The document discusses Rayaprolu Subbarao, a pioneering Telugu writer and poet. It describes how he introduced Western romanticism and brought new concepts like "Amalina Shringara Tatvamu" to Telugu literature. Subbarao drew from both Indian and Western literary influences to produce works exploring themes of love, nature, spirituality and social reform. He is recognized for popularizing romanticism in Telugu poetry and seen as the "Abhinava Nannaya" of Telugus.
The document discusses Rayaprolu Subbarao, a pioneering Telugu writer and poet. It describes how he introduced Western romanticism and brought new concepts like "Amalina Shringara Tatvamu" to Telugu literature. Subbarao drew from both Indian and Western literary influences to produce works exploring themes of love, nature, spirituality and social reform. He is recognized for popularizing romanticism in Telugu poetry and seen as the "Abhinava Nannaya" of Telugus.
The document discusses Rayaprolu Subbarao, a pioneering Telugu writer and poet. It describes how he introduced Western romanticism and brought new concepts like "Amalina Shringara Tatvamu" to Telugu literature. Subbarao drew from both Indian and Western literary influences to produce works exploring themes of love, nature, spirituality and social reform. He is recognized for popularizing romanticism in Telugu poetry and seen as the "Abhinava Nannaya" of Telugus.
The document discusses Rayaprolu Subbarao, a pioneering Telugu writer and poet. It describes how he introduced Western romanticism and brought new concepts like "Amalina Shringara Tatvamu" to Telugu literature. Subbarao drew from both Indian and Western literary influences to produce works exploring themes of love, nature, spirituality and social reform. He is recognized for popularizing romanticism in Telugu poetry and seen as the "Abhinava Nannaya" of Telugus.
11/23/2020 6 PRADESH • Who Inspired Andhras in Patriotism. Your nation’—thus sang Rayaprolu Subba Rao whose spirit-stirring lines have inspired Andhras to the heights of noble patriotism
11/23/2020 7 PRADESH DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 8 PRADESH DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 9 PRADESH DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 10 PRADESH • A Tribute to Rayaprolu on the occasion of his Jayanti on 13th March. ‘What ever be the nation You visit Whatever be the land You set your foot upon Whatever seat of honour You grace Hail your motherland Bharathi Hold aloft and in full The self-respect Of Your nation’—thus sang Rayaprolu Subba Rao whose spirit-stirring lines have inspired Andhras to the heights of noble patriotism
11/23/2020 11 PRADESH DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 12 PRADESH • A pure romanticist and idealist, he proclaimed that ‘one’s motherland is verily one’s own paradise and its language is fecund enough to express all subtle nuances of human thought and feeling. • A genuine aesthete, he conceived of an ideal platonic love unstained by the touch of sensual passions and cravings. • To him, human life is an ideal, an aspiration and a fulfillment. • He looked upon romantic love as a spiritual companionship , regarded love as an expression of an all-embracing divine compassion , felt that beauty is something inward and spiritual and equated it with ‘Ananda’(beatitude).
11/23/2020 13 PRADESH • Rayaprolu was a multi-faceted genius and versatile scholar of encyclopedic range. • He delved deep into Sanskrit literature and imbibed the vedantic wisdom embedded in the classics. • Prominent English romantic poets like Keats, Shelley and Wordsworth profoundly influenced his mental makeup and poetic development and he carved out a niche for himself as a worthy precursor of the later day romantic poets like Devulapalli, Nanduri Subba Rao etal. • The mystical world of Tagore enthralled him,while eminent scholars like Nandalal Bose,Andrew pearson and V Bhattacharya whetted his intellectual powers. • His unique concept’’Amalina Sringara’ emanated from his in depth study of Vaishnava literature and he elevated it as one ‘pure, self- effacing and spiritual in word, deed and thought.
11/23/2020 14 PRADESH • Infact, Rayaprolu and Gurajada Appa Rao represented two major facets of Telugu literature. • While Gurajada made a multi-pronged attack on cussed customs, religious obscurantism,snobbish intellectuality and hypocrisy, Rayaprolu ,the peerless romanticist focused on the inner world of the individual,pleaded for harmony,love and understanding and called for the efflorescence of ethical values in society. • .An ardent admirer of the glorious traditions, he upheld the rich heritage of our ancient land in his literary classics. • In brief, Gurajada was a revolutionary while Rayaprolu was a reformist and an idealist.
11/23/2020 15 PRADESH • Like all romanticists of yore, he imbued his poems with brilliance of fancy, portrayal of splendorous nature, sensitive depiction of the buoyancy of youth and its longings and aspirations. • He always characterized his heroes as votaries of beauty an love while his heroines are benevolent preceptors, friends and philosophers. • To Rayaprolu,man is a love-lorn aesthete,while woman is an enlightened teacher preaching the abiding values of life. DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 16 PRADESH • For instance, Lalitha In ‘Lalitha’is the very picture of unshakable love. • Anumathi expatiates on the ardour of love.The heroine in’kastakamala’ expound ‘amalina sringara. ‘ • Rupa Navaneetham ‘ advocates an all-embracing spiritual love while ‘’Swapna kumaram’ counsels man to look upon woman as the divine mother. • Rayaprolu makes ‘’Swapna Sundari’ instruct the passion-bound lover in the concepts of pure love and makes the lover in ‘’Thruna kankanam’ discover the primacy of a pure platonic relationship. • At the same time, Rayaprolu did not vegetate in the ivory towers of romanticism. He was conscious of the still sad voice of humanity and castigated such social evils as dowry in ‘’Snehalatha.’
11/23/2020 17 PRADESH • Rayaprolu’s khandakavyas and translations are hailed as masterpieces. • His ‘ Jadakuchhulu’ ‘ Tenugu Thota,’Vana maala,Misra Manjari,and ‘Kanne patalu’ testify to his multi-faceted poetic fecundity. • The theme of mortals thirsting for evanescent pleasures and the utter futility of human vanities in their fragile life thrilled him into translating Fitzgerald’s ‘Rubayat of Omar khayyam’ into ‘Madhu Kalasam which the critics have hailed as a tour-de-force. • The mighty philosophical composition ‘Saundarya Lahari’ of Sri Adi Sankaracharya touched his spiritual self deeply and he translated it Telugu with matchless devotional fervour. Viswa Kavi Tagore’s impact on his poetic progress was no less profound.
11/23/2020 18 PRADESH • His ‘Abhyardhana’ ‘Urvasi’ and ‘Vasantam’ show the spell of Tagore on him. • He pored over the great works of Vaalmiki,Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti and assimilated their thought and brilliance of their poetic imagery. • The universality of outlook of Iqbal,profundity of Rizal and devotional intensity in Meera’s bhajans and the appealing folk songs of Bengalis made an indelible impression on him. • He recreated the marvelous grandeur of ‘Megha sandesa’in Telugu and universalized the longings of Yaksha for his beloved. • He represented a happy blend of Eastern and western influences. ‘His Lalitha’ is a Telugu adaptation of Goldsmith’s ‘Hermit’ while ‘Anumathi’ owes its origin to Lord Tennyson’s ‘ Dora’. • Rayaprolu, in short ,is the Abhinava Nannayya of Telugus
11/23/2020 19 PRADESH wiki • (1892–1984) was among the pioneers of modern Telugu literature. • He is known as Abhinava Nannaya. • He was recipient of Sahitya Akademi Award to Telugu Writers for his poeticwork Misra Manjari in 1965. • He was inspired by the Western literary movement and brought romanticism into Telugu literature by breaking away from the traditional translations of Sanskrit literature. • He introduced the concept of "Amalina Shringara Tatvamu" into Telugu literature. DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 20 PRADESH • Subbarao's literature is a mixture of Telugu Indian culture and Western ideas. • He brought Western romanticism especially English lyric style to Telugu literature. • However, he followed classical Sanskrit and Telugu meter in his writings and he didn't abandon Sanskrit Telugu form common language. • His literature themes include sensual material, love of • nature, patriotism, spirituality, humanitarianism and social reforms. • Sensuality, in general, may be divided into two kinds, union and separation. DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 21 PRADESH • Rayaprolu preferred separation in his writings. • In his first independent poem, Trunakankanamu, Rayaprolu narrates love pangs of separation. • The hero's lover marries another man and he remains unmarried to suffer from the memories. • By the end of the poem, hero's love transforms into a platonic love and friendship. • In this poem, Rayaprolu's heroin continues a platonic relationship with the hero while married to another man.
11/23/2020 22 PRADESH • In Kastakamala, Kamala loves (platonic) two men. • However, when one of them writes a love letter, she commits suicide. • Rayaprolu was a great patriot and Telugu nationalist. • He praised the (past) greatness of Telugu warriors to awaken the sleeping Telugu pride. • Rayaprolu Subbarao defined Telugu romanticism and began a new era in Telugu literature. • His romantic literature is considered as the watershed in Telugu literature for its modernity of themes such as naturalism, rural life, platonic love, a sense of history, libertarianism, patriotism, and fierce nationalism. DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 23 PRADESH DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 24 PRADESH DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 25 PRADESH DUNLIN EDUCATORS , TIRUPATI ,ANDHRA 11/23/2020 26 PRADESH