Workbook DSU
Workbook DSU
Workbook DSU
5 . Compare time complexity and space complexity with respect to algorithm. .
6. What are Linear and Non Linear data structure ? Give 2 Examples.
7. Describe various types of operations that can be performed on data structure ?
2. Sort the given number in ascending order using Radix sort .
348 ,14 ,614 , 5381 , 47
3. Write algorithm for insertion sort and arrange the given number in ascending order using
insertion sort
77 , 33 , 44 , 11 , 88 , 22 , 66 , 55
4. Describe principle of selection sort with example.
2. Define term Overflow and Underflow with respect to stack.
3. Translate the given Infix expression to postfix expression using stack and show the details
4. Write down applications of stack.
5. Convert the following arithmetic expression P in postfix notation into infix:
P :- 5 , 6 , 2 , + , * , 12 , 4 , / , -
also evaluate P for final value.
Data Structures Using C (22317)
Chapter 04: Queues
2. Write the procedure for inserting and deleting an element from queue .
3. Describe Priority queues.
4. Define circular queue. Also explain advantages of circular queue over linear
queue with example.
5. Explain with diagram Queue full and queue empty condition for circular queue.
6. State any two applications of queue.
7. Difference between Stack and Queue with minimum 4 points?
Stack Queue
2. List type of linked list and state operations performed on linked list.
3. Write a algorithm to insert node at beginning at middle position and at the end of
a "Singly" linked list.
4. Describe Structure of Circular linked list
Data Structures Using C (22317)
Chapter 06: Tree
Student Work sheet
1. Explain a searching a value in binary search tree with example.
2. Define terms related to Binary Tree:- Level, Depth, Leaf Node, Root Node ,siblings.
4. Construct the Binary search tree from the given list of letter inserted in order into
an empty binary search tree:-
5. Define tree traversal along with Preorder , Inorder and Post order algorithm.
Draw the tree structure of the expression given below.
1. Describe in brief the term related to Graph : Vertices , edges , Directed graph
,Undirected graph
2. Define:- Successor , Predecessor ,Weighted graph , in degree ,out-degree.
3. Describe application of graph in data structure.
4. What is graph? Explain adjacency matrix representation of graph with suitable example.