DOC File
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1992
If every line in the Buffering column is No, then you can safely remove
the DEVICE statement for SMARTDRV.EXE from your CONFIG.SYS file.
SMARTDRV.EXE always copies data to your hard disk when you turn off your
computer. It also writes all data to the disk when an application calls
the MS-DOS reset disk function. If you want to force data to be written to
disk, use the /C command-line option. If you use a third-party program to
reboot your machine from a batch file, you should make sure you have
SMARTDRV /C in the batch file prior to the reboot command. Failure to do
so may cause data loss.
You can use command-line options to control the size of the cache element
(/E) and the size of the read-ahead buffer (/B). The read-ahead buffer is
additional information that SMARTDRV.EXE reads when the application reads
information from the hard disk. The size must be specified in bytes, and
the element size must be one of the following: 1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192.
The read-ahead buffer must be a multiple of the element size, cannot be
less than the element size, and cannot exceed 32768. The defaults are 8192
for the element size and 16384 for the read-ahead buffer. Because these
will occupy conventional or UMB memory space, making them larger reduces
the memory MS-DOS applications have available.
You can start the SMARTDRV.EXE program by typing SMARTDRV at the MS-DOS
prompt before you start Windows, or by placing a command line in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The syntax is:
[[drive:]] [[path]]SMARTDRV.EXE[[ [[drive[[+|-]] ]]...]]
[[/E:ElementSize]] [[InitCacheSize]]
[[WinCacheSize]] ]] [[/B:BufferSize]]
[[/C]] [[/R]] [[/L]] [[ /Q]] [[/S]] [[/?]]
The following list shows the default values for InitCacheSize and
WinCacheSize, depending on the amount of available extended memory on your
Extended Memory <= 1 MB <=2 MB <=4 MB <=6 MB <=6 MB
InitCacheSize All 1 MB 1 MB 2 MB 2 MB
WinCacheSize Zero 256K 512K 1 MB 2 MB
Do not put the SMARTDRV.EXE cache in the expanded memory provided by
EMM386.EXE. EMM386.EXE uses extended memory to emulate expanded memory
that other programs can use. Although SMARTDRV.EXE can use this emulated
expanded memory for its cache, it may not make your program run as quickly
as it would using extended memory.
Because the optimal cache size for SMARTDRV.EXE depends on the programs
you run, and on your system configuration, there is no single best
setting. You should experiment to find the best cache size for your system
after saving a copy of your CONFIG.SYS file. For more information, see
your Windows User's Guide.