Dungeon Magazine 204
Dungeon Magazine 204
Dungeon Magazine 204
TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of
the Sea
A D&D® adventure for characters
of levels 15–17
Madness can spread like a plague through kuo-
toa settlements. Only their worship of entities with
control over such insanity can hold off epidemics
of lunacy. One such entity is Blibdoolpoolp, the Sea
Mother, who is frequently the object of the kuo-toas’
fanatical worship.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
waters. There the kuo-toas located the most sacred A DVENTURE BRIGGS POINT
relic of their goddess: the Pearl of the Sea Mother.
The adventure begins as the party approaches Briggs The kuo-toas have learned how to use the Pearl to
Through depraved rituals in the newly discov-
Point. The bulk of the adventure is location-based, affect the seawater around Briggs Point. By perform-
ered grand shrine, the exalted whip used the Pearl
with encounters keyed to the accompanying maps, ing a ritual twice a month at spring tide (during the
to summon the Tide of Madness, a curse prophesied
and the characters’ final battle with the goddess Blib- new moon and the full moon), they cause high tides
by devotees of Blibdoolpoolp. Now, as the tides surge
doolpoolp occurs upon their return to the surface. to be increasingly higher and low tides to be increas-
unnaturally around the village of Briggs Point, they
ingly lower. Every two weeks at the highest tides, the
carry insanity like a contagion.
water is nearly a foot deep throughout Briggs Point;
at the lowest tides, the boundary between ocean and
land is so far out that fishing boats cannot approach
the village’s docks or be launched from them.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
Worse yet for the residents, the afflicted waters ) A fisherman dashes through town, shouting “I
carry the taint of insanity. Any creatures other don’t want to wait! The time is now!” He then hurls
than kuo-toas that come into contact with the tides himself into the surf and begins swimming out
begin to think and behave erratically as the curse to sea. He actively resists any efforts to bring him
takes hold. Continued or repeated exposure to this back to shore. If allowed to go, he drowns.
phenomenon—which the kuo-toas call the Tide of ) People press their ears to the ground (even in the
Madness—heightens the disorder. flood waters), nearly drowning themselves in the
The party can arrive at Briggs Point any time process. If asked about this behavior, they reply
between the two spring tides. During the lowest tides, that they are interested in what the fish have to
residents regain some of their rationality and have a say.
vague understanding that when the tide rises, people
begin acting strangely. Those who still remain in the
After the characters observe enough examples of such
village hope that the phenomenon is an aberration
behavior, they should realize that the next spring tide
and will soon subside, but they welcome adventurers
could jeopardize everyone in the village.
in case something more sinister is at work.
The villagers can direct the characters to
Makanel’s lighthouse. Residents acknowledge his 1. Lighthouse
remarkable knowledge of the sea and its omens, but Combat Encounter Level 16 (7,150 XP)
they consider the deva an eccentric recluse. Although
he has not been seen in town since shortly after the The party arrives at lighthouse and finds the keeper
strange tides began, the light of the ancient light- under attack.
house was recently lit, so residents assume that he has Light: Bright light from the lighthouse signal.
not left the area. Monsters: Kuo-toa lash, 4 kuo-toa marauders, 9
As the tide begins to rise and the villagers suc- kuo-toa guards.
cumb to its power, their behavior becomes more Other Creatures: Makanel.
peculiar and erratic. Its hold over their minds
prevents them from realizing how irrational and When the party nears the lighthouse, read:
sometimes self-destructive they are becoming. A weather-worn stone lighthouse perches on the tip of a
The party members observe increasingly disturb- rocky outcropping that juts over the sea. An overgrown foot-
ing behavior among the people of Briggs Point. For path ends at an iron-banded door at the lighthouse’s base.
example: Sea birds wheel around the tower, their cries piercing the
) Villagers begin to greet one another by placing steady crashing of the surf. Distant shouts, distinct from the
their hands against their necks and flapping them birds’ calls, can be heard from the top of the lighthouse.
like gills. They think this gesture is hilarious and
quickly grow suspicious of those who do not use it. Entering the Lighthouse: The party has a few
) The only food made available and consumed in
obvious options.
the village is lobster. If the characters are seen Front Door: This entrance is barred and barricaded
eating anything else, the villagers shun them. because Makanel feared that the increasingly insane
villagers might storm his abode. Bashing down the
door requires a successful DC 22 Athletics check, but
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
doing so gives the kuo-toas inside some warning—see Kuo-Toa Lash Level 15 Artillery 4 Kuo-Toa Marauders Level 12 Skirmisher
the “Tactics” section. Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,200 Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 700 each
Lighthouse Walls: Characters who make DC 20 HP 115; Bloodied 57 Initiative +12 HP 119; Bloodied 59 Initiative +11
Athletics checks can climb the 80-foot-tall tower. AC 27, Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 26 Perception +10 AC 26, Fortitude 22, Reflex 23, Perception +11
Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Will 21 (25 while bloodied)
1A. Living Quarters: Makanel resides in this
TRAITS Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision
small space. Stairs wind along the interior wall to the Aquatic TRAITS
ceiling 70 feet overhead. They are difficult terrain. The lash can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, Aquatic
A wooden hatch, leading to area 1C, is visible in the it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic The kuo-toa can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat,
floor. creatures. it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic
Barricade: Makanel shifted his furniture against STANDARD ACTIONS creatures.
the front door, so these squares are difficult terrain. m Trident (weapon) ) At-Will STANDARD ACTIONS
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC m Skewering Spear (weapon) ) At-Will
Monsters: A kuo-toa marauder and five kuo-toa
Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC (+19 while
guards wait here for the lash and the rest of the kuo- r Lightning Trident (lightning, weapon) ) At-Will bloodied)
toas to bring Makanel down from area 1B. Attack: Ranged 3/6 (one creature); +22 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
1B. Light Room: At the top of the lighthouse, this Hit: 3d8 + 10 lightning damage. MOVE ACTIONS
area contains a huge oil-burning lamp, a reflector, Effect: The trident returns to the lash. Slick Maneuver ) At-Will
and the mechanism that rotates them. R Fill Lungs ) At-Will Requirement: The kuo-toa must be adjacent to an enemy.
Monsters: The kuo-toa lash and the remaining Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +20 vs. Fortitude Effect: The kuo-toa shifts up to 3 squares to another square
Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target is slowed and takes adjacent to the enemy.
guards and marauders are here.
ongoing 5 damage (save ends both). MINOR ACTIONS
A Forked Lightning (lightning) ) Recharge when the lash Quick Step ) At-Will
When the party reaches the lighthouse top, read: bloodies an enemy or reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or Requirement: The kuo-toa must be bloodied.
Numerous scaled fish-creatures struggle to bind a thin fewer Effect: The kuo-toa shifts 1 square.
humanoid with pale blue skin. He kicks at his captors. One Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (one, two, or three creatures TRIGGERED ACTIONS
of the creatures directs its fellows with a trident, and some in burst); +20 vs. Fortitude M Sticky Shield ) At-Will
set their spears aside to grab at their quarry with webbed Hit: 2d6 + 6 lightning damage, and the target is blinded Trigger: An adjacent enemy misses the kuo-toa with a
until the start of the lash’s next turn. melee weapon attack.
MOVE ACTIONS Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (the triggering
Slick Maneuver ) At-Will enemy); +15 vs. Reflex
Makanel has just been captured, and the kuo-toas Requirement: The lash must be adjacent to an enemy. Hit: The weapon used for the triggering attack drops in the
intend to sacrifice him back at their shrine. Effect: The lash shifts 3 squares to another square adjacent target’s space.
1C. Basement: This storeroom contains sev- to the enemy. Str 15 (+8) Dex 16 (+9) Wis 11 (+6)
eral barrels of oil and other supplies necessary for Skills Dungeoneering +15, Religion +14 Con 15 (+8) Int 11 (+6) Cha 13 (+7)
running the lighthouse. An adjacent room held Str 23 (+13) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 17 (+10) Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
Con 19 (+11) Int 15 (+9) Cha 18 (+11) Equipment leather armor, slimy light shield, spear
Makanel’s research, and a heavy iron hatch was once
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
affixed to the floor. The hatch has been blasted open Equipment trident, ceremonial knife
and the library thoroughly ransacked. The hatch kuo-toas on the lighthouse top are distracted by their
leads to a series of sea caves that wind their way out task of subduing Makanel. If the characters reach the
to the sunken temple complex beneath the seabed. Tactics: If the characters attempt to break down top without alerting the kuo-toas in area 1B, the kuo-
If the party descends through the hatch, refer to the the front door, the kuo-toas in area 1A retreat to area toas in 1B join the fight atop the lighthouse as soon as
“Cavern of Temples” section on page 5. 1B to warn their fellows. Guards cover the maraud- they can.
er’s withdrawal and attack anyone who breaks in. The
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
Cloaker Lord Level 18 Controller note of whether the characters study these depictions 4 Umber Hulk Tunnelers Level 15 Skirmisher
Large aberrant magical beast XP 2,000 because those who do will receive a bonus to discern Large natural magical beast XP 1,200 each
HP 172; Bloodied 86 Initiative +12 the ritual required to enter the shrine in area 7. HP 148; Bloodied 74 Initiative +13
AC 30, Fortitude 30, Reflex 29, Will 27 Perception +16 Stairs: Water and years of use have worn these AC 29, Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 25 Perception +15
Speed 2 (clumsy), fly 8 (hover) Darkvision Speed 5, burrow 2 (tunneling) Darkvision, tremorsense 5
steps. They are difficult terrain (DC 22 Acrobatics
O Unnerving Moan (fear) ) Aura 2, or 5 while the lord is
check to ignore). A creature that is suddenly forced m Claw ) At-Will
bloodied onto the stairs must succeed on a similar Acrobatics Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +20 vs. AC
Nondeafened enemies within the aura take a –2 penalty to check or fall to the next landing down, taking 3d6 Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage.
attack rolls. damage and falling prone. M Snatch and Run ) At-Will
STANDARD ACTIONS Monsters: Two umber hulk tunnelers lurk beneath Effect: The umber hulk uses claw twice against the same
m Tail Slap ) At-Will the floor. target. If at least one of the attacks hits, the umber hulk
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +23 vs. AC shifts up to 5 squares, pulling the target with it to a
2D. Cloaker Lair: The sound of the rushing water
Hit: 2d10 + 15 damage, and the target is grabbed. square adjacent to it.
M Envelop ) At-Will
from area 3 is quite loud here, but the strange acous- MINOR ACTIONS
Requirement: The lord must not have a creature grabbed. tics of the 50-foot ceiling give the impression of many C Rebuffing Gaze (psychic) ) At-Will (1/round)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. Reflex voices speaking indistinctly over one another. Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +18 vs. Will
Hit: The lord slides the target 1 square to a square within Carving: A bas-relief on the southern wall shows Hit: Until the end of the target’s next turn, it takes 2d6
the lord’s space, and the target is grabbed. While Blibdoolpoolp placing a pearl in the center of a psychic damage whenever it enters a square closer to the
the target is grabbed by the lord, it is blinded, dazed, gigantic scallop shell. Kuo-toas prostrate themselves umber hulk.
restrained, and takes ongoing 20 damage. In addition, Str 22 (+13) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 16 (+10)
around the goddess while others use ropes to drag the
whenever an attack deals damage to the lord while it has Con 20 (+12) Int 5 (+4) Cha 11 (+7)
the target grabbed, the attack deals half damage to the
shell from the sea. Alignment unaligned Languages —
lord and half damage to the target. Monsters: A cloaker lord hides near the ceiling.
C Terrifying Moan (fear, psychic) ) Recharge 4 5 6 Treasure: A kuo-toa corpse here still wears a suit of
Attack: Close burst 2, or 5 while the lord is bloodied (ene- +4 aqueous hide armor (Adventurer’s Vault, page 40) or Development
mies in the burst); +21 vs. Will carries another suitable level 19 magic item. Kuo-toas in the complex fear the monsters here, so
Hit: 3d8 + 8 psychic damage, and the target moves its
speed away from the lord.
they don’t patrol this area. If the party rests here, the
Tactics: The creatures here are not allies, but the kuo-toas pursue only if they know the cloaker lord
C Hypnotic Moan ) Encounter
Attack: Close burst 2, or 5 while the lord is bloodied (ene-
cloaker lord uses the umber hulks as aids in its hunt- and umber hulks have been killed. For example, if
mies in the burst); +21 vs. Will ing and does not consider them to be enemies. When the characters make too much noise or use light in
Hit: The target is stunned until the end of the lord’s next the umber hulks in one area attack, the others nearby this area, the kuo-toas might realize that the monsters
turn. join the fray during the second round of combat. The are gone. Such clues might also tip off the kuo-toas in
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of the lord’s next cloaker lord stealthily approaches the battle at the area 3.
turn. same time. It prefers targets isolated near its lair, such
MINOR ACTIONS as someone an umber hulk has successfully used
Shadow Shift (illusion) ) At-Will
Effect: The lord gains concealment until the start of its next
snatch and run against. 3. Cave of Murmurs
turn. If the lord is in an obscured square, it gains total These predators aren’t willing to die to have a Combat Encounter Level 16 (7,375 XP)
concealment until the start of its next turn. meal. They retreat when significantly wounded, but
Skills Stealth +17 they don’t fall back into area 3 or pursue creatures Waterfalls in this cave create strange sounds that
Str 25 (+16) Dex 16 (+12) Wis 15 (+11) into that area. have drawn insane kuo-toas to lair here. They follow
Con 20 (+14) Int 11 (+9) Cha 22 (+15) the crazed instructions of the mumbler that believes
Alignment unaligned Languages Deep Speech she understands the waterfalls’ words.
Light: None.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
Monsters: Kuo-toa mumbler, 3 kuo-toa cutters, 9 Kuo-Toa Mumbler Level 13 Elite Lurker (Leader) 3 Kuo-Toa Cutters Level 16 Skirmisher
kuo-toa mad ones. Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,600 Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,400 each
HP 206; Bloodied 103 Initiative +16 HP 151; Bloodied 75 Initiative +17
When the party reaches area 3A, read: AC 27, Fortitude 25, Reflex 27, Will 24 Perception +9 AC 30, Fortitude 28, Reflex 30, Will 27 Perception +12
Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision
Below the ledge, where the cave opens onto a natural land-
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS
ing, water rushes eastward in a swift current. The bizarre TRAITS Aquatic
echoes of the waterfalls create whispering noises that sound O Maddening Mumbles (psychic) ) Aura 2 The cutter can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat,
like nearly formed words. Any creature without the aquatic keyword that enters the it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic
The low crash of more falling water reverberates from aura or starts its turn there takes 10 psychic damage. A creatures.
the east. A mist that tastes of salt hangs in the air. creature can take this damage only once per turn. STANDARD ACTIONS
Aquatic m Barbed Dagger (weapon) ) At-Will
The mumbler can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
Perception DC 22: Humanoid shapes dart about in
it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic Hit: 4d4 + 14 damage.
the dark water. creatures. M Crippling Strike (weapon) ) At-Will
STANDARD ACTIONS Attack: Melee 1 (one creature granting combat advantage
Characters who succeed on the initial Perception m Spear (weapon) ) At-Will to the cutter); +21 vs. AC
check spot the kuo-toa mad ones. Spotting the mum- Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 4 damage, and the target is slowed and takes
bler requires a check result of 29 or higher, and Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage. ongoing 10 damage (save ends both).
spotting one or more cutters requires a check result of M Vicious Spear (weapon) ) At-Will MOVE ACTIONS
Attack: Melee 1 (one blinded creature); +18 vs. AC Slick Maneuver ) At-Will
32 or higher.
Hit: 3d8 + 13 damage. Requirement: The cutter must be adjacent to an enemy.
Stream: This flowing water is 20 feet deep. MOVE ACTIONS Effect: The cutter shifts up to 3 squares to another square
Swimming requires a DC 15 Athletics check, and a Slick Maneuver ) At-Will adjacent to the enemy.
creature must succeed by 5 or more to avoid sliding Requirement: The mumbler must be adjacent to an enemy. TRIGGERED ACTIONS
2 squares to the east with the current at the end of its Effect: The mumbler shifts up to 3 squares to another M Swift Strike ) At-Will
turn. Kuo-toas slide this way only if they choose to. square adjacent to that enemy. Trigger: An enemy misses the cutter with a melee attack.
Waterfalls: A creature that moves over one of the MINOR ACTIONS Effect (Immediate Reaction): The cutter shifts 4 squares and
C Syllable of Strange Eons ) Recharge 4 5 6 uses barbed dagger.
waterfalls must make a saving throw to prevent the
Effect: Close burst 10 (allies in the burst); each target gains Skills Acrobatics +20, Stealth +20
fall (no damage due to the deep water). Success leaves a +2 power bonus to Fortitude and Will, and the mum- Str 21 (+13) Dex 24 (+15) Wis 19 (+12)
the creature clinging to the wet rocks, where it must bler gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses, until the end Con 15 (+10) Int 17 (+11) Cha 17 (+11)
succeed on a similar saving throw at the start of its of the mumbler’s next turn. Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
next turn to keep from falling. Climbing the water- TRIGGERED ACTIONS Equipment dagger
falls requires DC 25 Athletics checks. C Terrifying Revelation ) At-Will
3A. River Overlook: The ledge here is 40 feet Trigger: Syllable of strange eons ends. 3B. Mumbler Lair: Accessible through the under-
Attack (No Action): Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +16
above the water. The damp stone has plenty of hand- water cave in 3A, this chamber is adorned with a
vs. Will
holds (DC 20 Athletics checks to climb). Hit: The target is blinded (save ends).
staggering amount of shells and fish bones. A make-
A cave mouth 10 feet below the surface of the Skills Athletics +14, Stealth +17 shift altar to Blibdoolpoolp has been constructed
water leads to area 3B. A character in the water Str 16 (+9) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 17 (+9) from the bones and chitin of a hook horror.
notices the opening with a DC 16 Dungeoneering Con 19 (+10) Int 17 (+9) Cha 14 (+8) Monsters: The mumbler and five mad ones dwell in
check or Perception check. Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech this cave.
Monsters: Two mad ones and a cutter lurk in the Equipment spear Treasure: A pile of 100 pp lies in a shallow pool
water here, vigilant for intruders. here. Near the makeshift altar is a jade box that
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
9 Kuo-Toa Mad Ones Level 12 Minion Skirmisher The crazed kuo-toas are unwilling to flee through they blow conch horns to raise an alarm. See the
Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 175 each the submerged tunnels in area 3D. They know that if “Tactics” section for more information.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.Initiative +12 they return to the temple area, imprisonment awaits Stream: The water here is 20 feet deep. Swim-
AC 26, Fortitude 23, Reflex 23, Will 25 Perception +7 them at the hands of the monitors. ming requires a DC 15 Athletics check, and a
Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision
creature must succeed by 5 or more to avoid moving
O Spreading Madness ) Aura 1 4. Plague Houses 2 squares to the north with the current. Kuo-toas
slide this way only if they choose to do so.
Enemies within the aura gain vulnerable 5 psychic.
Combat Encounter Level 17 (8,550 XP) Submerged Tunnels: Entry points to the submerged
The mad one can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, tunnels are 10 feet beneath the surface and can be
it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic The ruined temple complex, filled with kuo-toas, detected with a successful DC 17 Dungeoneering
creatures. clings to the side of a gaping chasm. Monitors and check or Perception check.
STANDARD ACTIONS sane harpooners contain the addled kuo-toas here, Waterfall: The great chasm is miles deep. Those
m Claw ) At-Will but the mad ones frequently spill into the streets in a
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC
who fall plummet 100 feet before landing on an out-
riot of babbling and violence. cropping, at which time they make a second saving
Hit: 10 damage, and the mad one shifts 1 square.
Light: Dim light from phosphorescent algae. throw. A second failure results in a fatal fall. Climbing
C Eldritch Scream (psychic) ) At-Will
Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +15 vs. Will
Monsters: 2 kuo-toa monitors, 4 kuo-toa harpoon- back up the rough, wet wall requires DC 20 Athletics
Hit: 5 psychic damage. ers, 10 kuo-toa mad ones. checks.
Str 15 (+8) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 13 (+7) 4A. Stream and Crossing: The bridge spans the
Con 19 (+10) Int 1 (+1) Cha 22 (+12) When the party reaches 4A, read: swift current that plunges into the chasm.
Alignment evil Languages — At the foot of the stairs, a swiftly running stream rushes Monsters: A kuo-toa harpooner stands guard near
under a bridge and over a cliff to the north. Beyond the the bridge, and a monitor stands in the gap between
contains bejeweled utensils made of gold (serving and cliff, a dark void looms overhead. Occasional choked cries the buildings 4B and 4D. Another harpooner stands
eating utensils for ten; 7,500 gp). and screeches emerge from the buildings scattered around next to the northwestern door of 4D.
3C. Upper Falls: A cutter lurks where the river the area, but echoes are absent in this vast space. Doors to Area 6: These doors, ornately carved with
passes between the two ledges. Structures here twist and bend upward from the ground images of kuo-toas, are locked. They can be opened
3D. Lower Falls: Two mad ones and a cutter like parodies of seashells carved from green stone. Blue- with a key carried by a kuo-toa monitor (see 4B). In
swim here, worshiping the shell of an umber hulk. green algae that outlines the cracks and recesses of the wet addition, the locks can be picked with a DC 31 Thiev-
Submerged Tunnels: Water-filled caverns 10 feet walls accentuates the alien feel of this place. ery check, or the doors can be battered open with a
below the surface lead to areas 4 and 5. A character Among the buildings, streets laid with scale-shaped DC 31 Athletics check.
in this area can discover a tunnel opening by succeed- pavers terminate abruptly at the jagged edge of a chasm. 4B. Guard Post: This area is in disarray. The
ing on a DC 17 Dungeoneering check or Perception Scattered through the streets, slumped shapes bristle with walls are carved with nonsensical graffiti, and broken
check. harpoons and crossbow bolts. The odor of rotting fish is possessions are strewn about.
overwhelming. Monsters: The other monitor and harpooners dwell
Tactics: At the first sign of intruders, the kuo-toas A bulbous-eyed fish creature wielding a shield and here, three of them resting while the others guard
try to warn others in the area. Some attempt to swim barbed spear stands ready at the western end of the bridge. the bridge and area 4D. The monitor currently at rest
through the underwater cave to area 3B to alert the Another, its only weapon a slung crossbow, stands in a gap carries a key to the door leading to area 6.
mumbler. All kuo-toas join in the attack as soon as between two nearby buildings to the west. Treasure: The western chamber has an altar
possible. If the fight starts at the top of the waterfalls, adorned with an offering of five pearls, each the size
the combat becomes a running battle, with the kuo- The kuo-toas guarding this area keep their insane kin of a plum (1,000 gp each).
toas descending the falls to make a stand in area 3D. in area 4D and out of area 6. If they see intruders,
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
2 Kuo-Toa Monitors Level 16 Skirmisher 4 Kuo-Toa Harpooners Level 14 Soldier 10 Kuo-Toa Mad Ones Level 12 Minion Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,400 each Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,000 each Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 175 each
HP 153; Bloodied 76 Initiative +15 HP 137; Bloodied 68 Initiative +12 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.Initiative +12
AC 30, Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 26 Perception +15 AC 30, Fortitude 26, Reflex 26, Will 24 Perception +13 AC 26, Fortitude 23, Reflex 23, Will 25 Perception +7
Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision
Aquatic Aquatic O Spreading Madness ) Aura 1
The kuo-toa can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, The kuo-toa can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, Enemies within the aura gain vulnerable 5 psychic.
it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic Aquatic
creatures. creatures. The mad one can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat,
STANDARD ACTIONS STANDARD ACTIONS it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic
m Slam ) At-Will m Harpoon (weapon) ) At-Will creatures.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC STANDARD ACTIONS
Hit: 3d10 + 8 damage. Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the kuo-toa grabs the target m Claw ) At-Will
r Crossbow (weapon) ) At-Will (escape DC 21). Until the grab ends, the target takes Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +21 vs. AC ongoing 5 damage, and the kuo-toa can’t make attacks Hit: 10 damage, and the mad one shifts 1 square.
Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage. using this harpoon. C Eldritch Scream (psychic) ) At-Will
M Leap Kick ) At-Will R Reeling Harpoon (weapon) ) At-Will Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +15 vs. Will
Effect: The kuo-toa monitor shifts up to 2 squares and uses Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 5 psychic damage.
slam. Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the kuo-toa makes a secondary Str 15 (+8) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 13 (+7)
M Lightning Fist (lightning) ) Encounter attack against the target. Con 19 (+10) Int 1 (+1) Cha 22 (+12)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. Reflex Secondary Attack: +17 vs. Fortitude Alignment evil Languages —
Hit: 2d10 + 8 lightning damage, and the target is stunned Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the kuo-toa pulls the target up
(save ends). to 3 squares.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). MOVE ACTIONS enter the temple through the submerged tunnel must
MOVE ACTIONS Slick Maneuver ) At-Will make a DC 22 Athletics check to push the corpses out
Slick Maneuver ) At-Will Requirement: The kuo-toa must be adjacent to an enemy. of the way.
Requirement: The kuo-toa must be adjacent to an enemy. Effect: The kuo-toa shifts up to 3 squares to another square Altar: The altar to the Sea Mother has a large
Effect: The kuo-toa shifts up to 3 squares to another square adjacent to the enemy. sculpture of a lobster (DC 31 Religion check to iden-
adjacent to the enemy. TRIGGERED ACTIONS tify this as an altar to Blibdoolpoolp, whose favored
Skills Acrobatics +18, Dungeoneering +15 M Sticky Shield ) At-Will
Str 19 (+12) Dex 20 (+13) Wis 15 (+10) Trigger: An adjacent enemy misses the kuo-toa with a
creature is a lobster).
Con 17 (+11) Int 15 (+10) Cha 16 (+11) melee weapon attack. Treasure: Scattered around the altar are 4,000 gp,
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (the triggering a gold-and-diamond necklace (5,000 gp), and a gold-
Equipment leather armor, crossbow, 20 bolts enemy); +17 vs. Reflex and-diamond trimmed mirror (4,000 gp).
Hit: The weapon used for the triggering attack drops in the
4C. Streets and Ruined Buildings: The few target’s space. Tactics: When the alarm sounds or battle occurs,
Str 17 (+10) Dex 17 (+10) Wis 13 (+8)
remaining avenues of the complex are littered with the kuo-toas at rest in area 4B join the combat at the
Con 17 (+10) Int 13 (+8) Cha 15 (+9)
dead kuo-toas. Many are piles of bones, victims of Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
start of the following round. Mad ones swarm out of
the original cataclysm. Recently killed kuo-toas are Equipment leather armor, slimy light shield, 4 harpoons area 4D at the start of the round after that. Heedless
among the ancient dead, casualties of the madness of their own safety, the mad ones attack any creature
that spread throughout the whip’s expedition. Monsters: Ten mad ones remain here, eager to sac- that is not a kuo-toa.
4D. Temple of the Mad: This temple to Blibdool- rifice anything that enters the temple. During the fight, at least a few harpooners cross
poolp was ransacked in the madness that overcame Submerged Tunnel: The drowning pool before the the stream. Then they use reeling harpoon to yank foes
the expedition. The floor is littered with bodies. altar is clogged with corpses. Creatures attempting to into the river.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
The sane kuo-toas are aware of the submerged Kuo-Toa Lash Level 15 Artillery 4 Water Archon Tide Striders Level 15 Skirmisher
tunnels. After the monitors are slain, bloodied har- Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,200 Medium elemental humanoid (aquatic, water) XP 1,200 each
pooners might use the tunnels to escape. HP 115; Bloodied 57 Initiative +12 HP 144; Bloodied 72 Initiative +13
AC 27, Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 26 Perception +10 AC 29, Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 26 Perception +9
Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Speed 6, swim 8
5. Spawning Pools TRAITS Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 acid
Combat Encounter Level 17 (8,800 XP) Aquatic TRAITS
The lash can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, O Body Torrent )Aura 1
it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic If an enemy in the aura hits or misses the archon with an
The spawning pools provide an alternative means to creatures. attack, the archon can push the enemy 1 square.
reach the shrine. STANDARD ACTIONS Aquatic
Light: Dim light from phosphorescent algae. m Trident (weapon) ) At-Will The archon can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat,
Monsters: Kuo-toa lash, 4 water archon tide strid- Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic
ers, 8 kuo-toa guards. Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage. creatures.
r Lightning Trident (lightning, weapon) ) At-Will Frozen Waves
Attack: Ranged 3/6 (one creature); +22 vs. AC Whenever the archon takes cold damage, it is slowed until
When the party enters area 5A, read:
Hit: 3d8 + 10 lightning damage. the end of its next turn.
A large pool nearly fills the f loor of this cavern. Two stone Effect: The trident returns to the lash. STANDARD ACTIONS
ladders at one end lead to the top of a dam. Water pours R Fill Lungs ) At-Will m Greatspear (weapon))At-Will
into the pool through four open spillways in the dam. Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +20 vs. Fortitude Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +20 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target is slowed and takes Hit: 2d12 + 10 damage, and if the target is granting combat
Perception DC 23: A number of humanoid shapes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both). advantage to the archon, the target falls prone.
flit deep within the water of the pool. A Forked Lightning (lightning) ) Recharge when the lash Way of Water)Recharge 6
bloodies an enemy or reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or Effect: The archon shifts up to its speed. Each time an
fewer enemy is within 2 squares of the archon for the first time
The lash and its assistants are here to test the dam Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (one, two, or three creatures during the move, the archon uses greatspear against that
mechanism and drainage controls. in the burst); +20 vs. Fortitude enemy.
Pools: The water in all pools is 40 feet deep unless Hit: 2d6 + 6 lightning damage, and the target is blinded Str 17 (+10) Dex 19 (+11) Wis 14 (+9)
otherwise noted. until the start of the lash’s next turn. Con 16 (+10) Int 15 (+9) Cha 14 (+9)
5A. Fingerling Pool: Young kuo-toa fingerlings MOVE ACTIONS Alignment chaotic evil Languages Primordial
mature in this pool. Although no young are present Slick Maneuver ) At-Will Equipment scale armor, greatspear
Requirement: The lash must be adjacent to an enemy.
at the moment, six guards and the lash swim at the
Effect: The lash shifts 3 squares to another square adjacent
bottom, looking for predators that could attack future to the enemy.
5C. Breeding Pool: Dominated by an idol of Blib-
fingerlings. Skills Dungeoneering +15, Religion +14 doolpoolp at one end, this chamber is intended for
Located at the bottom of the pool is a submerged Str 23 (+13) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 17 (+10) the fertilization of kuo-toa eggs. Four water archons
passage to area 5C. A metal hatch can seal or unseal Con 19 (+11) Int 15 (+9) Cha 18 (+11) guard the breeding area, tied for centuries to the idol
the passage, controlled by a wheel in area 5B. The Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech of Blibdoolpoolp. They understand Deep Speech and
hatch is currently open. Equipment trident, ceremonial knife take orders from the kuo-toa lash.
5B. Reservoir: The dam, which is 30 feet high, Drain Plug: A 200-foot shaft descends from the
controls the amount of water flowing into areas 5A the valve that seals the underwater passage between pool bottom and extends another 300 feet horizon-
and 5C. Two kuo-toa guards stand at the controls, areas 5A and 5C. tally before emptying into the lobster tank in the
awaiting instructions from the lash. Shutting the spillways causes the water in area shrine (area 9). A metal wheel, similar to those in
Two large, corroded metal wheels at the east end 5A’s pool to drain at a rate of 5 feet every minute area 5B, can close the hatch at the bottom of the pool.
of the chamber operate the spillways of the dam and unless the valve between 5A and 5C is sealed. If the hatch is open and the spillways in area 5B are
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
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Pearl of the Sea Mother
8 Kuo-Toa Mad Ones Level 12 Minion Skirmisher 2 Mad Drow Warlocks Level 16 Artillery When the party descends from 6D, read:
Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 175 each Medium fey humanoid XP 1,400 each A slippery natural staircase winds its way down an under-
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.Initiative +12 HP 123; Bloodied 61 Initiative +12 ground cliff. After descending several hundred feet along a
AC 26, Fortitude 23, Reflex 23, Will 25 Perception +7 AC 30, Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 29 Perception +12 switchback path down the chasm wall, the stairs end on a
Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Speed 6 Darkvision
boulder-strewn beach on the shore of an underground sea.
O Spreading Madness ) Aura 1 m Force Fangs (force, implement, poison) ) At-Will
The water stretches into the gloom as far as the light allows
Enemies within the aura gain vulnerable 5 psychic. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC you to see.
Aquatic Hit: 1d4 + 5 force damage, and ongoing 15 poison damage The blue-green glow of algae illuminates an enormous
The mad one can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, (save ends). scallop shell, perhaps 200 feet across, on the beach. The
it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic R Venom Ray (implement, poison) ) At-Will shell is partially submerged in the water. You can’t tell
creatures. Attack: Ranged 10 (one or two creatures); +21 vs. Reflex whether the shell is an example of exceptional construction
STANDARD ACTIONS Hit: 2d10 + 7 poison damage.
or the discarded husk of a once-living monstrosity.
m Claw ) At-Will MINOR ACTIONS
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC C Psychic Swarm (poison, psychic, zone) ) Recharge 5 6
A wall of green stone set with a pair of doors at its center
Hit: 10 damage, and the mad one shifts 1 square. Effect: Close burst 2. The burst creates a zone that lasts holds the shell open. Numerous tracks mark the 100 feet
C Eldritch Scream (psychic) ) At-Will until the end of the drow’s next turn and moves with between the steps and the double doors. Among the tracks
Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +15 vs. Will the drow. Enemies grant combat advantage and take a are those of kuo-toas and various humanoids.
Hit: 5 psychic damage. –4 penalty to saving throws while in the zone, and any
Str 15 (+8) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 13 (+7) enemy that ends its turn there takes 10 poison and psy-
Con 19 (+10) Int 1 (+1) Cha 22 (+12) chic damage. 7. Entry Hall
Alignment evil Languages — Skills Arcana +20, Intimidate +18 Exploration Encounter (1,200 XP)
Str 15 (+10) Dex 18 (+12) Wis 8 (+7)
Con 21 (+13) Int 17 (+11) Cha 24 (+15)
can pick the locks with a DC 22 Thievery check or Carvings in these halls denote the sacred nature of
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Deep Speech, Elven
batter open the doors with a DC 31 Athletics check. the shrine and reveal the proper way to adore the Sea
The natural staircase runs down the chasm wall. Mother.
See “Shrine of the Kuo-toas” on this page for more
details. SHRINE OF THE Light: Dim light from phosphorescent algae.
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Pearl of the Sea Mother
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Pearl of the Sea Mother
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
8 Kuo-Toa Guards Level 16 Minion Skirmisher 2 Kuo-Toa Lashes Level 15 Artillery 2 Giant Lobsters Level 16 Elite Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 350 each Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,200 each Large natural beast (aquatic) XP 2,800 each
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.Initiative +13 HP 115; Bloodied 57 Initiative +12 HP 314; Bloodied 157 Initiative +13
AC 30, Fortitude 28, Reflex 29, Will 27 Perception +12 AC 27, Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 26 Perception +10 AC 32, Fortitude 30, Reflex 26, Will 27 Perception +12
Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Speed 6, swim 8 Darkvision
TRAITS TRAITS Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Aquatic Aquatic TRAITS
The kuo-toa can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, The lash can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, Aquatic
it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic The lobster can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat,
creatures. creatures. it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic
m Spear (weapon) ) At-Will m Trident (weapon) ) At-Will Mindless Pursuit
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC At the start of its turn, the lobster can make a saving throw
Hit: 12 damage. Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage. against any one effect that a save can end.
MOVE ACTIONS r Lightning Trident (lightning, weapon) ) At-Will STANDARD ACTIONS
Slick Maneuver ) At-Will Attack: Ranged 3/6 (one creature); +22 vs. AC m Claw ) At-Will
Requirement: The kuo-toa must be adjacent to an enemy. Hit: 3d8 + 10 lightning damage. Requirement: The lobster must have no more than one
Effect: The kuo-toa shifts up to 3 squares to another square Effect: The trident returns to the lash. creature grabbed.
adjacent to the enemy. R Fill Lungs ) At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
Str 15 (+10) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 9 (+7) Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +20 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d10 + 13 damage, and the target is grabbed (escape
Con 15 (+10) Int 11 (+8) Cha 13 (+9) Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target is slowed and takes DC 22). A target grabbed by the lobster takes 25 damage
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech ongoing 5 damage (save ends both). at the end of each of the target’s turns.
Equipment leather armor, light shield, spear A Forked Lightning (lightning) ) Recharge when the lash M Snapping Claws ) At-Will
bloodies an enemy or reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or Requirement: The lobster must have no creature grabbed.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
next turn, they ignore the chum in favor of attacking 10 Human Sailors Level 15 Minion Skirmisher When the party enters, read:
living prey. The lobsters climb onto the platform if Medium natural humanoid This room is mostly a tremendous pool of murky water. A
they need to do so to attack creatures there. HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.Initiative +11 narrow ledge, ten feet above the water, surrounds the pool.
AC 29, Fortitude 27, Reflex 27, Will 27 Perception +8 At the pool’s center, a three-tiered ziggurat rises to a
Speed 6
10. Quarters of the Chosen STANDARD ACTIONS
towering green statue of a human woman with the head
and claws of a lobster. Pinched in one upraised claw is a lus-
Exploration and Roleplaying Encounter m Weapon (weapon))At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC trous black pearl the size of a human head. Other treasures
Hit: 10 damage, or 13 damage if flanking the target. lie around the statue’s feet.
The whip and her acolytes attend to other duties, and Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +14 Two kuo-toas with tridents chant and place offerings
their quarters are in disarray. Str 14 (+9) Dex 14 (+9) Wis 12 (+8) in golden, shell-shaped bowls. Another kuo-toa, bearing a
Light: Dim light from phosphorescent algae. Con 13 (+8) Int 10 (+7) Cha 13 (+8) staff made of an immense crustacean claw, stands beside a
Other Creatures: 10 human sailors. Alignment unaligned Languages Common
conch shell, intoning words in a bubbling, croaking voice.
When the party enters area 10A, read: Treasure: A jewel-encrusted mithral sacrificial Characters who understand Deep Speech hear:
Braziers of incense fill the air with the stench of rotten fish dagger (considered to be silvered; 7,500 gp) is here, “Blibdoolpoolp, inscrutable Sea Mother, dweller below, take
and smoke. Carvings of kuo-toa attacks and rituals present along with a +4 mask of Melora (Adventurer’s Vault, from us our plague. Visit it upon those who sunk us beneath
graphic depictions of depravity. Books, bowls of shells, and page 86) or another suitable level 18 magic item. the waves and shunned us. Give them the gifts of waves
other offerings are strewn haphazardly around the room. 10C. Pens of the Doomed: Locked gates upon waves until they are as deep below your waters as we
Ragged-edged pages and wooden carvings f loat on the sur- imprison ten human sailors taken during kuo-toa are beneath their earth. Then, Sea Mother, bid us rise!”
face of a pool at one end of the room. raids. The whip has the only key, but the doors can
be opened with a DC 23 Thievery check or smashed Perception DC 22: A number of kuo-toas swim
10A. Prayer Room and Lashes’ Quarters: Notes with a DC 31 Athletics check. beneath the surface of the pool.
scrawled in the Rellanic script litter the floor and With many of their shipmates already taken away,
describe vile rituals and insane notions about the these sailors are desperate to escape. They beg for an 11A. Holy Pool of Blibdoolpoolp: The walkway
gods. The “paper” is actually a type of slick leather. escort to the surface, but they’re willing to make a that surrounds the pool is 10 feet above the water.
The three chambers to the west, which belong to the run for it on their own. At your discretion, if provided The water is 10 feet deep. Submerged tunnels in the
lashes, are in similar disarray. with weapons, these sailors can be convinced to fight floor lead to areas 8A and 10A. Tunnels also lead to
The pool here is 20 feet deep, and a submerged alongside the party. The players should control the the lobster tank but might be sealed (refer to area 9A).
tunnel leads into the central shrine. sailors, although you can overrule suicidal actions. The steps leading into the pool (and up to the
10B. Whip’s Chamber: Amid all manner of first tier of the ziggurat) are extremely steep and are
religious paraphernalia, several tomes made of slick,
waterproof leather recount the epochs of the kuo-
11. Central Shrine difficult terrain to a character who fails or does not
Combat Encounter Level 19 (11,800 XP) attempt a DC 22 Acrobatics check.
toa race. Some items pertain to Blibdoolpoolp, but The eight harpooners swim in the water around
others are clearly remnants taken from captives who the ziggurat.
worshiped other gods. Much of the whip’s research Here, the whip performs rituals to channel the power
of the Pearl of the Sea Mother. 11B. Ziggurat of Blibdoolpoolp: The ziggurat is
revolves around a means to use the Pearl of the Sea the most holy site of the Sea Mother, and a character
Mother to call Blibdoolpoolp to the world or commu- Light: Dim light from phosphorescent algae.
Monsters: Kuo-toa whip, 2 kuo-toa lashes, 8 kuo- approaching within 1 square of it becomes aware of
nicate with her. her powerful influence. A successful DC 22 Arcana
toa harpooners.
check, Insight check, or Religion check warns the
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
character that setting foot upon the ziggurat without Kuo-Toa Whip Level 16 Controller 2 Kuo-Toa Lashes Level 15 Artillery
making the proper observances invites ruin. Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,400 Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,200 each
Monsters: The whip and the lashes stand on the HP 156; Bloodied 78 Initiative +12 HP 115; Bloodied 57 Initiative +12
second tier of the ziggurat. AC 30, Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 27 Perception +16 AC 27, Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 26 Perception +10
Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision
Offering Bowls: At the top of each set of stairs are
bowls for collecting offerings. These bowls are diffi- Aquatic Aquatic
cult terrain. The kuo-toa can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, The lash can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat,
If a character sets foot on a tier of the ziggurat with- it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic
out first placing the appropriate offering in a bowl, that creatures. creatures.
character is affected by a curse as long as he or she STANDARD ACTIONS STANDARD ACTIONS
remains on that tier. After a character has made an m Pincer Staff (weapon) ) At-Will m Trident (weapon) ) At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC
offering, further offerings are unnecessary on that tier.
Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the kuo-toa grabs the target Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage.
A DC 17 Religion check identifies a proper offer- (escape DC 22) until the end of the kuo-toa’s next turn. r Lightning Trident (lightning, weapon) ) At-Will
ing. Offerings already in the bowls are apparent to Until the grab ends, the kuo-toa can’t make attacks with Attack: Ranged 3/6 (one creature); +22 vs. AC
those who glance at their contents. its pincer staff. The kuo-toa can end the grab as a minor Hit: 3d8 + 10 lightning damage.
First Tier: A character must deposit one or more action and slide the target up to 3 squares. The target Effect: The trident returns to the lash.
shells in either bowl or gain vulnerable 10 lightning. must remain within 2 squares of the kuo-toa during this R Fill Lungs ) At-Will
Second Tier: A character must deposit a lobster in slide. Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +20 vs. Fortitude
Sustain Standard: The grab persists until the end of Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target is slowed and takes
either bowl or begin to secrete sticky slime, which
the kuo-toa’s next turn, and the target takes 2d8 + 9 ongoing 5 damage (save ends both).
causes him or her to be slowed. damage. A Forked Lightning (lightning) ) Recharge when the lash
Upper Tier and Statue: To climb onto the highest tier R Lightning Strike (lightning) ) At-Will bloodies an enemy or reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or
(a DC 20 Athletics check) or the 20-foot-tall statue Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +19 vs. Reflex fewer
of Blibdoolpoolp (a DC 15 Athletics check) is utter Hit: 2d8 + 3 lightning damage, and the target is blinded Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (one, two, or three creatures
blasphemy. Seawater begins to fill the trespasser’s until the end of the kuo-toa’s next turn. in burst); +20 vs. Fortitude
lungs and mouth, and the character takes ongoing 10 A Slime Vortex ) Encounter Hit: 2d6 + 6 lightning damage, and the target is blinded
Attack: Area burst 2 within 20 (enemies in the burst); +19 until the start of the lash’s next turn.
damage until he or she leaves the upper tier or takes
vs. Fortitude MOVE ACTIONS
possession of the Pearl. Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to Slick Maneuver ) At-Will
Stealing the Pearl: The Pearl is securely affixed attack rolls (save ends). The target falls prone, and the Requirement: The lash must be adjacent to an enemy.
in the statue’s claw. It can be pried loose with a DC kuo-toa slides it up to 3 squares. Effect: The lash shifts 3 squares to another square adjacent
31 Athletics check or Thievery check. If the Pearl is Miss: Half damage, and the kuo-toa can slide the target 1 to the enemy.
removed, any remaining harpooners drop their weap- square. Skills Dungeoneering +15, Religion +14
ons and become mad ones. MOVE ACTIONS Str 23 (+13) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 17 (+10)
Slick Maneuver ) At-Will Con 19 (+11) Int 15 (+9) Cha 18 (+11)
Treasure: The four golden bowls that hold the offer-
Requirement: The kuo-toa must be adjacent to an enemy. Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
ings are worth 3,000 gp each. The whip wears a large Effect: The kuo-toa shifts up to 3 squares to another square Equipment trident, ceremonial knife
black pearl on a gold necklace (5,000 gp) and also has adjacent to the enemy.
the keys to the cells in area 10C. On the upper tier Skills Dungeoneering +16, Religion +15
are 10,000 gp, a ring of vigilant defense, and a crown of Str 17 (+11) Dex 18 (+12) Wis 17 (+11)
nature’s rebellion (level 20) or other suitable level 17 and Con 20 (+13) Int 15 (+10) Cha 18 (+12)
level 20 magic items. (The ring and the crown are from Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
Equipment coat, pincer staff, headdress
pages 162 and 140, respectively, of Adventurer’s Vault.)
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
8 Kuo-Toa Harpooners Level 14 Soldier Kuo-Toa Mad One Level 12 Minion Skirmisher As the adventurers approach the surface, the Pearl
Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,000 each Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) starts to vibrate. Any character of a divine class or
HP 137; Bloodied 68 Initiative +12 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.Initiative +12 trained in Insight begins to feel a deep dread about
AC 30, Fortitude 26, Reflex 26, Will 24 Perception +13 AC 26, Fortitude 23, Reflex 23, Will 25 Perception +7 bringing the relic to the surface world. Such charac-
Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision Speed 6, swim 6 Darkvision
ters are certain that a terrible fate awaits them.
Aquatic O Spreading Madness ) Aura 1
If the party brings the Pearl to the surface, pro-
The kuo-toa can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, Enemies within the aura gain vulnerable 5 psychic. ceed to “Wrath of the Sea Mother.”
it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic Aquatic
The mad one can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat,
it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against nonaquatic
Wrath of the Sea Mother
m Harpoon (weapon) ) At-Will creatures. Combat Encounter Level 21 (16,000 XP)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC STANDARD ACTIONS
Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the kuo-toa grabs the target m Claw ) At-Will When the Pearl enters the surface world, the mad-
(escape DC 21). Until the grab ends, the target takes Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC ness the kuo-toas channeled through it overcomes
ongoing 5 damage, and the kuo-toa can’t make attacks Hit: 10 damage, and the mad one shifts 1 square.
Blibdoolpoolp. She manifests directly to punish who-
using this harpoon. C Eldritch Scream (psychic) ) At-Will
R Reeling Harpoon (weapon) ) At-Will Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +15 vs. Will
ever took the Pearl.
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 5 psychic damage. Light: As appropriate to the time of day.
Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the kuo-toa makes a secondary Str 15 (+8) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 13 (+7) Monsters: Blibdoolpoolp.
attack against the target. Con 19 (+10) Int 1 (+1) Cha 22 (+12) Environment: If the party returns through the
Secondary Attack: +17 vs. Fortitude Alignment evil Languages — lighthouse, use the map and terrain information in
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the kuo-toa pulls the target up that encounter. Otherwise, improvise your own site
to 3 squares.
The whip relies on lightning strike to blind foes before based on where the characters return to land.
Slick Maneuver ) At-Will
she pitches them into the pool with her pincer staff.
Requirement: The kuo-toa must be adjacent to an enemy. She reserves slime vortex to use against blasphemers When the party reaches land outdoors, read:
Effect: The kuo-toa shifts up to 3 squares to another square on the ziggurat. Surging tide swells around the area, cutting it off from
adjacent to the enemy. When half the harpooners are slain, both lashes the wider land with a wall of turbulent water. The choppy,
TRIGGERED ACTIONS are slain, or a character attempts to remove the Pearl crashing waves suddenly become placid and perfectly
M Sticky Shield ) At-Will from the statue, the whip takes a minor action to blow smooth. Clouds hang completely still, and the wind and sea
Trigger: An adjacent enemy misses the kuo-toa with a
a low, droning note through the conch. This alarm birds grow silent.
melee weapon attack.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (the triggering
calls the monitors from area 8 and instructs the lashes Within the wall of water moves a feminine silhouette,
enemy); +17 vs. Reflex in area 9 to open the hatches that permit the lobsters but her form grows in size as she draws nearer. A seething
Hit: The weapon used for the triggering attack drops in the to swim into the pool here. The monitors arrive after 2 carpet of crustaceans scuttles forth from the water before
target’s space. rounds, and the lobsters emerge 1 round after that. her. When the woman steps out from the watery barrier,
Str 17 (+10) Dex 17 (+10) Wis 13 (+8) her bare form is 12 feet tall. But where the shadowy silhou-
Con 17 (+10) Int 13 (+8) Cha 15 (+9)
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech Development ette revealed lithe arms and a head of flowing hair, a pair
of tremendous crimson pincers and the elongated head of a
Equipment leather armor, slimy light shield, 4 harpoons If the player characters obtain the Pearl, they must lobster are now present.
take it to the surface. They likely ascend along Inscrutable black eyes stare as the water behind her
Tactics: The kuo-toas target foes on the ziggurat the same route that brought them to the shrine, crashes down with a roar and the skies fill with the screech-
first, especially those on the top tier. Harpooners use which means they might face any opposition they ing of thousands of gulls.
reeling harpoon to yank characters down into the pool. bypassed earlier.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Pearl of the Sea Mother
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the
By Tim Eagon
Illustration by Jim Nelson
Among the most bizarre denizens of the deep A swordwing’s collection defines the creature as
Underdark are an extremely powerful—and utterly an individual. Swordwings proudly show off their
evil—race of winged, insectlike humanoids native trophies from time to time, and crownwings often
to the Far Realm. They build extensive hives in the build grandiose galleries dedicated to displaying their
Deeps, the most dangerous and least accessible region favorite pieces. Some carry a portion of their col-
of the Underdark. lections; for example, one might wear a necklace of
Other races refer to these creatures as swordwings severed human fingers or sport a bandolier of wands.
because each one has an arm that ends in an append- Each swordwing is convinced that what it collects
age that resembles a scimitar. This serrated armblade is of the utmost importance. It regards anything it
is an extension of a swordwing’s chitinous exoskel- does not collect as junk or trash. Further, it never dis-
eton and is as hard as adamantine. poses of any of its treasured possessions, no matter
their condition or actual value. If a swordwing loses
U niquely Obsessive even a bit of its precious hoard, it becomes extremely
agitated and lashes out violently. Legends say that
As bizarre as they are in so many other respects, their armblades become sharper when this happens.
swordwings have a trait that emulates the behavior of An aggrieved swordwing does not rest until it fully
many other races that value material objects. In the restores its collection or dies trying to do so.
swordwings’ case, this possessiveness takes the form Swordwings prefer to take what they want and
of an obsession to build a collection of specialized kill anyone who gets in their way, but they trade with
items. Depending on its status in society, every sword- other swordwings, and with other races, if doing so
wing amasses an array of related objects ranging seems like an expedient option. To account for this
from worthless trinkets to priceless gems and from eventuality, swordwings accumulate items that are
the mundane to the macabre. Only a few swordwings personally worthless to them but that might be useful
in a hive collect a specific category of items; however, in barter.
crownwings (see “Society”) contending for status
might acquire the same types of objects, or vie with
one another for an item that falls into more than one
category. Such competitions end in violence.
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Ecology of the Swordwing
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing
C: An adamantine falchion with a star-shaped F: A +5 lilting songblade (Player’s Handbook 2, page B: A crystalline chessboard featuring pieces
yellow diamond set into the pommel (20,000 gp). 204) that hums an inspiring melody when drawn expertly carved from various gems and precious
D: A level 20 diamond cincture (Mordenkainen’s Mag- from its scabbard (625,000 gp). metals to resemble Bahamut, Tiamat, their exarchs,
nificent Emporium, page 79) with ornate settings for its Value of Collection: 740,000 gp. and their draconic progeny as pawns (30,000 gp).
gems (125,000 gp). C: A large marble statue of a fierce elf huntress
E: A +5 periapt of health cursed to act as a periapt
of foul rotting (Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Emporium,
6. Paintings that periodically animates and changes its pose
(45,000 gp).
pages 74 and 114), set with an exceptionally large A: A large oil painting enchanted to show a regal D: A coral dragon figurine of wondrous power (Dragon
blue diamond (425,000 gp). half-length likeness of its current owner in formal 384) carved to resemble a serpentine deep dragon
Value of Collection: 670,000 gp. human attire (10,000 gp). (625,000 gp).
B: A crate containing fifteen delicate eladrin Value of Collection: 725,000 gp.
watercolor landscapes depicting the heyday of the
4. Hearts ancient city-state of Cendriane (200,000 gp as a set
A: The desiccated heart of a beatified priest of or 10,000 gp each). 9. Swords
Moradin in a crystalline reliquary (50,000 gp). C: A portrait of a dwarven shield maiden wearing A: A silver cutlass that enables its wielder to
B: The inert heart of a Moilian shadow master con- a glittering diamond locket that serves as an all-seeing master and perform the Water Walk ritual once per
tained in an obsidian curio box that is painfully cold eye (Adventurer’s Vault 2, page 79) when hung on a day without expending any components (10,000 gp).
to the touch (15,000 gp). wall (325,000 gp). B: An obsidian scimitar with three rubies gripped
C: A flawless crystal that is actually the petrified Value of Collection: 535,000 gp. in its pommel (15,000 gp).
heart of a slain primordial (50,000 gp). C: A serrated fullblade crafted from a single lin-
D: A still-beating clockwork heart ripped from a
modron hierarch (25,000 gp).
7. Rings norm tooth (25,000 gp).
D: A matching set of orium bastard swords with
E: A ruby +5 stone of good luck (Mordenkainen’s A: A platinum wedding band fashioned to resem- crystalline hilts that glow faintly when wielded
Magnificent Emporium, page 47) shaped like a heart ble Bahamut swallowing his own tail set with seven together (12,000 gp as a set or 5,000 gp each).
(525,000 gp). yellow diamonds (25,000 gp). E: A mithral scabbard adorned with emeralds con-
Value of Collection: 665,000 gp. B: A satchel full of gold and silver rings, some still taining a rusty longsword (25,000 gp).
on their former owners’ skeletal fingers (20,000 gp). F: A +5 lifestealer greatsword (Mordenkainen’s Mag-
C: A black iron signet ring of duergar craftsman-
5. Musical Instruments ship, bearing a symbol of Asmodeus made from inlaid
nificent Emporium, page 29) with a bone hilt studded
with vampire fangs and a single black diamond set
A: A silver lyre that radiates a soothing, white light rubies and onyx, that grants its wearer a +5 item into its pommel (525,000 gp).
when played (10,000 gp). bonus to Diplomacy checks made against devils and Value of Collection: 612,000 gp.
B: A broken lute with a pouch full of sapphires devil worshipers (30,000 gp).
stashed in its belly (25,000 gp). D: A ring of x-ray vision (Mordenkainen’s Magnifi-
C: A harpsichord covered in painted pastoral cent Emporium, page 77) made of translucent crystal 10. Wines
scenes and gold filigree (10,000 gp). (625,000 gp). A: An enchanted, shatterproof crystalline
D: A platinum music box enchanted to play any Value of Collection: 700,000 gp. decanter that is always full of exquisite eladrin red
song that its opener thinks of (25,000 gp). wine (25,000 gp).
E: A box full of ancient sheet music and four gems
of auditory recollection (Mordenkainen’s Magnificent
8. Statues B: A single, glittering bottle of sparkling white
wine made from grapes cultivated in Pelor’s original
Emporium, page 84), each containing a full-length A: A 2-foot-tall dark green jade statue of Blibdool- astral dominion (50,000 gp).
recording of a dirge-like Turathi opera (45,000 gp). poolp standing atop a base of prostrate kuo-toa that
always feels wet and slimy (25,000 gp).
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing
C: An entire wine cellar full of rare drow wine Swordwing Level 25 Soldier Crownwing Level 26 Skirmisher (Leader)
(15,000 gp). Medium aberrant humanoid XP 7,000 Large aberrant humanoid, swordwing XP 9,000
D: A set of simple, green glass bottles containing HP 234; Bloodied 117 Initiative +21 HP 238; Bloodied 119 Initiative +24
cheap wines fortified with the following potions and AC 41, Fortitude 38, Reflex 37, Will 35 Perception +18 AC 40, Fortitude 39, Reflex 38, Will 36 Perception +20
Speed 6, fly 10 (hover) Low-light vision Speed 6, fly 10 (hover) Low-light vision
elixirs (Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Emporium, pages
Traits Standard Actions
90–97): two level 25 elixirs of aptitude, one level 29 Vicious Opportunist m Armblade ✦ At-Will
elixir of giant strength, one level 26 potion of heroism, The swordwing’s opportunity attacks deal 3d8 extra Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +31 vs. AC
and one level 30 potion of invulnerability (325,000 gp). damage. Hit: 3d6 + 23 damage, or 6d6 + 41 damage if the crown-
Value of Collection: 415,000 gp. Standard Actions wing scores a critical hit, plus 3d6 damage if the
m Armblade ✦ At-Will crownwing is flanking the target.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing
Chris Sims
Miranda Horner
Managing Editor
Kim Mohan
Senior Producer
Christopher Perkins
Greg Bilsland, Stan!
Art Director
Kate Irwin
Jim Nelson
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Unearthed Arcana:
Less Death,
More Danger!
By Jeffrey Ludwig
Illustration by Sam Wood
Axe-wielding orcs, fire-breathing dragons, and flesh- players, take a look at a few reasons to consider intro-
eating zombies are a few of the deadly adversaries ducing them to the Injury deck.
that adventurers face on a daily basis. That they dare
fight such foes at all is wonder enough, but more puz-
zling still is how heroes can walk away from such
Holding Life Dear
battles without a scratch. Oh, they might be bloodied Players don’t always act in their characters’ best inter-
for a round or two, or they might fall unconscious on ests. For example, a fighter low on hit points ought
the field of battle, but a few inspiring words and Heal to take cover to bandage wounds instead of staying
checks later, the heroes are as good as new. in the fight, but the player might choose to have the
But what if they aren’t as good as new? fighter continue to attack each round instead, risking
The Injury deck presented here provides you with death. In such a case, the player might be depend-
an optional system that lets the monsters give the ing on the healing that the party’s cleric can provide.
heroes a little something to remember them by. Each With the optional Injury deck, a character who drops
Injury card describes a wound that goes beyond a to 0 hit points can sustain wounds that linger long
mere loss of hit points to afflict a character in a last- after the battle is over. By using injuries as a conse-
ing way; these injuries take more than a soothing quence for falling in battle, a DM encourages a player
word and a few minutes of rest to heal. Sticks and to use his or her character’s action points, healing
stones might break an adventurer’s bones, but a suck- options, and limited-use powers more aggressively
ing chest wound is nasty. to keep that character standing. A player might also
change strategies to keep his or her character’s hit
Why Use I njuries? points out of the territory where a single attack can
kill the character.
If you like an extra dose of grit in your game, the idea
of persistent injuries probably appeals to you already. An Alternative to Death
But if you want to have a softer touch with your Heroes don’t always walk away from battles. Some-
times a critical hit does them in, or they have an
TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Less Death, More Danger!
unlucky death saving throw. Even the pluckiest play- of punishment. Knowing and communicating with section and the “Minor” section. For example, the
ers sober up at the prospect of sitting out the rest your players is the key to making sure injuries add to, Ruptured Spleen injury also includes the effects of
of the session while the group finds a way to revive rather than detract from, fun at your table. Gut Wound (the minor injury on that card).
fallen characters. Worse yet, untimely deaths can stop More than One Injury: A character can sustain
adventures in their tracks or derail entire plot lines.
Injuries can provide an alternative to character
Using the only one injury per encounter but can have two or
more injuries during an adventure (see “Multiple
death, serving as a serious repercussion for “dying” I njury Deck Injuries” below).
while allowing players to get back in the game
quickly. A party with injured characters might be To use the Injury deck, print and cut out the cards Dropping Below 1 Hit Point
better served returning to town to nurse its wounds, at the end of this article. (You can print two or three
When a character drops below 1 hit point, he or she
but if the need is pressing, adventurers can forge on copies to create a larger deck.) Each card represents a
risks sustaining an injury. At the end of an encounter,
with wounded characters better than it could with single injury and has two severities, minor and major.
any character who dropped below 1 hit point during
dead ones. At the start of an encounter, shuffle the Injury
the encounter makes a saving throw. On a save, the
Although you can use injuries as an alternative to deck and place it face down on the table where the
character avoids injury. On a failure, the player draws
death, characters are not necessarily immortal. You players can reach it. When a character sustains an
a card from the Injury deck; the character suffers the
might have a compelling narrative reason for letting injury, have the player draw the top card.
minor injury on the card. If a character drops below
a character die, or you might want to add injuries to 1 hit point multiple times during an encounter, the
the game while still allowing for the possibility that Sustaining an Injury player still makes a single saving throw at the end of
combat can be fatal. You might decide, for instance, Three circumstances might cause a character to sus- the encounter to determine whether he or she sus-
that a character who is reduced to his or her nega- tain an injury: dropping below 1 hit point, failing tains a minor injury. If a character sustains a major
tive bloodied value by a coup de grace is killed rather three death saving throws before taking a short rest injury during an encounter (see below), the player
than injured. Injuries act as a kind of insurance or an extended rest, or taking damage that reduces does not make this saving throw.
against accidental death in combat, while still allow- his or her hit points to his or her bloodied value
ing your villains to dispatch adventurers as they see expressed as a negative number. (See “Dying and Failing Three Death Saving Throws
fit. And if the only way to destroy the Eye of Vecna is Death” in the Rules Compendium for the rules on char- Any character who fails three death saving throws
for the adventurer using it to jump into the flames of acter death.) automatically sustains a major injury and does not
Moradin’s forge, it’s fair to stipulate that the character Minor and Major: The effects of injuries are die. After the character fails the third death saving
doing so is not going to walk away with only a major spelled out on the Injury cards. A minor injury has throw, the player draws a card from the Injury deck,
injury. Whatever your decision, the key is to com- the effect described in the “Minor” section. A major and suffers the major injury there. In addition, the
municate clearly to your players beforehand what injury has the effect described in both the “Major” character falls unconscious until the end of the
circumstances, if any, might result in character death encounter. At the end of the encounter, the character
rather than injury. regains consciousness and has 1 hit point.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Less Death, More Danger!
deck, and the character suffers the effect shown in a Constitution check or Charisma check (player’s suffers the negative effect. Even if a character has
the “Major” section. In addition, the character falls choice) as a free action at the start of his or her turn. multiple injuries, he or she can use this option only
unconscious until the end of the encounter. At the Use an easy DC of the character’s level. On a success, once per turn.
end of the encounter, the character regains conscious- the injury has no effect that turn. The character can
ness and has 1 hit point. attempt to extend this benefit at the start of his or Injury Card Location
her next turn by making a second check, now with a Concussion/Cracked Skull Head
Multiple Injuries moderate DC, and at the start of the following turn
with a third check, now with a hard DC. The injury
Cracked Rib/Sucking Chest Wound
Face Slash/Eye Gouge
Over the course of an adventure, a character might cannot be ignored further in following turns. If any of Gashed Thigh/Crushed Hip Leg
sustain more than one injury. If two or more inju- these checks fail, the character cannot attempt to dis- Gut Wound/Ruptured Spleen Torso
ries impose penalties on the same game statistic, the regard that Injury card again during the encounter. Nicked Artery/Gushing Artery Other
effects are cumulative. Reduce Major Injury: A character can attempt to Seeping Wound/Gangrenous Wound Other
Duplicate Injuries: If you are using an Injury reduce the effect of a major injury to that of the cor- Sprained Ankle/Splintered Kneecap Leg
deck that’s larger than one card of each type, a char- responding minor injury; for example, temporarily Sprained Wrist/Broken Arm Arm
acter cannot incur multiple instances of the same reducing the effect of Crushed Hip to Gashed Thigh. Wrenched Back/Cracked Spine Torso
injury. If a character who has a minor injury sustains The character must make a Constitution check or Blackouts/Fainting Spells Other
the same injury again, the player discards the dupli- Charisma check (player’s choice) at the start of his or
cate card, and the severity of the injury increases to her turn. Use a moderate DC of the character’s level. Arm Injury Strength
major. If the duplicated injury is major, the player dis- On a success, the injury is reduced for that turn. The Trigger: You roll the maximum result on a damage die
cards the duplicate card and draws a new one. character can attempt to extend this benefit at the and choose to keep it.
start of his or her next turn by making another check, Success: The damaging effect deals extra damage equal
Variant: Fighting but with a hard DC. The injury cannot be ignored to 5 + one-half your level to a single target.
Failure: You take a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the
through I njuries
further in following turns. If any of these checks fail,
end of the encounter.
the character cannot attempt to reduce the effect of
Injuries might be significant setbacks, but where that Injury card again during the encounter.
Head Injury Wisdom
adventurers differ from ordinary folk is in their deter- Trigger: You take your first turn in an encounter without
mination to triumph in the face of adversity. This 2. Profit from Setbacks delaying for an enemy, and you hit with your first attack.
section presents two optional systems to allow charac- Some characters thrive on challenges. Some players Success: You gain 5 temporary hit points per tier.
ters to persevere despite injury: one general, the other like to overcome steep obstacles. If your campaign Failure: You are dazed until the end of your next turn.
more situational. caters to that sort of activity, consider using this
option to allow characters to turn their wounds into Leg Injury Dexterity
1. Push Past the Pain opportunities. Trigger: You are subjected to forced movement while
slowed by an injury.
Once per encounter per Injury card, an injured Once per encounter per injury, if an injured char-
Success: You negate the forced movement.
character can attempt to push past the pain as a free acter meets the trigger described in the text below Failure: You fall prone after the forced movement.
action to temporarily reduce the injury’s effect. Even for his or her injury location, he or she can attempt to
if a character has multiple injuries, he or she can use turn the pain of the injury into a momentary advan- Torso Injury Constitution
this option only once per turn; the player decides tage. The character makes a check as a free action
Trigger: You use an immediate action to make an attack.
which injury counts for the attempt. using the indicated ability against an easy DC of the Success: You gain a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.
Ignore Minor Injury: A character can briefly character’s level. On a success, the character benefits Failure: You are stunned until the end of your next turn
disregard the effect of a minor injury by making from the positive effect. On a failure, the character after the attack is resolved.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Less Death, More Danger!
Variant: adapt injuries to work with different play formats, too. to D&D Insider™ . . . and character longevity.
If you’re running a single delve-style session, in
R ecovering from which the party is unlikely to take an extended rest,
allow the players to make their recovery checks after
Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Tanis O’Connor, Tom LaPille
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Up in
A Forgotten Realms® adventure
for characters of levels 2–4
By Sterling Hershey
Illustration by William O’Connor
Cartography by Mike Schley
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
What’s Up in Downshadow
Background knows her matron mother doesn’t care about him and
won’t wait much longer. Further, going back to her
A dventure Synopsis
The architect of Undermountain, Halaster Black- enclave for help could cost Renala face and standing Felarn Crommor, a good-hearted Waterdhavian
cloak, had several apprentices, the first of whom was among other drow, even if she received help without noble, hires the characters to find a gnome wizard
named Muiral. After Halaster went mad and disap- the high priestess finding out. named Kroto, who is believed to be hiding some-
peared, Muiral expelled a drow enclave from the level Renala and her drow allies relocated the mirror where in Downshadow. Given the inherent dangers
of Undermountain that would come to be known as to a secure cavern near Downshadow. Since then, of that district and of Undermountain, Felarn needs
Muiral’s Gauntlet. Then one day he too vanished from they have been trolling the subterranean commu- adventurers to complete this task.
Undermountain, just as Halaster had. nity for individuals with enough arcane knowledge Several months ago, Kroto was accused of mur-
The drow hated and feared Muiral, but with or magical expertise to help free Pel and the other dering a merchant who sold ritual components. The
Halaster’s apprentice seemingly out of the way, they prisoners. As they search for likely targets, the drow gnome escaped custody and disappeared. Felarn
sought to reclaim the Gauntlet. Unfortunately for rely on stealth to move through Downshadow unde- never believed Kroto capable of the crime, and
them, the level was magically sealed to prevent such tected. They wear dark, tattered cloaks to conceal recently it came to light that a crooked business rival
intrusion. their weapons and armor, and masks made from the killed the merchant. Kroto needs to be informed that
Several weeks ago, Renala, a low-ranking priest- skinned faces of elves to hide their features. When he can safely return to Waterdeep; Felarn has plans
ess of Lolth, received an unexpected summons from they make a snatch, their innate control of darkness in motion to help the wizard get back on his feet
the matron mother of her house. The elder priestess helps cover the act. when he does.
demanded that Renala prove her devotion by entering Renala’s drow have been responsible for several The adventure begins with the characters gaining
the Hall of Mirrors on the first level of Undermoun- high-profile disappearances in Downshadow—mad entry to and exploring Downshadow. Finding Kroto
tain and retrieving a specific mirror. The matron sages, exiled wizards, and even a spellcasting adven- is no simple task, because he disguised himself as a
warned her that the mirror was a trapped portal to turer or two. Any person known to be an expert in sage named Scribbler when he went into hiding. In
Muiral’s Gauntlet; if Renala could steal it and deter- arcane lore is fair game. When the drow identify such the course of tracking him down, the characters dis-
mine how to bypass the trap, her rapid ascension was a person, they follow the individual and wait until he cover that someone or something is abducting sages
assured. Failure could bring the reverse, or worse. or she is alone. They incapacitate the target with drow and spellcasters from the subterranean community. It
Determined not to fail, Renala led a party of poison and return to Renala’s lair with the abductee soon becomes apparent that Kroto was quietly investi-
drow, including her lover, Pel, into the hall. There for evaluation. Renala feeds captives who are less gating the disappearances before he became a victim.
she succeeded in locating what she sought, but, than helpful to her displacer beast. The search eventually leads to Renala’s allies and,
true to rumor, the mirrors created illusory copies of ultimately, to the priestess’s lair.
the drow (see encounter area 60 in Halls of Under-
mountain). While Renala and most of her retinue
were distracted by their duplicates, Pel leapt into
M issing K roto
the mirror. He assumed the matron mother had Felarn Crommor is eager to find Kroto and learns
lied about the trap, perhaps because she wanted to about the up-and-coming adventurers through his
deny Renala the secrets hidden in Muiral’s Gauntlet. network of friends and contacts. He has heard enough
Pel’s mistake became immediately apparent when good things about the characters to invite them to
he was magically transformed into part of the mir- meet him at his manor. Alternatively, he might sug-
ror’s frame—along with others who had earlier been gest the upper level of the Knight ’n’ Shadow tavern
trapped. (see the next page) if bringing the party to his home is
Renala is unwilling to give up the mirror until problematic.
she has a chance to free Pel from his prison, but she
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
What’s Up in Downshadow
Felarn’s home is fine and elegant. A servant shows If the characters agree, they gain the “Find Kroto” themselves off as persons who should be allowed free
the guests to the library. Once everyone is ready, major quest. or discounted entry (DC 13 group check using Bluff,
Felarn gets right to the point. Diplomacy, or Streetwise; DC 21 for free passage), or
Major Quest: Find Kroto bribing or otherwise convincing a regular to escort
After the group enters the library, read: 3rd-level Major Quest (150 XP/character) them. (At this point, consider introducing Kion, who
“It is good of you to come. I have a small job for you, if you’re The adventurers must find Kroto (or his remains) and might thereby gain the characters’ trust. See the “Key
willing and available. I need you to locate a gnome wizard return him to Felarn to complete this quest. Downshadow Figures” section.)
named Kroto—yes, the one recently cleared of killing a magi- The characters find a similar situation in Shadow,
cal-component supplier some weeks ago. Kroto fled and went
into hiding in Undermountain when he was first accused. I
Search for K roto where Durral and a group of human guards watch
the way to the cavern floor. The half-orc charges 5 gp
doubt word has reached him that it is safe to return. The characters’ investigation turns up clues after they per person to lower a party into the cavern. No free
“I propose that you go, give him the news, and escort him start asking around in the Knight ’n’ Shadow tavern. climbing is allowed.
out of that dreadful place. I’d do it myself, but I doubt I have Aside from the bribes, the adventurers have little
the skills needed. I’ll pay you 250 gold to take on this task.
“Now, finding him could be tricky. He has taken on a
Knight ’n’ Shadow trouble passing through the tavern. If they start trou-
ble, however, they face strong resistance from Durral
new name, and he’s accomplished with disguises. He has This dive is known for its questionable clientele and and the guards, befitting a dangerous dungeon
also gone to ground somewhere in the underground slum of its connection to Undermountain. The tavern is entrance (encounter level 6; 1,350 XP). The tavern
Downshadow. It’s filled with the scum of Waterdeep soci- divided into an upper portion called the Knight and employees are more interested in subduing trouble-
ety—thieves, brigands, failed adventurers, and worse. Have a lower level called Shadow, which overlooks the makers than in killing anyone.
you been there?” Downshadow cavern. Rickety steps built into a chute
in the Knight’s back room connect the two levels.
Durral, Spellscarred Bouncer Level 7 Brute
Felarn tells the party of two disguises Kroto has used Durral, a spellscarred half-orc, operates a rope lift Medium natural humanoid, half-orc XP 300
in the past: a crazy gnome illusionist turned beggar that allows descent to the cavern floor. The way is HP 96; Bloodied 48 Initiative +5
and a lay priest of Amaunator. He doubts either is well guarded against the denizens below. AC 19, Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, Will 18 Perception +9
Kroto’s current identity, but he suspects the wizard Speed 6 Blindsight 2, low-light vision
might have reused them in some way. The noble
Looking for Kroto Standard Actions
No one in the tavern remembers anyone matching m Spellscarred Fists (force) F At-Will
believes Kroto entered Downshadow through the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Knight ’n’ Shadow, and he suggests the adventures do Kroto’s description, but they do recall one of Shadow’s
Hit: 1d4 + 7 damage plus 1d6 + 6 force damage.
the same. servers ranting about being deceived weeks ago. A M Thunder Fists (force, thunder) F Recharge 5 6
Aware of the dangers of Downshadow, Felarn mad gnome made it all the way to the Downshadow Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
knows that his friend might be dead. If such a fate has floor without paying a single bribe or buying any of Hit: 1d4 + 7 damage plus 1d6 + 6 force damage.
befallen Kroto, the noble is still willing to pay for the his drinks along the way. The characters don’t learn Effect: The target and each creature adjacent to it take 5
return of the wizard’s remains so he can get Kroto much more than variations on the tale of the crazed thunder damage and fall prone.
gnome. Triggered Actions
resurrected. Spellscar Fury (force) F Encounter
If the adventurers haggle, Felarn goes along with Trigger: Durral hits with an attack.
the game, but he won’t increase his offer more than Down to Downshadow Effect (Free Action): The triggering attack deals 1d10 extra
25 percent. If pressed, he promises to use his influ- If the characters ask about access to Downshadow force damage, and the target falls prone.
ence to aid the party in the future if they succeed in in the Knight, they learn that passage to Shadow is Skills Insight +9, Intimidate +9, Streetwise +9
this task. He’s a politically powerful ally. granted only to Downshadow regulars or to those Str 19 (+7) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 12 (+4)
who can pay a bribe of 25 gp per person. The char- Con 16 (+6) Int 10 (+3) Cha 12 (+4)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant
acters can enter by paying off the guards, passing
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
What’s Up in Downshadow
7 Town Guards Level 3 Soldier Stockade Stockade, Gnome Pickpocket Level 3 Striker
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 150 each Small fey humanoid
Once the characters arrive at the cavern floor, they
HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 HP 37; Bloodied 18; Healing Surges 8 Initiative +5
are hailed by a gnome thief called Stockade. He is
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +6 AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +5
Speed 5
so nicknamed for being regularly thrown out of the Speed 5 Low-light vision
Standard Actions Knight ’n’ Shadow for pickpocketing. Whenever he Traits
m Halberd (weapon) ✦ At-Will gets caught, Durral locks him up in a stockade near Reactive Stealth
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC the bottom of the rope lift as punishment. He pleads If Stockade has cover or concealment when he rolls initia-
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage, and the town guard marks the for freedom from anyone within earshot, or hurls tive, he can make a Stealth check to become hidden.
target until the end of the town guard’s next turn. insults at Durral. Standard Actions
r Crossbow (weapon) ✦ At-Will m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Stockade has a perfect memory for faces, and
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage.
he uses his talent to sell information about people’s Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage, or 2d6 + 6 damage if the target is
M Powerful Strike (weapon) ✦ Recharge 5 6 movements in the cavern. His starting price is 5 gp granting combat advantage to Stockade.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC per piece of information. He knows the mad gnome r Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
Hit: 2d10 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone. from the tavern disappeared into Downshadow, Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Triggered Actions never to be heard from again. If the characters men- Hit: 1d4 + 6 damage, or 2d4 + 6 damage if the target is
M Interceding Strike (weapon) ✦ At-Will tion Undermountain, Stockade identifies Izzy the granting combat advantage to Stockade.
Trigger: An enemy marked by the town guard makes an M Stumble Cut (weapon) F Encounter
Appraiser (see event 5) as the go-to person for infor-
attack that doesn’t include it as a target. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 2 (the triggering
mation on that subject. He has also learned that areas Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage, or 2d6 + 6 damage if the target is
enemy); +8 vs. AC of impenetrable darkness appear in Downshadow, granting combat advantage to Stockade, and Stockade
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage. and they always pop up around the time someone can swap places with the target, sliding it 1 square and
Skills Streetwise +7 vanishes, but Stockade reveals this information only if shifting 1 square himself. He then shifts up to 3 squares.
Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1) asked about disappearances. See entry 84–90 under Vanish from Sight (illusion) F At-Will
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2) “Rumors.” Effect: Stockade becomes invisible until he hits or misses
Alignment unaligned Languages Common with an attack or until the end of his next turn.
For a share of any loot plus a payment of 10 gp per
Equipment chainmail, halberd, crossbow, 20 bolts Triggered Actions
day, Stockade is willing to join the party as a com- Fade Away (illusion) F Encounter
panion character. (See “Companion Characters” in Trigger: Stockade takes damage.
chapter 1 of Dungeon Master’s Guide® 2 for more infor- Effect (Immediate Reaction): Stockade becomes invisible
mation.) He can serve as a guide for the adventurers until he hits or misses with an attack or until the end of
and potentially make up for the party’s weaknesses. his next turn.
One of the players can run him during combat. Skills Stealth +10, Streetwise +9, Thievery +10
Str 10 (+1) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 8 (+0)
If threatened or treated badly, Stockade lies to the
Con 15 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 17 (+4)
adventurers, giving them a lead that sends them to a Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
dangerous area. If Stockade is with them when they Equipment leather armor, short sword, dagger
arrive, he slips away during any conflict. He might try
to pilfer an item or two during his escape.
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What’s Up in Downshadow
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What’s Up in Downshadow
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What’s Up in Downshadow
Event 2: Block Event 4: Shrine They knocked him out, covered him in a cloak, and
carried him away under cover of darkness. Most went
Roleplaying Encounter Roleplaying Encounter
in different directions as they left the scene.
Izzy can tell the characters where Scribbler’s tent
Block spots the party and tries to join them by follow- The cleric Shara Shaana disappeared three weeks
is (see event 7). She is unwilling to leave the safety of
ing them around. He truthfully claims to have been ago. A few beggars she once helped now keep watch
her tent without an escort and joins the party only
one of the adventurers responsible for the fence but over the shrine to Amaunator in her tent, trying to
after many assurances that her help will put a stop to
feels he doesn’t deserve the blame for its failure. carry on Shara’s work. When they can, they answer
the disappearances. If asked about Ricoro, she tells
Despite his drunkenness, Block has reliable infor- any questions truthfully. You can also use them to
them that she knows he’s missing, but she doesn’t
mation about other Downshadow events, especially quash false rumors.
know more than that.
Izzy the Appraiser’s knowledge of unusual objects Under Kion’s influence, however, they have come
from Undermountain. He claims to have seen thugs to believe that a demon inhabits part of the eastern
kidnapping someone in the darkness, but admits to cavern. (The drow hope to frighten away potential Event 6: Bart the Beggar
being too drunk to do anything about it at the time. intruders with such stories.) The beggars scraped up Roleplaying Encounter
Block is easily distracted or bribed with alcohol. enough coins to hire a tiefling arcanist named Ronsi
He wanders off or passes out before he can become to ward the place against the fiend (see event 12). Bart the Beggar accosts the party as they pass a small
useful to any of the characters’ plans. The beggars also tell the party that Scribbler the tent. He pleads for money. If the characters ask any
Scribe helped investigate Shara’s disappearance. The questions related to their search, he tells them about a
Event 3: Headless Elves sage found part of a spider-shaped silver brooch in
the tent’s dirt floor. The beggars give the brooch to
past encounter with a mysterious group.
One evening, as Bart was sleeping in a pile of junk,
Roleplaying Encounter the characters: It is of drow make (DC 16 Arcana, muffled, squabbling voices awakened him. Peering
Dungeoneering, or History check to identify this fact). out, he saw a group of cloaked figures hauling a large
Investigating rumors of headless elves sends the
flat object covered by heavy cloth. They were difficult
characters to the northern cavern. The inhabitants, a
motley collection of human and half-orc thieves, want Event 5: Izzy the Appraiser to see in the dark, but they headed eastward, along
the northern edge of the cavern. The sounds of squab-
no trouble with well-armed strangers. Therefore, Roleplaying Encounter
bling seemed to emanate from the object. (In fact, the
they’re easily convinced to answer questions (DC
object was the cursed mirror, whose captives were
13 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check; +2 to the Izzy, an elderly gnome, is an Undermountain histo-
check per 5 gp offered as a bribe). rian. She lives in a tent along a wall inside the old
Offhandedly, Bart wonders if Izzy the Appraiser
During any exchange, as a roundabout way to ask fenced area. Although she has very poor eyesight, her
(see event 5) knows anything about talking, flat,
for a bribe, the thieves mention that Scribbler the tent is filled with historical tomes.
cloth-covered objects. He can point the characters to
Scribe came poking around, asking questions. The Izzy was Kroto’s closest acquaintance in Down-
Izzy for a “donation” of 5 gp.
thieves humored him, since he was willing to spread shadow, but she knows him as Scribbler the Scribe.
a little coin around. She dropped by Scribbler’s tent unexpectedly last
The thieves took over this cavern a couple of weeks week just as he was taken. Izzy couldn’t make out
ago. While cleaning out one corner, they found the much, but she thought she saw a writhing darkness
elves’ headless bodies. The corpses had obviously envelop Scribbler, only to separate and disappear. She
been rotting there for a few weeks and had nothing turned invisible to avoid detection and fled. She’s con-
useful on them. vinced a shadow monster is devouring spellcasters.
What actually occurred is that the shrouded drow
surrounded Scribbler, blocking him from Izzy’s view.
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What’s Up in Downshadow
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What’s Up in Downshadow
5 Drow Scouts Level 2 Skirmisher bribed. If so, they say that the lair entrance is trapped Tactics: If combat begins, the drow focus on
Medium fey humanoid, drow XP 125 each but don’t divulge the password. escaping but don’t pass up an opportunity to grab
HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +6 someone who obviously knows arcane lore. Kion
AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +6
Speed 6 Darkvision Event 11: Scavenger’s Tent might join the battle on the side that looks likeliest to
Standard Actions Roleplaying Encounter
m Longsword (poison, weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Common Bandit Level 2 Skirmisher
Kion keeps a collection of useful common items, Medium natural humanoid, human XP 125
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and if the target is granting combat
advantage to the scout, ongoing 3 poison damage (save
which he’s willing to sell, at his tent. He is also a spy HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +6
ends). for the drow. Whenever he identifies a useful spell- AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12 Perception +1
Effect: The scout can shift 1 square. caster, Kion passes the name on to his patrons. He Speed 6
m Short Sword (poison, weapon) F At-Will knows they need sages to investigate an artifact they Traits
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC found. Combat Advantage
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, and if the target is granting combat Light: Kion keeps a lantern burning to light his The bandit deals 1d6 extra damage against any creature
advantage to the scout, ongoing 3 poison damage (save granting combat advantage to it.
tent and the nearby area.
ends). Standard Actions
Effect: The scout shifts up to 2 squares.
Monsters: Kion (common bandit). m Mace (weapon) ✦ At-Will
M Two-Weapon Attack F Recharge when first bloodied Lore: The drow visit Kion every few days, and Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Effect: The drow uses longsword and short sword. when they come, they wear hooded cloaks and their Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the bandit can shift 1 square.
Minor Actions elfskin masks. Kion doesn’t know that he’s dealing r Dagger (weapon) ✦ At-Will
C Cloud of Darkness (zone) F Encounter with drow, but he recently figured out the connection Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Effect: Close burst 1. The burst creates a zone that lasts between the masks they wear and the headless elves. Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage, and the bandit can shift 1 square.
until the end of the scout’s next turn. The zone blocks M Dazing Strike (weapon) ✦ Recharge when the attack
Now he’s too terrified of his patrons to flee.
line of sight for all creatures except the scout. While misses
entirely in the zone, any creature other than the scout is
Kion knows of Scribbler and acknowledges that Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
blinded. he “found” a few spell components for the gnome. He Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target is dazed until the end
Skills Stealth +9 subtly asks about any spellcaster he sees in the party, of the bandit’s next turn.
Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (+1) assessing if that person is worth reporting. Kion also Effect: The bandit can shift 1 square.
Con 14 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 13 (+2) tips his patrons to any adventurers he thinks might Skills Stealth +9, Streetwise +7, Thievery +9
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven be on their trail. His doing so could lead to a drow Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (+1)
Equipment leather armor, longsword, short sword Con 13 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)
ambush (see event 10).
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Development: The characters might suspect Kion Equipment leather armor, mace, 4 daggers
Tactics: If spotted while on other business, the is involved in the disappearances and confront him. If
drow try to disappear into the darkness and remain so, they might convince him to let them try to ambush
unidentified. They turn to fight only if cornered or to the drow on their next visit to his tent (DC 20 Diplo-
avoid leading the characters to their lair. macy or Intimidate; DC 13 with offers of protection).
If the drow want to capture a spellcaster, they If the adventurers use this strategy, they don’t have
try to separate that character from the group. The to wait too long before Nolk, a drow scout, arrives to
garroter focuses on knocking that adventurer uncon- talk with Kion. Other drow stealthily surround the
scious and dragging him or her away. tent to protect Nolk. See event 10 for a typical drow
Bloodied drow flee toward their lair but try to lose party. You’re free to use another combination of drow,
pursuers. Captured drow resist interrogation, but they perhaps including a couple of Lolthbound goblins (see
might reveal some details if effectively threatened or event 12).
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What’s Up in Downshadow
Event 12: Seeking a Monster For the first round, the humans are confused and
fight on Ronsi’s side. A successful DC 13 Diplomacy
Tiefling Heretic
Medium natural humanoid
Level 6 Artillery
XP 250
Combat Encounter Level 1–3 (530 XP, or 830 XP HP 60; Bloodied 30 Initiative +8
of Bluff check can persuade them to turn against the
with the Lolthbound goblins) AC 20, Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 18 Perception +6
heretic and the goblins. Otherwise the humans flee
Speed 6 Low-light vision
during the third round.
If the characters investigate the rumors of a demon at Resist 11 fire
Ronsi, who’s in this for the money, tries to get away Standard Actions
the eastern end of the cavern, they come upon a tief-
when he’s bloodied. If captured, he can reveal most m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
ling arcanist named Ronsi as he completes a ritual.
of the story—he feels no loyalty to his employers—and Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC, or +12 vs. AC if
He faces the mouth of the eastern tunnel, which leads
can provide the password for the glyph. Although he the target is bloodied
to the drow lair. Several humans watch over him. Hit: 2d4 + 9 damage.
doesn’t know that Renala and her followers are drow,
Light: Ronsi has an everburning torch, providing r Balefire (fire) F At-Will
he knows they are wearing masks made from the
bright light in the area. Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex, or +12 vs.
skins of elves.
Monsters: Ronsi (tiefling heretic), 5 human goons, Reflex if the target is bloodied
Treasure: Ronsi has 25 gp, a pouch of residuum Hit: 1d8 + 5 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save
2 Lolthbound goblins.
(30 gp), and a magic item of the party’s level + 1. ends).
Trap: Demonweb glyph.
R Serpent Curse (illusion, psychic) F Encounter
Lore: Kion manipulated Shara Shaana’s follow-
Demonweb Glyph Level 2 Trap Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Will, or +12 vs.
ers into hiring Ronsi, one of Renala’s allies, to deter Will if the target is bloodied
Object XP 125
anyone from entering the drow lair. Ronsi reads from Hit: 1d6 + 8 psychic damage, and ongoing 10 psychic
Detect Perception or Arcana DC 9 Initiative —
a ritual scroll given to him by Renala. Ronsi believes damage (save ends).
Immune attacks
the ritual creates a ward designed to hold back the Triggered Actions Triggered Actions
rumored demon. In reality, the ward is a more gen- Infernal Wrath (fire) F Encounter
C Attack (poison, zone)
eral purpose trap—a glyph that hinders traffic to the Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of the heretic hits it
Trigger: A creature enters the warded area without saying
with an attack.
drow lair. (Ronsi’s magical prowess is insufficient to the password.
Effect (Free Action): The triggering enemy takes 1d6 + 5 fire
help Renala with the mirror, but good enough to set Attack: Close burst 3 (creatures in the burst); +5 vs. Reflex
the trap with the aid of the scroll.) Characters can see Hit: 2d6 + 3 poison damage, and the target is slowed
Cloak of Escape (teleportation) F At-Will
(save ends).
the glyph on the cavern floor near the eastern tunnel, Trigger: A melee attack hits the heretic.
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead immobi-
and a secret password (“zavuth”) allows Renala and lized (save ends).
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The heretic teleports up to 5
her drow to move through the tunnel safely. Effect: The glyph creates a zone that lasts until the end
Development: The human guards try to dis- Skills Bluff +13, Insight +11, Stealth +13
of the encounter. All squares in the zone are difficult
Str 15 (+5) Dex 20 (+8) Wis 16 (+6)
courage the characters from approaching the glyph, terrain.
Con 18 (+7) Int 13 (+4) Cha 20 (+8)
because doing so will set off the trap, and neither they Special: Once the glyph is triggered, it disappears and
Alignment any Languages Common
nor Ronsi can reset it. If a character enters the eastern cannot be triggered again.
Equipment dagger
tunnel without speaking the proper command word, Countermeasures
F Disable: Arcana (trained) or Thievery DC 20 (standard
the glyph triggers. If the characters trigger the trap, action). Requirement: The character must be adjacent to
harass Ronsi in any way, or imply he’s doing some- the glyph. Success: The character disables the glyph. Fail-
thing shady, the tiefling heretic attacks them. At the ure (15 or lower): The character triggers the trap.
start of the second round, a pair of Lolthbound gob-
lins enter the cavern from the drow lair to attack the
adventurers (whispering the secret password to avoid
triggering the glyph).
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
What’s Up in Downshadow
2 Lolthbound Goblins Level 3 Soldier 5 Human Goons Level 2 Minion Soldier Read:
Small natural humanoid, goblin XP 150 each Medium natural humanoid XP 31 each This shadowy cavern has a small lamp in its center, the
HP 45; Bloodied 22 Initiative +6 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +3 light of which reflects off a 6-foot-tall mirror. It is 3 feet
AC 19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +3 AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 11, Will 11 Perception +2 across, set in an elaborate, 12-inch-wide bronze frame
Speed 6 Darkvision Speed 6
adorned with spiders. Set into the weathered frame are
Traits Traits
Drow Inspiration Mob Rule
square tiles, nine of which feature detailed bas-reliefs of
While within 5 squares of a drow ally, the goblin gains a +2 While at least two other human goons are within 5 squares drow heads, one per tile.
power bonus to attack rolls and all defenses. of the goon, it gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses. Along the walls are several dark chests. A few sacks are
Standard Actions Standard Actions also scattered about, all stained dark with some substance.
m War Pick (weapon) F At-Will m Club (weapon) F At-Will The faint odor of rot lingers in the air, mixed with the scent
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC of lamp oil.
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage, or 3d8 + 2 damage if the goblin Hit: 5 damage.
scores a critical hit, and the target is marked until the end Str 14 (+3) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 12 (+2)
of the goblin’s next turn. Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 13 (+2)
If the monsters are alert, read:
M Stinging Blow (poison, weapon) F Encounter Alignment unaligned Languages Common A low growl sounds in the darkness as a gaunt, tentacled
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Equipment club panther the size of a pony pads closer to the lamp. Along-
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage, or 3d8 + 2 damage if the goblin side the beast is a female drow in elaborate robes made of
scores a critical hit, and any ongoing poison damage the chainmail and dark leather. A mace hangs at her hip.
target is taking increases by 5. Drow Lair Her palms raised to show they are empty, she says,
C Lolthbound Shriek (thunder) F Encounter Combat Encounter Level 3–6 (775+ XP) “Why have you come here, surfacers?”
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast that are not
drow, goblins, or spiders); +6 vs. Fortitude
A few other humanoids lurk in the shadows.
Monsters here are alerted if they hear sounds of
Hit: 2d10 thunder damage.
Triggered Actions combat to the west (see event 12), or if returning If the monsters are surprised, read:
Drow Protector ✦ At-Will kidnappers sound a warning. Otherwise, if the char- A gaunt, tentacled panther the size of a pony lounges near
Trigger: A melee or ranged attack hits or misses an adjacent acters are exceedingly stealthy (DC 21 group Stealth the lamp. Reclining against the beast’s flank is a female
drow ally. check), they achieve surprise. drow in elaborate robes made of chainmail and dark
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering attack targets Light: Dark at the cave entrance, but a small lamp leather. A mace hangs at her hip.
the goblin instead. provides dim light for the displacer beast inside.
Goblin Tactics ✦ At-Will
A few other humanoids lurk in the shadows.
Monsters: Renala (drow acolyte), pet displacer
Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
beast, 2 drow scouts, 2 Lolthbound goblins, and pos- Describe Renala’s other allies as you wish.
Str 14 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) sibly Pel (drow informant). If the Lolthbound goblins Development: If given the chance, Renala tries
Con 13 (+2) Int 8 (+0) Cha 9 (+0) were killed during event 12, they are not here. to bargain. She admits to killing Kroto but claims to
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven, Goblin be willing to leave the area and hand over his bones
Equipment leather armor, war pick
(as well as those of the other abductees) if the charac-
ters help free the prisoners in the mirror. She has no
intention of upholding her end of the deal, though.
If the characters agree, they face an almost impos-
sible challenge to overcome the artifact’s magic. Each
attempt to free a drow requires a DC 31 Arcana
check. If Izzy the Appraiser is with the party, her
knowledge of the mirror’s history grants a +10 bonus
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
What’s Up in Downshadow
to this check. The first time they succeed on this Drow Acolyte Level 4 Controller (Leader) Pet Displacer Beast Level 4 Elite Skirmisher
check, Pel is released. Renala attacks the characters Medium fey humanoid, drow XP 175 Large fey magical beast XP 350
after he is free, and Pel joins the fight on her side. HP 54; Bloodied 27 Initiative +3 HP 110; Bloodied 55 Initiative +8
Muiral’s Mirror: The portal is semifunctional. AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 16 Perception +5 AC 18, Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +9
Speed 6 Darkvision Speed 10 Low-light vision
It works properly, transporting those who use it to
Traits Traits
Muiral’s Gauntlet, only for those who hold Muiral’s O Lolth’s Favor F Aura 2 Displacement (illusion)
spell key. (Renala does not have that item, but the Spider allies and drow allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to When a melee or a ranged attack hits the displacer beast,
characters might discover it on a later quest.) damage rolls against enemies in the aura. if the player rolled an odd number on the attack roll, the
If any creature other than a drow tries to enter the Standard Actions attack misses. If the player rolled an even number on the
portal, that creature is expelled and falls prone in m Mace (weapon) F At-Will attack roll, the attack hits, and the beast loses this trait
the space it attempted to leave. Any drow that enters Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC until the start of its next turn.
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage, and the target grants combat advan- Threatening Reach
is instead imprisoned in a strange extradimensional
tage until it leaves Renala’s aura (save ends). The displacer beast can make opportunity attacks against
space, and a bas-relief image of its head appears on R Pain Strand (poison) F At-Will enemies within 2 squares of it.
the mirror frame. A trapped drow can sense its sur- Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Standard Actions
roundings and speak as if poking its head outside the Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage, ongoing 5 poison damage, and the m Tentacle F At-Will
mirror. target is immobilized (save ends both). Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Each of the nine heads on the mirror frame is Minor Actions Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.
that of a drow captive. Touching a head compels it to R Strengthen Poison (poison) F Recharge if this power m Bite F At-Will
misses Attack: Melee 1 (one creature granting combat advantage
speak its name and reason for entering the portal. It
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature taking ongoing poison to the displacer beast); +9 vs. AC
must be persuaded to discuss anything else (DC 22 damage); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d12 + 5 damage.
Diplomacy or Intimidate check; credible promises of Hit: The ongoing poison damage increases by 5, and the M Cunning Blitz F At-Will
release can reduce the difficulty to 15). target is weakened (save ends both). Effect: The displacer beast shifts up to half its speed. At
While the characters battle Renala, the heads yell R Darkfire F Encounter any point during that movement, it can make two basic
insults at them. Most of the prisoners are insane from Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex attacks.
their long imprisonment and scream incoherently. Hit: Until the end of Renala’s next turn, the target grants Triggered Actions
combat advantage and cannot benefit from invisibility or Shifting Tactics F At-Will
Pel is still sane, and he repeatedly begs for release
concealment. Trigger: An attack misses the displacer beast.
from the mirror. R Pain Link (healing) F Encounter Effect (Free Action): The displacer beast shifts 1 square.
Effect: Ranged 5 (one spider ally or drow ally); the target Skills Stealth +11
takes 10 damage and Renala regains 10 hit points. Str 17 (+5) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 15 (+4)
Skills Arcana +10, Intimidate +10, Religion +10 Con 15 (+4) Int 6 (+0) Cha 10 (+2)
Str 10 (+2) Dex 13 (+3) Wis 16 (+5) Alignment evil Languages —
Con 14 (+4) Int 16 (+5) Cha 16 (+5)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven
Equipment chainmail, mace
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
What’s Up in Downshadow
2 Drow Scouts Level 2 Skirmisher 2 Lolthbound Goblins Level 3 Soldier Drow Informant Level 6 Lurker
Medium fey humanoid, drow XP 125 each Small natural humanoid, goblin XP 150 each Medium fey humanoid, drow XP 250
HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +6 HP 45; Bloodied 22 Initiative +6 HP 60; Bloodied 30 Initiative +12
AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +6 AC 19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +3 AC 20, Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 17 Perception +10
Speed 6 Darkvision Speed 6 Darkvision Speed 6 Darkvision
Standard Actions Traits Standard Actions
m Longsword (poison, weapon) F At-Will Drow Inspiration m Dagger F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC While within 5 squares of a drow ally, the goblin gains a +2 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and if the target is granting combat power bonus to attack rolls and all defenses. Hit: 2d4 + 9 damage.
advantage to the scout, ongoing 3 poison damage (save Standard Actions Vanish into Thin Air F Recharge 4 5 6
ends). m War Pick (weapon) F At-Will Effect: The informant becomes invisible, then shifts up to
Effect: The drow can shift 1 square. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC 3 squares. It remains invisible until the end of its next
m Short Sword (poison, weapon) F At-Will Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage, or 3d8 + 2 damage if the goblin turn or until immediately after it attacks. If the invisible
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC scores a critical hit, and the target is marked until the end informant’s next attack hits, the target takes 2d8 extra
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, and if the target is granting combat of the goblin’s next turn. damage, and it is dazed until the end of its next turn.
advantage to the scout, ongoing 3 poison damage (save M Stinging Blow (poison, weapon) F Encounter Minor Actions
ends). Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC C Cloud of Darkness (zone) F Encounter
Effect: The drow can shift up to 2 squares. Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage, or 3d8 + 2 damage if the goblin Effect: Close burst 1. The burst creates a zone that lasts
M Two-Weapon Attack F Recharge when first bloodied scores a critical hit, and any ongoing poison damage the until the end of the informant’s next turn. The zone
Effect: The scout uses longsword and short sword. target is taking increases by 5. blocks line of sight for all creatures except the informant.
Minor Actions C Lolthbound Shriek (thunder) F Encounter While entirely in the zone, any creature other than the
C Cloud of Darkness (zone) F Encounter Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast that are not informant is blinded.
Effect: Close burst 1. The burst creates a zone that lasts drow, goblins, or spiders); +6 vs. Fortitude Skills Acrobatics +13, Bluff +11, Stealth +13, Thievery +13
until the end of the scout’s next turn. The zone blocks Hit: 2d10 thunder damage. Str 16 (+6) Dex 20 (+8) Wis 14 (+5)
line of sight for all creatures except the scout. While Triggered Actions Con 18 (+7) Int 16 (+6) Cha 16 (+6)
entirely in the zone, any creature other than the scout is Drow Protector ✦ At-Will Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven
blinded. Trigger: An melee or ranged attack hits or misses an adja- Equipment black cloak, dagger
Skills Stealth +9 cent drow ally.
Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (+1) Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering attack targets
Con 14 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 13 (+2) the goblin instead.
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven Goblin Tactics ✦ At-Will
Equipment leather armor, longsword, short sword Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
Str 14 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 13 (+2) Int 8 (+0) Cha 9 (+0)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven, Goblin
Equipment leather armor, war pick
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
What’s Up in Downshadow
William O’Connor
Mike Schley
Publishing Production
Angie Lokotz
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
The Sword Collector
By Michael E. Shea
Illustration by Jim Nelson
Cartography by Jason A. Engle
TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
The Sword Collector
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
The Sword Collector
When the encounter begins, read: Ancient Balhannoth (B) Level 25 Elite Lurker 3 Elder Hook Horrors (H) Level 23 Soldier
As you step into this chamber, which is lit by glowing mush- Large aberrant magical beast (blind) XP 14,000 Large natural beast XP 5,100 each
rooms, a deep tremor vibrates the ground. In the room’s HP 352; Bloodied 176 Initiative +23 HP 219; Bloodied 109 Initiative +20
center, a pool of blue liquid lies pulses with strange light AC 39, Fortitude 36, Reflex 37, Will 38 Perception +26 AC 39, Fortitude 36, Reflex 35, Will 34 Perception +16
Speed 5, climb 5 (spider climb) Blindsight 10 Speed 6, climb 6 Blindsight 10
and quivers with oily ripples.
Immune blinded, gaze; Resist 15 acid Standard Actions
Perception or Nature DC 27: Slime covers the Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 m Hooked Claw ✦ At-Will
walls, likely making unaided climbing tricky. The Traits Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +28 vs. AC
pool is causing some surrounding rock to dissolve. O Antimagic Field ✦ Aura 3 Hit: 3d8 + 18 damage, and the target is grabbed (escape
Perception or Nature DC 37: The character Any enemy zone has no effect within the aura. Each enemy DC 27).
spots the balhannoth before the creature attacks, so in the aura takes a –4 penalty to all defenses. M Fling ✦ Recharge 5 6
the monsters gain no surprise round. Aberrant Recovery Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +26 vs. Fortitude
Whenever the balhannoth starts its turn, it can attempt Hit: 4d12 + 20 damage, the hook horror slides the target
one saving throw. Whenever the balhannoth ends its turn, up to 5 squares, and the target falls prone.
When the balhannoth attacks, read: any dazing, stunning, or dominating effect on it ends. Triggered Actions
Tentacles burst forth from thin air, pulling behind them Standard Actions M Reflexive Claw ✦ At-Will
a bloated beast of chaos and madness. From side caves m Tentacle ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy willingly moves while within 2 squares
emerge three bone-skinned creatures with enormous Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +30 vs. AC of the hook horror.
hooked blades for arms. Hit: 3d8 + 20 damage. Effect (Opportunity Action): The hook horror uses hooked
C Tentacle Lash ✦ At-Will claw against the triggering enemy.
Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +30 vs. AC Skills Acrobatics +23, Athletics +23
Ledges: Each ledge is 10 feet above the floor
Hit: 3d8 + 12 damage, and the balhannoth slides the target Str 24 (+18) Dex 24 (+18) Wis 20 (+16)
below it. Slime covers the walls, making them diffi- up to 3 squares to another space in the burst. Con 27 (+19) Int 4 (+8) Cha 14 (+13)
cult to climb (DC 30 Athletics). Failure by 5 or more Minor Actions Alignment unaligned Languages —
means the creature falls prone in the square from M Acidic Maw (acid) ✦ At-Will
which he or she attempted the climb. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature granting combat advantage
Weird Pool: Any creature other than an aberrant to the balhannoth); +30 vs. AC
that enters or starts its turn in the pool takes 15 acid Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and ongoing 15 acid damage (save
and poison damage. A creature can take this damage
Move Actions Routing the Hook
only once per turn. Reality Distortion (teleportation) ✦ Recharge 4 5 6
Tactics: The balhannoth uses reality distortion to Effect: The balhannoth teleports up to 10 squares and Horrors
position itself for the best use of tentacle lash, striking becomes invisible until it hits or misses with an attack or If you find the battle drags on or the party is too
from invisibility. It telepathically controls the hook until the end of its next turn.
focused on the hook horrors, you can allow characters
horrors, directing them against apparent leaders, Skills Stealth +24
Str 22 (+18) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 28 (+21)
to make a DC 27 Insight check or Nature check as a
controllers, and ranged strikers. It also sends horrors free action. Anyone who succeeds recognizes that
Con 20 (+17) Int 11 (+12) Cha 16 (+15)
after characters on the ledges. the balhannoth is commanding the hook horrors (see
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Deep Speech
When the balhannoth is first bloodied, it lets out “Conclusion”). If it is defeated, the beasts should flee.
a telepathic screech that enrages the hook horrors, This knowledge gives the players an opportunity to
giving them a –2 penalty to all defenses and a +10 end the first stage of the battle more quickly.
power bonus to damage rolls. If two hook horrors are
killed, the balhannoth goes berserk, taking a –2 pen-
alty to all defenses and gaining a +5 power bonus to
damage rolls.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
The Sword Collector
Conclusion: When the balhannoth dies, it emits Deep Bulette Level 25 Elite Skirmisher
a psychic scream that sends the hook horrors flee- Huge natural beast XP 14,000
ing headlong to the nearest exit. Once a hook horror Short Rest? HP 468; Bloodied 234 Initiative +18
leaves the map, it quickly disappears into the Deeps. AC 39, Fortitude 39, Reflex 35, Will 37 Perception +19
Properly tuning an epic-tier battle can be difficult. Speed 8, burrow 8 Darkvision, tremorsense 20
If you find that the first stage of the encounter is Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
When the balhannoth dies, read: too challenging for your group, you can allow the Traits
The balhannoth lets out a dreadful cry that tears through characters a short rest before the second begins Ground Eruption
your mind before it falls. A humming from above grows (representing regained confidence after defeating the The squares of ground the bulette burrows into or
louder, while the ground begins to rumble. A beautiful balhannoth). This rest is more a quick breather than emerges from become difficult terrain until the end of the
sword slowly rises out of the glowing pool, darting about as encounter.
a full 5-minute pause. Standard Actions
though wielded by an invisible hand, and a strange cloud If you allow the group to rest, you should modify m Bite ✦ At-Will
begins to rise from the mushrooms that cover the f loor. the read-aloud text at the end of stage 1 to fit the Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +30 vs. AC
From above dives a human-sized creature with a blue- circumstances. Perhaps the buzzing sound and the Hit: 5d8 + 11 damage, or 8d8 + 11 damage against a prone
tinged exoskeleton and large wings resembling those of a rumbling ground are faint to begin with, or the sword target.
dragonfly. Its arm ends in a curved bony blade, and it chal- does not appear immediately. The mushrooms do not M Leaping Bite ✦ At-Will
lenges you with a terrible buzzing voice. begin to release their spores until the Sword Collector Effect: The bulette jumps up to 7 squares and can use bite
at any point during the movement. This movement does
shows up. not provoke opportunity attacks.
Stage 2: The Sword C Rising Burst ✦ At-Will
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
The Sword Collector
The Sword Collector Level 25 Elite Skirmisher Collector’s Dancing Sword Level 23 Hazard
Medium aberrant humanoid XP 14,000 Object XP 5,100
HP 460; Bloodied 230 Initiative +23 Detect automatic Initiative +19 Alternative Approaches
AC 39, Fortitude 36, Reflex 38, Will 37 Perception +21 Immune attacks
Speed 6, fly 12 (hover) Low-light vision Traits At the epic tier, characters can easily fly, teleport,
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 Opportunistic Blade phase, or find other creative ways to travel. It’s pos-
Standard Actions The sword can make opportunity attacks. sible that the party might bypass the slow-moving
m Armblade ✦ At-Will Standard Actions balhannoth and hook horrors and take the fight to
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +30 vs. AC m Attack ✦ At-Will
the Sword Collector in its nesting spire.
Hit: 3d8 + 20 damage, or 6d8 + 44 damage if the Sword Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +28 vs. AC
Collector scores a critical hit. Hit: 3d8 + 18 damage.
In this event, the swordwing is still aware of the
M Flyby Slash ✦ At-Will Move Actions intruders’ presence through the balhannoth’s tele-
Effect: The Sword Collector flies up to its speed and uses Move ✦ At-Will pathic senses. If the adventurers assault its nest, it
armblade twice at any point during this movement. It Effect: The sword flies up to 6 squares. It can hover. tries to get close to ground level so that it can call
doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when moving away Countermeasures the deep bulette to its aid, along with the monsters
from any target of one of these attacks. ✦ Delay: Arcana DC 37 (minor action). Requirement: The already there.
Triggered Actions character attempting the skill check must be within 5
M Twisting Slash (teleportation) ✦ Recharge when first squares of the sword. Success: The sword cannot attack
bloodied until the end of its next turn. Failure (32 or lower): As a
Trigger: An enemy within 7 squares of the Sword Collector free action, the sword flies up to 6 squares and attacks
Sword Collection
hits it with an attack. the character.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Sword Collector teleports ✦ Parry: Athletics or Acrobatics DC 37 (minor action).
up to 5 squares and uses armblade against the triggering Requirement: The character attempting the skill check
enemy. must be adjacent to the sword. Success: The character The prize of the Sword Collector’s hoard is Alaventa,
Arcane Harmonics ✦ Recharge 5 6 pushes the sword up to 3 squares. Failure (32 or lower): a named +5 dancing sword that the swordwing called
Trigger: The Sword Collector starts its turn dazed, domi- As a free action, the sword attacks the character. forth to defend the lair. The blade is of elven make.
nated, immobilized, restrained, stunned, or weakened. Two other powerful swords are also part of the col-
Effect (No Action): The Sword Collector ends the triggering lection. A list of eight possible candidates is provided
condition and instead grants combat advantage until the
start of its next turn.
Concluding the here. You can choose two or determine them ran-
domly by rolling a d8 twice. The first three of these
Skills Stealth +26, Arcana +22
Str 24 (+19) Dex 28 (+21) Wis 18 (+16)
A dventure weapons are described in the Player’s Handbook® and
Con 22 (+18) Int 20 (+17) Cha 26 (+20) the others in Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Emporium™.
The battle ends when the characters defeat the Sword
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
Collector. Upon its death, the mushrooms stop releas-
1. +5 flaming sword
ing spores, the dancing sword drops, and the deep
2. +5 lifedrinker sword
bulette dives into the ground and escapes.
3. +5 dragonslayer sword
With all the chamber’s threats defeated, the party
4. +5 greater luckblade
is free to examine the Sword Collector’s treasure.
5. +5 lifestealer sword
The collection lies at the bottom of the pool, which is
6. +5 sword of defense
highly corrosive to flesh. Characters need to come up
7. +5 sword of submission
with a creative means of retrieval.
8. +5 giantslayer sword
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
The Sword Collector
Greg Bilsland, Stan!
Art Director
Kate Irwin
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Denizens of the
By Michael E. Shea
Illustration by Ben Wootten
Imagine a corner of a dusty cellar. Moving closer, you see Husks of Titans: Deep in the Demonweb lie the
the walls draped by endless layers of spider webs, within remains of gods and primordials killed and forgotten
which are shrouded the husks of dead insects, strands of foul in the aftermath of the Dawn War. The most chaotic
mold, and other rot. Move closer, and you see each strand and dangerous denizens of the Demonweb dwell
of this web as though it were a silvery path. Now imagine within these dead shells. Lolth discards her prisoners
tiny specks on that path, all of them moving slowly, lost, not and vanquished enemies among such detritus. Each
knowing from where they came or what destination they time she does so, she smiles, because life in such a
hope to find. That group of specks? That’s you and your place is a far worse fate than death.
companions—if you are ever so unfortunate as to be trapped
in the Demonweb.
TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Denizens of the Demonweb
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Denizens of the Demonweb
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Denizens of the Demonweb
Lolthtouched Demonbinder Level 27 Controller Yochlol Queen’s Guard Level 28 Soldier guards exist across the multiverse, and all of them
Medium fey humanoid (demon), drow XP 11,000 Medium elemental humanoid (demon) XP 13,000 stay close to their mistress. In rare circumstances,
HP 247; Bloodied 123 Initiative +17 HP 250; Bloodied 125 Initiative +21 Lolth might send a queen’s guard as an escort on a
AC 41, Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 41 Perception +20 AC 44, Fortitude 38, Reflex 40, Will 44 Perception +27 mission of vital importance. The queen’s guards never
Speed 6, fly 5 Darkvision Speed 6, teleport 6 Darkvision
speak, but they can communicate telepathically. With
Traits Immune charm, fear, poison; Resist 15 psychic
O Cunning Deception F Aura 2 Standard Actions
each other and with Lolth, they can do so regard-
Enemies in the aura take a –2 penalty to all defenses. m Tentacle (poison, psychic) F At-Will less of distance and impediments, including planar
Standard Actions Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +31 vs. Reflex boundaries.
m Abyssal Blade (fear, weapon) F At-Will Hit: 4d8 + 9 poison and psychic damage, and the target is Formed From the Heart of Chaos: The yochlol
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +32 vs. AC slowed (save ends). queen’s guards are formed in a pool of raw chaos
Hit: 3d8 + 22 damage. M Tentacle Fury F At-Will and elemental matter in the depths of the Demon-
Effect: The demonbinder slides the target up to 2 squares. Effect: The yochlol uses tentacle three times. If two of these
web Pits, Lolth’s dark lair at the deepest heart of the
R Claws of the Glabrezu F At-Will attacks hit the same target, that target is also restrained
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +30 vs. Fortitude until the end of the yochlol’s next turn.
Demonweb. The dark priestesses of the Spider Queen
Hit: 2d12 + 22 damage, and the target is restrained (save Minor Actions use a single mortal soul as the catalyst for the forma-
ends). C Servant of the Queen F At-Will tion of a yochlol queen’s guard. The process tortures
M Blades of the Marilith F Encounter Effect: Close burst 5 (one ally); the target transfers an effect the soul for hundreds of years, leaving only undying
Effect: The demonbinder uses abyssal blade four times and that a save can end to the yochlol. loyalty to the will of Lolth.
can shift 1 square after each attack. Triggered Actions
C Screech of the Vrock (fear, psychic) F Recharge 5 6 M Guard the Queen F At-Will
Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +30 vs. Will Trigger: An enemy within 2 squares of the yochlol makes an
Hit: 3d8 + 22 psychic damage, and the demonbinder attack that does not include the yochlol as a target.
pushes the target up to 5 squares. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The yochlol uses tentacle twice
Miss: The demonbinder pushes the target up to 2 squares. against the triggering enemy. If both attacks hit, the Lolth’s Twisted Web
Move Actions enemy is also restrained until the end of the yochlol’s Among all the villains an adventuring party might
Demon Gate (teleportation) F Recharge when first bloodied next turn.
face, Lolth is unique in her dedication to deception.
Effect: The demonbinder teleports up to 10 squares. Skills Intimidate +28, Religion +25
Skills Bluff +27, Diplomacy +27, Insight +25 Str 18 (+18) Dex 21 (+19) Wis 26 (+22)
High-level characters and experienced players know
Str 20 (+18) Dex 18 (+17) Wis 25 (+20) Con 18 (+18) Int 22 (+20) Cha 28 (+23) that every word the Spider Queen speaks serves
Con 23 (+19) Int 23 (+19) Cha 28 (+22) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven, her interests. Even so, Lolth rarely engages in direct
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven telepathy 20 trickery, knowing that the most insidious way to
betray ambitious adventurers is to tell them the truth.
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Denizens of the Demonweb
J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ga shed T high G u t Wo u n d Concussion
Whenever you move more than 2 Whenever you make a saving throw Before you roll initiative at the start
squares on foot during a turn, make against ongoing damage, unless of each encounter, you can choose
a saving throw at the end of that you choose to take a –2 penalty to to delay until at least one enemy
movement to avoid falling prone. the roll, you gain vulnerable 5 to has taken its turn. If you do not, you
If you are already allowed saving damage of that type until the end of take a –2 penalty to the first attack
throws to avoid falling prone, you gain your next turn. roll you make on each of your turns
a +2 bonus to the roll. until the end of the encounter.
©2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC
On a failure, you fall unconscious until the start
of your next turn or until you take damage.
until the start of your next turn.
until the start of your next turn. roll, you cannot use immediate actions
ignore the effects of this minor injury you choose to take a –2 penalty to the
spend a minor action on your turn to skill check, or ability check, unless
concealment against you. You can Wisdom-, or Charisma-based attack,
All creatures have partial Whenever you make an Intelligence-,
Fa c e S l a s h Bl ackouts
Cr ack e d Sp i n e S uck i ng C h e st W o u n d Gushing A rt ery
Whenever you fail a Strength- or You are dazed during the first Whenever you take damage in an
Dexterity-based skill check or ability turn of each encounter. If you are encounter, you are considered to
check, or miss with a Strength- or allowed a saving throw to end this be bloodied for that encounter,
Dexterity-based attack, you are regardless of your hit point total,