The Impact of Management Control Systems (MCS) On Organizations Performance A Literature Review
The Impact of Management Control Systems (MCS) On Organizations Performance A Literature Review
The Impact of Management Control Systems (MCS) On Organizations Performance A Literature Review
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The impact of management control systems (MCS) on organizations
performance empirical research has been the subject of numerous studies during
the past decade in developed and emerging economies. In the contemporary
competitive, complex and changing global business environment, firms are being
challenged to adopt business models that enable them to address the strategic
uncertainties and risks they face in their business environments. The main issue
of this study is that management accounting researchers argue that one of the
ways firms can continually rejuvenate themselves to survive and succeed in these
complex and uncertain environments is to understand the role of management
control systems in Formulating a business strategy in management control
systems that yields a sustainable competitive advantage which in turn lead to
enhance organizations performance. The purpose of this study is attempting to
wading in the literature review related to The impact of management control
systems on organizations performance based on 10 articles published in a wide
variety of journals.
Discuss some methodological issues related to stage in the organizational life cycle
and, finally, review the main results related to this topic and provide suggestions for
future research Literatures indicate several factors that could possibly influence
management control systems and organizations performance. It is worth highlighting
the numerous factors as it is possible to conduct the proper orientation of influence of
management control systems on performance.
Key Words: Management control systems (MCS), Organizations
Performance, a literature review.
جملة العلوم
االقتصادية واإلدارية
24 اجمللد501 العدد
51 -5 الصفحات
management control system as define by Anthony 1965 (citation) as the
process by which managers ensure that resources are obtained and used
effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of the organization’s objectives.
The above definition constrained subsequent scholars not only to foresee
Management Control System as encircling the mostly accounting-based pedals of
planning examination of activities, as well as measuring concerted effort and
integrative instrument, it can also serve synthetically distinct management
control from operational control and strategic control.(why there is. Include
sources or reorganized sentence). However, Management Control System has
also been defined as practices for persuading behavior (Flamholtz, Das, & Tsui,
1985) Over the past twenty years there has been a growing interest in the
relationship between management control systems (MCS) and strategy which
leads to enhance organizational performance. Much of this research rests on the
premise that MCS should be tailored explicitly to support the strategy of the
business to enhance competitive advantage and encourage superior performance
(Dent, 1990). There is evidence that high organizational performance may result
from a matching of an organization’s environment, strategy, and internal
structures and systems (Govindarajan, 1988). MCS encompasses internal
structures and systems.
Organizational performance in almost all category of industry has to do
with objective fulfillment, relative competitive performance, Return on Assets
(ROA), Return on Sale (ROS). However, the above stated dependent variables
can only be achieved by effective deployment of good independent variable such
as differentiation and cost leadership, which will be part of the organizational
strategy. In a nutshell organization performance largely depends on the good
implementation of company’s strategy (Hoorn & Hoorn, 2011).
The main issue of this study is that management accounting researchers
argue that one of the ways firms can continually rejuvenate themselves to survive
and succeed in these complex and uncertain environments is to understand the
role of management control systems (MCS) in Formulating a business strategy
that yields a sustainable competitive advantage which in turn lead to enhance
firm performance (Simons, 2000).
Basically, the purpose of MCS is to provide information that is useful for
managerial decision-making, planning, monitoring and evaluation of
organizational activities to alter employee behavior (Merchant & Otley, 2007).
MCS also provides strategic direction to the innovative efforts of firms, and the
efficiencies they produce can free up resources for innovative activities
(Marginson, 2002). Strategy and accounting researchers, therefore, contend that
MCS is critical in helping top managers formulate strategies, specify the
operational actions required to implement these MCS strategies, clarify mutual
expectations, identify priorities for operational improvements, and set targets
that may influence current and subsequent performance (Simons, 2000).
The purpose of this study is attempting to carry out the literature review on
the influence of MCS, business strategy, on organization performance based on
10 articles published in a wide variety of journals.
The literature review found several definitions of Management Control
Systems (MCS). According to (Henri, 2006), MCS are defined as formalized
procedures and systems that use information to maintain or alter patterns in an
organizational activity. This definition includes planning systems, reporting
systems, and monitoring procedures that are based on information use. Akroyd,
& Maguire, (2011) were used MCS concept (citation and sentences) which was
developed by Anthony (1965) as the process by which management ensures that
resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment
of the organization’s objectives. However, Bisbe, & Otley, (2004) have focused on
MCS definition by Simons (1995) refered to management control systems as the
formal, information-based routines and procedures managers use to maintain or
alter patterns in organizational activities. Other researchers (Valeiras,Sanchez &
Conde (2015) used Chenhall (2003) study, which indicated to MCS consist of
systematic use of management accounting to achieve some goals and other
controls such as personal and clan controls.
MCS have been categorized in different ways in the literature. Some of
these categorizations are formal and informal controls, action and results
controls, tight and loose controls, and financial and non-financial controls (see
for instance; Kald et al., 2000; Langfield- Smith, 1997; Simons, 1991). Thus, it
has been argued that to make MCS more relevant in today's competitive
environment there is the need to go beyond financial analysis and to include
nonfinancial analysis (Chenhall, 2003; Nyamori, Perera, & Lawrence, 2001).
Simons's (2005) classification of controls into diagnostic and interactive provides
a useful reference for understanding the distinction between financial and non-
financial MCS. Diagnostic controls tend to be backward and inward-looking and
can be associated with financial MCS while interactive controls tend to be
forward and outward-looking and can be associated with nonfinancial MCS.
Financial and non-financial MCS are both important when it comes to
strategy development (see for instance, Bhimani & Langfield-Smith, 2007). May
be better combine with the above paragraph. In this review, we found various
definitions of business strategy, and most of selected papers have defined
business strategy is concerned with how a business achieves competitive
advantage and it has been suggested that the MCS
should be tailored explicitly to support the strategy of the business to lead
to superior performance, for instance Henri, (2006); Acquaah, (2013).
1.5 Countries
Spain Canada Australia Malaysia Portugal Ghana
The study has been conducted by Bisbe & Otley (2004) which was utilized
the balance score card (BSC), it tested whether the interactive use of controls
(including the BSC) leads companies to develop and launch new products, and
whether it contributes to the impact of the new innovative products on
organizational performance. The study found that the interactive use of the BSC
did not moderate the relationship of the product innovation strategy on
New product development has become a central dimension in the strategies
of many companies (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1995; Clark & Fujimoto, 1991, P.6;
Grant ,1996; Gupta & wilemon, 1990; Schilling & Hill, 1998). Current emphasis
on first mover advantages, fast product introductions, more demanding product
functionality, and shortening life cycles has put greater pressure on new product
development (cooper, 1998).
Toney Davila (2000) conducted an empirical study on the drivers of
management control system’ design in new product development, this study
draws on Galbraith’s concept of uncertainty and investigates the relationship
between project uncertainty; product strategy and management control systems.
It also explores whether these systems help or, as argued in the innovation
literature, hinder product development performance. Results support the
relevance of the project uncertainty and product strategy to explain the design of
management control systems. They aslo show the better cost and design
information has a positive association with performance, but that time
information has a negative effect.
The results of this study indicate that these systems are relevant and,
moreover, managers in product development use them to obtain information
needed to reduce uncertainty. This findings contrasts with previous studies
which assumed that control systems are tools to reduce goal divergence and
found that control systems are only marginally relevant to product development.
Bisbe & Otley (2004) defined BSC in their survey as summarized, multi-
perspective sets of both financial and non-financial indicators that aim to
capture the extent to which strategic objectives are being achieved. In general,
Bisbe & Otley (2004) provide a comprehensive study of the effect of the
interactive use of control systems on product innovation. They conducted a
survey of 120 medium-sized mature Spanish manufacturing firms, and tested
whether the interactive use of controls leads companies to develop and launch
new products, and whether it contributes to the impact of the new innovative
products on organizational performance. The control systems studied were the
budgeting system, BSC, and project management systems [. The results indicated
that in low innovating firms, the use of an interactive control system may lead to
greater innovation, by providing guidance for the search, triggering, and
stimulus of initiatives and through providing legitimacy for autonomous
9. Florez, R., Ramon, J. M., Velez, M., Alvarez-Dardet, M. C., Araujo, P., &
Sanchez, J. M. (2012). The role of management control systems on inter-
organisational efficiency: an analysis of export performance. Performance
measurement and management control. Global issues, 195-222.
10. Govindarajan, V. (1988). A contingency approach to strategy implementation
at the business-unit level: integrating administrative mechanisms with strategy.
Academy of Management Journal, 31, 828–853.
11. Henri, J. F. (2006). Management control systems and strategy: A resource-
based perspective. Accounting, organizations and society, 31(6), 529-558.
12. Henri, J. F., & Journeault, M. (2010). Eco-control: The influence of
management control systems on environmental and economic
performance.Accounting, Organizations and Society, 35(1), 63-80.
13. Hoorn, F., & Hoorn, N. (2011). " Mergers & acquisitions, firm performance
and corporate governance": the impact of a firm's board structure on M&A and
firm performance (Master's thesis, University of Twente).
14. Jamil, C. Z. M., & Mohamed, R. (2013). The Effect of Management Control
System on Performance Measurement System at Small Medium Hotel in
Malaysia. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 4(4), 202.
15. Lopez-Valeiras, E., Gonzalez-Sanchez, M. B., & Gomez-Conde, J. (2015). The
effects of the interactive use of management control systems on process and
organizational innovation. Review of Managerial Science, 1-24.
16. Marginson, D. E. (2002). Management control systems and their effects on
strategy formation at middle‐management levels: evidence from a UK
organization. Strategic management journal, 23(11), 1019-1031.
17. Merchant, K. A., & Otley, D. T. (2007). A review of the literature on control
and accountability. Handbook of Management Account Research.(Ed.)
Chapman, CS, Hopwood, AG, Shields, MD, 785-804.
18. Simons, R. (2000). Performance measurement and control systems for
implementing strategy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Eco-control has no
Henri, & Accounting,
Quantitati Manufacturi direct effect on
3 Journeaul Canada Questionnaire Emplyee Organizations
ve ng economic performance.
t, (2010) and Society
The influence of MCS
on business strategy is
nt, CEO,
contingent on whether
and heads Journal of
Acquaah, Quantitati the firm is a FB or
4 Ghana Questionnaire of the Business Family Business
(2013) ve NFB. And the
finance/acc Strategy
difference between
them depends on that.
The results indicated
that (1) mass service,
mature and cost leader
firms place a greater
emphasis on more
bureaucratic forms of
Auzair & MCS, (2) service Management
Quantitati Financial
5 Smith, Australia Questionnaire Service process type, Accounting
ve Controllers
(2005) organizational life cycle Research
stage, and business
strategies have a
significant influence on
the design of a firm’s
MCS directly
influences the
development of process
Lopez- and organizational
Review of
Valeiras Quantitati Manufacturi innovations. MCS have
8 Spain Questionnaire firms Managerial
et al., ve ng moderating role in the
(2015) relationship between
innovation and
financial performance.
The role of
management control
during product
development is mainly
focused on reducing
uncertainty at each
Akroyd, stage and promoting Qualitative
of different
& Qualitativ Manufacturi goal congruence at the Research in
10 Australia observation functional
Maguir e ng decision gates. They Accounting &
e, argue that this helps Management
(2011) explain why
management control
has a positive effect in a
product development
إٌ انبحٕد انخطبيقيت انخي حُأنج حأريش َظى انشقابت اإلداسيت عهى أداء انشرشااث حرى حُأنٓرا دري دسا راث
عذة دي انقشٌ انًُصشو دي اقخصادياث انبهذاٌ انُاييت ٔانًخقذيت ،دي ظرم انًُادةرت ٔانخيقيرذ ٔانخ يرش دري انبي رت
انخضاسيت دي انيانى ،باحج انششااث حخبُى ًَارس حضاسيت حًكُٓا يٍ ييانضت ا خشاحيضياث غيش يؤارذة ،دعر ع عرٍ
انًخاطش انخي حٕاصٓٓا دي بي خٓا انخضاسيت.
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انطشاسق انخي حةخيًهٓا انششااث يٍ اصم انُضاط ٔانبقاء دي بي خٓا انًيقذة غيش يؤاذة ،حخًزم بفٓى دٔس انشقابت
اإلداسيت دي صرياغت ا رخيشاحضيت انشرشات ،انخري حيرٕد عهيٓرا بفاسرذة حُادةريت حقرٕد انرى حيليرل أداء انشرشااث .اٌ
ان شض يٍ ْزِ انذسا ت ْٕ يحأنت نهخٕض دي انذسا راث انةرابقت برٕل حرأريش َظراو انشقابرت اإلداسيرت دري أداء
انشررشااث باعخًرراد يضًٕعررت يررٍ انذسا رراث انًُشررٕسة درري يضًٕعررت يخُٕعررت ٔٔا رريت يررٍ انًض ر ث انيهًيررت
ٔيُرراقا انبحررذ ايعرعا بيررط انًُرراْش انبحزيررت راث انصررهت بررذٔسة بيرراة انشررشات ،ييررشض انبحررذ انُخرراسش
انشسيةت انًخيهقت بٓزا انًٕظٕعٔ ،حقذيى انخٕصياث نهبحٕد انًةرخقبهيت راث انصرهت بانًٕظرٕعٔ .يةره انبحرذ
انعٕء عهرى انيٕايرم انيذيرذة انخري يرٍ انًًكرٍ اٌ يكرٌٕ نٓرا حٕصيرّ ادعرم دري حرأريش َظرى انشقايرت اإلداسيرت دري