Advanced Excel For HR Paper.
Advanced Excel For HR Paper.
Advanced Excel For HR Paper.
Q.1 Case 1
1. Refer the following spreadsheet shown below.
Use a formula to calculate the Games (G) column by adding the Wins (W), Losses (L) and
Ties (T). Use a formula to calculate the Points (P) column. A team gets two points for a win
and one point for a tie. Use the sum function to calculate the total of the For (F) column and
Against (A) column.
Calculate each student’s total mark, in the Total column, and their average mark achieved on
each test in the Average row. Calculate the Percentage column. Add a column, to the right of
Percentage, titled "Pass/Fail". Use an IF statement to display the word 'Pass' if the percentage
is greater than or equal to 50%, and to display the word 'Fail' if the percentage is less than
Course: BTT12O1
Teacher: Ms. Schnarr
Name Student # T1 T2 T3 T4 Total Percentage
30 35 25 30 120
Avery, Adam 1203 25 31 19 21
Chow, Samuel 2219 10 15 10 14
Dible, Liz 1721 22 30 20 22
Dow, Julia 1604 24 29 20 20
Frank, Joe 1798 26 29 22 28
Gill, Mary 1115 25 30 20 25
Ip, Henry 1214 29 32 23 27
Joe, Sarah 2021 19 21 18 20
Low, John 2015 22 21 19 18
Warn, Suzanne 1320 12 12 14 9
A MNC is providing commission and bonus to its employee. The commission and bonus are based on
different criteria. Mention the appropriate function against each condition and calculate:
(i) Commission of 10% to all the employees whose sales is less than 20,000
(ii) Commission of 15% to all the employees whose sales is less than 25,000 else 20% of the
(iii) A company declares a retirement bonus to its employees, whose age is either above 68
years or whose working experience is at least 30 years.
Calculate the bonus of the employees whose working experience is at least 3 years and
whose salary is greater than $15,000.
Based on the grades write a function to find out the performance of the students such that, if total
marks is greater than equals to 80, and the grade obtained is “A”, then the performance is
“BRILLIANT”, if total marks is greater than equals to 70, and the grade obtained is “B”, then
the performance is “GOOD”, if total marks is greater than equals to 60, and the grade obtained
is “C”, then the performance is “OK”, if total marks is greater than equals to 50, and the grade
obtained is “D”, then the performance is “WORK HARD”,else “POOR”.
Your task is
1) Incorporate the different quotation into your primary data sheet. (use appropriate
2) Identify the Best price for each product by using proper function.
3) With the help of the proper function, on the basis of lowest price identify the vendor the
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Table: 1