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User Manual Modi5

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Manual Modi5

User Manual Modi5

Name Controllers Serc. Class

1102 K/1
Detail User Manual Modi5
Detail PC Owner
Edition: 07 Modified from Print date

Family Written by Compare Replaces 06 Designation


Production checked. Approved Date 11/06/2020 0000 0000 75

Design checked.
Manual Modi5

Document version history

Version Description Code

00 First release FRE-RVDS
01 New functionalities (options dialog info text is added) FRE-RVDS
02 Chapter is changed FRE-RVDS
03 New splash screen, option screen is changed, new copy function I/O, FRE-RVDS
button config changes.
04 Update complete user guide FRE-RVDS

05 Firewall Settings FRE-RVDS

06 Complete update User Manual FRE-RVDS

07 Update new screenshots like (COP)

Manual Modi5

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Downloading and use of this program .............................................................................................. 4
3 Interface of Modi5 ............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 The navigation bar ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Open .................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1.2 Connect ............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1.3 Close.................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1.4 Save................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.5 Quick download ................................................................................................................. 5
3.1.6 Find .................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.7 Expert ................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.8 Program Settings ............................................................................................................... 6
3.1.9 Help ................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.10 About ................................................................................................................................. 9
4 Open a controller configuration ......................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Connected controller tabs ....................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1 Tab: Passport .................................................................................................................. 10
4.1.2 Tab: Resource Memory ................................................................................................... 12 How to add known texts? ............................................................................................ 12 How to change a Text?................................................................................................ 13 How to remove a text?................................................................................................. 13 How to add a language? ............................................................................................. 13 How to delete a language? .......................................................................................... 14
4.1.3 Tab Page I/O Config ........................................................................................................ 15 Example: How to create a new pressure input? .......................................................... 15 Move or copy inputs in I/O tab page ............................................................................ 16
4.1.4 Tab: General Settings...................................................................................................... 18
4.1.5 Tab: Special Alarms ........................................................................................................ 19
4.1.6 Tab: Week Timer ............................................................................................................. 19
5 Firewall settings Windows 10 ......................................................................................................... 20

Manual Modi5

1 Introduction
This manual gives a brief explanation about Modi5.
The manipulation of Mk5 controller settings is never without risk and should only be performed by
authorized people.

Modi5 is used to view and change all parameters at the customer site or in the lab. In this
version are two security levels:

• Customer Access (limited access).

• Expert Access (full access).

2 Downloading and use of this program

(The step below is not for AirPort users, Licence key is automatically provide by AirPort)
The first time you run the program, a dialog box appears, and asks for a program licence key.
Fill in the key, click “ok” to confirm and start the program, or click “cancel” to quit the program
If you don’t have any Licence key, ask this to the person how provides you this software.

After opening the program will look like the figure below.

3 Interface of Modi5
The interface is divided in 2 parts:

1. The navigation bar (on top of the screen).

2. The tab pages. (Below the navigation bar) those tab pages are visible after connecting to the

3.1 The navigation bar

3.1.1 Open
Opens an existing CS5 file, saved during a previous session.

3.1.2 Connect
Connects to a Mk5 controller and uploads the configuration settings.

Manual Modi5

3.1.3 Close
Close the current settings configuration.

3.1.4 Save
Save the current settings configuration to a CS5 file.

3.1.5 Quick download

Changes can be downloaded directly to the controller.

Click on the button:

“Quick Download.”
The “select connection” dialog opens.

Select the correct network card, the controller is now

shown in the controller part of this dialog.

Click “Ok” to start the download.

“Downloading machine dialog” shows the progress

of the download.

Manual Modi5

After downloading a dialog opens and shows that

the Quick download is finished.
Click “ok” to close this dialog.

To Quick Download most changes the machine must be stopped and in local
Important! control.

3.1.6 Find
Once a configuration is opened, you can search for specific parameters into the configuration.

3.1.7 Expert
Use this button for obtaining expert access level. (A password will be asked!)

3.1.8 Program Settings

Possibility of changing the units, languages and texts in Modi5. (no effect on units and languages in

Tap General:
Is divided in 4 parts:
Editor: Preferred language to edit settings
Modi5: in Field mode is the default working mode
for service people in ‘the field’.
When Modi5 is set to Custom Design mode, the
user must provide proper sensor approval ranges
for all inputs. These approval ranges will need to be
met during the Sensor Test when the custom
designed controller configuration is downloaded at
Production facility.


Info: Possibility to change the infotext on info

screen of the controller (eg. Name and phone
number of the service engineer)

Co-Processor Update:
The COP / coprocessor helps the CPU with various
tasks such as memory management, graphics
functions, .... This reduces the load on the CPU. Each
component is updated over time to work even more

Manual Modi5

In the tab General is it possible to choose the

default value (a blank line will show) (When
this blank line is shown, the internal units of
the controller are in use) or choose another
unit manually from the list after clicking on the
arrow at the end of the line.

Click on the program Options button and

select the tab page “General” →select
“Custom design”.
Click “ok” to confirm and close this dialog.

Sensor approval ranges can be filled in under tab Resource Memory when clicking the button “Sensor Test”

Manual Modi5

Fill in the minimum and maximum values for the analog inputs. Choose an
option from the list for the digital inputs.

Like in Speci5 it is also possible to manage

Information screen texts in Modi5.

Open the program options:

Select the tab page “General”

Choose what action to take from the list:

• Don’t change
• Prompt for new

Manual Modi5

If the user selects:

“Prompt for new” the following
dialog appears.

Choose the correct info text

and click “Ok” to confirm. Or
“Cancel” to quit current action.

Click on the “Edit Info Core”

button to modify the text lines In
the right panel a preview is

3.1.9 Help
Help file for Modi5. Can also be opened by using the F1 button

3.1.10 About
Contains general program information about:
• program version
• data_core
• text_core
• A button to enter a new licence key.

4 Open a controller configuration

A configuration can be opened in two ways:
1) From File:
To open a previously saved configuration file, click the “open” button, and locate the file. 2) From

Click the “Connect” button to open the connected

controller’s configuration.

Select the correct network card from the list above and click on the “Scan Network” Button below if the
controller is not shown.
Click “Ok” to start uploading the configuration for the connected controller or “Cancel” to close the dialog.

Manual Modi5

After clicking to the “Ok” button, the upload from the controller starts.

After this upload, additional stuff like the operating system and application are downloaded. During this
download you can modify the settings already.

Once uploaded, it’s possible to save this configuration. Click “save” to save the configuration as a .cs5 file.

4.1 Connected controller tabs

• Passport
• Resource Memory
• I/O Config
• General Settings
• Special Alarms
• Weektimer

4.1.1 Tab: Passport

This tab gives the user more information about the following items: •
Machine: Model and Serial number
• The possibility to export all data to an Excel file.
• Controller Software: Application number, Operating system number, Web application number
• Original download: Date, program used for downloading, datacore version, textcore and memory map
Manual Modi5

• Database: database used for downloading, the name build and version.
• Features and options: selected features and options at download.
• History: Gives the user an overview of all actions done on a specific date and shows also the datacore
and textcore used.

Show Config changes:

3 possible options are shown after clicking the button
“Show Config changes”.
1. Compare to factory settings: check the
original download to the controller
2. Compare to CS5 file: looks into an existing
cs5 file downloaded from controller
3. Compare to connected controller: check the
current controller.
Excel Report: Generates a full report of the actual
controller configuration

Information about the original download.

History data

Manual Modi5

4.1.2 Tab: Resource Memory

Overview of all names of inputs, outputs, protection names, digital states, … that are in the controllers’
resource memory. With default access level in Modi5 this looks like …

In the selection list, the user has the possibility to choose what type of texts to show.

If the user is logged in as Expert, more options are available:

1. Add known texts.

2. Define new texts.
3. Remove existing texts.
4. Add a language.
5. Remove a language How to add known texts?

Click on the "Add know text" button, the following dialog opens. Choose in the
left column which input or output texts you want to create. Click in the right
column on the type of in or output.

Manual Modi5

Check the text(s) you want to add, the full line lights up in green.
Click on the button "Import text" to add the text to the Resource Memory.

The text is now visible in the "AnInTexts: Analog Input Texts list. How to change a Text?

Texts can be changed by double clicking on it. When typing text, note that not all 100 000 Unicode characters
are supported by the controller. In Western languages (English, German, French, Dutch, …) almost every
character – except very exotic characters like the ‘§’-sign – can be used. For Chinese, Korean, Japanese, … only
a small subset of the characters can be used. How to remove a text?

Resource memory texts can be removed as long as they are not used in the settings configuration.
E.g. an analog input text cannot be removed when this text is assigned to an analog input definition. How to add a language?

Click on the ‘Add Language button”.

A new dialog opens

Manual Modi5

After selecting click on Add Language the new language is added to the controller. How to delete a language?

Click on the button remove language

A new dialog opens click on the language button which have to removed

Put a checkmark before the language which you

want to remove. When tis is done click Delete to
remove the language or cancel to quit this

Manual Modi5

A confirmation dialog opens click "yes" to remove,

"no" to keep the language. Or cancel to quit this

4.1.3 Tab Page I/O Config

Is used to manage:

1. Pressure inputs.

2. Temperature Inputs.

3. Digital Inputs.

4. Digital Outputs.

5. Calculated Inputs. Example: How to create a new pressure input?

Before you add an input, the name of the input has to be added in the resource memory. Please read the
section ‘How to add a text?’ for more info.

Click on the Master Module. Below a list of possible

inputs is shown.

Manual Modi5

Right click on an available pressure+ Input and choose Add Pressure (mBar).

On the right side the dataset opens and is

ready to filled in with the correct settings. Move or copy inputs in I/O tab page

With this new functionality is very easy to move or copy one of the inputs. It’s even possible to upgrade inputs
to ‘transmitter inputs’ and vice versa.
User must be logged in as Expert. Follow
these steps:
Activate an Expansion module if no expansion
module is activated.

Manual Modi5

Click on the Expansion module which is active

Click on temperature inputs.
If no input is created, create a new one.

Select the input which you want to move or copy

Right click and choose move or copy – press the
enter button on your keyboard.
A new dialog screens opens.

Choose the action you want to do (move or copy) In

the group box “Action” on the left side of this screen.

Select in the right side of the screen the input where

you want to move or copy the input.

Click on the button “Cancel” if you decided not to

copy or move the input

Manual Modi5

The button “Move or Copy base function” is now

Click to this button to move or copy the function. The
move/copy base function screen is closing and the
inputs are now visible in another input.

4.1.4 Tab: General Settings

This tab page is divided in two panels:

1. The left panel gives a tree overview of all available controller functions
2. The right panel displays the settings for the selected function

RED icons indicate essential functions for the controller application. They cannot be left empty !
Settings can easily be modified.
Click on the plus sign before each setting click underneath this item to the dataset.

Manual Modi5

The dataset opens, Modify the parameters within the programmable limits.

4.1.5 Tab: Special Alarms

The tab page gives an overview of all special alarms available in the controller application.

Icons with a RED border indicate essential special alarms for the controller application. They cannot be left

4.1.6 Tab: Week Timer

This tab page allows the user the define 4 different week timer schemes. On the controller display a sequence of
these schemes can then be selected in the week timer setup.
• Login as an Expert
• Click on the tab page Week
• Click on the plus sign before
Week Timer 1
• Click on the new dataset to
• Click on day one (Monday)
start to fill in the hours and
• Use the arrow buttons to open
hours and minutes.

Manual Modi5

Click on the arrow button to choose an action

from the list.

After selected an action, Modi5 add a new row

below the new action, fill in the end time of the
action in this new row.

Eight actions can be filled in one day Fill in the

rest of this week by repeating all previous
actions. Click on the “save” button to safe this
configuration to the computer or click the
“Quick Connect” button to upload directly to
the controller.
Make sure that the compressor is not running
and the status is unloaded.

5 Firewall settings Windows 10

When Modi5 is not working properly it is necessary to allow the program in Windows Firewall.
Follow these steps for the correct Firewall settings see page 21

Important !!! you need local admin-rights for changing firewall settings.

Manual Modi5

Got to the start button en type

Firewall (the application is now in the
list), click and open the application.

Click in the left panel to:

Allow an app or feature through
Windows Firewall

Manual Modi5

Find the Modi5 app.

When not listed, click on the button
below “Allow another app…” and
search for Modi5.exe file to allow
the application.
If listed normally only the domain
checkbox is marked. Click above to
the button change Settings. And
check also Private en Public. See
picture below.

Example view:
All checkboxes are filled in.
Close all windows and save if
Restart Modi5. The application is
now working.


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