Iso 1920 12 2015

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STANDARD 1920-12

First edition

Testing of concrete —
Part 12:
Determination of the carbonation
resistance of concrete — Accelerated
carbonation method
Essais du béton — PREVIEW
Partie 12: Détermination de la résistance du béton à la carbonation
— Méthode de carbonation accélérée

ISO 1920-12:2015

Reference number
ISO 1920-12:2015(E)

© ISO 2015
ISO 1920-12:2015(E)


ISO 1920-12:2015


© ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland
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ISO 1920-12:2015(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Principle......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Reagents and apparatus................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
6 Preparation of specimens............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
6.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
6.2 Making, curing, and testing of prisms and cubes....................................................................................................... 3
7 Carbonation depth measurements..................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.1 Exposure period and generation of colour change................................................................................................... 5
8 Determination of the carbonation depth..................................................................................................................................... 5
8.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.2 Measuring the depth of carbonation..................................................................................................................................... 5
8.3 Appreciation of dense aggregates........................................................................................................................................... 5
8.4 Appreciation of pores and porous aggregates and extreme values............................................................ 6
8.5 Expression of the results................................................................................................................................................................. 7
9 Test report.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
10 Precision........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Annex A (informative) Guidance on suitable storage chambers.............................................................................................. 8
ISO 1920-12:2015

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ISO 1920-12:2015(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1.  In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted.  This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see 
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 71, Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed
concrete, Subcommittee SC 1, Test methods for concrete.
ISO 1920-12:2015
ISO 1920 consists of the following parts, under the general title Testing of concrete:
— Part 1: Sampling of fresh concrete
— Part 2: Properties of fresh concrete
— Part 3: Making and curing test specimens
— Part 4: Strength of hardened concrete
— Part 5: Properties of hardened concrete other than strength
— Part 6: Sampling, preparing and testing of concrete cores
— Part 7: Non-destructive tests on hardened concrete
— Part 8: Determination of drying shrinkage of concrete for samples prepared in the field or in the laboratory
— Part 9: Determination of creep of concrete cylinders in compression
— Part 10: Determination of static modulus of elasticity in compression
— Part 11: Determination of the chloride resistance of concrete, unidirectional diffusion
— Part 12: Determination of the carbonation resistance of concrete — Accelerated carbonation method

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ISO 1920-12:2015(E)

Ferrous steel reinforced concrete structures need to be durable to ensure that the intended service
life is achieved. The corrosion of reinforcement induced by carbonation can play a significant role in
the serviceability of a structure and consequently carbonation resistance of concrete is an important
property to measure. This International Standard sets out a test method that may be applied to cast test
specimens to assess the potential carbonation resistance properties of a concrete mix.


ISO 1920-12:2015

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ISO 1920-12:2015

Testing of concrete —
Part 12:
Determination of the carbonation resistance of concrete —
Accelerated carbonation method

1 Scope
This procedure is a method for evaluating the carbonation resistance of concrete using an accelerated
carbonation test. After a period of preconditioning, the test is carried out under controlled exposure
conditions using an increased level of carbon dioxide to which, the vertical sides of the specimen are exposed.
The test results are not designated to set performance requirements but to compare the carbonation
resistance of different concretes of the same strength class, which are used in the same environmental

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 1920-2, Testing of concrete — Part 2: ISO Properties of fresh concrete
ISO 1920-3, Testing of concrete — Part 3: Making and curing test specimens
ISO 1920-4, Testing of concrete — Part 4: Strength of hardened concrete

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
depth of carbonation
depth as measured using a phenolphthalein solution sprayed on a freshly-split concrete surface
single point carbonation depth
depth of carbonation measured at a single point on a specimen, dk,point
specimen face carbonation depth
mean depth of carbonation of a single exposed face of a single specimen, dk,face
specimen carbonation depth
mean depth of carbonation of a single specimen, dk,spec
mean carbonation depth
mean depth of carbonation of two specimens, dk

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ISO 1920-12:2015(E)

4 Principle
Two concrete cubes are cast and cured for 28 d in accordance with ISO 1920-3 (see also changes to the
curing conditions in 6.2). The two concrete cubes are then conditioned in a laboratory air environment
for 14 d prior to sealing the top, bottom, and two opposite side faces. After sealing of all but two faces,
the cubes are placed in a storage chamber meeting the conditions specified in 5.4 and having a carbon
dioxide level of (3,0 ± 0,5) % for a period of 70 d. After 70 d of exposure, the cubes shall be split in half,
perpendicular to the exposed faces, and the depth of carbonation measured in accordance with the
procedure given in Clause 7.
The test under reference conditions takes therefore a minimum of 112 d, period that comprises a
minimum age of the specimen of 28 d prior to conditioning, a minimum conditioning period of 14 d,
and a minimum exposure to increased carbon dioxide levels of 70 d. In case where a higher range of
additions such as pozzolanic materials, slag, and others are used, extended curing and drying times are
allowed and the same should be reported.
If required, further cubic specimens may be casted and used for measurement of the depth of carbonation
at exposure periods other than 70 d. Each cubic specimens shall be used for testing at one period of
exposure only.
When the purpose of the test is to measure the depth of carbonation on the same specimen at more than
one exposure period, concrete prisms shall be used.
In this case, two prisms are cast and cured for 28 d in accordance with ISO 1920-3 (see also amendments
of the curing conditions in 6.2). The prisms are conditioned in a laboratory air environment for 14 d prior
to sealing the top, bottom, and two end faces. After sealing all but two longitudinal faces, the prisms are
placed in a storage chamber, meeting the conditions specified in 5.4 and having a carbon dioxide level of
(3,0 ± 0.5) % for the overall test period which should be 70 d. After each exposure period, a 50 mm slice
is broken from each prism and tested for carbonation depth. After splitting off a slice, the split end faces
of the prisms are sealed and the remainder of the ISOprisms returned to the storage chamber.
The specimens, cubes, or prisms shall be positioned with their exposed faces in the vertical position.
The curing conditions may vary from one country to another in accordance with local provisions;
however, these conditions shall be recorded and reported.

5 Reagents and apparatus

5.1 Paraffin wax or equivalent, for sealing the non-exposed faces of test specimens.

5.2 A solution, made of 1 g of phenolphthalein powder dissolved in 100 ml solution composed of 70 ml
ethanol and 30 ml of deionised water.

5.3 A magnifier and a gauge, to measure the depth of carbonation perpendicular to the exposed
concrete surface with a precision of 0,5 mm.

5.4 A storage chamber with a carbon dioxide concentration at (3,0 ± 0,5) % by volume,

temperature at (22 ± 2) °C, and a relative humidity at (55 ± 5) %, see Annex A for details of a suitable
chamber. In hot climate locations, the conditions in the storage chamber may be temperature at (27 ± 2) °C
and relative humidity at (65 ± 5) %.

Experience has shown that if saturated surface-dry specimens are placed in the storage chamber shortly
after removal from water curing, the relative humidity could exceed that permitted. Also, in storage
chambers without active control of the carbon dioxide, the levels could drop below the permitted
tolerance as the carbonation process continues. It is therefore a recommendation of this test method
that the storage chamber has active control on carbon dioxide, relative humidity, and temperature.

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ISO 1920-12:2015(E)

Other carbon dioxide concentration levels, other humidity levels, and other temperature levels may be
used. However, this shall be recorded and reported.
NOTE Relative humidity levels may be maintained using methods at the discretion of the laboratory, for
example, active humidification/dehumidification or saturated salt solutions.

5.5 Apparatus, for recording the relative humidity with a precision of ±2,0 % and the temperature with
a precision of ±0,5 °C.

5.6 Apparatus, for recording CO2 concentration with a precision of ±0,1 % by volume.

It is recommended that recording apparatus be fitted with an audio/visual alarm to alert breaches of
CO2 concentration within the storage chamber due to possible apparatus malfunction.

5.7 Fans, to facilitate steady circulation of air within the storage chamber.

6 Preparation of specimens

6.1 General
Cubes and/or prisms for the determination of the carbonation resistance shall be made in accordance
with this part of ISO  1920. If the specimens are to be made by a test laboratory, the test laboratory
shall be supplied with a full specification including the mix quantities and the mixing procedure, and
where appropriate, the constituent materials. Where the specimens are prepared by the client or
their representative, the test laboratory shall be informed of the day of casting and provided with a
confirmation that the specimens were stored as required by this part of ISO 1920.
For the determination of the depth of carbonation at any given exposure period, two cubic specimens
ISO 1920-12:2015
having a cross-section of 100 mm or greater shall be prepared. For the determination of the depth of
carbonation at more than one exposure period on the same test specimen, two prisms, 400 mm long
and having a cross-section of 100 × 100 mm, shall be prepared. The shortest dimension of the specimen,
cube, or prism, shall not be less than four times the maximum nominal upper aggregate size. The use of
mould release agents should be avoided or minimized, as they might influence the carbonation depth.

6.2 Making, curing, and testing of prisms and cubes

Before casting the specimens, measure the consistence class or target value using the slump test, Vebe
test, degree of compactability, or flow table test (as appropriate), as described in ISO 1920-2. For each
mix, cast two prisms/cubes from a single batch of concrete. Cast the prisms horizontally according to
ISO 1920-3. In hot climate locations, the curing conditions after demoulding the specimen can be different
from those mentioned in ISO 1920-3. In this case, the specimens shall be stored in water or in a chamber
having a temperature in the range of (27 ± 2) °C and a minimum relative humidity of 95 %. After finishing
the prisms/cubes, cover the exposed surface with polythene or similar impermeable sheeting to prevent
drying. After (22 ± 2) h, the moulds shall be stripped and the prisms/cubes transferred without delay into
a water-filled bath with temperature control set in the range of (20 ± 2) °C in accordance with ISO 1920-3.
In hot climate locations, the temperature of the water in the bath may be in the range of (27 ± 2) °C.
It is recommended that at least two compressive strength specimens are made and tested in accordance
with ISO 1920-4 at 28 d. Where a number of mixes are made, additional testing, e.g. the 28-day strength,
should be undertaken to confirm consistent manufacture or identify anomalous batches where mixes
might need to be repeated.
After removal from the curing tank, the specimens shall be immediately wrapped and sealed in polythene
or similar material that will prevent drying during transportation. Alternatively, they should be
transported while remaining fully immersed in water, e.g. in a mobile curing tank. On arrival at the test
laboratory, the test specimens shall be unwrapped, checked for damage, and then stored in a water-filled

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ISO 1920-12:2015(E)

curing tank with temperature in the range of (20 ± 2) °C in accordance with ISO 1920-3 until they are 28 d
old. In hot climate locations, the temperature of the water in the bath may be in the range of (27 ± 2) °C.
At an age of 28 d, the prisms/cubes shall be removed from the water bath and transferred for 14 d to
a laboratory air drying environment having a temperature in the range of (18  –  29) °C and relative
humidity in the range of (50 – 70) %.
Alternative conditioning environments may be used; however, they shall be recorded and reported.
After 14 d of conditioning, the top and bottom longitudinal faces and the two end faces of prisms (or top,
bottom, and two side faces of cubes) shall be sealed using paraffin wax or a similar material that will
prevent ingress of carbon dioxide and allow carbonation to occur only on two cast longitudinal surfaces.
See Figure 1 a).
NOTE 1 The purpose of sealing the top, bottom, and end faces is to minimize any corner effect from multi-
directional carbonation and also to prevent longitudinal carbonation through the prism/cube.

NOTE 2 If paraffin wax is used to seal the surfaces, melt it in a temperature controlled crucible and apply to
the concrete surface with a paint brush in three equal layers, leaving the wax to set on the concrete between
each application.

Once the prisms/cubes have been sealed, they shall be placed in the storage chamber complying with
5.4. The prisms/cubes shall be positioned in such a way that their exposed faces are vertical and that
permits air to circulate freely around the two faces that are to be carbonated (see Annex A).

1 1
ISO 1920-12:2015 3

2 2 1

a) Sealing cube and prism prior to placing in b) Sealing of split end face of prism after
storage environment for the first time removing slice for testing carbonation depth
1 waxed faces 3 concrete slice split and sprayed with phenolphthalein
2 exposed faces 4 prism split and resealed

Figure 1 — Sealing of prism specimen prior to and during testing

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ISO 1920-12:2015(E)

7 Carbonation depth measurements

7.1 Exposure period and generation of colour change

The carbonation depth of prisms shall be measured after the following exposure periods: 56 d, 63 d,
and 70 d or as specified after placing in the storage chamber. The carbonation depth of cubes shall be
measured at 70 d unless specified otherwise.
10 single point carbonation depths (dk,point) are measured after each exposure period on each prism or
cube and the depth of carbonation dk, is expressed as the mean of the 20 readings.
A slice approximately 50 mm thick shall be broken off after each exposure period and the split surface
on the remaining prism resealed to prevent longitudinal carbonation [see Figure 1 b)]. Where a single
determination of the carbonation depth is made on a cube after 70 d of storage, the cube shall be split in
half. The depths of carbonation on the freshly broken surface of the split slice shall be measured.
NOTE 1 Slicing by saw is not suitable.

Clear the broken surface immediately of dust and loose particles after breaking and then spray with a
fine mist of indicator solution. Avoid the formation of flow channels on the test surface. If only a weak
colouration or none at all appears on the treated surface, spray again after 30 s.
The measurements shall be conducted after the colour has stabilized.
NOTE 2 The measured depth of carbonation may be influenced by the time of measuring after application of
the indicator solution.
8 (
Determination of the carbonation depth
ISO 1920-12:2015
8.1 General
The carbonation depth shall be determined by the colour change in accordance with the method given below.

8.2 Measuring the depth of carbonation

The carbonation depth shall be measured at five points on each exposed face. To locate these points, the
edge length shall be divided into six equal distances. The five central points shall be used. With the help
of a ruler or a sliding gauge and a magnifier, the point carbonation depth (dk point) shall be determined
perpendicular to the exposed surface of the prism with a precision of 0,5 mm per measured point.
The depth of the carbonation shall be measured on the one broken face on both prisms giving (normally)
a total of at least 20 measurement points.

8.3 Appreciation of dense aggregates

Dense aggregate particles that lie within the carbonation front will not be coloured by the phenolphthalein
and the carbonation front will be interrupted by the particle [see Figure 2 a)]. For determining the

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