Blood Glucose Test Strips Are Used With The: For Self-Testing and in Vitro Diagnostic Use Only

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® Step 1: Insert test strip. Remove a test strip from the vial. Recap the
vial immediately. Insert a test strip, contact bars end first and
facing up, into the test port. Push it in until it will go no further.
The meter will turn on and the display check will appear briefly.
Then the code number will appear, followed by the symbol.
Blood Glucose Test Strips Be sure the meter and test strip codes match. If they do not,
code the meter correctly.
Step 2: Apply sample. Using the adjustable blood sampler, obtain a
blood sample large enough to fill the confirmation window.
When the symbol appears on the display, touch and hold the
drop of blood to the narrow channel in the top edge of the strip.
0197 2 2℃
6 9 7 1 9 1 3 7 8 0 1 0 2 ● Apply sample to the front and back of the test strip.
● Push your finger against the test strip.
● Apply a smeared sample.
Hold the blood drop to the top edge of the test strip until the
For self-testing and in vitro diagnostic use only confirmation window is full before the meter begins to count down.
If the confirmation window does not fill completely before the meter
Read this package insert and the user’s manual of the Multi-
® begins to count down, do not add more blood to the test strip; discard
Monitoring Meter before testing your blood glucose with these test strips. the strip and retest. If the confirmation window is not full you may get
The user’s manual contains all the information you need to perform blood and Er5 message or an inaccurate test results.
glucose test. Step 3: Accurate results in just 5 seconds. Your blood glucose result
will appear after the meter counts down from 5 to 0. Blood
Intended Use glucose test results are automatically stored in the meter
® ®
Blood Glucose Test Strips are used with the memory. Turn the meter off by removing the test strip.
Multi-Monitoring Meter and Systems for quantitatively measuring blood For detailed information on the test procedure and coding your meter,
glucose in fresh capillary whole blood or Venous blood. please refer to your LBM-01 Multi-Monitoring Meter
Blood Glucose Test Strips are intended for self-testing User's Manual.
outside the body (in vitro diagnostic use) by people at home and health
care professionals in the clinical setting. TEST RESULTS
LBM-01 Multi-Monitoring Meter display results between
STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.1 and 33.3mmol/L (20-600 mg/dL). If your test result is lower than
● Store the test strip package in 2℃-30℃. Keep away from direct 1.1mmol/L(20mg/dL), “Lo” will appear on the meter display. This is
sunlight and heat. Do not refrigerate. indicates severe hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose). You should
● Store your test strip in their original vial only; do not transfer them to immediately treat hypoglycaemia as recommended by your healthcare
a new vial or any other container. professional. If your test result is above 33.3mmol/L(600mg/dL), “HI”
● After removing a Blood Glucose Test Strip from the vial, will appear on the meter display. This indicates severe hyperglycaemia
immediately replace the vial cap and close it tightly. (high blood glucose). You should seek immediate medical assistance.
● Use each test strip immediately after removing it from the vial.
● Write the date opened on the vial label. Discard remaining test strips RANGE OF EXPECTED VALUES
3 months after first opening the vial. Blood glucose management requires the help of a health care
● Avoid getting dirt or food on the test strips. professional. Together you can set your own range of expected blood
● Do not use test strips beyond the expiration date printed on the glucose value, arrange your testing times, and discuss the meaning of
package since they may cause inaccurate results. your blood glucose results. Expected blood glucose levels for people
● Do not bend, cut or alter a Blood Glucose Test Strip in with diabetes.
any way.
● Use universal blood precautions when handling and disposing of Time Range, mmol/L Range, mg/dL
blood glucose monitoring materials. All patient samples are materials Before breakfast 3.9-5.8 70-105
with which they come in contact are considered biohazards and Before lunch or dinner 3.9-6.1 70-110
should be handled as if capable of transmitting infection. Follow 1 hours after meals Less than 8.9 Less than 160
proper precautions in accordance with local regulations when 2 hours after meals Less than 6.7 Less than 120
disposing of all materials. Between 2 and 4AM Greater than 3.9 Greater than 70
WARNING: Keep the test strip vial away from children; the cap is
a choking hazard. Also, the vial or cap may contain drying agent IMPORTANT: Low or high blood glucose readings can indicate a
that are harmful if inhaled or swallowed and may cause skin or eye potentially serious medical condition. If your blood glucose reading
irritation. is unusually low or high, or you do not feel the way your reading
indicates, repeat the test with a new test strip. If your reading is not
PRECAUTIONS TO OBTAIN ACCURATE RESULTS consistent with your symptoms or if your blood glucose result is less
● Code the Brand Meter to match than 3.3mmol/L (60mg/dL) or higher than 13.3 mmol/L (240mg/dL),
the code number printed on the you should contact your healthcare professional and follow his or her
Blood Glucose Test Strips vial. ®
treatment advice.
● Use only BG01 Blood Glucose Never ignore symptoms or make significant changes to your diabetes
Test Strips with LBM-01 Multi- control program without speaking to your health care professional.
Monitoring Meter to obtain accurate and
consistent blood glucose results. QUALITY CONTROL: CHECKING THE SYSTEM
● If you are experiencing symptoms that are no
Do a Control Solution Test:
consistent with your blood glucose test results and you have ● When you begin using a new vial of test strips
followed all instructions described in your LBM-01 ● When your blood glucose test results are not consistent with how
Multi-Monitoring Meter User's Manual. you feel, or when you think your results are not accurate
● Never make significant changes to your diabetes control program ● At least once a week
or ignore physical symptoms without speaking with your healthcare ● Whenever you suspect that the meter or test strips are not working
professional. properly
● If you drop the meter
TEST PROCEDURE FOR BLOOD GLUCOSE MEASUREMENT When control solution is applied to the top edge of ®
Materials provided: Blood Glucose Test Strips. glucose test strip, you should get result within the expected range
Materials required but not provided: LBM-01 Multi- printed on the test strip vial. If control solution test result fall outside
Monitoring Meter with User's Manual; Adjustable Lancing Device, new this range, repeat the test. Results that fall outside the range may be
sterile lancet. caused by:
BLOOD SAMPLE COLLECTION ● Error in performing the test
To obtain a drop of blood, follow these steps. ● Test strip deterioration
Step 1: You may obtain a blood drop from a fingertip. Wash your hands ● Failure to shake the control solution vial well enough (must shake
with warm, soapy water. Dry them thoroughly. vigorously)
Step 2: Lance the fingertip. Hold the sampler firmly against the side of ● Meter malfunction
your finger. Press the release button. Massage the fingertip to ● Control solution that is too warm or too cool
obtain a round drop of blood. Do not squeeze the puncture site ● Expired or contaminated control solution
excessively. The blood sample should be at least 1.5µL in ● Failure to discard the first drop of control solution
volume or you may get an inaccurate result. ● Improper coding of the meter
IMPORTANT: If you continue to get Control Solution test
results that fall outside the range printed on the vial, the Table 3 System Accuracy Results for Glucose Concentration
Multi-Monitoring Meter may not be functioning properly. DO NOT use ≥5.55mmol/L (100 mg/dL)
the meter to test your blood until you get a control solution test result
that falls within the range. Within ±5% Within ±10% Within ±15%
LIMITATIONS 281/528(53.2%) 466/528(88.2%) 519/528(98.3%)
Blood Glucose Test Strips give accurate results when the
following limitations are observed: Table 4 System Accuracy Results for Glucose Concentration
● The test strips should not be used for the testing of newborns. Between 2.71mmol/L (49 mg/dL) and 30.24mmol/L (544 mg/dL)
● The test strips are for single use only. Do not reuse.
● The test strips are specific to D-glucose and do not react to other Within ±0.83mmol/L or ±15%
sugars which may be present in blood. ( Within ±15mg/dL or ±15% )
● Use only fresh capillary whole blood. Do not use serum or plasma. 632/642(98.4%)
● Extremes in haematocrit may affect test results. Haematocrit levels
less than 20% may cause falsely high readings and haematocrit ®
This study shows that the system compare well with
levels greater than 60% may cause falsely low readings. If you do a laboratory method.
not know your haematocrit level, consult your healthcare
professional. Repeatability:
● In-vitro Diagnosticum Table 5 Measurement Repeatability
Healthcare professionals-please note these additional limitations: BIOSEN C-line Meter test Meter test Meter test
● Fresh capilliary blood may be collected into heparin-containing average value average value standard deviation variable coefficient
test tubes if the blood is used within 10 minutes. Do not use other
sample 1 1.92 1.93 0.193 10.00%
anticoagulants or preservatives.
● Interferences: Acetaminophen, salicylates, uric acid, ascorbic acid sample 2 4.58 4.75 0.210 4.42%
(vitamin C), and other reducing substance (when occurring in normal
blood or normal therapeutic concentrations) do not significantly sample 3 7.44 7.28 0.193 2.70%
affect results. However, abnormally high concentrations in blood sample 4 10.60 10.59 0.377 3.50%
may cause inaccurately high results.
● Patients undergoing oxygen therapy may yield falsely lower results. sample 5 18.81 17.75 0.449 2.50%
● Test results may be falsely low if the patient is severely dehydrated,
in shock, or in a hyperosmolar state (with or without ketosis). This study shows variability from strip to strip in blood tests of 3.5%
● Critically ill patients should not be tested by Multi-Monitoring Meter. or less.
● Lipetmic samples: Cholesterol levels up to 18.1mmol/L(700mg/dL)
and triglycerides up to 33.9 mmol/L(3,000mg/dL)do not affect the User performance evaluation
results. Grossly lipemic patient samples have not been tested and A study evaluating glucose values from fingertip capillary blood
® samples obtained by 110 lay persons showed the following results:
are not recommended for testing with Multi-Monitoring
Meter. 100% within ±0.83 mmol/L (±15 mg/dL) of the medical laboratory
● High Altitude : High Altitude(>2400 meters) affect on accuracy of values at glucose concentrations below 5.55 mmol/L (100 mg/dL),
Multi-Monitoring Meter. and 98.9 % within ±15 % of the medical laboratory values at glucose
concentrations at or above 5.55 mmol/L(100 mg/dL).
Glucose in the blood sample mixes with special chemicals on the Bibliography
test strip and a small electrical current is produced. This current is 1. American Diabetes Association,
measured by the Multi-Monitoring Meter and displayed
2. Protection of Laboratory Workers from Occupationally Acquired
as your blood glucose results. The strength of these current changes
with the amount of glucose in the blood sample. Infections; Approved Guideline¨CThird Edition Clinical and
Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), document M29-A3,
REAGENT COMPOSITION (ISBN 1-56238-567-4). CLSI, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400,
Each Blood Glucose Test Strip contains: Glucose Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA 2005.
oxidase (Aspergillus niger)≥0.8IU; Other ingredient (mediator, buffer, 3. American Diabetes Association: Standards of Medical Care in
etc.) ≥0.05mg. The vial or vial cap contains approximately 1.4g silica Diabetes (Position Statement). Diabetes Care 29 (Suppl. 1):
gel or 2.8g of molecular sieve. S10, 2006.
The performance of Blood Glucose Test Strips has
been evaluated both in laboratory and in clinical tests. STRIP Blood Glucose Test Strips
Measurement range: The measurement range of ® Consult Instructions for Use
Multi-Monitoring Meter is 1.1to 33.3mmol/L (20-600mg/dL). Caution,consult accompanying documents
Accurancy: the accurancy of Multi-Monitoring Meter In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
was assessed by comparing blood glucose results obtained using a

Temperature limitation
reference method. The following results were obtained by 107 Keep away from heat
diabetic patients.
Table 1 Regression Analyses 2 Do not reuse
Contains sufficient for n tests
Slope 0.9859 Manufacturer
y-intercept 2.6mg/dL DIS IMP
Importer and distributor
correlation coefficient 0.9831
European Representative
no.of samples 107
range tested
REF Catalogue number
2.71-30.24 mmol/L
LOT Batch code
Figure 1 Regression Plot Use By
y = 0. 9 8 5 9 x + 0.1421
linear regressiong
= 0.9831 Rev.0;2019-03-10
multi-monitoring meter(mmol/L)


20 data p o i n t


uper l i m i t
Guilin Royalyze Medical Instrument Co., Ltd
lower l i m i t
13 Lushan Road, Lushan Industrial Park, Xicheng Economic
data p o i n t Development Zone, Guilin 541199, China
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

EKF B I O S E N C-line g l u c o s e analyzer(m m o l / L )

Mall mangga dua square Lt.3 Blok A No.7.Jalan Gunung sahari
raya No.1.Ancol, Pademangan, Jakarta Utara.14420, Indonesia
Table 2 System Accuracy Results for Glucose Concentration
<5.55mmol/L (100mg/dL) FasTest Tech Limited
9 St. Luke’s Court, Mountfield Road, London, N3 3NU, UK
Within ±0.28mmol/L Within ±0.56mmol/L Within ±0.83mmol/L
(±5mg/dL) (±10mg/dL) (±15mg/dL)
54/114 ( 47.4%) 91/114(79.8%) 113/114(99.1%)

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