Design Cases Study... Ethiopia

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JUNE 2004





JUNE 2004



In response to a request from the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic

of Ethiopia, the Government of Japan decided to conduct a basic design study on the
Project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road Phase III and entrusted the study to the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

JICA sent to Ethiopia a study team from October 26 to December 10, 2003.

The team held discussions with the officials concerned of the Government of
Ethiopia, and conducted a field study at the study area. After the team returned to Japan,
further studies were made. Then, a mission was sent to Ethiopia in order to discuss a
draft basic design, and as this result, the present report was finalized.

I hope that this report will contribute to the promotion of the project and to the
enhancement of friendly relations between our two countries.

I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the officials concerned of the

Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for their close cooperation
extended to the teams.

June, 2004

Sadako Ogata
Japan International Cooperation Agency
June, 2001

Letter of Transmittal

We are pleased to submit to you the basic design study report on the Project for
Rehabilitation of Trunk Road Phase III in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
This study was conducted by the joint venture between Oriental Consultants
Company Limited and Japan Engineering Consultants Company Limited, under a
contract to JICA, during the period from October 2003 to June 2004. In conducting the
study, we have examined the feasibility and rationale of the project with due
consideration to the present situation of Ethiopia and formulated the most appropriate
basic design for the project under Japan’s grant aid scheme.

Finally, we hope that this report will contribute to further promotion of the project.

Very truly yours,

Masaaki Tatsumi

Chief Consultant,
Basic design study team on
The Project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road
Phase III
The joint venture between
Oriental Consultants Company Limited and
Japan Engineering Consultants Company Limited

Project Road
Debre Markos

Goha Tsiyon



List of Tables and Figures
[List of Tables]

Chapter 2
Table 2.2.1 Current Traffic Volume (Design Standard Traffic Volume) ······························ 2-8
Table 2.2.2 Rate of Increase in Future Traffic Volumes ······················································· 2-8
Table 2.2.3 Traffic Volume for the Project Road in 2028 ······················································ 2-9
Table 2.2.4 Ethiopia National Highway Geometric Standards ················································ 2-9
Table 2.2.5 Road Width Regulations in Ethiopia ···································································· 2-10
Table 2.2.6 Geometric Standards for the Project Road ·························································· 2-10
Table 2.2.7 Comparison of Road Width for Escarpments ····················································· 2-13
Table 2.2.8 Important Characteristics and Countermeasures in Pavement Structure ············ 2-16
Table 2.2.9 Drainage Scale Calculation Standard ································································ 2-17
Table 2.2.10 Main Countermeasures ······················································································· 2-19
Table 2.2.11 Procurement List of Major Materials ································································· 2-25
Table 2.2.12 Possible Travel Velocity and Section Length ······················································· 2-32
Table 2.2.13 Road Realignment Plan (1/2) ············································································· 2-33
Table 2.2.14 Road Realignment Plan (2/2) ············································································· 2-33
Table 2.2.15 Width Composition for Gorge Sections
(revise cutting gradient and applicable length) ·················································· 2-36
Table 2.2.16 Road Width Composition Map ··········································································· 2-37
Table 2.2.17 Adopted Wheel Loads ························································································ 2-39
Table 2.2.18 Road Class by Case ···························································································· 2-39
Table 2.2.19 CBR Survey Results ··························································································· 2-40
Table 2.2.20 Adopted Design CBR ························································································· 2-40
Table 2.2.21 Required SN Value Based on CBR and Design Wheel Load ··························· 2-41
Table 2.2.22 Equivalent Conversion Factor of Materials ······················································· 2-41
Table 2.2.23 Total Length by Pavement Specification ··························································· 2-42
Table 2.2.24 Classification of Pavement Structure Specifications(1/2) ··································· 2-44
Table 2.2.25 Classification of Pavement Structure Specifications(2/2) ·································· 2-45
Table 2.2.26 Summary of Quantities for Drainage Facilities ·················································· 2-46
Table 2.2.27 List of Different Types of Drainage Facilities (1/3) ·········································· 2-46
Table 2.2.28 List of Different Types of Drainage Facilities (2/3) ·········································· 2-47
Table 2.2.29 List of Different Types of Drainage Facilities (3/3) ·········································· 2-48
Table 2.2.30 Calculation Sheet for Roadside Ditch Quantities ············································· 2-49


Table 2.2.31 Calculation Sheet for Traffic Safety Facilities ···················································· 2-50
Table 2.2.32 Calculation Sheet for Slope Protection Facilities·················································· 2-50
Table 2.2.33 Outline of Bridge Plan ······················································································· 2-51
Table 2.2.34 Unit Weight by Material Type ·········································································· 2-53
Table 2.2.35 Maximum Wind Velocity (Debre Markos Meteorological Observatory) ········· 2-54
Table 2.2.36 Incremental Factors by Load Combination ······················································ 2-56
Table 2.2.37 Bridge Location and Length················································································ 2-58
Table 2.2.38 Comparison Table on Bridge Type Selection······················································ 2-62
Table 2.2.39 Comparison Table on Superstructure Type for the Curve Section······················· 2-64
Table 2.2.40 Work Procedure for Pavement Work ································································ 2-113
Table 2.2.41 List of Public Facilities to be Relocated ···························································· 2-120
Table 2.2.42 Candidate Places of Camp, Office and Construction Yards ······························· 2-121
Table 2.2.43 Procurement List of Major Construction Machinery for the Project ·················· 2-126
Table 2.2.44 Procurement Sources of Major Materials ···························································· 2-129
Table 2.2.45 Quality Control Method (1/2) ··········································································· 2-132
Table 2.2.46 Quality Control Method (2/2) ············································································· 2-133
Table 2.2.47 Progress control standard ···················································································· 2-134
Table 2.2.48 Implementation Schedule···················································································· 2-137
Table 2.4.1 Approximate Project Costs ··············································································· 2-142
Table 2.4.2 Approximate Costs to be borne by Ethiopian Government Side ························ 2-143
Table 2.4.3 Operation & Maintenance for Project Road ······················································ 2-144
Table 2.4.4 Operation & Maintenance Costs for Abay Bridge ············································· 2-144

Chapter 3
Table 3.1.1 Direct Project Effects ························································································ 3-1
Table 3.1.2 Indirect Project Effects ····················································································· 3-2

[List of Figures]
Chapter 2
Figure 2.2.1 Examination Flow for Escarpment Road Width ················································ 2-12
Figure 2.2.2 Escarpment Width Composition ······································································ 2-14
Figure 2.2.3 Standard Cross Section in Dejen ········································································· 2-14
Figure 2.2.4 Section Targeted for Rehabilitation ··································································· 2-31


Figure 2.2.5 Map of Travel Speed on the Renovated ····························································· 2-34

Figure 2.2.6 Pavement Composition by Subgrade Strength ··················································· 2-42
Figure 2.2.7 Project Scope ···································································································· 2-52
Figure 2.2.8 Bridge Cross Section for Escarpments ······························································ 2-53
Figure 2.2.9 Seismic Zone ······································································································ 2-55
Figure 2.2.10 Proposed Span Arrangement ············································································· 2-59
Figure 2.2.11 Cost/Span Length Comparison per Bridge Type ················································· 2-61
Figure 2.2.12 Superstructure at Curved Section ······································································ 2-63
Figure 2.2.13 Pier Type ··········································································································· 2-63
Figure 2.2.14 A1 Abutment Structure Type ·········································································· 2-65
Figure 2.2.15 Whole Work Flow for Project ········································································· 2-110
Figure 2.2.16 Construction Method for Sharp Curves ··························································· 2-114
Figure 2.2.17 Organizational Chart of ERA·············································································· 2-119


Authorities & Agencies

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

AFDB African Development Bank
ASTM American Society for Testing and Material
DAC Development Assistance Committee
DFID Department for International Development
ECA Economic Commission for Africa
EMS Environmental Monitoring and Safety Branch
EPA Environmental Protection Authority
ERA Ethiopian Roads Authority
EU European Union
IDA International Development Association
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
NGO Non Governmental Organization
RRA Rural Road Authority
TRL Transport Research Laboratory


AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic

ADLI Agricultural Development-Led Industrialization
B B (Live load)
B/D Basic Design
BHN Basin Human Needs
CBR California Bearing Ratio
cm Centimeter
cm2 Square centimeter
DBST Double Bituminous Surface Treatment
$ Dollar
Ec Young’s modules of concrete
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ERP Emergency Recovery Program
Es Young’s modules of steel
Esp Modules of elasticity
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GNI Gross National Income
HB HB (Live load of BS5400)
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HWL High Water Level
I Coefficient of impact
I-PRSP Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Km Kilometer
Km2 Square kilometer
Km/h Kilometer per hour
LWL Low Water Level
m Meter
M Million
m2 Square meter
m3 Cubic meter
m3/s Cubic meter per Second
MSL Mean Sea Level
N N-value or Number of wheel load application
n Number of Ratio of Es to Ec
N/ mm2 Newton force per square millimeter
KN/ mm2 Kilo Newton force per square millimeter
% Percent
φ Diameter
PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
ODA Official Development Assistance
PAPs Project Affected Persons
PC Pre-stressed Concrete
RC Reinforced Concrete
RSDP Road Sector Development Program
σck Allowable stress of concrete
σsa Allowable stress of steel bar
SN Structural Number
WID Woman in Development

The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (or, GOE) has been
focusing on improving its national road network in order to connect existing and
potential agricultural production areas and industrial areas with markets as a major
component of its development policy. However, the country’s approximately 4,000km
of paved road accounts for only about 12% of the nation’s total road length and those
roads have deteriorated due to a lack of maintenance. In order to cope with this
situation, the GOE established a Road Sector Development Program (RSDP) in 1996
that set as its goal for the next 10 years the restoration of 60% of the total road
network’s surface to good condition.

The Project road is a part of the Northwest Trunk Road and starts from Addis Ababa
and extends to the border with Eritrea, passing through the country’s largest
agricultural area (i.e. Oromia, Amhara, and Tigray), and is important for the following
• Transportation of agricultural products to Addis Ababa.
• Transportation of daily necessities from Addis Ababa to the Amhara area.
• Transportation of petrol products from Sudan to Ethiopia.
• Transportation of daily necessities from Ethiopia to Sudan.

Furthermore international traffic will increase with the improvement of the Northwest
Trunk Road, as it is part of the Trans-East African Highway, which is being promoted
by the ECA (Economic Commission for Africa). Given the importance of the road, its
entire length has been targeted for improvement as part of the RSDP. In 1996, the
GOE conducted a detailed design study from Addis Ababa to Debre Markos
(L=288.5km) with its own funding, and then requested the implementation of a Grant
Aid Project by the Government of Japan (or, GOJ). In response to this request, the
GOJ conducted a basic design study from Addis Ababa to Goha Tsiyon (L=182.5km)
in 1997 and the Grant Aid Project has been ongoing since 1998, which is scheduled
for completion in FY2004.

On the other hand, the existing Abay Bridge (L=207m) on the Northwest Trunk Road
is superannuated, and there are restrictions on traffic to prevent it from collapsing.
That is, only one vehicle can use the bridge one at a time, resulting in the bridge
becoming a serious traffic bottleneck. Given this situation, the GOE also requested
assistance from the GOJ in 2001 to replace Abay Bridge. This request, which is being
dealt with by the Study, includes improvement of the road from Goha Tsiyon to Debre

Markos (L=106km). Note that based on the findings of a preliminary survey executed
in March 2003, the GOJ suggested that the following components comprise the
Project scope:
- Reconstruction of the Abay Bridge (207 m).
- Rehabilitation of the road section between Goha Tsiyon and Dejen (approximately
39 km in length).
- Improvement work on the road section between Dejen and Debre Markos
(approximately 67 km in length) consisting of the following:
a) Spot road improvement (approximately 4 km in length) at sections troubled
by flooding (around Ieda River) and loose subgrade materials (black cotton
soil), etc.
b) Replacement of 8 small bridges (22.6 m in length on average) suffering from
extreme deterioration.
c) Procurement of construction materials necessary to maintain the remaining
sections of road between Goha Tsiyon and Debre Markos.

In response to the survey result, the GOJ dispatched a basic design study team for a
period from October 26 to December 10, 2003 to Ethiopia, which conducted field
survey and discussions with their Ethiopian counterparts. Based on the discussion
through the study, the road improvement section was modified between Goha Tsiyon
and Dejen including construction of a new Abay Bridge.

After return to Japan, the study team performed in-depth studies further concerning
road alignment, road structure, pavement type, bridge location, bridge length, bridge
type and construction method on the basis of in-situ study results. The team
performed the basic design of road and bridge, calculation of the approximate work
quantity, development of the implementation plan and estimation of the approximate
project cost. During a period from May 16 to 29 2004, the study team held a briefing
of the basic design and compiled the result in the basic design study report.

The basic construction of road and new Abay Bridge is outlined below on the basis of
this basic design study results.

Contents of Road Improvement Work
Type of Facilities Road (National Road No.3) Oromia Region Goha Tsiyon ∼Amhara Region Dejen
Contents Road Length Goha Tsiyon – Dejen: 40.60km (Length confirmed in basic design study)
of Width Type (1) Shoulder: 1.5m+Carriageway: 3.5m x 2+Shoulder: 1.5m = 10.0m
Project Type (2) Shoulder: 0.5m+Carriageway: 3.5m x 2+Shoulder: 1.5m = 9.0m
Type (3) Shoulder: 0.5m+Carriageway: 3.5m x 2+Shoulder: 0.5m = 8.0m
Type (4) Dejen Town (Town Center):
Shoulder: 2.5m+Parking Lane: 3.5m+Carriageway: 3.5m x 2+Parking Lane: 3.5m+
Shoulder: 2.5m=19.0m
Type (5) Dejen Town (Out of Town Center):
Shoulder: 2.5m+Carriageway: 3.5m x 2+Shoulder: 2.5m=12.0m
Earthworks (1) Cut
1. Hard Rock: 22,380m3, 2. Weathered Rock: 33,150m3, 3. Soil: 204,150m3,
Total: 259,680m3
(2) Embankment: 199,270m3
Pavement Section (1)-1 (CBR5): Surface (50mm)+Base (350mm)+Subbase (100mm)
Section (1)-2 (CBR5): Surface (50mm)+Asphalt Stabilization (50mm)+Base (250mm)+
Subbase (100mm)
Section (2) (CBR33): Surface (50mm)+Asphalt Stabilization (50mm)+Base (150mm)
Section (3)-1 (CBR7): Surface (50mm)+Base (300mm)+Subbase (100mm)
Section (3)-2 (CBR7): Surface (50mm)+Asphalt Stabilization (50mm)+Base (200mm)+
Base (100mm)
Section (4)-1 (CBR15): Surface (50mm)+Base (300mm)
Section (4)-2 (CBR15): Surface (50mm)+Asphalt Stabilization (50mm)+Base (200mm)
Drainage (1) Pipe Culvert (D900-1200): L=1,241m
(2) -1: Side Ditch (U Shaped) (600x600): L=43,120m
(2)-2: Side Ditch (Stone Masonry Type): L=4,600m
Others Retaining Wall, Guard Post, Traffic Sign, Widening of Narrow Bridge

Contents of New Abay Bridge Construction Work

Type of Facilities New Abay Bridge Amhara Region
Type of Simple RC 2 Room Box Girder Bridge+PC3 Span Continuous Box Girder Extradosed Type
Bridge Bridge
Project Length 18m+ (70m+145m+70m) = 303m
Width 1.0m (Shoulder)+2×3.5m(Carriageway)+1.0m (Shoulder) = 9.0m
Construction (1) Foundation: Spread Foundation (All)
(2) Substructure: Rigid Frame Type (A1), Wall Type (P1), V-Type (P2, P3),
Reversed T-Type (A2)
(3) Superstructure: Simple RC 2 Room Box Girder Bridge+PC3 Span Continuous Box
Girder Extradosed Type Bridge
(4) Auxiliary Works: Handrail (Wall Type), Expansion Joint, Drainage Facilities
(5) Bridge Surface Work: Asphalt Pavement (t=5cm)
Others Revetment: 1 set (Stone Masonry/Around P2 & P3)

If the Project were implemented under Japanese Grant Aid Program scheme, the
implementation schedule would consist of some 8 months of the detailed design
phase, and some 42.5 months of construction phase including tendering process. The
approximate project costs is expected to be 5,085 million Japanese Yen, including
5,075 million Japanese Yen borne by Japanese Grant Aid, and 10 million Japanese
Yen borne by Ethiopian Government side.

On the other hand, the annual operation and maintenance costs for the road and a new
Abay bridge is estimated to be some 430 thousand Birr (some 5.6 million Japanese

Yen), amounting to about 1.5 % of the budget currently allocated to the Alemgena
District Office. In addition, as no more than daily inspection & cleaning-up tasks,
small-scale repair works, and the repair works held in every ten years like overlaying
of road & bridge pavement, and repair of revetment is included in the operation and
maintenance works, the requirement for technical skill is not so high. Thus, it can be
said that the Ethiopian Government can afford to handle these kinds of operation and
maintenance works fully.

Direct and indirect effects of this project are as shown in the table below.

1) Direct Effects
Direct Project Effects
Expected effects & degree of
Present status & issues Proposed countermeasures
1) Only 1 vehicle can use the New bridge to be constructed away New bridge will eliminate
existing Abay Bridge one at a from the existing bridge on the traffic bottleneck.
time because it is superannuated. upstream side.
Existing bridge will be utilized for
2) Narrow width, steep gradient & Improvement of road alignment & Traffic accidents will be greatly
sharp curves of the existing road widening will be implemented. reduced.
restrict the flow of traffic. Concrete guard post shall be installed Travel time will be shortened.
on the gorge side.
3) Road structure is easily damaged Hot asphalt pavement (with an asphalt Strengthening of pavement
because of DBST or cold stabilization layer for high priority structure will ensure smooth
asphalt paving. trouble spots) will be adopted for the traffic flows & access
carriageway. throughout the year.
Shoulder shall be simply paved
(DBST) to protect road structure
against erosion from surface runoff.
4) Road structure is damaged by New facilities with adequate scale & Proper treatment of rainwater
malfunctioning or inadequate easy to maintain to be installed to flows on slopes & road surface
drainage facilities (e.g. facilities prevent flowing of rainwater onto to minimize damage to road
too small or clogged) road structure. structure.

5) Rock falls, avalanches, slope Loose rocks will be removed. Safe travel & access
failures block road frequently. Groundwater drain holes will be throughout the year will be
installed to accelerate groundwater secured.

2) Indirect Effects
Indirect Project Effects
Expected effects & degree of
Present status & issues Proposed countermeasure
1) Due to poor road conditions and slow Project road to be This trunk road is a part of the East
travel time, physical distribution via improved using the same African Highway. Therefore, the
land transport is severely restricted. specifications for the road Project will not only impact Ethiopia
Presently, trunk roads in Ethiopia only sections being improved but also neighboring countries.
play an important roleas access for on either end of the Project
importing crude oil from Sudan and road.
exporting grain to Sudan, as well as for
the domestic transportation of grain to
Addis Ababaand the domestic
transportation of bus passengers.
2) Access to education, job opportunities Road improvement & By providing road access to schools
and medical care is poor and is one of replacement of the Abay and medical facilities, the likelihood of
the reasons for high illiteracy & death Bridge will be carried out. children attending school and residents
rates. reaching medical facilities in a timely
fashion increases; thereby, reducing
illiteracy and death rates.
3) The lack of jobs is chronic. Consider the employment Creation of an income generation
of local residents in opportunity for local residents.
implementing simple tasks
for the project road
improvement works.

The GOE should undertake adequate maintenance work of the project road and bridge
after they are open to the public in order to ensure that these structures produce the
maximum intended benefits. Especially, efficient implementation of routine
maintenance work (i.e., daily inspection and light repairs of pavement, shoulders,
drainage facilities, cut slopes and traffic safety facilities) is important to maximize the
life of a road structure. Note that the cooperation of local residents in carrying out this
work is important. Also, the regulation of overloaded vehicles should be strengthened,
since such vehicles seriously damage the pavement structure.

Regarding the new Abay Bridge, it should not experience any damage or problems in
the near future. However, routine maintenance work such as the daily inspection and
cleaning of drainage facilities and expansion joints should be carried out. Furthermore,
inspection of the whole bridge structure, including the stone masonry around piers
and partial repairs, should be executed at the end of each rainy season. This work is
effective for maximizing the life of the bridge. The use of inspection manuals and
inspection sheets will also promote the efficiency and quality of maintenance work.

In conclusion, because significant benefits can be expected from the Project, it is

highly recommended that it be implemented under the Japan Grand Aid Cooperation
Program. Furthermore, in regards to management and maintenance, the Ethiopian
Government seems able to secure the necessary personal and financial resources

therefore ensuring sustainability. However, it is important for the Ethiopian
government to consider the following matters in order to implement the Project in a
more effective manner:

(1) Establishment of a system to clean road drainage facilities

Accumulated sediment in drains such as side gutters and ditches will cause water to
overflow onto road surfaces that will speed-up the deterioration of pavement. Thus,
the cleaning of road drainage facilities is very important for preventing pavement
deterioration. On the other hand, it is difficult for only the staff of the Ethiopian
Roads Authority to undertake all of the drainage cleaning work for the 40km Project
road. Therefore, it is advisory to take the following actions:

Drainage cleaning should be implemented with the cooperation and

participation of local residents along the Project road. As for section
demarcation, those sections with large residential populations shall have
drainage cleaned by the local residents, while the Ethiopian Roads Authority
would handle drainage for the other sections . It is advisable to allocate part
of the maintenance budget for remuneration to engage local residents. This
would also promote income generation opportunities for local residents.

(2) Regulation against overloaded vehicles

One major cause of pavement and structure deterioration is overloaded vehicles.

Therefore, it is necessary for the Alemgena District Office to install a facility for
weighing vehicles and to regulate heavy vehicles.

Table of Contents

Letter of Transmittal
Location Map / Perspective
List of Tables & Figures
Chapter 1 Background of the Project······························································ 1 - 1

Chapter 2 Contents of the Project ··································································· 2- 1

2-1 Basic Concept of the Project ··························································· 2- 1
2-2 Basic Design of the Requested Japanese Assistance ······················· 2- 3
2-2-1 Design Policy ········································································ 2- 3
2-2-2 Design Plan ··········································································· 2 - 29
2-2-3 Basic Design Drawings ························································· 2 - 68
2-2-4 Implementation Plan······························································ 2 -108
2-2-4-1 Implementation Policy ················································· 2 -108
2-2-4-2 Implementation Conditions·········································· 2 -120
2-2-4-3 Scope of Works···························································· 2 -122
2-2-4-4 Consultant Supervision ················································ 2 -122
2-2-4-5 Procurement Plan························································· 2 -123
2-2-4-6 Quality Control Plan ···················································· 2 -129
2-2-4-7 Implementation Schedule············································· 2 -135
2-3 Obligations of Recipient Country······················································ 2 -138
2-3-1 Obligation of Government of Ethiopia····································· 2 -138
2-3-2 Requests to the Government of Ethiopia·································· 2 -139
2-4 Project Operation Plan ······································································ 2 -140
2-4-1 Maintenance Method····························································· 2 -140
2-4-2 Maintenance System······························································ 2 -141
2-4-3 Project Cost Estimation ························································· 2 -142

Chapter 3 Project Evaluation and Recommendations ··································· 3 - 1

3-1 Project Effects ··················································································· 3 - 1
3-2 Recommendations ············································································· 3 - 2

1. Member List of the Study Team ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ A-1
2. Study Schedule of the Study ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ A-2
3. List of Parties Concerned in Ethiopia ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ A-4
4. Minutes of Discussions (M/D) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ A-6
5. Cost Estimation Borne by Ethiopia・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ A-20
6. Geological Data・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ A-22




The Project road is a part of the Northwest Trunk Road and starts from Addis Ababa
and extends to the border with Eritrea, passing through the country’s largest
agricultural area (i.e. Oromia, Amhara, and Tigray), and is important for the following
• Transportation of agricultural products to Addis Ababa.
• Transportation of daily necessities from Addis Ababa to the Amhara area.
• Transportation of petrol products from Sudan to Ethiopia.
• Transportation of daily necessities from Ethiopia to Sudan.

Furthermore international traffic will increase with the improvement of the Northwest
Trunk Road, as it is part of the Trans-East African Highway, which is being promoted
by the ECA (Economic Commission for Africa). Given the importance of the road, its
entire length has been targeted for improvement as part of the RSDP. In 1996, the
Ethiopian Government conducted a detailed design study from Addis Ababa to Debre
Markos (L=288.5km) with its own funding, and then requested the implementation of
a Grant Aid Project by the Government of Japan. In response to this request, the
Government of Japan conducted a basic design study from Addis Ababa to Goha
Tsiyon (L=182.5km) in 1997 and the Grant Aid Project has been ongoing since 1998,
which is scheduled for completion in FY2004.

On the other hand, the existing Abay Bridge (L=207m) on the Northwest Trunk Road
is superannuated, and there are restrictions on traffic to prevent it from collapsing.
That is, only one vehicle can use the bridge one at a time, resulting in the bridge
becoming a serious traffic bottleneck. Given this situation, the Ethiopian Government
also requested assistance from the Japanese Government in 2001 to reconstruct Abay
Bridge. This request, which is being dealt with by the Study, includes improvement of
the road from Goha Tsiyon to Debre Markos (L=106km). Note that based on the
findings of a preliminary survey executed in March 2003, the Japanese Government
suggested that the following components comprise the Project scope:
- Reconstruction of the Abay Bridge (207 m).
- Rehabilitation of the road section between Goha Tsiyon and Dejen (approximately
39 km in length).
- Improvement work on the road section between Dejen and Debre Markos
(approximately 67 km in length) consisting of the following:
a) Spot road improvement (approximately 4 km in length) at sections troubled
by flooding (around Ieda River) and loose subgrade materials (black cotton

soil), etc.
b) Replacement of 8 small bridges (22.6 m in length on average) suffering from
extreme deterioration.
c) Procurement of construction materials necessary to maintain the remaining
sections of road between Goha Tsiyon and Debre Markos.

Based on the discussion through the basic design study, the road improvement section
was modified between Goha Tsiyon and Dejen including construction of a new Abay

The Study will review the feasibility of the Project proposed in the preparatory survey,
and compare its economic and technical feasibility with other donor projects. The
Study will also examine the content and scale of the Project as part of a Japanese
Grant Aid scheme in order to implement an appropriate basic design.




2-1 Basic Concept of the Project

Based on the findings of a preliminary survey executed in March 2003, the Japanese
Government suggested that the following road components be included in the Project
- Reconstruction of the Abay Bridge (207 m)
- Rehabilitation of the road section between Goha Tsiyon and Dejen (approximately
39 km in length)
- Improvement work on the road section between Dejen and Debre Markos
(approximately 67 km in length) consisting of the following:
a) Spot road improvement (approximately 4 km in length) at sections troubled by
flooding (around Ieda River) and loose subgrade materials (black cotton soil),
b) Replacement of 8 small bridges (22.6 m in length on average) suffering from
extreme deterioration.
c) Procurement of construction materials necessary to maintain the remaining
sections of road between Goha Tsiyon and Debre Markos.

As for the section between Dejen and Debre Markos, the above scope was suggested
because the road surface condition is relatively good except for 4 km of problem section.
In discussions concerning the Project scope, which was held after completion of the
actual site survey, the Ethiopian side strongly requested full-scale improvement of the
section between Dejen and Debre Markos (about 67km). In addition, the JICA Study
Team recognized that it was advisable to re-examine the necessity of improving the
section between Dejen and Debre Markos as the results of the site survey, which
indicated that the amount of black cotton soil was greater then that described in the
Terms of References for the Study and that the emergency reconstruction of small
bridges was insufficient.

The above was recorded in the minutes and brought back to Japan for further
consideration. However, it was decided to remove the Dejen-Debre Markos component
from the final request and the Ethiopian side has consented with this decision. The
components for achieving the objective as well as the goals of the Project and RSDP

• Construction of a new Abay Bridge (207m).
• Rehabilitation of the road section between Goha Tsiyon and Dejen using
asphalt pavement.

Given that the existing Abay Bridge is superannuated, the construction of a new Abay
Bridge will minimize the risks of travelers and residents being cut off from the capital
as well as strengthen transport capacity. Furthermore, rehabilitation of the Project road
to an all-weather road will contribute to ensuring access throughout the year and shorten
travel times and reduce vehicle operating costs.

2-2 Basic Design of the Requested Japanese Assistance

2-2-1 Design Policy

(1) Roads

1) Concept Regarding Natural Conditions

a) Rehabilitation needs arising from precipitous terrain (escarpments,

sharp curves)

The vast majority of the Project road passes through the precipitous Abay gorge, and the
characteristics of the current road and its natural conditions can be summed up as
- Numerous escarpments and sharp curves (average gradient 7.5%, 22 points with a
curve radius of 50 m or less)
- Steep cliffs on both the mountain and gorge side of the Project road
- Frequent and torrential rainfall during the rainy season (mid-June to

As a result of these harsh topographical and natural conditions, the following kinds of
road structural damage and traffic safety problems exist:
- Fast-flowing rainwater during the rainy season erodes the road structure and
damages the road.
- Frequent vehicle braking due to the steep gradient of the Project roaddamages the
road surface.
- Sharp curves sometimes result in vehicles going over or a cliff.

In response to the above problems, it is intended to carry out the following road
rehabilitation work:
I. Adoption of a road structure resistant to erosion caused by rainwater
runoff as well as to frequent vehicle braking.
II. Provision of drainage facilities with sufficient capacity to prevent
erosion by rainwater.
III. Provision of sufficient road width and sight distance, together with
the installation of safety facilities, to improve road safety.

b) Countermeasures against falling rock, slope failure and landslides

A site survey found the Project road to be at risk from falling rock, slope failure, and
landslide in various places. Since it would be prohibitively expensive to deal with all the
problem spots, the following countermeasures shall be implemented for selected
high-priority areas only:
- Removal of loose rock at risk of falling.
- Alteration of slope gradients and installation of small retaining walls where slope
failure and small rock falls are likely.
- Removal of groundwater via horizontal boreholes to reduce the risk of landslides.

In regards to dealing with landslides, since the causes are not fully understood further
site surveys, and countermeasures when possible, will be carried out during the detailed
design stage.

c) Consideration regarding the impact of the rainy season

According to local meteorological data, the rainy season in the Project area lasts
approximately 3 months from mid-June to mid-September, during which time
approximately 70% of the annual rainfall of 1300~1600 mm falls. Since this will place
constraints on the road works, in particular earthworks, paving works and drainage
works, this needs to be properly reflected in the work process.

d) Environmental impact

Since there have been no confirmed sightings of the rare Gedara baboon around the
Project road, no special consideration is required concerning wildlife. However, since
rare flora have been confirmed in the area, it will be necessary to transfer and replant
such flora.

2) Concept Regarding Socioeconomic Conditions

a) Securing the northwest arterial road

Since the Project road is an important link connecting the capital Addis Ababa to
neighboring Sudan and the northern grain belt, and the only alternative route is
approximately 200 km downstream from Abay Bridge, it will be difficult to stop traffic
in order to implement road rehabilitation work. Moreover, the Project road passes
through Abay gorge and is surrounded by steep cliffs on both sides and therefore offers
no possible diversion for traffic during the works. Accordingly, road rehabilitation work
shall basically be implemented on one side of the road with traffic passing on the other

b) Consideration regarding roadside communities

Along the Project route starting at Goha Tsiyon (not including the urbanized area) and
ending at Dejen (including the urbanized area), the communities of Filcrik Village and
Crula are located at points No. 9 +200 and No. 32 respectively. Dejen, which developed
as a stopover for long-distance trucks, is a reasonably sized town with a population of
around 11,000. In light of this, consideration shall be given to widening the road
shoulder near Dejen so that it can serve both as a sidewalk and as parking space within
the road reserve. Moreover, consideration shall also be given to traffic safety by
providing pedestrian crossings and traffic safety signs, etc. As for Filcrik Village since it
also has a high concentration of population, the Ethiopian side has requested that bus
stop facilities be provided. Therefore, bus-parking strips will be provided on both sides
of the road in the center of the village.

c) Resident relocation, land acquisition and transfer of public facilities

Since it is intended to fully utilize the existing road to execute road rehabilitation,
resident relocation, land acquisition and the transfer of public facilities will be

3) Concept Regarding Construction Conditions

a) Utilization of Ethiopian national highway design standards

Based on the AASHTO and British Standards, Ethiopia has the following design
- Geometric Design Manual (Draft) 2001
- Pavement Design Manual (Draft) 2001
- Drainage Design Manual (Draft) 2001

These manuals have been prepared taking into consideration the natural and road
conditions of Ethiopia. However, they do not necessarily cover all aspects required for
road design. In terms of content, although these manuals are still in the draft stage and
have some room for improvement regarding geometric structure, they shall be adhered
to when designing the Project road. In cases where these standards are unclear or
inadequate, the local side has agreed to apply AASHTO and Japanese standards. Note,
however, that the strict application of these standards to sections of the Project road with
sharp curves and escarpments would entail massive rehabilitation beyond the scope of
Japan’s Grant Aid Scheme. Therefore, for these sections of road, a lower standard in
accordance with the said manuals will be applied.

b) Concept regarding procurement of construction equipment and


Since it is intended to maximize use of local equipment and materials, major materials
shall be procured in Ethiopia. However, considering that it is difficult in terms of
availability, cost and quality to locally procure construction machinery, in particular
pavement-related machinery, such items as a rule shall be procured from Japan or a
third country.

Moreover, since the Project road is some 200 km away from the capital of Addis Ababa,
it is not possible to purchase locally crushed stone, sand and asphalt compound.
Accordingly, the local contractor shall secure a plant and produce these materials

4) Concept Regarding Utilization of Local Contractors

The construction industry in Ethiopia has failed to acquire sufficient competitiveness

largely due to the socialist administration banishing major private sector contractors
after it came to power in 1991. As a result, various donors are striving to nurture the
local private sector construction industry. In the field of road works, too, local
contractors are able to perform small-scale road works and maintenance. However, they
have no experience with large-scale paving works entailing the use of heated asphalt
like that planned in the Project. Therefore, the utilization of local firms will probably be
limited to subcontractors and the supply of laborer and materials. However, from the
viewpoint of technology transfer, Japanese contractors will be encouraged to utilize
local construction firms as much as possible.

5) Concept Regarding Operation and Maintenance Capacity of

Implementing Agencies

The agency in charge of maintaining the Project road is the Alem Genha Regional
Office, which is a local branch office of the ERA. This agency implements daily and
periodic maintenance and possesses ample technical capacity to handle most work
except for the maintenance of heated asphalt. Moreover, a budget of US$ 310,000
(2002/2003) is allocated to road maintenance for the Project road, which is equivalent to
approximately 10% of the total maintenance budget of the Alem Genha Regional Office.
This indicates that much effort is being put into maintaining the Project road. In
addition, the UK’s DFID is planning to carry out staff training regarding maintenance
requiring heated asphalt. It is anticipated that the local side will therefore possess
sufficient technical capacity to maintain roads using heated asphalt by the end of the

Note, however, that numerous water collection inlets and lateral drains were found
blocked by sediment in this survey. It will be necessary therefore to propose a system
whereby roadside residents can be mobilized in order to implement daily maintenance
flexibly. In addition, care shall be taken to design drainage structures that can be easily

6) Concept Regarding Setting of the Facilities Grade

a) Current and design traffic volume

Data concerning current traffic volumes, which will provide the basis for calculating
future traffic volumes and the basic design of road rehabilitation, have been obtained
from a traffic forecast for Goha Tsiyon ~ Dejen Road (2003) from the ERA (see Table

I. Current traffic volume

Table 2.2.1 Current Traffic Volume

Type of Vehicle Design AADT (Y2003)

Cars 76
Buses 46
Trucks 191
T-Trailers 47
Total 360

II. Future traffic volume

Traffic volumes shall be projected 20 years into the future and serve as a design
reference point in accordance with AASHTO, which is one of the basis for ERA’s
design criteria. The rate of increase in traffic volume, which is used for design purposes,
is as indicated below.

Table 2.2.2 Rate of Increase in Future Traffic Volumes

Phase I,II Phase III*2
Type of - - 2004-2010 2011-2023
Vehicle 2000 2020 Low Middle High Low Middle High
Car 1% 4% 6% 7% 8% 5% 6% 7%
Buses 1% 4% 6% 7% 8% 5% 6% 7%
Trucks 1% 6% 6% 7% 8% 5% 6% 7%
*1: Project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road Phase I & II (Addis Ababa – Goha Tsiyon)
*2: Project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road Phase III (Goha Tsiyon - Dejen)

Assuming the Project road will commence service from 2009, traffic volume in the next
20 years (until 2028) will be as indicated below. Concerning the rate of increase from
2024 onwards, it is assumed to be half the rate presented by the ERA.

Table 2.2.3 Traffic Volume for the Project Road in 2028
Traffic volume in 2028 (vehicles/day)
Car Buses Trucks Total
Low 244 148 763 1155
Middle 289 174 901 1,364
High 392 237 1,224 1,853

b) Geometric standards

Road geometric standards are basically dependent on road classification, which is

determined by daily traffic volume and the designated design velocity. However, since
much of the Project road passes through a gorge comprising escarpments with a
gradient of 15% or more and sharp curves with a turning radius of around 15 m, it is
difficult to implement a major realignment. Accordingly, rehabilitation work shall
basically be implemented utilizing the existing road. For this reason, rather than
applying a set design velocity or geometric structure criteria to the whole Project road, a
geometric structure with a minimum design velocity of 30 km/h (in unavoidable
circumstances 20km/h) shall be applied. Tables 2.2.4, 5, and 6 indicate the Ethiopian
National Highway Geometric Structure Standards.

Table 2.2.4 Ethiopia National Highway Geometric Standards

Escaropment Urban/Peri-Urban
Design Min. Min.
Traffic Horizonta Max. Max. Horizontal Max. Max.
Design Flow Surface Carriagew shoulder Design l Curve desirable Absolute Right of Parking Design Curve desirable Absolute Right of
Function Standard (AADT) Type ay Width Width Speed Radius Gradient Gradient Way Footway Lane Speed Radius Gradient Gradient Way
Unit m m km/h m % % m m m km/h m % % m

Trunk DS1 15000 Paved Dual2*7.3 0.5∼2.5 70 175 6 8 50 2.5 3.5 50 85 6 8 50

DS2 10000 Paved 7.3 0.5∼2.5 70 175 6 8 50 2.5 3.5 50 85 6 8 50

DS3 5000 Paved 7 0.5∼1.5 60 125 6 8 50 2.5 3.5 50 85 6 8 50

DS4 200∼1000 Paved 6.7 0.5 50 85 7 9 50 2.5 3.5 50 85 7 9 50

DS5 100∼200 Unpaved 7 0 40 50 7 9 50 2.5 3.5 50 85 7 9 50

Feeder DS6 50∼100 Unpaved 6 0 30 30 10 12 30 2.5 3.5 50 85 7 9 40

DS7 30∼75 Unpaved 4 1 30 30 10 12 30 - - 50 85 7 9 30

DS8 25∼50 Unpaved 4 0 30 30 10 12 20 - - 50 85 7 9 20

DS9 0∼20 Unpaved 4 0 20 15 13 15 20 - - 40 50 7 9 20

DS10 0∼15 Unpaved 3.3 0 20 15 13 15 20 - - 40 50 7 9 20

Table 2.2.5 Road Width Regulations in Ethiopia
Road Functional
Width (m)
Classification Design Design Traffic
Standard Flow (AADT)* Escarpment Town Section
Carriageway Shoulder Shoulder Parking Footway Median
DS1 10000–15000 Dual 2 x 7.3 0.5 –2.5 N/a 3.5 2.5 5.0
R DS2 5000–10000 7.3 0.5 –2.5 N/a 3.5 2.5 Barrier
DS3 1000–5000 7.0 0.5 –1.5 N/a 3.5 2.5 N/a
M N K DS4 200–1000 6.7 0.5 N/a 3.5 2.5 N/a
A K DS5 100– 200 7.0 0.0 N/a 3.5 2.5 N/a
I DS6 50–100 6.0 0.0 N/a 3.5 2.5 N/a
C DS7 30–75 4.0 1.0(earth) N/a N/a N/a N/a
DS8 25–50 4.0 0.0 N/a N/a N/a N/a
DS9 0–25 4.0 0.0 N/a N/a N/a N/a

DS10 0–15 3.3 0.0 N/a N/a N/a N/a

Table 2.2.6 Geometric Standards for the Project Road

(Gorge) (8% Super Elevation)
Goha Tisyon – Dejen Goha Tisyon – Dejen
Design Element Unit
Escarpment Escarpment
Design Speed km/h 30 (Target) 20 (Absolute)
Min. Stopping Sight Distance m 30 20
Min. Passing Sight Distance m 75 50
% Passing Opportunity % 0 0
Min. Horizontal Curve Radius m 30 15
Side Friction Factor (f) 0.18 0.18
Transition Curves Required* No No
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 10 13
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 12 15
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5
Maximum Superelevation % 8 8
Crest Vertical Curve k 3 2
Sag Vertical Curve k 4 2
Normal Crossfall % 2.5 2.5
Shoulder Crossfall % 4.0 4.0
Right of Way m Vary Vary
*: The Japanese standard is adopted because the ERA draft standard does not contain the relevant regulation.

c) Road classification over the Project road

Since the Project road is composed of sections with differing topographical conditions
and road functions, differing geometric structures and road width shall be applied based
on function.

d) Width

In view of the differing road functions mentioned above, width is examined separately
for escarpment and urban sections.

I. Basic cross section for escarpment sections

Various factors determine road width. A report by the British TRL states that the
following items are important for determining carriageway width:
- Traffic volume (As a rule a carriageway width of 3.5 m is required for 1000
- Road grade (Roads are classified according to their function in the road network.)
- Vehicle dimensions (Sections frequented by large trucks may require widening.)
- Travel speed (It is necessary to widen the road in line with faster travel speeds.)

Concerning the future traffic volume of the Project road, it will differ depending on the
year, which will have an impact on road width. The procedure for determining Project
road width is indicated in Figure 2.2.1.

① Road grade according to superior plans:
1. Examination of carriageway width major arterial road?
② Traffic volume: 1000 vehicles/day or more?
③ Vehicle width: 2.50 m or 2.60 m
④ Pass-by safety: safe pass-by depending on
the travel velocity
(Kaneko experimental method, etc.)

2. Examination of need for truck lane

① Traffic volume: 400 vehicles/day or more?

② Installation space: feasible?

3. Examination of shoulder width

① Need for broken-down vehicle refuge functions?

② Need to secure sight distance
③ Need to secure safety of pedestrians?
④ Need for shoulder water collection functions
4. Decision of the final
⑤ Need for road disaster prevention functions?
width composition

Figure 2.2.1 Examination Flow for Escarpment Road Width

As a result of conducting a comparative examination shown in Table 2.2.7, basic road

widthon escarpment sections was determined.

Table 2.2.7 Comparison of Road Width for Escarpments
First Proposal: Carriageway Width 3.5 m Second Proposal: Carriageway Width 3.35 m Notes
Outline drawing

Vary 1.5m 3.50m 3.50m 1.5m Vary Vary 1.5m 3.35m 3.35m 1.5m Vary

2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%

4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0%

Side Drainage Side Drainage Side Drainage Side Drainage

Summary In consideration of road grade, vehicle dimensions and overtaking, etc. based on the superior This proposed road width is prescribed in the Ethiopian manual based on the projected traffic
Road Sector Development Plan (RSDP), this proposed road width by the Study Team incorporates volume five years after the start of service according to the basic concept of the Grant Aid
compatibility with projects by other donors. Scheme
(1) Superior plan Regarded as a main arterial road (road width 3.5 m) in the RSDP ◎ Regarded as a main arterial road (road width 3.5 m) in the RSDP △
①Traffic volume Assuming future plans cover 10~20 years into the future, road width of 3.5 m is appropriate Assuming the traffic volume 5 years after the start of use, this is 630~760 vehicles/day and The Ethiopian standard and
to handle traffic volume of 800~1060 vehicles/day in 10 years and 1155~1853 vehicles/day in ○ the road grade is D4 with road width of 3.35 m. △ international standards like
20 years. AASTO, etc. adopt 20 years into
the future as the project year.
② Road grade The target road is regarded as the northwest arterial road (A3) in the RSDP. Moreover, since ○ Since the target road is regarded as the northwest arterial road (A3) in the RSDP, 3.35 m is △
DS3 gauge is suggested judging from the above traffic volume, 3.5 m is appropriate. a little too narrow.
③ Traffic safety: The average travel speed of large vehicles is 30~40 km/h, and the road width required to The average travel speed of large vehicles is 30~40 km/h, and the road width required to
passing-by enable safe passing-by is 3.30 m minimum. (According to Kaneko experimentation, with a △ enable safe passing-by is 3.30 m minimum. (According to Kaneko experimentation, with a ○

(2) Technical factors

large vehicle content of 80% and vehicle width of 2.60 m). large vehicle content of 80% and vehicle width of 2.60 m).

Road width determinants

④ Traffic safety: According to Ethiopian regulations, it is necessary to install an overtaking lane when traffic According to Ethiopian regulations, it is necessary to install an overtaking lane when traffic
overtaking volume is 400 vehicles/day or more. If it is not possible to provide a truck lane but the ○ volume is 400 vehicles/day or more. If it is not possible to provide a truck lane but the ×
oncoming traffic lane is regarded as the overtaking lane, minimum width of 3.45 m is oncoming traffic lane is regarded as the overtaking lane, minimum width of 3.45 m is
required. required.
① Broken-down Car breakdowns are frequent. However, since topographical constraints make it impossible to ○ Car breakdowns are frequent, however, since topographical constraints make it impossible ○
car refuge secure refuge area for broken-down vehicles, a wide shoulder is desirable. to secure refuge area for broken-down vehicles, a wide shoulder is desirable.

② Traffic safety The road has many curves, however, cuttings will improve visibility and therefore lead to ○ The road has many curves, however, cuttings will improve visibility and therefore lead to ○
better traffic safety. better traffic safety.
③ Pedestrian Since there are many livestock and pedestrians collecting firewood or going to draw water in ○ Since there are many livestock and pedestrians collecting firewood or going to draw water ○
safety rural community areas, pedestrian safety can be secured. in rural community areas, pedestrian safety can be secured.
④ Drainage Although side ditches sometimes overflow, road pavement degradation can be prevented ○ Although side ditches sometimes overflow, road pavement degradation can be prevented ○ Rainwater erosion
functions because the wide shoulder means that only a small amount of water percolates into the because the wide shoulder means that only a small amount of water percolates into the prevention based on
paving. paving. shoulder paving (DBST)

Road shoulder determinants

⑤ Road disaster There is risk of slope failure, falling rock, etc. Accordingly, a wide road shoulder is desired to ○ There is risk of slope failure and falling rocks, etc. Accordingly, wide road shoulder is ○
prevention provide room on the mountain side of the road especially. desired to provide room on the mountain side of the road especially.
(3) Other ① Compatibility The plan is compatible with the width of 3.5 m in the first and second phase roads and the The plan is not compatible with the width of 3.5 m in the first and second phase roads and
factors with before and IDA section going north from Debre Markos. △
○ the IDA section going north from Debre Markos.
after sections
② Compatibility Road width of 3.5 m is adopted in major road projects implemented under IDA, Germany and Road width of 3.5 m is adopted in major road projects implemented under IDA, Germany △
with projects by EU funds. ○ and EU funds.
other donors
③ Ethiopian Since this is a main arterial road according to the superior plan and the target road carries a lot ○ Since this is a main arterial road according to the superior plan and the target road carries a △
side’s wishes of heavy vehicles, the local side wants 3.5 m. lot of heavy vehicles, the local side wants 3.5 m.
Construction cost 986million yen (1.03) △ 959 million yen (1.00) ○
(pavement works only)
Overall assessment Considering status as a main arterial road, the fact that traffic volume from the 10th year ◎ Considering status as a main arterial road, the fact that traffic volume from the 10th year ○
onwards will exceed 1,000 vehicles/day, the need to secure traffic safety (overtaking, etc.), onwards will exceed 1,000 vehicles/day, and the need to secure traffic safety (overtaking on
the need for compatibility with before and after sections and roads by other donors, and the mountain sections, etc.), the need for compatibility with before and after sections and roads
fact that the Ethiopian side has voiced a strong desire, road width composition of 3.5 m by other donors, carriageway width of 3.35 m is slightly inferior to the proposal for 3.5 m.
carriageway and 1.5 m paved shoulder shall be adopted.
Vary 1.5m 3.50m 3.50m 1.5m Vary

2.5% 2.5%
4.0% 4.0%

Side Drainage Side Drainage

Figure 2.2.2 Escarpment Width Composition

II. Dejen town section

Road width in the urbanized part of Dejen (approximately 2.3 km) shall be the same as
that on escarpment sections (i.e. 3.5 m). However, since Dejen contains primary and
junior high schools and has many pedestrians, shoulders (2.5 m) with sidewalk
functions shall be installed on both sides in order to secure traffic safety. Moreover,
since Dejen serves as an overnight stop for long-distance buses and freight vehicles, a
3.5 m parking strip shall be provided between the carriageway and sidewalk over a 900
m section in the center of the town.

Sidewalk + ((Parking strip)

(parking strip) + sidewalk Vary
Vary 2.50m+(3.50m) 3.50m 3.50m (3.50m)+2.50m

2.5% 2.5%

Side Drainage Side Drainage

Figure 2.2.3 Standard Cross Section in Dejen

e) Pavement Design Concept

I. Important points in pavement design

On-site surveys revealed that the major causes of pavement damage on escarpment
sections are 1) erosion caused by rainwater runoff and 2) excessive braking by heavy
vehicles climbing hills at slow speeds and turning on sharp curves. Accordingly, it is
necessary to adopt pavement structure that is resistant to these causes of damage. The
following table summarizes important pavement design points in consideration of the
structural characteristics and traffic characteristics of the Project road.

Table 2.2.8 Important Characteristics and Countermeasures in Pavement Structure

Road Characteristics Traffic Characteristics Issues Countermeasure
- Steep vertical slope - This is a key In execution: In execution:
imparts greater transportation route; - Execution accuracy - Adoption of the
load on the thus it bears a high on steep slopes and execution reference
pavement and percentage of large curve sections plane (adoption of
makes the vehicles (approx. (securing of an asphalt
pavement more 80%). flatness) stabilization layer)
prone to rutting. - Quality on steep - Adoption of top 20
- There are slopes and curve aggregate
numerous curves sections
with small (compaction at
curvature, and depth under
lateral flow is apt pavement)
to occur on such - Hardness of
sections. aggregate stone
- The road is (high hardness)
mountainous with After start of service: At start of service:
steep gradients and - Rutting and lateral - Prevention of early
sharp curves, and flows caused by destruction through
rainwater runoff on large vehicles on adoption of an
such sections is apt steep slopes and asphalt stabilization
to erode the road curve sections layer and top 20
structure. - Maintenance and aggregate
repair of such

II. Thinking regarding design life

As a rule pavement is designed to have a life of 20 years, which was the case for
rehabilitation projects and arterial road projects by other donors and adequate
maintenance work shall also be implemented after the construction.

III. Pavement specifications and application classifications

In consideration of the issues described in I. above and the harsh road and traffic
characteristics that exist on the Project road, resistance to erosion by rainwater and the
braking loads of large vehicles shall be enhanced by providing an asphalt stabilization
layer (t = 5 cm) on the upper subbase directly under the surface course. However, since
the asphalt stabilization layer is more expensive than a graded stone layer, standard
specifications (asphalt surface course of t = 5 cm) of the type adopted in the first and
second phase projects shall be adopted on the following sections where the road and
traffic conditions are relatively sedate.
- An asphalt stabilization layer shall be added on sections with a steep gradient (8%
or more) and at sharp curves (R < 50 m).
- Standard pavement specifications shall be adopted in cases where sections other
than those described in I. run continuously for 500 m or more.

IV. Shoulder pavement

As was mentioned above, in order to protect the road structure against erosion caused
by the surface runoff of rainwater, road shoulders shall be simply paved (DBST).

f) Drainage Facilities

I. Concept for the installation of drainage facilities

Much of the current road damage is due to the malfunctioning of drainage facilities that
are blocked up by sediment, etc. Note that it is important to ensure the proper treatment
of rainwater flows on slopes and the road surface to minimize road structure damage. In
consideration of this, the basic concept for drainage facilities shall be as follows:
- Prevent erosion by stopping rainwater from flowing onto road structures or taking
measures to reduce flow velocity.
- Adopt drainage facility structures that are easy to maintain and can be installed one
side at a time.
- Prevent slope erosion by carrying out appropriate treatment at flow destinations.

II. Criteria for calculating the scale and structure of necessary
drainage facilities

The necessary scale of drainage facilities will basically be determined by the following
method according to the ERA design manual.

Table 2.2.9 Drainage Scale Calculation Standard

"Design Manual - 2001of ERA" BASIC DESIGN (PHASE III)

Section between Goha T siyon ~ Dejen: rational method

Flood runoff calculation - Catchment area of 0.5 km2 or less: rational method
- Catchment area of more than 0.5 km2: unit
hydrograph method, etc.
Basic: set the design scale (Design Period) according to Basis: according to the ERA Design Manual – 2001
10 classifications of design traffic volume and 9
structural types.
    Ordinary Culvert: 25 years
According to the design traffic volume (1,000~5,000
vehicles/day: DS4)
3 : (Calculate the 3-year and 5-year values together)
Design scale (Design Period)     Span < 2 m culverts and pipes: 10 years     Culverts: 25 years
    2 m < span < 6 m culverts: 25 years     Medium-scale bridges: 50 years
    6 m < span < 15 m bridges: 50 years     Large-scale bridges: 100 years
    15 m < span < 50 m bridges: 50 years
  Span > 50 m bridges: 100 years

Probability calculation
Log Pearson III Analysis Log Pearson III Analysis

Flow capacity calculation Basically use Manning’s formula Basically use Manning’s formula
1) Concerning the flood flow between Goha T siyon ~
Dejen, to the flow estimated by the combined method,
Other add an additional rate arising from sediment inflow.

In cases where the cross-sectional area of flow is insufficient with respect to the flow
rate calculated by the above method, or in cases where structures are damaged, lateral
drainage structures shall be installed according to the following concept.
- Adoption of precast concrete pipes (φ1200 or less)

Rather than adopting in-situ concrete box structures, which entail deep excavation and
enable shorter traffic regulation times when it is difficult to secure diversions, precast
concrete pipes shall be used and temporary bridges shall be installed during works in
order to speed up execution. Maximum pipe diameter shall be limited toφ1200 mm in
order to minimize the excavation depth, and new pipes shall be added on sections where
capacity cannot be secured.

- Adoption of minimum diameterφ900 mm

In the basic design study phase, new or substitute lateral structures were configured to
have a minimum diameter ofφ900 mm. This adoption was based in consideration of
the minimum diameter required for manual cleaning, taking into account the frequent
problems concerning the cleaning and maintenance of drainage structures in African
countries in recent years. Note that a number of countries has regulations stipulating
900 mm as the minimum allowable diameter. However, because the Ethiopian
Government has requested a minimum diameter of 1,000 mm, the detailed design phase
shall examine this and re-confirm drainage capacity.

- Adoption of three-way lined ditches

For the drainage facilities design here, stone-lined or concrete-lined ditches shall be
adopted in order to prevent erosion by rainwater.

g) Traffic Safety Facilities, etc.

Site surveys revealed cases of vehicles turning over or falling down cliffs on
escarpments and sharp curves of the Project road. In view of this, and in order to secure
the safety of pedestrians, consideration shall be given to installing the following:
i) Guard posts
ii) Road traffic signs (e.g. speed restriction signs, warning signs)
iii) Demarcation lines (e.g. center lines, roadside lines, pedestrian crossings)

h) Slope Protection Facilities

The Project road at escarpment sections contains numerous points with sharp cliff faces
on both sides. However, it will be difficult to improve safety at all danger spots because
of the costs involved. Accordingly, slope protection facilities shall be provided at points
considered to be at highest risk based on the findings of the site surveys.

Table 2.2.10 Main Countermeasures
Main Slope Protection Works Contents
① Loose rock removal Remove loose rocks from mountain cliffs at high risk of
② Installation of groundwater Install groundwater drain holes in areas at risk from landslides
drain holes in order to accelerate groundwater drainage and reduce the risk
of landslides.
③ Installation of gorge blocks Install gorge blocks at points that currently have no slope
drainage facilities and suffer from slope erosion, in order to
prevent sediment runoff onto the road.
④ Installation of small rock Erect a retaining wall around 2 m high on the roadside at points
protection walls where there is evidence of minor rock falls, in order to prevent
rocks from falling onto the road.

7) Concept Regarding the Works Method and Works Period

a) Setting of an Appropriate Procurement Period

Since Ethiopia is a landlocked country, it is necessary to import equipment and

materials at a port in neighboring Djibouti and transport them some 970 km overland to
the construction site. Based on the first two work phases, including the procurement
time in Japan (approximately 1 month), about a month each is needed for marine
transportation (including landing), customs clearance procedures, etc., requiring a total
of around 3 to 4 months for materials to reach their destination. When calculating the
work period, it will be necessary to appropriately reflect this procurement period in the

b) Impact of the Rainy Season

As was mentioned in the section on the concept regarding natural conditions, the Project
area has a 3-month rainy season during which operating rates fall dramatically, and
there are some works that cannot be executed during or immediately after the rainy
season. Therefore, the rainy season is a major factor in the calculation of the work
period. It will be necessary therefore to appropriately reflect the impact of the rainy
season in the work processes and scheduling.

c) Impact of Single Side Works on the Works Period

Since diversion routes cannot be secured, it will be necessary to execute works on one
side of the road while allowing traffic to pass on the opposite side on escarpment
sections. Since this will slow work down, this will also need to be taken into account.

d) Implementation Timing of the Project and Works Period

The rehabilitation work of the second phase arterial road works currently in progress is
scheduled to finish in February 2005. From the viewpoint of overall project continuity
and efficiency, it is desirable to implement the third phase of rehabilitation work as early
as possible. The Ethiopian side is also hoping for the early commencement of this work.

(2) Bridge

1) Natural Conditions & Bridge Planning

Taking into account natural conditions is crucial when building a new bridge. This is
particularly true for the Abay River, which is a relatively large river with its head at
Lake Tana. In the dry season, the river dries up, while in the rainy season there are
heavy flows containing a mix of soil and gravel. Written records state that the water
level in the rainy season can be up to 10.0m higher than that in the dry season. Given
these circumstances, it is highly important to take this into account when planning the
bridge. In addition, since the Project area has also suffered from seismic threats, the
Ethiopian Bridge Design Manual (2001) shall be referred to in the bridge’s planning. As
for wind load and direction, there are no records and a 20m/sec velocity shall be applied
based on data from the observatory at Debre Markos.

a) Flooding

There is no record of the existing Abay Bridge of ever being shut down to traffic due to
flooding since it was opened to service in 1948. A hearing survey with military guards
who have been in charge of bridge’s surveillance also reported that there has been no
interruption to traffic caused by flooding. It is therefore concluded that the discharge
volume and/or flooding in the rainy season of the Abay River will not have a severe
impact on the new bridge.

b) Pier location for new bridge

The piers of the new bridge will be located so as not to affect the river current during
the dry season. The actual topography of the riverbed, which has been examined in the
dry season, indicates a silty sand layer 1.0m thick piled up on the right-hand side of the
river, where the piers will be located 1020m – 1021m above sea level and
approximately 25m away from the riverbank. On left-hand side of the river, there are
sand bars more than 2m thick with boulders and the pier edges will be approximately
5m away the riverbank.

The above-mentioned planning concept will result in the piers of the new bridge being
located with the same span arrangement as the existing bridge piers. Note that the piers
will be covered by water only for a mere 3 months during the rainy season, from the
middle of June to the middle of September. As in the case of the existing piers, it is
assumed that the new bridge piers will not impact on the flow of the Abay River.
Scouring around piers will, however, be taken into consideration in theplanning of the
new bridge.

c) Location of the new bridge

The new bridge shall be located upstream of the existing bridge in order to
accommodate the approach to the existing road. The planning of the new bridge shall
consider i) the minimum distance required between it and the existing bridge, ii) span
arrangement and balance, and iii) geometric alignment.

I. Minimum distance to the existing bridge

It is necessary to consider the standard for the minimum distance between the new
and existing bridges, taking into consideration the possibility of the river
channelbeing clogged by debris such as trees, soils, stones, etc. during a flood.
This will be determined in accordance with the Japanese River Engineering
Ordinance. In this analysis a 100-year return period shall be applied, because the
Project road is part of the Ethiopian trunk road network and because the Abay
Bridge is a large-scale structure (Ethiopian Bridge Design Manual).

The regulation requires that the reference span length serve as the minimum

distance between the 2 bridges. The reference span length is derived as
L = 20 + 0.005Q
L: reference span length (m)
Q: discharge volume (m3/sec.)=16,599 m3/sec. (Refer to Table 2.2.11)
L = 20+0.005*16.599=20+83.00=103.0m
The reference span was calculated as being 103.0m in length. This means
that the minimum distance between the new and existing bridges shall be at
least 103.0m.
The regulation also requires that the distance between the new and existing
bridges be greater than the river’s width. Since river width at the existing
bridge is 120m, the minimum distance between the two bridges will be
greater than this value.

II. Span arrangement and balance

Bridge span arrangement is roughly estimated via pier location and approach
run-off. Note, however, that span arrangement and balance is also one of the major
factors for determining bridge type and will be considered in the planning of the
new bridge.

III. Geometric alignment

In principle, the new bridge shall have a straight alignment and the approach road
shall have a curvature less than that of the existing bridge.

d) Environmental conservation

I. Flora preservation
To minimize felling when the yard and site access roads are prepared.
To restore topography and to carry out reforestation when construction is
To involve with local residents, NGO and the Natural Resources Bureau in
the event of selection of plants and vegetation to be reforested.
To clarify beforehand the cost arisen for restoration and reforestation.

II. Fauna preservation

To pay attention to prevent water pollution of the Abay River in order to
preserve aquatic fauna and flora.
To analysis the actual muddy water and obtain data of the water quality at
the detailed design stage in order to settle a quality criteria as monitoring
To pay attention with the piers not to invade habitat of the Nile Crocodile
Gelada Baboon, unconfirmed its habitant around objective area

2) On Socio-Economic Basis

A sidewalk will not be installed on the new bridge, since it is planned to have the
existing bridge serve as a pedestrian crossing. The Ethiopian government will continue
to maintain the existing bridge.

3) Local Standards and the Status of the Construction Industry

a) Ethiopian design standards and their application

In Ethiopia there is a standard bridge text known as the “Bridge Design Manual: 2001”
and is based on AASHTO standards. However, not all of the contents have been
completely understood nor applied in practice by local bridge engineers, due to a lack of
technical education and/or training.

The new bridge project shall apply the “Bridge Design Manual: 2001”. In particular,
providing feedback to the Ethiopian Government while using the “Manual” will be a

highly efficient manner in understanding on the contents of the “Manual”.

b) Capacity of local contractors

Ethiopian engineers are well experienced in small-scale conventional RC bridges. On

the other hand, large-scale bridges with PC girders have only been introduced in two
recent projects. In both projects, foreign contractors were in charge of the construction
of the bridges and there was almost no technical transfer to local contractors. The
Ethiopian Government is therefore keen on having Japanese technical knowledge and
skills regarding bridge engineering transferred to local engineers.

c) Construction market and procurement

I. Construction equipment & machinery

It is well known that cranes are vital in bridge construction. ERA, who is the
commissioning entity and beneficiary of the new bridge Project, possesses small-scale
equipment and machinery unsuitable for bridge construction.

Vernaro Co., Ltd., who is the sole foreign company registered in Ethiopia among
foreign contractors, possesses machinery that can be utilized for road construction, such
as a road roller, backhoe, and bulldozers. Five 16-20t class cranes shall also be available
for bridge construction, but there is still a lack of equipment. For example, there is no
concrete mixing plant. It is therefore suggested that the necessary major machinery be
transported from Japan and/or a third country.

II. Construction materials

Construction materials not readily available on the local market shall be imported. Table
2.2.11 indicates the construction materials that can be procured locally. Note that the
quality of local materials should be tested prior to usage via sampling.

Table2.2.11 Procurement List of Major Materials
Japan or a
Materials Local Third Remarks
Cement ○
Concrete admixture ○
Up to size D25 available locally.
Reinforcement ○ ○ Thick diameter type available from
Pre-stressed wires & bars ○
Staying Cable ○
Bituminous materials ○
Timber panel available but at a high
Forms ○ ○
Formwork & scaffolding ○
Expansion joint ○
Bearings ○

d) Employment of Local Contractors

As mentioned in “b) Capacity of Local Contractors”, the fact that local contractors are
not technically experienced nor trained in the construction of large-scale structures
and/or PC girder bridges, requires careful consideration in regards to employment. It is
important therefore to survey in advance the skills of the technicians, such as carpenters,
plasterers, electricians, who will work for the local contractors and who reside in the
capital. Note, however, that OJT can be highly effective for providing the necessary
technical training.

e) Capacity of the Commissioning Entity for Bridge Management and


ERA, the commissioning entity, administrates and supervises district offices who are in
charge of bridge maintenance. However, a limited budget results in many small and
medium size bridges not being properly repaired and maintained.

Under the direction of a JICA expert, who is stationed in the Bridge Engineering
Department of ERA Headquarters, a nationwide survey for bridges was carried out and

this data is now being input into a bridge management system. Note that some of the
Ethiopian engineers have already obtained basic knowledge and skills on bridge design
and management through the JICA training program in Japan. To enhance and
accelerate the on-going technical transfer by Japan, it will be important for the new
bridge project to incorporate training throughout the whole project cycle, starting from
the planning and design phases and going through to the construction and up
maintenance phases.

f) Planning Criteria

The new bridge shall possess many advantages over the existing bridge in terms of
bridge management and maintenance and shall therefore facilitate and simplify
maintenance activities, such as periodic inspection of drainage, expansion joints, and
inside girders. The following criteria shall be taken into consideration in the
construction of the new bridge:

I. Cost efficiency

i) A cost-efficient bridge type, in consideration of Japan’s Grant Aid, shall be


II. Simple and easy maintenance

i) A concrete structure shall be examined to take advantage of its high maintenance

ii) Drainage slopes shall be considered for both the cross section and longitudinal
section to prevent storm water from coming form the approach roads.
Replacement of drainage pipes shall also be considered.

iii) Expansion joints that are cleanable shall be applied.

iv) An inspection hatch shall be installed at the bottom slab in order to facilitate
maintenance of the inside of girders.

v) A rigid-framed structure for the A1 abutment shall be selected in order that

pedestrians and maintenance vehicles can pass through and inspection for the

existing bridge can be easily carried out.

III. Enhancement of function grades

i) Cross sections shall be composed of “shoulder + carriageway + carriageway +

IV. To enhance safety grades

i) Scouring protection shall be planned for the piers, which will be located in the

ii) A 10cm thick wearing course will be applied to piers in the river from the footing
top up to flooding levels to prevent erosion and damage by debris flows to the

V. Aesthetics and environmental preservation

i) The Ethiopian Government has requested that the selection of the bridge type for
the new bridge also take into aesthetics and environmental preservation elements.

ii) Lighting facilities shall not be installed in order to prevent impacts on wildlife.

g) Construction Method and Period

I. Complexity on the import procedure

Since there are no port facilities in Ethiopia, the port in neighboring Djibouti shall be
utilized for importing. Note that the Embassy of Japan shall formally request the
Ethiopian Government to make arrangements with Djibouti regarding the facilitation of
import procedures, which it seem are quite complicated.

II. Flooding in the rainy season

The biggest concern for the construction of the new bridge is pier work during the rainy
season, which starts from the middle of June and continues to the middle of September.


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