17-SAMSS-018 - 2 May 2019 ER

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Materials System Specification

17-SAMSS-018 2 May 2019

Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee

1 Scope ................................................................ 4
2 Conflicts and Deviations ................................... 6
3 Exceptions and Substitutions ............................ 6
4 References........................................................ 6
5 Definitions ......................................................... 8
6 Manufacturer and Type-Approval
Qualification Requirements ............................. 11
7 Information Required with Quotation ............... 16
8 Manufacturers Data Record (MDR) ................ 19
9 Site Conditions ................................................ 22
10 General ........................................................... 24
11 RMU/RMS Design ........................................... 25
12 RMU Functional Requirements ....................... 25
13 RMU Hardware ............................................... 30
14 Software .......................................................... 33
15 Quality Assurance ........................................... 34
Revision Summary.................................................. 34

Appendix 1 - Supplemental Chart

of RMU Description for PO Definition .............. 36
Previous Issue: 16 April 2018 Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021
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Contact: Contact: Shahzad, Usman (shahzaux) on phone +966-13-8808808

©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

Detailed Table of Contents

Section Pages

1 Scope ................................................................................................................... 4
2 Conflicts and Deviations .................................................................................... 6
3 Exceptions and Substitutions ............................................................................ 6
4 References ........................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Saudi Aramco References ................................................................................ 6
4.2 Related Industry Codes and Product Standards ............................................... 7
5 Definitions............................................................................................................ 8
5.1 Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................ 8
5.2 Definitions ......................................................................................................... 9
6 Manufacturer and Type-Approval Qualification Requirements ..................... 11
6.1 General........................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Manufacturer’s Qualification Requirements .................................................... 11
6.3 Pre-qualification Requirements for Type Approval .......................................... 12
6.4 Initial Qualification via Field Test Protocol for Type-Approval ......................... 12
6.5 Requalification Requirements for Type-Approval ............................................ 15
7 Information Required with Quotation .............................................................. 16
8 Manufacturers Data Record (MDR) .................................................................. 19
8.1 Manufacturer's Certified Copy of the “Type-Approval Qualification Tests”
Results (and Data) using Procedure Described in Section 6.4 of this
Specification. .................................................................................................. 19
8.2 Component Data Sheets ................................................................................ 19
8.3 RMU Supporting Drawings ............................................................................. 20
8.4 Pre-commissioning and Commissioning ......................................................... 21
8.5 As-built Drawings ............................................................................................ 21
8.6 Installation Manual .......................................................................................... 21
8.7 Operating and Maintenance Instructions ........................................................ 21
8.8 Bill of Materials ............................................................................................... 21
8.9 Recommended Spare Parts List ..................................................................... 21
8.10 Equipment Warranty ....................................................................................... 21
9 Site Conditions .................................................................................................. 22
9.1 Location .......................................................................................................... 22

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

9.2 General Environmental ................................................................................... 22

9.3 Operating Temperature .................................................................................. 22
9.4 Operating Humidity ......................................................................................... 23
9.5 Onshore Environment ..................................................................................... 23
9.6 Severe Corrosive Environments ..................................................................... 23
10 General ............................................................................................................... 24
11 RMU/RMS Design .............................................................................................. 25
11.1 Design Calculation .......................................................................................... 25
11.2 Battery Capacity and Sizing............................................................................ 25
12 RMU Functional Requirements ........................................................................ 25
12.1 RMU Functions ............................................................................................... 25
12.2 Communication Functions .............................................................................. 28
12.3 Configuration .................................................................................................. 29
12.4 Security .......................................................................................................... 29
13 RMU Hardware ................................................................................................... 30
13.1 Hardware General Requirements ................................................................... 30
13.2 Hardware for Primary and Secondary Enclosures .......................................... 31
13.2.1 Enclosures shall be CSA or Ul Certified ............................................. 31
13.2.2 Hazardous Area Enclosures............................................................... 32
13.2.3 Wiring Schematic ........................................................................... 32
13.3 Installation, Operating, and Maintenance Instructions .................................... 32
14 Software ............................................................................................................. 33
14.1 Software General Requirements..................................................................... 33
14.2 Software Protection ........................................................................................ 34
15 Quality Assurance ............................................................................................. 34
Revision Summary .................................................................................................... 34
Appendix 1 - Supplemental Chart of RMU Description for PO Definition ............ 36

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

1 Scope

1.1 This specification defines the minimum functional and technical requirements
for discrete Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) used to monitor operating levels
and status, for different types of Cathodic Protection (CP) applications as
summarized in paragraph 1.2.

1.2 The RMU for CP application shall include both Remote Monitoring (RM)
capability AND onboard data storage, and shall be classified as providing one of
the following primary CP uses;
 RMU for CP Transformer Rectifier (TR) Power Supplies [TYPE-A]
 RMU for CP Standalone Photovoltaic (PV) Power Supplies [TYPE-B]
 RMU for CP ‘Smart’ Test Stations [TYPE-C]
Commentary Note:

The CP RMU is defined as the first inline intelligent signal conditioning device
which reads all field measurement data of the CP Application via analogue/digital
inputs, records the data to a non-volatile onboard storage, and has suitable
provision for interfacing and communication with next level ‘Project Specific’ data
acquisition sub-systems (i.e., Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), remote end-user
networks or human interface devices).

1.3 This specification is applicable where a CP Remote Monitoring System (RMS),

or provision for one, is required by SAES-X-300, SAES-X-400, SAES-X-500,
SAES-X-600, SAES-X-700.

An end to end RMS basically consists of 3 layers as per below;

a) Field Layer RMU (The purpose of this specification 17-SAMSS-018);
b) Communication Layer (RMU shall utilize a SA corporate communication
and transmission network which is owned and managed by IT Dept.;
therefore, full coordination with IT is required)
c) Server Level (Managed by IT and configured with input from the

1.4 The intent of any CP RMU installation (See SABP-X-003) is to ensure that the
installed device can sufficiently capture, store, and/or (if applicable) transmit CP
data in order to allow verification of the CP system against the requirements of
SAEP-333 for all periods of operation.

RMU shall provide CP data to the Proponent via suitable combination of the
following means to achieve the monitoring requirements of SAEP-333;

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

a) Using a complete ‘end to end’ Remote Monitoring System via secure RM

data transmission;
b) Frequent manual retrieval of data from onboard data storage;
c) Or by suitable combination of the above options (e.g., for when the RMS is

1.5 This RMU specification does NOT cover (i.e., excludes) the following;

1.5.1 RMUs being installed with ‘enabled’ Remote Control (RC) Features.

1.5.2 RMUs being installed in Class I, Zone 1 (Division 1) locations as

defined by the National Electrical Code (NEC) Article 500-5.

1.5.3 Communication layer as per paragraph 1.3(b). Any hardware or

software directly related with any communication transmission
networks required to enable an ‘end to end’ Remote Monitoring
System (RMS).
Commentary Note:

For example cellular, satellite, radio, fiber optic, etc.

1.5.4 Server level as per paragraph 1.3(c). Any hardware or software related
with any application and/or operating software of next level data
acquisition sub-systems (i.e., Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), end-user
networks or human interface devices).
Commentary Note:

For example SCADA, 3rd party SCADA, Modbus, etc.

1.6 This RMU specification shall NOT apply where Project requirements mandate
the installation of a Remote Monitoring Systems (RMS) where;

1.6.1 The RMU design, engineering, fabrication, procurement,

configuration, programming, integration, inspection, testing, and
documentation of CP RMU equipment deviate from the requirements
of this specification 17-SAMSS-018.
Commentary Note:

For example where the field CP signals are to be directly hardwired

from the CP system directly into an RTU (see 23-SAMSS-030) for the
purpose of RMS or transmission to SCADA.

1.6.2 In all instances above, all responsibility for the RMS must be assumed
by the appropriate Saudi Aramco Information Technology Organization,
and thus are not addressed herein.
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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

1.6.3 This shall in no way alleviate the responsible SAPMT and Proponent
from meeting general compliance with 17-SAMSS-018.

1.6.4 This shall in no way alleviate the responsible SAPMT and Proponent
from meeting ALL CP commissioning, operating and monitoring
requirements in accordance with the requirements of SAEP-332 and
SAEP-333 respectively.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the
EK&RD Coordinator.

2.2 Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company
procedure SAEP-302.

3 Exceptions and Substitutions

3.1 The designation ‘Exception’ is used to label a sub-paragraph that contains

approved exceptions to a rule. These exceptions (if applicable) are also
mandatory requirements within this SAMSS.

3.2 The designation ‘Commentary Note’ is used to label a sub-paragraph that

contains comments that are explanatory or advisory. These comments are only
intended to elaborate on the intention of a sub-paragraph. The CSD Responsible
Standardization Authority (RSA) representative or Subject Matter Expert (SME)
reserves the right to rule on the final interpretation of any Commentary Note.

4 References

Materials or equipment supplied to this specification shall comply with the referenced
section of the latest edition of the references listed below unless specified otherwise on
the purchase order.

4.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-332 Cathodic Protection Commissioning
SAEP-333 Cathodic Protection Monitoring

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

SAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design Data

SAES-P-104 Wiring Methods and Materials
SAES-X-300 Cathodic Protection of Marine Structures
SAES-X-400 Cathodic Protection of Buried Pipelines
SAES-X-500 Cathodic Protection of Vessel and Tank Internals
SAES-X-600 Cathodic Protection of Plant Facilities
SAES-X-700 Cathodic Protection of Onshore Well Casings

Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

17-SAMSS-008 Junction Boxes for Cathodic Protection
23-SAMSS-030 Remote Terminal Unit

Saudi Aramco Best Practices

SABP-X-001 Cathodic Protection Design Package Preparation
SABP-X-003 Cathodic Protection Installation Requirements
SABP-X-004 Plants Survey and Technical Assessment of
Cathodic Protection Equipment and Material

4.2 Related Industry Codes and Product Standards

This SAMSS recommends using the following documents as reference when

designing, selecting and installing components of a RMS system.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IEEE C37.1 Standard Definition, Specification, and Analysis of
Systems Used for Supervisory Control, Data
Acquisition, and Automatic Control
IEEE C37.90.1 Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests
for Protective Relays and Relay Systems

Electronics Industries Association

EIA TIA-RS232-E Interface between Data Terminal Equipment and
Data Circuit - Terminating Equipment Employing
Serial Binary Data Interchange

International Electrotechnical Commission

IEC 529 Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by
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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Surge Protection

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NEMA ICS 6 Enclosures for Industrial Controls and Systems

National Fire Protection Agency

NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC)

Underwriters Laboratories
UL 886 Outlet Boxes and Fittings for Use in Hazardous

5 Definitions

5.1 Abbreviations and Acronyms

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CE Conformité Européene
CP Cathodic Protection
CSD Consulting Services Department
DC Direct Current
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
MDR Manufacturers Data Record
MSAER Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
NEC National Electric Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NMR Non-material Requirements
P/S Power Supply
PV Photovoltaic
QC Quality Control
RMS Remote Monitoring System
RMU Remote Monitoring Unit
RSA Responsible Standard Authority
RTD Resistance Temperature Detectors
RTU Remote Terminal Unit

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

SABP Saudi Aramco Best Practice

SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
SAES Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard
SAMSS Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification
SASD Saudi Aramco Standard Drawing
SME Subject Matter Expert
STC Standard Test Conditions
UL Underwriters Laboratory
VID Vendor Inspection Department

5.2 Definitions

Definitions of words not covered herein shall be in accordance with IEEE C37.1.

Application Software: Software written specifically to perform functional

requirements for a remote monitoring system when the standard system
operating software package cannot be configured to meet the requirements.
Application software compliments the system operating software; it does not
involve modification of the system operating software.

Configurable: The capability to select, adjust, or connect various standard

RMU hardware modules to create a system, or the capability to change
operating functionality by changing software selectable parameters without
having to modify or regenerate software.

Configuration: The physical installation or adjustment of RMU hardware

modules to satisfy the system requirements, or the selection of RMU software
selectable parameters to satisfy the remote monitoring system requirements.

Enclosure – Primary: The immediate enclosure of ONLY the RMU device as

provided by the Manufacturer.

Enclosure – Secondary: Any secondary enclosure containing the RMU

provided by the manufacturer, and possibly ancillary power supply units,
electronic/communication equipment and wiring for purposes of providing a
complete RMS.

Firmware: Programs or instructions that are permanently stored in the RMU

memory devices (usually read-only memory).

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

Manufacturer: A Saudi Aramco approved company that assembles the

approved components for the finished product and provides the finished product
either through a Vendor or directly to Saudi Aramco.

Module: An assembly of interconnected components that constitute an

identifiable device, instrument, or piece of equipment. A module can be
disconnected, removed as a unit, and replaced with a spare. It has definable
performance characteristics that permit it to be tested as a unit.

Outdoor Sheltered: Refers to permanent outdoor enclosures, with high degree

of protection from solar radiation by dedicated fixed and close fitting sunshades
(consisting of a minimum of top and 3 sides), or suitable alternative.

Outdoor Unsheltered: Refers to permanent outdoor enclosures that do not

meet the definition of outdoor sheltered above, with minimal or limited
protection from solar radiation.

Proponent: Owner (Saudi Aramco) of the facility who is responsible to

operate, maintain, upgrade and comply with all operational and maintenance
procedures, guidelines, best practices, and standards.

RMS: A remote monitoring system is the complete ‘end to end’ communication

and interfacing with next level ‘Project Specific’ data acquisition sub-systems
(i.e., Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), Remote end-user networks or human
interface devices).

RMU: A remote monitoring unit is a device used to collect a wide variety of CP

data from various electrodes or sensors. The CP RMU is defined as the first inline
intelligent device which reads the field measurement data of the CP Application
via analogue/digital inputs, records the data to a non-volatile onboard storage, and
has suitable provision for communication and interfacing with next level ‘Project
Specific’ data acquisition sub-systems (i.e., Remote Terminal Units (RTUs),
Remote end-user networks, or human interface devices).

RMU Battery Backup: Minimum RMU battery backup time required to

maintain the full functionality of the RMU, in order to ensure verifiable
operating compliance of the CP output in accordance with SAEP-333.

System Operating Software: The standard software for the RMU that resides
in the host computer or server and performs the basic functions of the remote
monitoring system including storing of the database for the RMU data.

Subject Matter Expert (SME): For the purposes of this specification, the
SME shall be the assigned CSD cathodic protection specialist.

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

6 Manufacturer and Type-Approval Qualification Requirements

6.1 General

6.1.1 The Manufacturer's type-approval (i.e., specific RMU product) shall be

initially qualified in accordance with Section 6.3.

6.1.2 The manufacturer shall provide one RMU with all supporting software,
for a 180-day functional evaluation. The RMU shall be of the same
model and type being submitted for manufacturer's approval.

6.1.3 The RMU will be returned to the manufacturer's local vendor upon
completion of the test.

6.1.4 The Manufacturer's type-approval (i.e. specific RMU product) shall be

periodically re-qualified in accordance with Section 6.5.
Requalification may be required under any one of the following
o As dictated by the periodic re-assessment frequency defined by
Vendor Inspection Department (VID);
o Where detailed evidence of the Manufacturers initial type-approval
qualification and test results cannot be provided to the CSD
SME/RSA Representative.
o Should any changes be made to the Manufacturer’s existing type-
approval in terms of functionally important materials, hardware,
software, or equipment.

6.2 Manufacturer’s Qualification Requirements

6.2.1 The Manufacturer shall supply the Saudi Aramco VID (or Buyer's
Inspection Representative) with a list of users for similar RMU
systems. The list shall detail; user company name and contact
information, installation location, date of installation, date of
commissioning, and general RMU equipment specifications.

6.2.2 The Manufacturer shall submit to the Saudi Aramco VID (or Buyer's
Inspection Representative), the Manufacturers approved Quality
Control (QC) program for review and audit. This shall include
submission of full documentation and all associated quality
procedures, tests and forms. The QC program shall be specific to
RMU systems, and shall cover all stages from pre-fabrication /
production (e.g., initial material receipt) to the final packaging
specification stage.

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

6.3 Pre-qualification Requirements for Type Approval

6.3.1 For type-approval qualification, the Manufacturer shall provide the

Saudi Aramco VID (or Buyer's Inspection Representative) and CSD
SME/RSA Representative with full documentation supporting the
RMU under evaluation as described below;
a) The Manufacturer shall provide all relevant component datasheets
as per Section 8.2 of this specification.
b) The Manufacturer shall use this SAMSS with reference to every
section and subsection in this specification. Manufacturer shall
clearly state any deviations and exceptions.

6.3.2 For type-approval pre-qualification, Manufacturer shall provide details

to the CSD SME/RSA Representative, of at least two (2) other RMU
systems (either installed for clients or successfully piloted/trialed) with
approximately equivalent functional characteristics. The Manufacturer
shall submit detailed sample documentation to the CSD SME/RSA
Representative, outlaying the existing status and performance of the
system, which must have operated ‘satisfactorily’ for at least 1 year in
environmental conditions similar to those detailed in paragraph 6.3.3
(outside of KSA is acceptable).

6.3.3 For type-approval pre-qualification, Manufacturer shall provide

evidence and details of the original ‘Burn-In-Test’ (BIT) conducted on
the RMU that ‘satisfactorily’ demonstrates the determination of the
Operating Temperature as quoted on the Product datasheet.
Commentary Note:

The term ‘satisfactorily’ in paragraphs 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 refers to the

submission of verifiable evidence that is considered sufficiently
technical by CSD SME/RSA Representative to enable a suitable
performance validation. The CSD SME/RSA Representative reserves
the right to rule on the final interpretation of the term ‘satisfactorily’.

6.4 Initial Qualification via Field Test Protocol for Type-Approval

6.4.1 For type-approval qualification, the Manufacturer shall successfully

demonstrate to the Saudi Aramco VID (or Buyer's Inspection
Representative) and CSD SME/RSA Representative, conformance to
the “Type-Approval Qualification Tests” detailed in this section.
Commentary Note:

Manufacturers/Vendors are encouraged to actively seek prior approval

of RMUs via the formal ‘type-approval’ design qualification approval
process, well in advance of any Project Bid or Quotation requirement.
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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

6.4.2 Failure of any component to meet the requirements of this specification

maybe justification for the Saudi Aramco CSD SME/RSA
Representative to reject, or request further tests on similar components.

6.4.3 Once approved, no further changes are allowed to materials, hardware,

software or equipment on the manufacturer’s type-approval without
formal reassessment as per Section 6.5.

6.4.4 Primary CP RMU Application shall be defined as per paragraph 1.2.

The TYPE relates to the primary application (or use) of the CP RMU.
a) RMU for CP Transformer Rectifier (TR) Power Supply [TYPE-A]
b) RMU for CP Standalone Photovoltaic (PV) Power Supply
c) RMU for CP ‘Smart’ Test Stations [TYPE-C]

6.4.5 The tests and conditions prescribed in paragraph 6.4.6 are required on a
one-time basis (minimum) to achieve initial CP RMU Type Approval.
The RMU Type Approval shall note the following;
a) RMU suitable for either ‘outdoor unsheltered’ or ‘outdoor
sheltered’ operating temperatures and environment; and
b) Nominated enclosure and mitigation for solar radiation is suitable
for the condition stated above.

6.4.6 The RMU’s continuous performance of the following attributes must all
be successfully proven under the following controlled trial conditions.
a) All type approvals to be conducted at CSD agreed location, which
shall be conducted in ‘outdoor unsheltered’ conditions.
b) RMU to be installed, wired, and configured for Type Approval by
approved Vendors and/or Contractors as applicable.
c) RMU may be installed in an ‘outdoor unsheltered’ environment as
per definition, using one of the following enclosure options:
 OPTION-A; In Manufacturers RMU rated Primary enclosure;
 OPTION-B; In Manufacturers/Vendors rated Secondary
enclosure; Or
 OPTION-C; In SA standardized uncoated stainless steel
junction box as follows;

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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications


NEMA 4X – 760mmW x 915mmH x 300mmD
NEMA 4X – 760mmW x 915mmH x 300mmD
NEMA 4X – 500mmW x 500mmH x 300mmD
d) RMU may be installed in an ‘outdoor sheltered’ environment as
per definition using one of the following options:
 OPTION-A; In Manufacturers RMU rated Primary enclosure
with close fitted sunshield (incl. roof and 3 sides); Or
 OPTION-B; In Manufacturers/Vendors rated Secondary
enclosure with close fitted sunshield (incl. roof and 3 sides);Or
 OPTION-C; In SA standardized uncoated stainless steel
junction box as follows;
NEMA-4X - 760mmW x 915mmH x 300mmD
with close fitted sunshield (incl. roof and 3 sides)
NEMA 4X – 760mmW x 915mmH x 300mmD
with close fitted sunshield (incl. roof and 3 sides)
NEMA 4X – 500mmW x 500mmH x 300mmD
with close fitted sunshield (incl. roof and 3 sides)
e) IF RMU is to be installed for Type Approval in Manufacturers rated
primary or secondary enclosures; then, Manufacturer/Vendor to
provide a heat rise calculation based on the proposed cabinet size
material and installation (i.e., sheltered vs. unsheltered).
Calculation shall include all RMU components and will nominate
the allowable provision power in watts (if any) to accommodate for
heat from other third party components installed in the same
enclosure such as battery controller/chargers, non-embedded power
supply, network switches, signal conditioners/converters, etc.
f) Continuous monitoring of Ambient, RMU and Secondary
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Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

Enclosure temperatures under selected test condition under full

rated RMU load and maximum channel I/O as per TYPE.
Confirm result is within agreed criteria.
g) Temperature and humidity sensors shall be monitored at the
following strategic locations;
 RMU temperature
6.4.6.g..1 By embedded RMU temperature sensors
6.4.6.g..2 Or by portable contact installed Resistance
Temperature Detector (RTD) or thermocouple at
 Primary/secondary enclosure space temperature and humidity;
6.4.6.g..3 Ambient via RTDs or thermocouples
6.4.6.g..4 Upper internal enclosure via RTDs or thermocouples
6.4.6.g..5 Internal enclosure via humidity sensor.
h) Continuous monitoring of RMU via RMS (Cellular/Satellite
Based) at a minimum of two (2) remote end-user networks or
human interface devices for the period of the Type Approval.
Confirm results are within agreed criteria.
i) Correctly monitor frequency and duration of all SA simulated
RMU channel change conditions (e.g., Output adjustments,
power loss, temperature change) with correct actuation of all
pre-nominated set points and alarms.
j) Correctly monitor frequency and duration of primary power
source removal, and confirmation of time to failure of RM backup
battery. Confirm results are within agreed criteria.
k) Successful battery capacity test of backup battery after 180 days
use. Confirm results are within agreed criteria.
l) Successful collection of a minimum of 180 days of continuous and
correctly date/time stamped directly from RMU Onboard Data
Storage at end of trial period.

6.5 Requalification Requirements for Type-Approval

6.5.1 Manufacturer shall clearly state whether any materials, hardware,

software and equipment have been replaced or updated, since the
previous Manufacturer’s “Type-Approval Qualification Tests”.
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Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

6.5.2 Manufacturer shall provide written certification to the CSD SME/RSA

Representative that all equipment and material components used for
the Requalification, meet or exceed the specifications of those original
components used to complete the Manufacturer’s “Type-Approval
Qualification Tests” described in Section 6.4 of this specification.

6.5.3 Saudi Aramco CSD SME/RSA Representative shall determine whether

any change(s) from the type-approval awarded in Section 6.4 shall
warrant any type-approval requalification.

6.5.4 Requalification may be conducted by desktop assessment, or by partial

(or complete) demonstration as detailed in “Type-Approval
Qualification Tests” in Section 6.4.

7 Information Required with Quotation

7.1 Quotations shall ONLY be supplied by Vendors/ Manufacturers that have been
approved in accordance with Section 6.2 of this specification, and ONLY for
type-approvals that have been qualified in accordance with Section 6.4, or
requalified in accordance with Section 6.5 of this specification.

Where purchase of RMU(s) is required for Field Trial or Type Approval.

7.2 The quotation shall be considered technically unacceptable if any of the

information requested is not included. The English language shall be used on all
documents, drawings and labels.

7.3 The Vendors/Manufacturers shall supply the following information with each

Paragraphs 7.3.1 and 7.3.3 are NOT required where purchase of RMU(s) is for
non ‘project specific’ purposes.

7.3.1 Quotation shall reference to ‘Project Specific’ DBSP or Project

Proposal for the purposes of defining the following relevant CP /RMU
 Determine the CP RMU location
 Determine the available SA corporate network (i.e., check radio
coverage if it is not available then check any other alternative SA
transmission network)
 Determine the CP RMU type Primary CP RMU Application as per
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paragraph 1.2. The TYPE relates to the primary application (or

use) of the CP RMU.

7.3.1.a..1 RMU for CP Transformer Rectifier (TR) Power Supply


7.3.1.a..2 RMU for CP Standalone Photovoltaic (PV) Power

Supply [TYPE-B]

7.3.1.a..3 RMU for CP ‘Smart’ Test Stations [TYPE-C]

 Determine the RMU power availability
Commentary Note:

Site conditions shall be “Outdoor unsheltered” unless otherwise

required by the Project and noted in the purchase order.

 Using the Supplemental Chart for RMU Description for PO

Definition (see Appendix 1), select the most appropriate code to
describe the RMU being supplied, and ensure that the code is
included on the PO for clarity of purchase.
Commentary Note:

For Example: PO code “CPRMU-TYPE-A-1-U-C1-Y” describes a

Type Approval granted for an RMU suitable for the following CP
application;… a Transformer Rectifier RMU, powered by any
Voltage between 90 and 260 VAC (i.e. Nominally 110 V, 127 V,
220 V, or 230 V), suitable for Unsheltered Outdoor operation whilst
installed within a SA standardized secondary enclosure (NEMA 4X
- 760mmW x 915mmH x 300mmD) without sunshield.

7.3.2 Manufacturer's certified copy of the data from the most recent
“Type-Approval Qualification or Requalification Test” described in
Section 6.4 or Section 6.5 of this specification.

7.3.3 Preliminary supporting drawings must be ‘project specific’ and

showing only the RMU hardware being supplied. Typical drawings
are not acceptable.

7.3.4 Preliminary supporting drawings shall also be no larger than A3 size,

completely dimensioned and clearly labeled to show:
a) Exactly which hardware is being supplied (with solid lines);
 RMU primary enclosure and dimensions
 RMU secondary enclosure and dimensions (where applicable)

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 RMU primary or secondary enclosure test stand post and

sunshield (where applicable)
 RMU mounting details (including any antennae/GPS receiver
where applicable)
 RMU embedded or external thermocouples or RTDs
 RMU input channel details
 RMU serial port details
 RMU field wiring/connection diagram including terminal
block identification and all connections to be made by the
b) Ancillary hardware NOT being supplied (with dashed lines);
Commentary Note:

For example; communication modems, communication power

sources, and reference electrodes, etc.

7.3.5 Preliminary supporting calculations to show RMU power requirements

and heat rise calculation based on contents of primary and/or
secondary cabinet (where applicable) as per Section 9.

7.3.6 Manufacturer's written certification of compliance to this specification

(17-SAMSS-018), with reference to every section and subsection in this
specification. Vendors/Manufacturers shall clearly state any deviations,
and/or exceptions.

7.4 Equipment Support and Warranty

The Vendor/Manufacturer (as approved by Saudi Aramco and listed in SAP as

the manufacturer) shall provide RMU equipment as follows:

7.4.1 The RMU Vendor/Manufacturer shall guarantee system support of all

system hardware, firmware and software with spare parts and services
for a period of 10 years from the hardware freeze date as defined in the
contract purchase order. Support shall include technical support.
This support shall not be contingent on the customer upgrading to later
releases of software or hardware unless this upgrade is supplied at no
additional cost.

7.4.2 The RMU Vendor/Manufacturer shall guarantee all commercial off-

the-shelf products, spare parts and software supplied as part of the
RTU system for a period of 10 years from the hardware freeze date as
defined in the contract purchase order.
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7.4.3 Shipment of equipment being submitted for warranty evaluation

between the field and the manufacturer shall be the responsibility of
the Saudi Aramco Project or CP Proponent Organization.

8 Manufacturers Data Record (MDR)

The Vendor/Manufacturer shall provide Saudi Aramco CSD SME/RSA Representative

with one hard copy and one soft copy of the compiled and indexed Manufacturers Data
Record (MDR) documentation as described in this section, for each RMU type per
project order. The Vendor/Manufacturer shall also keep a suitable record of the MDR
for each RMU being supplied.

8.1 Manufacturer's certified copy of the “Type-Approval Qualification Tests” results

(and data) using procedure described in Section 6.4 of this specification.

Where purchase of RMU(s) is required for Field Trial or Type Approval.

8.2 Component Data Sheets

The Manufacturer's component data sheets that shall include (but not be limited
to) the following components groups.
 RMU Specifications
o Number and Type of Measuring Channels (Voltage and Temp)
o Channel Ranges, Resolution, and Impedance
o Environmental and Temperature Rating
o Data Logging / Onboard Data Storage
o Processor and Clock
o Self-Diagnostics
o Displays/Meters
o Power Supply Requirements
o Communication Options
o Serial Port Options
o Surge Protection
 RMU Batteries
o International standard compliance (IEC, UL, CE)
o Mechanical, Electrical, and Thermal Characteristics
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o Performance data (temperature versus charge/discharge cycle,

temperature versus aging)
 RMU Ancillaries
o Reference Electrodes
o Thermocouples or RTDs
 RMU Primary Enclosures and Environmental
o Enclosure (detailing NEMA/IP rating)
o Test Stand Post and Sunshield (if applicable)
 RMU Secondary Enclosures and Environmental
o Enclosure (detailing NEMA/IP rating)
o Test Stand Post and Sunshield (if applicable)
 RMU Software
o User Interface Software (version and compatibility)
o Security and Protection

The following sections 8.3 to 8.9 are NOT required where purchase of RMU(s) is
for non- ‘project specific’ purposes.

8.3 RMU Supporting Drawings

Supporting drawings showing only the equipment being supplied and shall be no
larger than A3 size, completely dimensioned and labeled to include: structural
details, full electrical schematics, and detailed connection diagrams including
terminal block identification and all connections to be made by the Buyer.
The minimum details to be covered using Project specific drawing are as
 Overall RMS Schematic (Power and Control)
 RMU Arrangement/Layout (Plan and Elevation)
 RMU Wiring and Cable Termination/Interconnection Diagrams
 RMU Enclosure Arrangement/Layout (Plan and Elevation)
 Communications Arrangement/Layout

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 A clearly visible nameplate detailing the manufacturer’s name,

contact information, input power requirements, and RMU serial number
(if applicable).

8.4 Pre-commissioning and Commissioning

8.4.1 Records of all Functional tests conducted during pre-commissioning

(refer to Form SA-X-012) as required by SABP-X-003.

8.4.2 Commissioning Instructions

8.4.3 Records of all Functional tests conducted during commissioning in

accordance with SAEP-333. Records shall be presented using forms
provided in Appendix B of SAEP-333.

8.5 As-built Drawings

Three copies of as-built drawings shall be provided in a plastic cover separately

along with soft copy. Incomplete or improper drawings shall be rejected.

8.6 Installation Manual

One copy of the Installation manual contained in a plastic cover, shall be

included in each0 RMU and shall describe all of (and only) the equipment
installed. Dangerous practices shall be accented by bold-print.

8.7 Operating and Maintenance Instructions

One copy of the Operating and Maintenance Manual contained in a plastic cover,
shall be included for each RMU and shall describe all of (and only) the equipment
installed. Dangerous/hazardous practices shall be accented by bold-print.

8.8 Bill of Materials

This section shall list the bill of materials of all major parts and components.

8.9 Recommended Spare Parts List

This section shall list the recommended spare parts for operation.

8.10 Equipment Warranty

Details of the RMU warranty as requested in Section 7.4.

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9 Site Conditions

The RMU and all associated equipment/devices installed within both primary and
secondary enclosures (including communications equipment) shall operate continuously
without damage, mis-operation, data loss, data corruption, or deterioration in the
manufacturers guaranteed performance life under the environmental conditions listed

9.1 Location

This specification shall be applicable to all locations within the Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia (KSA).

Default site conditions required for all CP RMUs are “Outdoor unsheltered”
unless otherwise firstly required by the Project and consequently noted in the
Purchase Order. As an alternative, “Outdoor Sheltered” refers to permanent
outdoor, with high degree of protection from solar radiation by dedicated fixed
and close fitting sunshades (consisting of a minimum of top and 3 sides), or
suitable alternative.

9.2 General Environmental

All RMU components shall be fabricated to be suitable for the environmental

conditions and ranges described below.

Ambient Air Temperature: Minimum 0°C (32°F)

Maximum 55°C (131°F)
Relative Humidity: As per SAES-A-112
Elevation above Sea level: As per SAES-A-112
Wind Data: As per SAES-A-112
Soil Temperatures: As per SAES-A-112
Earthquake Data: As per SAES-A-112
Precipitation: As per SAES-A-112
Iskeraunic Levels: As per SAES-A-112
Ultraviolet Radiation: Hourly Mean (December) 14W/m²
Hourly Mean (July) 28W/m²

9.3 Operating Temperature

RMU shall be rated for full design life (Section 10.1) at a maximum continuous
operating temperature as defined below:
a) For “Outdoor Unsheltered” installations (see Section 5.2), the RMU
equipment shall be designed for a maximum operating temperature of 75°C.

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b) For “Outdoor Sheltered” installations (see Section 5.2), the RMU

equipment shall be designed for a maximum operating temperature of 65°C.
c) The RMU enclosure shall be designed and sized for such that the heat rise
within the enclosure due to RMU electronics ONLY shall not exceed 5°C,
assuming a maximum initial ambient temperature of 55°C.
d) For RMUs or RMU enclosures (primary/secondary) installed directly within
(or directly to) any other non-RMU device(s) which also dissipate heat
(example TR power supplies), no more than 10°C heat rise shall be allowed
within the RMU enclosure due to non-RMU heat source without redesign,
relocation or suitable and proper ventilation of the primary/secondary

9.4 Operating Humidity

The RMU shall be rated by the manufacturer for continuous operation in an

environment with a relative humidity range of 5% to 95% (non-condensing).

9.5 Onshore Environment

The RMU shall be rated by the manufacturer for continuous operation in an

environment with contaminant levels as follows:
a) The normal air-borne dust concentration is 1 mg/cubic meter with 95% of all
dust particles less than 20 micrometers, and 50% less than 1.5 micrometers in
size. During sand storm conditions, dust concentration may reach 500 mg/m³
and winds may gust to 146 km/h.
b) The dust may contain sodium, calcium, magnesium, silicon and aluminum
components. Other substances which may be present are H2S (1 to 5 ppm),
CO (50 to 100 ppm), NO(x) (1 to 5 ppm), SO2 (1 to 5 ppm), and
hydrocarbons (10 to 50 ppm).

9.6 Severe Corrosive Environments

For the purpose of this specification, severe corrosive environments are listed
below. In severe corrosive environments the enclosures, conduit, fittings and
wiring may require additional consideration and shall be designed to suit the
conditions present.
a) Outdoor offshore locations.
b) Outdoor onshore locations within one kilometer from the shoreline.
c) Inside the security fence for all Plants (Refineries and GOSPs).
d) Locations where corrosive chemicals are being handled.

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10 General

10.1 Design Life

All RMU components shall be designed for reliable operational life with
minimal maintenance in a remote, unattended environment as described in
Section 9.

10.1.1 Design Life for the RMU component shall be 10 Years (with the
exception of the RMU backup batteries, see 10.1.2 and balance of
RMU system, see 10.1.3).

Where the RMU is mandated by project requirements to have a design

life other than described by paragraph 10.1.1, the Vendor/Manufacturer
shall confirm in writing all necessary additional design requirements
with the Saudi Aramco SME/RSA Representative.

Commentary Note:

Proponent should note that a 10-year design life for RMU shall require
a minimum of one (1) complete replacement of the RMU ONLY over
the full design life of the CP system. A tolerable level of obsolescence
for RMU hardware and software has been considered in the RMU
design life.

10.1.2 Design Life for any RMU batteries shall be a minimum of as follows;
a) 5 Years for Type A in standby (UPS) mode,
b) 5 Years for Type B in standby (UPS) mode,
c) 3 Years for Type C rated on weekly communication cycle.
Proponent should consider long-term replacements and spares.
Commentary Note:

Proponent should note that a 5-year design life for RMU backup
batteries shall require a minimum of four (4) complete replacements
over the full design life of the RMU system.

10.1.3 Design Life for the balance of the RMU system (including all RMU
ancillaries, cabling, enclosures, and associated fittings) shall be 20 years.

10.2 The RMU shall be defined as providing for one of the following primary CP
application types:
a) RMU for CP Transformer Rectifier (TR) Power Supply [TYPE-A]
b) RMU for CP Standalone Photovoltaic (PV) Power Supply [TYPE-B]
c) RMU for CP ‘Smart’ Test Stations [TYPE-C]
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10.3 The RMU Physical battery limit of this specification is typically defined as;
a) The RMU & RMU Battery Backup
b) The RMU primary enclosure (and secondary enclosure if applicable)
complete with enclosure standpost.

Physical battery limit shall include suitable provision for interfacing RMU with
a complete RMS as specified by the project specification.

11 RMU/RMS Design

11.1 Design Calculation

The minimum supporting design ‘Project Specific’ detailed design for the
purposes of defining the following relevant RMU/RMS requirements shall be
provided as follows. Reference shall be made to all project specific CP design
basis and/or design report.
 Summary of project RMU/RMS
o RMU layer
o Communication layer
o Server level specific communications required to enable the RMS.
 Details of the load profile and requirements for the RMU and RMS
o RMU load requirements
o RMS and Communication load requirements

11.2 Battery Capacity and Sizing

Projected performance degradation over design life including charge-discharge

losses, aging, and cycling times due to worse case temperature effects.

12 RMU Functional Requirements

12.1 RMU Functions

12.1.1 Unless otherwise specified on the purchase order, the RMU channels
shall be capable of being configured to accept the following typical
input signals with near real time or date/time stamped measurements in
accordance with the following tables according to the CP application
(TYPES A, B, or C), without the use of external signal conditioning

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12.1.2 The RMU shall provide minimum specifications in accordance with the
following tables according to the CP application (TYPES A, B, or C).

12.1.3 Additional channels may be required by the CP Proponent and in such

cases shall be specified on the purchase order.

TYPE A - RMU for CP Transformer Rectifier (TR) Power Supplies

Typical CP Minimum Minimum Monitoring Reporting/
Measurement Input CH Onboard
CH# I/O Application Input CH Scan Rate/ Sampling Transmission
of Rangeable Data
Range Impedance Heartbeat Frequency Frequency
Rectifier DC Every
1 AI 0 to 100 Volts 10 k Ohms
Output Voltage minute

Rectifier DC Typically Every 6 Channels x

2 AI 0 to 150 Amps * 10 k Ohms every hour
Output Current 0-100 V minute
By defined By defined (24 hrs)
Structural 0-10 V Every schedule; schedule;
3 AI +5 to -5 VDC ** 10 M Ohms x 180 days
Potential (DC) minute
0-100 mV By exception By exception or
Structural Every or every 4 hrs Every 7 days
4 AI 0 to 20 VAC ** 4-20 mA 10 M Ohms
Potential (AC) minute typ. typ. = 25920
RMU Cabinet Every readings
5 AI 0 to 200°C 10 k Ohms minimum
Temperature minute
AC Breaker input NO or NC Every
6 DI On / Off -
C/B Status contacts minute

* Current is measured in mV across a shunt resistor
** The level of protection provided to the structure, measured in millivolts and referenced to an industry standard stationary
reference cell (the reference electrode is not part of this specification)

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TYPE B - RMU for CP Standalone Photovoltaic (PV) Power Supplies

Typical CP Minimum Minimum Monitoring Reporting/
Measurement Input CH Onboard
CH# I/O Application Input CH Scan Rate/ Sampling Transmission
of Rangeable Data
Range Impedance Heartbeat Frequency Frequency

1 CP DC Output AI 0 to 48 Volts 10 k Ohms Every

Voltage minute
CP DC Output Every
2 AI 0 to 100 Amps * 10 k Ohms
Current minute
PV Array Every
3 AI 0 to 100 Volts 10 k Ohms
Voltage minute
PV Array Every
4 AI 0 to 100 Amps * 10 k Ohms
Current minute
Battery Every
5 AI 0 to 48 Volts 0-100 V 10 k Ohms
Voltage minute 12 Channels
0-10 V x every hour
Battery -100 to Every
6 AI 10 k Ohms By defined By defined (24 hrs)
Current 100 Amps * minute
0-100 mV schedule; schedule;
x 180 days
Structural 4-20 mA Every By exception By exception or
7 AI +5 to -5 VDC ** 10 M Ohms
Potential (DC) minute or every 4 hrs Every 7 days
typ. typ. = 51840
Structural Every
8 AI 0 to 20 VAC ** 10 M Ohms readings
Potential (AC) minute
ACC Cabinet Every
9 AI 0 to 200°C 10 k Ohms
Temperature minute

Battery Terminal Every

10 AI 0 to 200°C 10 k Ohms
Temperature minute

Cabinet NO or NC Every
11 DI On / Off -
Proximity Status contacts minute

NO or NC Every
12 SPARE DI On / Off -
contacts minute

* Current is measured in mV across a shunt resistor
** The level of protection provided to the structure, measured in millivolts and referenced to an industry standard stationary
reference cell (the reference electrode is not part of this specification)

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TYPE C - RMU for CP Smart Test Station

Typical CP Minimum Minimum Monitoring Reporting/
Measurement Input CH Onboard
CH# I/O Application Input CH Scan Rate/ Sampling Transmission
of Rangeable Data
Range Impedance Heartbeat Frequency Frequency
Structural Every 4 Channels x
1 AI +5 to -5 VDC ** 10 M Ohms
Potential (DC) minute every hour
By defined By defined (24 hrs)
Structural Every
2 AI +5 to -5 VDC ** 0-100 V 10 M Ohms schedule; schedule;
x 180 days
Potential (DC) minute
0-10 V By exception By exception
Every or every 4 hrs or Every 7
3 Bond Current AI 0 to 50 Amps * 0-100 mV 10 k Ohms
minute typ. days typ. = 17280
4-20 mA readings
4 Bond Current AI 0 to 50 Amps * 10 k Ohms minimum
* Current is measured in mV across a shunt resistor
** The level of protection provided to the structure, measured in millivolts and referenced to an industry standard stationary
reference cell (the reference electrode is not part of this specification)

12.1.4 Unless specified otherwise by the CP Proponent Organization and

stated on the purchase order, the RMU shall measure the CP
Application (TYPES A, B, or C) a minimum of once every four hours
and initiate the transmission of an alarm condition signal to the CP
Proponent's computer(s).

Remote monitoring systems that utilize an architecture where the RMS

server initiates data transfer are not required to monitor on a real time
basis and are not required to initiate the transmission of an alarm
condition outside the programmed sample period.

12.1.5 The RMU shall be capable of both locally and remote on-line
configurable for alarm conditions, data sampling schedule and
automatic data transfer schedule.

12.1.6 The RMS shall be capable of a time programmable transfer of stored

data from the RMU or the RMS server to the CP Proponent's
computer(s). The initiation of data transfer can be made by the RMU
or the RMS server as specified by the RMU manufacturer.

12.2 Communication Functions

12.2.1 Unless specifically stated otherwise on the purchase order, the RMU
shall be provided with modem and other required equipment as
applicable to facilitate connectivity as specified on the purchase order.
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Though not mandatory, it is preferred that modems (as applicable),

supplied with the RMU, be installed inside the secondary enclosure
with the RMU components, i.e., a single suitably rated enclosure.
Commentary Note:

Connectivity will typically be achieved through;

 an Ethernet type connection to a local RTU, or
 directly to a Saudi Aramco fiber optic communication network, or
 through a Saudi Aramco approved commercial communications
network with appropriate security provisions.

12.2.2 The RMU shall communicate with the CP Proponent's computer(s)

through the communication media detailed on the purchase order, and
shall transfer the information and data specified in this specification or
on the purchase order.

12.2.3 The RMU shall directly communicate with a portable local laptop
computer through an RS485/RS232 or USB 2.0 port to transfer
configuration information, stored data, and real time data as prompted
by a local operator. Bluetooth/WiFi communications may be
acceptable in addition to the communication ports listed above.

RMUs provided with self-contained digital displays and diagnostic

capabilities, designed for field operation, diagnostics, calibration
verification, and removable on board storage, without need for a direct
connection to a portable computer do not require this capability.

12.3 Configuration

RMU configuration tools for operational and database configuration, data

acquisition, and input scan frequency shall be menu driven from a data base
program that runs under “®Microsoft Windows” or “®Oracle” as specified on the
purchase order.

12.4 Security

12.4.1 The RMU shall operate with a communication error-checking scheme.

12.4.2 The RMU shall operate with a programmable password system for
access restrictions layered for:
a) passive viewing access, and
b) an administrator level that allows configuration of the
configurable parameters.

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13 RMU Hardware

13.1 Hardware General Requirements

13.1.1 Equipment that is provided as part of the RMU shall be the latest “field
proven” revision as per Section 6 of this specification.

13.1.2 Electrical design and construction including installation shall comply

with NEC standards.

13.1.3 The RMU shall operate satisfactorily from one of the primary power
supply according to the CP application (TYPES A, B, or C) as per the
following table unless otherwise specified on the purchase order;

Primary Power Supply for CP RMU - Types A, B, & C

TYPE OPTION Nominal V Voltage Range Phase Frequency
OPTION 1 110 to 230 VAC 90 to 260 VAC 1Ph 60 Hz
OPTION 2 220/230 VAC 200 to 260 VAC 1Ph 60 Hz
OPTION 3 110/127 VAC 90 to 130 VAC 1Ph 60 Hz
A, B, C OPTION 4 10 to 30 VDC 10 to 30 VDC N/A <5% Ripple
OPTION 5 12 VDC 10 to 16 VDC N/A <5% Ripple
OPTION 6 24 VDC 20 to 30 VDC N/A <5% Ripple
OPTION 7 Primary backup battery ONLY

13.1.4 The RMU shall be equipped with a “Real Time” clock with rechargeable
or non-rechargeable battery backup (for the clock) rated for;
a) a minimum life in years in accordance with paragraph 10.1.2.
b) and at operating temperature in accordance with Section 9.3.

13.1.5 The RMU shall be equipped with rechargeable or non-rechargeable

battery backup for alarm transmissions in the event of power failure.
The battery backup for this application shall rated for;
a) a minimum life in years in accordance with paragraph 10.1.2.
b) an operating temperature in accordance with Section 9.3.
c) and shall have sufficient capacity to transmit a minimum of one
power failure alarm per month.

13.1.6 The RMU shall operate continuously without any RMU damage,
malfunction, or data corruption in the environmental conditions
detailed in Section 9.

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13.1.7 Unless noted otherwise on the purchase order, RMUs to be used with
communication media such as satellite or radio shall be supplied with
all the equipment (i.e., radio, subscriber communicator, antenna, etc.)
to provide a complete RMS.

13.1.8 The RMU shall be manufactured to facilitate direct communication to

a portable computer through a standard RS232/RS485 or USB 2.0 port.
The direct link shall be usable for on-site calibration, configuration,
diagnostics, etc. One serial cable for this purpose shall be supplied
with each purchase order for RMUs.

RMUs provided with self-contained digital displays and diagnostic

capabilities, designed for field operation, diagnostics, calibration
verification, and removable on board storage, without need for a direct
connection to a portable computer do not require this capability.

13.1.9 The RMU data and power inputs shall be short circuit and overload
protected and shall comply with surge withstand capability tests
detailed in IEEE C37.90.1 or IEC 61000-4-5 without RMU damage,
malfunction, or data corruption.

13.1.10 The RMU data inputs shall be electrically isolated and achieved
through galvanic contacts, engaged only during the measurement
sampling period.

13.1.11 The maximum error at 50°C ambient temperature shall not be more
than 0.5% of the nominal input signal range for a single sample.

13.2 Hardware for Primary and Secondary Enclosures

13.2.1 Enclosures shall be CSA or UL certified and shall be:

a) NEMA 4X, or
b) IEC 529 Type IP65 manufactured of stainless steel (Type 304 or
better), copper free aluminum, or UV resistant plastic (including
c) Enclosure gaskets shall be nitrile composition or equivalent and
shall be framed on 3 sides. Gasket adhesives shall be suitable for
enclosure surface temperatures of 70°C (158°F). Gasket material
supplied by the gasket manufacturer with a pre-applied adhesive
covered by a removable backing shall not be used.

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Commentary Note:

Internationally recognized equivalent ratings for the above are


13.2.2 Hazardous Area Enclosures

The enclosure for an RMU specified on the Purchase Order for a

Class I Zone 2 application shall be certified (and labeled) as compliant
for electrical equipment for the specified hazardous area application
(as defined by NEC) by UL, CSA, or IEC standards or procedures.
Commentary Note:

As stated in the Scope of this Material Specification, “Hazardous

locations as referenced in this specification shall be as defined by the
National Electrical Code (NEC) Article 500-5 for Class I, Zone 2
(Division 2). Manufacturing of RMUs for Class I, Zone 1 (Division 1)
locations are not within the scope of this material specification.”

13.2.3 Wiring Schematic

A durable plasticized or laminated wiring schematic shall be

permanently affixed to the RMU or associated CP power supply
enclosure, preferably on the inside surface of the RMU or CP power
supply enclosure door (or cover). The wiring schematic shall detail
power requirements/alternatives, field-wiring connections, and input
channel parameters.

13.3 Installation, Operating, and Maintenance Instructions

13.3.1 Installation, operating, and maintenance instruction documents shall be

packaged with each RMU and shall be written in English.
Dangerous or improper installation or operating practices shall be
clearly detailed in the relative section of the instructions.

13.3.2 The instructions shall include a detailed connection diagram for all
field wiring requirements, plus all related drawings and electrical
schematics for onsite trouble shooting.

13.3.3 Electrical schematics shall fully correspond with markings and

locations of the specific component (typical drawings are not
acceptable). Drawings shall be supplied in a convenient field size
(maximum 280 mm x 430 mm) and shall be completely dimensioned
and labeled. The drawings shall clearly detail all field wiring
requirements and alternatives.

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

14 Software

14.1 Software General Requirements

14.1.1 The remote monitoring system shall include the manufacturer's

standard system operating software and firmware, and shall be
configurable to meet the requirements of this specification and the
purchase order.

14.1.2 If application software is required, it shall be designed such that

modification to the system standard operating software is not required.

14.1.3 Future revisions or updates to the system operating software shall not
affect the successful operation of the existing remote monitoring

14.1.4 All system operating software, exclusive of application software, shall

be the most recent field proven revision that is applicable to the system
hardware at the time of the placement of the purchase order.

14.1.5 The system operating software shall facilitate remote operator

selectable alarm tolerances for each of the input data channels and shall
facilitate remote toggling (Alarm “On” or Alarm “Off”) of the A.C.
input (or AC breaker) failure alarm.

14.1.6 An alarm condition (with programmed tolerances) when recognized by

the RMU or by the server containing the system operating software,
shall be sent to the CP Proponent's computer(s) and shall remain an
alarm condition until the CP Proponent resets or turns the alarm
function off.

14.1.7 Remote monitoring data stored in the RMU or associated server shall
be accessible to any Saudi Aramco user with assigned permission by
the CP proponent organization. The stored data shall be automatically
updated at user defined intervals.

14.1.8 The system operating software shall compliment the associated Saudi
Aramco server as specified on the Purchase Order, and shall facilitate
direct export of the data into “®Microsoft Excel” and “®Oracle.”

14.1.9 The RMU shall perform automatic initialization when power is

restored after a power loss. With the exception of the initial AC alarm
transmission, the RMU is not required to operate in a data collection
mode or communication mode during power outages, but shall retain,
for a minimum period of 6 months, the data and configuration
parameters contained in memory prior to the power outage.
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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

14.1.10 The RMS software shall function with TCP/IP or RS-485 connectivity
unless otherwise specified on the purchase order.

14.2 Software Protection

a) No software or hardware locking mechanisms that restrict the user from
copying the application software source code or compiled executable code
from the storage media shall be employed.
b) No software or hardware locking mechanisms that restrict the user from
booting (starting up) shall be employed.
c) System operation and maintenance shall not depend on license renewal.

15 Quality Assurance

Quality Control: The vendor shall implement and maintain a quality program that
shall clearly define and document procedures for the relevant quality system functions.
The quality program documents shall be made available for review and audit.

Revision Summary
28 April 2013 Major revision.
Modified new manufacturer’s equipment qualification to 1 year verifiable field performance
and 180 day Saudi Aramco field trial.
Modified battery backup and memory storage requirements.
Increased equipment minimum design temperature to 65C (from 60C).
Added requirement for galvanic contacts in measurement circuit.
Modified dimensional restrictions for the RMU enclosure.
Added an exception item to accept a built in data display on the RMU as an acceptable
alternative to direct connection to a portable computer.
16 April 2018 Major revision.
Modified title and focus shift of scope from RM Systems to RM Units for CP Applications.
Expanded specification reflects different RMU CP Applications (i.e., Type A, B, & C).
Added requirement of onboard data storage for all RMUs.
Significantly expanded on guidelines for Manufacturer and Type Approval Qualification.
Significantly expanded on required Information with Quotation.
Significantly expanded on required Equipment Support and Warranty.
Operating RMU temperature conditions for ‘outdoor sheltered’ to remain at 65C;
however, ‘outdoor unsheltered’ to increase to 75C.
Design Life of RMU, backup batteries and Balance of System modified. RMU reduced from
20 Years to 10 Years in outdoor sheltered/unsheltered environment.
Significantly expanded on RMU Functional Requirements for RMUs for different CP
Applications (i.e., Type A, B, & C).
Requirement for RMS/RMU design component.
RMU options for enclosures and primary power supply.
Supplemental Appendix for defining the RMU for the purpose of a PO definition.

Page 34 of 36
©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

2 May 2019 Editorial revision :

- Removed cancelled references (SAEP-119 & SAES-X-800)
- Updated the document’s contact name
- Adjusted the conflicts and deviations section with appropriate write up

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved
Document Responsibility: Cathodic Protection Standards Committee 17-SAMSS-018
Issue Date: 2 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 16 April 2021 Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs) for Cathodic Protection Applications

APPENDIX 1 - Supplemental Chart of RMU Description for PO Definition

The shall use the following Codes to describe the RMU being supplied.

CPRMU Code RMU CP Application as per paragraph 1.2.

TYPE-A Transformer Rectifier (TR) Power Supplies
TYPE-B Standalone Photovoltaic (PV) Power Supplies
TYPE-C Smart’ Test Stations
Code RMU Primary Power Input as per paragraph 13.1.1
1 90 to 260 VAC
2 220/230 VAC Nominal
3 110/127 VAC Nominal
4 10 to 30 VDC
5 12 VDC Nominal
6 24 VDC Nominal
7 Onboard Primary Battery backup / Miscellaneous Voltage
RMU Suitable for Outdoor Use – Type-Approval as per
paragraph 6.4.6 and Section 9.3
U Unsheltered (RMU suitable for Operating Temp < 75C)
S Sheltered (RMU suitable for Operating Temp < 65C)
Code RMU Enclosure Provided - per paragraph 6.4.6
A Manufacturers rated Primary (1) Enclosure Only
B Manufacturers rated Secondary (2) Enclosure
C1 SA Standardized Secondary (2) Enclosure Type A
C2 SA Standardized Secondary (2) Enclosure Type B
C3 SA Standardized Secondary (2) Enclosure Type C
EXAMPLE Code RMU Enclosure Sunshield per paragraph 6.4.6
Y Without Sunshield
X With Sunshield

CPRMU TYPE-A 1 U C1 Y For PO# _________________________

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©Saudi Aramco 2019. All rights reserved

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