TOPIC 29 Radioactive Decay
TOPIC 29 Radioactive Decay
TOPIC 29 Radioactive Decay
1. A certain radioactive nuclide of mass number 6. The isotope which decays by β-emission to
mx disintegrates, with the emission of an produce is 111
48 Cd is
electron and γ radiation only, to give a second 111 113
A. 47 Ag D. 50 Sn
nuclide of mass number my. Which one of the 111 112
following equations correctly relates mx and B. 49 ¿ E. 47 Ag
my? C. 47 Ag N79/II/34
A. my = mx – 4 D. my = mx
B. my = mx – 2 E. my = mx + 1 7. The nuclide 226 88 Ra occurs in appreciable
C. my = mx – 1 N76/II/36 quantities in a mineral of great geological age
despite the fact that its half-life is only a very
2. Which one of the following combinations of
small fraction of the age of the mineral. This is
radioactive decay results in the formation of an
isotope of the original nucleus?
A. the radioactive decay of 226 88 Ra is
A. α and four β D. two α and β
B. α and two β E. four α and β exponential and the activity can never
C. α and β J77/II/35 become zero.
B. 88 Ra is constantly being formed by the
3. Which one of the following statements is true decay of a longer-lived isotope.
of both α-particles and X-rays? C. the mineral is constantly being subjected to
A. They cause ionisation of the air when they neutron bombardment from the centre of
pass through it.
the earth, forming more 226
88 Ra .
B. They can be detected after passing through 226
a few millimetres of aluminium. D. the concentration 88 Ra is constantly being
C. They can be deflected by electric fields. regenerated by radioactive fallout from the
D. They can be deflected by magnetic fields. atmosphere.
E. They are used industrially for the E. the rock surrounding the 226
88 Ra slows down
photographic detection of flaws in metal the escape of the alpha-particles and
castings. gamma-rays.
N77/II/36; J84/II/36 N79/II/36; J82/II/38; J87/I/27
4. A naturally occurring isotope of radium 88 Ra , 8. In order to trace the line of a water-pipe buried
has a half-life of 1622 years. Its radioactive 0.4 m below the surface of a field, an engineer
decay may be represented by the equation wishes to add a radioactive isotope to the water.
Ra → X +α + γ . Which sort of isotope should be chosen?
emitter half-life
where X is a daughter nuclide, a is an alpha-
A. β a few hours
particle and γ is a gamma ray, the atomic
B. β several years
number of X is
C. γ a few hours
A. 86 B. 88 C. 89 D. 224 E. 227
D. γ several years
J80/II/33; 196/I/30
5. The nucleus of uranium (238
92U ) may undergo
9. Fig. 1 represents a series of radioactive changes
successive decays, emitting respectively an α- in which nuclide W forms nuclide X which then
particle, a β-particle and a γ-photon. The forms nuclide Y and finally nuclide Z.
resulting nucleus may be represented by
A. 237
92 U D. 232
91 Pa
234 234
B. 91 Pa E. 99 Ac
C. 91 Pa N78/II/36
Which one of the following gives the total N82/II/37
change of mass number and of nuclear charge?
13. Which one of the following graphs could
represent the distribution p (E) of energies E of
Change of mass Change of α-particles emitted from a given source?
number from W nuclear charge A. D.
to Z from W to Z
A. -2 +1
B. -2 0
C. -2 -1 B. E.
D. -4 +1
E. -4 0
J81/II/34; N84/II/38 C.
1 1
B. E. A. A0 C. A0
12 4
1 3
B. A0 D. A0
16 8
- Calculate the ratio activity of produced at a constant rate K from the stable
source at end of working clay isotope 23Na placed in a nuclear reactor.
activity of source at start of Construct an equation relating δ N, the small
working day 20cm increase in the number of 24Na atoms, in time δt
ratio = ………………… to λ, the decay constant of 24Na, and K, the rate
- Estimate the percentage change in of production of 24Na.
foil thickness during one working Hence show that the number of 24Na atoms
day if no allowance is made for present in the reactor will eventually tend to a
radioactive decay. State whether constant value. J78/III/6
the change is an increase or a
decrease. 72. (a) What do you understand by half live T1/2,
change = …………% and decay constant λ, for a radioactive
J97/II/8 substance? Deduce the relationship
70. One isotope of potassium, 19 K , has a half-life between them.
of 1.4 x 109 years and decays to form argon, 1( (b) (i) The first part of the decay series of the
40 artificially produced neptunium
18 Ar , which is stable. A sample of rock taken
isotope 23793 Np involves the following
from the Sea of Tranquillity on the Moon
contains both potassium and argon in the ratio: sequence of emissions : α β α α β α.
number of Potassium−40 atoms 1 Illustrate these changes on a plot of N,
= the number of neutrons in the nucleus,
number of Argon−40 atoms 7
against Z, the atomic number. Using
(a) Define half-life.
the table of elements below, identify
(by its symbol) the last element in this
portion of the decay series, and make half-life and show how the half-life is related to
clear which isotope of this element is the decay constant.
produced. A recent theory suggests that the proton may be
unstable with a half-life of the order of 1034
Elemen Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U
t years. How many of the 3 x 10 33 protons in a
Atomic 83 84 85 86 8 88 89 90 91 92 swimming bath would you expect to decay in 5
number 7
After such decays, γ-rays of wavelength 2.4 x
(ii) Three other nuclides also initiate decay 10-12 m would be expected. Calculate the ratio
series. The half lives and abundances of the mass of such a γ-ray photon to the rest
are as shown below. mass of an electron. N82/III/6
consistent with the random nature of the Express the energy difference in joules and
process. Hence define decay constant. Define calculate the mass of this energy. Discuss how
mass is conserved in the two types of
plutonium (Pu) disintegration, despite there 238
The half-life of U is 1.42 x 1019 s. What
being this difference in the energies of the α- mass of this nuclide would give an emission of
particles produced. one alpha-particle per second? N87/II/12
If a 90Sr source emits many β-particles in one
second today, how long will it take to emit the 79. The table below gives the activities measured
same number of β-particles in the year 2040 over a period of 15 days of two separate
A.D.? radioactive sources, A and B, made from
In what year will the source take the whole year different nuclides.
to emit the same number of β-particles as it
emits in one second today? J84/III/6