White Collar Crimes

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Global Journal of Finance and Management

ISSN 0975 - 6477 Volume 3, Number 1 (2011), pp. 69-76

© Research India Publications

Forensic Accounting: A Tool of Detecting White

Collar Crimes in Corporate World

R.B. Sharma1 and Alaa Mohamad Maloain2

Assistant Professor, 2Assistant Professor & Supervisor
Dept. of Accounting, College of Business Administration
Al-Kharj University, Al-Kharj, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Forensic accounting investigates financial information for the purpose of

conveying complicated issue in a manner that other can easily understand.
'Forensic Accounting' approach has a vital role to play in bringing down the
degree of such adverse happenings in the corporate sector. It includes
enforcement of laws, court litigation and disputes, etc. The issue of white-
collar crime was first addressed by Edwin H. Sutherland during his
presidential address at a meeting of American Sociological Society way back
in 1939. It is a widespread fact that the corporate crime has been inflicting far
greater damage on society compared to all street crimes combined. In the
American context, it has been estimated that losses from such crime may be as
high as 200 billion dollars every year. To sum up, ‘forensic accounting’ is a
very constrictive tool for detecting white collar crimes in the present e-
accounting era. For high level of super success of forensic accounting needs to
develop fraud schemes, investigation techniques, and the law to fulfill the
expectations of clients.

Keyword: Forensic Accounting, White Caller Crime.

‘Forensic’ means relating to the legal matters i.e. law enforcement, court litigation,
legal disputes, and so on. Forensic accounting is white collar crimes detective tool
that are used by law enforcement and intelligence agencies to uncover, track and
document terrorist activities. It is a widespread fact that the corporate crime has been
inflicting far greater damage on society compared to all street crimes combined. The
dollars lost due to corporate crimes and violence wins landslide position. The losses
from a handful of major corporate frauds in India – LIC housing finance Loan, 2G
Spectrum, Tyco, Worldcom, Enron, Satyam swamp the losses from all street
70 R.B. Sharma and Alaa Mohamad Maloain

robberies and burglaries put together. According to Harper’s research A Swiss bank
lost last a minimum of $100,000,000 because of a typing error. In the US Context, it
has been estimated that losses from such crime may be as high as 200 billion dollars
every year.
Occupational crimes differ from Common Street crimes only in that people in a
position to do so-Medicaid fraud commit it can typically only be committed by
physicians, and banks employees in position of trust can only commit bank
embezzlement. The motive of occupational criminals is same as to those of street
criminals- to obtain benefits quickly with minimal effort. According to British Prime
Minister Gordon Brown, "What the use of fingerprints was to the 19th century, and
DNA analysis was to the 20th century, so financial information and forensic
accounting has come to be one of today's most powerful investigative and intelligence
tools available in the fight against crime and terrorism." (www.ehow.com). The term
white Edwin Sutherland coined white-collar crime in the 1930’s who defined crime
‘committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his
occupation.’ He raised concerns over the criminological community’s preoccupation
with the low status offender and “street crimes” and the relative inattention given to
the offenses perpetrated by people in higher status occupations (Cynthia Barnett,
1999). In 1979 the U.S. Congress defined white collar crime as “an illegal act or
series of illegal acts committed by non-physical means and by concealment or guile,
to obtain money or property or to obtain business or personal advantage”

Characteristics of White Collar Crimes

• These crime are committed by people of high status in society such as doctors,
advocates, chartered accountants, governments officials and not by hardcore
criminals for e.g. Thieves robbers, dacoits, murders, rapists, etc
• The crimes differ from the traditional crimes as fraud, misrepresentation,
adulteration, malpractices, irregularities etc.
• These crimes are committed by means of deliberate and planned conspiracies
without any feeling and sentiments.
• When socio-economic crimes are committed people tend to tolerate them
because they themselves indulge in them and they themselves often identified
with those who do so.
• Originally white-collar crimes meant to describe middle and upper class
businesspersons who committed crimes in normal course of their work. But
now it refers to a wide variety occupationally oriented violations committed
by persons in any class.
• The victims of socio economic offences are normally the entire community,
society or even the entire nation besides the individuals.
• These crimes do not involve or carry with them any stigma while the
traditional crimes carry a stigma with them involving disgrace and immorality.
• These crimes constitute a separate category because the control of such crime
‘involves the protection and preservation of the general health and economic
system of the entire society against the exploitation and waste.’
Forensic Accounting: A Tool of Detecting White Collar Crimes 71

It may be quite easy to reduce the degree of crimes at primary stage instead of at
final stage. Sometimes, civil crimes are committed intentionally; and then it comes
under 'frauds category'. Now-a-days the professional frauds are increasing very
rapidly, especially 'educational professionalism' crimes. The crimes which are
committed by educationalist/s are 'white collar crimes'. As we are aware, the
educationalists are much sharper than others criminals. Hence, the detection of their
crimes is a very difficult task. In detecting such kinds of crimes, forensic accounting
may play a vital role.

Statement of Problem
Now a days, white collar crimes and frauds are increasing are world widely. The
success and failure of corporate are directly related to the internal environment. A
number of state laws, international standards, accounting standards, auditing
standards, etc. have already been enforced or prevalent on wider scale, but still the
corporate failures have not yet come to a halt. Enron in 2001 and Satyam in 2009 are
one of the examples of such failures.
When an accounting fraud involves reporting cash that is not there, it is typically
the result of adding fraudulent transactions, such as cash sales to customers, that
never happened. These types of transactions need to be audited to assure their
legitimacy. In the case of Satyam, the auditors signed off on the financial reports,
raising concerns that even the strong auditing standards imposed by Sarbanes-Oxley
may not be sufficient. Finally, "white collar" crimes cannot be viewed as less of an
evil than any other form of crimes (Sudhakar V. Balachandran, 2009).
There are number of difficulties identified to find white collar crimes because it
becomes very complicated to recognize and report these kinds of crimes. With
conventional crimes it is easy to defined discrete events quickly come to the attention
of the police, who then record them. But white-collar crimes are in creditably
complex and require thousand of person hours and millions of dollars to unravel, thus
making them difficult to equate with street crime in terms of being able to neatly
discover, tabulate and report them.
The CEO of a company need not rely on financial statement b e c a u s e of white
collar crimes. White collar crimes include general fraud, bankruptcy fraud, bribery,
insider trading, embezzlement, computer crime, medical crime, public corruption,
identity theft, environmental crime, pension fund crime, consumer fraud,
occupational crime, securities fraud, financial fraud, and forgery. Edwin Sutherland, a
criminologist and sociologist, first popularized the term “white collar crime” in 1939,
defining such a crime as one “committed by a person of respectability and high social
status in the course of his occupation” (karisable.com/crwc.htm).

Types of White Collar Crimes

• Bank Fraud
• Blackmail
• Bribery
• Cellular Phone Fraud
72 R.B. Sharma and Alaa Mohamad Maloain

• Computer fraud
• Counterfeiting
• Credit Card Fraud
• Currency Schemes
• Embezz1ement
• Environmental Schemes
• Extortion
• Forgery
• Health Care Fraud
• Insider Trading
• Insurance Fraud
• Investment Schemes
• Larceny/Theft
• Money Laundering
• Securities Fraud
• Tax Evasion
• Telemarketing Fraud
• Welfare Fraud

This paper is based on descriptive analysis of the active participation of forensic
accountants in solving white collar crimes. For the micro-level study, secondary
sources of data collection were used. For enhancing the quality of research, use of
available literature on forensic accounting, its application in modern corporate world
and inclusion of experts’ views were resorted to by the authors.

Brief Literature of Review

“Forensic accounting is the use of professional accounting skills in matters
involving potential or actual civil or criminal litigation, including, but not limited to,
generally acceptable accounting and audit principles; the determination of lost profits,
income, assets, or damages, evaluation of internal controls, fraud, and any other
matter involving accounting expertise in the legal system”. The word ‘forensic’ is
defined by Black’s Law Dictionary as ‘used in or suitable to courts of law or public
debate.’ Therefore, ‘forensic accounting’ is actually litigation support involving
accounting. Accordingly, most of the fraud examinations/investigations are ‘forensic
accounting,’; but not all forensic accounting is ‘fraud examination.’ For example, the
valuation of a property in a minority shareholder derivative suit may be included
under forensic accounting ,but it may not necessarily involve fraud.”
“Forensic accounting is the specialty practice area of accountancy that describes
engagements that result from actual or anticipated disputes or litigation.”
Forensic Accounting: A Tool of Detecting White Collar Crimes 73

According to the Webster’s Dictionary, ‘Forensic Accounting’ means, “belonging

to, used in or suitable to court, of judicature or to public discussions, debate and
ultimately dispute resolutions". It is also defined as an accounting analysis that is
suitable to the court ,which will form the basis for discussion, debate and
ultimately dispute resolution. However, forensic accounting is different from the old
debit or credit accounting as it provides an accounting analysis that is suitable to the
organization which will help in resolving the disputes that arise in the organization.
(Owojori, A.A, 2009). And finally, the American Institute of CPAs (www.aicpa.org)
combines the forensic accounting topic with information on business valuation
services in its Forensic and Valuation Services Center (http://fvs.aicpa.org).

International Standards Related to Forensic Accounting

Forensic accounting is based on legal and ethical standards. The ‘Accounting
Professional and Ethical Standards Board’ issued APES-215 Forensic
Accounting Services which is effective for engagements or assignments
commencing on or after 1st July 2009 and it replaces ‘APS 11 Statement of Forensic
Accounting Standards’ and ‘GN-2 Forensic Accounting’. Requirements for the role of
expert witness will be mandatory, and for the first time, the standard will apply to
accountants working in the corporate sector and in government. (APES-215, 2008).
According to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, for forensic
accounting, APS-11 is enforced. The APS-11 is limited to the professional aspects of
forensic accounting services as distinct from any responsibilities which may be
imposed by law or other authority. (APS, ICAA, 2002).

Forensic accountant
The role of the forensic accountant has significantly enhanced during the last few
years for many reasons, including the need for greater scrutiny of ‘corporate
governance’ brought about by the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation and the widespread
recognition of the risks and prevalence of financial fraud in today’s complex business
environment. The forensic financial experts are increasingly becoming more complex,
requiring multiple skill sets beyond a typical understanding of financial records and
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Knowledge of forensic accounting
is only a part of the equation. More often, a team of forensic financial specialists
,with a variety of skill sets, is needed to address many challenges posed by a case.
(Ken Neumann and Mary O’Connor, 2008).

Knowledge & Skills of Forensic Accountant

A forensic accountant is expected to be a specialist in accounting and financial
systems. Yet, as companies continue to grow in size and complexity, uncovering
fraud requires a forensic accountant to become proficient in an ever-increasing
number of professional skills and competencies. Here are some of the broad areas of
useful expertise for a forensic accountant:
• An in-depth knowledge of financial statements and the ability to critically
analyse them. These skills help forensic accountants to uncover abnormal
74 R.B. Sharma and Alaa Mohamad Maloain

patterns in accounting information and recognize their source.

• A thorough understanding of fraud schemes, including but not limited to asset
misappropriations, money laundering, bribery, and corruption.
• The ability to comprehend the internal control systems of corporations, and to
set up a control system that assesses risks, achieves management objectives,
informs employees of their control responsibilities, and monitors the quality of
the programme so that corrections and changes can be made.
• Proficiency in computer and knowledge of network systems. These skills help
forensic accountants to conduct investigations in the area of e-banking and
computerized accounting systems.
• Knowledge of psychology in order to understand the impulses behind criminal
behaviour and to set up fraud prevention programmes that motivate and
encourage employees.
• Interpersonal and communication skills, which aid in disseminating
information about the company’s ethical policies and help forensic
accountants to conduct interviews and obtain crucially needed information.
• Thorough knowledge of company’s governance policies and the laws that
regulate these policies.
• Command of criminal and civil law, as well as, of the legal system and court
procedures. (The Chartered Accountant January 2007)

White Collar Crimes in Indian Scenario

There are a number of corporate crimes that have come into light now days. One of
the major havoc that is created in present times is because of mysterious
disappearance of corporations. Of the 5,651 companies listed on Bombay Stock
exchange, 2750 have vanished. It means that one out of two companies that come to
the stock exchange to arise crores of rupees from investors loot and run away. Even
big names like ‘Home Trade’ came up with huge publicity stunts but after raising
money, vanished into the thin air. About 11 million investors have invested Rs.
10,000 crore in these 2750 companies. We have Securities Exchange Board of India,
Reserve Bank of India and Department of Companies Affairs to monitor the stock
exchange transactions but none has documented the whereabouts of these 2750 odd
companies suspended from the stock exchange.

Criminal liability of the Corporations

In Indian as well as in international perspective the whole legal framework to hold
the corporations and multi national companies accountable are systematically being
dismantled, even as corporations and other agents of globalization dictate policies
of nations. The corporate sector enjoys far more rights than the common people.
With the onset of the new trade regime, national laws are being changed to
empower corporations with the right to hire and fire at will, to get the first right
over natural and community resources. But now the time has come to put a check
Forensic Accounting: A Tool of Detecting White Collar Crimes 75

over their arbitrary acts. There has been a debate as to whether a Corporation can
be held criminally liable. The explanation can be given with the help of the
following theories:
1. Nominalist theory of corporate personality: According to this theory
corporations as nothing more than collectives of individuals. In this an
individual first commits the offence; the responsibility of that individual is
then imputed to the corporation.
2. Realist theory: According to these theory corporations have an existence,
which is to some extent independent of the existence of its members. Here,
the responsibility of corporation is primarily. In my opinion realist theory
looks more convincing and practically applicable. (www.nliu.com)

By the White collar crimes in corporate leads to citizens losing trust, ultimately the
people not to invest funds in corporate world and the economy will affect. The
government across the world have given a free hand to corporations to exploit the
natural and community resources, while depriving the common people. The
government should amend in the current laws and in every case the offence is only
punishable with imprisonment or imprisonment and fine and the offender is the
company or other body corporate or an association of individuals, it shall be
competent to the court to sentence such offender to fine only, through this we can
prevent such kind of crimes at primary stage. In the filed of Accounting Forensic
accounting is an extremely effective in detecting, investigating, and preventing frauds.
In the environment where the level and complexity of frauds is increasing, the
demand of forensic accounting is notably growing.

[1] Sudhakar V. Balachandran(2009),The Satyam Scandal : Corporate
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[2] APES 215 (2008), "Forensic Accounting Services", Accounting Professional
and Ethical Standard Board, USA.
[3] APS 11(2002), The institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA).
[4] Ken Neumann and Mary O’Connor (2008), "The Forensic Accountant’s
Evolving Role", CPA Insider.
[5] Owojori, A.A, T. O. Asaolu (2009), "The Role of Forensic Accounting in
Solving the Vexed Problem of Corporate World", European Journal of
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[6] Chris McKittrick (2009), Forensic Accounting : It’s Broader Than You Might
Think And It Can Help Your Organization, The McKittrick Report, Issue (1).
[7] Russell Mokhibe (2007), Corporate Crime Reporter to the Taming the Giant
Corporation conference in Washington, D.C.
76 R.B. Sharma and Alaa Mohamad Maloain

[8] Cynthia Barnett (1999), "The Measurement of White-Collar Crime Using

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Data" U.S. Department of Justice, Federal
Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division.
[9] Daunt, J. (2002): Modern Auditing Methods. http://www.articles corporate
[10] Owojori, A.A, T. O. Asaolu (2009), "The Role of Forensic Accounting in
Solving the Vexed Problem of Corporate World", European Journal of
Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.29 No.2,pp.188-192
[11] Wallace, A. (1991): The Role of The Forensic Accountant,
[12] Shantanu Jugatwat, White-collar crimes – A bird’s eye view, Student, 4th
year, National Law Institute University, Bhopal . (www.nliu.com).

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