Ques. Prototype
Ques. Prototype
Ques. Prototype
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You already know that fast human insight is key to building a great customer experience. Whether
you’re creating a website, mobile app, landing page, or other product, testing can happen at any stage
of the design cycle. Despite this, many companies still begin the process of gathering customer insight
much later than they should. No matter what you’re creating, prototype testing can—and should—
happen early and often in your development cycle.
When it comes to prototypes, you can test anything. Have an idea on a cocktail napkin? Test it. Not sure
about product-market fit? Try it out on your target audience first. If ever there should be a cardinal rule
to creating great experiences, it would be to test first, design and build after (then test again).
If you think it sounds odd to test something before it’s fully baked, you’re not alone. Many companies
wait until their offering is fully developed before they test it, and suffer the consequences of rework, or
worse, building something their customers don’t want.
Prototype testing enables you to assure that your design is going in the right direction and that you
address any essential features or flaws before you write even one line of code. Redesigning a prototype
is a lot easier—and less expensive—than reworking a finished product. You’ll save your budget and your
sanity by testing right from the start.
No matter what stage you’re in, there are ways to create a prototype you can test. You can start with
just a sketch on a post-it, or use one of the many prototyping tools available to bring your idea to life.
Once you have your prototype ready, make sure you’re asking yourself these questions as you begin—
and continue to—test.
What is a prototype?
The best way to think about prototypes is that they’re a representation of a finished product. Prototypes
are a way for designers and developers to test the flow, interaction, content, and general feasibility and
usability of a product before building and designing a fully-functioning product.
Or, for a more formal definition, here’s the Nielsen Norman Group’s perspective,
A user interface prototype is a hypothesis—a candidate design solution that you consider for a specific
design problem. The most straightforward way to test this hypothesis is to watch users work with it.
Despite how much functionality or design a prototype may have, it’s not meant to be the final product.
Some features won’t work, and the design and copy likely won’t be finalized. Prototypes are not
intended to be pixel-perfect.
Concept validation
Can your target market think of another product that does something similar?
What devices do users imagine themselves using when they interact with this product?
When you’re ready to move beyond the cocktail napkin, it’s time to start wireframing—this is when your
ideas start taking their first steps. While these are not interactive or functional, they still illustrate the
intention and flow, which is an essential process in the design phase.
Be sure you’re asking these questions to keep your project moving in the right direction:
Before users even look at the wireframe or prototype, what would they expect to be able to do with it?
How would they expect it to look?
Once you show them the prototype, do users understand what it does?
If users had a magic wand, what would they change about the product?
How likely or unlikely would they be to use this product once it’s finished?
Hi-fi prototypes
Hi-fi prototypes
Once you’ve worked through the kinks with the concept and design and iterated until you’re close, the
hi-fi prototype is born. This will be a semi-functional facsimile of the intended result. It should be
interactive and do pretty much everything it’s supposed to; it just won’t have the shiny new-product feel
to it.
Focus on these questions to make sure you’re addressing any lingering concept, flow, or basic usability
What’s the first thing users would want to do on this product? Can they do that?
When they explore the product, do they become confused at any point?
Does the information architecture and navigation make sense? (Can users find what they’re looking
Does your target market feel like this product was designed for them?
What, if anything, would make your users want to use this product frequently?
How likely or unlikely would they be to recommend the finished product to a friend?
How would they describe this product using their own words?
At this point, your cocktail napkin has grown up into a respectable, functional member of the
community. While your testing days aren’t over, you’ve taken the important first steps that will save you
time, money, and sanity by evaluating your idea from the start.
User testing a prototype is a bit different than testing a finished product. Make sure you inform test
participants before the test—or even better, in the screening process—that they’ll be testing a
prototype that’s not fully functional.
It’s also a good idea to run moderated tests if you can. While you can conduct unmoderated tests with
prototypes, chances are your participants will have questions and some tasks will require more
explanation and guidance, so having a moderator present will help you get the best feedback.
Additionally, remember that testing shouldn’t stop once your product ships. Your test plan should not
only confirm that your insights from prototyping worked out the way you expected, but watch for
additional opportunities to optimize and improve the user experience that you couldn’t test during
The complete guide to user testing your websites, apps, and prototypes
Customer insights and product development process: How continuous, remote human insights help
build better experiences
User research and product development – Q&A with NerdWallet’s Head of User Research, Jeff Gurr
Want to learn more?
Learn more about Product Insight, UserTesting’s app designed for the unique needs of product teams, or
watch our on-demand webinar, How to make great products in real time using fast customer feedback.
To learn how UserTesting can help you understand your customers through on-demand human insight,
contact us here.
Uncover the best ways to gather actionable insights from discovery, prototypes, to post-launch.
About the author: Jennifer is a Senior Content Strategist for UserTesting. When she's not dreaming up
new ways to connect with audiences, you can find her traveling around the world or enjoying a glass of
wine with friends.
How Canva uses a blend of UX and functional bug data to improve global customer experience
Executive alignment drives customer-centricity: insights from a C-level strategist
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