than 50% of
owned institution rather than one the total income, then the
owned by the Government?) preferential tax rate of 10%
shall apply, otherwise, the 30%
Charitable hospitals (CH) v. Proprietary NIT shall apply.
hospitals (PH)
Rule as to taxation of the Governmental
CH is governed by the same rules on Agencies
CI. Thus, the same Constitutional and
Sec. 30, NIRC provisions shall apply, As a general rule, the Government
thus: CANNOT tax itself, thus:
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1. Income derived by governmental b. If SEP/I, MIE, or Corporate
agencies from exercising donor, then the deduction shall
government function is NOT be in full;
subject to tax as it is an item of 2. If project NOT declared as
exclusion (Sec. 32(B)(7)(b), priority:
NIRC) a. CIE, no AD;
2. Real properties are exempt from b. If SEP/I, MIE, or Corporate
RPT under the Constitution; donor, then the 10% or 5%,
3. Gifts, bequests, and devises in respectively, shall apply
favor of the government:
i. Are NOT taxable income, as Summary of similarities and differences
items of exclusion; among agencies/institutions
ii. Likewise not subject to DT or
The exemption for no pre-termination Q: Are the rates stated above applicable to
for five (5) years in case of time all kinds of corporations?
deposits is applicable only to Individual
TPs. No, the above rates are applicable only
to DCs and RFCs.
Q: Assume instead, that indeed, XYZ pre-
terminated the time deposit on the 3rd year, The rate applicable to NRFCs is GIT
and the BIR imposed 20%FWHT. of 30%. Thus:
No, in case of Corporate TPs, the Royalties
regular rate of 20% FWHT shall apply
regardless of the year of when the pre-
termination was made.
64 | P a g e
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Passive income of DCs v. RFCs v. NRFCs Assessed value; or
Zonal value
Local/ Peso 20%
(NOTE: Thus, the rates for
account Individuals and Corporate TPs are one
on bank Foreign currency 15%
and the same)
Long-term/ time 20% 30%
Q: Can all kinds of corporations sell real
Ordinary 20%
No, only a DC may do so.
Passive income of Individual v. DCs and Thus, an FC, whether a resident or not,
RFCs cannot sell real property, considering
that they cannot own real property in
the Philippines in the first place.
Local/ Peso account 20%
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Rates under ICDT History of MCIT
The rate of ICDT would depend: The BIR noticed that there are
numerous corporations not paying
TP ISSUER RATE taxes, considering that their allowable
(INCOME deductions are greater than their gross
DC Exempt
income. To illustrate:
NRFC 15% FWHT Php4M (GI)
minus Php5M (AD)
Q: XYZ Corp., a DC, declared dividends. Php0
multiplied by 30% (NIT)
One of its recipients is their SH Mr. Php0 (Tax due)
Robusto, a RC.
What is more alarming is that many of
What tax rate applies to the dividend these corporations are in their 4th year
income of Mr. Robusto? in losing profit already, but are still
continuing their business.
His dividend income shall be subjected
to a 10% FWHT, as it is an income It is contrary to logic that a business
under B for Individual TPs goes on despite the continuing loss,
instead of profit.
Q: XYZ Corp., a DC, declared dividends.
To remedy this dilemma, Congress
One of its recipients is their SH ABC Corp., introduced the concept of MCIT in
a DC. 1997 for the purpose of ensuring that
the Government will secure tax,
What tax rate applies to the dividend considering that if there are no taxes,
income of ABC Corp.? there would be no funds for regulatory
Nothing, as DCs are exempt from
payment of ICDT. Applicability of MCIT to DCs
Q: Assume instead, that ABC is an RFC, Section 27. Rates of Income Tax on
will your answer be the same? Domestic Corporations;
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the fourth taxable year immediately Q: Assume, that in 2022, LLC produced the
following the year in which such same income, and has the same ADs, like
corporation commenced its business in 2021.
operations, when the minimum income
tax is greater than the tax computed How much tax will LLC pay?
under Subsection (A) of this Section
for the taxable year. None, again, the NIT will result to
Php0, therefore, will result into
Thus, MCIT shall apply on the 4th year nothing.
by applying the 2% tax rate on the GI.
Q: Assume, that in 2023, LLC again
This would mean that, on the 4 year th produced the same income, and has the
from the commencement of the same ADs, in 2021 and 2022.
business would pay taxes, whichever is
higher among the following: How much tax will LLC pay?
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Yes, the MCIT applies to an RFC as and thus caused loss to the
well. Government, IAET is imposed.
Q: Assume, instead, that LLC is an NRFC (NOTE: That is why the rate of
likewise in its 4th year under the same facts FWHT and IAET are one and the
stated above, will your answer be the same? same, specifically 10%, as it represents
what the Government should have if
No, the MCIT does NOT apply to not for the corporation’s refusal to
NRFCs, as it is NOT doing business in declare dividends.)
the Philippines.
Q: Are all kinds of corporations bound to
Nature of IAET pay IAET in case of refusal to declare
It is a final tax in addition to all kinds
of other taxes. Thus, it may co-exist No, only DCs are required to do so.
with NIT/MCIT (A), FWHT (B, C,
and D,) and ICDT. Thus, FCs, whether resident or non-
resident, are NOT liable for IAET
(NOTE: Compare with the MCIT,
which is a tax in lieu of NIT) Items of inclusion
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Rule as to taxability of Benefits (OTP, On the other hand, as to R&F, such
HaP, HoP, and NSD) benefits shall be included in their BP
(compensation), and thus subjected to
As to M/S, it is NOT taxable as does NIT.
not apply to them in the first place,
under Sec. 2, Book III, Rule 1 of the Finally, as to MWEs, akin to their BP,
Labor Code: benefits shall likewise be exempt from
tax. Thus:
The provisions of this Rule BENEFITS TAX
shall not apply to the following APPLIED
M/S Not applicable
persons if they qualify for
R&F Compensation NIT
exemption under the MWE SMW Exempt
conditions set forth herein:
These are benefits given to employees
(b) Managerial employees, if other than regular compensation, for
they meet all of the following the purpose of recognizing the efforts
conditions: and contributions of the employees to
the company. It includes the following:
(1) Their primary duty
consists of the 1) Private employees’ convertible
management of the unused Vacation Leave (VL)
establishment in which credits;
they are employed or of 2) Government employees’
a department or sub- convertible value of:
division thereof. a. VL; and
b. Sick leave (SL);
(2) They customarily 3) Medical cash allowance (MCA) to
and regularly direct the dependents of employees;
work of two or more 4) Rice Subsidy (RS);
employees therein. 5) Uniform and Clothing Allowance
(3) They have the 6) Actual Medical Assistance (AMA);
authority to hire or fire 7) Laundry Allowance (LA)
employees of lower 8) Achievement awards (AA) which
rank; or their must be a tangible personal
suggestions and property other than:
recommendations as to a. Cash; or
hiring and firing and as b. Gift certificates;
to the promotion or 9) Gifts received during:
any other change of a. Christmas (G-C); and
status of other b. Major anniversary
employees, are given celebrations (G-MAC)
particular weight. x x x” 10) Daily meal allowance for:
70 | P a g e
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a. Overtime Work (DMA- DMA-OT and DMA- 25% of basic minimum
OT); and N/GS wage (BWE) per region
per day (NOT > 25% of
b. Night/graveyard shift BWE/region/day
(DMA-N/GS); and
11) Benefits received pursuant to: B-CBA and B-PIS Php10,000 per employee
a. Collective Bargaining per year (NOT
Agreement (B-CBA); and Php10K/EE/year)
b. Productivity Incentive
Scheme (B-PIS) In case the DMB received exceeds the
threshold, it shall be added to the OB
Rule as to DMBs to determine whether the excess of
Php90K is breached and shall be
DMBs are exempt, as long as they are subjected to tax.
within their thresholds, as follows:
However, the excess shall NOT be part
DMB NOT EXCEEDING of the computation of OB for purposes
Private EEs’ 10 days during a year of taxation, if it is determined that the
convertible unused VL (NOT > 10 days/year) DMB was given for the:
Government EEs’
convertible value of VL
1) Convenience of the ER; or
and SL 2) Necessity of business
MCA to dependents of Php1,500 per semester
EEs (NOT > Thus, the rule is as follows:
Php1.5K/sem); or
71 | P a g e
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computation of the Thus, it would not be considered in the
Php90K limit, if it is computation of OB for tax purposes
proven that the DMB
was given for: Q: For the year 2021, Y, a M/S received
Php3K/month as RS, Php20K for AMA,
1) Convenience of the Php20K for AA, and Php70K for benefits.
ER; or
2) Necessity of Determine the tax applicable.
The tax applicable shall be FBT or
Rationale of exempting excess in DMB by NIT, as the case may be, as Y is a M/S
reason of Convenience of EE or Necessity employee.
of Business
It is so, as the excess to the Php90K is
As in this situation, it is NOT even Php32K, computed as follows:
considered as an income of the EE
Php12K (Excess in RS)
Rule as to DMBs in relation to OB Php10K (Excess in AMA)
Php10K (Excess in AA)
DMB OB plus Php70K (OB)
W/in >thresh- W/in >90K Php102K (DMB+OB)
thresh- old 90K
minus Php90K (Exempt)
M/S Fringe Php12K (Taxable income)
Tax Effect if benefit NOT in list of DMB
Compute (FBT);
Exempt with OB Exempt or Then, it shall be subjected to WT
NIT, if
not FB
Items of exclusion
NIT Sec. 32. Gross Income. -
(NOTE: Thus, with respect to MWE,
only the DMB and OB may be (B) Exclusions from Gross Income. - The
subjected to tax) following items shall not be included in gross
income and shall be exempt from taxation
Q: X is a government EE. For some reason, under this Title:
his unused VL and SL amounted to
1) Life Insurance. - The proceeds of life
Considering that there is an excess of insurance policies paid to the heirs or
Php60K from the Php90K if it is added to beneficiaries upon the death of the
OB, will it be subjected to tax? insured, whether in a single sum or
otherwise, but if such amounts are held
No, considering that there is no by the insurer under an agreement to
threshold with respect to government pay interest thereon, the interest
EEs unused VL and SL.
72 | P a g e
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payments shall be included in gross corporate, in accordance with a
income. reasonable private benefit plan
maintained by the employer:
2) Amount Received by Insured as Provided, That the retiring
Return of Premium. - The amount official or employee has been in
received by the insured, as a return of the service of the same
premiums paid by him under life employer for at least ten (10)
insurance, endowment, or annuity years and is not less than fifty
contracts, either during the term or at (50) years of age at the time of
the maturity of the term mentioned in his retirement: Provided,
the contract or upon surrender of the further, That the benefits
contract. granted under this
subparagraph shall be availed
3) Gifts, Bequests, and Devises. - The of by an official or employee
value of property acquired by gift, only once. For purposes of this
bequest, devise, or descent: Provided, Subsection, the term
however, That income from such 'reasonable private benefit
property, as well as gift, bequest, devise plan' means a pension, gratuity,
or descent of income from any stock bonus or profit-sharing
property, in cases of transfers of plan maintained by an
divided interest, shall be included in employer for the benefit of
gross income. some or all of his officials or
employees, wherein
4) Compensation for Injuries or contributions are made by such
Sickness. - amounts received, through employer for the officials or
Accident or Health Insurance or under employees, or both, for the
Workmen's Compensation Acts, as purpose of distributing to such
compensation for personal injuries or officials and employees the
sickness, plus the amounts of any earnings and principal of the
damages received, whether by suit or fund thus accumulated, and
agreement, on account of such injuries wherein its is provided in said
or sickness. plan that at no time shall any
part of the corpus or income of
5) Income Exempt under Treaty. - the fund be used for, or be
Income of any kind, to the extent diverted to, any purpose other
required by any treaty obligation than for the exclusive benefit
binding upon the Government of the of the said officials and
Philippines. employees.
73 | P a g e
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any cause beyond the control Philippines by (i) foreign
of the said official or employee. governments, (ii) financing
institutions owned, controlled,
or enjoying refinancing from
c. The provisions of any existing
foreign governments, and (iii)
law to the contrary
international or regional
notwithstanding, social security
financial institutions
benefits, retirement gratuities,
established by foreign
pensions and other similar
benefits received by resident or
nonresident citizens of the
b. Income Derived by the
Philippines or aliens who come
Government or its Political
to reside permanently in the
Subdivisions. - Income
Philippines from foreign
derived from any public utility
government agencies and other
institutions, private or public. or from the exercise of any
essential governmental
function accruing to the
d. Payments of benefits due or to Government of the Philippines
become due to any person or to any political subdivision
residing in the Philippines thereof.
under the laws of the United
States administered by the
c. Prizes and Awards. - Prizes
United States Veterans
Administration. and awards made primarily in
recognition of religious,
charitable, scientific,
e. Benefits received from or educational, artistic, literary, or
enjoyed under the Social civic achievement but only if:
Security System in accordance
with the provisions of Republic
Act No. 8282. i. The recipient was
selected without any
action on his part to
f. Benefits received from the enter the contest or
GSIS under Republic Act No. proceeding; and
8291, including retirement
gratuity received by ii. The recipient is not
government officials and required to render
employees. substantial future
services as a condition
7) Miscellaneous Items. – to receiving the prize or
a. Income Derived by Foreign
Government. - Income
derived from investments in d. Prizes and Awards in sports
the Philippines in loans, stocks, Competition. - All prizes and
bonds or other domestic awards granted to athletes in
securities, or from interest on local and international sports
deposits in banks in the competitions and tournaments
74 | P a g e
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whether held in the Philippines SSS, Medicare and Pag-Ibig
or abroad and sanctioned by contributions, and union dues
their national sports of individuals.
g. Gains from the Sale of
e. 13th Month Pay and Other Bonds, Debentures or other
Benefits. - Gross benefits Certificate of Indebtedness. -
received by officials and Gains realized from the same
employees of public and or exchange or retirement of
private entities: Provided, bonds, debentures or other
however, That the total certificate of indebtedness with
exclusion under this a maturity of more than five (5)
subparagraph shall not exceed years.
Ninety thousand pesos
(P90,000) which shall cover:
h. Gains from Redemption of
Shares in Mutual Fund. -
i. Benefits received by Gains realized by the investor
officials and employees upon redemption of shares of
of the national and stock in a mutual fund
local government company as defined in Section
pursuant to Republic 22 (BB) of this Code.
Act No. 6686;
For discussion purposes, the items of
ii. Benefits received by exclusion are as follows:
employees pursuant to
Presidential Decree 1) Proceeds of Life Insurance Policy
No. 851, as amended 2) Return of Premium;
by Memorandum 3) Gifts, bequests, and devices;
Order No. 28, dated 4) Income exempt under a treaty;
August 13, 1986; 5) Compensation for:
a. Injuries; or
iii. Benefits received by b. Sickness;
officials and employees 6) Retirement benefits and pensions;
not covered by a. Labor cases
Presidential Decree 7) Miscellaneous items:
No. 851, as amended a. Income derived by foreign
by Memorandum government from
Order No. 28, dated investments in the
August 13, 1986; and Philippines;
b. Income derived by the
government or its political
iv. Other benefits such as subdivisions from:
productivity incentives i. Public utility; or
and Christmas bonus. ii. Exercise of
f. GSIS, SSS, Medicare and function;
Other Contributions. - GSIS, c. Prizes and awards;
75 | P a g e
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d. Prizes and awards in sports Rule as to taxability of Insurance Policy
competition; proceeds
e. 13th Month Pay and Other
Benefits; GR: Not taxable
f. Contributions in:
i. GSIS; ER: If the insurance policy of the
ii. SSS; insured provides for interest,
iii. Medicare; then the interest shall be part of
iv. Pag-Ibig; and his gross income
v. Union dues;
g. Gains from: Estate Planning Scheme in relation to Life
i. Sale of Bonds; Insurance Policy
ii. Debentures; or
iii. Other Certificate Considering that Life Insurance Policy
of Indebtedness; is NOT generally subject to IT, it is
h. Gains from redemption of now a trend instead of giving the
shares in mutual fund inheritance to the heirs which may be
subjected to EsT.
How excluded
Thus, to avoid IT, a person may just
Exclusion is done by STILL including acquire a Life Insurance Policy instead,
the income relating to items of which is actually an inheritance in the
exclusion to the computation of the guise of a Life Insurance Policy.
total income.
(NOTE: Further, the proceeds may
It is only deducted from the total likewise NOT be subjected to EsT,
income prior to its being subjected to with the condition that the heirs must:
tax, as technically, it is still income.
1. NOT be named as executors
Thus, it is WRONG to not include it in and/or administrators; and
the addition of total income. 2. The designation must be
(NOTE: It is akin to deduction, but it
is NOT per se a deduction, as it is still Return of premium
an item of exclusion)
Premiums returned to the insured or
Proceeds of Life Insurance Policy person acquiring the insurance for
another are NOT part of the income.
It refers to the insurance proceeds
received by the: It is so, considering that the premium
paid is a capital, and once returned is
1) Insured; or merely a return of capital.
2) Upon his death, his:
a. Heirs; or Be reminded that income is anything
b. Designated beneficiaries that flows into the wealth of the TP,
other than mere return of capital
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Gifts, bequests, and devices Determine the taxability of the land.
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No, it covers damages incurred against 1) At least sixty (60) years old;
property (e.g. real property and and
medical) 2) EE has rendered service
for at least twenty (20)
Q: Is it restricted to compensation by years
reason of an insurance such as those
covering real property or motor vehicles? On the other hand, in the government
sector, ALL retirement benefits and
No, as it refers to all kinds of payment pensions are NOT subject to IT.
for reparation of damages.
Thus, despite no insurance, if the PRP Law
person causing the damage paid the Source ER Absence
of PRP
injured party, it shall be exempt
considering the payment is for BIR Required NOT NOT
reparation of damages. Approval required applicable,
as ALL
Retirement benefits and pensions Age At least 50 At least retirement
required years old 60 years benefits
old and
A distinction must be made between: pensions
Years of At least 10 At least are NOT
1) Private sector; and continuous years 20 years subject to
2) Government sector service IT
Use of Exclusively NOT
funds for the applicable
Private v. Government sector EEs
The loan is the investment, while the On the other hand, “prizes and
interest is the income. awards” are those given for recognition
of achievements in certain fields
Q: Who is the TP in the above example?
Q: X, a genius, joined a contest for the
It is China, as it earned income (loan) research of a full proof vaccine against
from the investment (loan) made in the Covid.
He won the contest prize of Php50M as he
Inherent limitation involved in exclusion of successfully discovered a vaccine that
income derived by a foreign government in eradicates the Covid virus immediately
investments in the Philippines upon entering the human body.
If X won, would the award be exempt tax? That deduction applies only to NIT,
the following TPs may deduct:
No, as there is a substantial future
service that he must do in exchange of 1) RC;
the award. 2) NRC;
3) RA;
In such a case, the award is treated as 4) NRA-ET/B
advance compensation for the future
service to be rendered (NOTE: Take note, however, that if
the TP is a CIE, no deduction can be
Prizes and awards in sports competition had)
The prizes and award won by the Who CANNOT deduct based on NIT
athlete in a competition sanctioned by
the National Sports Commission shall Thus, the following TPs cannot
be exempt from tax deduct:
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Similarities as to Individual and Corporate b. Other;
TPs 9) Pensions; and
10) Research and Development (Sec.
From both, it can be observed that: 34, NIRC)
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Reasonable allowance for utilities Q: Assume, X rents the area where his
tapsilogan is located via a “rent-to-own”
It includes the following: (RTO) agreement.
Q: As to rent, can X claim his rent on the Q: Do a purchase of property, whether real
area where his tapsilogan is located as a or tangible personal, as an ordinary asset,
deduction? fall under an expense considering that it is
purchased for trade or business?
Yes, as it is a reasonable business
expense, as long as the requisites are No, rather it falls under depreciation
Q: Is it always that, capital expenditures
Q: If Y rents a unit, can he claim it as a result in acquisition of capital asset?
No, rather, it is capital expenditures for
No, as a CIE cannot claim any acquisition of ordinary asset,
deduction considering that the latter shall be used
for the trade or business of the TP
Q: Are all “rentals” counted as deductions?
Rationale of Depreciation
No, the rule is as follows:
Depreciation is due to the fact that
GR: Rentals are deductions assets are being used in the business
and thus subject to wear and tear.
ER: Rentals are NOT
deductions if the Ways of depreciating assets in Philippine
lessee-TP acquires jurisdiction
more than possessory
interest There are two (2) ways of depreciation
in the Philippines:
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1) Straight line method; and Q: Assume, that the gas range is worth
2) Diminishing method Php100K.
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On the other hand, as to Y, the same Deduction based on interest on loan v. bad
shall be treated as an income. debt
Q: If X did not pay the Php100K when it On the other hand, as to bad debts, it
became due, what is the tax implication? includes the principal and the interest.
That it is NOT paid, the same shall be Q: Assume that two (2) years after Z’s
a deduction which may be claimed by claiming the bad debt as deduction, X paid
Z. the loan and the interest of Php600K.
Q: That it may be claimed by Z, does it fall Considering that Z has already claimed the
under interest on loan? same as deduction and that two (2) years
have already passed from such claiming, is
No, rather it is a bad debt it correct to say that Z has nothing else to
do with respect to the Php600K received
(NOTE: May utang na sa kasamaang from X?
palad di nabayaran nang masamang
nangutang) No, as under the tax benefit rule, Z is
obligated to make the Php600K as part
Q: Is it correct to say that considering that of his GI for the year that it was
X failed to claim Php100K, the deduction recovered.
based on bad debt is limited to the value of
the interest? Thus, it is incorrect to say that the
deduction would nullify the effect of
No, rather, Z may claim as deduction payment in some future time.
the principal plus the interest, thus
amounting to Php600K. Q: If instead, it is Y who obtained a loan
from Z, and it likewise produced an
Requisites for bad debt interest of Php100K.
The following are the requisites for a If Y paid the interest to Z, what is the tax
bad debt: implication?
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(NOTE: Thus, the lender can claim a Rationale of Tax Arbitrage Rule
deduction based on bad debt whether
or not the lendee can claim a deduction It is to prevent the practice of
himself) borrowing money and paying the
interest expense with the interest
Q: If Y paid the loan and the interest two income from the money invested in
(2) years after what is the effect? another
No, as the tax arbitrage rule applies in From this, the rule is as follows,
this case. whether the business is legitimate or
Under such rule, any interest
on a loan subjected to a FWHT GR: Expenses may be
shall produce an effect of deducted as long as for
deducting 33% on the interest a legitimate purpose
expense deduction.
ER: No expense that are
That the loan was invested in a bank, contrary to law, morals,
and such an interest on bank deposits customs, tradition,
is subjected to a 20%FWHT as passive public policy, etc. etc.
income under source of income B, the etc. may be allowed as
deduction must be reduced by 33%. deductibles
Thus, X can only deduct up to Q: X paid an RPT of Php4K over the land
Php66,666.66 where his tapsilogan is located.
(NOTE: The situation can only be Can he claim the same as deduction from
possible in case of interest on bank his IT?
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Yes, as it is a tax incurred in relation to With respect to the Php60K, deduction
his business is based on depreciation.
Q: Assume that X paid the said RPT on Its basis is from the amount of
2021. deduction up to the time the
gas range was stolen, or
In 2023, the BIR returned Php1.5K, as the specifically up until the time it
payment made by X was excessive. was used and subject to
What is the effect to X?
Thus, considering that it is on
X must include the Php1.5K as the 3rd year, and the
income, in line with the tax benefit depreciation is equivalent to
rule Php20K per year, the total
deduction based on
Q: Y paid an RPT of Php4K over the land depreciation is Php60K.
where his house is located.
Can he claim the same as deduction from AS OF THE
his IT? 2021 Php20K
2022 Php40K
No, as a CIE cannot claim any 2023 Php60K
deduction. 2024 Php80K
2025 Php100K
Casualty loss
On the other hand, the Php40K’s
The requisites are as follows: deduction shall be based on casualty
1) The loss must NOT be
compensated by insurance; and This is based on the book value
2) The loss must be caused by: of the gas range at the time it
a. Theft; was stolen.
b. Robbery;
c. Embezzlement; That it was stolen in 2023, the
d. Fire; book value is Php40K.
e. Storm;
f. Shipwreck; or YEAR BOOK
g. Other natural calamity VALUE
2021 Php80K
characterized by 2022 Php60K
suddenness 2023 Php40K
2024 Php20K
Q: Going back to X’s gas range, assume 2025 0
that, in the year 2023, it was stolen.
In effect, a TP still successfully
For purpose of deduction, how should the deducted the total value of the
deduction be made and on what basis? property.
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(NOTE: In reality, however, the That it is no longer of use, it is
recording of the depreciation for tax no longer subject to wear and
purposes is the reckoning point of the tear
values of deduction.
Q: Out of conscience, in 2025 the robber
If the depreciation is recorded returned the gas range.
prior to the loss occurring
within the same taxable year, What is the effect of the return of the gas
then, the value from the range to X?
example is followed.
The tax benefit rule applies.
However, if no recording was
done (meaning the Thus, X is obligated to include the
depreciation recorded was FMV of the gas range at the time of the
from the prior taxable year), return
prior to the loss, then, the
depreciation shall be Php40K, When tax benefit rule applicable
while the loss is Php60K)
In line with the above discussions, the
Relationship of expense, depreciation, and tax benefit rule applies in three (3)
loss instances:
In case of purchase of real property or 1) Bad debts paid in some future time;
tangible personal property, deduction 2) Taxes refunded due to excessive
based on expense does NOT apply. payment; and
3) Return of lost property priorly
In effect, the expense transforms to claimed as deductions
depreciation, as it is an asset that will
be used for trade or business. NATURE OF BASIS OF
In case of loss, depreciation transforms Bad debts Actual value (as it is
further into loss Taxes cash)
Casualty loss FMV (as it is asset)
By the combination of the depreciation
and the loss, the total value of the Q: X donated Php300K each to
property in effect has been used as a BLALOCO, a home for the aged,
deduction Simbahayanan, a religious institution,
UFA, a NSNPEI, and the Department of
Rationale of depreciation’s transforming Education (DepEd).
into a loss
May X deduct such contributions to his
It transforms into a loss considering GI?
that the asset which was formerly
subject to depreciation is no longer Yes, but the rule shall differ.
subject to depreciation as it is NO
LONGER OF USE to the TP. With respect to BLALOCO,
Simbahayanan, and UFA, the
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deduction shall either be, The above computed value should be
whichever is lower: compared against the contribution, and
whichever is lower shall be the
1) 10% of the TI; or deduction based on contributions.
2) The contribution
Q: If Y donated to the above entities
With respect to the instead of X, would your answer be the
contribution to DepEd, the same?
rule is follows:
No, as a CIE cannot claim any
1) If declared as priority deduction.
a. 100% deduction; (NOTE: The only benefit that he has,
or is being recognized as a philanthropist)
2) If NOT priority project:
a. It may be, Pensions
whichever is lower:
i. 10% of the These refers to contributions of the ER
TI; or for the retirement fund of the EEs
ii. The
contributio Q: If X took a life insurance on the life of Y,
n may the former take the premiums as
business expense and therefore as
Q: Assume, instead, that X is a Corporate deductions?
TP, would your answer be the same?
No, as premiums for life insurance is
No, with respect to the applicable rate NOT a regular business expense
for computation of the deduction, as
for Corporate TPs are subject to the Q: If instead, it is Y who took a life
5% insurance on his own life, can it be
deducted to his GI?
Q: Is the 10% or 5%, for Individual and
Corporate TPs, respectively, computed on No, as a CIE cannot claim any
the contribution? deduction
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marketability of the newly found variant of 1) Sale of the following, which should
tapsilog, which is a pancit infused tapsilog. be in connection with trade or
Can X claim the fees incurred on the a. Goods;
studies? b. Service;
2) Importation of goods
Yes, as it is a fee for research and
development Importation of goods
Q: Y, tired of being a CIE, acquired the In relation thereto, take note of the
services of Mr. RD to conduct a feasibility following:
study on what could be a successful
business. 1) It is the importation which is being
subject to VAT;
Can Y claim as deduction the fees paid to 2) If subsequently sold, the VAT on
RD? the sale of it is different from the
VAT on the importation
No, as a CIE cannot deduct from his
GI Q: A, seller of pentel pen, sold one pentel
pen to B. Assume that the gross selling
Q: After the feasibility conducted by RD, Y price of A is Php100.
went on to do business on the very same
year, as he was excited on the possibilities. Discuss the effect of VAT.
Can Y claim as deduction the fees paid to The Php100 must be subjected to a
RD? 12%VAT.
Yes, as now he ceases to be a or purely Thus, the price shall be Php112, the
a CIE. Php12 pesos resulting from the VAT,
and have different implications on A
This kind of expense shall be called as and B.
mobilization expense, as it refers to a
start-up business. As to the seller, A, the Php12 is
called as the output
Nature of VAT
On the other hand, as to the
It is an indirect tax which is passed on buyer, B, the Php12 is called as
and on (and on and on and on…) the input
It adds up to one TP’s burden, and Q: After acquiring the pentel pen, B
when it is passed on, it forms part of improved it by placing art and stones on it.
the expense
After computation of expenses for the
Transactions covered by VAT production of such, he determined that he
used Php18, and therefore now at Php130.
There are only three (3) transactions
covered by VAT: To make a profit out of it, he plans to sell it
to C at Php150.
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Discuss the effect of VAT B cannot claim as credit any EI
No, as he must compute the excess B is still presumed that the VAT have
output (EO), and remit the same with been paid and have received the same,
the BIR, using the following formula: as it is his obligation.
Output as seller (OAS) In effect, the BIR shall still collect from
minus Input as buyer (IAB) B whether or not the latter indeed
(EO) collected the 12%VAT or not.
Thus, in line with the above, the Q: Assume, instead, that B sold a real
computation is as follows: property. Is it covered by VAT?
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Q: For the year 2021, X has a GS of Php10M. Q: Determine the VAT of X.
His COS for pork, beef, oil, and other raw X has the OAS VAT of Php1.2M,
materials is Php6M. computed as follows:
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EXPENSE VAT TOTAL ZRT v. Exempt transactions
Electricity Php10K Php1.2K Php11.2K
Food Php20K Php2.4K Php22.4K ZRT means that the transaction is not
Rent Php25K Php3K Php28K
TOTAL Php55K Php6.6K Php61.6K
subject to VAT in all stages. As to
credit of the input against the output, it
Q: Can Y claim as deduction the Php55K of is allowed in ZRT.
expense to his GI?
On the other hand, in Exempt
No, as a CIE cannot claim any Transactions, the transaction is not
deduction subject to VAT only in a particular
stage. Further, the credit of the input
Q: Can Y claim as deduction the VAT against the output is NOT allowed in
expense of Php6.6K? exempt transaction.
No, as deduction can only be made by Effect The transaction shall NOT
a TP engaged in trade or business, and be subject to tax
VAT registered
(NOTE: Thus, a CIE can NEVER NOT of the stage of the
subject to transaction transaction
claim a credit based on VAT) VAT
Credit of Allowed NOT allowed
Q: What then is the role of VAT to a CIE? input
It is merely an addition to the expense output
of the TP
Q: With the above distinctions, which is
Zero-rated transaction (ZRT) more beneficial among the two?
It is VATable but to the rate of zero (0) It is the ZRT. The reason for this is
because it has an economic benefit to
It applies only to: the Government.
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2) The imported goods compete with in the Philippines by VAT- registered persons
the locally manufactured products shall be subject to zero percent (0%) rate.
(8) Services rendered to: Provided, That subparagraphs (B)(1) and (B)(5)
hereof shall be subject to the twelve percent
(i) Registered enterprises within a separate (12%) value-added tax and no longer subject to
customs territory as provided under special zero percent (0%) VAT rate upon satisfaction
law; and of the following conditions:
(ii) Registered enterprises within tourism (1) The successful establishment and
enterprise zones as declared by TIEZA subject implementation of an enhanced VAT refund
to the provisions under Republic Act No. 9593 system that grants refund of creditable input
or the Tourism Act of 2009. tax within ninety (90) days from the filing of
the VAT refund application with the Bureau;
(NOTE: The amendment introduced by the TRAIN Provided, That, to determine the effectivity of
Law was vetoed by the President. The veto message item no. 1, all applications filed from January 1,
reads: 2018 shall be processed and must be decided
within ninety (90) days from the filing of the
I am constrained to veto the provisions under Section 33 VAT refund application; and
of the enrolled bill, to wit:
(2) All pending VAT refund claims as of
Section 33: December 31, 2017 shall be fully paid in cash
by December 31, 2019.
(8) Services Rendered To:
Provided, That the Department of Finance
I. Registered Enterprises Within A Separate Customs shall establish a VAT refund center in the
Territory As Provided Under Special Laws; and Bureau of Internal Revenue(BIR) and in the
Bureau of Customs(BOC) that will handle the
II. Registered Enterprises Within Tourism Enterprise processing and granting of cash refunds of
Zones As Declared By the TIEZA Subject To the creditable input tax.
Provisions Under Republic Act No. 9593 Or The
Tourism Act of 2009. An amount equivalent to five percent (5%) of
the total value-added tax collection of the BIR
The above provisions go against the principle of limiting and the BOC from the immediately preceding
the VAT zero-rating to direct exporters. The year shall be automatically appropriated
proliferation of separate customs territories, which annually and shall be treated as a special
include buildings, creates significant leakages in our tax account in the General Fund or as trust receipts
system. This makes the tax system highly inequitable for the purpose of funding claims for VAT
and significantly reduces the revenues that could be better Refund: Provided, That any unused fund, at the
used for the poor. As to tourism enterprises, the current end of the year shall revert to the General
law only allows for duty and tax free importation of Fund.
capital equipment, transportation equipment and other
goods. The TIEZA Law explicitly allows only duty Provided, further, That the BIR and the BOC
and tax free importation of capital equipment, shall be required to submit to the COCCTRP a
transportation equipment and other goods (in certain
cases and always subject to rules provided by the DOF).
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quarterly report of all pending claims for (A) Sale or importation of agricultural and
refund and any unused fund. marine food products in their original state,
livestock and poultry of or king generally used
Exempt transactions’ not being subject to as, or yielding or producing foods for human
VAT at a particular stage consumption; and breeding stock and genetic
materials therefor.
It means that, as to the goods, the
transaction is exempt only with respect Products classified under this paragraph shall
to a certain phase, but not to another. be considered in their original state even if they
have undergone the simple processes of
Q: F, a fisherman, catches milkfish preparation or preservation for the market,
(bangus) for a living. such as freezing, drying, salting, broiling,
roasting, smoking or stripping. Polished
If F sold the milkfish to the wet market and/or husked rice, corn grits, raw cane sugar
vendors, is the sale of the goods VATable? and molasses, ordinary salt and copra shall be
considered in their original state;
No, as the goods subject of the sale is
still in its original state (B) Sale or importation of fertilizers; seeds,
seedlings and fingerlings; fish, prawn, livestock
Q: After a tiring day of selling the bangus, and poultry feeds, including ingredients,
F still has some left. whether locally produced or imported, used in
the manufacture of finished feeds (except
With these remaining bangus, he makes specialty feeds for race horses, fighting cocks,
them into relleno and daing. aquarium fish, zoo animals and other animals
generally considered as pets);
If F sold the same to X, is the sale of the
goods VATable? (C) Importation of personal and household
effects belonging to the residents of the
No, as the goods is considered as still Philippines returning from abroad and
in its original state. nonresident citizens coming to resettle in the
Philippines: Provided, That such goods are
Q: After buying goods from F, X sells them exempt from customs duties under the Tariff
as daingsilog and resilog. and Customs Code of the Philippines;
(E) Services subject to percentage tax under (M) Gross receipts from lending activities by
Title V; credit or multi-purpose cooperatives duly
registered with the Cooperative Development
(F) Services by agricultural contract growers Authority;
and milling for others of palay into rice, corn
into grits and sugar cane into raw sugar; (N) Sales by non-agricultural, non- electric and
non-credit cooperatives duly registered with
(G) Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary the Cooperative Development Authority:
services except those rendered by Provided, That the share capital contribution
professionals; of each member does not exceed Fifteen
thousand pesos (P15,000) and regardless of the
(H) Educational services rendered by private aggregate capital and net surplus ratably
educational institutions, duly accredited by the distributed among the members;
Department of Education(DepED), the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED), (O) Export sales by persons who are not VAT-
the Technical Education and Skills registered;
Development Authority (TESDA) and those
rendered by government educational (P) Sale of real properties not primarily held for
institutions; sale to customers or held for lease in the
ordinary course of trade or business or real
(I) Services rendered by individuals pursuant to property utilized for low-cost and socialized
an employer-employee relationship; housing as defined by Republic Act No. 7279,
otherwise known as the Urban Development
(J) Services rendered by regional or area and Housing Act of 1992, and other related
headquarters established in the Philippines by laws, residential lot valued at One million pesos
multinational corporations which act as (P1,500,000) and below, house and lot, and
supervisory, communications and coordinating other residential dwellings valued at Two
centers for their affiliates, subsidiaries or million five hundred thousand pesos
branches in the Asia-Pacific Region and do not (P2,500,000) and below: Provided, That
earn or derive income from the Philippines; beginning January 1, 2021, the VAT exemption
shall only apply to sale of real properties not
(K) Transactions which are exempt under primarily held for sale to customers or held for
international agreements to which the lease in the ordinary course of trade or
Philippines is a signatory or under special laws, business, sale of real property utilized for
except those under Presidential Decree No. socialized housing as defined by Republic Act
529; No. 7279, sale of house and lot, and other
100 | P a g e
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residential dwellings with the selling price of 10754 (An Act Expanding the Benefits and
not more than Two million pesos (P2,000,000): Privileges of Persons With Disability),
Provided, further, That every three (3) years respectively;
thereafter, the amount herein stated shall be
adjusted to its present value using the (X) Transfer of property pursuant to Section
Consumer Price Index, as published by the 40(C)(2) of the NIRC, as amended;
Philippine Statistics Authority(PSA);
(Y) Associations dues, membership fees, and
(Q) Lease of a residential unit with a monthly other assessments and charges collected by
rental not exceeding Fifteen thousand pesos homeowners’ associations and condominium
(₱15,000); corporations;
(R) Sale, importation, printing or publication of (Z) Sale of gold to the Banko Sentral ng
books, and any newspaper, magazine, journal, Pilipinas (BSP);
review bulletin, or any such educational reading
material covered by the UNESCO Agreement (AA) Sale of or importation of prescription
on the Importation of Educational, Scientific drugs and medicines for:
and Cultural Materials, including the digital or
electronic format thereof: Provided, That the (i) Diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension
materials enumerated herein are not devoted beginning January 1, 2020; and
principally to the publication of paid
advertisements; (ii) Cancer, mental illness, tuberculosis, and
kidney diseases beginning January 1, 2021.
(S) Transport of passengers by international
carriers; Provided, That the DOH shall issue a list of
approved drugs and medicines for this purpose
(T) Sale, importation or lease of passenger or within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of
cargo vessels and aircraft, including engine, this Act; and
equipment and spare parts thereof for
domestic or international transport operations; (BB) Sale or importation of the following
beginning January 1, 2021 to December 31,
(U) Importation of fuel, goods and supplies by 2023:
persons engaged in international shipping or air
transport operations: Provided, That the fuel, (i) Capital equipment, its spare parts and raw
goods, and supplies shall be used for materials, necessary for the production of
international shipping or air transport personal protective equipment components
operations; such as coveralls, gown, surgical cap, surgical
mask, N-95 mask, scrub suits, goggles and face
(V) Services of bank, non-bank financial shield, double or surgical gloves, dedicated
intermediaries performing quasi-banking shoes, and shoe covers, for COVID-19
functions, and other non-bank financial prevention; and
(ii) All drugs, vaccines and medical devices
(W) Sale or lease of goods and services to specifically prescribed and directly used for the
senior citizens and persons with disability, as treatment of COVID-19; and
provided under Republic Act Nos. 9994
(Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010) and (iii) Drugs for the treatment of COVID-19
approved by the Food and Drug
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Administration (FDA) for use in clinical trials, Summary of VAT concepts
including raw materials directly necessary for
the production of such drugs: Provided, That All said, the following concepts hold
the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) true to VAT:
shall certify that such equipment, spare parts or
raw materials for importation are not locally 1) Input VAT of plain consumers
available or insufficient in quantity, or not in merely add up to his expense;
accordance with the quality or specification 2) With respect to TPs engaged in
required: Provided, further, That for item (ii), trade or business, the input may be
within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of credited against the output VAT.
this Act, and every three (3) months thereafter,
the Department of Health (DOH) shall issue a
list of prescription drugs and medical devices
covered by this provision: Provided, finally,
That the exemption claimed under this
subsection shall be subject to post audit by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue or the Bureau of
Customs as may be applicable.
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DONOR’S TAX Basis of donated property’s value
Nature It depends:
For both, they are further classified (NOTE: This is the ONLY provision
into: in the Tax Code which states that
“…computed based on a calendar
1) Citizens: year.”)
a. Resident (RC);
b. Non-resident (NRC) Exempted amount
2) Aliens:
a. Resident (RA); Under DT, Php250K is exempted each
b. Non-resident (NRA) calendar year.
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Formula Q: Could there be an instance of triple
taxation in its broad sense?
The formula, computed on a
cumulative basis, is as follows: Yes, specifically in the case of an RA,
where a property may be located
outside the Philippines in which he is
Gross donation (GD) NOT a resident nor a citizen and taxing
minus AD authority therein taxes him.
Taxable net gift in
excess of Php250K Of course, the Philippines shall tax him
(TNG) for the donation made, as he is a
multiplied by 6% (Tax rate) resident herein.
minus Previous DT (PDT) Finally, it may so happen that the
DT payable (DTP) country in which he is a citizen may tax
him as well, as a citizen thereof.
Determination of taxability of IT v. DT
Location (situs) of properties
In IT, the determination is based on
the source of the income, specifically In determining the location of the
whether the income is from within or property, the following are the rules:
1. Real property:
On the other hand, in DT, the a. Within, if located inside
determination is based on the location the Philippines; or
of the property, coined likewise as b. Without, if located outside
within or without. the Philippines;
2. Tangible personal property:
To what properties donors are taxed a. Within, if located inside
the Philippines; or
WITHIN WITHOUT b. Without, if located outside
RC the Philippines;
NRC Taxed
3. Intangible personal property:
NRA Taxed
a. Within:
i. Franchise exercised
Double taxation in its broad sense in in the Philippines;
relation to DT ii. Shares, obligations,
and bonds issued
This is another example of double by:
taxation in the broad sense, when the 1. DC:
TP, as the case may be, donated the 2. FC having
property located within or without, it 85% of its
may happen that the taxing authority business
where he is a citizen or resident thereof here in the
may tax it as well. Philippines:
3. FC having
any of the
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which have property without, as A is residing and a
acquired citizen of the USA?
situs; and No, mobilia sequutur personam is
iii. Shares or rights in merely a general rule.
any of the
following which are As exceptions, Sec. 104 of the NIRC
situated in the provides that the intangible personal
Philippines: property shall be deemed as located in
1. Partnership the Philippines despite the TP’s being
; located outside of it, in the following
2. Business; instances:
3. Industry 1) Franchise exercised in the
(Sec. 104, Philippines;
NIRC) 2) Shares, obligations, and bonds
b. Without issued by:
i. If otherwise; or a. DC:
ii. Reciprocity rule c. FC having:
applies i. 85% of its business
here in the
Mobilia sequuntur personam Philippines: or
ii. FC having any of
It means that movable property follows the above which
the law of the person have acquired
Philippine situs;
Thus, with respect to intangible and
property, the property shall be deemed 3) Shares or rights in any of the
located where such person is domiciled following which are situated in the
Q: A, a citizen and resident of USA, is a a. Partnership;
stockholder of Php1M in XYZ Corp., a DC. b. Business; or
c. Industry
If A donates the Php1M shares of stock,
could it be taxed based on DT? In fine, with respect to DT, movables
may be considered as located in the
Yes, because A is an NRA which is Philippines despite the TP’s being
subjected to DT for those properties located outside the Philippines.
located within the Philippines donated.
Q: Is the above exception without any
The shares of stock issued by XYZ further exception to the effect that no DT
Corp. is considered as within, as it is may be imposed?
issued by a DC.
No, as an exception to the exception,
Q: But isn’t it that the rule is that despite the enumeration under Sec. 104
“movables follow the law of the person”, coming into play, no DT may be
and thus the share should be deemed as a imposed if the reciprocity rule
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Reciprocity rule Thus, despite an NRA’s being subject
to DT from donations of properties
Sec. 104. Definitions: located within, no DT may be imposed.
…Provided, still further, that no tax shall be Double taxation, while not prohibited,
collected under this Title in respect of is frowned upon.
intangible personal property:
Thus, the law provides valid remedies
(a) if the decedent at the time of his death or to reduce the impact of such.
the donor at the time of the donation was a
citizen and resident of a foreign country which Summary of rule pertaining to intangible
at the time of his death or donation did not personal property with respect to DT
impose a transfer tax of any character, in
respect of intangible personal property of GR: Mobilia sequuntur personam
citizens of the Philippines not residing in that (which actually has no effect on
foreign country, or DT, as it is NOT the governing
(b) if the laws of the foreign country of which
the decedent or donor was a citizen and ER: Sec. 104 enumeration, shall be
resident at the time of his death or donation considered as within, thus
allows a similar exemption from transfer or subject to DT
death taxes of every character or description in
respect of intangible personal property owned EER: Reciprocity rule
by citizens of the Philippines not residing in
that foreign country. Transfer for Less than Adequate and Full
Consideration (TLAFC)
In short, if the foreign country of
which the TP is a citizen does NOT Sec. 100. Transfer for Less Than Adequate
impose a similar tax on Filipinos, the and Full Consideration;
Philippines should not impose such tax Where property, other than real property
to their citizens as well referred to in Section 24(D), is transferred for
less than an adequate and full consideration in
Q: Assume, that the USA do not tax money or money's worth, then the amount by
Filipinos on DT with respect to intangible which the fair market value of the property
personal property issued by DCs of the exceeded the value of the consideration shall,
USA. for the purpose of the tax imposed by this
Chapter, be deemed a gift, and shall be
Should the Philippines tax A, considering included in computing the amount of gifts
that his shares of stock are issued by a DC made during the calendar year. Provided,
in the Philippines? however, That a sale, exchange, or other
transfer of property made in the ordinary
No, as the reciprocity rule applies in course of business (a transaction which is a
this case. bona fide, at arm’s length, free from any
donative intent), will be considered as made for
106 | P a g e
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an adequate and full consideration in money or Will DT attach to both sales, considering
money’s worth. that the sale is at a loss of Php80K each?
(NOTE: Nagbenta ka nang lugi, namigay No, DT would attach only to the sale
ka nang libre, subject to DT) of the watch for personal use.
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Allowable deductions in DT Q: Can Corporate TPs, specifically DCs,
donate political or campaign
Nowadays, there are only two (2) contributions?
allowable deductions for DT:
Yes, DCs may donate political or
1) Gifts in favor of governmental campaign contributions
2) Donations in favor of charitable (NOTE: Under the Old Corporation
and other institutions Code, DCs cannot donate political or
campaign contributions.
Governmental In full As it stands, today, DCs may legally do
Charitable and other In full, IF the donee did
institutions not use at least 30% of Q: On February 2021, X gave his son, S,
the donation for Php600K.
administrative purposes
Determine the DT.
Political or campaign contributions
X’s DT as of February is Php21K,
These are donations to political parties computed as follows:
or candidates for campaign purposes
Php600K (GD)
To be deemed as official campaign minus 0 (AD)
contributions, the following must Php600K (GD-AD)
concur: minus Php250K (Exempt)
Php350K (TNG)
1) The donation must be: multiplied by 6% (Tax rate)
a. For campaign purposes; Php21K (DT)
b. Made during the official minus 0 (PDT)
campaign period; Php21K (DTP)
c. Subjected to 5%CWHT;
d. NOT exceeding Php250K; (NOTE: Notice that there are no ADs,
and as no donation were made to
2) The party/candidate-donee, either Governmental agencies or Charitable
winning or losing, must state the and other institutions.
same in their Statement of
Contributions and Expenditures Likewise, there is no PDT, considering
(SOCE) and filed. that it is X’s first donation for the year
Effect of compliance with requisites
Q: To avoid animosity, X also gave his
The campaign contribution shall NOT envious son, T, on May 2021, also the
be subjected to DT amount of Php600K.
108 | P a g e
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X’s DT for this donation is Php36K, Php2.4M (GD)
computed as follows: minus 0 (AD)
Php2.4M (GD-AD)
Php1.2M (GD) minus Php250K (Exempt)
minus 0 (AD) Php2.150M (TNG)
Php1.2M (GD-AD) multiplied by 6% (Tax rate)
minus Php250K (Exempt) Php129K
Php950K (TNG) minus Php93K (PDT)
multiplied by 6% (Tax rate) Php36K (DTP)
minus Php21K (PDT) (NOTE: Notice that the DTP for the
Php36K (DTP) 2nd to 4th donations are the same, except
the 1st one.
Q: As his daughter, U, is about to get
married in June 2021, X also gave her This means that the DT for the
Php600K. succeeding donations shall be the same
if the amount of the donations is one
Compute for the DT. and the same.)
(NOTE: Notice that in the PDT, the By this method, no DT may attach,
DT in February and in May were added considering that the Php250K
together, thus: exemption shall take play in both
Php21K (Feb DT)
plus Php36K (May DT) (NOTE: This is actually a tax
Php57K (PDT)) avoidance scheme)
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ESTATE TAX Q: In case of EsT, what is applicable,
calendar year, fiscal year, or both?
Q: Considering that the TP has already
died, is it correct to say that the TP is being None applies. Death only comes once
taxed? and only paid once.
No, as it is the estate itself which pays Thus, both do not apply in EsT.
for the taxes
The formula is as follows:
It refers to mortis causa transfer of
properties Gross Estate (GE)
minus AD
Q: Is there EsT on Corporations? Taxable net estate
No, as it refers to death of Individual multiplied by Tax rate
TPs. EsT
It depends on the value of the property (NOTE: Aside from the DT, be
at the time of death, as follows: reminded that the Php250K exemption
is likewise applicable to IT, specifically
1) Real property, whichever is in availing the 8%TG.
a. FMV; It can also be said that the exemption
b. Assessed value; or applies in the NIT schedule, with the
c. Zonal value; Php250K as minimum.)
2) Tangible personal property:
a. FMV; Q: For purpose of EsT, is there a need to
3) Intangible personal property: file a Notice of Death with the BIR?
a. FMV
No longer, the TRAIN Law already
removed such requirement
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Kinds of decedent which have
The kinds of decedent are as follows: Philippine
situs; and
1) Citizens: iii. Shares or rights in
a. RC; any of the
b. NRC; following which are
2) Aliens: situated in the
a. RA; Philippines:
b. NRA 1. Partnership
Basis of taxability of property 2. Business;
Likewise with DT, the taxability of the 3. Industry
property is dependent on the location (Sec. 104,
(situs) of the property NIRC)
b. Without:
Location (situs) of property i. If otherwise; or
ii. Reciprocity rule
In determining the location of the applies
property, the following are the rules:
(NOTE: Take note on the
1. Real property: discussions on mobilia sequuntur
a. Within, if located inside personam, Sec. 104, NIRC, and
the Philippines; or reciprocity rule)
b. Without, if located outside
the Philippines; To what properties TPs taxed
2. Tangible personal property:
a. Within, if located inside WITHIN WITHOUT
the Philippines; or RC
NRC Taxed
b. Without, if located outside
the Philippines; NRA Taxed
3. Intangible personal property:
a. Within: When payable
i. Franchise exercised
in the Philippines; EsT must be paid within one (1) year
ii. Shares, obligations, from death.
and bonds issued
1. DC:
2. FC having
85% of its
here in the
3. FC having
any of the
111 | P a g e
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DT v. EsT 3. FC having any
of the above which have
acquired Philippine situs;
The similarities and differences and
between the two are as follows: iii. Shares or rights in any of
the following which are situated in
DT EsT the Philippines:
Nature Transfer tax 1. Partnership;
2. Business; or
When transfer Inter vivos Mortis causa Industry
done (during (upon death)
lifetime) Without:
If otherwise; or
Who may be Individual TPs; Individual TPs Reciprocity rule
subjected to and
Corporate TPs Determination of GE (Items of Inclusion)
Kinds of TP RC
NRC The following are included in the GE:
NRA 1) Interest:
a. Decedent’s; and
Rate 6% b. Prior;
Php250K Applicable NOT
2) Transfer:
exemption applicable a. In contemplation of death;
b. For insufficient
Subject matter Real property; consideration;
Tangible personal property; and c. Revocable;
Intangible personal property
3) Property passing under general
Basis of value At the time of At the time of power of appointment;
gift death 4) Proceeds of Life Insurance; and
5) Capital of the Surviving Spouse
Determinant Location (situs) of property
of taxability Q: Is it necessary to memorize the above?
Situs of Real property and tangible
property personal property: No, as the rule of thumb in EsT is that
whether or not there is a degree of
Within: If located in the control, right, ownership, or interest,
Philippines no matter how small, over the property
Without: If located outside the
in question.
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Transfer for Insufficient Consideration excluded in the GI, with the exception
(TIC) of interests thereon.
It refers to any of the following made As usual, the Government imposes its
with insufficient consideration: bawi-bawi system by imposing EsT
1. TCD;
2. Revocable transfer; or Q: Is the above rule absolute?
3. Property passing under General
Power of Appointment No, as an exception, proceeds of a life
insurance policy may NOT be subject
Q: Considering that TIC is an item of to EsT if:
inclusion, does it refer to the insufficient
consideration itself? 1. If the designated beneficiary is
NOT any of the above; and
No, rather, the difference from the 2. The designation is irrevocable
FMV at the time of death (FMV-TOD)
less the insufficient consideration (IC) BENEFICIARY REVOCABILITY
Himself; or Revocable or
shall be included in the GE. Thus: His: irrevocable
FMV-TOD Included Executor; or
minus IC
TIC NOT any of the Revocable
Excluded above Irrevocable
Proceeds of Life Insurance Policy
Q: X went to you, considering your vast
Proceeds of life insurance policy are knowledge of taxation law, asking advise
included in the computation of GE on how to avoid taxes in giving inheritance
to W, A, B, and C, his surviving spouse and
Take note that, in the following three children, respectively.
situations, the proceeds shall still be
included in the GE: What would you advise?
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of life insurance policy are Q: Why is there a necessity to include the
items of exclusion mortgaged property?
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Q: During his lifetime, X, lost his gas range Q: If the decedent is an NRA, should the
used in his tapsilogan as it was stolen. deduction be in proportion to his estate in
the Philippines?
As such, he used it as a deduction in his IT
based on casualty loss. No, as the same is deductible in full
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Q: X, an NRA, died. EsT
For purpose of EsT, can the heirs claim Q: Considering that the same property is
deduction based on Family Home? being taxed twice, is there double taxation?
No, an NRA cannot have a Family Yes, specifically double taxation in its
Home broad sense
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the following year;
Cause of action ii. ER: 28th of
February of the
It is the government’s collection of following year, in
taxes from the TP. case of substituted
(NOTE: Thus, there are no counter- b. SEP/I or MIE, VAT,
claimants, 3rd (4th, etc.) party claimant, and 8%TG:
etc.) i. Quarterly returns,
on or before:
Starting point 1. 15th of May;
2. 15th of
It starts from the TPs filing of a return, August;
as ALL national taxes are self-assessed 3. 15th of
taxes. November;
By self-assessed taxes, the TPs 4. 15th of
compute the taxes themselves. April of the
(NOTE: Compared to local taxes, year (Final
which are automatically assessed) Consolida
ted Return
Returns (FCR))
2. Corporation:
It is a verified statement prepared by a. First three quarters:
the TPs providing the material i. Within 60 days
information relevant for the taxes to be from close of the
paid. quarter;
b. FCR:
All internal revenue taxes require a i. Calendar year, on
return. or before:
1. 15th of
(NOTE: The topics discussed in IT, April of the
DT, and EsT, shall appear in the following
returns.) year;
ii. Fiscal year, on or
When paid before:
1. 15th day of
It is paid as soon as filed, thus “pay- the 4th
as-you-file taxes” month
Due dates the close of
the fiscal
The filing of the returns, are as follows: year.
3. CGT:
1. Individuals: a. Within 30 days from the
a. CIE: sale;
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4. DT: Aside from his taxes, the following
a. Within 30 days from gift; shall attach:
5. ET:
a. Within 1 year from death 1. 25% penalty; and
2. 12% interest per annum for one (1)
Substituted filing day
It is the filing of the returns done by the Q: If X was fraudulent or in bad faith in
ER in favor of the EE. belatedly filing his returns, what is the
It is available in case the EE only has
one ER for the whole taxable year. Aside from his taxes, the following
shall attach:
The returns filed by the ER shall serve
as a substitute to the returns supposed 1. 50% surcharge; and
to be filed by the EE. 2. 12% interest per annum for one (1)
Q: Y worked as a CIE for X from January
to June 2021. From July to December 2021, Q: If X already filed a return, can he amend
Y worked for W. it?
May X, W, or both, file the returns for Y? Yes, but the following should be
attached together:
No, as substituted filing is available
only in case a CIE has one ER for the 1. Original return; and
whole year. 2. Amended return
The following attaches to the taxes to It is allowed within three (3) years from
be paid: date of filing of the original return,
provided the no Notice of
1. Penalties: Investigation (NOI) has been received
a. Without fraud or bad by the TP.
i. 25% penalty; or The reason for no amendment
b. With fraud or bad faith: allowed after receipt of NOI is
i. 50% surcharge; to avoid the situation where the
2. Interest of double the legal interest amendment will just change the
for each day: matter subject of the
a. As of 2018, this would be investigation.
12% considering that the
legal interest is 6% (NOTE: NOI and Letter of Authority
are one and the same)
Q: X, a SEI, filed his first returns on 16th of
May 2021. Q: X filed his FCR on 15 April 2021. On the
16th of April 2022, he filed his amended
What is the effect?
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return of the FCR dated 15 April 2021, Effect of no return filed
attaching it thereto.
The BIR has the power to file the
Can the amendment be allowed? returns in the TPs behalf
No, as an amendment is allowed only If X filed his returns and paid his taxes in
within three (3) years from the date of the adjacent RDO, which is DEF RDO, is
the filing of the original returns it correct to say that X properly filed his
returns and paid his taxes?
Q: X filed his FCR on 15 April 2021. On the
16th of April 2022, he filed his amended No, as payment in the wrong venue
return of the FCR dated 15 April 2021, amounts to non-payment.
attaching it thereto.
Actions of BIR upon receipt of returns
A day prior to the said filing, specifically on
15 April 2022, X received an NOI. Upon receipt of the returns and study
of such, The BIR may do any of the
Can the amendment be allowed? following:
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X contested the action of the BIR, as he 3. Directly collecting the taxes from
said that there should be a FAN before the TP
collection may be done.
Requisites of a valid FAN
Is X correct?
To be valid, the following must concur:
No, as the BIR has the alternative
remedy of directly collecting the tax 1. It must be in writing;
from X instead of issuing a FAN. 2. It must be addressed to the TP, as
declared in the returns and as
Q: Assume that X, instead, did not file a registered in the BIR:
return. 3. It must provide the
a. Basis in fact and in law of the
For this reason, the BIR filed a return for tax due:
X. i. Thus it must state:
1. The tax being
X contested the same, arguing that the BIR collected; and
should have issued a FAN rather than the 2. The period to
BIR’s filing of a return on his behalf. collect such
b. Amount of the tax due:
Is X correct? i. Breakdown of the
amount (including
No, as the BIR has the alternative penalties, basic
remedy of filing the returns on the amount, etc.)
behalf of the non-filing TP. 4. There must be a:
a. Demand to pay;
Q: If instead, the BIR issued a FAN due to b. Due date of when to pay
X’s non-filing, is the BIR valid in doing so? 5. Signed by BIR’s duly authorized
representative; and
Yes, as the BIR has alternative 6. Validly served to the TP
remedies in case of TPs who failed to
file a return, to wit: Q: X registered to the BIR that he is a
resident of 123 Numero St., Quezon City.
1. File returns on behalf of the TP; or
2. Issue a FAN If a FAN is to be issued, where should the
BIR address such?
Q: If instead, the BIR directly collected
taxes from X due to his non-filing, is the It should be addressed to the address
BIR valid in doing so? as appearing in the returns and BIR
Yes, as the BIR also has the alternative
of directly collecting the taxes from X. Thus, it should be addressed to 123
Numero St., Quezon City.
Thus, in case of non-filing of a return,
the remedies are as follows: Q: After ten (10) years, X changed his
address to 456 Numbers St., Quezon City.
1. File returns on behalf of the TP;
2. Issue a FAN; or
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Is BIR obligated to know by itself the new He must go to the residence of X, and
address and register the same? ask if X is indeed there.
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Q: If instead, W was a law student, and Yes, service of FAN is not strict as to
knows indeed that it is a FAN, and for such the mode.
reason W refused receipt of FAN.
It is sufficient that there is proof that
If you were M, what would you do? indeed the FAN was received by the
I would leave the same to the vicinity,
and execute an affidavit stating the Q: X filed his first return on 15 May 2021.
circumstances of the refusal. As the BIR found the return doubtful, it
issued a FAN on 15 May 2024.
Likewise, I would require the witnesses
to execute an affidavit attesting to the The FAN was served to X on 25 May 2024.
circumstances of the refusal.
X contests the validity of the FAN, as the
Q: If instead it was it was X who refused, service was done beyond the prescriptive
what would you do? period of three (3) years. Is X correct?
I would still do the same as above. No, as the prescriptive period merely
refers to the issuance of the FAN.
Q: Aside from X, M is bound to deliver a
FAN to ABC Corporation. The service may be done even after the
lapse of the prescriptive period, as long
To whom should the FAN be addressed as the FAN was issued within the
and delivered? prescriptive period.
It is so, considering that the waiver Q: Are the above remedies in the
must be executed and accepted prior to alternative?
the expiration of the period.
No, rather they are successive.
(NOTE: There is nothing to extend if
already expired) Thus, resort to administrative protest
must first be done prior to judicial
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Remedy of TP after receipt of FAN No, as, again, the period is non-
The TP may file an administrative
protest within 30 days from receipt of Possible actions of BIR after filing of
the FAN protest
No, the thirty (30) day period is non- Q: After receipt of the FAN, X filed his
extendible administrative protest on the 12th day from
receipt thereof.
(NOTE: Take note, however, that if
the last day falls on a weekend or a The BIR determined that the documents
holiday, the period is “extendible” up are complete.
until the next working day.)
For purpose of determining whether the
Q: Would your answer be the same if the BIR sat on the protest, should the counting
TP raises a supervening event to extend the of the 180 days be counted from the 30th day
period? from the receipt of the FAN?
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No, the counting shall begin from the a. Judicial protest, within 30 days
day of the filing. from the expiration of the 180
day period; or
Q: If instead, the BIR found the protest to b. To wait for the decision of the
be incomplete and thus ordered X to BIR
produce documents.
Judicial protest
X complained that the BIR did not specify
what documents are needed. It is the remedy available to the TP
against a decision denying or partly
Is X justified in doing so? denying the FAN, or in case of non-
action of the BIR.
No, the BIR would not specify the
lacking documents. The judicial protest is filed with the
Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) division.
It is so, as the one who protested is the
TP, and thus he himself knows what is Q: After the expiration of the 180 days
lacking. period for the non-action of the BIR, X did
not file a judicial protest within 30 days, but
Q: If X submitted, by mail, the documents instead waited for the decision of the BIR,
on the 48th day from the BIR’s requiring of which was issued on the 32nd day after the
the submission of the documents, and the expiry of the 180-day period.
BIR received the same on the 55th day,
should the 180 days for the non-action be Considering that X obtained an adverse
counted on the 48th or the 55th day? decision, may X file a judicial protest
against such decision?
It should be on the 55th day, because it
should be counted on the day of receipt No longer, as the consequence of
by the BIR, NOT on the day that the waiting for the BIR decision after the
same was submitted. expiration of the 180-day period and
no judicial protest is filed is that the
Effect of BIR action BIR decision cannot be protested
It is the end of the line for the TPs
administrative protest Q: May the BIR judicially protest?
Options of the TP upon denial, partly No, it is against logic that the BIR will
denying, or non-action of BIR protest against its own decision.
The options available to the TP are as For this reason, only the TP may avail
follows: a judicial protest.
Jurisdiction BIR CTA division No, as the filing with the CTA en banc
requires a prior MR or MNT with the
Period to file Within 30 days CTA division, as a condition sine qua
Reckoning From receipt From From
point of FAN receipt lapse of
of 180
Remedy of BIR and/or TP against CTA en
order days bank decision
Actions of the CTA division The BIR and/or the TP may file a
Petition for Review on Certiorari (Rule
The CTA division may: 45)
1. Deny;
2. Grant: or
3. Partly:
a. Grant; and
b. Deny
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Summary of remedies Modes of collection
Q: Considering that the collection may be The period resumes to run as soon as
done despite an existing protest, what is the ground for the suspension ceases.
the rule as to the running of the period to
collect taxes? Q: X’s returns filed in 2021 indicates that
his address is 123 Numero St., Quezon
GR: Running of period to collect is City.
NOT suspended, as collection
of taxes is NOT suspended, However, he changed his address to 456
considering that taxes are the Numbers St., Quezon City.
lifeblood of the government
In 2024, the BIR found that X fraudulently
ER: The period to collect is filed his returns, but by reason of laziness
suspended, in the following the BIR only collected the taxes from X on
cases: 2033.
1. When the CIR is Thus, in 2033, BIR served X with the notice
prohibited from making that his taxes are being collected, in 123
assessment Numero St., Quezon City, but he is not
a. Beginning: found there.
i. Distraint;
ii. Levy; or Eventually, in 2035, the BIR successfully
iii. Proceeding in found and served the collection to X in 456
court; Numbers St., Quezon City.
b. Up until:
i. 60 days after X claims that the BIR’s right to do so has
any of the already prescribed, as 10 years have passed
above; from the discovery of the fraudulent filing.
2. Reinvestigation requested
by the TP and granted by Is X correct?
the CIR;
3. TP cannot be found in No, X is incorrect.
location indicated in
returns; The non-informing by X to the BIR
4. Despite the warrant of has the effect of suspending the statute
distraint or levy’s service to of limitations.
the TP, his authorized
representative, or member
of household with
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Q: X’s returns filed in 2021 indicates that exclusive of penalties, interests, and
his address is 123 Numero St., Quezon surcharges, as follows:
MTC: Does not exceed Php400K if
However, he changed his address to 456 within Metro Manila (MM); or
Numbers St., Quezon City, and informed Does not exceed Php300K if
the BIR in 2023. outside MM;
In 2024, the BIR found that X fraudulently RTC: Exceeds Php400K if within
filed his returns, but by reason of laziness MM; or
the BIR only collected the taxes from X on Exceeds Php300K if outside
2033. MM
X claims that the BIR’s right to do so has The BIR filed a civil collection case with
already prescribed, as 10 years have passed the RTC.
from the discovery of the fraudulent filing.
X questioned the jurisdiction of the RTC.
BIR on the other hand, claims that due to If you were the Judge, how would you
the change in the address, the running of decide?
the period was suspended.
I would rule in favor of X, declaring
Is X correct? that the RTC has no jurisdiction over
the case.
Yes, the period of collecting was NOT
suspended, considering that X In ruling so, I would hold that the
informed them of the change in the proper jurisdiction is with the MTC, as
address. the jurisdictional value is based solely
on the tax due, which is Php300K.
Thus, the suspension of the period
would NOT apply Q: Assume, instead, that X has a tax due of
Php1M, and the BIR filed the civil
Original jurisdiction as to civil collection collection case in the RTC.
Considering that the tax due exceeds
The exclusive original jurisdiction shall Php400K, is the BIR correct in filing the
depend on the amount of the tax due, civil collection case with the RTC?
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
No, as the proper court should be the 1. Resulting in tax deficiency; or
CTA, as it has exclusive original 2. Not resulting in tax deficiency
jurisdiction over civil collection cases
where the tax due is Php1M or higher. Q: Which among the two is a mode of
collection for the BIR?
Appellate jurisdiction as to civil collection
cases It is a criminal case which results to tax
division FILING Where filed
division en banc In case of one resulting in tax
en banc en banc
CTA has exclusive original
jurisdiction when the principal
SC SC tax due is Php1M exclusive of
penalties, interests, and
When MNT available in CTA division surcharges.
It is a condition sine qua non. Q: Can a criminal case which has no tax
deficiency as a result be filed with the
Q: If a case reaches the CTA en banc, is it CTA?
required that an MNT be availed prior to
appeal to the SC? No, as it does NOT exercise
jurisdiction over such.
No, an MNT is NOT a condition sine
qua non to the filing of an appeal with In such a case, its jurisdiction is merely
the SC appellate.
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
1. Ordinary claim for refund; and administrative
2. Refund of excess input VAT in refund
ZRT Jurisdiction BIR CTA division
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Atty. Rizalina Lumbera PJA
X may file an administrative refund up
until 31 March 2023
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