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The aims of the research were finding the differencesin the production of tuber
potatoes and detecting Potato Virus Y on various tuber generation from Banjarnegara
Regency using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) test. This research was
conducted in two stages. The first stage wasa survey and an interview on potato breeders in
Banjarnegara district of Central Java province. The second stageis ELISA test in the
Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Agricultural Faculty, the University of
Jenderal Soedirman, North Purwokerto, Purwokerto, Central Java. ELISAkit was obtained
from Agdia. Inc Elkhar tIndiana, United States. Tubers of potatoes,Granola variety and
Atlantic variety were obtained from potato breeders in Banjarnegara Regency. Survey and
interview were conducted at seven seed breeders by asking questions about the process for
producing potato tubers. ELISA test was performed on 1 g tuber/sample. Antigen was
extracted from the sample using 10 ml General Extract Buffer/sample. Then 100 ml
solution of antigen was transfered into ELISA wells and incubated for 2 hours. After
incubation the antigen solution was removed from the wells. Then the wells were washed
using Phosphate Buffer Saline Tween (PBST) seven times. 100 ml enzyme conjugate was
added/well and incubated for 2 hours. Enzyme conjugate solution was removed and
washed using PBST eight times. Substratep-Nitrophenyl was added as much as 100
ml/well and incubated for 60 minutes. The result was read using a micro plate reader at
405 nm wave length.The results showed that, the way potato cultivation in order to
produced seed varieties Granola and Atlantic using a screen house and aeroponics method
were of effective way for produced free Potato Virus Y tubers. Results of tests using
ELISA against Granola varieties and Atlantic of seed potatoes from six breeders in
Banjarnegara Regency showed that, seed potato varieties Granola G4 from breeder Trubus
contained of Potato Virus Y.
Keyword: Tuber potatoes, Potato Virus Y, ELISA
PENDAHULUAN mempunyai daya saing kuat
dibandingkan sayuran lainnya. Peran
Kentang merupakan salah satu kentang di Indonesia makin meningkat,
bahan pangan utama dunia setelah padi, baik sebagai produk segar maupun
gandum, dan jagung (Wattimena, 2000). produk olahan (Hamdani, 2009). Posisi
Disamping itu, kentang termasuk salah komoditas kentang untuk masa
satu komoditas hortikultura yang mendatang diharapkan selain
mempunyai nilai perdagangan domestik dimanfaatkan sebagai sayuran juga
dan ekspor yang cukup baik. Kentang menjadi pilihan untuk diversifikasi
juga merupakan salah satu tanaman sumber karbohidrat yang membantu
sayuran yang mendapat prioritas dalam penguatan ketahanan pangan. Di
pengembangannya, karena kentang Indonesia pertanaman kentang banyak
Tabel 2. Matriks Hasil Deteksi Virus Terhadap Cara Budidaya Benih Kentang Varietas
Granola dan Atlantik
Keberadaan Potato Virus Y Pada Benih Kentang
Cara Budidaya Atlantik Granola
G0 G1 G2 G3 G4
Aeroponik Screen house Negatif n/a n/a n/a n/a
Screen house n/a Negatif Negatif n/a n/a
Lahan Terbuka n/a n/a n/a Negatif Positif *
n/a : Tidak ada budidaya
* : Benih yang terdeteksi hanya pada satu penangkar benih tapi tidak pada
Penangkar benih yang lain