Carter Prayer Update (April 2011)
Carter Prayer Update (April 2011)
Carter Prayer Update (April 2011)
The spiritual growth we the ups and downs of working with peo-
are seeing in various peo- ple. Have you ever noticed that people
are exhausting? Some are more ex-
God continues to teach us hausting than others and some wear us
that church planting is in down more than others (feel free to in-
his timing and the results
are of his doing. sert your own mother-in-law joke here).
People can especially take their emo-
tional toll on us when we are trying to
I got distracted because I found myself
point them to the cross and they don’t
thinking “God, you saved ME! Thanks for
REQUESTS seem to “get it”.
doing that.” Then I realized that Mauricio
God has given me lot’s of counseling was waiting for me to say something! In
Salvation of many (see page opportunities lately and I praise him for the end, Mauricio didn’t get it (yet!), for
2 “Ministry Moment” for a
the opportunities to share the gospel him the gospel is still foolishness (1 Cor.
list of names)
and show others the hope that the cross 1:18) but it doesn’t matter because even
Family health my ups and downs are not about me but
brings. It’s exhausting however having
Discipleship and counseling to listen to people (in another language) rather about the one who saved me.
of those who have been tell you about how much sin has ruined Talk about a pick me up when I’m down!
attending services faithfully My highs and lows are not dependent on
their lives then still not “get it” when
Ability to schedule and have confronted with the glaring light of the me and quite often are put there by God
the energy for all of the
good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. to bring me back to the grounding truth
discipleship and counseling
that it’s about him and not me.
But lately I’ve been seeing how even
Not take it personally when So sit back and read some of our
when others “don't get it” I can still
people reject the gospel and
praise God. How amazing it was recent- highs here in Santa Marta, Colombia on
patience to persevere.
ly to share the gospel with a man named the next page. Our hope is that at the
Mauricio (please pray for his salvation) and end you will say “Praise God” out loud.
have him read out loud Ephesians 2:1-10. He’d like that because, well, it’s all about
him anyway.
The Carter Family Page 2
In March our church, Impacto Bíblico (Bible Impact) celebrated our first bap-
tism service (Eduardo and his wife Maria del Carmen-Thanks for praying!).
-Pray for more salvations and baptisms in the future.
In March we also celebrated our first communion service.
-Pray for those who are in the discipleship process with us right now:
-Jorge y Adeleida (salvation) -Daniela (salvation) Baptism on the beach!
-Teresa (spiritual growth) -Luis Carlos (spiritual growth)
--Juan Carlos (salvation) -Alfonso y Arlet (salvation, marriage counseling)
-Mauricio y Luz Dary (salvation, marriage counseling)
-Guido y Magaly (salvation, marriage counseling)
We have been averaging around 30-35 people over the past few months (average
of 20 adults)
-Pray for commitment and consistency of new believers.
Over 60 people showed up for a movie we showed during “Holy Week” and
Juana giving a children’s
many were first time visitors. presentation
-Pray for new people to hear the gospel.
May first we will begin our children’s program.
-Pray for children to hear the gospel and apply it to their daily lives.
Jackson, Makayla, and Avianna have had two very special visitors this past month. First their grandma, “Mamu”
came for almost two weeks. They had a wonderful visit with her (and so did we)! We all enjoyed visiting a place
called Buritaca where a river runs right into the ocean. It was a great chance to see monkeys, a camen-like alliga-
tor, and some beautiful birds. There is nothing like having your grandma around to spoil you rotten but having
her visit and pack so many goodies into her suitcases that she leaves almost no room for her own clothes is the
BEST! Then Uncle Mark who lives in Central Asia stopped for a 4 day visit. It was so great to be able to show
him around and share our wonderful fruit juices with him. The kids also totally loved hearing about his part of the
world and how different it is.
The kids have also received exciting news these past couple of
months about their new cousins! Leona and Matias are the newest
members of the Carter side of the family. We thank the Lord for
two healthy babies. Congratulations to Mike and Sarah Barnhart and
Tote and Debby Jimenez.