Materials Compatibility Milling Units Chart
Materials Compatibility Milling Units Chart
Materials Compatibility Milling Units Chart
TYPE OF shades. Indicated for inlays/onlays, veneers and fully contoured crowns. CEREC Blocs C
RESTORATION restorations can be finished in three ways: 1 – by only polishing, 2 - by polishing, glazing
and firing in a furnace, 3 - by glazing, staining and firing in a furnace.
Crowns CEREC 3 Dentsply Sirona: CEREC Blocs C, CEREC Blocs C The alternative: VITA Mark II.
Veneers CEREC MC CEREC Blocs PC, CEREC Blocs C In, CEREC Blocs PC CEREC Blocs C PC - polychromatic feldspar milling blocks available in A1-A3,5 VITA
Inlays/Onlays CEREC MC X inCoris ZI, inCoris TZI, inCoris TZI C, CEREC Blocs C In classical shades. Indicated for polychromatic inlays/onlays, veneers, fully contoured
crowns in both the anterior and posterior areas. CEREC Blocs C PC restorations can be
Partial crowns CEREC MC XL PP Celtra Duo. CEREC Zirconia finished in three ways: 1 – by only polishing, 2 - by polishing, glazing and firing in a
Ivoclar: IPS e-max CAD, Celtra Duo furnace, 3 - by glazing, staining and firing in a furnace.
IPS Empress CAD, IPS Empress CAD The alternative: VITA TriLuxe
Multi, IPS ZirCAD, Tetric CAD. CEREC Blocs C In - polychromatic feldspar milling blocks available in A1-A4, B2, B3, C2,
VITA: Mark II, TriLuxe, Enamic, C3, D3 VITA classical shades. Indicated especially for restorations in the anterior area.
Contain an opaque dentin core that helps to achieve a natural depth effect and to mask
Enamic multicolor, RealLife, discoloring of tooth stumps. CEREC Blocs C In restorations can be finished in three ways:
SUPRINITY FC, SUPRINITY PC, YZ HT. 1 – by only polishing, 2 - by polishing, glazing and firing in a furnace, 3 - by glazing,
staining and firing in a furnace.
GC: CERESMART, Initial LRF. The alternative: VITA Real Life.
3M Espe: Lava Ultimate. CEREC Zirconia - monochromatic pre-sintered zirconium oxide ceramic milling blocks
Kuraray Noritake: Katana Zirconia available in A1-D3 VITA classical shades. Indicated for fully contoured crowns and bridges
up to 3 units. They require sintering after milling. CEREC Zirconia restorations are finished
Block ST, KatanaZirconia Block STML.
by staining and glazing.
CEREC Zirconia meso - monochromatic pre-sintered zirconium oxide ceramic milling
SHOFU: BLOCK HC. blocks available in A1-A3,5 and BL2 VITA classical shades. Indicated for fully contoured
screw-retained restorations. They require sintering after milling. CEREC Zirconia meso
3-unit CEREC MC X Dentsply Sirona: i inCoris ZI, inCoris TZI C restorations are finished by staining and glazing.
restorations CEREC MC XL PP inCoris TZI, inCoris TZI C. CEREC Zirconia inCoris ZI - monochromatic opaque zirconium oxide milling blocks available in F0.5-F3
(fully anatomical) shades. Indicated for crown and bridge frameworks, bars and attachments. They require
Ivoclar: IPS e-max, IPS ZirCAD LT.
sintering after milling.
inCoris TZI - monochromatic translucent zirconium oxide milling blocks. Indicated for
Brand Identity
fully contoured crowns and bridges in the anterior area, bars and attachments. After
Restorations CEREC MC X Dentsply Sirona: inCoris ZI meso, inCoris ZI meso milling, the restorations are dyed in appropriate coloring liquids and sintered. inCoris TZI
on implants (substructures) restorations can be finished by staining and glazing.
CEREC MC XL PP CEREC Zirconia meso.
CEREC Zirconia meso inCoris ZI meso - monochromatic opaque zirconium oxide milling blocks available in F0.5
Ivoclar: IPS e-max CAD, and F2 shades. Indicated for mesostructures and crowns reduced for veneering. They
(fully anatomical) require sintering after milling.
Telio CAD Aboutment.
CELTRA DUO (veneering in inCoris TZI C - monochromatic translucent zirconium oxide milling blocks, pre-colored in
multilayer restorations) A1-D3 VITA classical shades. Indicated for fully contoured crowns and bridges,
Temporary 2.0CEREC 3 IVOCLAR: IPS TelioCAD Any Dentsply Sirona material
telescopes, bars and attachments. inCoris TZI C restorations require sintering after milling
and can be finished by staining and glazing.
restorations CEREC MC VITA: VITA CAD-Temp (monocolor, for final restorations CELTRA DUO - monochromatic ziconium oxide-reinforced lithium silicate milling blocks
multicolor). available in A1-D3 VITA classical shades and in high (HT) and low (LT) translucency.
CEREC MC X CELTRA DUO can be finished in three ways: 1 – by only polishing, 2 - by polishing, glazing
CEREC MC XL and firing in a furnace, 3 - by glazing, staining and firing in a furnace.
The alternative: IPS e-max CAD and VITA Suprinity.
Implantological CEREC MC X Dentsply Sirona: CEREC Guide Bloc. CEREC Guide Bloc
guides CEREC MC XL