San Isidro High School of Tambulig Inc.: Pagadian Diocesan Schools
San Isidro High School of Tambulig Inc.: Pagadian Diocesan Schools
San Isidro High School of Tambulig Inc.: Pagadian Diocesan Schools
Module Overview : This module is designed for independent learner like you, who will
go through with the activity, concepts, application and assessment
from the previous modules. You will organize a physical fitness
event that will test how physically fit you are and how much you
can perform.
Instructional Materials : Lualhati Fernando-Callo, Peter Fermin Dajime,. Rex Book Store,.
Physical Education and Health Volume I
Get ready! Let’s find out how much you already know in this activity.
_______ 1. It is best to exercise in the morning because it helps to burn more calories.
_______ 2. Running a kilometer and walking a kilometer will burn the same amount of calories.
_______ 3. Performing static stretching before jumping decreases vertical jump heights.
_______4. Performing 1,000 crunches a day will trim fat in the belly.
_______5. Free weights are better than exercise machines in increasing strength.
Today in our next lesson, you will participate and organize physical activity/event. Changing habits is not
easy but once you start to feel better, you will see the benefits and the changes you`ve made.
Picture Analysis!
Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. Describe the picture below and explain the kind of physical
activity that they performed.
Directions: You will organize A HaP.E.Hness Family Zumbathon through a video presentation /
Portfolio (Narrative Report). You are tasked as a fitness instructor and organizer/ facilitator at
home due to limited time and access because of the COVID - 19 pandemic to promote health
awareness during these critical situations. Your teacher will serve as your audience. You will be
assessed based on the standards: proper execution, choreography, cuing (rhythm and tempo) and
Assessment 1Does not meet 2Partially Meets 3Meets expectations 4Exceeds expectations score
expectations Expectations
Demonstration The portfolio’s The portfolio The portfolio The presentation
of Learning materials and materials and includes of artifacts is
Artifacts artifacts are not artifacts are not appropriate convincing, with
appropriate fully supported artifacts that strong
and/or by or connected support the support for the
adequate, and to the course’s demonstration course’s
are not learning of learning learning
supported by the outcomes outcomes outcomes
Evidence of The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio
Learning shows little or documents adequately provides clear
Competencies no evidence of some, but not documents evidence of
learning tied to sufficient, learning tied to learning tied to
sound learning tied to sound sound
educational sound educational educational
theory educational theory (or theory (or
theory grounded in grounded in
(or grounded in appropriate appropriate
appropriate academic academic
academic frameworks) frameworks
Mastering The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio
Knowledge & provides little demonstrates documents the demonstrates
Skills evidence of the the student’s acquisition of the student has
Application of student’s ability ability to use the knowledge and mastered the
Learning to use knowledge and skills for the knowledge and
knowledge and skills for the course learning skills for the
skills for the course learning outcomes, with course learning
course’s outcomes in some ability to outcomes and
learning practice is apply them in can apply them
outcomes in limited practice in practice
Presentation Assembly Most of the The portfolio is The portfolio is
Completeness instructions expected well organized well organized
and quality of have elements are with all critical with all critical
the portfolio not been included; the elements elements
presentation followed with quality of included; the included;
critical written, visual quality of learning is well-
portfolio and/or digital written, visual documented
elements not presentation and/or digital with writing
included; the does not meet the and production
quality of postsecondary presentation is skills that
written, visual standards with competent with exceed those of
and/or digital too many errors minor errors in most college
presentation in spelling, spelling, students
does not meet grammar and grammar and
postsecondary punctuation punctuation
Total Score:
Processing Questions:
1. How did you feel about doing the task?
2. What are the barriers that you had encountered during the performance?
Directions: Complete the following statements below:
Lifelong Learning
You have learned that one must stay healthy and fit, and being fit requires sacrifice and
perseverance. In your life, cite an example wherein you have rendered much sacrifice in order to
complete a certain task or goal.
Post assessment
Directions: Identify the following exercises whether they are Aerobic, Bone strengthening, or
Flexibility exercises.
____________1. Pull-ups
____________2. Gymnastics
____________3. Mountain Climbing
____________4. Jumping rope
____________5. Pushing a Lawn Mower
____________6. Sprinting
____________7. Biking
____________8. Baseball
____________9. Zumba
____________10.Weight Lifting
Answer Key!
1. Fact
2. Fiction
3. Fiction
4. Fiction
Even if you did 1,000 crunches every day, you'd
unlikely trim the fat around your belly. That's
because crunches tone the muscles that lie
underneath your fat, but they do very little to help
you lose weight -- which is the key to shrinking
your belly.
5. Fact
1. Bone Strengthening
2. Flexibility
3. Aerobic
4. Aerobic
5. Aerobic
6. Bone Strengthening
7. Aerobic
8. Aerobic
9. Aerobic
10. Bone Strengthening