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Class 5 Timer Handout

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The C8051F020/1/2/3 devices contain 5 counter/timers: three are 16-bit counter/timers compatible with those found
in the standard 8051, and two are 16-bit auto-reload timers for use with the ADCs, SMBus, UART1, or for general
purpose use. These can be used to measure time intervals, count external events and generate periodic interrupt
requests. Timer 0 and Timer 1 are nearly identical and have four primary modes of operation. Timer 2 offers addi-
tional capabilities not available in Timers 0 and 1. Timer 3 is similar to Timer 2, but without the capture or Baud Rate
Generator modes. Timer 4 is identical to Timer 2, and can supply baud-rate generation capabilities to UART1.

Timer 0 and Timer 1: Timer 2: Timer 3: Timer 4

16-bit counter/timer with 16-bit timer with auto- 16-bit counter/timer with
13-bit counter/timer
auto-reload reload auto-reload
16-bit counter/timer with 16-bit counter/timer with
16-bit counter/timer
capture capture
8-bit counter/timer with Baud rate generator for Baud rate generator for
auto-reload UART0 UART1
Two 8-bit counter/timers
(Timer 0 only)

When functioning as a timer, the counter/timer registers are incremented on each clock tick. Clock ticks are derived
from the system clock divided by either one or twelve as specified by the Timer Clock Select bits (T4M-T0M) in
CKCON, shown in Figure 22.1. The twelve-clocks-per-tick option provides compatibility with the older generation
of the 8051 family. Applications that require a faster timer can use the one-clock-per-tick option.

When functioning as a counter, a counter/timer register is incremented on each high-to-low transition at the selected
input pin. Events with a frequency of up to one-fourth the system clock's frequency can be counted. The input signal
need not be periodic, but it should be held at a given level for at least two full system clock cycles to ensure the level
is sampled.

Rev. 1.4 225


Figure 22.1. CKCON: Clock Control Register

R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Value
- T4M T2M T1M T0M Reserved Reserved Reserved 00000000
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 SFR Address:

Bit7: UNUSED. Read = 0b, Write = don’t care.

Bit6: T4M: Timer 4 Clock Select.
This bit controls the division of the system clock supplied to Timer 4. This bit is ignored when the
timer is in baud rate generator mode or counter mode (i.e. C/T4 = 1).
0: Timer 4 uses the system clock divided by 12.
1: Timer 4 uses the system clock.
Bit5: T2M: Timer 2 Clock Select.
This bit controls the division of the system clock supplied to Timer 2. This bit is ignored when the
timer is in baud rate generator mode or counter mode (i.e. C/T2 = 1).
0: Timer 2 uses the system clock divided by 12.
1: Timer 2 uses the system clock.
Bit4: T1M: Timer 1 Clock Select.
This bit controls the division of the system clock supplied to Timer 1.
0: Timer 1 uses the system clock divided by 12.
1: Timer 1 uses the system clock.
Bit3: T0M: Timer 0 Clock Select.
This bit controls the division of the system clock supplied to Counter/Timer 0.
0: Counter/Timer uses the system clock divided by 12.
1: Counter/Timer uses the system clock.
Bits2-0: Reserved. Read = 000b, Must Write = 000.

226 Rev. 1.4


22.1. Timer 0 and Timer 1

Timer 0 and Timer 1 are accessed and controlled through SFRs. Each counter/timer is implemented as a 16-bit regis-
ter accessed as two separate bytes: a low byte (TL0 or TL1) and a high byte (TH0 or TH1). The Counter/Timer Con-
trol (TCON) register is used to enable Timer 0 and Timer 1 as well as indicate their status. Both counter/timers
operate in one of four primary modes selected by setting the Mode Select bits M1-M0 in the Counter/Timer Mode
(TMOD) register. Each timer can be configured independently. Following is a detailed description of each operating

22.1.1. Mode 0: 13-bit Counter/Timer

Timer 0 and Timer 1 operate as a 13-bit counter/timer in Mode 0. The following describes the configuration and oper-
ation of Timer 0. However, both timers operate identically and Timer 1 is configured in the same manner as described
for Timer 0.

The TH0 register holds the eight MSBs of the 13-bit counter/timer. TL0 holds the five LSBs in bit positions TL0.4-
TL0.0. The three upper bits of TL0 (TL0.7-TL0.5) are indeterminate and should be masked out or ignored when read-
ing. As the 13-bit timer register increments and overflows from 0x1FFF (all ones) to 0x0000, the timer overflow flag
TF0 (TCON.5) is set and an interrupt will occur if enabled.

The C/T0 bit (TMOD.2) selects the counter/timer's clock source. Clearing C/T selects the system clock as the input
for the timer. When C/T0 is set to logic 1, high-to-low transitions at the selected input pin (T0) increment the timer
register. (Refer to Section “17.1. Ports 0 through 3 and the Priority Crossbar Decoder” on page 163 for informa-
tion on selecting and configuring external I/O pins for digital peripherals.)

Setting the TR0 bit (TCON.4) enables the timer when either GATE0 (TMOD.3) is 0 or the input signal /INT0 is
logic-level one. Setting GATE0 to logic 1 allows the timer to be controlled by the external input signal /INT0, facili-
tating pulse width measurements.

TR0 GATE0 /INT0 Counter/Timer

0 X X Disabled
1 0 X Enabled
1 1 0 Disabled
1 1 1 Enabled
X = Don't Care

Setting TR0 does not reset the timer register. The timer register should be initialized to the desired value before
enabling the timer.

TL1 and TH1 form the 13-bit register for Timer 1 in the same manner as described above for TL0 and TH0. Timer 1
is configured and controlled using the relevant TCON and TMOD bits just as with Timer 0.

Rev. 1.4 227


Figure 22.2. T0 Mode 0 Block Diagram

4 2 1 0 A / 1 1 A / 0 0
E 1 1 0 E 0 1 0
1 0

12 0

T0 TR1
TCLK TL0 TH0 TF0 Interrupt
Crossbar TR0
(5 bits) (8 bits) IE1



22.1.2. Mode 1: 16-bit Counter/Timer

Mode 1 operation is the same as Mode 0, except that the counter/timer registers use all 16 bits. The counter/timers are
enabled and configured in Mode 1 in the same manner as for Mode 0.

228 Rev. 1.4


22.1.3. Mode 2: 8-bit Counter/Timer with Auto-Reload

Mode 2 configures Timer 0 and Timer 1 to operate as 8-bit counter/timers with automatic reload of the start value.
The TL0 holds the count and TH0 holds the reload value. When the counter in TL0 overflows from all ones to 0x00,
the timer overflow flag TF0 (TCON.5) is set and the counter value in TL0 is reloaded from TH0. If enabled, an inter-
rupt will occur when the TF0 flag is set. The reload value in TH0 is not changed. TL0 must be initialized to the
desired value before enabling the timer for the first count to be correct. When in Mode 2, Timer 1 operates identically
to Timer 0. Both counter/timers are enabled and configured in Mode 2 in the same manner as Mode 0.

Figure 22.3. T0 Mode 2 (8-bit Auto-Reload) Block Diagram

4 2 1 0 A / 1 1 A / 0 0
E 1 1 0 E 0 1 0
1 0

12 0

T0 TF1
Crossbar TF0 Interrupt
(8 bits) TR0

TH0 Reload
(8 bits)

Rev. 1.4 229


22.1.4. Mode 3: Two 8-bit Counter/Timers (Timer 0 Only)

Timer 0 and Timer 1 behave differently in Mode 3. Timer 0 is configured as two separate 8-bit counter/timers held in
TL0 and TH0. The counter/timer in TL0 is controlled using the Timer 0 control/status bits in TCON and TMOD:
TR0, C/T0, GATE0 and TF0. It can use either the system clock or an external input signal as its timebase. The timer
in the TH0 register is restricted to a timer function sourced by the system clock. TH0 is enabled using the Timer 1 run
control bit TR1. TH0 sets the Timer 1 overflow flag TF1 on overflow and thus controls the Timer 1 interrupt.

Timer 1 is inactive in Mode 3, so with Timer 0 in Mode 3, Timer 1 can be turned off and on by switching it into and
out of its Mode 3. When Timer 0 is in Mode 3, Timer 1 can be operated in Modes 0, 1 or 2, but cannot be clocked by
external signals nor set the TF1 flag and generate an interrupt. However, the Timer 1 overflow can be used to gener-
ate the baud clock for UART0 and/or UART1. Refer to Section “20. UART0” on page 205 and Section
“21. UART1” on page 215 for information on configuring Timer 1 for baud rate generation.

Figure 22.4. T0 Mode 3 (Two 8-bit Timers) Block Diagram

4 2 1 0 A / 1 1 A / 0 0
E 1 1 0 E 0 1 0
1 0

12 0
SYSCLK TF1 Interrupt
(8 bits) TR1
TF0 Interrupt
1 TR0
0 IE1


(8 bits)


230 Rev. 1.4


Figure 22.5. TCON: Timer Control Register

R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Value
TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 00000000
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 SFR Address:
(bit addressable) 0x88

Bit7: TF1: Timer 1 Overflow Flag.

Set by hardware when Timer 1 overflows. This flag can be cleared by software but is automatically
cleared when the CPU vectors to the Timer 1 interrupt service routine.
0: No Timer 1 overflow detected.
1: Timer 1 has overflowed.
Bit6: TR1: Timer 1 Run Control.
0: Timer 1 disabled.
1: Timer 1 enabled.
Bit5: TF0: Timer 0 Overflow Flag.
Set by hardware when Timer 0 overflows. This flag can be cleared by software but is automatically
cleared when the CPU vectors to the Timer 0 interrupt service routine.
0: No Timer 0 overflow detected.
1: Timer 0 has overflowed.
Bit4: TR0: Timer 0 Run Control.
0: Timer 0 disabled.
1: Timer 0 enabled.
Bit3: IE1: External Interrupt 1.
This flag is set by hardware when an edge/level of type defined by IT1 is detected. It can be cleared
by software but is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the External Interrupt 1 service rou-
tine if IT1 = 1. This flag is the inverse of the /INT1 input signal's logic level when IT1 = 0.
Bit2: IT1: Interrupt 1 Type Select.
This bit selects whether the configured /INT1 signal will detect falling edge or active-low level-sensi-
tive interrupts.
0: /INT1 is level triggered.
1: /INT1 is edge triggered.
Bit1: IE0: External Interrupt 0.
This flag is set by hardware when an edge/level of type defined by IT0 is detected. It can be cleared
by software but is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the External Interrupt 0 service rou-
tine if IT0 = 1. This flag is the inverse of the /INT0 input signal's logic level when IT0 = 0.
Bit0: IT0: Interrupt 0 Type Select.
This bit selects whether the configured /INT0 signal will detect falling edge or active-low level-sensi-
tive interrupts.
0: /INT0 is level triggered.
1: /INT0 is edge triggered.

Rev. 1.4 231


Figure 22.6. TMOD: Timer Mode Register

R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Value
GATE1 C/T1 T1M1 T1M0 GATE0 C/T0 T0M1 T0M0 00000000
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 SFR Address:

Bit7: GATE1: Timer 1 Gate Control.

0: Timer 1 enabled when TR1 = 1 irrespective of /INT1 logic level.
1: Timer 1 enabled only when TR1 = 1 AND /INT1 = logic 1.
Bit6: C/T1: Counter/Timer 1 Select.
0: Timer Function: Timer 1 incremented by clock defined by T1M bit (CKCON.4).
1: Counter Function: Timer 1 incremented by high-to-low transitions on external input pin (T1).
Bits5-4: T1M1-T1M0: Timer 1 Mode Select.
These bits select the Timer 1 operation mode.

T1M1 T1M0 Mode

0 0 Mode 0: 13-bit counter/timer
0 1 Mode 1: 16-bit counter/timer
1 0 Mode 2: 8-bit counter/timer with auto-reload
1 1 Mode 3: Timer 1 inactive

Bit3: GATE0: Timer 0 Gate Control.

0: Timer 0 enabled when TR0 = 1 irrespective of /INT0 logic level.
1: Timer 0 enabled only when TR0 = 1 AND /INT0 = logic 1.
Bit2: C/T0: Counter/Timer Select.
0: Timer Function: Timer 0 incremented by clock defined by T0M bit (CKCON.3).
1: Counter Function: Timer 0 incremented by high-to-low transitions on external input pin (T0).
Bits1-0: T0M1-T0M0: Timer 0 Mode Select.
These bits select the Timer 0 operation mode.

T0M1 T0M0 Mode

0 0 Mode 0: 13-bit counter/timer
0 1 Mode 1: 16-bit counter/timer
1 0 Mode 2: 8-bit counter/timer with auto-reload
1 1 Mode 3: Two 8-bit counter/timers

232 Rev. 1.4


Figure 22.7. TL0: Timer 0 Low Byte

R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Value
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 SFR Address:

Bits 7-0: TL0: Timer 0 Low Byte.

The TL0 register is the low byte of the 16-bit Timer 0.

Figure 22.8. TL1: Timer 1 Low Byte

R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Value
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 SFR Address:

Bits 7-0: TH0: Timer 0 High Byte.

The TH0 register is the low byte of the 16-bit Timer 1.

Figure 22.9. TH0 Timer 0 High Byte

R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Value
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 SFR Address:

Bits 7-0: TH0: Timer 0 High Byte.

The TH0 register is the high byte of the 16-bit Timer 0.

Figure 22.10. TH1: Timer 1 High Byte

R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Value
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 SFR Address:

Bits 7-0: TH1: Timer 1 High Byte.

The TH1 register is the high byte of the 16-bit Timer 1.

Rev. 1.4 233


Table 12.4. Interrupt Summary

Cleared by HW?
Bit addressable?
Interrupt Priority Enable Priority
Interrupt Source Pending Flag
Vector Order Flag Control

Always Always
Reset 0x0000 Top None N/A N/A
Enabled Highest
External Interrupt 0 (/INT0) 0x0003 0 IE0 (TCON.1) Y Y EX0 (IE.0) PX0 (IP.0)
Timer 0 Overflow 0x000B 1 TF0 (TCON.5) Y Y ET0 (IE.1) PT0 (IP.1)
External Interrupt 1 (/INT1) 0x0013 2 IE1 (TCON.3) Y Y EX1 (IE.2) PX1 (IP.2)
Timer 1 Overflow 0x001B 3 TF1 (TCON.7) Y Y ET1 (IE.3) PT1 (IP.3)
RI0 (SCON0.0)
UART0 0x0023 4 Y ES0 (IE.4) PS0 (IP.4)
TI0 (SCON0.1)
Timer 2 Overflow (or EXF2) 0x002B 5 TF2 (T2CON.7) Y ET2 (IE.5) PT2 (IP.5)
Serial Peripheral Interface 0x0033 6 SPIF (SPI0CN.7) Y
(EIE1.0) (EIP1.0)
SMBus Interface 0x003B 7 SI (SMB0CN.3) Y
(EIE1.1) (EIP1.1)
ADC0 Window Comparator 0x0043 8 Y
(ADC0CN.2) (EIE1.2) (EIP1.2)
Programmable Counter Array 0x004B 9 CCFn Y
(EIE1.3) (EIP1.3)
Comparator 0 Falling Edge 0x0053 10
(CPT0CN.4) (EIE1.4) (EIP1.4)
Comparator 0 Rising Edge 0x005B 11
(CPT0CN.5) (EIE1.5) (EIP1.5)
Comparator 1 Falling Edge 0x0063 12
(CPT1CN.4) (EIE1.6) (EIP1.6)
Comparator 1 Rising Edge 0x006B 13
(CPT1CN.5) (EIE1.7) (EIP1.7)
Timer 3 Overflow 0x0073 14 TF3 (TMR3CN.7)
(EIE2.0) (EIP2.0)
ADC0 End of Conversion 0x007B 15 Y
(ADC0CN.5) (EIE2.1) (EIP2.1)
Timer 4 Overflow 0x0083 16 TF4 (T4CON.7)
(EIE2.2) (EIP2.2)
ADC1 End of Conversion 0x008B 17
(ADC1CN.5) (EIE2.3) (EIP2.3)
External Interrupt 6 0x0093 18 IE6 (P3IF.5)
(EIE2.4) (EIP2.4)
External Interrupt 7 0x009B 19 IE7 (P3IF.6)
(EIE2.5) (EIP2.5)
RI1 (SCON1.0)
UART1 0x00A3 20 ES1 PS1
TI1 (SCON1.1)
External Crystal OSC Ready 0x00AB 21
(OSCXCN.7) (EIE2.7) (EIP2.7)

Rev. 1.4 117


12.3.3. Interrupt Priorities

Each interrupt source can be individually programmed to one of two priority levels: low or high. A low priority inter-
rupt service routine can be preempted by a high priority interrupt. A high priority interrupt cannot be preempted. Each
interrupt has an associated interrupt priority bit in an SFR (IP-EIP2) used to configure its priority level. Low priority
is the default. If two interrupts are recognized simultaneously, the interrupt with the higher priority is serviced first. If
both interrupts have the same priority level, a fixed priority order is used to arbitrate, given in Table 12.4.

12.3.4. Interrupt Latency

Interrupt response time depends on the state of the CPU when the interrupt occurs. Pending interrupts are sampled
and priority decoded each system clock cycle. Therefore, the fastest possible response time is 5 system clock cycles:
1 clock cycle to detect the interrupt and 4 clock cycles to complete the LCALL to the ISR. If an interrupt is pending
when a RETI is executed, a single instruction is executed before an LCALL is made to service the pending interrupt.
Therefore, the maximum response time for an interrupt (when no other interrupt is currently being serviced or the
new interrupt is of greater priority) occurs when the CPU is performing an RETI instruction followed by a DIV as the
next instruction. In this case, the response time is 18 system clock cycles: 1 clock cycle to detect the interrupt, 5 clock
cycles to execute the RETI, 8 clock cycles to complete the DIV instruction and 4 clock cycles to execute the LCALL
to the ISR. If the CPU is executing an ISR for an interrupt with equal or higher priority, the new interrupt will not be
serviced until the current ISR completes, including the RETI and following instruction.

118 Rev. 1.4


12.3.5. Interrupt Register Descriptions

The SFRs used to enable the interrupt sources and set their priority level are described below. Refer to the datasheet
section associated with a particular on-chip peripheral for information regarding valid interrupt conditions for the
peripheral and the behavior of its interrupt-pending flag(s).

Figure 12.9. IE: Interrupt Enable

R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Value
EA IEGF0 ET2 ES0 ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 00000000
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 SFR Address:
(bit addressable) 0xA8

Bit7: EA: Enable All Interrupts.

This bit globally enables/disables all interrupts. When set to ‘0’, individual interrupt mask settings are
0: Disable all interrupt sources.
1: Enable each interrupt according to its individual mask setting.
Bit6: IEGF0: General Purpose Flag 0.
This is a general purpose flag for use under software control.
Bit5: ET2: Enabler Timer 2 Interrupt.
This bit sets the masking of the Timer 2 interrupt.
0: Disable Timer 2 interrupt.
1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the TF2 flag (T2CON.7).
Bit4: ES0: Enable UART0 Interrupt.
This bit sets the masking of the UART0 interrupt.
0: Disable UART0 interrupt.
1: Enable UART0 interrupt.
Bit3: ET1: Enable Timer 1 Interrupt.
This bit sets the masking of the Timer 1 interrupt.
0: Disable all Timer 1 interrupt.
1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the TF1 flag (TCON.7).
Bit2: EX1: Enable External Interrupt 1.
This bit sets the masking of external interrupt 1.
0: Disable external interrupt 1.
1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the /INT1 pin.
Bit1: ET0: Enable Timer 0 Interrupt.
This bit sets the masking of the Timer 0 interrupt.
0: Disable all Timer 0 interrupt.
1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the TF0 flag (TCON.5).
Bit0: EX0: Enable External Interrupt 0.
This bit sets the masking of external interrupt 0.
0: Disable external interrupt 0.
1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the /INT0 pin.

Rev. 1.4 119

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