Duet DRF MM Rev C (Sw1.09.02)

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Introduction & Safety 

Electron Devices S.A

System Description 

Boards & signals


Software overview 
High Resolution Digital System Installation 
Imaging Systems
System Setup &


System self-test 

Periodic Maintenance &

Inspection procedures

DuetDRF Troubleshooting &

Replacement procedures
Installation &
Maintenance Manual Appendix A

(FRU list)

Appendix B

(System Interfaces)

Appendix C

Document No. 63048262 (System Parameters)

Rev. C Appendix D
S/W Ver. 1.09 
(Installation Evaluation)
The information contained in this manual is confidential and proprietary to THALES
Electron Devices S.A. This information is provided only to authorized representatives of
THALES’s customers solely for the purpose of facilitating the use of THALES’s products.
No information contained herein may be disclosed to any unauthorized person for any
purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of THALES Electron Devices S.A.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Copyright 2015 by THALES Electron Devices S.A. All rights reserved.

THALES Electron Devices S.A.

460, rue du Pommarin - BP 122

38346 Moirans Cedex – France
Tel : +33 (0)4 76 57 52 80
Fax : +33 (0)4 76 57 40 85
Email: x-rayimaging.support@thalesgroup.com
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

List of Revisions
Rev. Date Description Chapter
A Jun/2015 New manual for Windows 7 version Ver. 1.09 All
- Add support for Portable FPD I/F
Option, including WAP setup and
3543EZ calibration.
- Workstations and Tube number (1/2)
Setup instructions
- Update calibration tables and process
B Jul/2015 for both RF/FL detectors Ver. 1.09 All
- Update W7 WSM setup
- New License for SW and Options (on
USB Dongle)
- Update SSPM list in Appendix C
- Update instructions for McAfee
Application Control (White List)
- Updates for new PC
- New P/N for Duet DRF
C Oct/2015 - Remove instructions for RCU Mains Ver. 1.09.02 All
Supply Switching (115V/220).
- Correct mistakes in 4343FL modes in
detector calibration table
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Table of Content

1 INTRODUCTION & SAFETY ............................................................................ 1

1.1 Who Should Use this Manual ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 DUET Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Brief Product Description................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 Applications ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1 X-Ray Room Interconnections ........................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Fast network interface ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.3 Acquisition modes .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.4 Image Matrix, Bit Depth, and Maximum Acquisition Rate ............................................................... 2
1.3.5 X-ray Pulse Width Window ............................................................................................................... 2
1.3.6 Fluoroscopy store ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.7 PC Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.8 Operating Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.9 FPD Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3.10 Main Modules Dimensions ................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 SAFETY & REGULATORY INFORMATION ...................................................................... 4
1.4.1 General Guidelines ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.2 General Safety Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 6
1.4.3 Safety Definition and IEC Symbols ................................................................................................... 7
1.4.4 Specific Safety Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 9
1.4.5 Regulatory Information .................................................................................................................... 14
1.4.6 Accident Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 15
1.4.7 Preventive maintenance .................................................................................................................... 15
1.4.8 EMC Warming and Information ...................................................................................................... 16
1.4.9 Multiple Socket outlets..................................................................................................................... 18
2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................. 19
2.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Simplified System Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 20
2.3 System Main Modules ............................................................................................................... 21
2.3.1 MPU (PC)......................................................................................................................................... 21
2.3.2 Room Control Unit (RCU) ............................................................................................................... 25
2.3.3 Flat-panel Power Unit (FPU) ........................................................................................................... 26
2.3.4 Processing Unit – (PU/ACPP).......................................................................................................... 27
2.3.5 Monitors ........................................................................................................................................... 27
3 BOARDS & SIGNALS DESCRIPTION............................................................ 28
3.1 ALLEGRO ................................................................................................................................. 28
3.2 ACCORD + VIVACE ............................................................................................................... 29
3.3 TAIKO ....................................................................................................................................... 30
3.4 FPU PUC Board ........................................................................................................................ 31
3.5 RCU – Room Control Unit ....................................................................................................... 32
3.5.1 Main Signals Description – Inputs ................................................................................................... 33
3.5.2 Main Signals Descriptions - Outputs................................................................................................ 34
3.6 Modes of Operation .................................................................................................................. 34
3.6.1 Stand By ........................................................................................................................................... 34
3.6.2 Fluoroscopy ...................................................................................................................................... 35
3.6.3 Photospot (DR, DA, DSA, RAD)..................................................................................................... 35
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3.7 Data flowcharts ......................................................................................................................... 36

3.7.1 General Image processing for Fluoroscopy ...................................................................................... 36
3.7.2 General Image processing for Radiography ..................................................................................... 37
3.8 System Power up & Shutdown ................................................................................................ 38
4 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW................................................................................. 40
4.1 Users Passwords ........................................................................................................................ 40
4.2 DUET Shortcuts ........................................................................................................................ 41
4.2.1 Duet .................................................................................................................................................. 41
4.2.2 Calibration ........................................................................................................................................ 41
4.2.3 Utilities ............................................................................................................................................. 47
4.3 McAfee Application Control (White List) .............................................................................. 69
5.1 Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................................... 70
5.1.1 Radiation Safety ............................................................................................................................... 70
5.1.2 Power turn On/Off ............................................................................................................................ 70
5.1.3 Equipment Protection ....................................................................................................................... 71
5.1.4 General Precautions.......................................................................................................................... 71
5.2 Installation Preceding ............................................................................................................... 72
5.2.1 Installation DUET power requirement ............................................................................................. 72
5.2.2 Installation Guidelines...................................................................................................................... 72
5.3 Installation Procedure .............................................................................................................. 73
5.3.1 Unpacking the DUET system ........................................................................................................... 73
5.3.2 Visual Inspection .............................................................................................................................. 73
5.3.3 Installation Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 75
6 SYSTEM SETUP & CALIBRATION ................................................................ 84
6.1 X-ray Generator and Table Adjustments ............................................................................... 86
6.1.1 CPI Generator Configuration and settings ....................................................................................... 86
6.2 Windows Settings ...................................................................................................................... 89
6.2.1 System Global Time settings ............................................................................................................ 89
6.2.2 System Network connections settings .............................................................................................. 89
6.3 General System Setting and Configuration ............................................................................ 94
6.3.1 PU Initial Mode settings ................................................................................................................... 95
6.3.2 System Parameters - SSPM .............................................................................................................. 98
6.3.3 DICOM Services Settings ................................................................................................................ 98
6.3.4 DICOM Storage Setting ................................................................................................................... 98
6.3.5 DICOM Print Setting ....................................................................................................................... 99
6.3.6 Other DICOM Services Setting ........................................................................................................ 99
6.3.7 X-Ray Tube Focal Spot Size Update.............................................................................................. 100
6.3.8 System settings for DSA Sequence in Angiography Option .......................................................... 101
6.4 FPD Calibration Pre-Conditions ........................................................................................... 103
6.5 X-Ray Beam and Collimator Settings Verification .............................................................. 104
6.5.1 X-Ray Beam Alignment (Tube / Detector Perpendicularity) test: ................................................. 104
6.5.2 Light Field to X-ray Field Alignment test ...................................................................................... 105
6.5.3 Collimator Field size verification* ................................................................................................. 107
6.5.4 Ralco Collimator Field Size Calibration Collimator model R302DACS/A ................................... 109
6.6 Displays and DICOM Stations Adjustments ........................................................................ 112
6.6.1 In Room and Workstation Monitors Adjustments .......................................................................... 112
6.6.2 In Room Monitors, PACS and Laser Imager checking .................................................................. 115
6.7 Pixium 4343 FL/RF FPD Calibration ................................................................................... 118
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.7.1 General Overview .......................................................................................................................... 118

6.7.2 Detector Calibration procedures description .................................................................................. 122
6.8 Pixium 3543EZ Setup & Calibration .................................................................................... 151
6.8.1 Cisco* WAP Settings ..................................................................................................................... 151
6.8.2 General Overview .......................................................................................................................... 157
6.8.3 Configuring new Detector .............................................................................................................. 159
6.8.4 Detector Calibration procedures ..................................................................................................... 161
6.8.5 Workstations configuration ............................................................................................................ 162
6.9 System Backup ........................................................................................................................ 163
6.9.1 Performing Standard Backup ......................................................................................................... 164
6.9.2 Generator Settings Backup ............................................................................................................. 164
6.9.3 PU Settings and Correction Tables Backup ................................................................................... 164
6.9.4 Perform Operating System Backup ................................................................................................ 165
6.10 Installation Evaluation ......................................................................................................... 165
7 SYSTEM SELF TEST ..................................................................................... 166
7.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 166
7.2 Allegro Tests ............................................................................................................................ 166
7.3 Accord Tests ............................................................................................................................ 166
7.4 RS232 Tests.............................................................................................................................. 167
7.5 Initializing RF4343 system ..................................................................................................... 167
7.6 Loading Main Application ..................................................................................................... 167
7.7 Create Backup Folder ............................................................................................................. 167
7.8 System is running .................................................................................................................... 167
8.1 Maintaining a Duet system Backup Log ............................................................................... 168
8.2 System Disk Backup (Ghost) .................................................................................................. 169
8.3 Maintenance and Inspection .................................................................................................. 169
9.1 Troubleshooting Guidelines ................................................................................................... 172
9.1.1 Equipment Protection ..................................................................................................................... 172
9.1.2 Problems and Workarounds ........................................................................................................... 172
9.2 Boards LED Indications ......................................................................................................... 175
9.2.1 ACCORD LED's ............................................................................................................................ 175
9.2.2 ALLEGRO LED's .......................................................................................................................... 175
9.2.3 VIVACE LED's .............................................................................................................................. 176
9.2.4 RCU LEDs ..................................................................................................................................... 176
9.2.5 FPU LEDs ...................................................................................................................................... 177
9.2.6 Detector LEDs ................................................................................................................................ 177
9.2.7 PU LED's........................................................................................................................................ 179
9.2.8 RCU I/O Board Test Points ............................................................................................................ 180
9.3 Unit Replacement Guidelines ................................................................................................. 184
9.3.1 MPU (PC) Power Supply Replacement ......................................................................................... 184
9.3.2 RCU Power Supply Replacement .................................................................................................. 185
9.3.3 RCU Transformer Replacement ..................................................................................................... 189
9.3.4 RCU Fan Replaceent ...................................................................................................................... 190
9.3.5 Replacement of Old FPU (FPU-A) with new FPU (FPU-B) ......................................................... 191
9.3.6 New FPU test switches ................................................................................................................... 200
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.3.7 FPU Transformer Replacement ...................................................................................................... 201

9.3.8 ACCORD Replacement ................................................................................................................. 201
9.3.9 ALLEGRO Replacement ............................................................................................................... 202
9.3.10 RCU- IO Replacement ................................................................................................................... 203
9.4 DiskTool Diagnose Utility ....................................................................................................... 205
9.4.1 Diagnose Disk (Option 1)............................................................................................................... 207
9.4.2 Diagnose Network Card (Option 2) ............................................................................................... 208
9.4.3 Detect Cards (Option 3) ................................................................................................................. 209
9.4.4 Backup System Disk (Option 4) ..................................................................................................... 209
9.4.5 Restore System Disk (Options 5-7) 210
9.4.6 Restore Last Used Databases Using 'DatabaseRestore.exe' utility ................................................. 211
9.5 HDD Replacement Procedure ................................................................................................ 212
9.5.1 Physical HDD Replacement Procedure .......................................................................................... 212
9.5.2 HDD Set Replacement ................................................................................................................... 214
9.5.3 Image HDD Replacement .............................................................................................................. 215
9.5.4 System HDD Replacement and Restore Actions ........................................................................... 215
9.5.5 Image HDD Replacement Due To RAID-1 Problem ..................................................................... 216
9.6 Mother Board Replacement ................................................................................................... 221
9.7 BIOS Setup/Verification ......................................................................................................... 222
9.8 MPU Replacement .................................................................................................................. 223
9.6.1 Visual Inspection of the New MPU ............................................................................................... 223
9.6.2 MPU Replacement ......................................................................................................................... 223
9.6.3 Final Connection ............................................................................................................................ 223
9.9 DVDRW Replacement ............................................................................................................ 224
9.10 Backup Battery Replacement............................................................................................... 224
9.11 Software Installation & Upgrade......................................................................................... 224
9.12 PU Replacement .................................................................................................................... 225
9.13 Obtaining Diagnostics Images from the PU ........................................................................ 228
APPENDIX-A DUET FRU LIST......................................................................... 233
APPENDIX-B SYSTEM INTERFACES ............................................................. 237
B.1 DUET DRF System Interconnection .................................................................................... 238
B.2 DUET DRF Interconnection Cables List ............................................................................. 240
B.3 Detailed external Interfaces ................................................................................................... 243
B.3.1 RCU Input/Output Ports description .............................................................................................. 243
B.3.2 RCU Detailed Ports Interfaces ....................................................................................................... 244
B.3.3 Other Cables description ................................................................................................................ 247
B.3.4 RCU I/O description....................................................................................................................... 248
B.4 CPI Generator recommended setting ................................................................................... 249
APPENDIX-C SYSTEM PARAMETERS ............................................................ 257
C.1 Acquisition ..................................................................................................................................... 258
C.2 Archives ......................................................................................................................................... 271
C.3 Backup ........................................................................................................................................... 272
C.4 Calibration ...................................................................................................................................... 272
C.5 Configuration ................................................................................................................................. 274
C.6 DICOM .......................................................................................................................................... 278
C.7 Field Of View ................................................................................................................................. 283
C.8 Film Previewer ............................................................................................................................... 285
C.9 Generator ........................................................................................................................................ 285
C.10 Hardware ........................................................................................................................................ 286
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

C.11 HIPAA ........................................................................................................................................... 292

C.12 Logging .......................................................................................................................................... 293
C.13 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 293
C.14 Monitor ........................................................................................................................................... 293
C.15 Patient Registration ........................................................................................................................ 295
C.16 Post ................................................................................................................................................. 297
C.17 Printer ............................................................................................................................................. 300
C.18 Programmable Input-Output........................................................................................................... 304
C.19 Reserved ......................................................................................................................................... 323
C.20 Scaling ............................................................................................................................................ 324
C.21 Stations ........................................................................................................................................... 325
C.22 Storage ........................................................................................................................................... 326
C.23 System Timeouts ............................................................................................................................ 326
C.24 Table Management ......................................................................................................................... 327
C.25 Text ................................................................................................................................................ 329
C.26 User Interface ................................................................................................................................. 356
C.27 VCR ............................................................................................................................................... 359
C.28 Viewer ............................................................................................................................................ 359
C.29 Wall Management .......................................................................................................................... 359
APPENDIX-D INSTALLATION EVALUATION ............................................... 361
D.1 Ground-looping and Random Noise Check ......................................................................... 364
D.2 FPD Sensitivity ....................................................................................................................... 364
D.3 Flatness and Artifact .............................................................................................................. 365
D.4 4343 RF/FL DR Gray Levels Measurements ....................................................................... 366
D.5 4343 RF/FL Standard Deviation Measurements ................................................................. 367
D.6 Resolution (High contrast) .................................................................................................... 368
D.7 Low Contrast Delectability.................................................................................................... 369
D.8 Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 370
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


1.1 Who Should Use this Manual

Personnel operating and maintaining the equipment should receive system technical
training course with all aspects of its operation and maintenance.
To ensure personnel safety and correct equipment operation, all users should read this
manual carefully before installing and using the system.
Additionally, to promote safety awareness, Service Engineers should periodically
review the basic precautions outlined in this chapter.

1.2 DUET Overview

1.2.1 Brief Product Description

The DUET is a high-resolution digital imaging system for Digital Spot Imaging. It is
designed to replace conventional photo spot film techniques. The system is based on
a Pentium workstation running Windows as the operating system.
The DUET system is based on Flat Panel Detector (FPD), with acquisition
resolutions of up to 2880x2880 pixels per image.
The max frame rate is 30fps and the images are acquired by a 14/16 bits
(16,384/65,536 gray levels) FPD.
Real time and post processing techniques such as computerized window, black &
white inversion, edge enhancement, subtraction and more, enable the operator to
bring-up diagnostic details difficult to see using conventional non-digital techniques.
Large image sets can be efficiently reviewed and prepared for filming using the
DUET advanced image manipulation capabilities.
The system displays are high-resolution monitors with 1920x1080 pixel resolution.
The DUET system has large memory capacity and can be used as an archive for the
medical test results, while DICOM is also supported.

1.2.2 Applications
Main fields of application of the DUET are:
• Routine Fluoroscopy Studies (general fluoroscopy, Angiography).
• General Radiographic Examinations.
• Urology examinations.
• ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography).
• Gastrointestinal (GI) examinations.
• Peripheral Angiography studies.

Introduction & Safety 1-1

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1.3 Technical Specifications

1.3.1 X-Ray Room Interconnections

Isolated Input/Output signals for Generator, Table, Collimator and other peripheral

1.3.2 Fast network interface

DICOM 3.0 interface by Merge Technologies

1.3.3 Acquisition modes

1. Continuous fluoroscopy
2. Pulsed fluoroscopy
3. DR/DA/DSA modes
4. RAD mode

1.3.4 Image Matrix, Bit Depth, and Maximum Acquisition Rate

1. Continuous fluoroscopy: 1024x1024 @14bits, up to 30 fps
2. Pulsed fluoroscopy: 1024x1024 @14bits, up to 15 fps
3. DR/DA/DSA modes: 1024x1024 @16bits, up to 15 fps

1.3.5 X-ray Pulse Width Window

1. Fluoroscopy mode: 18 ms
2. DR/DA/DSA modes: 20, 100, 250 ms
3. RAD mode: 500, 3200ms (1000ms for 3543EZ)

1.3.6 Fluoroscopy store

1. LIH- Last Image Hold save feature
2. LFH 256 (LFH 512 option): Play up to last 256 1k images
3. Fluoroscopy store to disk 1024x1024x12bits, up to 256 images, up to 15 fps

1.3.7 PC Overview
Function Specifications
Processor Intel x86
RAM 2x2GB (or more)
System Disk SSD 256GB
Image disk 2 x 500GB
Operating system Windows 7

Introduction & Safety 1-2

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1.3.8 Operating Conditions

Line voltage: 90 - 132VAC or 180 – 264VAC (factory setting)
Frequency: 47 – 63 Hz
Max power consumption: 1500VA
Note: Power consumption is configuration dependent. At nominal
configuration the power consumption is less then 450VA.
Environment conditions:

Ambient temperature: 10°C - 35°C
Relative Humanity: 20% to 80% non-condensing
Pressure: 50 – 106 Kpa

Storage (transportation):
Ambient temperature: -20°C - 60°C
Relative Humanity: up to 90% non-condensing
Pressure: 50 – 106 Kpa

1.3.9 FPD Conditions

To achieve good temperature stabilization for image quality or to perform calibration
the customer must power on the detector during 3.5 hours.
The detector temperature of regulation is defined at 38°C in factory.
This temperature needs on final system calibration for each installation. To do this,
you must run the detector on the final system to stabilize the detector temperature.

1.3.10 Main Modules Dimensions

Kg H x W x D mm
MPU (P.C.) App. 19 441x198x564

RCU App. 15 86x350x500

FPU App. 15 86x350x500

PU (ACPP) App. 15 180x340x480

Introduction & Safety 1-3

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


The safety precautions and regulatory information included in this section are
provided in the following sub-sections:

1.4.1 General Guidelines

1.4.2 General Safety Guidelines
1.4.3 Safety Definitions and IEC Symbols
1.4.4 Specific Safety Guidelines
1.4.5 Regulatory Information
1.4.6 Accident Reporting
1.4.7 Preventive maintenance
1.4.8 EMC Warning and Information
1.4.9 Multiple Socket outlets

1.4.1 General Guidelines

This product was designed and manufactured to ensure maximum safety of
operation and to meet all the safety requirements applicable to electronic
medical equipment. However, anyone attempting to operate the system must be
fully aware of potential safety hazards. It should be operated and maintained in
strict compliance with the following safety precautions and operating
instructions contained herein instructions contained herein

1. This product should be installed, maintained and serviced according to

THALES maintenance procedures and by THALES qualified personnel or
other qualified maintenance personnel approved in writing by THALES.
Operation and maintenances should be done in strict compliance with the
operation instructions contained in the operation and maintenance manuals.
2. The system, in whole or in part, cannot be modified in any way without written
approval from THALES.
3. Authorize the personnel that operate the system according to the local
regulations. An authorized operator’s list should be maintained.
4. The owner must ensure that only properly trained and fully qualified personnel
are authorized to operate this equipment. Before first operation of the system,
verify that the personnel have read the operation manual and fully understand it.
5. The manufacturer or vendor of the equipment makes no representation however
that the act of reading this manual renders the reader qualified to operate, test or
calibrate the system.
6. Prevent unauthorized personnel from access the system.
7. It is important that this operation manual should be kept at hand, studied
carefully and reviewed periodically by the authorized operators.
8. Do not use the system if unsafe conditions are known to exist. In the event of
hardware failure that could cause hazardous condition; (smoke, fire, etc) turn
the power off and unplug the main power cords.

Introduction & Safety 1-4

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9. If the product does not function properly, or if it fails to respond to the controls
described in this manual, stop operation, contact the nearest THALES field
service representative immediately, report the incident and wait for further
10. The images and calculations provided by this system are intended as tools for
competent user. They are explicitly not to be regarded as a sole incontrovertible
basis for clinical diagnosis. Users are encouraged to study the literature, and
search their own professional conclusions regarding the clinical utility of the
11. Be aware of the product’s specifications and of the system’s accuracy and
stability limitations. These limitations must be considered before making any
decision based on quantitative values. In case of doubt, consult a THALES
12. The Duet DRF system is only part of the entire X-ray room. Thus the entire
responsibility for compliance of the X-ray room to the required medical and
other standards is by the OEM or room integrator.

Introduction & Safety 1-5

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1.4.2 General Safety Guidelines Electric Shock Hazard


According to type of protection against electric shock
According to the degree of protection against ingress of water
• A three conductor AC power cable is supplied with this system to provide
the appropriate electrical grounding. To minimize the shock hazard, the
power cable must be plugged into a UL approved three contact electrical
outlet. Do not use an adapter to plug the system into a two-pronged
(ungrounded) outlet.
• Do not operate the system if worn wire or open leads are detected.
• Do not remove or open system covers or plugs. The internal circuits of the
system use high voltages that can cause serious injury or death from
electrical shock.

Electrical circuits inside the equipment use voltages,

which are capable of causing serious injury or death
from electric shock. To avoid this hazard, operators
should never remove any of the cabinet covers

Hospital grade plugs should be used. If power cords

! WARNING are required for the connection of system to the
mains, use 18AWGx3c UL approved cords. Electrical Fire

• Conductive fluids that drain into the active circuit components of the system
may cause short circuits that can result in electrical fire. Therefore, do not
place fluids or food on any part of the system.
• Avoid electric shocks and burns caused by the use of the wrong type of fire
extinguisher; ensure that the fire extinguisher at the site has been approved
for use on electrically caused fires. Explosion Hazard

• Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable or explosive
liquids, vapors or gases such as flammable anesthetic, oxygen or nitrous
oxide. Do not plug in or turn on the system if hazardous substances are
detected in the environment.
• If flammable substances are detected after the system has been turned on,
do not attempt to turn off the system or unplug it. Evacuate and ventilate the
area before turning the system off.

Introduction & Safety 1-6

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Explosion Hazard

Do not block the ventilation ports of the electronic equipment. Always
maintain a minimum clearance of 6 inches (15 cm) around the ventilation
ports to prevent overheating and damage to the electronic hardware. Implosion Hazard
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) might explode if struck or jarred. This may
result in flying pieces of glass and coating that can cause serious injury. Do
not subject the system to mechanical shocks.


CAUTION Make sure monitors do not exceed ceiling

! suspension physical, dimensional and/or ergonomic
limitations while installing.

1.4.3 Safety Definition and IEC Symbols

The safety instructions in this manual are used for the protection of the
patient, the operator and service personnel. They identify hazards that
will or may cause harm if instructions are ignored. The identified
hazards are defined and classified as follows




Cautions are used to identify conditions or actions for
which a potential hazard may exist, which will or can
cause minor personal injury or property damage if the
instructions are ignored.
Warnings are used to identify conditions or actions, for
! WARNING which a specific hazard is known to exist, which may
cause severe personal injury, death or substantial property
damage if the instructions are ignored.

Equipment is sensitive to ESD

Introduction & Safety 1-7

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

IEC Symbols Used

The system may have labels with one or more of the following symbols.
These symbols indicate the IEC standards to which the system conforms.

Symbol IEC Standard

Alternating Current

Protective Earth Point

Power ON




Functional Earth Ground

Warning, Caution - Consult
Accompanying Documents

Electrical Shock Hazard

General percotion symbol

Introduction & Safety 1-8

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1.4.4 Specific Safety Guidelines

The specific safety guidelines refer to the following issues:

1. Radiation Hazards
2. System Self test
3. Calibration
4. True Size & Distance Measurements
5. Left/Right Marker
6. Data Safety
7. Connectivity
8. Cleaning Instruction
9. Maintenance Precaution
10. Disposal
11. User Limitation


CAUTION Always be alert when operating this equipment. In case of

! malfunction, do not use this equipment until qualified
personnel correct the problem. Radiation Hazard

The system is interfaced to x-ray generating equipment. Be certain to
follow the safety instructions and specifications for wearing proper lead
shielding when in the presence of x-ray generating equipment. All
personnel must wear dosimeters during all phases of installation,
operation and maintenance of the system and the equipment to which it is
• Always be alert to the messages / icons which appear in the status area in
the lower left corner of the main in-room monitor. These messages / icons
indicate the status of the x-ray (ON or OFF) and the displayed image

Introduction & Safety 1-9

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 System Self-Test.

The DUET runs a system self test automatically after power on. Each board is
tested sequentially and an appropriate Pass or Fail message is displayed on
the workstation monitor. After all tests are passed successfully, the system
enters the application. If an error is detected, the system self-test is aborted
and the system remains in operational until the failure is corrected.

CAUTION The owner is responsible for ensuring that system self-test

! is performed daily. Do not try to use the system if system
self-test fails. Calibration
To ensure the optimal performances of DUET it is important to verify that the
system is calibrated.
CAUTION The owner is responsible for ensuring that system calibration
! is checked periodically in accordance with the requirements
defined in the DUET Maintenance Manual.

Because DUET is an integral part of the x-ray room, the user
should be aware that any change or calibration in one or more of
the room components may require re-calibration of the DUET
system. True Size & Distance Measurements

Field engineer test after installation of true size printing of a known
measured object, Pixel spacing or Distance calibration mechanism must be
Distance measurements in millimeters (mm) should be done only after
distance calibration has been performed using a reference.

The operator is responsible for performing distance

CAUTION calibration with a reference object and verifying the results
! of the distance calibration before taking any distance
measurements on an image

Introduction & Safety 1-10

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Left/Right Marker

The operator is responsible for the correct and clear
marking of the left or right side of the image to
eliminate possible errors.

The software includes an option to mark the image with L (left) or R
(right) indicator from acquisition phase through printing and
archiving. If the operator chose, for any reason, not to use the L / R
markers, he must use an alternative way (e.g. a piece of lead) to
eliminate any possible mistake. Data Safety

The owner should ensure continuous power supply to the system, with voltage
and current according to the product specifications. If power failures occur
regularly, UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) should be installed to avoid loss
of data.

System abruptly power off in middle of procedure might
cause the data not to be stored or database corruption
To avoid the possibility of loosing images install UPS
according to Max power consumption in this chapter

Images Back-up

To avoid the possibility of loosing images, which might
result in the need to repeat the examination, it is
important to back-up the images either by printing or by
using the DVD/DICOM Storage Server options. This
should be done as a routine operation for every patient.

• It is the operator’s responsibility to back-up images of each patient.

• Do not accumulate images in the system without performing a backup.
• Keep the data print-outs away from direct sun / intensive light.
• Store recorded DVD cartridges according to their producer instructions.

Introduction & Safety 1-11

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

System settings Back-up

Using Restore utility may overwrite existing settings or
! WARNING patient data
Perform backup prior to restore to have the ability to go
back to last known configuration Connectivity
DUET is designed to meet the requirements of the DICOM 3.0 standards. It is
the user responsibility to verify that when connected to other devices, the
interfacing shall comply with these standards.
DUET is compliant with the DICOM 3.0 connectivity standard and with IHE
(Integrating Healthcare Enterprise). For details see:
www.cmt-med.com/cmt/site/english/dicom/IHE_Integration_Statement.pdf Cleaning Instructions

Use only soap and lukewarm water to clean the surfaces of the system. Do not
use detergents or organic solvents to clean the system. Strong detergents,
alcohol and organic cleaners may damage the finish and cause structural
weakening. Do not wet surfaces that are not closed or sealed, such as the
keyboard. Maintenance Precautions

• Do not place DUET on a soft surface, which may reduce the airflow through
the bottom of the chassis.
• Do not open the enclosures, disconnect or connect any cables or accessories.
Only qualified THALES personnel are authorized to maintain and service the
• Do not move the MPU module (PC) while it is running. Wait at least one
minute after it is turned off before moving.
• Do not use an adapter to plug the system into a two-pronged (ungrounded)
• Do not place liquids or food on the monitors or keyboard.

Introduction & Safety 1-12

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Disposal
This product contains harmful materials such as lead. Improper disposal of this
product may result in environmental contamination. When disposing of this
equipment, contact your THALES representative. Do not dispose of any parts
of this equipment without consulting a THALES representative first. THALES
does not assume any responsibility for damage resulting from disposal of this
equipment without consulting THALES. User Limitations

The software and data bases described in this document are furnished under a
license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software and databases
may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
No modifications, additions or deletions are allowed on the DUET work-
station. No operations should be performed other than those available through
the DUET applications described in this manual.
THALES shall not be liable or obligated in respect to bodily injury and
property damage arising from the use of this software if such use is not in strict
compliance with instructions in the Operation Manual and in accordance with
the terms of warranty and sale of this software.

WARNING Connecting electrical equipment to multi socket outlet
! effectively leads to creating an ME system and can result
in an reduced level of safety

Introduction & Safety 1-13

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1.4.5 Regulatory Information Standard Compliance

The equipment complies with the following standards

• IEC 60601–1 Medical Electrical Equipment General Requirements for Safety
(2nd & 3rd edition).
• IEC 60601–1–2 Medical Electrical Equipment Electro–Magnetic
Compatibility Requirements (2nd & 3rd edition).
• IEC 60601-1-4 Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements
for safety 4. Collateral standard: Programmable electrical medical systems (2nd
• UL 94: Test for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and
Appliances. CE Conformity

This product conforms to the requirements of council directive 93/42/EEC

concerning Class IIB medical devices, and therefore bears the following CE
mark of conformity

Introduction & Safety 1-14

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1.4.6 Accident Reporting

The FDA Medical Device Reporting Regulation, 21 CFR 803 and the
CE Council Directive 93/42/EEC concerning Medical Devices require
that the manufacturer of medical devices submit a report to the FDA or
local Competent Authorities whenever he become aware of information
that reasonably suggests that one of our installed devices:
• May have caused or contributed to a death or serious injury, or
• Has malfunctioned and, if the malfunction recurs, is likely to cause
or contribute to a death or serious injury.
In order for THALES Electron Devices S.A. to comply with these
requirements, all users of our equipment, operators and service
technicians, are required to provide the Quality Assurance Manager at
THALES with the following information regarding all reportable events
as soon as practical:
a. Identify the model and serial number.
b. Describe the event. Include whether any serious injury or death
c. Identify the person who is submitting the information including
phone number and Fax if available.


460, rue du Pommarin - BP 122

38346 Moirans Cedex – France
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 57 52 80
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 57 40 85
Email: x-rayimaging.support@thalesgroup.com

1.4.7 Preventive maintenance

In order to keep the system safe pay attention to preventive maintenance
instructions, chapter 8.

! WARNING Lack of preventive maintenanace might cause safety issues
in the system

Introduction & Safety 1-15

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1.4.8 EMC Warming and Information General EMC warning

The Duet DRF needs special precautions regarding EMC and need to be
installed and be used according to the EMC information provided in this
chapter and document. Cable list and warning

* See "DUET DRF Interconnection Cables List" in section B.2:
Usage of accessories, transducers and cable other than those specified may
result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the Duet DRF.
Transducers and cables sold by manufacturer of medical equipment or
systems as replacement parts for internal components are not in the
scope of the above warning. Manufacture Declaration

Manufacturer Declaration – Electromagnetic Emissions

The Duet DRF system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
The customer or the user of the Duet DRF system should assure that it is used in such an
Electromagnetic Environmental –
Emission test Compliance
RF emissions CISPR 11 Group 1 The Duet DRF system uses RF energy only
for its internal function.
Therefore, its RF emission are very low and
are not likely to cause any
interference in nearby electronic equipment
RF emissions CISPR 11 Class A The Duet DRF system is suitable for use in all
establishments other than
Harmonic emission Class A domestic and those directly connected to the
IEC 61000-3-2 public low-voltage power
Harmonic emission Comply supply network that supplies buildings used
IEC 61000-3-3 for domestic purposes.

The Duet DRF system should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other
equipment and that if adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the Duet DRF
system should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in
which it will be used

Introduction & Safety 1-16

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Manufacturer Declaration – Electromagnetic Immunity

The DuetDRF system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The
customer or the user of the DuetDRF system should assure that it is used in such an environment

IEC 60601 test Compliance Electromagnetic environment

Immunity test
Level level – guidance
Electrostatic discharge ± 6 KV ± 6 KV Floors should be wood, concrete
(ESD) ± 8 KV air ± 8 KV air or Ceramics tiles. If floors are
IEC 61000-4-2 covered with synthetic material,
the relative humidity should be at
least 30%
Electrical fast transient/ ± 2 KV for ± 2 KV for Mains power quality should be
Burst power supply lines power supply that of a Typical commercial or
IEC 61000-4-4 ± 1 KV for lines hospital Environment.
input / output lines ± 1 KV for
input / output
Surge ± 1 KV line(s) to ± 1 KV line(s) Mains power quality should that
IEC 61000-4-5 Line(s) to of a Typical commercial or
± 2 KV line(s) to Line(s) hospital Environment.
earth ± 2 KV line(s)
Voltage dips, short < 5 % UT < 5 % UT Mains power quality should be
Interruptions and (95% dip in UT) (95% dip in that of a typical commercial or
Voltage variations on For 0.5 cycle UT) hospital Environment.
Power supply input 40 % UT For 0.5 cycle If the user of the DuetDRF
lines (60 % dip in UT) 40 % UT system requires continued
IEC 61000-4-11 For 5 cycles (60 % dip in operation during power mains
<70 % UT UT) interruptions, it is recommended
(30 % dip in UT) For 5 cycles that the DuetDRF system be
For 25 cycles <70 % UT powered from an uninterrupted
< 5% UT (30 % dip in power supply or battery.
(95% dip in UT) UT)
For 5 sec For 25 cycles
< 5% UT
(95% dip in
For 5 sec
Power frequency 3 A/m 3 A/m Power frequency magnetic fields should be
(50/60) at levels characteristic of a typical location
Hz magnetic fields in a typical commercial or Hospital
IEC 61000-4-8 environment
Note: UT is the AC mains voltage prior to application of the test level

Introduction & Safety 1-17

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Recommended separation distance between portable and mobile RF

communications equipment and the DuetDRF system
The DuetDRF system is intended for use in an electromagnetic environmental in which radiated RF
disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the DuetDRF system can help prevent
electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF
communications output equipment (transmitters) and the DuetDRF system as recommended below,
according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment:
Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter [ m ]
Rated maximum output
Power of transmitter [ W ] 150KHz ÷ 80MHz 80MHz ÷ 800MHz 800MHz ÷ 2.5GHz
d = 3.5 * (p)1/2 / V1 d = 3.5 * (p)1/2 / E1 d = 7 * (p)1/2 / E1
0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23
0.1 0.37 0.37 0.74
1 1.17 1.17 2.33
10 3.69 3.69 7.38
100 11.67 11.67 23.33
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation d
in meters (m), can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter,
where p is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts [w] according to the
transmitter manufacture.
V1, (conducted RF) = 3 Vrms, E1 (radiated RF) = 3 V/m

Note 1: At 80 MHz and 800MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
Note 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by
absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. EMC tests, acceptance criteria:

The system shall not have any abnormal phenomenon:
 The video image shall be displayed on the screen during the test without
 Mouse and keyboard shall operate properly
 No exception message shall appear on the screen

1.4.9 Multiple Socket outlets

Multiple sockets output (MSO) for AC voltage with 3 outputs is assembled at
RCU* panel. These outlets should be used only for supplying the MPU and
approved LCD monitors.

It is forbidden to connect these outlets to any other
! equipment due to safety reasons such as leakage current,
overload etc

* Total allowed load from RCU outlets is 600VA

Introduction & Safety 1-18

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


2.1 Overview
The DUET system is embedded into the roentgen system. The roentgen system is
composed of:
• Roentgen tube - Source of the X-rays
• Generator - Control of tube and X-ray room equipment
• Table
• Collimator
• Remote keypad (Option) - Used to operate and control the x-ray system by
the operator/doctor.
• RCU - Room control unit
• FPU - Flat-panel Power Unit
• PU - Flat-panel image correction
• FPD - Flat Panel Detector unit
• Cisco WAP – Wifi connection to 3543EZ detector
• Pixium 3543EZ Detector (Optional)
• MPU (PC) - The system computer
• Standard Keyboard & Mouse
• Monitor – work station monitor
• IRM - In room monitor
Medical doctor usually operates the whole system for diagnostic of patient. The
system can be operated at low radiation continuous mode and/or higher radiation,
short duration, pulse mode.
The X-ray radiation is passing through the patient to the FPD, the FPD transfer the
image data to the PU that control it. The raw initially-processed signal is then
transferred to the MPU for processing displaying and storing.
Administrative handling and archive (internal or data to DICOM system) is also
managed by the DUET system.
THALES supplies only the MPU + Keyboard & Mouse, RCU, FPU, PU, FPD and
the optional Keypad.

System Description 2-19

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

2.2 Simplified System Block Diagram

Ref. Mains

(Option) Port A
out To Generator

Keypad Analog Analog Analog USB USB DVI

AC in

Tx Rx
Rx Fibers Optic Tx Port E

PC Remote

Table Collimator Image screw
DAP Comm LAN USB (Option) LAN data LAN


Room GND

WAP Spare IO

System ON
LAN Corrected Generator
Image data Room GND


ACPP AC in AC out
Remote Remote

24V Remote

Rx Tx 24V


3543EZ 4343RF/FL From


Figure 2-1 : Simplified System Block Diagram

System Description 2-20

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

2.3 System Main Modules

2.3.1 MPU (PC)

The MPU is a high performance computer based on Intel x86 Processor. In
addition there are 2 image Hard Disks arranged as MIRROR RAID1. The
operating system is Windows 7.
Four dedicated THALES designed and manufactured PCI boards are assembled in
the MPU.
o The ALLEGRO (Room Control Board) board interfaces the digital video from
FPD and performs some real time processing and temporary stores data.
o The ACCORD (Processing and Display board) board adds some processing
capabilities and converts the digital data to analog video for display.
o An additional small board, VIVACE (Real Time Edge Enhancement Board)
assembled on the ACCORD board for more processing capability.
o Taiko 1 card – Dap connection and remote On/Off with RCU
o Taiko 2 card – Communication with Generator (RS-232) and an optional

In addition there is standard PCIexpress board assembled:

o Dual port LAN card – one for network communication for the diagnostic
Table and second for connection to WAP access point

The MPU manages the DUET activities by dedicated SW. Input commands/data
can be received from the integral work station (touch screen) mouse and keyboard
or from the “external world” e.g. from the generator trough RS232 channel, Table
trough CAN bus communication.
The analog video that is generated at the MPU (ACCORD) is transmitted to the
IRM. The second IRM (Reference, high performance) is connected to the VIVACE
processing board.
The MPU has a high rate fiber optic communication channel with the Room
Control Unit (RCU). Through this channel the SW controls the activation of
equipment in the X-rays room.

System Description 2-21

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09



Figure 2-2 : MPU Front View (removable front cover)

System Description 2-22

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


Figure 2-3 : MPU Internal View

System Description 2-23

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 2-4: MPU Connector Setup

System Description 2-24

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

2.3.2 Room Control Unit (RCU)

The RCU has two major functions. It supplies all DUET components and it
interfaces all non-DUET room equipment. The RCU has a circuit breaker at its
supply input. Internal power supplies are used to supply the internal circuitry (with
some DC/DC small converters).
The RCU supplies the MPU.
The RCU is connected through a high rate fiber optic communication channel with
the MPU. The RCU has discrete inputs and outputs as well as analog signal
conditioning and outputs. Using these discrete and analog I/Os the RCU can send
commands and data to room equipment and to receive data concerning the
equipment statuses.

Figure 2-5 : RCU three dimensions image

Figure 2-6 : RCU (Room Control Unit)

System Description 2-25

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

2.3.3 Flat-panel Power Unit (FPU)

The FPU has three major functions. It supplies the ACPP/PU with AC voltage,
supplies the FPD with accurate 24VDC and controls logic operations such as turn-
on, turn-off powers according to SW/HW commands and temperature values.

There are two FPU models:

- 84FPU01000 is the original model. It includes RS422 serial communication
with the MPU and it measures the FPD temperature.
- 84FPU01100 replaces the original FPU. Its HW is much simpler, and it
does not have RS422 and temperature measurement. The communication
with the MPU is done through simple I/O with RCU (RCU has fiber
communication with the MPU). The temperature measurement is done in
the ACPP and transferred to MPU by its communication.

Figure 2-7 : FPU three dimensions image

Figure 2-8 : FPU (Flat-panel Power Unit)

System Description 2-26

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

2.3.4 Processing Unit – (PU/ACPP)

The PU receives the raw (unprocessed) image data from the FPD (Flat Panel
Detector) and delivers a corrected image to the MPU.

The PU is in charge of:

o Offset calibration and correction,
o Gain calibration and correction,
o Bad pixels calibration and correction, and blinking calibration
o High-level clipping,

Figure 2-9 : Processing Unit – (PU/ACPP)

2.3.5 Monitors
The system uses the following monitors.
• WSM (Work Station Monitor)(touch screen, optional)
• IRM (In-Room Monitor) – two can be used (CRM)
• Reference IRM

The system's Monitors are supplied and installed by the

local distributor. The Installation of the monitors and
ceiling suspension has to meet the IEC 60601/-1

System Description 2-27

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


The ALLEGRO board is located in a PCI slot of the MPU. Images composed of
1Kx1K up to 3Kx3K pixels/frame at 14/16bits/pixel are dumped from the PU to the
ALLEGRO at a rate of up to 30fps (pending the mode being used). The incoming
pixels are analyzed by a real-time histogram. The images are then sent to the
ACCORD via two dedicated video bus.
Main features of the ALLEGRO are:
• PCI Bus with MPU and SW
• Interface with PU (FPD data & signal control) via SCSI connector
• Communication with RCU (Room Interface) via Fiber optics
• Image Acquisition and grabbing
• Real time histogram calculation for ABC
• Automatic cine review directly from on-board memory

On Board
Allegro Memory


Manage Accord
FPD Board
PU And
Real time processing

RCU Fiber optic PCI Bus I/F

Figure 3- 1: Allegro Board simplified block diagram

Board & Signals Description 3-28

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


ACCORD is a PCI board located in the MPU. The board receives the pixels data
from the ALLEGRO board via the video bus and performs ‘real-time’ image
processing, display images on monitor in up to 3kx3k resolution, and send the images
to the host via PCI bus.
VIVACE board is a daughter board slotted on the ACCORD via 2 SMD 64-pin
connectors. The board can perform Real-Time image Edge Enhancement as well as
send images to the reference monitor.
Main futures of the ACCORD:
• PCI Bus with MPU and SW allow transferring image data between the Accord
and the host memory
• Display Processing
• Display driver for the in room monitors (IRM)
• Video down scalar (for VTR) (Option)
• Main timing for Image acquisition and display
Main futures of the VIVACE:
• Accord daughter board
• Edge enhancement
• Convert the Image pixel data to an analog composite video to the Reference
display monitor

Figure 3- 2: Accord + Vivace Boards simplified block diagram

Board & Signals Description 3-29

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

The Taiko board is a PCI board mounted on the motherboard inside the MPU. There
are two Taiko board used in the Duet system, Taiko1 (upper) & Taiko2 (lower).
Taiko1 has two DB9 connectors, mounted to the back of the MPU, one for DAP
option and the second for the RCU Remote connection (part of the on/off
Taiko2 also has two DB9 connectors, mounted to the back of the MPU, one used for
communication with the generator and the second used as an optional Keypad. It is
also possible to use the Taiko 2 with an additional (optional) BNC connector to be
used for down scaled video coming from the Accord board.

Gen - COM3
Keypad Or
Accord To Power
Taiko VCR only (Down scaled video) (COM 2) Switch DAP - COM4
Header conn. Header conn. Header conn.

Keypad RCU
(option) Or Remote
(Taiko-2) (Taiko-1)


Or DAP RS-232
Comminication (option)
(Taiko-2) (Taiko-1) 12V
* Note: Taiko-1 Upper board Power supplies
Taiko-2 Bottom board

Figure 3- 3: Taiko 1/2 Boards simplified block diagram

Board & Signals Description 3-30

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3.4 FPU PUC Board

The internal FPU logic board (PUC) interfaces the DUET Main Processing Unit
(MPU) through the Room Control Unit (RCU).
The FPU is fed from the mains through an isolation transformer (internal) and is
responsible for:
- Supplying isolated AC voltage to PU.
- Supply constant 24VDC to the FPD (through the PU).
- Applying internal DC voltages.
- Communication with MPU through the RCU.
FPU Ports
- Mains input 100 – 240Vac, 50-60Hz (Configurable)
- 24VDC output to the Detector (through the PU)
- Remote power-on from generator
- AC power to the PU (upon power-on)
- USB connector from PU (for self-hold during power-on)
- RCU Communication (to MPU)

Figure 3- 4: FPU Subsystem context diagram

Board & Signals Description 3-31

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3.5 RCU – Room Control Unit

The internal RCU_I/O board interfaces the DUET Main Processing Unit (MPU),
through a Tx/Rx fiber optic cable, with all the X-Rey room equipment.
The RCU is fed from the mains through an isolation transformer (internal) and is
responsible for:
- Supplying isolated AC voltage to MPU, Monitors & DAP.
- Applying internal DC voltages.
- Communication with MPU through fiber optic serial channel
- Transferring FPU communication with MPU
- Analog and digital interface with all room equipment
RCU Ports
- Mains input 100 – 240Vac, 50-60Hz (Configurable)
- Digital I/O
- Analog I/O
- Power remote
- Spare digital and analog IO
Mains Board Port E
(Gen. ABS)

Isolation And
Transformer 24V Internal Isolated


I/O Spare
(FPU Comm)

Rx Isolated
Optic Communication Channel

Port A
RCU (Gen)

Figure 3- 5: RCU Subsystem context diagram

Board & Signals Description 3-32

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3.5.1 Main Signals Description – Inputs

Name Meaning Description

FLREQ Fluoro Request Generator response to Fluoro foot switch, active
when foot switch is pressed while the rest of
generator conditions are fulfilled.
PF_MODE Fluoro Mode Selects continuous Fluoro (0) or Pulsed Fluoro (1).
PF_RATE Pulse Fluoro When Pulse Fluoro selected, determines the pulse
Rate trigger rate, see Table 3- 2 below.
PREPREQ Prepare request Generator responses to first radiography hand switch,
active when first hand switch is pressed while the
rest of generator conditions are fulfilled.
EXPREQ Exposure Generator response to second radiography hand
request switch, active when second hand switch is pressed
and the rest of generator conditions are fulfilled.
HFL Hi Fluoro Level Generator response to HFL foot switch, active when
(Option) foot switch is pressed, With higher dose conditions.
MAG 1 Magnification 1 Change magnification to MAG 1
MAG 2 Magnification 2 Change magnification to MAG 2
MAG 3 Magnification 3 Change magnification to MAG 3
Table 3- 1: Signal description – Inputs

PF-Rate 1 PF-Rate 0 Rate

0 0 15 fr/sec
0 1 30 fr/sec
1 0 7.5 fr/sec
1 1 3.75 fr/sec
Table 3- 2: Pulsed Fluoro Rates

Board & Signals Description 3-33

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3.5.2 Main Signals Descriptions - Outputs

Name Meaning Description

FLGNT Fluoro Grant System response, to FLREQ, indicating all conditions
are met. Directly controls Fluoroscopy Radiation.
PF Trigger Pulse Fluoro Signal that triggers the generator to “perform a Fluoro
Pulse Trigger Pulse”.
This signal is present only when Pulse Fluoro mode is
PREPACK Prepare System’s response to PREPREQ while all system’s
Acknowledge conditions are met
EXPACK Exposure Signal that triggers the generator to “Perform an X_RAY
Acknowledge pulse”. Usually implemented as an envelope to the
actual X_RAY pulse. This signal indicates that all
system’s conditions are met for Radio Pulse operation.
Generator Generator on Send a Gen-on command to turn on the Generator
on command
Generator Generator off Send a Gen-off command to turn off the Generator
off command
Table 3- 3: Signals description - output

3.6 Modes of Operation

In General the DUET supports 3 modes of operation:
i) FL (Continuous Fluoro)
ii) PFL (Pulsed Fluoro)
i) DR (Digital Radiography)
ii) DA (Digital Angiography)
iii) DSA (Digital Subtracted Angiography)
iv) RAD (General Radiography)
Note: DA/DSA not used in Duet FL configuration

3.6.1 Stand By
Default mode. This mode applies when none of the foot/hand switches are activated.

Board & Signals Description 3-34

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3.6.2 Fluoroscopy Continuous Fluoroscopy (CF)

The DUET enters this mode when the Fluoro switch is asserted PF mode = 0 and
ends this mode when Fluoro switch is released.
Fluoro switch assertion generates FLREQ “active” to DUET RCU_IO then sends
interrupt FLREQ to software.
When all conditions are met, DUET system returns acknowledge FLGNT to host
system and start to integrate from FPD.
Fluoro switch released; generates FLREQ “inactive” to DUET.
RCU_IO generates stop interrupt upon Debounced FLREQ inactive.
Software, upon stop interrupt requests, disables FLGRT and INTEGRATES outputs.
If the Radiography Hand/Foot Switch is depressed during Fluoro foot switch,
Fluoroscopy is aborted and the system enters the selected radio mode. Pulse Fluoroscopy (PF)

Before entering this mode the user should select Pulsed Fluoro (PF) option and the
desired PF Rate.
The DUET enters this mode when the Fluoro switch is asserted and ends this mode
when Fluoro foot switch is released.
In addition to the continuous Fluoro handshake signals, the DUET outputs a PF
Trigger Pulse that triggers the generator at the requested rate status. The system will
respond to changes in the PF rate status at all times.

3.6.3 Photospot (DR, DA, DSA, RAD)

The DUET system enters this mode when PREPREQ is activated (usually when first
step of double step Hand switch is asserted) and ends when PREPREQ is negated.
RCU_IO generates PREP interrupt upon PREPREQ.
EXPREQ activation (usually second step of Hand switch assertion) generates
EXPREQ interrupt from RC_IO to software. Software responds with EXPACK
triggering the generator for an X-ray pulse. Upon receiving the generator feedback
the DUET system will initiate light integration to the FPD, the FPD transfers the
frame data to the ALLEGRO board, then it is sent to ACCORD and then to the
display monitors and to the disk. If series acquisition was selected additional
EXPACK will be sent to trigger the generator for pulses at the rate that was selected
by the user.
Inactivation of EXPREQ (first step Hand switch release), holds the system in
Photospot mode. If then PREPREQ is deactivated, the system will exit Photospot

Board & Signals Description 3-35

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3.7 Data flowcharts

The DUET is a multitasking system.
It means that several operations can be performed simultaneously.
In order to get a better view of the system internal operations, different types of
operations are separately described in the following data flowcharts:

3.7.1 General Image processing for Fluoroscopy

14-bit 14-bit
Re-sizing Digital Dynamic Range
Detector AGC
Flipping Gain Compression

Memory Buffer Allegro

Histogram buildup at 10 bits

Gain DA
parameter converter

14-bit Monitor
Recursive Log Windowing 10-bit Graphic Video In Room
Filter Conversion Gamma Controler Monitor

Spatial Graphic Video Reference
Vivace Controler Monitor
Disk (LIH)

10-bit Display Video Workstation
Board Monitor

Monitor Imager
14-bit Log 14-bit Windowing
Conversion Gamma
Correction Print


Board & Signals Description 3-36

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3.7.2 General Image processing for Radiography

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3.8 System Power up & Shutdown

1 Generator
6 Remote AC Power FPD
Room I/F FPU
Mains (UPS)

1* Generator
6 Remote RCU
To Generator Net
W hite
Black 28 Comm
Out 1 Table Off
1 30
1 Out 3 Gen Off Port A
2 2 14
CPI 4 4 11 MPU AC
3 Out 0 Gen On
Remote Power
Generator 3 27
7 8

Taiko 1 Remote PS
Gen ’I/F J6 Molex4
Board Off 18 1 1
Comm 17 2 2 Reset
On 19
2* On - Off


On Off

Operation console / Table control

1*. Verify GenWare output configuration (ALE & Spare).
JW7 & JW8 Jumpers on theRoom I/F Board needs to be configured for Dry Contact.
2*. DB 25 Connector
3*. To be configured by vendor.
4*. Need to be preconfigured in the System Parameters (SSPM).

A. System Power up
1. Whole system is off. Mains are connected to RCU and FPU. Circuit breakers
are normally switched to on.
2. Pushing the 'ON' pushbutton at the Operating Console / Table control will turn
the Generator on
3. This will turn on the RCU and FPU that will turn on the MPU and ACPP.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

- Upon receiving the 'ON' pulse from the Operating Console/Table control, which
is a dry contact, the Generator will turn 'ON'. This will cause terminals 11&12 on
TB6 (Gen' Room I/F Board) to close, in hence the RCU logic relay contacts are
shorted and 24V activates the RCU output relay. This causes the supply of mains
voltage to the MPU, as well as internal DC voltage to RCU board.
- The PC is turning on and generates, in few seconds, +12Vdc. The +12Vdc voltage
is supplied back to the RCU (through MPU remote cable) and activates the logic
relay. This activation cause continuation of 24V to the output relays and so, keeps
the MPU operation.

- Upon receiving the 'ON' pulse from the Operating Console / Table control, which
is a dry contact, the Generator will turn 'ON'. This will cause terminals 1&2 on
TB6 (Gen' Room I/F Board) to close, in hence the FPUs' internal digital logic
board (PUC) transfer the 24V_ret to FPU output relays (separately). This causes
the 2 relays to activate and supply mains voltage to ACPP and 24VDC to FPD
(through the ACPP).
- The ACPP is turning on and generates, in few seconds, +5VDC through the USB.
The +5VDC voltage is supplied back to the FPU (through remote cable from USB
port) and “lock” the output relays activation by logic circuit. This activation
causes the continuation of 24V_ret to the output relays and so, keeps the ACPP

B. System Shut down

• From auto mode, log off from the DUET program.

This action causes the MPU to:
- Close all programs
- Send shut down command to ACPP through Ethernet cable. This
command shut down the ACPP and as a result, shut down the FPU
(the PUC remains operating and control the operation of power to
- Send “generator off” command to the generator through the RCU
for shutting down the generator.
- The PC is shutting down. The +12Vdc is no longer supplied to
RCU and RCU is also shut down.
• In “technician” mode, close all programs and perform normal shut down to
the MPU. At this case, the “generator off” command is not applied and the
generator continues in operation (in case it was operating).

Board & Signals Description 3-39

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09


4.1 Users Passwords

The DUET system has three access levels that permit different modifications levels.

Security Level
Password Granted Access
(User Name)
Administrator Not available for the Full
Technician ‘tech-*tos’ Utility & Calibration
Auto (User mode) ‘auto-*tos’ DUET acquisition setup
Table 41-: Passwords
Each time the system is turned on the software will intend to enter the last security
level used, providing the auto password automatically.
In the normal case in which the system was turned-off at night by the user, it will turn
on the next morning and log-on without any message.
If the last password entered was not the User Mode (i.e. Auto), when attempting to
log-on, the system will display the following message:

Log-on Message
The system could not log you on
Make sure your user-name and domain are correct and then
type your password again

Click the OK button to get the Logon dialog box.

Log-on Information
Enter a user name and password that is
valid for this system

User Name


OK Cancel Help Shut Down

Enter your user name & password according to Table 4-1. In order to change the
“User Name” from “Auto” to “Technician”: Click rapidly on both SHIFT buttons
(left and right; simultaneously) right when getting the boot logon window, from the
point where the system displays a loading screen till the system displays the logon
dialog box. Type in the correct User Name and Password and then press O.K.

Software Overview 4-40

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4.2 DUET Shortcuts

After logging on in Technician mode, the following shortcuts will be displayed:

Figure 4- 1: DUET Shortcuts

4.2.1 Duet
Activating this icon will enter the main application. When installing and calibrating
the system, this application enables the technician to verify that changes in
parameters or calibration he just performed accomplish the desired results.
When exiting the application while in technician security level, the system will not
shut down, as with auto logon, but will return to the Duet's icons dialog box to enable
further parameter changes.
For details about the Duet application, refer to the operation manual.

4.2.2 Calibration Overview of the system calibration utility

The “Calibration” program is able to:
 Acquire images with previously set acquisition parameters to one of two buffers
(A or B).
 Perform automatically all the calibrations necessary to achieve an optimum
operation of the system.
 Perform different system parameters measurements.
 Check the correctness of calibration parameters via the “confirm” mode. Acquisition parameters and settings

Acquisition parameters and settings are located in nine areas (boxes) placed on the
left part of the main screen of the utility. The parameter boxes are named:
Windowing, Pixel statistics, FPD Calibration, Acquisition Settings, Log Mode
Parameters, Image Parameters, Correction, FPD Temperature, Buffer to acquire and
Buffer to show.

Software Overview 4-41

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Windowing box includes:

 W1, W2 – selection of the windowing for the currently viewed image, by clicking
on the 'Apply' tab.

Pixel statistics box includes:

 Size and shape (square or ellipse) of the ROI where the calculations will be
performed. Dragging its rim can modify the size of the ROI. Double clicking the
image area will bring back its size & position to the default setting.
 Bits per pixel - the system show the pixel resolution of the incoming images.
 Target GL – shows the gray level the system will automatically try to reach,
during the automatic calibration mode of either fluoroscopy or pulse acquisitions.
 Current average GL - the system automatically calculates the average pixels
value of the incoming images within the selected ROI.
 Standard deviation - the system automatically calculates the standard deviation of
the digital signal of the incoming images within the selected ROI.
 Percentile (0-100%) - the system automatically calculates the percentile (i.e. X%
of the pixels having pixel values below the value displayed in the right box) of
the incoming images within the selected ROI.

Figure 4- 2: Main Calibration window

FPD Calibration box includes:

 Offset Calibration - enable to create an offset table that will be subtracted from
the raw X-Ray image.
 Gain Calibration - creating a gain reference table in which the Image will be

Software Overview 4-42

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

 DM Calibration - this calibration creates a defect map in which each defective

pixel is an interpolation of its correct neighbor's pixels

Acquisition Settings box includes:

 Acq. Mode - display the current PU acquisition mode.
 Set – this opens a window in which the user can set the Acquisition Modes in
Fluoro or Radio.
 Resolution – display the current resolution, for each mode (e.g. 1024x1024,
 Digital gain – displaying/selecting the digital gain factor for the acquired image.

Log Mode Parameters box includes:

 ACPP Mode - display the current PU mode number
 LOG Mode – display the a number sequentially representing the current PU
 X-Ray Wind. - display the X-rays window (ms) for maximum frame rate
 Frequency - display the frame rate (fps) for the corresponding X-ray window

Imaging Parameters box includes:

 Stab. Period (fr) - number of frames to go before applying ABC function
 Fluoro - selection of “α” coefficient for noise reduction algorithm, in fluoroscopy
acquisition. Listed values are α= 0.0 - 0.9. It is possible to manually type
additional values as well.
 Pulsed fl. rate – Display the pulsed Fluoro rate.
 ABC (Automatic Brightness Control) ON - When marked, an analog signal
depending on the Avg. GL or the peak value of pixels within the ROI, is sent to
the generator during fluoroscopy acquisition. The characteristic of the signal
(voltage range, slope etc.) is determined according to parameters set via the
SSPM utility.

Correction box include - Offset, Gain & Defective Map can be chosen to be
implemented on the acquired image.

FPD Temperature - shows the detectors current temperature.

Buffer to acquire box includes:

 Allow selecting one of two buffers (A or B) the image will be acquired to

Buffer to show box includes:

 Sets the displayed image to buffer A or B or A-B ([image A] subtract [image

Software Overview 4-43

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Calibration and Measurement Menus

All calibration and measurement options are accessible via menus on the top of the
screen: File, Monitor, Installation, Acquisition settings, Inspection, FPD
Management, Help and four buttons (Exit, Manual, Calibrate and Confirm).

Figure 4- 3: Calibration menus

File - includes five options: Switch to advanced mode, Reset FPD, Restart ACPP,
Save Buffer As & Exit.
Choosing the Switch to advanced mode option will open a dialog box requesting a
password; entering the password will activate the dimmed sub menus in the FPD
Management tab.

Monitor - allows selecting one of four test patterns (Horizontal pattern, Vertical
pattern, Grid, SMPTE pattern) which are used for monitors optimal adjustments,
and Gamma correction. The Gamma correction allows entering user defined
gamma correction curves for each of the system monitors and for the Laser printer
connected to the system (normally it is not part of the installation).

Installation – Includes Digital x-ray interface, Shutters, Collimator, Scale,

DAC Settings, AGC Correction Factor.

Figure 4- 4: Installation menu

 Digital x-ray interface – allows selecting the number of input signals to

determent the available Magnification size.
 Shutters - is used when performing collimator calibration.
 Scale - is used for Scale calibration procedure. This option when enabled,
overlays a vertical and horizontal bars that correspond to the actual image size.
 DAC Settings - is used to determine the ABC/ABS behavior during Fluoroscopy
operation mode (normally this should not be changed).
 AGC Correction Factor - this unable to very the Gain correction factor during
Fluoroscopy acquisition in order to obtain a GL as close as possible to the target
 X-Ray Tube Focal Spots – used to update the System Databases with the X-Ray
Tube Focal Spots available sizes.
 Collimator - is used to verify collimator calibration (only applied for Ralco).

Software Overview 4-44

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Acquisition settings - includes submenus Fluoroscopy, Photospot, Calibrate,

Manual, Confirm, Target Gray Levels, Dose Mode Correction, and Fluoro DCF
Parameters. The submenus include options used for automatic calibration of the
system initial settings for different X-ray operation modes. The calibration
procedures as well as corresponding options performance are detailed in Chapter 6.

Figure 4- 5: Acquisition settings menu

 Fluoroscopy/Photospot - will open the Digital Gain Table for each technique.
 Calibrate - Changes the calibration SW to Digital Gain calibration mode where
during acquisition the Digital Gain value will update so the 'Current
GL' will reach the 'Target GL'.
 Manual - Changes the calibration SW to Manual state where the Digital Gain
can manually set before acquisition.
 Confirm - When selected the current 'Digital Gain' is dimed and changes when
changing technique according to the digital gain that is set in the digital gain table
for the selected technique. (This is the default state when the calibration SW
 Target GL - Displays the set target GL for each technique.

Inspection - includes the options Input & Output and Profile.

Figure 4- 6: Inspection menu

 Input & Output opens the following dialog box that will allow checking the
interfacing discrete signals used by the system for the current configuration.
When an input signal is activated it will be indicated in Red in the relevant box.
Pressing one of the output buttons will activate the discreet signals in the relevant
output port.

Software Overview 4-45

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 4- 7: Input & Output dialog box

 Profile is a tool used during the setup process at the factory.

FPD Management - includes the options Manual DM, Load Factory DM, Offset
Calibration Management, FPU Management, X-Ray Dose Table and Advanced,
Restore ACPPBOX Default Settings, Advanced.

Figure 4- 8: FPD Management dialogue box

 Manual DM - this mode enables to manually add a defected pixel to the DM
table, during calibration (see section6.7.2.8).
 Load Factory DM - this option will load the Factory DM (stored in the PU/FPD)
and combine it in the existing DM (future option, not yet implemented in the
 Offset Calibration Management – This will open a window in which the
accuracy, order and frequency of the Offset Calibration can be predefined and
will automatically performed for each mode in the main application.
 X-Ray Dose Table - This will open a window in which the kV, mA & ms for the
FPD Gain & Defect Map calibrations procedure can be viewed and modified (see
 Restore ACPPBOX Default Settings - This will enable to restore the PU
settings to predefined settings that can be determined in the PU advanced
Management mode.

Software Overview 4-46

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

 Advanced - This menu (dimmed unless activated with password through the File
menu) will launch the PU Advanced Management window (6.3.1 PU Initial
Mode settings).

4.2.3 Utilities
Clicking this icon opens the following dialog box:

Figure 4- 9: System Utilities menu Backup
This utility enables the technician to backup the system parameters Databases and
Log files to a specific backup drive, mass storage device, disk-onkey or CD/DVD,
and restore it to the system when necessary.
This back Utility also existe in the setting tabe in the Main Application task where the
user can perform the back without exitting the main application.

Select the Backup utility will evoke the following dialog box:

Software Overview 4-47

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 4- 10: The Backup Window

The default backup is to the local disk "S:\BckupDir" where each time the backing
up is performed it will overwrite the existing file.
The system installer is advised to perform a backup operation at the end of the
installation (or better after application phase). It is also advisable to periodically
make additional updated backup.

The technician can check the following boxes:

 Registry: Holds all the parameters/setup of the system. The SSPM (see next
sections) is a subset of the Registry. This registry keeps the factory setups of the
specific system as well as site-related setups (e.g., some calibration data).
 Generator Settings: Holds all generator settings set in XML files.
 Correction Tables: Holds all the detector correction tables
 Log Files: System log files e.g., operation and error logs. The log files holds only
informative data therefore it is not required to backup the log files as a routine
operation. Backing-up the log files is useful for keeping a record of events and/or
sending the data for diagnostic purposes in case of a system failure. The log files
can be found in the directory: C:\drive_P\Log\
 Archive database (local database): This database holds the information that
corresponds to the images stored in the system.
 Patients database (history database): This is the history patients list in the
 Printing Custom Layout: Holds all the Custom Layout for Printing.
 System setup database (global database): This database holds the information
that is programmed during application phase or later by the operator, like Doctors
list, Study-types, sequence programs, etc.

Software Overview 4-48

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Performing Backup and Restore operations:

1. Select the Back Drive, from the expendable window next to it, which you
wish the backup file to be sent to.
2. Select the items that you wish to backup.
3. Press the “Backup” button on the toolbar.
The information is written to the Backup Driver in a compressed form.

The Backup operation does not back up images.

1. Select the Back Drive, from the expendable window next to it that you wish
to restore from.
2. Select the items that you wish to restore.
3. Press the “Restore” button on the toolbar.
The information is overwriting the systems backup.
Note: Database restoration can be done only with database that was backed up by the
same software version.

The restore operation will overwrite the system registry

parameters and databases, potentially leaving the system
unusable or without all previously pre-programmed
application data. For service purposes, always try first
restoring the Registry only!

Restoring of a Backup is only possible when both the backup

and the system are of the same software version.

Software Overview 4-49

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Backup/Restore Calibration Data

Selecting this option will open the following window with two options to select

Figure 4-1 : Import/Export Calibration Data

The 'Import' option will enable to import calibration data as a '.reg' file to the
Calibration application. The 'Export' option will save the current calibration '.reg'
file, with the current date and time, to 'C: \Calibration backup' on the system
Note: this Utility will not save the Detector settings and correction tables Reset Databases and Pending Jobs

This utility enables to clear databases and pending jobs from the system.

Figure 4-2 : Reset System

 Delete Patient Database: Checking this option will clear the current
History.mdb database (‘7 years’ BD).
 Delete Stored Images: Checking this option will clear the Local.mdb
database. At the next log-on of the main application software, all images will
be deleted from the system and the Archive manager will be empty.
 Set Default System Setup Database: Checking this option will clear the
Global.mdb database (Patient list, Study-Types, etc.), as well as reset the
Attributes and Body Part tables of the DICOM services.

Software Overview 4-50

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

 Delete Pending Jobs: Checking this option will clear all pending jobs from
the QM, Printer Manager and applications.
 Delete Application Jobs: Checking this option will clear all the currently
open jobs in the Application.

Be careful when using this option!

Checking the ‘Delete Patient Database’ and ‘Stored Images’ and
clicking OK, will result in deletion of all images and Patient history list BMP convert

This utility is used to convert BMP files to Duet images standard, for image
quality management. Reference images or test charts can be imported with this
utility to the system for inspection and observation uses.
1. Image quality inspection patterns are stored in BMP format in the system
HDD in P:\Patterns path and can be converted to a DCM files while stored in
S:\Disk directory, in case of a need.
2. The converted images will appear as the active patient in the next logon of
the main application SW, this will anable viewing the images on the systems
monitors (WSM, IRM, REF.M) as well as send to the Dicom stations
(Printer, Pacs) for IQ.
3. The Images will be viewd on the monitors withoput any procesing applied!

Figure 4- 11: BMP Convert menu

Software Overview 4-51

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Hardware diagnostics

This Utility opens a main diagnostics window and a second small Devices
window where the computer’s hardware is identified.
The technician may chose what specific hardware and specific tests he wants to
check, he has to mark it, type the number of loops he wants to run, and then run
Note: Some of the tests requier a loop-back cables connected to the RCU (See
FRU Item: Hardware Diagnostic Cables set 4SERV30010)

Figure 4- 12: Hardware Diagnostics - Log menu

The available options are: ALLEGRO, ALLEGRO DCF, ACCORD, ACCORD

MAU, ACCORD Display, VIVACE, RCU, Refer to chapter 8 for diagnostic’s

Software Overview 4-52

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 4- 13: Hardware diagnostic check box

The tests include: Registers, DACs & ADCs, I/O tests etc.
In the main window, it is possible to identify Flash memory test, check SV
(system frame clock) etc.

During the diagnostic test, when a failure has been detected, a red sign will be
marked close to the faulty test.
When exiting diagnostics, it is possible to save a log file, which can be read later

Part of the diagnostic tests requires special loop-back cables or connectors for
sending signals back into the RCU I/O board. Refer to Appendix-A for p/n

Hardware diagnostic:

Software Overview 4-53

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

ALLEGRO registers test
- Test Registers operation by writing and reading from the
- Fail message: Test Registers FAILED
PCI Buffer without Ext. memory
- Test the PCI buffer by reading the PCI buffer.
- Fail message: PCI DMA TEST FAILED
PCI Buffer with Ext. Memory
- Test the PCI buffer by reading the PCI buffer.
- Fail message: PCI DMA TEST FAILED
Input Module Test
- Test the input module by reading the input module.
- Fail message: input module test FAILED.
Input Module - Correction Mem TEST FAILS
- Test the input module by reading the input module.
- Fail message: input module test FAILED.
Histogram Memory Test
- Test the histogram memory by reading the histogram memory.
- Fail message: histogram memory test FAILED.
Acquisition Test
- Test the acquisition test by simulating the acquisition process
- Fail message: acquisition test Failed
UART test
- Fail message: UART Test Failed.



- Test the DCF LUT by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: DCF LUT Failed.
DCF Memory Test
- Test the DCF memory by reading the DCF memory.
- Fail message: DCF memory Failed.
DCF Edge coefficient Test
- Test the histogram memory by reading the histogram memory.
- Fail message: Error in Edge coefficient.

Registers Test
- Test Registers operation by writing and reading from the

Software Overview 4-54

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

- Fail message: Test Registers FAILED

LUT Test
- Test the LUT by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: LUT test failed.

PCI - DMA Test

- Test the DMA from the PCI
- Fail message: PCI DMA test failed.
- Test the transfer from the input module to the PCI buffer.
- Fail message: ALLEGRO INPUT -> ACCORD PCI test failed.
- Test the transfer from the PCI to the PCI.
- Fail message: ALLEGRO PCI -> ACCORD PCI test failed.
- Test the PCI buffer by reading the registers.
- Fail message: ACCORD PCI -> ALLEGRO PCI test failed.

LSB Registers Test
- Test Registers operation by writing and reading from the
- Fail message: Test Registers FAILED
MSB Registers Test
- Test Registers operation by writing and reading from the
- Fail message: Test Registers FAILED
LSB Mau LUT test
- Test the LUT by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: LUT test failed.
MSB Mau LUT test
- Test the LUT by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: LUT test failed.
LSB mem without LUT
- Test the LUT by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: LUT test failed.
MSB mem without LUT
- Test the LUT by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: LUT test failed.
LSB MAU memory with LUT
- Test the LUT by reading the data from the registers.

Software Overview 4-55

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

- Fail message: LUT test failed.

MSB MAU memory with LUT
- Test the LUT by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: LUT test failed.
ACCORD Display:
Registers Test
- Test Registers operation by writing and reading from the
- Fail message: Test Registers FAILED
LUT Test
- Test the LUT by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: LUT test failed
Overlay memory test
- Test the Overlay memory by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: Overlay memory test failed.
Display Image Buffer
- Test the Display Image Buffer by reading the display buffer.
- Fail message: error read display LUT not proper.
VIVACE registers test
- Test Registers operation by writing and reading from the
- Fail message: Test Registers FAILED
Kernel test
- Test the Kernel by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: Kernel test failed.
- Fail message: RAM DAC Test failed.
Overlay memory test
- Test the Overlay memory by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: Overlay memory test failed.
Bypass test
- Test the Bypass test by reading the data from the registers.
- Fail message: Bypass test failed.
RCU registers test
- Test Registers operation by writing and reading from the
- Fail message: Test Registers FAILED
I/O test - – TEST MEY FAIL in pin 18
- Test the I/O pins by writing and reading from the pins.
- Fail message: Port Timeout error.

Software Overview 4-56

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09


- Test the I/O pins by writing and reading from the pins.
- Fail message: Port Timeout error.
RCU interrupt test
- Fail message: Waiting for timeout interrupt.
DAC test
- Fail message: DAC test FAILED.
IOB: (not applicable for Duet systems)
IOB registers test
- Test Registers operation by writing and reading from the
- Fail message: Test Registers FAILED
- Fail message: Test ADC & DAC - FAILED

FPU test is in the view menu:

Starting the FPU test procedure from the main window will open a
prompting set of widows that will change the status of the LED at the
back of the FPU. The LED status needs to be in coherent with the
prompting instructions (See chapter 9 for more details).

Software Overview 4-57

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Firmware Update

Caution must be taken when using this Utility!

This firmware update should be executed only when
specifically instructed by THALES. The update process can
take 10-15 minutes, and if done incorrectly can prevent the
system from working properly.

This utility enables updating the Flash device for the Allegro, Accord and RCU
boards. DICOM Configuration Utility

DICOM is a Digital Imaging communication standard used in medical
applications, for transferring high capacity data (typically images) over a
network. The following sections describe the DICOM configuration utilities of
the various DICOM services that are supported by the Duet acquisition systems.
For a complete description of the Duet DICOM commitment, refer to the product
DICOM Conformance Statement.
When several DICOM services are connected to the Duet system, it is possible to
configure the DICOM setup for each one of the servers separately.
The DICOM Services tags and attributes are located in the DICOM setup menu
of the main application software. Refer to the Operational manual for instructions
on using these parameters.
Clicking on the ‘DICOM Configuration’ option of the Utility menu will open the
following window.

Figure 4- 14: DICOM Configuration utility – Storage SCU

Software Overview 4-58

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Abbreviation: Code String (CS) – a field that accepts names that are composed of
the A-Z capital letters, 0-9 digits, underscore (“_”) sign and space.
General Parameters
1. Remote Application Entity
The name of the remote DICOM server (Storage, Storage Commitment, Print, MWM
or MPPS).
2. Host Address / Remote Host Address
The IP address of the specific remote DICOM server (Store, Commitment; Print or
3. Port / Remote Port
The port used by the specific remote server.
Numeric field. Range: 0-65535. Default value: 104.
4. Test Communication
DICOM echo test button.
5. Local Station Name
The name that is used by the different DICOM services for the Duet station.
6. Local Station Location
The name that is used by the DICOM services to identify the Duet location.
The Storage SCU tab
7. Number of remote Storage SCP servers
Set the number of remote Storage SCP servers that should be connected to the Duet
(range 0-10).
8. Local Application Entity
The name of the local application software module (of the Duet) that implements the
Storage SCU DICOM service.
9. Display Name
The name of the Storage SCU server that will appear in the main application window.
10. Compression
11. Storage Commitment
Check the box if the corresponding DICOM Store station has a Storage Commitments
server in use. In such case set the relevant Remote AE, Host Address and Port details.
Note: Related attributes and tags are set from the main application software. Refer to
the Operational manual for additional instructions.
The Print tab
1. Number of remote Print SCP servers
Set the number of remote Print SCU DICOM servers that should be connected to the
Duet (range 0-10).
2. Local Application Entity
The name of the local application software module (of the Duet) that implements the
Print SCU DICOM service.

Software Overview 4-59

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3. Display Name
The name of the Print SCU server that will appear in the main application window.
4. Pixel Resolution
Determines the number of bits per pixel of the images sent to the remote Print SCP
5. Supported Film Size
Check the boxes that are supported by the corresponding Laser Imager. The checked
film sizes will appear as a list in the main application software and will be selectable
for the operator.
The MWM tab
1. Communication Timeout
The amount of time the Duet waits before issuing a communication error message.
Numeric field. Unit: seconds. Range: 0-600. Default value: 180.
Set the other MWM fields similarly to the DICOM Print relevant fields.
Note: Related attributes and tags are set from the main application software. Refer to
the Operational manual for additional instructions.
The MPPS tab
Set the MPPS fields similarly to the DICOM MWM relevant fields.
Note: Related attributes and tags are set from the main application software. Refer to
the Operational manual for additional instructions.
The Storage Commitment tab

Figure 4- 15: DICOM Configuration utility – Storage Commitment

1. Local SCU / Local SCP Application Entity

The name of the local application software module (in the system) that implements
the Storage Commitment SCU / SCP DICOM service.
Default values: ADR_S_COMM_SCU / ADR_S_COMM_SCP.

Software Overview 4-60

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

2. Communication Time-out
The amount of time the system waits before issuing a communication error message.
Numeric field. Unit: seconds. Range: 0-600. Default value: 180.
3. Single / Multiple SOP Instance-Mode
Defines the mode of sending N-ACTION command: one command per one SOP
Instance or one command per multiple SOP Instances.
Numeric field. Range: ‘0’ – Single-Mode; ‘1’ – Multiple-Mode. Default value: ‘1’.
4. Storage Commitment Service Password
Defines a mandatory password, which the user must enter in order to activate the
String field. Range: up to 8 char. Initial value: “ “(blank).
5. Maximum Number of C-STORE Retries
The number of times the system will try to send a SOP Instance to the Server.
Numeric field. Range: 0-1000. Default value: 3.
6. Maximum Number of N-ACTION Retries
The number of times the system will try to send an N-ACTION command for an
Numeric field. Range: 0-1000. Default value: 5.
7. Minimum Elapsed Time between N-ACTION Retries
The Minimum Elapsed Time between consecutive automatic N-ACTION commands
for a SOP Instance.
Numeric field. Unit: Hours. Range: 0-100. Default value: 1.
Note: A value of “0” means never re-send automatically the N-ACTION commands.
8. Maximum Wait Time for Server Response
The maximum number of days the system is willing to wait for N-EVENT-REPORT
Numeric field. Unit: days. Range: 0-100. Default value: 3.
Note: Wait Time = 0 means unlimited number of days.
9. Fixed Hour for Re-sending N-ACTION
A pre-set hour at which an N-ACTION command will be re-sent (in case the system
is always up and running…).
Numeric field. Unit: hour. Range: 0-24. Default value: 0.
Note: A value of “0” means never re-send at a pre-set hour.
10. Maximum Number of Pending Images
The maximum allowed number of images for which the server did not responded yet.
Numeric field. Default value: 1000.
11. Maximum Number of Images not to be resent to Server
The maximum allowed number of images for which the retries counters were expired
and they will not be automatically re-sent to the Server.
Numeric field. Default value: 1000.

Software Overview 4-61

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Stractured Report tab :

Depending on SSPM parameter (‘Structured Report Mode’) two types can be
DICOM Structured Reporting:
Radiation dose by Stractured Reprting, related data is sent after closing a
registered Patient
Dose reporting using text over image:
After closing a registered patient, a black image overlaid with text of the
patient details and dose related parameters, including Total Dap value is sent
to the PACS server.
Configuration of the Structured report server is set similar to the other DICOM
modalities. Technical Log

This utility enables the technician to review the system history.
Log files of the following types can be viewed by this utility:
1. Application User log (User button).
2. Backup log (Backup button).
3. Parameters log (Param log).
4. Log utility file itself (Log button).
5. Installation utility log file (Install button).
6. Last technical log file (Last TL button)
7. Repair log file (Repair button)

The menu is divided into two groups:

Single logs: includes the User, Backup, Param, Log, Install and Repair logs.
Technical logs: includes the Last TL log and enables to open or to delete a
specific log file. Users Configuration

This utility enables to view a list of users and there access level, through this
utility a new user can be added to the system or an old one can be removed or

Figure 4-3 : Users Configuration

Software Overview 4-62

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 System Configuration Utility

The System Configuration displays the current system configuration, i.e., the
availability status of all formal options as well as all internal options.
Clicking on the System Configuration button in the System Utilities menu the
following dialog-box evokes:

Figure 4- 16: System Information window

The options are divided into two main groups: Licensed Options and Internal
System Configuration.

Licensed Options
Hardware or software modules that are not part of the basic Duet system and
requires license Key to be installed and activated.
During a new Option purchasing/ordering, it is required to provide with the order
a file that contains the current License Status of the system. This file is created
using a utility SW (part of the support SW). Using the same utility SW a new
License Key sent back to be used as update for the current License Key to
include a new purchased Option.

Software Overview 4-63

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 License Protection Keys and Feature (Option) Activation

Some Feature of the Duet system requires a License Key to be install, this License
key is embedded in a USB HW dongle connected to a USB port at the back of the PC.

From the System Configuration in the System utility it is possible to view the
available options and their license status:

Software Overview 4-64

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Installing new Feature License Key

During a new Option purchasing/ordering it is required to provide with the order a
file that contains the current License Status of the system. This file named C2V is
created using a utility SW (part of the support SW). Using the same utility SW a new
License Key (V2C) sent back to be used as update for current License Key to include
the new purchased Option.

Collect License Key Status Information

From Windows desktop go to Support shortcut, double click RUS:

Choose "Update of existing protection key" from the Collect Statues Information tab
and click on Collect Information:

In the prompted window brows to choose the directory on which the License current
status information will be saved (will be later emailed to Thales).
In the file name type-in the system SN (serial number) taken from the label on the PC
back Panel.
This file will be saved as type 320-xxxx.C2V (Customer to Vendor) and must be sent
to Thales for generation of updated License to include the new purchase Option.

Software Overview 4-65

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Applying Updated License File

Upon receiving the new Feature updated License Key, re-run the RUS_OGWIZ SW
From the upper tabs; choose "Apply License File" and brows to choose the file type
xxxxx.V2C (Vendor to Customer) from the directory it was saved to:

Click "Apply Update" to update the

existing License Key to the new one:

Software Overview 4-66

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

An indication of successful
License Key upgrade will be

To verify availability of the new Option, open the System Configuration from the
System utility to view the options license status:

Software Overview 4-67

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 System Parameters

This utility enables the technician to read and modify any system parameters
within his security level.
The Duet system parameters are divided in logical subgroups in order to facilitate
the searching and modifying process.

Modifying the system parameters should be

done by a qualified technician only

In order to modify a parameter:

1. Select the Parameter Utility.
2. Double clicking the CMT SSPM expands the parameters tree and enables to
see the SSPM parameters.
3. Select the appropriate parameters subgroup.
4. A highlighted parameter in the parameter list will correspond to a description
that appears in the Parameter Description field.
5. The Parameter Data field displays the parameter default value and the
possible range of selectable values.

Figure 4- 17: SSPM – parameters manager

6. Modify the parameter value by double clicking the old value and selecting the
new value in the Value List Edit dialog box.

7. Press ‘Save” to change the parameter setting, ‘Abort’ to leave without

changing, or ‘Save and Exit’ to save and exit to the utility window.

Software Overview 4-68

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

* See Appendix C for all SSPM descriptions.

Set Default Development or Default Production parameters will overwrite all

fields selected parameters, make sure you backup the current parameters set
before attempting to default.

4.3 McAfee Application Control (White List)

The Duet software includes a licensed McAfee Application Control software
package that provides an effective way to block unauthorized applications and

In order to update/install new Duet SW or 3rd party SW, McAfee Application

Control needs to be disable and when SW install done it needs to re-enabled:

Mcafee Application Control- Update Mode

From Windows desktop go to Support folder and double click the WL_UnProtect
shortcut to disable the McAfee Application control.

In the prompted window, enter the password techsp and click enter:

Install or update the required SW when done, continue as instructed bellow


Mcafee Application control- Stop Update Mode

From the Support folder double click the WL_Protect shortcut to re-enable the
McAfee Application control.

In the Prompted window enter again the password "techsp" and click Enter:

Software Overview 4-69

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


5.1 Safety Precautions





This instruction book provides general guidance for maintenance and service of
the DUET system and is intended for the qualified Service Technician familiar
with and aware of the dangers of handling electric and electronic circuits. It does
not purport to include a complete statement of the safety precautions that should
be observed in servicing this or other electronic equipment.
The servicing of this equipment by inadequately trained or inexperienced
personnel involves risks to such personnel and to the equipment for which the
manufacturer cannot accept responsibility. Personnel servicing this equipment
should familiarize themselves with first aid treatment for electrical burns and
electrical shock.
Very high voltages will be present mainly in display monitors. Power
distribution among DUET main units is performed at host country nominal

5.1.1 Radiation Safety

Under no circumstance should the safety interlocks in the x-ray host system be
bypassed, jumpered, or otherwise disabled.
When performing tests or calibration under fluoroscopic or radioscopic
radiation, always wear appropriate protective clothing and radiation monitoring
devices. Use the minimum energy radiation required for every specific test.
Collimate the x-ray beam. Remember the inverse square law and position
yourself as far away from the x-ray tube as possible, behind a shielding screen or
best, inside the control room.

5.1.2 Power turn On/Off

Mains are connected to RCU and FPU. Circuit breaker is assembled on the front
panel of these units. CB's should be 'Off' position (0) until system is installed and
ready to receive power. RCU CB controls the power supplying of MPU and
monitors. FPU CB controls the power supplying to PU and FPD (flat panel

Installation 5-70
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

5.1.3 Equipment Protection

Take precaution against static electricity when handling internal electronic
parts. Wear a properly grounded bracelet to avoid equipment damage.

Disconnect the AC Mains power cable from its supply terminal before cleaning
the equipment. Water, soap or other liquids, if allowed to drip into the
equipment they may cause electrical short circuits. Do not place food or
beverage containers on any part of the equipment. They can tip over and
introduce conductive substances into the electrical circuits.

5.1.4 General Precautions

1) Never move the main processing unit (MPU) or subject it to shock while the
power in ON, because there is a disk drive in the upper part of the main unit.
Before moving the main unit, make sure to turn the power off.
2) When connecting the cables, verify that the label attached to the cable
matches the corresponding connector. Connecting cables incorrectly may
damage the equipment.

Installation 5-71
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

5.2 Installation Preceding

At this point, it is assumed that the physical installation and cable routing of the
Generator, diagnostic table, X-ray tube, collimator, FPD and In-Room Monitors have
been completed.
Use the Duet interconnection diagram and interconnection cable list detailed in
Appendix B while routing all the Duet system cables.
For installation of the above devices, refer to the installation manual for each device,
the following installation procedures should be performed adjacent to these devices
installation manuals.
Note: Generator setup and Tube calibration procedure should be perfume only
after completing section 6.1 in this manual.

5.2.1 Installation DUET power requirement

- Confirm that the power requirements, as stated in chapter1 under “Operating
Condition” section (1.3.8), are provided.
- Check that a proper breaker that complies with the power equipment is provided.
- Check that an adequate grounding terminal is provided.
- Mains supply to the system must be connected through a switch or circuit breaker
that must be accessible.

5.2.2 Installation Guidelines

- Adequate space for ventilation must be provided around the bodies of the RCU,
- To prevent interference noise, monitors should NOT be located beside the
Generator Rack or high-tension units - at least 1mt clearance should be kept.
- To reduce the possibility of noise collected by the I/F cables, the RCU (rack)
should be placed close to X-ray control cabinet. The communication between the
MPU and RCU is noise resistant due to the fiber-optic connection between the
- Video cables between the MPU and the monitors should be cut to their minimum
required length. Extra cable length should NOT be rolled-up. Never try to extend
the video cable beyond the length supplied. Always use one video cable between
two points; never chain sections using connectors.
- Main power supply to the System (RCU Rack) should be taken from the same
source as that of the Generator. Attention should be paid to connect the system
through an adequate breaker (do not use the Generator Breaker; it may result, in
case of a short circuit, in a burnout of the system’s wires!).
- To prevent ground loops, all system units' power supply, with the exception of the
FPU and PU, should be taken from the RCU only (see Duet system ground and
Power interconnection diagram detailed in appendix B).

Installation 5-72
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

5.3 Installation Procedure

5.3.1 Unpacking the DUET system

After the DUET system is carried in, remove it from its packages and confirm that all
units and cables provided comply with the packing lists.

5.3.2 Visual Inspection

- When the DUET is delivered, remove it from the package and visually check the
units for damage.
- Visually check the inside of the main unit (MPU).


Never open equipment when the power is on MPU (PC)

- Remove from MPU rear side screws to open the side panel
- Confirm that the CPU is mounted correctly and that the heat sink is in place
- Confirm that the memory modules are inserted properly in their slots
- Confirm that the boards on the motherboard are inserted properly in their slots
- Confirm that the connectors and flat cables ends are all connected properly
- Check that no cables or any other particles interfere with the fans
- Remount the cover and fasten the screws to close the equipment. Room Control Unit (RCU)

- Inspect equipment and shipping containers for any signs of shipping damage or
mishandling. Do not attempt to install the system if damage is apparent.


- Remove the RCU cover by opening 8 screws.

- Check for loose connections, unsecured components or internal damage in the
- Verify RCU supply voltage is compliance to local facility supply (Room supply)

Installation 5-73
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


If the supply voltage is not set correctly, the power unit may be severely

- Setting and replacing mains source:

For setting 110/220V, only jumpers assembling are required. The wires
connections from/to transformer are the same and do not need to be changed. For
detailed instructions see section Error! Reference source not found. Flat-panel Power Unit (FPU)

Inspect equipment and shipping containers for any signs of shipping damage or
mishandling. Do not attempt to install the system if damage is apparent.
Remove the FPU cover by opening 8 screws. Check for loose connections, unsecured
components or internal damage in the FPU.
Check for any unsafe feature that may present a potential safety hazard.

- Mains voltage checking and setting


FPU voltage setting must match main facility voltage.

Verify that Circuit breaker sticker is as required for the input mains level.
- 100 – 120VAC for input range of 100 – 120 VAC
- 200 – 240VAC for input range of 220 – 240 VAC

Verify that the FPU voltage internal connections are as required for the mains in use.
See section subsection 2, for more details.


Return FPU cover and fasten the 8 screws. PU/ACPP, FPD, Pixium EZ detector and WAP

Inspect equipment and shipping boxes for any signs of shipping damage or mishandling.
Do not attempt to install the system if damage is apparent.
Flow the manufacturer instruction for unpacking and inspection procedures.
Check for loose connections, unsecured components or internal damage in the PU, FPD
and Pixium EZ.
Check for any unsafe feature that may present a potential safety hazard.

Installation 5-74
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

5.3.3 Installation Procedures

Mount each unit (RCU, MPU, FPU, and PU) to its designated rack inside the cabinet,
and fasten with mounting screw.
For cable list and interconnection diagram, refer to the description in Appendix B, in
addition, use the sticker on the MPU side cover and labels on the cables for
clarification if required when connecting all cable connectors..

Follow the installation guidelines described in 5.2.2 of this section.

Always fasten the D-type connectors with the 2 screws.
Verify grounding cables are fastening properly to each unit. RCU Cables connections

Protective GND
Verify/Connect protective ground cable to/from RCU GND screw.

The RCU weights about 15 Kg. Care must be taken
Connect the cables as described. Use the depict plot for orientation help.

Figure 5-1: RCU connection layout

Use the Duet interconnection diagram and interconnection cable list detailed in
Appendix B while routing all the system cables.

During the installation and calibration phase; leave the service D-type plug connected
to the RCUs "Gen Remote" connector, this to allow continues power supply to the
RCU, MPU and monitors all through the installation and calibration phase, upon
completion of the Installation plug the "Gen Remote" cable (P/N 84AP200239).

Installation 5-75
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 MPU cables connections

Protective GND
Verify/Connect protective ground cable to MPU GND screw.

The MPU weights about 19 Kg. Care must be taken
Use the Duet interconnection diagram and interconnection cable list detailed in
Appendix B while routing all the system cables. Connect the cables as described. Use
the depict plot for orientation help (also see sticker on the MPU side cover)

Figure 5-2: MPU connection layout

Installation 5-76
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 FPU Cables connections

Protective GND
Verify/Connect protective ground cable to/from FPU GND screw.

The FPU weights about 15 Kg. Care must be taken
Use the Duet interconnection diagram and interconnection cable list detailed in
Appendix B while routing all the system cables. Connect the cables as described. Use
the depict plot for orientation help.

Figure 5-3: FPU connection layout

Use the Duet interconnection diagram and interconnection cable list detailed in
Appendix B while routing all the system cables.

During the installation and calibration phase; leave the service D-type plug connected
to the FPUs "Gen Remote" connector, this to allow continues power supply to the PU
& the Detector all through the installation and calibration phase, upon completion of
the Installation plug the "Gen Remote" cable (P/N 84AP200239).

Installation 5-77
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 ACPP/PU Cables connection

Use the Duet interconnection diagram and interconnection cable list detailed in
Appendix B while routing all the system cables. Connect the cables as described. Use
the depict plot for orientation help.

Figure 5-4: ACPP/PU connection layout

Installation 5-78
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Portable FPD I/F option installation (P/N 63101220)

If the option is supplied separately to the system, follow instruction in the Option
manual CD to install all option components (Document No. 63054957).
Option Enabling:
Verify the followings in the Duet system Utilities:
1. The option is activated (see “License Protection Keys and Feature (Option)
Activation” in section
2. SSPM\ Configuration\Formal Hardware Options\Detector3543EZ change to 1
Connect all Option components (WAP/IR/Battery Charger), Use the Duet
interconnection diagram and interconnection cable list detailed in Appendix B while
routing all the system cables. Connect the cables as described. Use the depict plot for
orientation help.

Detector Unpacking:
Unpacking and handling instructions are attached to and visible on the outer
packaging, within the Storage and Handling instructions document. More
general instructions and cautions are given in the "Pixium EZ_Storage and
handling_62742955" document that is attached to the detector package with nylon.

Detector Battery Installation

Place the battery and turn the latch (clock wise):

Push the detector ON button until the status led is flashing orange. As soon as the
status led is flashing orange (about 1 second), the button can be released. Wait until
the Battery led turns ON (green or orange).

Installation 5-79
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Detector indications
Three LEDs are provided for maintenance on the Pixium EZ in order to give basic
information on the detector behavior:

Installation 5-80
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Detector Battery Charger Indication

Connect the EZ detector battery charger to mains and place the spare battery for
charging, making sure when inserting the battery to its charging slot, the battery
alignment mark is lined with the small arrow on the battery charger.
Battery Charger with 2 battery status LEDs:
Three LEDs are provided for maintenance on the Pixium EZ in order to give basic
information on the detector behavior:

LED Name Color Description

Green Blinking Battery is charging
Charge Progress
Green static Battery is fully charged
Battery charging is stopped and actions shall be taken to
Charge status Red
come out from this error state (see following table)

Installation 5-81
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Battery Charger with 4 battery status LEDs:

Four LEDs per slot plus one LED on the back side are provided for maintenance on
the battery charger in order to give basic information on its behavior:

Each battery slot is monitored with 4 LEDs:

• 1 bottom led bicolor (orange and green)
• 3 green LEDs

Fault Status 0-25% 25-50% 50-100% 75-100% 100%

- If the power LED is off, verify that the AC /DC adapter is well plugged to the
battery charger on one side and to the mains plug to the other side
Fault status LED:

When the bottom orange LED is lit, this may indicate the following default situations:
- Charger to battery communication
The battery is not asserted correctly in the charger. Remove battery and re-insert. If
the problem persists this could indicate a faulty battery.
- Battery temperature
The battery has communicated with the charger that it is not within the safe
operating temperature to charge. The battery does not need to be removed from the
charger to cool. The charger channel will remain in a fault condition until the
battery is removed and re-inserted without an over-temperature condition being
present. If problem persists check connectors are not damaged or battery is not
All four LEDs per slot:
If no LED is illuminated on battery insertion, then the battery is not inserted
correctly. Remove and re-insert it. If the problem persists check connectors are not
damaged or battery is not faulty.

Installation 5-82
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

The lifetime and full charge of the battery can degrade if the battery is removed before the
LED indicator is OK, and if the charge is performed at low temperature (less than 20 degC).

Avoid placing the Pixium FE 3543EZ too close to a life-supporting devices (see
IEC60601-1-2 version 2001).

Installation 5-83
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REV C SW Ver. 1.09


The system setup & calibration should be performed according to the following order:

System Setup & Calibration 6-84

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Please refer to safety precautions described in ch-5 regarding

electrical, radiation and equipment safety and protection

Before switching the system off, always shut down Windows

first, as described below:
1. Do not use the off button on the generator console before
completely powering off the DUET system.
2. To power off the DUET system use the Exit button
(Calibration) or Shutdown (main SW) and the normal
Windows shutdown menu.
3. In case of DUET OS freeze, use the normal PC reset button
or push and hold for 6 sec the PC on/off switch.

System Setup & Calibration 6-85

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Turn ON the power of the system and log on in technician mode.

6.1 X-ray Generator and Table Adjustments

Before performing system setup and calibration, verify that the Generator, Table and
Collimator are properly connected according to their manufacturer procedure.

6.1.1 CPI Generator Configuration and settings

Verify that the CMT Digital Interface Option provided by CPI to support the Duet
system is integrated in the generator according to the CPI manual provided with the
Option (CPI kit PN 739528 - "CMT Smart spot interface to Indico 100 Generator",
Detailed in the Supplementary yellow papers - Indico 100 Manual Supplement #

The RS-232 serial communication between the Duet system and the CPI generator
can be connected in several ways depending on the system configuration; the
following flowchart shows the available system configuration and their settings with
the RS-232 serial communication cable to be used in each configuration:

System Setup & Calibration 6-86

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

According the above flowchart verify that the correct RS-232 communication cable is
connected correctly between the generator and the Duet system (for more details see
system interconnection diagram in Appendix B)

Generator additional Jumpers setting:

In order to get the Duet system powered-up and shutdown as expected during Auto
mode, please verify that Jumpers JW7 & JW8 on the CPI generators Room I/F
Board is set to Dry contact (pins 2-3):

* For more details see section System Power up & Shutdown.

CPI Generator Initial Settings

Note: When launching the GenWare SW a communication error (C5) may appear,
click on the "COM" icon from the GenWare main menu and verify that the COM port
number is set to '3' (click the "End Demo…" blinking icon to re-initiate
communication with the generator) .

Prior to setting the CPI Generator and performing Tube calibration; using the CPI
GenWare, download the preliminary CPI Generator setting backup file located on the
DUET desktop (from GenWare'Utility''Restore Generator from file'). Doing so
will set all the necessary setup conditions for the DUET system and will provide an
easy starting point for the CPI Generator setup procedure.
Alternatively you can use the provided recommended CPI generator settings detailed
in Appendix B, and manually set the generator parameters through GenWare, using
the setting tabs, based on the systems requirements.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Verify to set the "ALE" & "SPARE" for the used receptor Output setting tab to active
in all four conditions, see Appendix B for more details.

When finished verify in GenWare that the selected Tube from the 'Tube Selection'
window is coherent with the actual installed tube, if not select the right tube from the
'Tube Library' tab.
At this stage proceed to perform the Tube seasoning & calibrations procedure
according to Generator and Tube manufactures instructions.

AEC Ion chamber:

Verify AEC Ion chamber Orientation is correctly set according to Ion chamber
display in GenWare SW.
This can be done by choosing one Ion chamber at a time from GenWare SW and
placing a Lead plate on top of the AEC ion chambers chosen while verifying that
AEC ether goes to backup time or X-ray pulse time is longer.

AEC Ion chamber Equalization and Orientation is vital for proper image
quality, filing to verify this could also result in wrong diagnostics.

It is highly recommended to use manual technique (AEC Off) when
radiating Infants or small child

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.2 Windows Settings

6.2.1 System Global Time settings

Check the Windows settings, if necessary, correct them according to the following:
From the Windows desktop, double click on the time characters at the bottom right
part of your screen.
Set the “Time Zone” and the “Date & Time” to comply with your location and local
time and date.
Note: The date and time settings can be accessed also from the main application. This
enables the operators to set the new time when moving from summer clock to winter
clock and vise-versa. It is advisable to note the operators about their possibility to
control the system clock for this reason.

6.2.2 System Network connections settings Recommended setting to avoid Network Collusion

DuetDRF default IPv4 settings

Component Duet NIC IP Subnet mask Component IP


EZwap (Cisco) Cisco:

Cisco 1: (SSID “ap-50”)
Cisco 2: (SSID “ap-51”)
And so on…
EZ Detector:
Detector 1:
Detector 2:
And so on…
DICOM (Local Define by user Define by user Define by user
Area Connection)

RCT (Table Define by user Define by user Define by user


EZWAP – Cisco/ EZ Detector:

− In case where more than one system is used, each Cisco in the hospital should
have different IP and different SSID/Password.

− The Cisco WAP and EZ Detector IP should start with the same 3 first doted
decimals of the Duet NIC IP, e.g. 192.168.37.xx

− The last doted decimal of the Cisco WAP IP should be 50-99

− The SSID of the Cisco should be “ap-50” to “ap-99”, to match the Cisco WAP
IPs’ last doted decimal (50-99).

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

− Every EZ detector should have different IP where the last doted decimal should
be 20-49.

− In cases where an EZ detector is shared amongst two Thales systems (Multi

share), the EZ Detector IP and Host IP should be set the same in both systems.
E.g. Host IP:, EZ Detector IP: set in both systems.


− If a DICOM/RCT IP address starts with the same 3 doted decimal as the IP

address of a local IP then it will create a collision in broadcasting.
E.g. DICOM IP address will make collision with PU IP
In such case the PU IP settings ( and the ACPP NIC IP (
should be changed to and

− If the Subnet mask of the DICOM/RCT is set to and IP with the same
2 first doted decimal as the IP address of the local IP then it will create collision
in broadcasting.
E.g. DICOM IP using Subnet mask will make collision
with PU IP ( and EZwap (192.168.xx.yy).
The IP of the PU this case should start with 10.90.x.x and not 192.168.x.x. And
the EZwap and its components should be set to 10.0.37.xx.

System Setup & Calibration 6-90

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Hospital Network I/P Configuration:

Verify that a network cable is connected from the Duet PC (MB socket) to the
hospital network wall socket. From Windows desktop, click on the left Network
character at the bottom right part of your screen to open the local connection status
window. Click on the 'Properties' button at the bottom and in the invoked window
double click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" option to set the IP according the
hospital IT requirement:

Note: Pending the Duet system configuration, there could be 2 or 3 Network

characters at the windows bottom task bar, one for table communication - RCT (if
configured), one for communication with the PU and one for external network (from
the MB), make sure to choose the external not configured network character.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Table/Gantry IP Configuration (when supported):

Verify that a Table/Gantry network cable is connected to the Duet PC (Table – left
Ethernet socket). From Windows desktop, click on the left Network character named
"RCT" at the bottom right part of the windows task bar to open the "RCT status"
window. Click on the 'Properties' button at the bottom and in the invoked window
double click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" option to set the IP according the
Table/Gantry requirement:

RCT additional System Parameters settings:

From the Utility task click to choose the "System Parameters" tab, browse to
Hardware\RCT parameter and modify the IP addresses and port numbers according to
the Table/Gantry requirement:

1. Remote Control Table = Set to "1"

(Enable communication protocol with tilting table gantry)

2. Send Address = IP address of remote controlled table

3. Send Port = Connection port of remote controlled table

4. Receive Address = IP address of local host

5. Receive Port = Connection port of local host

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 EZwap Network Connection settings*

* For Pixium 3543EZ detector (Portable FPD I/F option)

When using the Pixium 3543EZ detector option, the followings network connection
settings needs to be verified:

Host IP address: (can be modified as needed – 192.168.xx.yy)

Subnet Mask:

It is highly important that the IP addresses

should not conflict between all network
adapters (see section for more details)

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6.3 General System Setting and Configuration

The system option package is factory enabled according to your sales order.
From the Utility menu select “System Configuration”, the following window will

Figure 6- 1: System Configuration

Verify that the Licensed Options that are tabulated complies with the purchased
options and marked as 'Enable'.
To enable an Option purchased separately, please refer to section4.2.3.11 License
Protection Keys and Feature (Option) Activation.

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6.3.1 PU Initial Mode settings

1. From the Duet shortcut open the Calibration Task
2. From the menu bar select 'File Switch to Advanced Mode'; the following
window will pop-up requesting a password.

3. Enter the password 'tech' and click the 'OK' button to enter the 'Advanced mode'.
4. From the menu bar select 'FPD ManagementAdvanced' to display the PU
Advanced Management window.
5. For 4343RF detector configuration only:
From the pop-up window select the 'Setup' tab and verify that in the Gain
Calibration window the "No Polynomial Gain" checkbox is checked:

6. Select the 'Backup_Restore' tab and click to choose the 'Restore' option, this will
reveal additional three options to select from, select the "Restore detector modes'

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

and 'Restore settings' options and click the ' ' button on the right of the 'Choose
a folder':
7. In the prompted window; choose the following directory:
For 4343 RF detector: 'P:\Exe\ConfigurationFiles\Pixium4343RF'
Fro 4343 FL detector: 'P:\Exe\ConfigurationFiles\Pixium4343FL'.
Depending on the detector type, make sure that the directory 'Pixium4343RF' or
'Pixium4343FL' is selected in the bottom 'Folder' tab:

8. The 'setting.txt' file will be added automatically to the directory, click the
'Commit' button to start restoring the PU settings. The mode settings are then
written to the PU.
9. When done click the 'Close' button to close the 'ACPP Advanced Management'
10. From the calibration main task menu click the 'File' menu and choose 'Restart
ACPP' to restart the PU.
11. Quit the Calibration task and re-launch it again, switch to advanced mode and
open the ACPP Advanced Management window, click on the 'Log Modes
Management' tab to verify that; 10 modes are Lauded in the right box and one (1)
Unloaded modes on the left box:

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

For 4343RF Detector

For 4343FL Detector:

Follow the above procedure again when replacing an existing PU with a new
one, See section 9.12 - PU Replacement, for more details.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.3.2 System Parameters - SSPM

Open the “System Parameters” window from the utility menu.

Do not click the Set Default Production button. Doing so, and
confirming, will reset all the SSPM parameters and might make it
impossible to operate the system properly. If this button is accidentally
clicked, use the system backup to restore your system configuration.
Use this button to restore system initial settings only if no other choice.

Parameter setting values may differ depending on the options installed and the host x-
ray system configuration. Although your system is factory configured according to
the actual purchase order, it is recommended to verify that parameters setting comply
with your actual system. Open the system configuration window (Figure 6- 1) and
confirm that all the options applicable for your system are enabled. For more
information see Appendix C.

6.3.3 DICOM Services Settings

The setup of the different services, are accessed from the Utility menu and from the
Archive manager of the main SW application. The different IP addresses, titles and
tags settings should fit the requirements of the servers in use and thus, should be done
together with the hospital authorized system administrator. For a description of the
DICOM utilities setups, refer to chapter-4 and the System operational manual. A
latest revision of the DUET conformance statement should be available at CMT

6.3.4 DICOM Storage Setting

1. From the Utilities SW select the ‘DICOM Configuration’ option, select the
‘Storage SCU’ tab and set configuration according to the hospital DICOM
Administrator recommendation (see chapter-4 for more details).
2. Start the Main Application SW
3. Select: SettingsDICOM ServicesStorage
4. Select the ‘Attributes’ option
5. Verify the Attributes settings list with the DICOM Administrator and
check/uncheck the attributes according his recommendation.
6. Click ‘Update’ when finished.
Storage Servers:
7. Select ‘Storage Servers’ option
8. The default ‘Storage Mode’ is Automatic. Set the actual ‘Storage Mode’
according to the user preferences (this is normally configured during application
9. Check all Checkboxes except the following:

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

’Show System Text’ (only if it is properly supported by the server)

’Store Patient Commitments as ASCII’ - Check only if requested by DICOM
10. Set the ‘Gamma Curve’ dropdown box to IRM
11. Set all remaining parameters according to DICOM Administrator
12. Repeat steps 6-10 for all available DICOM Store Stations (Selectable from
‘DICOM Store’ dropdown box)
13. Similarly, repeat the above settings for CD-RW except for the following:
14. Select the ‘Gamma Curve’ dropdown box as ‘Workstation’
Display Settings:
Follow the procedure as described in section 6.5

6.3.5 DICOM Print Setting

1. From the Utilities SW select the ‘DICOM Configuration’ option, select the ‘Print’
tab and set configuration according to the hospital DICOM Administrator
recommendation (see chapter-4 for more details).
2. Start the Main Application SW
3. Select: SettingsDICOM ServicesPrinters
4. Set the values according to the actual printer configuration (should be performed
according to Laser Imager representative)
5. In case a several film sizes are configured for this printer, from the film size
dropdown box select the default film size according to the user preference.
6. In case several printers are available, similarly set the data for the additional
Display Settings:
7. Follow the procedure as described in section 6.5

6.3.6 Other DICOM Services Setting

From the Utilities SW select the ‘DICOM Configuration’ option. Select the relevant
DICOM Service tab and set the configuration according to the hospital DICOM
Administrator recommendation (see chapter-4 for more details).
Modality Work List (MWL):
Set all parameters in the ‘Settings’, ‘Additional Stations Configurations’ and
‘Attributes’ submenus according to the hospital DICOM Administrator

Modality Performed Procedure Step (MPPS):

Set all parameters in the ‘Settings’, ‘Attributes N-CREATE’ and ‘Attributes N-SET’
submenus according to the hospital DICOM Administrator recommendation.

Storage Commitment Setting:

1. Set the default Storage Commitment Server.
2. Set a user Password according to the user preference.

RDSR (Radiation Dose Structure Reporting)

Set and configured in the same manner as a Storage SCU station.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

When configured; patient details and total radiation information will be sent to the
configured station upon closing examination.

6.3.7 X-Ray Tube Focal Spot Size Update

The X-Ray tube Focal Spot size used when acquiring an image during examination is
saved to the systems database, this information, if needed, can also be sent with the
image to the available DICOM store services.

The Actual available X-Ray Tube Focal Spot sizes needs to be manual updated into
the Duet system registry, this is done form the Calibration Task:
- Start the Calibration SW, from the Installation menu go to 'X-Ray Tube Focal

- In the following window set the correct Focal Spot sizes taken from the
specification label on the X-Ray Tube:

Failing to update the Focal Spot Size in the Calibration Task will disable the
Focal Spot selection dropdown menu in the Radiography 'Acquisition'
settings tab of the Main Applications' Protocol Settings.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.3.8 System settings for DSA Sequence in Angiography Option

In order to achieve good and "stable" images during the subtraction phases of the
DSA sequence the "AEC Lock Exps" function in the generator must be active and the
same number of exposure must be set in the Duet Main application.
When AEC Lock function is enabled, choosing a DSA Protocol, an”AEC Lock”
command will be sent to the CPI generator (through RS-232 communication, with all
other generator parameters), upon receiving this command the CPI generator, after
preset number of exposures *, will disable the AEC function and apply the resulted
exposure Pulse time (msec) from the last AEC exposure to all exposures thereafter.
This function will prevent image brightness change during subtraction phase of a
DSA sequence that could happen due to instability of the AEC.
1. Enable AEC Lock Exposures in the CPI generator (from GenWare):

* The number of AEC exposures before Lock AEC. This typically recommended
being 2 or 3 however, taking into consideration the AEC Ion chamber properties
and stabilization.
2. The same number of exposures set in the AEC Lock Exposures in the CPI
generator (1. above) must be set in the first Phase of the “Edit Sequence DSA”
setting dialog in the Duet Application.
For example if the CPI “AEC Luck Exps” is set to 3, than the number of Frames
in the first Phase (1) must be 3:

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Important Notes:
a) In case where the Duet is Slave (“Hardware/CPI/Functional type= 1”) and the
system is setup with a Generator Control Console, activating or de-activating the
“AEC Lock” function from the Generator Control Console will be ignored by the
Duet SW (no impact on the checkbox in the “Edit Sequences DSA”).
In case where “Enable Generator AEC Lock Function” in a DSA Protocol is
checked, reselecting this Protocol will reactivate the AEC Luck in the CPI
b) When exiting a sequence mode (e.g. returning to 'Single' OR closing the exam.
OR moving to another sequence w/o “AEC lock”, an “AEC Lock” Off' command
will be send to the generator.
c) The “Enable Generator AEC Lock Function” is by default unchecked in the
Protocol settings.
d) For Angiography Option when using DSA, it is possible to use the Injector
command from the RCU Port D* (Dry contact, Pins 8 & 4), if supported, it will
allow auto injection of the contrast material after Mask is applied (predefined in
the DSA protocol).
* Port D cable is not supplied with the Duet DRF system
e) DA/DSA not supported in Duet FL configuration.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.4 FPD Calibration Pre-Conditions

In order to perform the calibration procedure, the GenWare software must be started first and
only then start the calibration SW; this will cause the GenWare SW to take control over the
Duet PC's generator communication port.
- Start the GenWare SW by double click on the desktop icon (or from the start
- Start the system Calibration software by clicking on the desktop icon.
During the calibration procedure, flipping back and forth between the GenWare software and
the Calibration application can be done using the 'Alt' + 'Tab' keys on the keyboard.

1. In an event where the Duet system is to be installed with an additional Generator
control console used to control the generator; all the generator parameters can be
modified through this console during the calibration process.
2. The Calibration SW always starts in 'Confirm' mode. In this mode the Digital gain
value displayed as dimed and is updated according to the selected technique
(DR/DA/DSA/RAD), this value is set to "1" by default and is updated when
performing digital gain calibration. When performing Defect Map or Gain calibration
verify to change the calibration state from 'Confirm mode to 'Manual' mode (from
the main menu choose 'Acquisition settings  Manual') and reset the value to "1".

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.5 X-Ray Beam and Collimator Settings Verification

6.5.1 X-Ray Beam Alignment (Tube / Detector Perpendicularity) test:

1. In Calibration application, set the system values as follows:
- Detector Mode = RAD, (High resolution 3072x3072)
- Mag = N
- kVp = 60-70 kV, mAs = 5mAs
- Absorber = None, SID = 120cm
- Tabletop = Off, Grid = Off, AEC = Off
- WS display viewing in Full Resolution: 3072x3072:
(Main menu: Monitor  Full Resolution)

2. Position the perpendicularity test tools centered on the detector plane and perform
and exposure.
3. Using the ROI; measure the distance between the two center points in the circle of
the acquired image. The distance should be less than 30 pixels, in both Width (W)
and Height (H) in the Pixel Statistics section:

If necessary readjust the Table/Tube to improve perpendicularity and recheck.

(Follow Table manufacture instruction manual).

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.5.2 Light Field to X-ray Field Alignment test

1. In Calibration application, set the system values as follows:
- Detector Mode = Fluoroscopy
- kVp = 60-70 kV, mA = 2.5mA
- Absorber = None, SID = 120cm
- Tabletop = Off, Grid = Off, AEC = Off
2. Activate the collimator light and position four coins on the corners of the
shuttered area projected on the detector plane and acquire a Fluoro image.
Note: In order to clearly view the edges of the illuminated light on the
detector surface, place the coins above a plain white paper on the detector plane.
3. Note the acquired image displayed and reposition the coins at the corners of the
image. Verify that the coins are fully visible and there is no light area between the
coin and the shutters:

Important note: Prior to adjusting the collimator light field, inspect the edges of the
x-ray field formed by the collimator shutters; a definitely indistinct edge indicates that
the primary shutter, close to the focal-spot, is the one forming the line, rather than the
outermost shutter. If necessary follow the collimator manufacture instructions to
correct the condition.

The Heel Effect will cause the field towards the

cathode to be slightly less sharp than on the other three
sides, This is normal and cannot be corrected

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4. Activate the collimator light source and verify that the coins are positioned at the
corners of the illuminated area:

If the coins are not correctly positioned in the corners, adjust the collimator light filed
until the required result is obtained. (Follow collimator manufacture instructions).

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6.5.3 Collimator Field size verification*

* In case of direct connection to Ralco Collimator (SSPM\Configuration\internal HW
Options\ Collimator=2)
Collimator model R302DACS/A

1. Open the Calibration task and set the working mode to fluoroscopy.
2. Go to Installation  Collimator to open the collimator filed size Calibration
Assistant window:

3. In the prompted window click to check the 'Apply' checkbox:

4. Four (4) white doted squares will be display on the IRM, each square size is
representing the value, in mm, set in the 'Step #:' section in the Collimator
Assistant window (Default values are 130, 240, 300 & 400 mm):

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Note: The Defaulted values (Step 1-4) in the "Rect Drawer" section can also be
modified to correspond with the Magnification sizes used by the system; this for ease
of use when checking filed size, simply change magnification size.
5. Start fluoroscopy, and from the collimator/table remote control, modify the
collimator shutters positions to correspond the small square out of the 4 squares
displayed on the IRM, when done release the FSW.
6. Inspect the collimator display and verify that the shutters size displayed
correspond to the actual size in the Collimator Assistant window.

7. Repeat 5-6 for the other 3 sizes, if necessary repeat Collimator Filed Size

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.5.4 Ralco Collimator Field Size Calibration Collimator model

* Currently Duet system sport full integration with Ralco collimator only!
Collimators internal Software and Hardware minimal configuration should be as
* ASR001: HW - 1.20, SW - 1.05
* ASR002: HW - 1.00, SW - 2.09R11

1. Remove the collimator front Panel however leaving it connected with the main
ribbon to the main board (ASR002 board), (see collimator instruction manual).

2. Install the Tabletop in place, using a thin tape; mark the collimator crosshair light
collimator projected on the tabletop:

3. Using a tape measure; measure and mark the following sizes centered on the tape,
both on the long and cross tape - 13cm, 24cm, 30cm, 40cm, 48cm:

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4. Turn the Key switch to Manual position (located at the backside of the collimator)
– open "pad-lock" icon on the display.
5. Place a jumper on the two pins of JP4 on the AR002 board. The collimator
display will indicate that calibration has started:

6. Push SW1 (bottom left of AR002 board) to chose 'FULL' calibration, the
following will be displayed:

7. Using the Collimators tape-measure, Measure the SID to the Tabletop.

8. Using the SW1 & SW2 (bottom of the AR002 board) adjust the [+1] / [-1] so to
reach the measured SID and click [OK] (SW3).
9. Skip the menus to reach the CROSS calibration starting at the 00cm:

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

10. Turn the light field ON by pressing the related button on the front panel and
manually adjust the cross shutters using the related toothed wheel so to get a heir
line light strip. Click [OK] to confirm.
11. Continue to follow the calibration process, both on the CROSS and LONG, using
the marked crossed tape on the tabletop: adjust the projected light filed according
to the prompted sizes (13cm, 24cm, 30cm, 40cm, 48cm). After every size verify
to click [OK] to confirm (using SW1).
12. When done skip the menus to exit the calibration.
13. Remove the jumper from JP4 from the AR002 board.
Removing JP4 while the Key switch is in manual (open "pad-lock" icon on
display), new data are stored and the collimator will start using the data in normal
14. Turn the Key switch back to the automatic position.

Removing JP4 while key switch is in automatic

position (closed "pad-lock" on display) new data will
be kept (not stored) in temporary memory and
collimator will use the data previously stored at the
next start-up.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.6 Displays and DICOM Stations Adjustments

The following sections refer to the adjustments of the readout devices connected to
the DUET system (e.g. Monitors, PACS, Laser Imager, etc.). A significant goal for
this procedure is to meet the condition where all images on the readout devices will
appear similar to each other.

6.6.1 In Room and Workstation Monitors Adjustments Display Monitors scan rate, resolution and geometry setting:

Work Station Monitor
Resolution and Scan rate adjustments:
The WSM resolution and scan rates are factory set for Monitor with native
resolution of 1920:1080.
In case of a need perform the following:
3. Right-click the mouse on Desktop > Catalyst Control Center
4. Select My Digital Flat-Panels > Properties (Digital Flat-Panel), check the
Enable GPU scaling check box and click Apply:

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

5. Select Desktop Management > Desktop Properties, and from the Settings
> Desktop area, select HDTV > 1080P:

6. Select My Digital Flat-Panels > Properties (Digital Flat-Panel), select

and Apply the Maintain aspect ratio:

Geometry setting: If needed, follow the monitor manufacturer user guide,

typically perform ‘Auto Image adjust’

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Display Monitors brightness and contrast settings

From the Calibration software, display the SMPTE pattern. Adjust the room
lights to normal operating conditions – dimmed light recommended.

System SMPTE pattern

- Adjust the brightness so that the background gray level will be a bit noticeable
relative to the black, non-active part of the monitor (near the frame).
- Adjust the contrast to a level where the 5% square is visible over the 0% same
as the 95% square is visible over the 100%. Verify that displayed text do not
“overflow”, smear, or ghost. If it does, check the Monitor termination or cable
connection or decrease the brightness to just below that point of smearing.
- Check again the background color and correct as needed. Repeat these two
sections until stabilization is reached.
- Reference Monitor: Switch back the reference Monitor and the IRM video

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.6.2 In Room Monitors, PACS and Laser Imager checking

Start the system main application software.
Open the BMP Convert Utility, to convert the test pattern from bitmap format to Duet
data (DCM):
7. Start the Main Application SW and click the Emergency ID button to register
an urgent patient from the patient registration screen.
8. Logoff and Exit the main application SW (from the File menu), start the
Utilities task and select the BMP Conversion option:

9. Click the 'Convert' button; this permits the test pattern to be handled in the
same way as a normal clinical image from the main application.
10. Restart the Main Application SW; the pattern images will part of the current
active patient.
11. In the main window scroll up/down to view the SMPTE Pattern image (image
12. Open the Virtual Keypad (click on the 'Gen' icon from the bottom task bar):

13. Click on the 'Forward' icon to display the pattern images on the IRM and flick
through the images to display the SMPTE pattern Image (1-1-8).

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

14. From the Virtual Keypad; click on the 'Send REF' icon to display the SMPTE
on the Reference Monitor.
15. Verify brightness and contrast is set correctly for the work station monitor (See
16. Verify Monitor Settings are applied.
17. From the Acquisition screen 'Export' the SMPTE Pattern image to the DICOM
Printer and the PACS.
18. Instruct the hospital DICOM Administrator to configure the DICOM Store
stations for DUET without applying Gamma function for the display.
19. Verify that the image on the PACS Server appears similar regarding brightness,
contrast and Gamma to the Workstation and IRM.
20. Instruct the hospital DICOM Administrator to configure the LI stations for
DUET without applying Gamma LUT for the hardcopy (see Figure 6- 2)

Straight line ±0.05
Film density

Fog density
Imager input pixel value

Figure 6- 2: Imager density vs. Data value transformation

21. Print the SMPTE test pattern from the DUET system and verify that the density
response characteristic linearity is within the permitted tolerances. Proceed as
1. Using a film densitometer, measure the density at each step of the gray scale,
marked with an "x" in the drawing below (see Figure 6- 3).

40% 50% 50% 60%

30% × × × × × × 70%

20% × × 80%

10% × × 90%

0% 0% 95%
× × × × 100%
5% 100%

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 6- 3: SMPTE pattern densities for Imager calibration

2. Using the information in Table 6- 1, calculate film optical density, limiting
values, fill the table with the measured density values and make sure that each
measured value is within the tolerances (between lower and upper limits). If
the measured density is not within tolerance, request the personnel responsible
of the LI to correct the imager adjustment. When modification is completed,
repeat the above procedure.

Lower limit Upper limit

Step of density Reference density of density Judgment
tolerance tolerance
0% 2.60 2.70 2.80 D0 = OK/NOT OK
100% Fog density of film D100 = OK/NOT OK
Blue-base film: about 0.15 to 0.20
Clear-base film: about 0.05 to 0.10
5% D5 -0.05 = D5 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.95 = D5 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
10% D10 -0.05 = D10 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.90 = D10 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
20% D20 -0.05 = D20 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.80 = D20 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
30% D30 -0.05 = D30 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.70 = D30 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
40% D40 -0.05 = D40 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.60 = D40 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
50% D50 -0.05 = D50 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.50 = D50 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
60% D60 -0.05 = D60 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.40 = D60 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
70% D70 -0.05 = D70 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.30 = D70 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
80% D80 -0.05 = D80 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.20 = D80 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
90% D90 -0.05 = D90 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.10 = D90 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
95% D95 -0.05 = D95 = D100 + (D0 - D100) × 0.05 = D95 +0.05 = OK/NOT OK
Table 6- 1: Acceptable density tolerances for Imager calibration

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.7 Pixium 4343 FL/RF FPD Calibration

To achieve good temperature stabilization for image quality or to do a

calibration, the detector must be powered on during at least 210 minutes.

6.7.1 General Overview

The Detector Calibration includes the following procedures:
1. Offset Correction,
2. X-Ray Dose Table Update,
3. Detector sensitivity check,
4. Gain calibration,
5. Defect map creation,
6. Digital Gain calibration,

These procedures must be performed only after Generator and Tube

calibration completion (including kV, mAs calibration).
The Digital Gain calibration is performed only after Gain and Defect map calibration
completed. During the Gain and Defect Map calibration verify that the Digital Gain is
set to '1"(Calibration in "Manual "mode):

Generator setup during calibration:

During the Calibration procedure, the generator parameters are set using CPI
GenWare software.
Verify that the AEC and ABC are 'Off' throughout the entire detector calibration.
Note: Starting the GenWare SW first, before starting the Duet calibration task,
will cause the GenWare to take over the communication port with the generator.
Dose Measure during the calibrations:
It is recommended to use the dose-meter protected from the scattered radiation (for
example, lead shielded silicon detector). If a standard air ion chamber is used, take
into account the scattering radiation effect on the measured dose value.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Offset Correction

The offset correction makes the subtraction from the raw X-ray image of the offset
The calibration is done with the system synchronization. The offset level depends on
the frame rate, the X-ray window and the temperature drift. Therefore, the offset
calibration has to be made for each offset reference.
Offset calibration needs to be performed manualy for all of the modes. If callibration
Task is started up, Offset calibration must be performed manually before each mode
is used for the first time. In addition Offset refresh shall be performed every 30 min,
until the new offset calibration is performed. Note that if the field size is changed, the
acqusition mode may also be chganged. X-Ray Dose Table Update

This procedure is used to define the genertor X-ray parameters (kV, mA, ms) used
during the detector gain and defect map calibration process for each detector mode.
Updating the "X-Ray Dose Table" parameters will update the prompting windows for
generator dose settings during the gain and defect map calibration process.
The prucedure needs to be perform only once during first installation or system pre-
staging and can be used for systems with the same setup and configuration (Tube,
Table top, AEC Ion chamber, Grid type, SID...). Detector sensitivity check

It is important to perform this stage before installing the AEC ion

chamber, Grid and the Table-top.
This procedure is used to define the detectors sensitivity before the actual detector
Determining the detector sensitivity in a preliminary stage (system first installation or
pre-staging) will enable to verify the detector validity by comparing the found
sensitivity value to the sensitivity noted in the detectors delivery documents, it will
also enable to obtain the dose value as a factor of the found Grey Level (by the
detector) for the acquired image, this will enable to easily calibrate the AEC, ABC &
Digital Gain in nominal conditions.
The detector sensitivity check only needs to be performing once during the life cycle
of the detector.
The detectors sensitivity is measured in two main PU modes 4 & 3 for RF detector &
PU modes 4 & 10 for FL detector (in Normal Magnification). By measuring the
actual dose with a dose meter and reading the Grey Level (in a predefined condition)
the detector sensitivity can be calculated, for each mode by the following simple

Detector _ GL
= Sensitiviy GL
Measured _ Dose nGy / frame nGy

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

The calculated Detector Sensitivity is only determined during the detector installation
and can be used again for future recalibration of the detector when the current
calibration is expired.
Note: It is important to perform this stage before installing the Grid and the
Table-top during system first installation or pre-staging. Gain Correction

The gain correction does the division of the image by the gain reference table. The
gain table is an average of white offset corrected good images. The correction
parameters are determined per pixel to reach the maximal flatness at the defined dose
The Gain data is saved in the PU's hard disk.
For a multiple offset references, the calibration is performed at the slowest acqusition
rate. From the Frequency pull-down menu in the Log Mode Parameters frame; select
the slowest rate.
The linear gain correction uses only one parameter, determined at the single dose
level. The Linear Gain is performed for each mode with its defined dose. Defect Map Correction

It is recommended to perform the calibration for the offset reference at the lower
frame rate of the mode. The DM calculation is made with offset and linear gain
corrected image.
There are three types of defect calibration:
1) Defect map calibration
2) Blinking pixel calibration
3) Gain DM
- In the Defect map calibration the defect pixels are flagged at different dose levels,
two low doses and one (4343FL) or two high (4343RF) doses. Each defective
pixel is an interpolation of its correct neighbor’s pixels.
- The Blinking pixels calibration is done with an offset reference for each logical
mode. At and of the blinking pixel calibration a new correction table is created.
- The Gain DM calibration is done using the linear gain reference table. A gain
defect map table is generated following this calibration. There is no X-rays
needed for generating this calibration table
The Blinking pixel and Gain DM calibration are not mandatory calibration and is
recommended to be performing only in event where IQ tests are not optimized.
The DM table is valid for 6 months.

System Setup & Calibration 6-120

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 DR Digital Gain

This function is used to measure the pixel values and define the digital gain for
Fluoroscopy and Radiography operating modes (excluding RAD). The purpose of the
Digital Gain calibration is to promise a pre-defined target GL values for a given dose
at the
Detector entrance plane during the examinations, with ABC and AEC algorithms
activated. Digital Gain is determined per each detector mode to comply with the
following equation:
[Target GL] = [ROI GL]* [Digital Gain Factor]
In RAD mode the Digital Gain equals 1. Therefore the Target GL varies according to
the Detector sensitivity.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.7.2 Detector Calibration procedures description

Perform Detector Sensitivity check  Updating X-Ray Dose Table  Gain
calibration  Defect Map calibration  if needed, blinking pixel calibration. After
gain calibration has been performed, defect map calibration must be performed. After
defect map calibration has been performed, blinking pixel calibration if needed can be
Manual defect maps enable defective pixels that were not detected by the above
calibrations to be added to the total Defect Map correction. Only After Gain and DM
calibration completed, perform the Digital Gain calibration procedure. PU Modes
PU Mode defined by a combination of 4 parameters:
 Field Of View (42X42; 34X34 etc.)
 Binning (1X1; 2X2 etc.)
 X-ray mode (DR; PF, RAD etc.)
 SID long/short (for 4343RF detector in mode 21, when defined by the protocol)
4343 RF detector:
There are total of 10 Logical Modes being used by the Duet system for the RF
detector. The following table specifies the modes, the relevant magnifications and the
useable magnifications for gain & defect map calibrations for each mode:

PU Mag for Gain

Mode Name FOV Relevant X-ray
Mode # Logical Mode Binning & Defect
(Max fps) (CM2) Mag mode
3 0 42X42 3X3 N N
Fluoro 18fps)

14 6 CF(24fps) 34X34 3X3 M1 M1

13 2 CF(30fps) 25X25 3X3 M2 M2

High Res.
15 7 18X18 2X2 M3 M3

2 1 PF (15fps) 42X42 3X3 N, M1 N

High Res.
7 4 25X25 2X2 M2, M3 M2
Standard Res. DR/DA/
4 3 42X42 2X2 All N
20/100/250ms DSA
Hi. Res. DR/DA/
21* 5 42X42 1X1 All N
100/250/500ms DSA/ RAD
Hi. Res. RAD
21** 9 42X42 1X1 All N
3200ms (Tomo)

16 8 Std. Res. 20ms 25X25 2X2 M2, M3 M2 DR

* PU Mode 21 High Resolution for RAD is combined of 2 different logical modes

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

that each has a predefined table setting conditions. From the "Set" button in the
calibration task the PU logical mode can be selected by choosing the condition for
the required mode.

** Logical mode 9 (3200msec), used for Tomography application, is deactivated by

default. Activation of this mode is done from the SSPM:
System Parameters\Acquisition\Radio\RAD  "long Time Exposure Enabled" = 1.

4343 FL Detector:
There are total of 10 Logical Modes being used by the Duet system for the FL
detector. The following table specifies the modes, the relevant magnifications and the
useable magnification for Gain & Defect Map calibrations for each mode:

PU Mag for
Mode Logical Mode Name (Max FOV Relevant Gain & X-ray
# Mode fps) (CM2) Mag Defect mode
15 0 42X42 3X3 N N
Fluoro 16fps)

16 1 CF(22fps) 34X34 3X3 M1 M1

18 2 CF(30fps) 25X25 3X3 M2 M2

High Res.
14 3 18X18 2X2 M3 M3
N, M1,
10 4 PF (15fps) 42X42 3X3 N
High Res.
9 5 18X18 2X2 M3 M3
Standard Res.
4 7 42X42 2X2 All N
High Rate (12fps)
6 8 25X25 2X2 M2, M3 M2
Hi. Res.
2 6 42X42 1X1 All N DR/ /RAD
2** 9 Hi. Res. 3200ms 42X42 1X1 All N

** Logical mode 9 (3200msec), used for Tomography application, is deactivated by

default. Activation of this mode is done from the SSPM:
System Parameters\Acquisition\Radio\RAD  "long Time Exposure Enabled" = 1

System Setup & Calibration 6-123

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Mode calibration order and waiting times

Because of ghost images, the recommendation is to calibrate low dose mode before
high dose mode.
The recommended mode order for calibration is:
For RF detector: 3, 14, 13, 15, 2, 7, 4, 21, 16.
For FL detector: 15, 16, 18, 14, 10, 9, 4, 2, 8.
The recommendation is to perform the Gain calibration at a more used frame rate and
the Defect calibration at a lower frame rate.

For Offset, Gain and DM calibration, conditions must be respected for a good
calibration, 1 min waiting time is necessary after:
 Mode switching
 Offset reference switching
During this waiting time, the detector reads dark images but does not save them.

Wait Wait
End of Linear Defect Map
1 min 1 min
X-ray Gain
Calibration Preparation before Calibration

The following preconditions must be applied prior to proceeding with the detector

1. Confirm the stability of the room and FPD temperature and the
continuity-performed FPD.
2. Confirm X-ray tube (radiation) and Collimator is aligned with the
detector plain. (see section 6.5)
3. Verify that the X-ray radiation from the collimator is evenly exposed
within the image and not significantly shifted even when SID is
changed from minimum to maximum values.
4. When performing exposure, set the lowest X-ray dose to prevent
burn-in which will affect the calibration data.
5. Set the table to the AP lateral position and the SID to middle rang.
6. Set the collimator to manual and fully open the blades.
7. Visually confirm that there is no foreign matter or dirt on the FPD
8. Calibration Mode set to 'Manual', from the "Acquisition setting"
System Setup & Calibration 6-124
THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Detector Sensitivity Check

Gain Calibration:
In order to measure the detector sensitivity, initial Gain calibration of the relevant
modes (RF - modes 4 & 3, FL - modes 4 & 15) needs to be performed.
Following the instructions in section for Gain calibration; perform the Gain
calibration for the PU modes 4, 3 RF & 4, 15 (FL), using the dose condition described
in the Gain & Defect Map Calibration table (

Detector Sensitivity Check:

The acquisitions and dose measuring should be done in the following condition:
- Collimator blades fully open and in manual mode
- Aluminum Filter = 21 mm (installed under the collimator)
- No AEC, No Grid, No Tabletop
- Digital Gain set to "1"
- SID = 100cm
- kV/mA/ms = Use the same values used for the Gain Calibration
- Dose Meter resting slightly of-center on the detector (not to overlap with the
Verify that the above conditions are met, from the calibration task set the dose
conditions and PU Mode as per the table below. For each PU Mode perform the
acquisition and file in the table below the 'Measured Dose' measurement and the
average Grey Level received (taken from the ROI GL).

Use the following equation to calculate the detector sensitivity:

Detector _ GL
= Sensitiviy GL
Measured _ Dose nGy / frame nGy

Use the following table to record your measurements and calculations.

Verify that the calculated Detectors Sensitivity is within the range, for each PU
Mode, as presented in the' Typical Sensitivity' column in the following table:
4343RF Detector:
Measured Detector Typical
Gray Dose
PU sensitivity Sensitivity
Dose Condition Level GL GL ±20%
Mode nGy
frame nGy nGy

70kV, 100mA,
4 S4 = S4 = 1.2
Dose/ sec
3 70kV, 10mA (18fps) S3 = S3 =16.1
18 /frame

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4343FL Detector:
Measured Detector Typical
Gray Dose
PU sensitivity Sensitivity
Dose Condition Level GL GL ±20%
Mode nGy
frame nGy nGy

70kV, 100mA,
4 S4 = S4 = 1.25
Dose/ sec
15 70kV, 10mA (16fps) S15 = S15 =17.7
16 /frame

Sensitivity of other PU modes (theoretically calculated):

4343 RF Detector
Measured Detector
Dose Typical Sensitivity
PU sensitivity GL ±20%
Mode Name GL
Mode nGy
frame nGy

DR Std. 20ms
16 1:1 S16=S4 S16 = 1.2
21 1:1 S21 = S4/2 S21 =0.57
High Res. (N)

2 PF (N) Dose rate /15 S2= S3

14 CF (M1) Dose rate /24 S14 = S3 S =16.1

13 CF (M2) Dose rate /30 S13 = S3

15 CF (M3) Dose rate /30 S15 = S2/1.5

S =10.7
7 PF (M2,M3) Dose rate /15 S7 = S2/1.5

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4343 FL Detector
Measured Typical
Dose Detector sensitivity
Mode Name GL ±20%
Mode nGy
frame nGy

2 1:1 S2 = S4/2 S2 = 0.58
Res. (N)

16 CF (M1) Dose rate /22 S16 = S15

18 CF (M2) Dose rate /30 S18 = S15 S =17.7

10 PF (N) Dose rate /15 S10= S15

S14 =
14 CF (M3) Dose rate /21
S =11.6
S9 =
9 PF (M3) Dose rate /15

Important notes:
• Make sure to perform Offset Calibration before acquiring images for every newly
selected PU mode or fps
• After acquiring an image, reduce the image windowing by clicking the "Auto"
windowing button, view the resulted image and verify that the Dosimeters-
detector is not protruding the GL ROI square.

System Setup & Calibration 6-127

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Updating X-Ray Dose Table

Using the X-ray generator parameters detailed in the following table "Gain & Defect
Map Calibration Table" (section, for each detector mode, acquire a radio
or fluoro image (pending the current mode) and check that the 'Current Avarage GL'
in the 'Pixel Statistics' section of the calibration task is within the range of the
Expected GL±20% noted in the " Gain & Defect Map Calibration Table", if needed
change the generator x-ray parameters, in the folowing order mA  ms  kV, to
meet the Expected GL from the table.
- For each dose in each mode note the resulted generator parameters,
- From the Calibration task main menu go to:
File’ Switch to Advanced mode’, enter ppaswored ‘tech”
Go to 'FPD Management  X-Ray Dose Table…',

- In the prompting table, for each mode, update the kV, mA & ms according the
noted values:

- For each ACPP Mode click the 'Apply' button, when finished updating all
modes click the 'Close' button to close the window.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Detector Gain calibration

The acquisitions must be done with DN5 conditions:

- Aluminum Filter = 21 mm (installed under the collimator)

- Collimator fully open (in Manual mode)

- SID = Middle range (In RAD, set according to logical mode requirement)

- ABC, AEC = Off

- No Grid (Pending Table capabilities)

- No Tabletop (recommended)

- Digital Gain is set to "1"

During the calibration, the offset calibration is performed automatically and the
acquisitions are performed at the defined dose level for each mode.

Calibration Sequence:
- Select “Set…” from the 'Acquisition Settings' section on the Calibration left
side to set the desired Mode to Calibrate (follow mode order according to
Gain & Defect Map Calibration Table,

- Select “Gain Calibration” to Calibrate Gain for the desired mode.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

- Set mA, KV, ms (in the GenWare) as appear on the above dialog box and
press “ok” (Dose values set according to "X-Ray Dose Table" updated is

- Follow the instructions appear on the “Gain Calibration” dialog box.

- Indication of successful Gain calibration:

System Setup & Calibration 6-130

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Detector Defect Map (DM) Calibration

The acquisitions and dose measuring should be done in the following condition:

- Aluminum Filter = 21 mm (installed under the collimator)

- Collimator fully open (in Manual Mode)

- SID = Middle range (If unable to remove Grid, use Grid focal spot)


- No Grid ((Pending Table capabilities)

- No tabletop (recommended)

- Digital Gain is set to "1"

During the calibration, the Offset Calibration is performed automatically and the
acquisitions at four dose levels are performed per each mode.

Calibration Sequence:
- Select “DM Calibration” on the calibration left side to calibrate DM for the
desired mode.

Follow the instructions appear on the “Defect Map Calibration” dialog box.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Indication of successful DM calibration:

At the end of DM calibration press “Close”, Offset Calibration is done:

System Setup & Calibration 6-132

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Detector Gain & DM Calibration Evaluation

Upon completion of each mode Gain & DM calibration, using the same physical and
dose condition used for the Gain calibration for the mode, acquire additional image
and visually check the image flatness (reduce the image Windowing to 500 for Fluoro
& 100 to 200 for Radio).
In addition, verify there are no visible defect pixels or lines of pixels. For Radio
images, change to Full Resolution view from the "Monitor" menu and click the
"Auto" to reduce windowing. Using the horizontal and vertical browsing bars, browse
through the image looking for abnormality or defects. If necessary, manually correct
the defected pixels following the "Manual DM Correction" procedure.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Detector Manual DM Correction

The following procedure allows manual adding defected pixels (single, line or group)
to the existing DM table. This procedure can be useful in event where the automatic
DM calibration failed to detect defected pixels or a line of defected pixels that
constantly or intermittently appear.

Run the Calibration SW and set the required PU mode, from the FPD Management
top menu; choose the 'Manual DM…':

The Manual DM window is opened. Perform acquisition, until the defected pixel (or
line of pixels) appears on the image. For better viewing; the image contrast can be
adjusted using Auto Windowing (when acquisition is stopped).

Using the mouse, click the desired pixel/line. The (X, Y) coordinates values will be
updated in the Manual DM window.
Click “Add to Defect Map”, the window “Add Defect Pixels” is opened, where the
zoomed image region of the clicked point is presented.
Find the defected pixel/line and mark it by mouse click. In case whole row or column
is required to be marked; right click the mouse button on the desired line and choose
"Add a row to defect map…" or "Add half a column to defect map…". The half
column or row will be marked as defected.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Press "Save and Exit", the defect pixels will be added to the DM table for the current
PU mode.

System Setup & Calibration 6-135

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 Gain & Defect Map Calibration Table

Important: Before performing calibration, remove table top, for Table with
removable/shacking Grid confirm that the Grid is removed.
Modify the mA  ms  kV so to reach the expected GL within 20%.
4343RF Detector:

PU Mode Approximate Expected

Mag Dose values Frame Actual
Acq' (Logical Calibration ms GL ± 20%
Size (3*) Rate kV/mA
Mode) kV mA (1*)
CF N 3 Gain 70 4.5 N/A 18 fps 2150
(0) DM Dose 0 70 1.5 570
Dose 1 2.5 1000
Dose 2 77 6 4900
Dose 3 80 6 6000
M1 14 Gain 70 6 N/A 24 fps 1980
(6) DM Dose 0 70 2 540
Dose 1 3 900
Dose 2 75 6 3000
Dose 3 80 6 4100
M2 13 Gain 70 6 N/A 30 fps 1520
(2) DM Dose 0 70 2 480
Dose 1 3 780
Dose 2 75 6 2470
Dose 3 80 6 3500
M3 15 Gain 75 6 N/A 30 fps 1038
(7) DM Dose 0 75 2 450
Dose 1 3 730
Dose 2 85 5 2460
Dose 3 6 3015
PF N 2 Gain 70 17 N/A 15 fps 2020
(1) DM Dose 0 70 5 600
Dose 1 7 833
Dose 2 25 2767
Dose 3 30 3304
M2 7 Gain 70 25 N/A 15 fps 2260
(4) DM Dose 0 70 6 450
Dose 1 10 750
Dose 2 80 25 3690
Dose3 30 4430

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Important: Before performing calibration for Radiography, confirm that the
acquisition rate is set to the slowest rate.

PU Mode Approximate Expected

Acquisition Mag Dose values Frame Actual
(Logical Calibration GL ± 20
Technique Size (3*) Rate kV/mA/ms
Mode) kV mA ms % (1*)
DR N 4 Gain 70 63 100 2 fps 4020
Standard (3) DM Dose 0 70 25 50 780
(DA/DSA) Dose 1 25 100 1560
Dose 2 250 15100
Dose 3 400 24300
RAD N 21 Gain 70 160 100 5080
500ms (5) DM Dose 0 25 100 780
(2*) Dose 1 50 1.25 1570
Dose 2 500 15200
Dose 3 630 19150
RAD N 21 Gain 65 25 1000 0.3 10000
3200ms (9)
DR M2 16 Gain 70 400 16 10 fps 4200
Standard (8) DM Dose 0 70 80 16 800
(DA/DSA) Dose 1 160 1550
Dose 2 85 500 14000
Dose 3 95 500 22000

(1*) If the received Gray Level exceeds ± 20% the Expected GL value, check the
dose conditions and detector sensitivity. If the detector sensitivity within
range, it is required to change the defined dose/dose rate to reach the
Expected GL

(2*) DM calibration needs only to be done once for ACPP mode 21. The same
created DM table will be duplicated and used for both modes.

(3*) Generator does parameters my very according to calibration conditions

(with/without tabletop/grid). If necessary modify the dose parameters to
reach the 'Expected GL' range in the following order: mA  ms  kV.

(4*) If necessary perform the Blinking Pixel calibration after the DM calibration
for the desired mode.

System Setup & Calibration 6-137

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4343FL Detector:

PU Mode Approximate Expected

Mag Dose values Frame Actual
Acq' (Logical Calibration ms GL ± 20%
Size (3*) Rate kV/mA
Mode) kV mA (1*)
CF N 15 Gain 70 4.5 N/A 16 fps 2150
(0) DM Dose 0 70 1.5 570
Dose 1 2.5 1000
Dose 2 80 6 6000
M1 16 Gain 70 6 N/A 22 fps 1980
(1) DM Dose 0 70 2 540
Dose 1 3 900
Dose 2 80 6 4100
M2 18 Gain 70 6 N/A 30 fps 1520
DM Dose 0 70 2 480
Dose 1 3 780
Dose 2 80 6 3500
M3 14 Gain 75 6 N/A 21 fps 1038
(3) DM Dose 0 75 2 450
Dose 1 3 730
Dose 2 85 6 3015
PF N 10 Gain 70 17 N/A 15 fps 2020
(4) DM Dose 0 70 5 600
Dose 1 7 833
Dose 2 30 3304
M3 9 Gain 70 25 N/A 15 fps 2260
(5) DM Dose 0 70 6 450
Dose 1 10 750
Dose 2 80 30 4430

System Setup & Calibration 6-138

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Important: Before performing calibration for Radiography, confirm that the
acquisition rate is set to the slowest rate.

PU Mode Approximate Expected

Acquisition Mag Dose values Frame Actual
(Logical Calibration GL ± 20
Technique Size (3*) Rate kV/mA/ms
Mode) kV mA ms (1*)
DR N 4 Gain 70 63 100 2 fps 4020
Standard (7) DM Dose 0 70 25 50 780
Dose 1 25 100 1560
Dose 2 400 24300
RAD N 2 Gain 70 160 100 1.25fps 5080
500ms (6) DM Dose 0 25 100 780
(2*) Dose 1 70 50 1570
Dose 2 630 19150
RAD N 2 Gain 65 25 1000 0.3fps 10000
3200ms (9)
DR M2 6 Gain 70 160 100 10 fps 4200
High Rate (8) DM Dose 0 25 100 780
20ms (2*) Dose 1 70 50 1570
Dose 2 630 19150

(1*) If the received Gray Level exceeds ± 20% the Expected GL value, check the
dose conditions and detector sensitivity. If the detector sensitivity within
range, it is required to change the defined dose/dose rate to reach the
Expected GL.

(2*) DM calibration only needs to be done once for ACPP mode-2 (Logical mode
7). The same created DM table will be duplicated and used for both Logical

(3*) Generator does parameters my very according to calibration conditions

(with/without tabletop/grid). If necessary modify the dose parameters to
reach the 'Expected GL' range in the following order: mA  ms  kV.

(4*) If necessary perform the Blinking Pixel calibration after the DM calibration
for the desired logical mode.

System Setup & Calibration 6-139

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 DR/DA/DSA Digital Gain calibration

DG for Continuous/Pulse Fluoroscopy
The acquisitions must be done with the following conditions:
- 18 cm Acrylic Phantom (or water)
- Grid On, Tabletop On.
- 80/90 kV
- Set mA to reach the required target dose, for CF = 500nGy (recommended)
- SID = Should match grid focal distance
- Collimator collimated inside the acrylic/water phantom

Set the following condition at the left side of the Calibration Task:
- Digital Gain = set to "1" (verify before each DG calibration)
- Fluoro = "Alpha = 0.0"
- Stab. Period (f) = "1"
- Offset, Gain, DM = On (checked)

Click Acquisition setting  Target Grey Level  Fluoro DR to display the following
fluoroscopic DR Target Grey Level Table window:

Figure 6- 4
Confirm that 1024 is set for all of the fields. If needed correct and click ok to confirm.
Also confirm that all fields in Fluoro DA\DSA Target GL Table are set to 1024 GL.

Verify that the Calibration is in Manual mode:

There are three possible ways to calibrate the digital gain for fluoroscopy:
- Manual Calibration
- Automatic Calibration
- Manual Calculation

System Setup & Calibration 6-140

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

DG Manual Calibration
- With the above condition for CF (no magnification), acquire Fluoro and change
the Generator mA till the required dose is reached (500nGy or calculated using
detector sensitivity).
- Maintaining the above X-ray parameters (kV & mA) change the Digital Gain
value so the " Current Average GL" will reach the "Target GL" (1024).
- Update the DR Digital Gain Table with the resulted Digital gain value:

- Repeat the above for all the fluoroscopy CF Mag & PF Mag/Rate using the Target
Dose from the Fluoroscopy Recommended Dose Tables.
- When done; copy the exact values from "DR Digital Gain Table" to the "DR\DSA
Digital Gain Table" (For RF detector configuration only).

DG Automatic Calibration
It is possible to automatically calibrate the DG using the "Calibrate" mode from the
Acquisition setting main menu.

- Verify that the kV & mA are set to the correct Target Dose for the CF Mag & PF
Mag/Rate used
- Emit Fluoro – the Digital gain value will automatically increase till the Target GL
is reached
- When done click confirm in the prompted window, the DR Digital Gain Table will
be updated automatically with the resulted DG value.
- When done; copy the exact values from "DR Digital Gain Table" to the "DR\DSA
Digital Gain Table" (For RF detector configuration only).

System Setup & Calibration 6-141

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Manual Calculation of the Digital Gain for Fluoro:

The DG (Digital Gain) for each of the fluoroscopy modes can be determined by
mathematical calculation based on the required dose and the CF dose sensitivity.

4343 RF Detector
Providing the detector sensitivity S 3 (as found in section and Target Dose
for Continues Fluoroscopy in ‘N’ Magnification, the digital gain for ‘N’ size
( DG(CF _ N ) ) can be calculated as follows:

1024( t arg etGL )

DG(CF _ N ) =
(T arg et _ Dose _ Rate( nGy / Sec ) / 18( frames ) ) × S 3

Where: T arg et _ Dose _ Rate( nGy / Sec ) - The recommended dose rate for CF ‘N’ Mag
is 500nGy/sec (or higher – depending on your local regulation and accepted image
noise by the end-user)
S3 = According detector sensitivity check, performed previously (S3 =16.1 ±20%).

DG Table Reference:

Mag CF PF 15 PF 7.5 PF 3.75

N DG DG x 0.83 DG x 0.83 DG x 0.83

M1 DG x 0.88 DG x 0.55 DG x 0.55 DG x 0.55

M2 DG x 0.83 DG x 0.63 DG x 0.63 DG x 0.63

M3 DG x 1.04 DG x 0.5 DG x 0. 5 DG x 0.5

From the Calibration menu, go to 'Acquisition settings  Fluoroscopy  DR 

Display' to open the 'DR Digital Gain Table' and update the values in the table
according the above calculated results.
When done; copy the exact values from "DR Digital Gain Table" to the "DR\DSA
Digital Gain Table" (For RF detector configuration only).

Note: In order to decrease the CF image noise, the DG values can be reduced. This is
particularly noted for the PF7.5 and PF 3.75 modes

System Setup & Calibration 6-142

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Fluoroscopy Recommended Dose Calibration Tables (CF (N) = 500nGy/sec):

Initial Target
Acq' Target Calculated Digital
Mag kV mA ms Dose Rate DG factor DG Values
(frames/sec) GL Gain value * *
settings µGy/sec*
N CF (18) ≈ 0.5 500 µGy/sec 1024/(500/18 x S3) = 36.86 / S3 = DG
M1 CF (24) ≈1 750 µGy/sec 1024/(750/24 x S3) = 32.77 / S3 DG x 0.88
M2 CF (30) ≈2 N/A 1000 µGy/sec 1024/(1000/30 x S3) = 30.72 / S3 DG x 0.83
≈ 2.7 1024/(1200/30 x S15)
1200 µGy/sec 25.6 / (S3/1.5) DG x 1.04
M3 CF (30) =
N PF 15 ≈ 13 500 µGy/sec 1024/(500/15 x S3) =
PF 7.5 250 µGy/sec 1024/(250/7.5 x S3) = 30.72 / S3 DG x 0.83
PF 3.75 125 µGy/sec 1024/(125/3.75 x S3) =
M1 PF 15 ≈ 20 750 µGy/sec 1024/(750/15 x S3) =
90 1024
PF 7.5 375 µGy/sec 1024/(375/7.5 x S3) = 20.48 / S3 DG x 0.55
PF 3.75 187 µGy/sec 1024/(187/3.75 x S3) =
M2 PF 15 ≈ 20 1000 µGy/sec 1024/(1000/15 x S7) =
PF 7.5 500 µGy/sec 1024/(500/7.5 x S7) = 15.36 / (S3/1.5) DG x 0.62
PF 3.75 250 µGy/sec 1024/(250/3.75 x S7) =
M3 PF 15 ≈ 20 1200 µGy/sec 1024/(1200/15 x S7) =
PF 7.5 600 µGy/sec 1024/(600/7.5 x S7) = 12.8 / (S3/1.5) DG x 0.5
PF 3.75 300 µGy/sec 1024/(300/3.75 x S7) =

* Set Target Dose (µGy/sec) levels according to the X-Ray system manufacturer instruction
or, if not available, set the dose as indicated in the tables. In any case, dose levels should
not exceed your local regulatory dose limitation.
** The product of the Target GL (1024) divided by Dose in µGy/frame multiply by detector
Sensitivity found in section
*** Unit conversion from µGy to R: 1µGy = 0.114mR

System Setup & Calibration 6-143

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4343 FL Detector
Providing the detector sensitivity S15 (as found in section and Target Dose
for Continues Fluoroscopy in ‘N’ Magnification, the digital gain for ‘N’ size
( DG(CF − N ) ) can be calculated as follows:

1024 (t arg etGL )

DG(CF − N ) =
(T arg et _ Dose _ Rate( nGy / Sec ) / 16 ( frames ) ) × S15

Where: T arg etDose ( nGy ) - The recommended dose rate for CF ‘N’ Mag is
500nGy/sec (or higher – depending on your local regulation and accepted image noise
by the end-user)
S15 = According detector sensitivity check, performed previously (S15 =17.7 ±20%).

DG Table Reference:

Mag CF PF 15 PF 7.5 PF 3.75

N DG DG x 0.94 DG x 0.94 DG x 0.94

M1 DG x 0.91 DG x 0.63 DG x 0.63 DG x 0.63

M2 DG x 0.94 DG x 0.47 DG x 0.7 DG x 0.7

M3 DG x 0.82 DG x 0.59 DG x 0. 59 DG x 0.59

From the Calibration menu, go to 'Acquisition settings  Fluoroscopy  DR 

Display' to open the 'DR Digital Gain Table' and update the values in the table
according the above calculated results.
When done; copy the exact values from "DR Digital Gain Table" to the "DR\DSA
Digital Gain Table" (For RF detector configuration only).

Note: In order to decrease the CF image noise, the DG values can be reduced. This is
particularly noted for the PF7.5 and PF 3.75 modes

System Setup & Calibration 6-144

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Fluoroscopy Recommended Dose Calibration Tables (CF (N) = 500nGy/sec):

Initial Target
Acq' Target Calculated Digital Gain
Mag kV mA ms Dose DG factor DG Values
(fr/sec) GL value * *
settings µGy/sec*
N CF (16) 90 0.5 ≈ N/A 1024 500 µGy/sec 1024/(500/16 x S15) = 32.768 / S15 = DG
M1 CF (22) 1≈ 750 µGy/sec 1024/(750/22 x S15) = 30.037 / S15 DG x 0.91
M2 CF (30) 2≈ 1000 µGy/sec 1024/(1000/30 x S15) = 30.72 / S15 DG x 0.94
M3 CF (21) 2.7 ≈ 1200 µGy/sec 1024/(1200/21 x S15) = 17.92/ (S15/1.5) DG x 0.82
N PF 15 13 ≈ 500 µGy/sec 1024/(500/15 x S15) =
PF 7.5 250 µGy/sec 1024/(250/7.5 x S15) = 30.72 / S15 DG x 0.94
PF 3.75 125 µGy/sec 1024/(125/3.75 x S15) =
M1 PF 15 20 ≈ 750 µGy/sec 1024/(750/15 x S15) =
PF 7.5 375 µGy/sec 1024/(375/7.5 x S15) = 20.48 / S15 DG x 0.63
PF 3.75 187 µGy/sec 1024/(187/3.75 x S15) =
M2 PF 15 20 ≈ 1000 µGy/sec 1024/(1000/15 x S15) = 15.36 / S15 DG x 0.47
PF 7.5 500 µGy/sec 1024/(500/7.5 x S8) =
15.36 / (S15/1.5) DG x 0.7
PF 3.75 250 µGy/sec 1024/(250/3.75 x S8) =
M3 PF 15 20 ≈ 1200 µGy/sec 1024/(1200/15 x S9) =
PF 7.5 600 µGy/sec 1024/(600/7.5 x S9) = 12.8 / (S15/1.5) DG x 0.59
PF 3.75 300 µGy/sec 1024/(300/3.75 x S9) =

* Set Target Dose (µGy/sec) levels according to the X-Ray system manufacturer instruction
or, if not available, set the dose as indicated in the tables. In any case, dose levels should
not exceed your local regulatory dose limitation.
** The product of the Target GL (1024) divided by Dose in µGy/frame multiply by detector
Sensitivity found in section
*** Unit conversion from µGy to R: 1µGy = 0.114mR

System Setup & Calibration 6-145

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

DG for Radiography (DR/DA/DSA)

The acquisitions must be done with the following conditions:
- 18 cm Acrylic Phantom (or Water)
- Grid On, Tabletop On.
- 80/90 kV (Set mA to reach the required dose)
- Density = '-4'
- SID = Should match grid focal distance
- AEC = ON - Center cell only
- Collimator collimated within the size of the Acrylic Phantom (or Water)
- Calibration mode in ‘Manual’ (Acquisition settings Manual)

Set the following condition at the left side of the Calibration Task:
- Digital Gain = set to "1" (verify before each DG calibration)
- Offset, Gain, DM = On

AEC General Gain adjustment:

The AEC Cain Calibration should be performed after final system/table setup and
The AEC adjustment is performed with the above physical condition and in
conjunction with the generator AEC settings for ‘Film Screen - 1’ and Density,
according to the following data (see appendix B for the full CPI recommended

CPI Film Screen - 1:

50kV 55kV 65kV 75kV 85kV 95kV 110kV 130kV
7.4 6.70 5.60 4.80 4.45 4.09 3.80 3.37
Note: Make sure that only Film Screen-1 is used – uncheck other ones

CPI, AEC Density setting:

CPI Table Recommended

Density Technique
Value (%) Dose (µµGy)
2-8 0 -
1 30 4.3
0 0 3.3 R
-1 33 2.2 A
-2 43 1.9 D D
-3 53 1.5 S
-4 63 1.2 A
-5 70 1.0
-6 76 0.8
-7 81 0.6
-8 94 0.2

System Setup & Calibration 6-146

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1. The AEC calibration is performed for RAD mode (High resolution) 500ms (Mag
‘N’) in density "-1" and used for all other Radiography modes.

2. The digital gain calibration for DR is normally performed while the generators
Density is "-5" for each magnification, in 250ms.
For DSA the generators Density should be set to "-3"
For DA the generators Density should be set to "-4"

3. The actual variations in the Dose for each Technique, i.e. DR, DA\DSA (and RAD),
is determined from the main application protocols setting by presetting the
generator Density according to the Protocol being used.
Normally DR=-5, DSA=-3, DA=-4 & RAD=-1.

- In the Acquisition setting select 'Set' to display the 'Set Acquisition Mode' window.
Select the 'Radio' and specify DR, 250ms:

- Verify Magnification is set to ‘N’ (Normal)

- In GenWare SW verify that only the middle AEC cell is active.

Verify that the orientations of the AEC ion-chamber cells (left, center,
right) are wired and set correctly.

- Acquire a Radiographic image and adjust the AEC master gain on the CPI AEC
board, so that the obtained "Current Average GL" in the calibration task is matching
the calculated dose in GL ("Dose converted to GL"):

Acquisition Grid/ Digital Reference

kV/mA Density Dose converted to GL**
mode AEC Gain Dose for RAD
RAD 500ms 80/200 ON 1 -1 2200 nGy 2200 nGy X S21 *

* S21 = for PU mode 21 in RF detector & S2 for PU mode 2 in FL detector

** Make sure Digital Gain is set to ‘1’!

System Setup & Calibration 6-147

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Gain calibration procedure:

- Click Acquisition setting  Target Grey Level  DR to display the following 'DR
Target Grey Level Table' window:

Confirm that 4096 GL is set for all of the fields. If needed correct and click ok to
In the same manner as described above, display the DA target gray level Table
window and verify 4096 is set for all fields.
In the same manner as described above, display the DSA target gray level window
and verify 16,384 is set for all fields.

- The values (such as target GL) required for the adjustment are automatically set.

- Perform Offset Calibration for the currently selected mode (DR, High, 250ms).

- In GenWare verify Density is set to '-5' (1µGy for DR)

- From the Acquisition setting dropdown menu choose "Calibrate" to switch to

calibration mode (verify DG is set to '1'):

System Setup & Calibration 6-148

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

- Activate Radiography
Repeating the radiography acquisition, the digital gain is automatically adjusted
so that the current average GL will be the same as the target GL.

The Target GL for all DR/DA modes should be 4096 ± 400.

The Target GL for all DSA modes should be 16,384 ± 1600.

- When the message "Calibration Completed" click yes button to confirm; this will
automatically update the DG for The current mode (DR, High, 250ms)

- Repeat the above procedure for DR/High/250ms all other available Magnification

- From the Acquisition setting dropdown menu choose "Manual" Button to complete
the automatic adjustment mode.

- Click 'Acquisition settings  Photospot  DR  ‘Display' to display the

Radiography 'DR Digital gain Table'

- Copy the values found in High 250ms modes also to the High 100ms column (only
for 4343RF detector
For Example:

System Setup & Calibration 6-149

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

- Divide the value found in High resolution by 2 and set it into all Standard modes
positions (250ms, 100ms, 20ms)

- Repeat the above DG calibration this time for the DA/DSA in all magnifications,
however setting generator Density to ‘-4’ for DA and ‘-3’ for DSA respectively,.
Verify that the Target GL is set to 4095 for DA and 16,384 for DSA.

* Verify that the Protocols in the Duet main application are set to the same
Density as calibrated
RAD = -1
DR = -5
DA = -4
DSA = -3.

System Setup & Calibration 6-150

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.8 Pixium 3543EZ Setup & Calibration

6.8.1 Cisco* WAP Settings

* Supported model: CISCO AIRONET 2600 SERIES (AIR-SAP2602I-I-K9)

1. Disable All NIC accept for the EZwap (Cisco):

* Verify IP setting for EZwap is set to

2. Reset the Cisco WAP to Default Settings Using the MODE Button:

1. Disconnect power (the power jack for external power or the Ethernet cable for
in-line power) from the access point.

2. Press and hold the MODE button while you reconnect power to the access

3. Hold the MODE for approximately 5 second until the status LED blinking
blue, and release the button. All access point settings return to factory

3. From C:\Util\dhcp run dhcpsrv.exe and press 'Continue as tray app' button:

System Setup & Calibration 6-151

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4. Wait for the Cisco IP to appear in the system tray (bottom right of the windows
taskbar) - this may take few minutes, note the IP received by the Cisco in the
message box:

5. Exit the system tray DHCP server V2.4.0 by right clicking on it from the icon in
the windows right taskbar and choose Exit DHCP Server:

6. Open Internet explorer and Browse to the IP the Cisco received:


7. In the prompted window use the following credentials to connect to the Cisco:

User: Cisco
Password: Cisco

8. From the Internet Explorer Tools menu, choose 'Turn Off Pop-up Blocker’:

System Setup & Calibration 6-152

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9. Go to System Software  System Configuration and Browse to: C:\Util, choose

the Cisco configuration file ‘Cisco WAP Duet-DRF.txt’.

10. Click Load and Confirm the popup warning, this will set the Cisco to a DuetDRF
default configuration:

11. Wait for the WAP to complete the reset process:

12. When Cisco counter reset finished, close the window and reconnect to the Cisco
using the new IP with the same credentials:

System Setup & Calibration 6-153

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

13. If needed change the Cisco IP from the EXPRESS SET-UP menu, also verify the
‘Configuration Server Protocol’ is set to Static IP:

In case changing the Access point IP, make sure to change the
NIC IP and Host/Detector IP’s to the same subnet musk (see
section 6.8.3).

System Setup & Calibration 6-154

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

14. Go to SECURITY  SSID Manager, choose the Duet-DRF in the Current

SSID List and change the SSID & Password as follows:

See section for recommendation and guidelines when

setting IP/SSID/Password

System Setup & Calibration 6-155

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

SSID & Password Set in the Cisco WAP must be the same as set
both in the Duet Settings and in the Detector.

Make sure to change the SSID and Password for both the Cisco
WAP and the 3543EZ detector to be the same as in the EZ
calibration task (see section 6.8.3)

15. Re-enable all NICs:

16. When Cisco WAP configuration done, Choose the config.txt form System
Software  System Configuration:

17. A new internet explorer window will open with the Cisco WAP detailed settings
in a text format. From the File menu, choose Save As… in text format and save
the Configuration to a backup folder with other system backups.

System Setup & Calibration 6-156

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.8.2 General Overview

The detector calibration is done using the EZ Calibration software in conjunction with
the GenWare Software to set the required dose parameters for the detector calibration
There are 3 modes being used with the 3543EZ detector: 500ms, 1000ms, 3200ms and
the calibration needs to be done only for the 1000ms, the same reference files created is
used for the other modes (reference files are duplicated when launching the Duet SW).
The calibration acquisitions must be done in the following conditions:
1. SID = 180cm
2. 1.5 Cupper filtration (verify no extra filtration in the Collimator)
3. Collimator fully open (in manual mode)
4. No Grid
5. Perpendicularity between the tube/collimator and the detector must be maintained.
6. No object is present in the x-ray beam between the tube and the detector.
7. The detector must remain stable during the calibration
8. It is highly recommended to use an absorption substance (such as lead apron)
under the detector to avoid burn-in ghosting during calibration due to
9. Dose = The following X-ray parameters are used during the calibration of the

Number of
Calibration Dose kVp mAs*
Gain 10 25µGy 85kV 40mAs
Defect Map 1 2.5µGy 85kV 4mAs
1 5µGy 85kV 8mAs
1 40µGy 85kV 64mAs
1 50µGy 85kV 80mAs
* Estimated, mAs can be modified as necessary to gain the requested Dose
however, ms used must not exceed 400ms pulse with.

5 different doses will be requested to be set at the generator, one dose for 10
acquisitions of the Digital Gain creation at 25µGy and another 4 acquisitions at 4
different doses for the Defect Map creation at 2.5µGy, 5µGy, 40µGy and 50µGy
Throughout the calibration process a message may appear indicating that the dose
applied to the detector is ether too high or too low, in such event change the generator
mAs as necessary to proceed with the calibration.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Calibration acquisitions must be done in the following conditions:

System Setup & Calibration 6-158

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.8.3 Configuring new Detector

1. IR device connect and verify settings

Connect the IR device to one of the available USB ports at

the rare panel of the Duet PC.

From the Device Management verify IR virtual com port is

set to COM6 (Right click on the Computer icon on the
Desktop and choose: Computer Manage Device
management), from the Ports (COM & LPT) verify the following:

Unplug and Plug the IR device to the same USB port and verify it is being

2. From the Desktop Duet Shortcut start the EZ calibration SW:

3. From the FPD Management menu choose to run the ‘FPD Detector Management’: ‘

System Setup & Calibration 6-159

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4. If needed change the Host IP, Host SSID and Password

* It is recommended to use the Duet computers name for the SSID

(Right Click the Computer to choose Properties)

* The Host SSID/ Password & Subnet musk must be the same in the WAP.

* Allowed detector IP addresses: 192.168.ww.xx or 10.0.yy.zz.

5. Choose ‘Add Detector’, in the prompted window set the desired IP for the detector
and click on ‘Add Detector’:

6. Point the IR module away from the detector IR, when prompted, place the IR device
in front of the detector IR receiver:

System Setup & Calibration 6-160

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

7. Detector will be recognized by the SW (detector SN will be shown), Please maintain

the IR device in front of the Detector IR throughout the detector configuration
process during which the detector will be restarted and the IP, SSID & Password will
automatically be set in the detector:

8. When done a successful message will be prompted requesting to restart the EZ

calibration SW and all three LED’s on the detector will become Green

9. After restart a message “Missing Correction tables” will be prompted on the IRM
and on at the bottom of the Calibration Task a green GO with detector signal/Battery
charge & temperature will show values:

6.8.4 Detector Calibration procedures

From the main menu FPD Management chose ‘Calibrate’, the calibration process
will be started:

Follow the prompted instructions and proceed with the calibration Process. With
reference to the table of section 6.8.2 General Overview, maintain the
recommended conditions while using the recommended x-ray dose parameters for
each dose value (µGy).

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.8.5 Workstations configuration

The Duet can be set to support different room configurations. Configurations are derived
from the availability of a portable detector, number of X-ray tubes (1 or 2) and Wall-
Bucky availability. The configuration is determined by setting the Generator
Receptors/Workstations and the displayed Stations. The following table describes the
different possible configurations with reference to the SSPM parameters:

Symbol SSPM\ Stations* SSPM\ Hardware\CPI** Remarks

\Station 1. Tube1 with WorkstationFixedTube1 Main detector Pixium

FL4343 FPD Index1 (Receptors1) RF4343 (FL or RF)

\Station 2. Tube 1 with WorkstationPortableTube1 Pixium 3543EZ used

WiFi FPD Index 2..6 (Receptors2..6) with RCT Table

CR cassette used with

(Station-5) Diagnostic Table
Index 2..6 (Receptors2..6)
(Direct mode)

\Station 3.Tube2 (/1) Pixium 3543EZ used

with WiFi FPD In- with Ceiling Susp. &
Index 2..6 (Receptors2..6)
Bucky Wall Bucky or Tube1***

Pixium 3543EZ used

\Station 4.Tube 2 with WorkstationPortableTube2
with Ceiling Susp. Out of
WiFi FPD out of Bucky Index 2..6 (Receptors2..6)

CR cassette used with

(Station-6) Ceiling Susp. Out of
Index 2..6 (Receptors2..6)
Bucky (Direct mode)

* Presented Stations (internal number): for each of the non CR stations set a grid
indication (if available). This is typically used in Stations 1 and 3 when a
communication protocol with Gantry (RCT) is available

** CPI Receptor: Receprot-1 is reserved for Station-1, for stations 2..6 you can
configure the generator to use any other available receptor. Station-3 and Station-4
typically correspond to the same Receptor.

*** In case Only Tube-1 (table tube) is used with wall Bucky (by 90° rotation) set the
corresponding receptor on the Generator to use Tube-1

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.9 System Backup

Verify that the backup media of your system is provided. This media holds the
parameters that are mostly suitable for your system configuration. This media will
help you to restore your system configuration in case the system software has
become accidentally corrupted during the installation period. However, at this point
it is recommended to perform a new backup that will hold all the actual system
installation data (e.g. configurations, calibration, and DICOM settings).
For details on how to use the backup utility, please refer to chapter-4 and chapte-8.

Once the systems installation and setup is completed it also recommended backing
up the CPI generator final setting and all the PU settings and correction tables.

In addition to system configuration backup, a System Mirror Backup needs to be

performing after every SW upgrade or any configuration changes made to the
DUET system. Using the DiskTool Diagnose Utility (provided with the SW CD, see
9.4) a mirror of the System HDD is recreated in an unused partition of the Image
HDD. This mirrored backup can be used in an event when the System HDD become
corrupted or needs to be replaced with a CMT Generic Stamped HDD (part of the
FRU-Appendix A). With this simple method the system can be operable and
running again within a matter of minutes. For details on how to use this method
please refer to chapter-9.

1. During application phase, doctor’s names and study types may be
programmed in the system. It is recommended to perform a backup
again after the completion of this phase. This backup should include the
registry and the ‘System Setup Databases’.
2. When system software upgrade is to be performed in the future, or
during periodical maintenance, it is recommended to perform a new
updated backup prior to performing your work.
3. To clear all unnecessary information before handing the system to your
customer: Start the Utility menu and open the ‘Reset Databases and
Pending Jobs’ utility. Check the - ‘Delete Patient DB’, ‘Delete Pending
Jobs’ and ‘Delete Stored images’ – checkboxes, click OK and confirm.
4. Backup operation of the Databases can be done also during Auto mode
operation from the Setup menu of the Acquisition screen, for more
details see operational manual. It is advisable to inform your customer
about the importance of making routine backups of the databases.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

6.9.1 Performing Standard Backup

Perform an updated backup of the Registry and Database as described in section 8 of
this manual (8.1 - Maintaining a Duet system Backup Log)

6.9.2 Generator Settings Backup

It is also highly recommended at the end of the installation to keep a Generator setup
and configuration backup file. This could be usefully in cases when a corruption
occurred in the Generator and/or default production is needed. The backup can only
be done through the GenWare utility SW and should be kept together with the
systems backup.

6.9.3 PU Settings and Correction Tables Backup

It is recommended to export and backup all the settings and the correction tables
(Gain, DM, and Settings) stored in the PU to the Duet PC in a predefined directory, or
to an external storage device. This backup, if necessary, can be restored when a
corruption occurred in the PU or in an event where the PU needs to be replaced with a
new one:
1. From the 'ACPP Advanced Management' go to the 'Backup_Restore" tab,
choose the 'Backup option.
2. On the left click on the ' ' icon.
3. In the prompted window choose the preferred directory for the backup or
create a new folder in a chosen directory, and click 'OK':

4. Verify that the directory path chosen is placed in the window next to the
"Choose a Folder' and click the 'Commit' button to start the backup process.
Refer to section 9.12 for more instructions.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Using the 'Restore Detector Modes' and 'Restore Settings' only from the
'Backup_Restore' option will reset all the Digital gain for the acquisition
techniques to "1". Therefore when restore is completed a restore to the
Duet Registry is necessary to restore Digital gain values (from the systems
Backup Utility).

6.9.4 Perform Operating System Backup

Upon completing the system setup and calibration including the application phase,
perfume technician backup using the bootable 'DiskTool' utility from the provided
SW installation DVD.
Refer to Chapter 9

6.10 Installation Evaluation

Verify system performance following the "Installation Evaluation & System
Performance Report" detailed in Appendix D of this manual.
Upon completion of the installation evaluation report make sure to send a scanned
copy to: x-rayimaging.support@thalesgroup.com

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7.1 General
The DUET runs a system self-test automatically every time the SW is logged on.
Each board is tested sequentially and an appropriate Pass or Fail message is displayed on the
workstation monitor.
After all tests passed successfully, the system enters the main application SW.
In case an exceptional error is detected, the self-test is aborted and the system remains
not operational until the failure is corrected.
The following describes a typical configuration self-test. Some of the hardware is
optional and may not exist in the specific system. In such a case the corresponding
self-test will be omitted.

Phase One

7.2 Allegro Tests

This procedure tests the Allegro board,
Test Passed message: Allegro test OK
Test Failure message: Allegro failed on loading PLD # X
PLD (Programmable Logic Device)

7.3 Accord Tests

This procedure tests the Accord board, the MAU board and the communication
between them.
Test Passed message: Accord test OK
Test Failure message: Accord error loading PLD.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

7.4 RS232 Tests

This procedure tests the communication between the system and the generator.
Test Passed message: RS232 test OK
Test Failure message: RS232 test failed

Phase Two

7.5 Initializing RF4343 system

In this stage the Duet SW will power on the ACPP (in case it was off) and initiate
communication. In an event where the communication failed to initiate, the SW will
try six times before it will force restart the ACPP and then try initiate communication

7.6 Loading Main Application

All main application Tasks will start running at this stage

7.7 Create Backup Folder

Every Duet SW log-on and Log-off the SW will backup all the last Databases to
S\disk directory

7.8 System is running

After loading main application and creating backup folder, system is running.

System Self Test 7-167

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09


Make sure to perform a full system backup of the Registry and the
Databases before starting the maintenance procedure. In addition, after any
changes to the system, update the system disk backup using 'Disk Tool'.

8.1 Maintaining a Duet system Backup Log

1. From the Duet Windows Desktop open a new folder: Right click on the mouse to
select New  Folder, rename this folder as 'System Backups' (this is only done once
after initial system setup).
2. In the same manner as above; in the above folder, create a new folder and rename it
as follows:
YYMMDD (Exact Software version) (Reason for creating backup)

Today's From P:\Log\version.txt Short text describing reason for

date making this backup.
Example: end of installation
before install an option
after install an option
before SW upgrade


3. Press [Enter] to complete the file naming process.

4. From the Duet 'Utilities' open the Backup option verify all check boxes are selected,
click on the Backup tab and wait until the operation is successfully completed.
5. Go to 'S:\BckupDir directory and copy the 'Backup.zip' file in to the file created in
step 2 above.
6. When the backup process has finished it is highly recommended to copy this file to an
external device, or alternatively perform the backup directly to an external device
(such as USB) cording to the following:

a. Insert a mass storage device (e.g. Memory Stick) in the front available USB MPU
port. Use ‘My Computer’ to verify that the device is properly activated

Before connecting the storage device to

the PC ensure that it is free of viruses

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

b. Verify that in the mass storage device root directory there are no files named
'Backup.zip', performing the backup procedure will overwrite these files, if there
are; modify their names.

c. From Windows desktop, open the Duet ‘Utilities’ menu and select the ‘Backup’
option. From the Backup Drive box select the mass storage device.

d. Check all the check-boxes (‘Registry’, ‘System Setup Data Base’ …boxes).

e. Click the Backup button and wait until the operation is successfully completed.

8.2 System Disk Backup (Ghost)

Using the DiskTool Diagnostic Utility from the Duet bootable SW CD, perform a
System Disk backup. For more details see section 9.4.

8.3 Maintenance and Inspection

Classification Item Check item Check contents and Check Standard Counter-
of check No. method interval measures
System 1 Confirming Turn ON the system, select 6 months No errors Consult
application startup technician mode. appears CMT if
Confirm that all critical
applications (main errors
application, calibration and appear
Utility) are functioning
System 2 Confirming the Check the errors log file 6 months No error files If error exist
presence of the investigate
log file the cause
System 3 Checking the Log out from the 6 months The system If error exist
shutdown application. should shut investigate
procedure down without the cause
Facility power 4 Checking the Confirm that the voltage of 1 year The voltage If voltage is
input supply the facility power is should be not within
voltage correct. appropriate. range, turn
For details off the
See section: system till, voltage
Inside the PC 5 Fans: Checking Check that the CPU fan, 6 months The fans Clean the
operation of all the upper fan (near the should operate fans
computer’s fans, power supply), and the normally and carefully
and cleanness lower fan operate be free of dust. with a brush
normally. if necessary.
Inside the PC 6 Disk Check: Using DiskTool software 6 months No errors In case of
Performing from the DUET Software errors,
mechanical and CD. replace the
surface Note: this operation can Hard Disk
examination of take 2 hours. Alternatively, Drive.
the HDD you can run ‘Quick Check’

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Classification Item Check item Check contents and Check Standard Counter-
of check No. method interval measures
Inside the PC 7 Disk Cleanup Backup images to an 6 months (3 No errors In case of
Remove unneeded external media, and months for errors,
files perform backup of the ‘heavy load’ replace the
Registry and databases sites) Hard Disk
from the utility menu. Drive.
Start-> Run-> ‘Cleanmgr’
Select drive C:\ and press
Ok-> Ok -> Yes.
When process is finished,
repeat for all other HDD in
the system
Inside the PC 8 Disk Backup images to an 6 months (3
Defragmenter external media, and months for
perform backup of the ‘heavy load’
Registry and databases sites)
from the utility menu.
Start->Run-> ‘dfrg.msc’
Right click on Drive C:\
and select ‘Defragment’
When finished, repeat for
all other HDD.
Inside the 9 Cleaning the Clean the PCB’s in the 6 months The PCB’s
interface rack PCB’s interface rack and PC. Be should be free
and PC sure to handle the PCBs of dust.
with care and to avoid
static electricity.
Inside the PC 10 MB Backup MB backup Battery 2-3 years
Battery Replacement (sec 9.10)
Each unit 11 Checking the If there is a daughter 1 year The daughter
daughter board board, check its mounting board should
mounting status status. be mounted
Each unit 12 Tightening the Check the tightness of the 6 months The screws
screws of each screws of each unit. should not be
unit loose.
Each unit 13 Checking the foot Check foot switches proper 6 months All switches
switches operation. should operate

System 14 Checking system Confirm that each cable 6 months The cable As per
installation connector is connected connectors Installation
properly. should be evaluation
Check the conditions connected recommend
according to this manual. correctly ation
Perform system Installation
Installation evaluation as evaluation
per Appendix D passed

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Classification Item Check item Check contents and Check Standard Counter-
of check No. method interval measures
System 15 Running hardware Run the hardware 6 months No more If errors
diagnostics diagnostics as described in errors than exceed the
chapter 4 of this manual: written. permissible
Check that there are no tolerance,
more then 2 errors within replace the
150 loops of testing. faulty Board

System 16 Run System Insert System software CD Every Should finish

Backup and run DiskTool, follow software or successfully
section 9 hardware
System 17 Run Disk Insert DUET CD and 1 year Should finish If necessary
Diagnostic follow section 9 to run w/o errors replace
DiskTool faulty HW
Interface rack 18 Cleaning the Clean the interface rack 6 months The interface
and PC cabinet and PC with a soft cloth rack and PC
moistened with cleaning should not be
solution. soiled.
PC 19 Cleaning the Clean the monitor with a 6 months The monitor,
Accessories monitor, soft cloth moistened with keyboard, and
keyboard, and monitor cleaning solution. mouse should
mouse Clean the keyboard and not be soiled.
mouse in the same manner.

Table 8-2: Inspection and Maintenance Procedure

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9.1 Troubleshooting Guidelines


Turn off the system and disconnect the AC Mains power cable from its supply
terminal before any replacement of any component.

9.1.1 Equipment Protection

Take precaution against static electricity when handling internal electronic parts.
Wear a properly grounded bracelet to avoid equipment damage.

Disconnect the AC Mains power cable from its supply terminal before cleaning the
equipment. Water, soap or other liquids, if allowed to drip into the equipment they
may cause electrical short circuits. Do not place food or beverage containers on any
part of the equipment. They can tip over and introduce conductive substances into the
electrical circuits.

9.1.2 Problems and Workarounds

Problem Symptom Potential Cause What should I do
The system is not The MPU is not turning on No power Check that the RCU (Rack) receives
turning on and the LED’s on RCU I/O power.
are not lit Blown fuse Check the fuses in the PDU (Rack).
Replace the fuses after fixing the cause
of the dead fuse.
Dead MPU The MPU Fans / LEDS are No power Check that the power cable is connected
off. properly in the MPU and the PDU
Check the power cable.
The workstation monitor Check that the workstation’s monitor is
is not working. on. Check workstation’s monitor power
cable connection. Check workstation
monitor DVI cable connection.
Check if the WS Monitor was replaced.
Dead power supply Replace power supply
Bad motherboard or one Replace the MPU
of the components
One of the boards in the Dismount all boards, mount them back
MPU is defective one by one, find the defective board and
replace it.
MPU is not The MPU starts to boot but Loose cable connection in Check all MPU cables connection.
booting the boot process is not the MPU Especially check the hard drives cables
complete (stops before the area on the motherboard.
application software is on) The flat cable between Connect the cable or replace if
ACCORD and necessary.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Problem Symptom Potential Cause What should I do

ALLEGRO is not
connected properly
One of the boards is Check ACCORD:
defective or not connected Two middle LED’s on the ACCORD
properly must be illuminated when the MPU is
on. If not check fuse. Replace the board
if needed.
The right LED on the ALLEGRO must
lit when the MPU is on. If not check
fuse. Replace the board if needed.
Problem with a socket: Verify that all socket components are
DIMM, µP, BIOS properly attached to sockets.
Some capacitors might be Problem with the Replace the MB
blown-up motherboard
Windows Problems related to the Different Check the Event Viewer for errors and
problems operating system try to follow according to error
Serial comm. Communication with -Wrong generator type -Generator type in SSPM
generator interface generator lost parameter -Replace RS232 kit
is not functioning -Defective cables
No No X-ray interface The fiber cable is not Connect properly the fiber optics cable
communication connected TX to RX and vice versa
with RC I/O board The fiber optics cable is Replace fiber optics cable
Problem in RC I/O Replace RC I/O
Problem in ACCORD Replace ACCORD board
Image quality The image is too bright or Incorrect dose settings Verify that the dose setting is correct.
issues too dark Perform exposure in the same
conditions as in site verification and
compare. If needed change dose
The monitors are not Check if the image brightness is the
calibrated correctly same on both monitors. If the problem
is in one of the monitors then calibrate
that monitor.
The system is not Perform system calibration
ALLEGRO or DISPLAY If only one of the monitors has the
ADAPTER boards are problem then:
defective Problem with the In Room monitor-
replace the ALLEGRO and check.
Problem with the workstation
monitor - replace the DISPLAY
ADAPTER board and check.
Defected monitor The problem with a monitor will be
usually with one of them – In Room
monitor or workstation monitor.
Try another monitor with the same
settings and replace if necessary.
AEC Ion Chambers Verify AEC Ion chamber is
calibrated to the right Dose and
function repeatedly correctly
Verify Ion Chamber Cell
equalization (all 3 stops at the same
dose – mAs)
Verify orientation of the AEC Ion
chamber cells are correct using a
lead plate to cover the chosen cell
The image is noisy - the The system grounding is Connect the system to a good ground.
noise is in shape of small not connected properly
spikes in the image New devices installed in Check ground connection and improve
the room if necessary
The image in noisy - the Incorrect dose settings If the dose settings are too low the
image has a snow-like signal is too low and needs high gain.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Problem Symptom Potential Cause What should I do

pattern Too high gain causes noise in the
Verify that the dose setting is correct.
Perform exposure in the same
conditions as in site verification and
compare. If needed change dose
Vertical/ Horizontal The lines appear some Following "Manual DM Correction' in
half/full column line time after the Fluoro section Start the Fluoro/Radio
artifacts mode Gain/DM acquisition, until the vertical/horizontal
calibration. These lines line artifact appears on the image and
are not added to Defect correct it.
Map during the
calibration and therefore
are not corrected
Digital Artifacts Problem in one of the Check cables leading to ACCORD.
cables Replace if needed.
Check ACCORD to ALLEGRO flat
cables. Replace if needed.
Problem in one of the Replace ACCORD and check if the
boards problem is solved. If not return the
original ACCORD in place.
Replace ALLEGRO and check if the
problem is solved. If not return the
original ALLEGRO in place.
Noises in power supply Check the power supply connection in
PU/FPD Check raw image from coming from the
PU using the calibration setup for
different mode to conclude the source
of the problem
Half image is blacken (top High amount of defect - Check amount of defected
or Bottom) pixels in one row pixels in the blacken part of the FPD
- From the FPD
management AdvancedSettings,
uncheck the "'Merge Blinking
Pixels" box and recalibrate the only
DM without Blinking Pixels.
Intermittent dark or Black Problem with the X-Ray Connect scope to the:
images generator 1)ALLEGRO Analog video
synchronization. 2) X-ray command to the generator
The RC I/O is not RC I/O is not initialized Problem with the fiber Replace the fiber optics cable.
functioning properly optics cable. The LED Check that there are no alien objects in
VLNT in RC I/O is on in the fiber connectors.
case of a problem of Check ACCORD and RC I/O. If needed
communication from replace the defective board.
The Lower-Right LED on
ACCORD is on in case of
a problem of
communication from RC
Problem with the PDU Replace the defective power supplies.
(Rack) power supplies
Problem with the RC I/O Replace the RC I/O
Problem with the Replace the ACCORD
The interface with the room Problem with the room Check that the room cables are
is not working correctly interface cables connected properly.
Problem in the high Check the generator interface
voltage generator
Problem with the software Set properly the software setting
settings (hardware pin assignments and
properties, room parameters, etc.)

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Problem Symptom Potential Cause What should I do

Problem with the fiber Replace the fiber optics cable
optics cable
Problem with the PDU Replace the defective power supplies.
(Rack) power supplies
Problem with the RC I/O Replace the RC I/O
Problem with the Accord Replace the ACCORD

Table 9-1 : Troubleshooting Guidelines

9.2 Boards LED Indications

9.2.1 ACCORD LED's

Board led's arrangement:

D1 3.3VDC
D2, D3, D4 1.5V(FPGA)
D5 All on board FPGA are configured
D6 Main FPGA (U31) is configured


Board led's arrangement:

D1 5 VDC
D2 3.3VDC
D3 Service
D4 Main FPGA (U28) is configured
D5 VLTN ( If ON, connection with RCU is lost)
D6 All on board FPGA are configured
D8 1.2 V (FPGA Vcc in)

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.2.3 VIVACE LED's

Board Led's arrangement:

D2 3.3VDC
D3, D4 Service
D5 1.8 V (N/A)
D6 1.2 V (FPGA Vcc in)

9.2.4 RCU LEDs

16 LEDs are mounted on the RCU panel. Half of them are used to indicate some
statuses while the other half are not in use at current RCU revision (optional). Note
that the optional LEDs are connected to the FPGA and any internal/external signal
can be referred to them. The names beside the optional LEDs should be currently
The 8 used LEDs are those located at both sides of the RCU panel.

READY – System is ready to operate

FIBER OK – Fiber communication (RCU-MPU) is OK
EXP REQ – Exposure request signal
EXP ACK – Exposure acknowledge signal
5V – RCU +5V supply is OK
+15V – RCU ++5V supply is OK
-15V – RCU -15V supply is OK
3.3V – RCU +3.3V supply is OK

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.2.5 FPU LEDs

External (On front panel, Yellow/green)

Led Function
Green 24VDC Internal PS is On (AC supplied, CB is on)
Off No internal 24VDC
Green 24VDC to FPD is applied
Yellow 24VDC to FPD is not applied
Green No command to turn off the FPD 24VDC supply
Yellow Command to turn off the FPD 24VDC is ON
Green AC voltage to PU is applied
Yellow AC voltage to PU is not applied

9.2.6 Detector LEDs

4343 RF Detector:
There are five LED's on the detector Front-End, to display basic information on the
detector s operation:

POWER: ON when power supplied to the detector is available

COM: ON when optical fiber link between the detector and the PU is locked and
ready (Will turn ON around 3 seconds after power on). OFF when Fiber
optic is unlocked.
RDY: ON when the detector initialization has been successfully completed after
power up.
FREQ: This LED is driven by the detector sequencer hardware. It signals the active
state of Frame request signal received from the System.
XRAY: This LED is driven by the detector sequencer hardware. It lights OFF during
the X-Ray window (signaled by the active state of the X-Ray Enable signal
sent to the System) this is adjustable through Processing Unit settings. It
lights ON between two X-Ray windows.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4343 FL Detector:
There are five LED's on the detector Front-End, to display basic information on the
detector s operation:

D1- POWER ON: ON when power supplied to the detector is available

D2 - READY: This LED is driven by the micro-controller and is lighted ON when
the micro-controller boot up has been successfully completed
D3 – COM_OK: ON when optical fiber link between the detector and the PU is
locked and ready (Will turn ON around 3 seconds after power on).
OFF when Fiber optic is unlocked
D4- XRAY_EN: This LED is driven by the front-end sequencer hardware. It lights
ON during the X-Ray window (signaled by the active state of the X-
Ray Enable signal sent to the system). It lights OFF between two X-
Ray windows (XRAY_OK)
D5 FRAM_EN: This LED is driven by the front-end sequencer hardware. It signals
the active states of Frame Request signal received from the system

3543EZ Detector

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.2.7 PU LED's
Led's on the PU Pixboard:
At start-up of the PU, the service rings to indicate the connection with the detector.
If the connection is not correct, there are 20 single bips and an acute bip followed by
a grave bip.
If the connection is correct, there are few single bips (less than 10) and a grave bip
followed by an acute bip.
At power-up, Power on Self Test (POST) messages are shown, indicating progress
and possible error codes.
During normal operation, the state of the Frame Request and X-ray Enable lines is
shown or possible error codes.

The Frame Request bar LED indicates the status of the Frame Request signal sent by
the Duet system. It lights for an active frame request.
This X-ray Enable bar LED is driven by the X-Ray Enable signal sent to the Duet
system. It lights if and only if the X-Ray window is active (signaled by the active
state of the X-Ray Enable signal sent to the Duet system).
If an error occurs, error code regarding front end or Pixboard is displayed using the
double-digit 7-segment display.

Leds on the Dynamix board:

LED color Description

The Dynamix is fully operational. If led is blinking, the system
is ready and connection with detector is OK
Orange The system is in Emergency mode
Red The system is not available

Leds on the LVDS board:

LED color Description
Green (right top) 3.3V power supply to LVDS board
Green 5V power supply of the LVDS board
Green Blinking led at the Frame request speed

Troubleshooting & Replacement Procedures 9-179

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.2.8 RCU I/O Board Test Points

For more detail description of RCU signals go to appandix B in this manual

4 1

6 3

TP4 F3 F1









ABC - TP10











Figure 9-1: RCU board, test points

RCU I/O Test Point Description:

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Ports description:
- Digital Input - Digital input is based on galvanic isolated Opto-coupler. Input can be:
• Dry contact (such a relay)
• Wet contact (voltage with any polarity, differential or single ended)
- Digital output - Galvanic isolated dry contact realized by Opto-coupler.
- SSR output - Same as digital output but with higher current sinking capacity.
- Analog Input - Buffered instrumentation amplifier.
- Analog output - Buffered instrumentation amplifier.

Inputs test point's connection:

Input To FPGA

Output test point's connection:

From FPGA Opto



Prior to removing the RCU I/O board for the

purpose of inspecting the I/O signals, it is
recommended to perform the signal test on the
generator side, in addition to the LED's indication
on the RCU back connector plate.

Before removing the RCU I/O board, turn the whole

system down and disconnect the power cord from
the RCU.
During the RCU I/O signal inspection, care should
be taking to prevent any contact with the under side
of the board.
It is highly recommended to rest the board on an
isolating material in order to prevent any damages
to the board caused by short circuit.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Pin RCU Channel Signal name Port/Pin
1 Inp_Lvt0 FL req A 1,34
2 Inp_Lvt1 MAG 1 A 18,2
3 Inp_Lvt2 Prep req A 19,3
4 Inp_Lvt3 Exp req A 20,4
5 Inp_Lvt4 PF_rate_0 A 21,5
6 Inp_Lvt5 PF_rate_1 A 22,6
7 Inp_Lvt6 PF_mode A 23,7
8 Inp_Lvt7 MAG 2 A 24,8
9 Inp_Lvt8 MAG 3 A 25,9
10 Inp_Lvt9 HLF A 26,10

Pin RCU Channel Signal name Port/Pin
1 FetLvtOut0 Generator On A 27,11
2 FetLvtOut1 RCT turn off pin (Optional) A 28,12
3 FetLvtOut2 Exp Ack A 29,13
4 FetLvtOut3 Generator Shutdown A 30,14
5 FetLvtOut4 FL gnt A 31,15
6 FetLvtOut5 PF trig pulse A 32,16
7 SSR_Out_Lvt0 N/A A 33,17
8 SSR_Out_Lvt1 N/A A 47,48
9 SSR_Out_Lvt2 N/A A 49,50
10 FetLvtOut6 N/A B 5,13

Pin RCU Channel Signal name Port/Pin
1 Inp_Lvt10 MAG 1 * B 1,9
2 Inp_Lvt11 MAG 2 * B 2,10
4 Inp_Lvt12 MAG 3 * B 3,11
4 Inp_Lvt13 N/A B 4,12
5 Inp_Lvt14 N/A C 9,2
6 Inp_Lvt15 N/A C 11,4
7 Inp_Lvt16 N/A C 12,5
8 Inp_Lvt17 N/A D 1,6
9 Inp_Lvt18 N/A D 2,7
10 Inp_Lvt19 N/A SP2 7,11
* Only used in System with Port B

Pin RCU Channel Signal name Port/Pin
1 FetLvtOut7 N/A B 6,14
2 FetLvtOut8 N/A D 8,4
3 FetLvtOut9 N/A D 9,5
4 FetLvtOut10 N/A DCF 8,6
5 FetLvtOut11 N/A DCF 4,2
6 FetLvtOut12 N/A DCF 1,24
7 FetLvtOut13 N/A DCF 22,20
8 FetLvtOut14 N/A DCF 18,16
9 FetLvtOut15 N/A N/A
10 FetLvtOut16 N/A N/A 7,8

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Pin RCU Channel Signal name Port/Pin
1 Inp_Lvt20 N/A SP2 8,12
2 Inp_Lvt21 N/A SP2 13,10
4 Inp_Lvt22 N/A SP2 9,15
4 Pinp_Lvt0 N/A SP2 1,14
5 Pinp_Lvt1 N/A SP2 2,14
6 Pinp_Lvt2 N/A SP2 3,14
7 Pinp_Lvt3 N/A SP2 4,14
8 Pinp_Lvt4 N/A SP2 5,14
9 Pinp_Lvt5 N/A SP2 6,14
10 Inp_Lvt23 N/A DCF 13,25

Pin RCU Channel Signal name Port/Pin
1 FetLvtOut17 N/A
2 FetLvtOut18 FPD Off IO spare 6,14
3 FetLvtOut19 PU Off IO spare 7,15
4 SSR_Out_Lvt3 N/A
5 SSR_Out_Lvt5 N/A
6 SSR_Out_Lvt4 N/A DCF 14,10
10 GND N/A

Pin RCU Channel Signal name Port/Pin
1 Inp_24 N/A DCF 11,23
2 Inp_Lvt25 N/A DCF 9,21
4 Inp_Lvt26 N/A DCF 7,19
4 Inp_Lvt27 N/A DCF 5,17
5 Inp_Lvt28 N/A DCF 3,15
6 Inp_Lvt29 N/A IO spare 1,9
7 Inp_Lvt30 N/A IO spare 2,10
8 Inp_Lvt31 N/A IO spare 3,11
9 Inp_Lvt32 N/A IO spare 4,12
10 Inp_Lvt33 N/A IO spare 5,13

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.3 Unit Replacement Guidelines

Take precaution against Electro Static Discharge (ESD) when
handling electronic boards.
Wear an antistatic bracelet to avoid equipment damage.

9.3.1 MPU (PC) Power Supply Replacement

Flow the steps below:
1. Shut-down the system
2. Switch-off Power supply switch and disconnect main power plug from the
MPU back-side (see figure below)
3. Release two hand-screws from PC back side, push back and remove MPU
side cover
4. Carefully disconnect 6 power supply connections: 3xHDD, CD/DVD and
2xMB (4pin connector + 24pin connector)
- Cut cables tie-wraps as needed

5. After all power cables were removed and designated, open 4 mounting
screws of the power supply unit from PC back plane (see figure below) and
remove it with all its cables and connectors.

6. Remove Replace the power supply unit and carefully reconnect all cables
and connectors to the original positions. Gather the cables with tire-wraps.
Make sure to prevent collisions of cables/connectors with fans

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Pay attention not to connect any power connector under voltage .it
might cause a sever damage to the motherboard HDD or DVD.

9.3.2 RCU Power Supply Replacement

The RCU PS kit includes the following items:

Item # Quantity Item

3 2 Fuse 2.5A/250V
7 1 Wires “Power supply GND”

1. Turn off the system

2. Unplug AC input plug,
3. Disconnect all connectors from the RCU connectors plate
4. Dismount the RCU from its rack
5. Unscrew the RCU top cover's 6 mounting screws
6. Unscrew the power supply's' 4 Philips mounting screws and washers.


7. Disconnect wire “GND P.S.” from Power supplies.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

8. Disconnect blue and brown wires from green terminal block

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9. In case you need to replace PWS, 40W, 3 OUT.SWITCH.W/T.BLOCK

disconnect 4 wires (White, Black, Violet, Red) as shown in the figure

White Violet
Black Red

10. In case you need to replace PWS, 40W, 24V SWITCH.W/T.BLOCK

disconnect 2 wires (Black, Yellow) as shown in the figure


11. Mount the new P.S with 4 Phillips screws and washers as shown in figure.
12. Connect wires “GND P.S.” to Power supplies as shown in step 5.
13. In case of PWS, 40W, 3 OUT.SWITCH.W/T.BLOCK replacements;
connect 4 wires (White, Black, Violet, Red) as shown in step six.
14. In case of PWS, 40W, 24V SWITCH.W/T.BLOCK replacement; connect 2
wires (Black, Yellow) as shown in step seven.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

15. Connect the blue and brown wires to the green terminal block as shown in
step 6.
Checking and adjusting P.S voltage:


- Check with DVM 24V+/-2% according “24V pin assignment” table use
the voltage adj. Potentiometer if needed.
- Check with DVM 5V+/-2% according “Triple pin assignment” table use
the voltage adj. Potentiometer if needed.

24V Pin Assign Triple Pin Assign

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.3.3 RCU Transformer Replacement

The RCU transformer kit includes the following items:

Item # Item Quantity

2 Washer M10 FLAT WASHER 1
3 Nut M10 SELF LOCK 1
4 Screw M10 x 80 FLAT HEAD 1

1. Disconnect the transformer wires from the barrier blocks accordance with
drawing and tables

Wire color Barrier blocks #

RED 14
BLACK (from sleeve with green) 13
BLACK (from sleeve with white) 17

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Using Allen ranch dismount the transformer from the chassis.

Nut &

2. Mount the new transformer to the chassis.

3. Connect the transformer wires to the barrier blocks accordance with drawing and
tables step 1

9.3.4 RCU Fan Replaceent

The RCU Fan replacement kit includes the following items:

Item # Item Quantity

1 RCU Fans 4

Disconnect the fan connector from power supply connector

Dismount fans from its guard’s according figure

Mount the new fan.

Check with power on functioning of all fans; replace all the fans simultaneously if

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.3.5 Replacement of Old FPU (FPU-A) with new FPU (FPU-B)

This procedure describes:
• Replacement of old type FPU box by new FPU (FPU-B) box. The new FPU
includes the new PUC-C board.
Refer to,
• Replacing the old PUC board by a new PUC board (PUC-C) in an old FPU box.
The outcome is an old FPU box with a new PUC board.
Refer to,
• Operation and testing of the new FPU (same operation and testing for both types
of replacement).
Refer to &

The new FPU Support only versions 1.04 and above FPU-B top assembly replacement

1. General precaution


• Inspect equipment and shipping containers for any signs of shipping damage or
mishandling. Do not attempt to install the system if damage is apparent.
• Make sure that no cable is connected to the FPU
• Remove the FPU cover by opening 8 screws. Check for loose connections,
unsecured components or internal damage in the FPU.
• Check for any unsafe feature that may present a potential safety hazard.

2. Mains voltage checking and setting

• The FPU has 2 input voltages ranges, 100 – 120V and 200 – 230V
• The proper circuit breaker, 120V / 7A or 240V / 3.5A, should be installed
depending on the input voltage range.
• Verify that the proper circuit breaker is installed. See also FPU label.
• Connectors- jumpers, J3 and J10 at the PCU board, set the proper output voltage
(by proper connections of the isolation transformer terminals). See following
figures 1 and 2.
• For identical input and output voltage, two couples of connectors-jumpers are
- Identical J3 and J10 labeled “100V - 120V” for the range 100 – 120V.
- Identical J3 and J10 labeled “200V -230V” for the range 200 – 230V.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 1 - Connectors-jumpers

• Install /verify that J3 and J10 are correct for the required voltage range.

Figure 2 - Assembling of Connectors-jumpers J3 and J10

• Return the FPU cover and close its 8 screws.

3. Old FPU disassembling


• Be sure that no voltage is applied to the FPU

• Disconnect the cables, at FPU side:
- Input power cable to “LINE IN”
- Output power cable to “MAIN PWR”
- All ground cables at FPU ground screw
- Gen remote cable to “GEN REMOTE”
- Det power cable to “DET POWER”
• Disconnect the cables, at both sides:
- RS422 cable from MPU to FPU “PC RS422”
- USB cable from PU to FPU “ACPP remote”

These cables are not in use with the new FPU and if possible should be
removed from the system or clearly marked as unused!!

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


• Dismount the FPU from its rack. Take care when lifting the FPU, the FPU
weights about 15Kg

4. FPU-B assembling


• Assemble the new FPU (FPU-B) instead of the old one. Be careful. Take care
when lifting the FPU, the FPU weights about 15Kg
• Connect the cables to the new FPU (FPU-B) (See figures 3-6):
- All ground cables (that were disassembled from the old FPU) to FPU-B lock
the ground screw
- Gen remote cable to FPU “GEN REMOTE”
- Det power cable to FPU “DET POWER”
- New “ACPP REMOTE CABLE” between USB port of PU and FPU “ACPP

Figure 3 - PU remote cable

- New “RCU to FPU CABLE” between RCU “IO SPARE” and FPU “RCU

Figure 4 - RCU-FPU cable

- Output power cable to “MAIN PWR”

- Input power cable to “LINE IN”

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 5 - FPU – B front

Figure 6 - RCU front

5. NEW FPU (FPU-B), SW setting and testing

Refer to & PUC board replacement in old type FPU

1. General precaution


• Inspect the PUC board for any signs of shipping damage or mishandling. Do not
attempt to install the system if damage is apparent.
• Use antistatic equipment while handling the board
• Check for any unsafe feature that may present a potential safety hazard.

2. PUC Board assembling and connection

2.1 Old PUC board disassembling.

(See figure 7)
• Verify that no AC power is supplied to the FPU and turn off the circuit breaker.
• Disconnect the input power cable to “LINE IN”
• Disconnect the cables, at both sides:
- USB cable from PU to FPU “ACPP remote”
- RS422 cable from MPU to FPU “PC RS422”

These cables are not in use with the new FPU and if possible should be
removed from the system or clearly marked as unused!!

Note: do not disconnect the cables:

- All ground cables connected to the GND screw.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 7 – Old PUC board inside Old FPU box

• Open the 4 screws of the PUC board and gently pull the board out.
• Disconnect the 25 pins D-type connector that connects the old PUC to the FPU.

2.2 New PUC (PUC-C) assembling

(See figures 8-12)
• Connect the 25 pins D-type connector to P1 at the new PUC board



Figure 8 - PUC-C top view

• Connect the 25 pins D-type connector to the new PUC board.

• Gently, slide the PUC board in the slots.
• Assemble the 4 screws (included in the kit) and fasten them.
• Connect the new cables:
- New “ACPP REMOTE CABLE” between USB port of PU and FPU “ACPP

Figure 9 - PU remote cable

- New “RCU to FPU CABLE” between RCU “IO SPARE” and FPU “RCU

Figure 10 - RCU-FPU cable

- Gen remote cable to FPU “GEN REMOTE” (Connect to the box, not to PUC-
- Det power cable to FPU “DET POWER” (Connect to the box, not to PUC-C).
- Output power cable to “MAIN PWR”
- Input power cable to “LINE IN”

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 11 – New PUC-C board inside old FPU

Figure 12 - RCU front

2.3 New FPU (FPU-B), SW setting and testing

Refer to &

Troubleshooting & Replacement Procedures 9-196

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 New FPU SW update

• From Windows desktop (in technician mode) open the System Utilities program
and select “System parameters” tab.

Figure 13 - System utilities window

• Go to 'CMT SSPM  Configuration  Internal Hardware Option' and on the left

set “FPD Power Unit” = 2 and save. See figure 14.

Figure 14 - System parameters setting windows

Troubleshooting & Replacement Procedures 9-197

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09 New FPU testing

(See figures 15-18)

• Turn on the FPU circuit breaker
• Apply AC power and turn on the Duet system
• Start the system in “Technician mode”
• Verify:
- RCU, FPU, MPU, turned on.
- All 4 leds at the FPU panel light (green)
• Start the “System Utilities” program:

Figure 15 - System utilities window

• Select the “Hardware Diagnostic”, the following window will invoke:

Figure 16 - Applying FPU-B diagnostic

• From the menu bar select “View  FPU diagnostic":

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 17 - FPU-B test and confirmation window

Note: The diagnostic program applies the FPU test SW according to FPD Power
Unit parameter as set in SSPM

• Confirm by selecting “Yes” or disconfirm by selecting “No”

• The test keeps running automatically for 3 more steps while the user has to verify
the results, at each step, and confirm (or disconfirm).
• When finished, the complete test result window will appear

Figure 18 - FPU-B test results window

• Verify succeeded of all 4 tests and select “OK”

• The results (succeeded or failed) are stored at file: FPU_PUC_B_Diagnostic.TXT
• Quit the diagnostic program.
• Quit the “System Utilities”.

The new FPU (or new PUC at old FPU box) is now installed and tested.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.3.6 New FPU test switches

These switches were inserted for non-completed fast PUC-C test. There are 3 small
holes in the front panel. Behind each hole there is a small switch. See drawing above
marked with arrows. In order to press a switch it is required to use a thin tool
(preferred not metallic!!).
When turning the new FPU on with the circuit breaker, the 3 upper LEDs turn to
green. The lower LED “ACPP(pu) PWR” remain yellow (unless there is a command
from generator at “GEN REMOTE” connector or 5V to “ACPP POWER” USB
connector from PU).
- Remote on switch
This switch is connected in parallel with the Gen remote input. Thus, pressing
this switch would cause the supplying of AC power out (MAIN PWR) and the
“ACPP (PU) PWR” LED would turn to green.
- FPD off switch
This switch is connected in parallel with “FPD off” command from RCU
(received at RCU comm. connector). Thus, pressing this switch would cause
the DET power 24VDC to vanish. The “DET PWR CMD” LED and the “DET
PWR OUT “ LED would turn to yellow.
- PU off switch
This switch is connected in parallel with “PU off” command from RCU
(received at RCU comm. connector). Thus, pressing this switch would cause
the AC power (MAIN PWR) to vanish. The “ACPP(pu) PWR” LED would
turn to yellow. Note that the AC power to PU should be turned on prior to this
switch pressing.
There are 4 ways for turning on the AC power to the PU.
• Connecting the “Gen Remote” cable from generator and turning on the
• Connect a dummy connector to the “Gen Remote” connector (DB9
male connector with pins 1 and 6 shorted - supplied with the system)
• Connect the USB cable from the operating PU to “ACPP REMOTE”
• Pressing and holding the “Remote On” switch.
Pressing the “PU off” switch, overcomes the turn on command.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.3.7 FPU Transformer Replacement

The FPU Transformer kit includes the following items:

Item # Item Quantity

2 Washer M10 FLAT WASHEK 1
3 Nut M10 SELF LOCK 1
4 Screw M10 x 80 FLAT HEAD 1

Wire color Barrier blocks #

BLACK (from sleeve with green) 10
RED 11
BLACK (from sleeve with white) 14

9.3.8 ACCORD Replacement

Before assembling the ACCORD board:
1. Visually inspect the ACCORD and plastic rail firm assembly.
2. Check that PCI edge connector on the board is clean.
3. Make sure that the system is off.
4. Open the MPU side cover.
5. Disconnect the coaxial external cables connected to the ACCORD.
6. Disconnect the flat cable connecting between the ACCORD, ALLEGRO and
VIVACE and the two flat cables connecting between the ACCORD and
VIVACE cards.
7. Unscrew ACCORD bracket, release Taiko bracket screw (below Accord) and
push Taiko card a bit down. This will enable removing Accord
8. Insert the new ACCORD.
9. Screw the ACCORD bracket and tighten Taiko back in position
10. Connect the flat cable from ALLEGRO to ACCORD and VIVACE.
11. Close MPU external cover.
12. Connect MPU external cables Coaxial cable video out connected to the
13. Perform system verification.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.3.9 ALLEGRO Replacement

Before assembling the ALLEGRO board,

1. Visually inspect the ALLEGRO and plastic rail firm assembly.

2. Check that PCI edge connector on the board is clean.
3. Make sure that the system is off.
4. Open the MPU side cover.
5. Disconnect MPU external cables connected to the ALLEGRO. Pay special
attention to fiber optics cables, do not bend them, and use special caps
protectors, to protect the fiber optic connectors.

Note the Fiber Optic cables polarity (transmitter/receiver),
you will have to reconnect them the same way.

6. Disconnect the flat cable connecting between the ACCORD, ALLEGRO

7. Unscrew ALLEGRO bracket.
8. Remove the ALLEGRO board from the MPU. Be careful with the board.
Pay special attention not to disconnect any cables during ALLEGRO
9. Visually inspect the PCI slot in the MPU that the new board will be inserted
10. Remove the special covers from the Transmitter and Receiver connectors.
11. Insert the new ALLEGRO into the MPU.
12. Screw the ALLEGRO bracket to the MPU.
13. Connect the flat cable from ALLEGRO to ACCORD and VIVACE (If
14. Close MPU external covers.
15. Connect MPU external cables (fiber optic, Camera data cable) to the
16. Check the fiber optic cables and make sure they are connected properly. If
the cables are not connected properly, ALLEGRO - RCU I/O
communication will not function.
17. Perform system verification.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.3.10 RCU- IO Replacement

Item # Item Quantity


High voltage inside the RCU. Do not handle RCU internal parts before
verifying that the high voltage (110-220 V) is disconnected from the RCU
(no high voltage on RCU transformer).

Before assembling the RCU-IO board:

1. Visually inspect the RCU-IO.
2. Power off the system.
3. Disconnect all the cables connected on the RCU front panel
4. Open RCU front panel 4 screws.

RCU Front 2
right screws
RCU Front 2
left screws

5. Carefully slide out the RCU-IO ASSY from the RCU unit.
6. Disconnect RCU-IO power connector.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

7. Slide in the new RCU-IO ASSY to the rails in RCU unit.

8. Connect RCU-IO power connector.
9. Secure the RCU-IO ASSY using the panel mounting screws.
10. Connect all the cables to the RCU-IO board.
11. Check that all cables are connected and tighten properly
12. Check fiber optics cables to make sure they are connected properly. If the
cables are not connected properly, ALLEGRO – RCU-IO communication
will not function.
13. Turn on the system.
14. Perform system verification.

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.4 DiskTool Diagnose Utility

In addition to system configuration backup (Database, Registry), a System Mirror
Backup needs to be performing after every SW upgrade or any configuration changes
made to the Duet system. Using the DiskTool Diagnose Utility (provided with the
SW DVD) a mirror of the System HDD is recreated in an unused partition of the
Image HDD. This mirrored backup can be used in an event when the System HDD
become corrupted or needs to be replaced with a CMT Generic Stamped HDD (part
of the FRU). With this simple method the system can be operable and running again
within a matter of minutes.

Before running Backup and after running Restore make sure the drive letters are
correct in disk management (right click on 'My Computer' and choose the Manage

Figure 9-2: Hard Disk Drive letters arrangement

The DiskTool Diagnose Utility is part of the DUET system software CD supplied
with the DUET system.
In order to run DiskTool Diagnose Utility, insert DUET system software CD to the
DVD drive:
Restart the system and Press the 'Del' key when windows boot up to enter the
system BIOS
In the prompting window; Enter password: ”techsp” and click 'Enter'
In the BIOS setup utility go to: Boot menu > Boot Option Priorities
(Use the left, right, up, down keys to navigate through the menus)

1) Change Boot Option #1: P3: ..(DVD Device)..

2) Change Boot Option #2: SSD Drive (e.g. MICRON_M600)*

*Note: SSD exact model can vary

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 9-3 : First Boot Device

3) Select save & exit and <Enter> twice

After a short delay the following menu will appear:

Disk Tools 1.1

1. Diagnose Disk
2. Diagnose Network Card
3. Detect Cards
4. Backup System Disk
5. Restore System Disk from Factory Defaults
6. Restore System disk from Primary technician Backup
7. Restore System disk from Secondary technician Backup
8. High rate option: copy from 500GB to 750GB
9. Reboot

Items 1-3 in the menu are add-on utilities to diagnose disk drive, network card and
CMT cards detection
Item 4, backup systems - will backup the system twice so if the primary backup is
faulty the secondary backup will work.
Items 5-7 in the menu used for restoring the system:

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THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

5. Restore from factory defaults (Final factory integration and close work)
6. Restore from primary backup
7. Restore from secondary backup in case the primary backup is not working
Items 8 in the menu intended for options that uses high rate image storing

9.4.1 Diagnose Disk (Option 1)

After choosing the first option 'Diagnose Disk' press the ESCAPE (Esc) key and then
the 'Y' key to accept License Agreement. The following screen will open:

Figure 9-4 : Diagnose Disk

Select drive

Figure 9-5 : Select Drive

Selecting Quick Test option will take approximately 5 minutes

Extended Test includes quick test and can take from 30 minutes to several hours
Click R will start the full test, Hit “ALT-X” to abort

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 9-6 : Diagnose Disk –Quick Test

If the first disk fails it will refer to System Disk Port 0

If the second disk fails it will refer to Images Disk Port 1
If the third fail it will refer to Images Disk Port 2

9.4.2 Diagnose Network Card (Option 2)

Select Test Adapter

Figure 9-7 : Diagnose Network Card

Select Begin Adapter Tests

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Choosing on of the option will run a network Diagnose

9.4.3 Detect Cards (Option 3)

Show list of identified CMT Cards (2 ID records are mandatory to appear)

Figure 9-8 : Detect Cards

9.4.4 Backup System Disk (Option 4)

Technician system disk backup

Back up performed twice and stored next to Partition S as inaccessible “backup”

During the backup procedure the following window will be viewed:

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 9-9 : Backup System Disk

9.4.5 Restore System Disk (Options 5-7)

This options if selected will recover the last performed mirrored backup (of the System
HDD) to the newly installed System HDD.
- After selecting the 'Restore' option from the menu a confirmation will appear; press
'Y' to continue.
- When the restore process has finished reboot the system (option 9) and return to the
BIOS menu (press the 'Del' key while rebooting)
- Change BIOS setup to boot from Hard Disk (Figure 9-3 : First Boot Device)
- After the restore complete, perform the following to restore the last saved database
of the system (accurse every logon and logoff), this will restore the system to its
latest state whiles keeping all images
1) Logon as technician. DO NOT START THE Duet SW.

The last systems Images and Databases are kept on S:/Disk. Running the Duet
SW after installing a new SW will erase the S:/Disk file and a new one will be
It is highly recommended to copy & paste this file (in the same location) whiles
renaming the copied file (ex: "Disk 1", when successfully completing this
restore procedure the copied file can be delete.

2) Make sure the disk drives are correct

3) If possible, use the latest good backup of the system to restore only the registry. Use
the Backup utility from the Duet Utility Task
4) Follow procedure in section – '9.4.6 Restore Last Used Databases Using
'DatabaseRestore.exe' utility' to restore the last used Databases from S/Disk/Databases
directory (or the renamed S/Disk file – "Disk 1" .

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.4.6 Restore Last Used Databases Using 'DatabaseRestore.exe' utility

Before running the 'DatabaseRestore.exe' utility you must verify matching SW
versions installed on the system and the source (S:\Disk\database). If not, update the
system version to the database version (S:\Disk\database) and run again.

Normally there are 5 last saved backups in directory S/Disk/Databases from last SW
logon/logoffs, the 'DatabaseRestore.exe' utility will try to restore the last preformed
backup out of the 5, should an earlier backup requires; rename the later ones.

1) From the SW version installation file (Or SW DVD) run the 'DatabaseRestore.exe'
utility directly from within the SW installation directory, the following window will

Figure 9-10 : System Disk restore

2) Click the Browse button and chose the directory S/Disk/Databases

3) Select all 4 actions and the Restore button will be enable
4) Click the Restore button.
You can also browse to the other SQL backup folders.

This actions are destructive make sure you are restoring exactly
what you need

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.5 HDD Replacement Procedure

9.5.1 Physical HDD Replacement Procedure

1) If necessary run DiskTool in order to detect faulty disk drive System Disk
2) Before replacing HDD, make a full backup of the Databases, Registry, and FPD
information (if possible) to a hard copy
3) Backup all images or send them to PACS or Hard-Copy
4) Turn off the system and open the MPU side-cover
5) Disconnect the faulty disk as follows:

Figure 9-11 : Disconnecting power/data cables from 3xHDD

Figure 9-12 : Disconnecting fan power cable from MB

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Figure 9-13 : MPU front panel removal

Figure 9-14 : Disk cradle removal

6) Unscrew the defected HDD and remove it from the HDD cradle
7) Mount the new HDD to its position

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

8) Remount cradle and secure its screws. Reconnect all cables (see next figure)
9) Check generally all MPU internal cables connections
10) Refit the MPU front and side covers
11) Follow next relevant section for HDD replacement procedure

MPU Up side
Images-2 System

DVD-RW Images-1

Figure 9-15 : HDD and DVD connections to MB

9.5.2 HDD Set Replacement

This section refers to the case where a complete HDD set – Images + System is
being replaced. Note that in this procedure no images will be preserved.
1. Replace all HDD according to the above described guidelines
2. Check that the HDD partition after replacement is correct – follow also the
instructions of the ‘Disk tool Utility’

3. From the utility menu start the Backup/Restore option and use your backup
diskette to restore the system registry and databases (System-setup DB and
History DB). You don’t need to restore the log files.
4. Restore ‘Computer Name’ (right click ‘My Computer-> Properties-> computer
name -> change (DDRFxxxxx)
5. Restore TCP-IP settings – consult local network administrator
6. Start the main application SW; check that the system is working properly.
7. Run backup according to 9.4.4

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.5.3 Image HDD Replacement

1. Logoff from the Duet SW and shut down the system.
2. Replace faulty Image-disk following procedure in 9.5.
3. Power-up the system and logon in technician mode. DO NOT START THE
Duet SW.
4. Check that the HDD partition after replacement is correct – follow also the
instructions of the ‘Disk tool Utility’

5. Logon the main application SW and check that the system works properly.
6. The system will automatically rebuild the images disk; this could take about an
hour to complete and for the system to be in full capacity work.

9.5.4 System HDD Replacement and Restore Actions

Note: In addition to system configuration backup, a System Mirror Backup needs to
be performing after every SW upgrade or any configuration changes made to the
DUET system. Using the DiskTool Diagnose Utility (provided with the SW CD, see
9.4) a mirror of the System HDD is recreated in an unused partition of the Image
HDD. This mirrored backup can be used in an event when the System HDD needs to
be replaced with a CMT Generic Stamped HDD (part of the FRU-appendix A).
With this simple method the system can be operable and running again within a
matter of minutes. For details on how to use this method please refer to chapter-9 for
the Disk-Tool Utility.

If done properly, all (uncorrupted) images and databases will be restored.

1. Logoff from the Duet SW and shut down the system.
2. Replace faulty Image-disk following procedure in 9.5.
3. Power-up the system and logon in technician mode. DO NOT START THE
Duet SW.
4. Restore base on section 9.4.5 from DiskTool restore options

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

5. Check that the HDD partition after replacement is correct – follow the
instructions of

6. Logon the main application SW and check that the system works properly.
In case of a problem
In case the system would not logon due to a problem with the databases:
1. From the Utility, open the ‘Reset System’ option. Check one checkbox at a time
and try to logon again. If failed, return to the utility and check the next checkbox by
the order: ‘Delete Pending Jobs’→ ‘Delete Stored Images’ → ‘Delete Patient
2. If the system logon properly, try to restore the relevant information from your
backup media

9.5.5 Image HDD Replacement Due To RAID-1 Problem

Before replacing any HDD:
1. Make a backup of the Databases & Registry to a disk on key.
2. Backup your images or send it to PACS or Hard Copy

There could be three Raid-1 related statuses:

1. Normal - Both Raid-1 disks are ok and synchronized
2. Degraded – One of the physical disks is faulty
3. Rebuild – Synchronization of new volume

1) Normal – Both Raid-1 volume are ok and synchronized fully

During the system startup, the Intel® Storage Technology- Option ROM user
Interface will display the RAID1 volume status as 'Normal'.(press 'Pause' on the
keyboard if necessary)

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

To view Raid statuses from Windows, after the operating system is running, Run the
Intel® Rapid Storage Technologies: from the Start Manu  All Programs  Intel 
Intel Rapid Storage Technologies.
From the Status or Manage Tab, on the right hand-side you’ll be able to see the
system HDD. Clicking an HDD will show the corresponding status of the HDD.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

2) Degraded – Raid-1 volumes 1 or 2 reported as degraded

In this case on the Workstation Monitor and on the IRM will be a message notifying
the degraded status.

This status can also be seeing during computer boot up (press the Pause key on the
keyboard if necessary), the Intel® Rapid Storage Technologies screen will display the
RAID-1 volume status as 'Degraded' and the physical disk type/status will display
only one Member Disk.

A RAID-1 volume is reported as degraded when one of its members disconnected

(missing) or Failed. In this case data mirroring is lost. As a result, the system can only
use the functional member.
To re-establish data mirroring and restore data redundancy, refer to the procedures


1. Make sure the system is powered off.
2. Reconnect the missing drive
3. Restart the system. The rebuild process will occur automatically.

During computer boot up view Raid status (press the Pause key on the keyboard if
necessary), Raid volume status should be Rebuild and both members are viewed.
Also the Intel® Rapid Storage Technologies Status tab will show the ‘Rebuild’ with
the actual percentage of the process
1. Make sure the system is powered off.
2. Replace the failed hard drive with a replacement HDD
3. Power on the system. During the system startup, the Intel® Matrix Storage
Manager option ROM user Interface will display the RAID1 volume status as
'Degraded' and the physical disk type/status will indicate 'Non RAID Disk', as

Troubleshooting & Replacement Procedures 9-218

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

After the operating system is running, run the Intel® Rapid Storage Technologies, in
the device pan, click on the RAID icon and click the 'Rebuild to another disk’:

The following box will open:

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Select the HDD and click on ‘Rebuild’

3) Rebuild – The new hard disk is being synchronized with the old disk:

Window will display the rebuild progress and percentage of the rebuild process:

The rebuild process could take more than an hour. In case of stress, the
system can be used, however with degraded performance (i.e. slower
reaction, no high rate sequences, etc.)

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.6 Mother Board Replacement

Normally the MB is shipped with all adjacent items already mounted (CPU, Heat-
sink; Fan and RAM memory). Visually inspect the item and make sure all accessories
are well mounted on it.

Take precaution against Electro Static Discharge (ESD) when handling
electronic boards. Wear an antistatic bracelet to avoid equipment damage.

1. Before replacing HDD, as a routine, make a full backup of the system (for more
details refer to end part of Ch-6)
2. Backup all images or send them to PACS or Hard-Copy
3. Turn off the system and disconnect all external cables from its back side
4. Place the MPU on a convenient counter with its side-cover facing up
5. Open the MPU side-cover
6. Carefully remove all PCI boards and place them on ESD safe zone
7. Carefully remove all Power, Data and Fan connectors (it is advisable to note or
take pictures of the positions of the different connectors on the MB beforehand)
8. Remove the MB mounting screws and carefully dismount the MB from the PC
9. Replace the old MB with the new one and secure back its screws
10. Remount all connectors to original positions. Refer to the following diagrams:

Part Motherboard location

Front Fan Sys_FAN1
Back Chassis Fan Sys_FAN2
CPU Fan CPU_Fan1
Power supply 24pin J22
Power Supply 4pin J3
HDD #1 CN12
HDD #2 CN8
Spare SATA CN13
Chassis Front USB J15
Power Led J20(1+,5-)
Power Switch J20(13,14)
Reset J20(17-,18+)
HDD Led J20(19-,20+)

For HDD connection to MB also refer to section 9.5.1

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

TAIKO RS-232 Function motherboard location

Upper TAIKO right conn. Com-4 J7
Lower TAIKO right conn. Com-3 J6
Lower TAIKO mid conn. Com-5 J5
- - N.C.

11. Remount MPU cover and reconnect all external cables and confirm proper
operation of the system

9.7 BIOS Setup/Verification

After a MB replacement and/or serious electrical event/shock (e.g. thunderstorm,
Power failure) it is recommended to check/setup the BIOS settings:
1. Reboot the MPU and press the ‘Del’ button until you get a BIOS request for a
Password (or directly the BIOS settings). Password is ‘techsp’
2. In case the BIOS settings differs from the following, Press ‘F3’ to load the
factory default and then set the following…
3. Advanced  Wakeup event settings: All should be ‘Disabled’
4. Advanced  Sata Configuration  Sata Mode Selection: ‘RAID’
5. Advanced  iSmart Controller  Power on after power failure: ‘Enabled’
6. Advanced  AMT Configuration  Disable ME: ‘Enabled’
7. Advanced  F81866 SuperIO Configuration  Serial Port1 Configuration 
F81866 Serial Port 1 Mode Select: ‘RS422 Mode’
8. Advanced  F81866 H/W monitor  All Fan items: ‘50c’
9. Boot  Boot Options Priorities:
a. Option 1 <SSD Drive (e.g. MICRON_M600)>
b .Option 2 <P3:(DVD Device)>
c. Option 3 <Disabled>
10. Boot  Hard drive BBS priorities:
a. Option 1 <SSD Drive>
b. Option 2 <Disabled>
c. Option 3 <Disabled>
11. Security  Administrator Password: techsp

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.8 MPU Replacement

9.6.1 Visual Inspection of the New MPU

1. Check visually the new MPU. Make sure there are no external damage signs. In
case of a damage, a report should be made
2. Remove the front panel by pulling from the bottom, release two left screws and
remove the left side cover
3. Check that the CPU is in place with its Heat Sink
4. Check that the memory modules are correctly in place
5. Check that all boards in the motherboard are properly in place
6. Check that the memory cards are in place
7. Check that all connectors are firmly seated in their sockets
8. Close the PC covers while firmly tightening the side cover

9.6.2 MPU Replacement

1. Power off the system
2. Disconnect all the external cables at the back of the MPU
3. Check that the power setting of the new MPU is same as the old one

Failing to set the correct line voltage

may cause a severe damage to the unit

9.6.3 Final Connection

1. Check that all boards and cables are in place and connected properly
2. Place the new MPU in position and connect all external cables to its back side
3. Power on the MPU and logon in technician mode
4. Follow the procedure above (9.5.4).
5. Logon the application SW
6. Verify that the system operate properly. In case of a problem, refer to the
troubleshooting section.
7. Log off and power off the system.

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.9 DVDRW Replacement

For DVD replacement, please refer to the option manual

9.10 Backup Battery Replacement

(It is recommended to replace the battery every 2-3 years)
1. Turn off the computer.
2. Open the computer’s side cover.
3. Replace the backup battery located on the motherboard (3.2V LITHIUM
4. Close the computers side cover.
5. Power on the computer.

9.11 Software Installation & Upgrade

Upgrading from a previous version
The software upgrade should be done systematically from one SW version to the next
one (if available). Do not skip versions.

Make sure to perform full system Backup before and after SW upgrade
(Registry, Databases , PU calibration and settings, Ghost using DiskTool utility)

Make sure to close all open windows before installing the SW, and
restart the Duet PC before installing new SW!
- Insert the installation CD-ROM labeled into the CD drive
- Double click on the “My computer” icon
- Open the CD/DVD drive
- Double click the folder of the relevant SW version and run the ‘Setup.exe’; a dialog
box with the following choices will open:
[] Preserve calibration and hardware settings
[] Preserve patient database and image data
The check boxes are checked by default; do not clear them if not necessary
- Click NEXT to continue
- When setup is finished, you will be asked to restart the computer. Press “OK” to
- Run the Main Application and check that the system operates properly

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.12 PU Replacement

Before replacing the PU perform full system backup (see section 6.8), it is also
recommended, if possible, to export and backup all the settings and correction tables
(Gain, DM and Settings) stored in the current PU to the Duet PC in a predefined
directory (See section 6.8). This backup, if not already exist can be restored to the
new PU once replaced.

Restoring PU configuration and correction tables:

1. From the 'ACPP Advanced Management' go to the 'Backup_Restore' tab,

choose the 'Restore' option.
2. Verify all that the three restore options are checked and click on the ' ' icon.
3. In the prompted window choose the directory to which the last backup was
performed and click 'OK':

5. Verify that the directory path chosen is placed in the window next to the
'Choose a Folder' and click the 'Commit' button to start the restore process.
6. When done click the 'Close' button to close the 'ACPP Advanced
Management' window.
7. Click the 'File' menu and choose 'Restart ACPP' to restart the PU.
8. Quit the Calibration task and re-launch it again, switch to advanced mode and
open the ACPP Advanced Management window, click on the 'Log Modes

Troubleshooting & Replacement Procedures 9-225

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Management' tab to verify that; 10 modes are Lauded in the right box and 1
Unloaded modes on the left box:
4343 RF Detector:

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4343 FL Detector:

Using the 'Restore Detector Modes' and 'Restore Settings' only from the
'Backup_Restore' option will reset all the Digital gain for the acquisition
techniques to "1". Therefore when restore is completed a restore to the
Duet Registry is necessary to restore Digital gain values (from the systems
Backup Utility).

Troubleshooting & Replacement Procedures 9-227

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9.13 Obtaining Diagnostics Images from the PU

In some events where due to a corruption or abnormality observed in acquired images
in the Duet system, which may be related to the PU or the detector, there is a need to
obtain a series of images to be diagnostics by THALES CTS.

* The Diagnostics ability is only supported by a combination of:

• PU version & above
(Check : ACPP Advanced Management Diagnostics  ACPPBox  Software
• Duet SW Version 1.06.02 & above.
(Check: From "Help About" within the SW)

* System setup conditions:

- Collimator blades fully open
- Aluminum Filter = 21 mm (installed under the collimator)
- AEC = Off
- Grid = according calibration condition for the used PU mode
- SID = according to PU mode requirements
- kV/mA/ms = Same values used for the Gain Calibration of the used PU mode
- GenWare active (launched before the calibration SW)

* The following procedure will guide through the steps to follow:

1. Start the Duet Calibration SW, from the menu bar select 'File Switch to
Advanced Mode'; the following window will pop-up requesting a password.

2. Enter the password 'tech' and click the 'OK' button to enter the 'Advanced mode'.
3. From the "Acquisition Settings" box click on the "Set…" button and choose the
combination for the relevant PU/Logical Mode in which the problematic images
where observed:

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

4. Perform Offset Calibration for the selected mode!

5. From the menu bar select 'FPD ManagementAdvanced' to display the "ACPP
Advanced Management" window.
6. From the pop-up window select the 'Setup' tab and Click on the "Start Diagnostic

7. The Diagnostic Calibration window will launch:

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

- Click the "Start" button to start the process

- Set the X-Ray parameters in GenWare according to the "log Mode Calibration"
prompted window.
- When requested, start and hold the X-Ray switch, when requested, stop the X-
Ray. Repeat the X-Ray acquisition till process stops:

A series of diagnostics images will be acquired and saved in the PU with

combination of different corrections (raw image, Offset corrected, Offset/Gain
corrected, Offset/Gain/DM corrected…)
8. Downloading the images produced by the Calibration diagnostics to the Duet:
- From the "Setup" Tab, click on the "Upload Item"
- In the prompted window choose to transfer "Images produced by the
calibration diagnostic" from the dropdown menu.
- In the same window click on the "Select Folder" and create/choose a folder to
upload the images to.
- Click "Ok" to start.

- Images created from the Diagnostics Calibration (for mode 21):

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

9. Repeat the above process (8) and upload to the same folder ("New Folder") the
following items from the PU:
- Log Files
- Gain table of the active mode
- Defect map of active mode
- Configuration files

10. Make a screenshot of the "Diagnostics" tab and save the image to the same folder
("New Folder"):

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

11. Using widows WinZip SW; Compress the folder ("New Folder") with all its
content and upload it to a predefined Thales FTP for evaluation.

Troubleshooting & Replacement Procedures 9-232

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09



FRU List A-233

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1 N-MPU Top ASSY 63105873
2 PC Power Supply 500W, EPS12V AO82100480
3 Motherboard Kit (MB, Processor+ Fan, 2x2GB DDR3 memory) 63113165
4 INT. DVDRW Drive – SATA 61508950
6 NEW UT VIVACE Board 63105898
8 TAIKO Board 81SZ280001
9 Dual Port Netw.1GB PCI express AM81401100
10 2 GB MEMORY DDR3 1600 MHZ 61509924
11 PC ASSY (M.B Q965) 4SERV04900
12 Images Disk 63113777
13 DISK Set (2 x Images Disks + SSD with s/w install) 63112988
14 Master Disk (SSD with s/w install) 63112836


15 Hard Drive 1TB – SATA (For FPD 3K Option) 4SERV48100
16 TAIKO VCR Board Assay (For Scan Converter Option) 81SZ280100
17 GENERIC SSD (For System Ghosting using Disk Tool) 63113776

FRU List A-234

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


1 RCU Top Assay 4SERV40001
2 Power Supply 40W,3 OUT.SWITCH. W/ Molex connector 62843795
3 Power Supply,40W,24V SWITCH, W/ Molex connector 62843794
4 RELAY,2PDT,24V,20A (782 CUBE) KO10141030
5 RELAY,2PDT,12V,15A KO10141040
6 RCU I/O Board Assay 81SZ050001


2 PUC – C Board Assay 81SZ250701
3 PCU Board Assay 81SZ340001
4 Power Supply 200W,24V,SWITCH,30mV ripple PWS0700200

1 USB Optical Wheel Mouse AO81300170
2 USB Keyboard –English AO81303150
3 DVD-R speed x16 4.7G-EMPTY AO81100320
4 CD-R 80M 700 MBx52-EMPTY AO81100330

ACCESSORIES (Field Engineering Tools) P/N

1 Hardware Diagnostic Cables set 4SERV30010

FRU List A-235

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REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1 MPU POWER CABLE -20M 84AP100004
3 FPU RS-422 CABLE (BASIC)-20M 84AP100031
9 MPU GND CABLE-20M 84AP100200
10 RX/TX Communication Cable -20m 84AP100220
12 COM2 & COM3 TAIKO CABLE 84AP103017
13 DAP PS CABLE (Power Splitter Cable) 91AP100143
14 RCU "E" to CPI GEN CABLE (ABC) 84AP300172
16 CROSS RS-232 MPU GEN. CABLE 84AP300186
17 RS-232 MPU/GEN. CABLE 84AP300196
23 RCU GND CABLE 84AP200110
25 ACPP GND CABLE 84AP200202
26 FPD GND CABLE 84AP200203
28 ACPP/MPU CABLE 84AP300005
29 Basic Cables set 84CBL14000


2 Portable FPD I/F option 63101220

2.1 IRDA MODULE 61508861
2.2 Medical Power Supply 48Vdc ,0.40A 61509071
2.3 Intel PRO/1000 PCIexpress AM81401000
2.4 GND CABLE for WAP CISCO 62835602
2.5 WAP to MPU CABLE 62829271

FRU List A-236




System Interfaces B-237

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

B.1 DUET DRF System Interconnection

(2) In Room Monitor

84AK300100 (Analog video - BNC)

(1) Ref Monitor (option) Ref.M

84AK300100 (Analog video - BNC)

CRM (3) Control Room Monitor

84AP300224 (Analog video – BNC)

Video + control
(4) LVDS – Image Data (fiber)
Accord LVDS Rx/Tx Rx/Tx
Display 84AP101071
DVI Board Vivace ACPP
WSM 84AP300005 (5) Network cable 24Vdc (17)
Work Station NET 24Vdc

AEC chamber


(14) (15)
(Touch Screen option)

keyboard ACPP DET

USB 3543EZ Remote Power

IR USB comm. Remote
(Portable FPD I/F

MPU (6)
HW License USB Portable FPD I/F Gen Remote
Key Dongle WA P RCU/FPU
option 63101220 (4*) comm.
Single Network Table
URO Board WAP/MPU Cable (35) I/O
(option) (Portable FPD I/F 62829271 (7) Communication (Fiber) Spare Remote
CAN Bus Rx/Tx
Ralco Convertor option) 84AP100220

NET RCU (8) MPU Remote MPU
Network Taiko1 Remote 84AP100061 Remote RCU

Dual Network Table/Generator Generator Port A Port E
board On/Off
Table/MPU Network Control Console


Generator (10) (9) (11) (13)
Control On/Off Adaptor
Keypad (option)
(31) (33)
Taiko2 84AP300196 J6 (1*) J/2J3 (1*) J2
MPU/Generator Digital I/F
communication J4 Gen I/F Board Power
Board J5 &
Room I/F (1*) control
(2*) Board (3*) TB6
(12) J11 Gen CPU
Notes: CPI P/N 73684800 (34) Board X -Ray
(1*) Loose-end cables ,See following table for connection layout High Voltage Tube
(2*) > For systems used with Generator Control Console Connected to J4 on the ‘Gen I/F Board’ (Duet is “Slave”), use cable (12) connected
to J11 on Gen’ CPU Board,
> For systems without a Generator control console (Duet is “Master”):
Generator Board
For CPI Digital I/F Board Assembly No.733947 use cable (33) connected to J4 on Gen I/F Board.
For CPI Digital I/F Board Assembly No.735921 (typically supplied with Mini console) use cable (34) connected to J5 on Digital I/F Board DAP Chamber

* In case where using cable 33 (Duet is “Master”) cable 12 will be used to run GenWare SW for when performing Tube calibration, where in
this case the CPI Mini console will be connected to J4 in Gen’ I/F Board.

(3*) Set Jumpers JW7 & JW8 on the CPI generators Room I/F Board to Dry contact (pins 2-3).

(4*) WAP and 3543EZ detector not included in Potable FPD I/F Option

System Interfaces B-238

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

DUET DRF System Power & Ground Interconnection


(28) (29) (30)

(21) 91AP100143
84AP100004 WSM
(18) 84AP300104 84AP100006
Mains RCU 84AP300004

(24) (26)
(32) 62835602 Detector Battery
UPS Power
(19) 84AP300104
Mains Mains

Mains (25) (27) (20) IRM

Power Bus




X – Ray Collimator

System Interfaces B-239

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

B.2 DUET DRF Interconnection Cables List

No. In Length
Cable PN Description From To Notes
Draw [m]
1 84AK300100 Ref video 30* MPU Ref. (BNC) Ref monitor (BNC) Monitor Cable Kit (Option)
MPU- IRM 1/2 Monitor Cable Kit Video
2 84AK300100 IRM video 30* IRM (BNC)
(BNC) Display
Control Room Monitor Video
3 84AP300224 CRM video 5 MPU (BNC) CRM (BNC)
4 84AP101071 ACPP Image - LVDS 20 MPU ( LVDS) ACPP (LVDS) 68-pin SCSI – Image transfer
ACPP/MPU MPU/PU Communication
5 84AP300005 20 MPU (RJ-45) ACPP (RJ-45)
Network cable Standard Net. Cable
RCU I/O Spare
6 84AP103032 RCU/FPU comm. 20 FPU comm. (DB15F) FPD & PU Power Control
7 84AP100220 20 MPU (Tx/Rx) RCU (Tx/Rx) Rx/Tx Fiber Optic cable
8 84AP100061 RCU/MPU Remote 20 MPU (DB9M) RCU (DB9M) 12V - Self hold during Power On
RCU port A Generator- Digital I/F Loose connections + 4 pin Molex
9 84AP300175 RCU Port A+ 20
(DB50M) Board, J2/J3 connector for Generator ON/Off
On/Off (Molex) + Generator I/F Board , Generator On/Off from Table
10 84AP300192 On /Off adaptor 0.2
RCU port A (DB25M) J6 Control Console or by Duet SW
Generator - Digital I/F Loose connections - ABC, J2
11 84AP300172 RCU Port E cable 20 RCU Port E (DB9M)
Board, J2 pins 21 & 22
MPU/Generator serial Generator CPU Board
12 84AP300186 16 MPU (DB9F) RS232 (Crossed)
comm. - J11 (DB9F)
RCU/FPU, Generator Generator Room I/F RCU Remote (DB9M) Loose connections to TB 6, pins
13 84AP200239 20
Remote Board FPU Remote (DB9M) 11,12 (Spare), & 1,2 (ALE)
5V USB for self hold during
14 84AP103065 ACPP Remote 0.75 ACPP (USB) FPU (USB)
Power On
15 84AP100032 ACPP DC power 1 FPU (DB15M) ACPP (DB15F) 24V Supply to FPD

System Interfaces B-240

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

No. In Length
Cable PN Description From To Notes
Draw [m]
Image data + Control, over Fiber
16 ********* ACPP-FPD data 20 ACPP FPD
17 ********* Detector power 20 ACPP (DB15) FPD (DB15) 24V supply

18 84AP300104 RCU AC Supply 3 UPS RCU 84AP200120 for 30 meter option

19 84AP300104 FPU AC Supply 3 UPS FPU 84AP200120 for 30 meter option

AC Power to ACPP during
20 84AP100184 ACPP AC power 1 FPU ACPP
Splitter (28 in
21 84AP100004 MPU power 20 RCU MPU/WSM/CRM Supply
22 84AP300004 Ref Monitor power 20 RCU Ref Monitor Option

23 84AP300004 IRM Power 20 RCU MPU AC Supply

24 84AP200110 RCU GND 20** Electricity panel RCU Main GND

25 84AP200110 FPU GND 20** Electricity panel FPU Main GND

26 84AP100200 MPU GND 20** RCU MPU PC GND

27 84AP200202 ACPP GND 0.75** FPU ACPP PU GND

RCU power (17 in
28 91AP100143 Power splitter 1.5 Splitter "Y" Power Splitter
Splitter (73in Splitter (84 in
29 84AP100006 Power Extension 5
drawing) drawing)
Power extension
30 91AP100143 Power splitter 1.5 CRM "Y" Power Splitter (Option)
31 84AP301189 Keypad Option 20 Keypad MPU Option

System Interfaces B-241

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

No. In Length
Cable PN Description From To Notes
Draw [m]
32 84AP300120 UPS power 20 Electricity panel UPS Connected to Main
MPU/Generator serial Generator I/F Board – RS232 (Used without Generator
33 84AP300196 20 MPU (DB9F)
comm. J4 (DB15M) control console)
CPI P/N MPU/Generator serial CPI Digital I/F Board RS232 – Pin to Pin straight (Used
34 20 MPU (DB9F)
73684800 comm. – J5 (DB9F) without Generator control consol)
* Portable FPD I/F Option cables

35 62829271 WAP to MPU Cable 15 WAP MPU RJ45 - CAT5

GND Cable for WAP
36 62835602 15 WAP MPU WAP GND
WAP Medical Power
37 61509071 1.5 WAP Supply cable Mains Connected to Main
Supply 48Vdc 0.40A

Table 2: Cable List

* Video cables between the MPU and the monitors should be cut to their minimum required length. Extra cable length should NOT be rolled-
up. Never try to extend the video cable beyond the length supplied. Always use one video cable between two points; never chain sections using
connectors. (An extra BNC connector is supplied when cable needs to be cut to size)

** To prevent ground loops, all system units' power supply, with the exception of the FPU and PU, should be taken from the RCU only.

*** Usage of accessories, transducers and cable other than those specified may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the
Transducers and cables sold by manufacturer of medical equipment or systems as replacement parts for internal components are not in the
scope of the above warning

System Interfaces B-242

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

B.3 Detailed external Interfaces

B.3.1 RCU Input/Output Ports description

Input: a signal incoming to the system.
Output: a signal outgoing from the system.
* RCU Input/Output settings can be defined within the system parameter settings
utility (SSPM): Wet/Dry, Polarity, Debounce/Half Debounce, Interupt = 0 or 1.
- Digital Input
Digital input is based on galvanic isolated Opto-coupler. Input can be:
• Dry contact (such as relay)
• Wet contact (voltage with any polarity, differential or single

Input Signal “Wet/Dry”=1 Input Signal “Wet/Dry”=0

If Polarity =1, then “active” when If Polarity =0, then “active” when
switch is closed switch is closed
- Digital Output
Galvanic isolated dry contact realized by opto-coupler. Output can be:
Power driven: Wet/Dry = 1
Contact close: Wet/Dry = 0

- SSR output (Solid State Relay output)

Same as digital output but with higher current sinking capacity
Always dry contact (unaffected by Wet/Dry)
- Analog Input
Buffered instrumentation amplifier.
- Analog output
Buffered instrumentation amplifier.

System Interfaces B-243

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

B.3.2 RCU Detailed Ports Interfaces

B.3.2.1 Port "A+" DB50 Male (P/N 84AP300175)

Generator Port A
Signal Pin No Color Note
connection In / Out No
FLREQ 1 Blue J2-1 IN 0
FLREQ 34 Black J2-2 IN 0
PREP REQ 19 Red J2-3 IN 2
PREP REQ 3 Black J2-4 IN 2
EXP REQ 20 Green J2-5 IN 3
EXP REQ 4 Black J2-6 IN 3
PF RATE 0 21 Brown J3-27 IN 4
PF RATE 0 5 Red J3-28 IN 4
PF RATE 1 22 Green J3-29 IN 5
PF RATE 1 6 Red J3-30 IN 5
PF MODE 23 Yellow J3-25 IN 6
PF MODE 7 Black J3-26 IN 6
EXP ACK 29 Blue J2-15 OUT 2
EXP ACK 13 Red J2-16 OUT 2
FLGNT 31 Orange J3-45 OUT 4
FLGNT 15 Red J3-46 OUT 4
PF TRIGGER 32 White J2-23 OUT 5
PF TRIGGER 16 Red J2-24 OUT 5
GENERATOR ON 27 White To external OUT 0 Legs 3 & 4 In 4
GENERATOR ON 11 Green input (Molex) OUT 0 pins Molex plug
GENERATOR OFF 30 Blue To external OUT 3 Legs 1 & 2 In 4
GENERATOR OFF 14 Green input (Molex) OUT 3 pin Molex plug
HFL 26 Yellow J3-36 IN 9
Hi Level Fluoro
HFL 10 Red J3-35 IN 9
MAG 1 18 Yellow J2-9 IN 1
MAG 1 2 Green J2-10 IN 1
MAG 2 24 Brown J2-11 IN 7
* See B.3.2.2 note
MAG 2 8 Green J2-12 IN 7
MAG 3 25 Orange J2-13 IN 8
MAG 3 9 Green J2-14 IN 8

System Interfaces B-244

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Generator Port A
Signal Pin No Color Note
connection In / Out No
RCT turn off pin 28 White Loss wires Out 7 Table off Option
RCT turn off pin 12 Black Loss wires Out 7 Table off Option
Spare 47 Brown Spare Out 1 (PrepAck)
Spare 48 Black Spare Out 1 (PrepAck)

B.3.2.2 Port B DB15 Male (P/N 81AP300176)*

Generator Port B
Signal Pin No Color Note
connection In / Out No
*MAG 1 1 Red J2-9 IN 10
*MAG 1 9 Black J2-10 IN 10
*MAG 2 2 White J2-11 IN 11
*MAG 2 10 Black J2-12 IN 11
*MAG 3 3 Green J2-13 IN 12
*MAG 3 11 Black J2-14 IN 12

* In some early released DUET system Port B may still be used, in this case Port A will not contain the MAG

B.3.2.3 Port E DB9 Female (P/N 81AP300172)

Generator Port E
Signal Pin No Color Note
connection In / Out No
+/- ABC 5 Red J2-21 ABC Analog signal
AGND 3 White J2-22 ABC Ret

System Interfaces B-245

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

B.3.2.4 RCU/FPU Generator Remote DB9 Male (x2) (84AP200239)

Function name In/Out Description Pins Remarks Generator side

RCU -1,6 Black/ Red TB 6, pins 11,12 (Spare)
System ON In Dry contact & 1,2 (ALE)
FPU - 1,6 Black/White

* Generator I/O Receptor Output 'Spare' & 'ALE' must be set to "On'. See section 'CPI Generator
recommended setting',
* Also Jumpers JW7 & JW8 on the generator I/F board must be set to Dry Contact.

B.3.2.5 MPU Remote DB9M/DB9M (84AP100061)

Function name In/Out Description Pins Remarks

MPU Remote In 12 VDC from MPU MPU/RCU 7,8 Self Locking for RCU Power out

B.3.2.6 IO Spare DB15M/ DB15F RCU/FPU comm. (84AP103032)

Function name In/Out Description Pins Remarks

RCU to
Dry Contact 6,14 Disable FPD DC power

RCU to
PU Off
Dry Contact 7,15 Disable PU AC Power

System Interfaces B-246

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

B.3.2.7 Ports: C, D, SP2, DCF, IOBA, IOBM, G1 & G3

(Not used in the DuetDRF configuration)

B.3.3 Other Cables description

B.3.3.1 Generator On/Off Adaptor DB25M (84AP300192)

J6 Generator RCU Port A Console System

Remark Function
I/F Board Molex Pins On/Off Molex Pins
17 2,4 - Black
17 - 2,4 Brown
18 1 - Red
18 - 1 Blue
19 3 - White
19 - 3 Green

B.3.3.2 MPU/Gen comm. DB9F/DB15M RS-232 (84AP300196)

Function name Description Pins Remarks

2, 3, 5 Gen. Comm. Taiko 2

MPU/Generator RS-232
Comm. RXD/TXD/COMM To J4 in Gen. I/F Board, without
4, 1, 3 CPI console – Duet is Master

B.3.3.3 MPU/Gen comm. DB9F/DB9F RS-232 crossed (84AP300186)

Function name Description Pins Remarks

RXD/TXD 2, 3 To J11 in Gen. CPU Board , used
Common 5 with CPI console – Duet is Slave

System Interfaces B-247

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

B.3.4 RCU I/O description


Port Pins Function
Input No** NAME**
0 Inp_0 A 1,34 FLreq
2 Inp_2 A 19,3 Prepreq
3 Inp_3 A 20,4 Expreq
4 Inp_4 A 21,5 PF_rate_0
5 Inp_5 A 22,6 PF_rate_1
6 Inp_6 A 23,7 PF_mode
9 Inp_9 A 26,10 HFL
10 Inp_1 A 2,18 MAG 1
11 Inp_7 A 8,24 MAG 2
12 Inp_8 A 9,25 MAG 3
19 Inp_19 SP2 / INDEX 7,11 Table memory M1 *
20 Inp_20 SP2 / INDEX 8,12 Table memory M2 *
21 Inp_21 SP2 / INDEX 13,10 Image H flip *
22 Inp_22 SP2 / INDEX 9,15 Spare (not used) *
23 Pinp_0 SP2 / INDEX 1,14 Light *
24 Pinp_1 SP2 / INDEX 2,14 V_open *
25 Pinp_2 SP2 / INDEX 3,14 V_close *
26 Pinp_3 SP2 / INDEX 4,14 H_open *
27 Pinp_4 SP2 / INDEX 5,14 H_close *
28 Pinp_5 SP2 / INDEX 6,14 Park position tube *
34 Inp_23 DCF 13,(25) Cine *
35 Inp_24 DCF 11,(23) Save LIH *
36 Inp_25 DCF 9,(21) Image FWD *
37 Inp_26 DCF 7,(19) Image Back *
38 Inp_27 DCF 5,(17) Select Ref (remap with inp-28) *
39 Inp_28 DCF 3,(15) Save Ref (remap with inp-27) *

* Used in DUET Urology system configuration.

** FPGA input is used for SW addressing

All output signals are dry, e.g. no output voltage is outputted.

Port Pins Function
Input No** NAME**
0 Out_0 A 27,11 Generator On
2 Out_2 A 29,13 ExpAck
3 Out_3 A 30,14 Generator shutdown
4 Out_4 A 31,15 FLgnt
5 Out_5 A 32,16 PF trig pulse
11 Out_8 D 8,4 Injector
Analog DAC E 5,3 ABC

** FPGA input is used for SW addressing

System Interfaces B-248

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

B.4 CPI Generator recommended setting

Generator Installation Report

--------------------Tube Data--------------------
Tube Number: 1
Tube Revision: Set according Tube Library
Tube Angle: Set according Tube Library
Tube Speed: Set according Tube Library
Tube Frequency Rating: Set according Tube Library
Tube Name: Set according Tube Library
Low Speed maximum SF power at 100 ms: Set according Tube Library
Low Speed maximum LF power at 100 ms: Set according Tube Library
Low Speed maximum MF power at 100 ms: ---
High Speed maximum SF power at 100 ms: Set according Tube Library
High Speed maximum LF power at 100 ms: Set according Tube Library
High Speed maximum MF power at 100 ms: ---
Filament Boost Time: 200 ms (can be set to 100ms
when mainly using
Pulse Fluoroscopy)
Filament Preheat Time: 800 ms (can be set to 150ms
when mainly using
Pulse Fluoroscopy)
Micro Filament Standby Current: ---
Micro Filament Maximum Current: ---
Small Filament Standby Current: Set according Tube Library
Small Filament Maximum Current: Set according Tube Library
Large Filament Standby Current: Set according Tube Library
Large Filament Maximum Current: Set according Tube Library
Anode Warning: Set according Tube Library
Anode Limit: Set according Tube Library
Maximum Tube Voltage: Set according Tube Library
Maximum Small Filament Current: Set according Tube Library
Maximum Micro Filament Current: ---
--------------------Generator Limits--------------------
To be defined by Installer

--------------------Receptor Setup-----------------------
Receptor Number: 1 2
Tube Number: 1 1
Tomo Enabled: off off
Fluoro Enabled: on on
Serial Enabled: on on
AEC Channel: To be defined by Installer
Interface Options: 29 0 (Can be set also to '8' when
not using HLF)
Fluoro Hangover (s): 30/100 30/100 (Can be modified according to
Rad Hangover (s): 0 0 (Can be modified according to
Last Image Hold (ms): 40 40
Memory: off off
Tomo Back-Up Time (ms): 3200 3200

System Interfaces B-249

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Auto Focus: off off

AEC Back-Up Mode: fixed fixed
AEC Back-Up mAs: 500 500
AEC Back-Up ms: 1250 1250
AEC Lock Exp: 3 3
Default Voltage (kV): 75 75
Default Current (mA): 200 200
Default Time (ms): 200 200
Technique: mAs mAs
Default Focus: large large
Default Density: 0 0
Default Film Screen: I I
Default Fields: RCL RCL
Functional Options: none none

--------------------Receptor I/O--------------------
Receptor: 1
State: Standby Prep Gen Ready Rad Exp Fluoro Exp

Bucky 1 Select: To be defined by Installer
Bucky 2 Select: To be defined by Installer
Bucky 3 Select: To be defined by Installer
Tomo/Bucky 4 Sel.: To be defined by Installer
Spare: on on on on on
Tomo/Bucky Start: To be defined by Installer
ALE: on on on on on
Collimator Bypass: To be defined by Installer
Room Light: To be defined by Installer

To be defined by Installer

Receptor: 2
State: Standby Prep Gen Ready Rad Exp Fluoro Exp
Bucky 1 Select: To be defined by Installer
Bucky 2 Select: To be defined by Installer
Bucky 3 Select: To be defined by Installer
Tomo/Bucky 4 Sel.: To be defined by Installer
Spare: on on on on on
Tomo/Bucky Start: To be defined by Installer
ALE: on on on on on
Collimator Bypass: To be defined by Installer
Room Light: To be defined by Installer
To be defined by Installer

Receptor: 3
To be defined by Installer

Receptor: 4
To be defined by Installer

Receptor: 5

System Interfaces B-250

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

To be defined by Installer

Receptor: 6
To be defined by Installer

--------------------AEC Setup--------------------
Channel: 1
Media: Film
Film Screen Enable: I
Fields: right centre left
Chamber Type: Ion (Modify if necessary)
Right Field Compensation: 0
Center Field Compensation: 0
Left Field Compensation: 0
Film Screen 1 Gain: 10
Film Screen 2 Gain: 10
Film Screen 3 Gain: 10

Channel: 2
Media: Film
Film Screen Enable: I
Fields: right centre left
Chamber Type: Ion(Modify if necessary)
Right Field Compensation: 0
Center Field Compensation: 0
Left Field Compensation: 0
Film Screen 1 Gain: 10
Film Screen 2 Gain: 10
Film Screen 3 Gain: 10

Channel: 3
To be defined by Installer

Channel: 4
To be defined by Installer

--------------------AEC Calibration Film---------------

Film Screen: 1
50 kV 55 kV 65 kV 75 kV 85 kV 95 kV 110 kV 130 kV
7.40 6.70 5.60 4.80 4.45 4.09 3.80 3.37

RLF Compensation at 50 ms: 0

RLF Compensation at 500 ms: 0
RLF Compensation at 1000 ms: 0
Multiple Spot Compensation: 0

Film Screen: 2
50 kV 55 kV 65 kV 75 kV 85 kV 95 kV 110 kV 130 kV
6.80 6.40 5.60 4.80 4.28 3.80 3.40 3.00

RLF Compensation at 50 ms: 0

RLF Compensation at 500 ms: 0
RLF Compensation at 1000 ms: 0

System Interfaces B-251

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Multiple Spot Compensation: 0

Film Screen: 3
50 kV 55 kV 65 kV 75 kV 85 kV 95 kV 110 kV 130 kV
5.40 5.20 4.80 4.48 4.20 3.80 3.40 2.80

RLF Compensation at 50 ms: 0

RLF Compensation at 500 ms: 0
RLF Compensation at 1000 ms: 0
Multiple Spot Compensation: 0

--------------------AEC Calibration Digital------------

--------------------AEC Densities--------------------

-8 Density: 94
-7 Density: 81
-6 Density: 76
-5 Density: 70
-4 Density: 63
-3 Density: 53
-2 Density: 43
-1 Density: 33
1 Density: 30
2 Density: 50
3 Density: 0
4 Density: 0
5 Density: 0
6 Density: 0
7 Density: 0
8 Density: 0

-----------------General Fluoro Setup----------------

Fluoro Timer Mode: 5-10 min (To be defined by Installer)

Min Fluoro kV: 45
Max Fluoro kV: 125
Max II Modes: 3 (Pending system requirement)
Fluoro ABS: Enabled
Fluoro ABS Default: On
Fluoro/Rad kV Def.: On
HLF Select: Console
PF Select: Console

---------Fluoro to Rad kV Transfer Curves------------

F/R kV Curve1: Enabled

F/R kV Curve2: Enabled
F/R kV Curve3: Enabled

F/R 40kV Curve1: 42

System Interfaces B-252

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

F/R 45kV Curve1: 47

F/R 50kV Curve1: 52
F/R 55kV Curve1: 57
F/R 60kV Curve1: 62
F/R 65kV Curve1: 67
F/R 70kV Curve1: 72
F/R 75kV Curve1: 77
F/R 80kV Curve1: 82
F/R 85kV Curve1: 87
F/R 90kV Curve1: 92
F/R 95kV Curve1: 97
F/R 100kV Curve1: 102
F/R 105kV Curve1: 107
F/R 110kV Curve1: 112
F/R 115kV Curve1: 117
F/R 120kV Curve1: 122
F/R 125kV Curve1: 125

F/R 40kV Curve2: 50

F/R 45kV Curve2: 51
F/R 50kV Curve2: 53
F/R 55kV Curve2: 55
F/R 60kV Curve2: 57
F/R 65kV Curve2: 59
F/R 70kV Curve2: 61
F/R 75kV Curve2: 64
F/R 80kV Curve2: 66
F/R 85kV Curve2: 69
F/R 90kV Curve2: 72
F/R 95kV Curve2: 74
F/R 100kV Curve2: 76
F/R 105kV Curve2: 79
F/R 110kV Curve2: 81
F/R 115kV Curve2: 82
F/R 120kV Curve2: 83
F/R 125kV Curve2: 84

F/R 40kV Curve3: 55

F/R 45kV Curve3: 58
F/R 50kV Curve3: 60
F/R 55kV Curve3: 63
F/R 60kV Curve3: 65
F/R 65kV Curve3: 68
F/R 70kV Curve3: 70
F/R 75kV Curve3: 75
F/R 80kV Curve3: 75
F/R 85kV Curve3: 77
F/R 90kV Curve3: 80
F/R 95kV Curve3: 83
F/R 100kV Curve3: 85
F/R 105kV Curve3: 87
F/R 110kV Curve3: 90
F/R 115kV Curve3: 93
F/R 120kV Curve3: 95
F/R 125kV Curve3: 98

System Interfaces B-253

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

-----------------Continuous Fluoro ------------------

Fluoro ABS Level 0: 1
Fluoro ABS Level 1: 1
Fluoro ABS Level 2: 1
Fluoro ABS Level 3: 1

Fluoro ABS Gain: 35

Fluoro ABS Deadband: 1
Fluoro ABS Delay: 0
Fluoro ABS Initial kV: 75
Fluoro Signal Gain: 17 (Can be modified by installer:
higher signal = higher GL = higher
Dose and vice-versa)
Fluoro ABS Curve Def.: Curve 1
Fluoro ABS Curve1: Enabled
Fluoro ABS Curve2: Enabled
Fluoro ABS Curve3: Enabled

Fluoro Curve 1:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.4 3 3.6 4.5 6

Fluoro Curve 2:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 0.8 0.8 1 1.3 1.7 2.3 3 3.8 4.8 6

Fluoro Curve 3:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.9 2.4 3 3.8 4.8 6 6

Fluoro Man Min SID:

Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5.3 4.9

Fluoro Man Max SID:

Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 8 8 8 8 7 5.8 4.9 4.4 4 3.8

Fluoro ABS Min SID:

Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5.3 4.9

Fluoro ABS Max SID:

Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.5 8.4 7.7 7.6

Fluoro Mag 1 mA Mult: 1

Fluoro Mag 2 mA Mult: 1
Fluoro Mag 3 mA Mult: 1

-------------------High Level Fluoro-----------------

------------------Pulsed Fluoro Setup----------------

System Interfaces B-254

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

PF Mode: Enabled
PF Default: Off
PPS Default: 7.5 PPS
PF Default mA: 20
PF Default ms: 13
PF ABS Curve Def.: Curve 1
PF Sync. Frequency: 60 Hz

PF ABS Level 0: 1
PF ABS Level 1: 1
PF ABS Level 2: 1
PF ABS Level 3: 1

PF ABS Gain: 35
PF ABS Deadband: 1
PF ABS Delay: 0
PF ABS Initial kV: 75
PF Signal Gain: 20 (Can be modified by installer:
higher signal = higher GL = higher
Dose and vice versa)
PF Integration: Disabled

PF ABS Curve1: Enabled

PF ABS Curve2: Enabled
PF ABS Curve3: Enabled

PF mA Curve 1:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 5 5 6 8 10 13 17 22 30 40

PF mA Curve 2:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 7 8 10 13 16 19 24 30 40 40

PF mA Curve 3:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 10 11 13 16 20 25 30 40 40 40

PF ms Curve 1:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

PF ms Curve 2:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

PF ms Curve 3:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

PF mA Min SID:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

PF mA Max SID:

System Interfaces B-255

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 30 30 30 30 30 30 27 22 16 16

PF ms Min SID:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 16 16 16 16 13 13 13 13 13 13

PF ms Max SID:
Ref.: 40kV 50kV 60kV 70kV 80kV 90kV 100kV 110kV 120kV 125kV
Val.: 16 16 16 16 13 9 8 8 8 8

PF 1PPS ABS Comp.: 0

PF 3PPS ABS Comp.: 0
PF 7.5PPS ABS Comp.: 0
PF 15PPS ABS Comp.: 0
PF 30PPS ABS Comp.: 0

PF 1PPS: Disabled
PF 3PPS: Enabled
PF 7.5PPS: Enabled
PF 15PPS: Enabled
PF 30PPS: Disabled

PF Mag 1 ms Multiplier: 1
PF Mag 2 ms Multiplier: 1
PF Mag 3 ms Multiplier: 1

-----------High Level Pulsed Fluoro Setup-------------

To be defined by Installer

-------------------SID Compensation------------------
SID Compensation: Disabled
SID Interface Type: 0
SID Min Reference: 120
SID Max Reference: 180

--------------------DAP Setup--------------------
To be defined by Installer
------------------Air Kerma Setup-------------------
To be defined by Installer

System Interfaces B-256




System Parameters B-257

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

C.1 Acquisition
Acquisition\Enable Editing of Remark per Image
Production Default Value=0
Description=Determines whether the remark per image feature is enabled

Acquisition\Enable Deletion of Images of Current Patient

Production Default Value=0
Description=Determines whether the deletion of images of current patient is available.

Acquisition\Calibration\Shutters\Number of points
Production Default Value=8
Description=Maximal number of points used in shutters calibration.

Acquisition\Calibration\Shutters\II1 smallest ROI

Production Default Value=128
Description=Minimal size of ROI when calibrating shutters for II 1

Acquisition\Calibration\Shutters\II2 smallest ROI

Production Default Value=128
Description=Minimal size of ROI when calibrating shutters for II 2

Acquisition\Calibration\Shutters\II3 smallest ROI

Production Default Value=128
Description=Minimal size of ROI when calibrating shutters for II 3

Acquisition\Calibration\Shutters\II4 smallest ROI

Production Default Value=128
Description=Minimal size of ROI when calibrating shutters for II 4

Acquisition\Calibration\Shutters\II5 smallest ROI

Production Default Value=128
Description=Minimal size of ROI when calibrating shutters for II 5

Acquisition\Fluoro\Fine Gain Factor
Production Default Value=2
Description=Specifies maximal value of fine gain in fluoroscopy acquisition.

Acquisition\Fluoro\TV Camera Black Level Production Default Value=0

Description=Specifies TV camera black level shift in fluoroscopy acquisition.

Acquisition\Fluoro\TV Camera Gamma

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if TV camera gamma correction should be applied in fluoroscopy acquisition.

Acquisition\Fluoro\Stabilization Period
Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-258

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies stabilization period (in 33 mSec units) of fluoroscopy acquisition. During this period
real-time averaging and AGC are inactive.

Acquisition\Fluoro\Fluoroscopy Grant Delay

Production Default Value=0
Description=Additional delay of FLGNT signal in milliseconds.

Acquisition\Fluoro\Delay Between SV to Integrate Start

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies delay between SV rise and CCD integration start in fluoroscopy acquisition.

Acquisition\Fluoro\PFLR trigger width

Production Default Value=12.5
Description=Width of pulsed fluoro trigger signal

Acquisition\Fluoro\PFLR expose width

Production Default Value=19.0
Description=Width of pulsed fluoro exposition signal

Acquisition\Fluoro\F_Pos Value
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies behavior of F-pos signal. The equation is as follows:
F-POSout = F-pos AND !R-pos. i.e., if this parameter is set to zero, F-pos signal is always low. If set to 1, F-
pos signal is opposite to R-pos.

Acquisition\Fluoro\R_Pos Value
Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if R-pos signal should be set to low or to high during fluoroscopy acquisition.

Acquisition\Fluoro\Fluoro Time Mode

Production Default Value=1
Description=Select Method For Total Fluoroscopy Time About IRM And MPPS:
0 - Harmony Counts Fluoro Time Internally.
1 -Generator Counts Fluoro Time.(Default)

Acquisition\Fluoro\LIH color
Production Default Value=5
Description=GL appears on IRM when fluoro LIH should be cleared

Acquisition\Fluoro\Auto Save LIH DAP Delay

Production Default Value=1
Description=Delay in msec before requesting DAP in Auto Save LIH mode.

Acquisition\Fluoro\Representative Id percentage
Production Default Value=95
Description=The percentage for calculation of representative image in fluoroscopy recording

System Parameters B-259

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Acquisition\Fluoro\Replay Last Fluoro Images Mode

Production Default Value=2
1 - LFH is enabled and saves single image
2 - LFH is enabled and saves images in requested Range
3 - LFH is enabled and saves all images
4 - LFH is enabled and saves last images (specified in protocol)

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Fluoro\Fluoro Store\Auto transfer fluoro and testshot images

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies whether to auto store fluoro or testshot images

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Fluoro\Fluoro Store\ 30 fps available

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies whether fluoro store at 30 fps rate is available

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Fluoro\Fluoro Store\ 15 fps available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies whether fluoro store at 15 fps rate is available

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Fluoro\Fluoro Store\ 7.5 fps available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies whether fluoro store at 7.5 fps rate is available

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Fluoro\Fluoro Store\ 5 fps available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies whether fluoro store at 5 fps rate is available

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Fluoro\Fluoro Store\ 3.75 fps available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies whether fluoro store at 3.75 fps rate is available

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Fluoro\Fluoro Store\ 2 fps available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies whether fluoro store at 2 fps rate is available

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Fluoro\Fluoro Store\ 1 fps available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies whether fluoro store at 1 fps rate is available

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Fluoro\Fluoro Store\ 0.5 fps available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies whether fluoro store at 1 fps rate is available

System Parameters B-260

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Roadmap\Stabilization Period

Production Default Value=10
Description=Specifies stabilization period (in 33 mSec units) of Roadmap phase I & phase II in acquisition.
During this period real-time Maxop or Subtract are inactive.

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Roadmap\Window affected by correction factor

Production Default Value=1
Description=Indicates whether windowing fluoro value will be modified by the roadmap correction

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Roadmap\Logarithmic Transform\Out Low

Production Default Value=40
Description=Low result value for finding the promotors for the logarithmic data transform

Acquisition\Fluoro\Protocol Roadmap\Logarithmic Transform\Out High

Production Default Value=900
Description=High result value for finding the promotors for the logarithmic data transform

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC&AGC Histogram ROI Type

Production Default Value=1
0 - For study Type defind ROI.
1 - For Centered Rectangular.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\Default ABC&AGC Histogram ROI Size

Production Default Value=2
Description=If "ABC&AGC Histogram ROI Type" = 1, this is the size of the rectangular.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC GL Tolerance for dark image

Production Default Value=0
Description=Non-Toshiba only. ABC GL tolerance for image darker than target.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC GL Tolerance for bright image

Production Default Value=0
Description=Non-Toshiba only. ABC GL tolerance for image brighter than target.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\RoadMap\ABC available in RoadMap I At Stab

Production Default Value=1
Description=ABC available in RoadMap I At Stab.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\RoadMap\ABC available in RoadMap I After Stab

Production Default Value=0
Description=ABC available in RoadMap I After Stab.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\RoadMap\ABC available in RoadMap II At Stab

Production Default Value=0
Description=ABC available in RoadMap II At Stab.

System Parameters B-261

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\RoadMap\ABC available in RoadMap II After Stab

Production Default Value=0
Description=ABC available in RoadMap II After Stab.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\ABC Reset Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Non-Toshiba only. ABC initial value is either set at Calibration or
the last ABC value of previous foot switch release.
0 - Last ABC value of previous foot switch release
1 - Set at Calibration

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\ABC Enabled In Fluoro

Production Default Value=1
Description=ABC Enabled In Fluoro.

Production Default Value=1
Description=X-RayGenerator type
0 - Toshiba
1 - Others

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\DAC2 Enabled
Production Default Value=0
Description=Non-Toshiba only. DAC2 feedback enabled.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\Minimal GL
Production Default Value=1
Unit=Gray Levels
Description=Minimal GL for ABC Algorithm.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\Maximal GL
Production Default Value=1023
Unit=Gray Levels
Description=Maximal GL for ABC Algorithm.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\Minimal DAC
Production Default Value=2047
Description=Minimal DAC for ABC Algorithm.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\Maximal DAC
Production Default Value=3275
Description=Maximal DAC for ABC Algorithm.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\DAC Reset
Production Default Value=2047
Description=DAC value at the end of fluoro Acquisition.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\DAC Steady

System Parameters B-262

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=2253

Description=DAC Value at target GL (For NON Toshiba Only).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\Minimal DAC2
Production Default Value=1
Description=Minimal value for DAC2 (For NON Toshiba Only).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\Maximal DAC2
Production Default Value=4095
Description=Maximal value for DAC2 (For NON Toshiba Only).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\DAC2 Reset
Production Default Value=2047
Description=DAC2 value at the end of fluoro Acquisition.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\DAC2 Steady
Production Default Value=3070
Description=DAC2 Value at target GL (For NON Toshiba Only).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\Is Average
Production Default Value=0
Description=1 - Current GL is avereged from Histogram.
0 - Current GL is Percentile of Histogram.

Production Default Value=95
Description=Percentile in case "Is Average" is 0.
Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\ABC\Update rate of the ABC DAC
Production Default Value=1
Description=Update rate of the ABC DAC.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\R Maximum Gain

Production Default Value=2
Description=Maximum AGC digital Gain

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\RoadMap\AGC available in RoadMap I After Stab

Description=AGC available in RoadMap I After Stab.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\RoadMap\AGC available in RoadMap II After Stab

Production Default Value=0
Description=AGC available in RoadMap II After Stab.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Continuous Fluoroscopy\AGC Enabled In Fluoro

Production Default Value=1
Description=AGC Enabled In Fluoro.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Continuous Fluoroscopy\Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs)

System Parameters B-263

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1

Description=Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Continuous Fluoroscopy\Deviation from target value for which fgf

stayes 1
Production Default Value=20
Description=Tolerance (in percents) for starting AGC.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Continuous Fluoroscopy\Max gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=100
Description=Max gain change between consecutive frames.
Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Continuous Fluoroscopy\Min gain change between consecutive
Description=Min gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 30 fps\AGC Enabled In Fluoro

Production Default Value=0
Description=AGC Enabled In Fluoro.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 30 fps\Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs)

Production Default Value=1
Description=Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 30 fps\Deviation from target value for which fgf

stayes 1
Production Default Value=20
Description=Tolerance (in percents) for starting AGC.
Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 30 fps\Max gain change between consecutive
Description=Max gain change between consecutive frames.
Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 30 fps\Min gain change between consecutive
Description=Min gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 15 fps\AGC Enabled In Fluoro

Production Default Value=1
Description=AGC Enabled In Fluoro.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 15 fps\Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs)

Production Default Value=1
Description=Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 15 fps\Deviation from target value for which fgf

stayes 1
Production Default Value=20
Description=Tolerance (in percents) for starting AGC.

System Parameters B-264

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 15 fps\Max gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=100
Description=Max gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 15 fps\Min gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=4
Description=Min gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 7.5 fps\AGC Enabled In Fluoro

Production Default Value=1
Unit=Boolean Description=AGC Enabled In Fluoro.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 7.5 fps\Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs)
Production Default Value=1
Description=Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 7.5 fps\Deviation from target value for which

fgf stayes 1
Production Default Value=20
Description=Tolerance (in percents) for starting AGC.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 7.5 fps\Max gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=100
Description=Max gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 7.5 fps\Min gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=4
Description=Min gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 3.75 fps\AGC Enabled In Fluoro

Production Default Value=1
Description=AGC Enabled In Fluoro.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 3.75 fps\Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs)
Production Default Value=1
Description=Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 3.75 fps\Deviation from target value for which

fgf stayes 1
Production Default Value=20
Description=Tolerance (in percents) for starting AGC.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 3.75 fps\Max gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=100
Description=Max gain change between consecutive frames.

System Parameters B-265

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 3.75 fps\Min gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=4
Description=Min gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 2 fps\AGC Enabled In Fluoro

Production Default Value=0
Description=AGC Enabled In Fluoro.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 2 fps\Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs)

Production Default Value=1
Description=Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 2 fps\Deviation from target value for which fgf

stayes 1
Production Default Value=20
Description=Tolerance (in percents) for starting AGC.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 2 fps\Max gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=100
Description=Max gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 2 fps\Min gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=4
Description=Min gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 1 fps\AGC Enabled In Fluoro

Production Default Value=0
Description=AGC Enabled In Fluoro.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 1 fps\Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs)

Production Default Value=1
Description=Update rate of the AGC fgf (in SVs).

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 1 fps\Deviation from target value for which fgf

stayes 1
Description=Tolerance (in percents) for starting AGC.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 1 fps\Max gain change between consecutive

Description=Max gain change between consecutive frames.

Acquisition\Fluoro\ABC_AGC\AGC\Pulsed Fluoroscopy 1 fps\Min gain change between consecutive

Production Default Value=4
Description=Min gain change between consecutive frames.


System Parameters B-266

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Description=Specifies if horizontal interpolation shall be performed during fluoroscopy acquisition

Acquisition\Fluoro\Fluoro Enabled In RAD Technique

Production Default Value=1
Description=Enable Fluoroscopy when doing a RAD

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Sequence\Sequence Chain
Production Default Value=1
Description=After sequence acquisition, get ready for another sequence acquisition
1 - Get ready for another sequence acquisition
0 - Get ready for single acquisition

Acquisition\Radio\Signal PREP Available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if PREP signal is available in system.
If yes, radiography acquisition protocol starts when this signal goes to high. Actual acquisition starts on
EXPREQ rise. The period between PREP and EXPREQ signals is used to set hardware (TV gain, iris, etc.) to
the proper state. If this signal is unavailable, protocol starts on EXPREQ signal rise.

Acquisition\Radio\Signal EXON Available

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies is EXON signal should be handled by system hardware.

Acquisition\Radio\Enable Labeling of DR Studies

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if the user can label DR/APC sequences.

Acquisition\Radio\First Pulse Delay

Production Default Value=0
Description=If PREP available - Minimal time between PREP and first pulse
If PREP not available - Minimal time between EXPREQ and first pulse

Acquisition\Radio\R_pos value
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies R-pos signal state in radiography acquisition mode.

Acquisition\Radio\AEC-Dose effects iris

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether AEC-Dose (received by RS232 protocol) effects iris setting for radio images

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Single\Max Pulse Width

Production Default Value=250
Description=Maximal pulse width for single acquisition mode.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Maximal Mas

Production Default Value=40

System Parameters B-267

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Used by Sequence management Dialog box.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Minimal Mas

Production Default Value=1
Description=Used by Sequence management Dialog box.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Max mAs

Production Default Value=1000
Description=mAs should be clipped to the corresponding limit.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Min mAs

Production Default Value=1
Description=mAs should be clipped to the corresponding limit.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Histogram limit (%)

Production Default Value=99
Description=Used for testshot calculations.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Optimal Gray Level With PM

Production Default Value=880
Unit=Gray levels
Description=Used for testshot calculations.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Optimal Gray Level Without PM

Production Default Value=880
Unit=Gray levels
Description=Used for testshot calculations.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Gray Level for Over Exposure With PM

Production Default Value=960
Unit=Gray levels
Description=Used for testshot calculations.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Gray Level for Over Exposure Without PM

Production Default Value=960
Unit=Gray levels
Description=Used for testshot calculations.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Gray Level for Under Exposure with PM

Production Default Value=50
Unit=Gray levels
Description=Used for testshot calculations.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Gray Level for Under Exposure without PM

Production Default Value=50
Unit=Gray levels
Description=Used for testshot calculations.

System Parameters B-268

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Maximal percent of zero pixels in ROI

Production Default Value=80
Unit=Gray levels
Description=Used for testshot calculations.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Store test shot image

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether testshot image is stored in the disk and database

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Maximum DigGain

Production Default Value=4
Used for testshot calculations.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol Test Shot\Minimum DigGain

Production Default Value=0.2
Used for testshot calculations.

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol DSA\Logarithmic Transform\Out Low

Production Default Value=40
Description=Low result value for finding the promotors for the logarithmic data transform

Acquisition\Radio\Protocol DSA\Logarithmic Transform\Out High

Production Default Value=900
Description=High result value for finding the promotors for the logarithmic data transform

Acquisition\Radio\RAD\Long Time Exposure Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Determines if long exposure time (3200 ms) is available for RAD technique.

Room Control
Acquisition\Room Control\Control Of Pulse Mode
Production Default Value=3
Description=Control type of the radiography mode acquisition -
1 - PM
2 - Manual
3 - PM/Manual

Acquisition\Room Control\Flip\Horizontal Mirror

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if image has to be horizontally mirrored during acquisition (both fluoroscopy and

Acquisition\Room Control\Flip\Vertical Mirror

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if image has to be vertically mirrored during acquisition (both fluoroscopy and

Acquisition\Room Control\Flip\Horizontal Mirror Portable

Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-269

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies if image has to be horizontally mirrored for portable detector during acquisition.

Acquisition\Room Control\Flip\Vertical Mirror Portable

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if image has to be vertically mirrored for portable detector during acquisition.

Acquisition\Room Control\Mag Signal Input Type

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies type of image intensifier size signal:
1 - Digital
2 - Analog

Acquisition\Room Control\Display rotation signs

Production Default Value=1
0 - Hide rotation signs
1 - Display rotation signs on the IRM system text messages

Acquisition\Room Control\Mag Input Signal Available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if system handles image intensifier (II) size changes.

Acquisition\Setup\AutoWindowing Threshhold
Production Default Value=20
Description=Accumulated number of sampled pixels that are taken into the Auto Windowing calculations
when looking for the Minimum GL, Maximum GL and Average GL values

Virtual Collimator
Acquisition\Virtual Collimator\Idle Sampling rate
Production Default Value=30
Description=Idle sampling rate of the shutters signal (frames)

Acquisition\Virtual Collimator\Work Sampling rate

Production Default Value=10
Description=Sampling rate of the shutters signal when a change was detected (frames)

Acquisition\Virtual Collimator\Delta II1(%)

Production Default Value=5
Description=Minimum difference to determine whether a change took place (%) for II size no. 1

Acquisition\Virtual Collimator\Delta II2(%)

Production Default Value=5
Description=Minimum difference to determine whether a change took place (%) for II size no. 2

Acquisition\Virtual Collimator\Delta II3(%)

Production Default Value=5
Description=Minimum difference to determine whether a change took place (%) for II size no. 3

Acquisition\Virtual Collimator\Delta II4(%)

Production Default Value=5

System Parameters B-270

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Minimum difference to determine whether a change took place (%) for II size no. 4

Acquisition\Virtual Collimator\Delta II5(%)

Production Default Value=5
Description=Minimum difference to determine whether a change took place (%) for II size no. 5

C.2 Archives
Auto Delete
Archives\Auto Delete\Start Automatic Deletion Threshold
Production Default Value=50
Description=Start automatic disk cleanup when disk reaches (percentage):

Archives\Auto Delete\Space to clean

Production Default Value=1
Description=Space to be cleaned, in case high threshold has been reached (percentage).

Archives\Auto Delete\Protect studies from (X time ago)

Production Default Value=2
Description=Define protection period:
Auto delete will not delete studies that have created X time ago and higher

Archives\Auto Delete\Protect studies time units

Production Default Value=1
Description=Protection time units:
0 - Days
1 - Weeks
2 - Months

Archives\Auto Delete\Protect not stored images in study

Production Default Value=0
Description=Define if study with un-stored images will be deleted in auto delete
0 - Study with Un-stored images can be deleted by auto delete.
1 - Study with Un-stored images cannot be deleted by auto delete.

DSA mode
Archives\DSA mode\Representative percentage DA DSA
Production Default Value=50
Description=Defines the Percent P for calculation of representative image to be displayed in DSA mode,
for DA studies with automatic injection of contrast material and for DSA studies with automatic injection
of contrast material but without real time subtraction.
The representative image is the image corresponding to P% of the total number of images of the first
non-empty step following the injection.

Archives\DSA mode\Representative percentage DSA

Production Default Value=50
Description=Defines the Percent P for calculation of representative image to be displayed in DSA mode,
for DSA studies with real time subtraction.
The representative image is the image corresponding to P% of the total number of images of the first
subtracted phase.

Images Secure
Archives\Images Secure\Enable Displaying Image Loss related Warning Messages

System Parameters B-271

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Description=Define if the 'Image Loss' feature is enabled
0 - this feature is disabled.
1 - this feature is enabled.

Archives\Images Secure\Number of Days included in Image Loss Log file

Production Default Value=90
Description=Number of days to save old messages in Image_Loss.log file.

Archives\Minimum Time between Successive Automatic Database Repair

Production Default Value=6
Description=Minimum Time in hours between Successive Automatic Database Repair.

C.3 Backup
Backup\Default Location for Backup and Restore Operations
Production Default Value=S:\BckupDir
Define the default location for all backups and restore operation.
All backup files will be stored into this location and will be restored from it.
In case any RAM drive will not be found, connected to this system, the backup and restore operations
will be performed automatically on this location.

C.4 Calibration
Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines if Calibration runs in standard or development mode.

Fluoro settings
Calibration\Fluoro settings\Minimal Gain
Production Default Value=0.4
Description=Down limit for roadmap (pulsed fluoro) correction factor

Calibration\Fluoro settings\Maximal Gain

Production Default Value=3.0
Description=Upper limit for roadmap (pulsed fluoro) correction factor

Calibration\Fluoro settings\Iris min

Production Default Value=10
Description=Minimal iris aperture allowable for fluoro

Calibration\Fluoro settings\Iris max

Production Default Value=90
Description=Maximal iris aperture allowable for fluoro

Calibration\Radio settings\Iris max

Production Default Value=90
Description=Maximal iris aperture allowable for radio

System Parameters B-272

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Calibration\Radio settings\Iris min

Production Default Value=5
Description=Minimal iris aperture allowable for radio

Calibration\Fluoro settings\Accuracy
Production Default Value=48
Unit=Gray Level
Description=Accuracy on calibrating fluoro settings

Calibration\Fluoro settings\Iterations
Production Default Value=10
Description=Maximum number of iterations to achieve target gray level

Calibration\Fluoro settings\Saturation level

Production Default Value=3840
Description=Gray level treated as saturation in calibrating fluoro settings

Calibration\Fluoro settings\TV min

Production Default Value=1
Description=Minimal TV gain allowable

Calibration\Fluoro settings\TV max

Production Default Value=8
Description=Maximal TV gain allowable

Production Default Value=3
Description=Number of pulses to be acquired and averaged for each iris calibration point.

Calibration\Iris\Pulse delay
Production Default Value=300
Description=Delay between pulses when acquiring GL for iris calibration

Production Default Value=3
Description=Number of pulses to be acquired and averaged for each linearity inspection point.

Calibration\Linearity\Regression ceil
Production Default Value=160
Description=Maximal pulse width, defines the area where GL measured to build linear regression GL =
a*mSec +b.

Calibration\Linearity\Maximal pulse width

Production Default Value=512

System Parameters B-273

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Maximal pulse width in the linearity check algorithm. Reaching this value inspection is

Calibration\Linearity\Maximal difference
Production Default Value=2.0
Description=Threshold defines GL to be reached in ADC adjustment.

Calibration\Linearity\Minimal difference
Production Default Value=0.3
Description=Threshold defines inspection not valid if max difference lies below.

Radio settings
Calibration\Radio settings\Accuracy
Production Default Value=20
Unit=Gray Level
Description=Accuracy on calibrating radiography settings

C.5 Configuration

Configuration\Left/Right marker Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specify the availability of Left/Right markers

Configuration\Virtual Collimator Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Virtual Collimator feature availability

Acquisition Techniques
Configuration\Acquisition Techniques\Technique DR Enabled
Production Default Value=1
Description=DR enabled

Configuration\Acquisition Techniques\Technique DA Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=DA enabled

Configuration\Acquisition Techniques\Technique DSA Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=DSA enabled

Formal Hardware Options

Configuration\Formal Hardware Options\Advanced Angio Package Installed
Production Default Value=1
Description=Advance Angio Package installed

Configuration\Formal Hardware Options\CD Burn Device Installed

Production Default Value=0
Description=CD Burn Device installed

Configuration\Formal Hardware Options\DVD Burn Device Installed

System Parameters B-274

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Description=Both DVD and CD Burn abilities are installed

Configuration\Formal Hardware Options\DAP Installed

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if system has DAP installed.

Configuration\Formal Hardware Options\Advanced 3K

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if system has Advanced 3K acquisition installed.

Configuration\Formal Hardware Options\Real-time Edge Enhancement

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if Real-time Edge Enhancement installed. It allows presentaion of images with
spatial filter on IRM and settings of protocols

Configuration\Formal Hardware Options\Detector3543EZ

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if Detector 3543EZ installed.

Formal Software Options

Configuration\Formal Software Options\Basic Angio Package Enabled
Production Default Value=0
Description=Basic Angio Package feature availability

Configuration\Formal Software Options\Extended FOV Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Extended FOV application availability

Configuration\Formal Software Options\Storage Commitment Service Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Storage Commitment Service Enabled

Configuration\Formal Software Options\Last Fluoro Hold

Production Default Value=1
Description=Last Fluoro Hold Enabled

Configuration\Formal Software Options\Fluoroscopy DCF

Production Default Value=1
Description=Determines whether Fluoroscopy DCF is Enable
0 - Disable
1 - Enable

Configuration\Formal Software Options\Programmable Keypad

Production Default Value=1
Description=Determines whether Programmable Keypad is Enable
0 - Disable
1 - Enable

Configuration\Formal Software Options\Digital Compensation filter Enabled

System Parameters B-275

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1

Description=Digital Compensation filter Enabled Enabled Configuration\Formal Software
Options\Recycle Bin Enabled
Production Default Value=1
Description=Recycle Bin availability

Internal Hardware Options

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\IOB Installed
Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if system has IOB installed.

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\Keypad Installed

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if system has Keypad installed.
0 - Not installed
1 - first version keypad
2 - "Software" keypad - activated by clicking on disk icon
3 - Nominal keypad

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\Display Board Installed

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if system has Display Board installed.

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\Frame Grabber Board Installed

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if system has Frame Grabber Board installed.

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\RCU Installed

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if system has RCU installed.

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\Edge Enhancment Board Installed

Production Default Value=0
Shall be set during CMT factory setup as follows:

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\Second Display Installed

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if Second Display Installed

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\Hardware Recognition Shutters Installed

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if Hardware Recognition Shutters Installed

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\FPD Power Unit

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if FPU installed
0 - Not installed
1 - FPU with PUC-A
2 - FPU with PUC-C

Configuration\Internal Hardware Options\Collimator

System Parameters B-276

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Description=Specifies if collimator installed
0 - No communication with Collimator
2 - Ralco Collimator

Internal Software Options

Configuration\Internal Software Options\Pulsed Fluoro Enabled
Production Default Value=1
Description=Pulsed Fluoro available

Configuration\Internal Software Options\Roadmap Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Roadmap available

Configuration\Internal Software Options\Testshot Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Testshot available

Configuration\Internal Software Options\Fluoro Store Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Fluoro Store feature availability

Configuration\Internal Software Options\VCR Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Output to VCR feature availability

Configuration\Internal Software Options\Scaling Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Scaling feature availability

Configuration\Internal Software Options\Software Recognition Shutters Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Automatic shutters recognition using software feature availability

Configuration\Internal Software Options\DICOM Print Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=DICOM print availability

Configuration\Internal Software Options\Structured Report Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=DICOM Structured Report availability

Configuration\Internal Software Options\DICOM Storage Installed

Production Default Value=1
Description=DICOM Store availability

Configuration\Internal Software Options\Imager Pixel Spacing Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Imager Pixel Spacing availability

Configuration\Internal Software Options\Auto Delete Enabled

System Parameters B-277

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Description=Auto Deletion availability

License Alert Limitations

Configuration\License Alert Limitations\Remaining number of Executions
Production Default Value=10
Description= User notification before licence expires - number of exectuations left (percentage from
original quantity)

Configuration\License Alert Limitations\Remaining number of Days

Production Default Value=10
Description=User notification before licence expires - number of days left

Dicom\Mpps\Request confirmation of completion of patient examination
Production Default Value=1
Description=Ask user confirmation before Complete/Discontinue of a study

Dicom\Mpps\Auto Send of MPPS Patient Status

Production Default Value=1
Description=In case of 'Close Examination' determines whether the MPPS status of the last patient will
be sent automatically or manually.
0 - Manually. Through the IRM DICOM menu.
1 - Automatically. As "COMPLETED".

Dicom\Mpps\MPPS SCU Service Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Modality Performed Procedure Step Service Enabled

Dicom\Read\Delete Copy Of New Images
Production Default Value=0
Description=Delete Copy Of New Images

Dicom\Mwm\ MWM SCU Service Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Modality Worklist Service Enabled

Dicom\Mwm\Automatic Query Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Modality Worklist Automatic Query Service Enabled

Dicom\Mwm\Automatic Query Modality

Production Default Value=2
Description=Modality value for Automatic Query

System Parameters B-278

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

0 - RF
1 - XA
2 - ALL
3 - CR
4 - RF and XA
5 - RF and CR
6 - XA and CR
7 - RF, XA and CR
8 - DX
9 - DX and XA
10 - DX and CR
11 - DX and RF
12 - DX, XA and CR
13 - DX, RF and CR
14 - DX, XA and RF
15 - DX, XA, RF and CR

Dicom\Mwm\Automatic Query Study Type

Production Default Value=0
Description=Patient Study Type
0 - RF
1 - XA

Dicom\Mwm\Interval between successive automatic queries of the MWM server

Production Default Value=1
Description=Interval between successive automatic queries of the MWM server in minutes
Range: 1-10000

Dicom\Mwm\Maximum Number of Patients Retrieved in Automatic Query Mode

Production Default Value=200
Description=Maximum Number of Patients Retrieved in Automatic Query Mode
Range: 30-1000

Dicom\Mwm\Display the List of Retrieved patients in Case it Exceeds the Maximum Number Allowed
in Automatic Query
Production Default Value=1
Description=Determine whether to display the patients list in case it exceeds the maximum allowed
Range: 0-1

Dicom\Mwm\Patient Registration Default Button

Production Default Value=1
0 - No default button
1 - Default button is "Query IS"

Dicom\Mwm\Query Results Limit Set

Production Default Value=1
0 - No limit in MWM query results
1 - Query results are limited by the "Query Results Limit Value" parameter

Dicom\Mwm\Query Results Limit Value

Production Default Value=200
Description=The limit of MWM query results

Dicom\Mwm\Query User Selection Field

System Parameters B-279

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Description=Default input value in "Query IS" dialog box:
0 - Accession Number
1 - Patient ID

Dicom\Mwm\AE Title Sent To MWM Server In "ALL" Stations Mode

Production Default Value=0
Description=Value of the AE Title sent to the MWM server in case option "ALL" was selected in "Station
ID" field:
0 - The default AE Title as determined in DICOMConfiguration utility
1 - Null

Dicom\Mwm\Query Start Time Format

Production Default Value=0
Description=Format of start time field in query:
0 - No Pre-defined format
1 - 00:00:00 - 23:59:59

Dicom\Mwm\AE Title Sent To MWM Server

Production Default Value=0
Description=Value of the AE Title sent to the MWM server:
0 - The default AE Title as determined in DICOMConfiguration utility
1 - Null

Dicom\Mwm\Enable Query by Yesterday + Today

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the "Yesterday + Today" option will be in the 'Date Range' combo box.
0 - Not in the combo box
1 - In the combo box

Dicom\Mwm\Enable Query by "Yesterday + Today + Tomorrow"

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the "Yesterday + Today + Tomorrow" option will be in the 'Date Range'
combo box.
0 - Not in the combo box
1 - In the combo box

Dicom\Mwm\Enable Query by This Week

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the "This Week" option will be in the 'Date Range' combo box.
0 - Not in the combo box
1 - In the combo box

Dicom\Mwm\Enable Query by This Month

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the "This Month" option will be in the 'Date Range' combo box.
0 - Not in the combo box
1 - In the combo box

Dicom\Mwm\Enable Query by Tomorrow

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the "Tomorrow" option will be in the 'Date Range' combo box.
0 - Not in the combo box
1 - In the combo box

System Parameters B-280

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Dicom\Mwm\Enable Query by Next Week

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the "Next Week" option will be in the
'Date Range' combo box.
0 - Not in the combo box
1 - In the combo box

Dicom\Mwm\Enable Query by Next Month

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the "Next Month" option will be in the 'Date Range' combo box.
0 - Not in the combo box
1 - In the combo box

Dicom\Mwm\First Day of Week

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the "This Week" and the "Next Week" options will start on Sunday or on
0 - Sunday
1 - Monday

Dicom\Mwm\_DICOM Tag For Study Type

Production Default Value=0008,0104
Description=The DICOM Tag through which the 'Study Type' is sent. In case this parameter is not part of
a sequence - the parameter "Sequence DICOM Tag for Study Type" should be empty.

Dicom\Mwm\_Sequence DICOM Tag For Study Type

Production Default Value=0040,0008
Description=The Sequence DICOM Tag through which the 'Study Type' is sent.
In case the "DICOM Tag for Study Type" is not part of a sequence - this parameter should be zero.

Dicom\Mwm\Hospital Examination Delimiter

Production Default Value=,
Description=Define delimiter for hospital examination name

Dicom\Mwm\Group Same MWM Patients

Production Default Value=1
Description=Group MWM with RAD technique entries by civil Id

Dicom\Mwm\Accession Number is Editable

Production Default Value=1
Description=Accession Number field in Patient Registration is Editable for MWM patients 0 - Edit
1 - Edit Enabled

Dicom\Mwm\Perform automatic IHE Append

Production Default Value=1
Description=Perform automatic IHE Append for MWM query
0 - Manual
1 - Automatic

Dicom\Mwm\Use system default operator name for MWM patient

Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-281

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Use system default operator name for MWM patient

0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled

Dicom\Mwm\Enable English to Kana translation for MWM patient

Production Default Value=0
Description=Enable English to Kana translation for MWM patient
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled

Dicom\Mwm\Enable Auto Query upon New Patient Registration

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether or not a new 'Query IS' operation, or displayed the 'Query IS' screen, will be
invoked upon each activation of Patient Registration.
0 - Auto query upon new Patient Registration is disabled
1 - Auto query upon new Patient Registration is enabled

DICOM -Storage Commitment

Dicom\Storage Commitment\Allow delete not commited images
Production Default Value=0
Description=Allow deletion of not commited images
0 - Not allowed.
1 - Allowed.

Dicom\Store\Timeout between Auto sending of Failed DICOM store QM Jobs
Production Default Value=1
Description=Time (in minutes) between automatic retry of sending a failed
DICOM Store job A value of 0 means: never re-send a failed job

Dicom\Store\Number of Automatic Retries of sending Failed QM Jobs

Production Default Value=3
Description=Total number of automatic retries of sending a failed
DICOM Store job A value of 0 means: infinite number of retries

Dicom\Store\Enable sending Urgent patient data to DICOM Store

Production Default Value=0
Description=Enable sending Urgent patient data to DICOM Store

Dicom\Store\Positioner Motion
Production Default Value=0
Description=Describes the activity of the imaging device:
0 - Static (KALARE, Bronze)
1 - Dynamic (Ultimax-i, ZEXIRA)

Dicom\Store\Image grouping method

Production Default Value=0
Description=Image grouping method:
0 - According to acquisition.

System Parameters B-282

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

1 - Study images are sent within one series.

2 - Each image is sent in a different series.

DICOM Structured Report

Dicom\Structured Report\Storage commitment And Automatic server is mandatory for REM
Production Default Value=1
Description=At least one RDSR server need to be Automatic and with Storage commitment
0 - Optional.
1 - mandatory.

Dicom\Structured Report\Timeout between Auto sending of Failed Structured Report QM Jobs

Production Default Value=1
Description=Time (in minutes) between automatic retry of sending a failed Structured Report job A value
of 0 means: never re-send a failed job

Dicom\Structured Report\Number of Automatic Retries of sending Failed QM Jobs

Production Default Value=3
Description=Total number of automatic retries of sending a failed Structured Report job A value of 0
means: infinite number of retries

C.7 Field Of View

Field Of View\Max Horizontal Shift
Production Default Value=512
Description=Specifies the maximum possible shift in the horizontal direction.

Field Of View\Auto Pasting Enable

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if Automatic pasting of images is enabled.

Field Of View\Perform Auto Pasting

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if Automatic pasting of images should be performed.

Field Of View\Auto Pasting Sort Order

Production Default Value=0
Description=0 if C-Long sorting is by descending. 1 if C-Long sorting is by ascending.

Field Of View\Auto Pasting Revert Horizontal Shift

Production Default Value=0
Description=When enabled, the direction of the x-shift between successive images is reverted.

Field Of View\Auto Pasting Patient Thickness

Production Default Value=200
Description=Typical patient thickness.

System Parameters B-283

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Field Of View\Auto Table Position delta1

Production Default Value=100
Description=The difference in tenth of mm between the C-long of the first and last images within a
group. All the images within one group are considered to be on the same table position.

Field Of View\Auto Table Position delta2

Production Default Value=2
Description=The difference between the image number of two consecutive images within a subgroup. All
the images within one subgroup are considered to be acquired on the same period of time.

Field Of View\Auto Pasting Isocenter Distance

Production Default Value=715
Description=The value in mm of Isocenter distance used in automatic pasting.

Field Of View\Auto Pasting AP/PA Default

Production Default Value=0
Description=Default value of AP/PA used in automatic pasting for images that don't have this
0 - AP acquisition
1 - PA acquisition

Field Of View\Auto Pasting SID Default

Production Default Value=1110
Description=Default value in mm of SID used in automatic pasting for images that don't have this

Field Of View\Auto Pasting C_Vert Default

Production Default Value=200
Description=Default value in mm of C_Vert used in automatic pasting for images that don't have this

Field Of View\AP\Auto Table Position coefficient II 1

Production Default Value=1.0
Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in AP mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #1.

Field Of View\AP\Auto Table Position coefficient II 2

Production Default Value=1.0
Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in AP mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #2.

Field Of View\AP\Auto Table Position coefficient II 3

Production Default Value=1.0
Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in AP mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #3.

Field Of View\AP\Auto Table Position coefficient II 4

Production Default Value=1.0
Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in AP mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #4.

Field Of View\AP\Auto Table Position coefficient II 5

System Parameters B-284

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1.0

Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in AP mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #5.

Field Of View\AP\Reference X-shift

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies the horizontal shift to perform between successive images acquired in AP mode.
The final horizontal shift is multiply by the difference in their CLong and divided by 50.

Field Of View\PA\Auto Table Position coefficient II 1

Production Default Value=1.0
Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in PA mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #1.

Field Of View\PA\Auto Table Position coefficient II 2

Production Default Value=1.0
Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in PA mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #2.

Field Of View\PA\Auto Table Position coefficient II 3

Production Default Value=1.0
Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in PA mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #3.

Field Of View\PA\Auto Table Position coefficient II 4

Production Default Value=1.0
Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in PA mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #4.

Field Of View\PA\Auto Table Position coefficient II 5

Production Default Value=1.0
Description=Coefficient for automatic images arRangement in the long image and acquired in PA mode.
The arRangement is according to the images table position. The value corresponds to image intensifier
size #5.

Field Of View\PA\Reference X-shift

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies the horizontal shift to perform between successive images acquired in PA mode.
The final horizontal shift is multiply by the difference in their CLong and divided by 50.

C.8 Film Previewer

Film Previewer\Print Copies available
Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether it is possible to print a few copies of a printing job.

C.9 Generator
Generator\Generator Type
Production Default Value=5
0 - RS-232 communication not available.
5 - CPIGenerator communication available.

System Parameters B-285

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Generator\Annotation reversal enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether annotation reversal is enabled.
0 - disable.
1 - enable.

Generator\Total Dose Available

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines if X-rayGenerator supplies the total dose information
0 - cannot supply
1 - information available

Generator\Reset Fluoro Timer

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines if fluoro timer shall be reset on patient change
0 - fluoro timer remains untouched
1 - fluoro timer resets on new patient registration

Generator\APR command retries

Production Default Value=15
Description=Number of retries to do untilGenerator returns to idel

Generator\Cine Loop in Ref Monitor Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Cine Loop in Ref Monitor Enabled

Generator\Pulse Rate available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines if X-rayGenerator supplies the Fluoro Pulse Rate information
0 - cannot supply
1 - information available
Generator\Support AEC for Tube 2 with WiFi FPD in bucky Production Default Value=0
0 - AEC not supported.
1 - AEC supported.

Generator\Intelligent AEC Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Intelligent AEC feature availability

C.10 Hardware
Hardware\CCU \Retry counter
Production Default Value=3
Description=Number of command retires when CCU RS-422 not returns acknowledge

Hardware\CCU\Inspection cycle
Production Default Value=60
Description=Cycle to check CCU communications

System Parameters B-286

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1
Description=Well capacity enlargement
Shall be set during CMT factory setup as follows:
0 - for R1/E1 systems
1 - for R2/E2 systems

Production Default Value=1
Description=Longer charge reset duration Shall be set during CMT factory setup as follows:
0 - for R1/E1 systems
1 - for R2/E2 systems

Production Default Value=0
Description=Define if CPI console is used:
0: No CPI console – Duet Master
1: CPI console used – Duet Slave

Hardware\CPI\Remote PPS
Production Default Value=0
Description=0: PPS rate selection is done fromGenerator Console
1: PPS rate selection is done from external switch

Hardware\CPI\Remote HL
Production Default Value=0
Description=0 - High Level Fluoro selection is done fromGenerator Console
1 - High Level Fluoro selection is done from external switch

Hardware\CPI\Model Type
Production Default Value=0
Description=0 - Indico 100
1 - Indico IQ

Production Default Value=1
Description=0 - Disable workstation
1 - Enable workstation

Production Default Value=2
Description=Generator workstation index.

Production Default Value=1
Description=0 - Disable workstation
1 - Enable workstation

Production Default Value=5

System Parameters B-287

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Generator workstation index.

Production Default Value=1
Description=0 - Disable workstation
1 - Enable workstation

Production Default Value=1
Description=Generator workstation index.

Production Default Value=1
Description=0 - Disable workstation
1 - Enable workstation

Production Default Value=3
Description=Generator workstation index.

Production Default Value=1
Description=0 - Disable workstation
1 - Enable workstation

Production Default Value=4
Description=Generator workstation index.

Hardware\CPI\Fluoro radio curve

Production Default Value=1
Description=1 - Enable
0 - Disable

Hardware\DAP\DAP Type
Production Default Value=5
Description=DAP Type
1 - PTW Dap
4 - Calculated DAP (by CPI X-ray Generator)
5 - CPIGenerator DAP interface

Hardware\DAP\Eliminate dap measurement on dap error

Production Default Value=0
Description=Eliminate dap measurement on dap error
0 - Trust accumulated dap values after dap error
1 - Eliminate accumulated dap values after dap error

Hardware\DAP\Com Port Number

Production Default Value=4
Description=Com Port Number

System Parameters B-288

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Hardware\DAP\Chamber Patient Distance

Production Default Value=100
Description=Distance between Chamber and Patient (cm)

Hardware\DAP\Ptcl Parameters\DAP Unit

Production Default Value=0
Description=DAP Unit
0 - mGycmcm
1 - cGycmcm
2 - dGycmcm
3 - Gym2
4 - Gycmcm

Hardware\DAP\Ptcl Parameters\Entrence Dose Rate Unit

Production Default Value=0
Description=Entrence Dose Rate Unit
0 - mGy/s
1 - mGy/min

Hardware\DAP\Ptcl Parameters\Fluoro Accum Entrence Dose

Production Default Value=0
Description=Display Fluoro Accum Entrence Dose On IRM

Hardware\DAP\Ptcl Parameters\Radio Accum Entrence Dose

Production Default Value=0
Description=Display Radio Accum Entrence Dose On IRM

Hardware\DAP\Ptcl Parameters\Total Accum DAP

Production Default Value=1
Description=Display Total Accum DAP On IRM
0 - Fluoro Accum DAP and Radio Accum DAP Can Be Displayed on IRM
1 - Only Total Accum DAP will Be Presented

Hardware\DAP\Ptcl Parameters\Total Accum Entrence Dose

Production Default Value=1
Description=Display Total Accum Entrence Dose On IRM
0 - Fluoro Accum E.D and Radio Accum E.D Can Be Displayed on IRM
1 - Only Total Accum E.D will Be Presented

Hardware\DAP\Ptcl Parameters\Fluoro Accum DAP

Production Default Value=0
Description=Display Fluoro Accum DAP On IRM

Hardware\DAP\Ptcl Parameters\Radio Accum DAP

Production Default Value=0
Description=Display Radio Accum DAP On IRM

Hardware\DAP\Ptcl Parameters\Display Total Radio Expo

Production Default Value=1
Description=Display Total Radio Exposure On IRM

System Parameters B-289

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Hardware\IOB\MAG channel
Production Default Value=0
Description=MAG size ADC channel

Hardware\IOB\VHref channel
Production Default Value=1
Description=ADC of the VHref voltage (Shutters-specific)

Hardware\IOB\Href channel
Production Default Value=3
Description=ADC of the Href voltage (Shutters-specific)

Hardware\IOB\Vref channel
Production Default Value=2
Description=ADC of the Vref voltage (Shutters-specific)

Hardware\Keypad\Sound Control
Production Default Value=3
Description=Enables or disables keypad sounds.
0 - No sound
1 - Only click enabled
2 - Only beep enabled
3 - Both click and beep enabled

Hardware\Keypad\Prevent Led Blinking

Production Default Value=1
0 - otherwise (no Keypad leds treatment)
1 - prevent Keypad leds blinking when pressing/releasing Foot/Hand switch

Hardware\Keypad\Use of "Test Shot/Next Step" key to indicate "Close Examination"

Production Default Value=0
Description=Determines whether the key 'Test Shot/Next Step' on the keypad, will be used as Test
Shot/Next Step or as close examination key.

Hardware\PDB\LSB MAU size
Production Default Value=128
Description=New MAU LSB size

Hardware\PDB\MSB MAU size

Production Default Value=128
Description=New MAU MSB size

Hardware\Rad\Pixrad\Offset\Offset validation retries
Production Default Value=2

System Parameters B-290

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Offset validation retries

Hardware\Rad\Pixrad\Offset\Offset preview timeout(minutes)

Production Default Value=60
Description=Offset preview timeout(minutes)

Hardware\RCT\Remote Control Table
Production Default Value=0
Description=Enable communication protocol with tilting table gantry

Hardware\RCT\Send Address
Production Default Value=
Description=IP address of remote controled table

Hardware\RCT\Send Port
Production Default Value=1501
Description=Connection port of remote controled table

Hardware\RCT\Receive Address
Production Default Value=
Description=IP address of local host

Hardware\RCT\Receive Port
Production Default Value=1500
Description=Connection port of local host

Production Default Value=3
Description=Number of communication retries

Hardware\RCT\Table Position Reached Timeout

Production Default Value=15000
Description=Position Reached Timeout

Hardware\RCT\Device Controlled Collimator

Production Default Value=1
Description=Determines if the collimator is controled by RCT

Hardware\RCT\Enable Preset Position

Production Default Value=1
Description=Enable/Disable APR Preset Position
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled

Hardware\Trixell\Minimum value for Long SID (cm)
Production Default Value=136
Description='Long' or 'Short' detector Gain-Table will be used according to this SID value

Hardware\VideoSw\Switcher Type
Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-291

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

0 – VP-437
1- VP-728

Hardware\VideoSw\Endoscope Enabled
Production Default Value=1
Description=Indicate Endoscope/Cyctoscope is used

Hardware\VideoSw\Ultrasound Enabled
Production Default Value=0
Description=Indicate Ultrasound availability

Hardware\VideoSw\Default Input Channel

Production Default Value=6
Description=Input Channel for X-ray Reference Image

Hardware\VideoSw\Endoscope Input Channel

Production Default Value=7
Description=Input Channel for Endoscope

Hardware\VideoSw\Ultrasound Input Channel

Production Default Value=4
Description=Input Channel for Ultrasound

Hardware\VideoSw\Default Output Resolution

Production Default Value=14
Description=Ref. Monitor resolution for X-ray Reference Image

Hardware\VideoSw\Endoscope Output Resolution

Production Default Value=14
Description=Ref. Monitor resolution for Endoscope

Hardware\VideoSw\Ultrasound Output Resolution

Production Default Value=14
Description=Ref. Monitor resolution for Ultrasound

Production Default Value=0
Description=Define if the HIPAA mechanism is enabled

HIPAA\Number of entries in Users History log file

Production Default Value=1000
Description=Define the maximum number of entries in UsersHistory log file

HIPAA\Number of entries in Deleted Images log file

Production Default Value=30000
Description=Define the maximum number of entries in DeletedImages log file

System Parameters B-292

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

HIPAA\System Maximum Idle Time

Production Default Value=30
Description=Define the idle time of the system (in minutes), that after this time duration, the system will
lock and the screen become dark. 0 minutes means infinity.

C.12 Logging
Logging\Maximum number of TechLog files
Production Default Value=250
Description=Maximum number of LogTechXXX.log files.

Logging\Total size of log files (in MB)

Production Default Value=200
Description=Maximum total size of all LogTechXXX.log files and LogTechXXX.err.

Logging\Application Server\Logging Enable

Production Default Value=1
Description=Determines whether messages will be written to log file

Logging\Hardware\Logging Enable
Production Default Value=1
Description=Determines whether messages will be written to log file

C.13 Maintenance
Maintenance\SnapShot\Enable SnapShot
Production Default Value=0
Description=Enables the snap shot abilities from Help menu item

Maintenance\SnapShot\Collect SnapShot Information on Exception

Production Default Value=0
Description=Save system snap shot during log off after exception

C.14 Monitor
Monitor\System Monitoring Options\CPU Enabled
Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Fan Controller Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

System Parameters B-293

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\GPU Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Mainboard Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\RAM Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\HDD Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Temperature Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Voltage Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Clock Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Control Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test

System Parameters B-294

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Data Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Factor Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Fan Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Flow Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Level Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Load Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

Monitor\System Monitoring Options\Power Sensor Enabled

Production Default Value=3
Description=0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled only for full test
2 - Enabled only for short test
3 - Enabled for both

C.15 Patient Registration

Patient Registration\Patient Name Order
Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-295

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Applicable only for patient name made of 2 fields (and not 5 field - for DICOM)
0 - Last Name before First Name
1 - First Name before Last Name

Patient Registration\Study Type Control

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether study type will be mandatory or not during patient registration
0 - Study type selection is mandatory in the patient registration screen.
1 - Study type selection is not mandatory. In case no study type selection done, default DR study type is
set on power on.
2 - Study type selection is not mandatory. In case no study type selection done, Last study type from
previous session is set on power on.

Patient Registration\Support "Other" as Patient Sex

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether "other" patient sex is supported
in the Patient registration screen

Patient Registration\Accession Number Available

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether Accession Number field is available in the Patient registration screen

Patient Registration\Input Procedure Description

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether Procedure Description field is displayed in the Patient registration screen
0 - Requested Procedure Description
1 - Scheduled Procedure Description

Patient Registration\Send Null In Accession Number

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the 'Accession Number' will be sent to DICOM Store as NULL, or as was
generated by the system in case not received from MWM server.
0 - Always send existing 'Accession Number'.
1 - Send 'Accession Number' as 'NULL' in case Urgent Patient
2 - Send always 'Accession Number' as 'NULL'
3 - Send & display 'Accession Number' only if received from MWM, or modified by the user. Send &
display 'Accession Number' as 'NULL' in case internally created.

Patient Registration\Use of Five Fields for Patient Name in Patient Reg. Screen
Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whethear the patient name will be composed of two components (first and last
name), or of 5 parts (title, first and last name, middle name and suffix).
0 - The two components person name
1 - The five components person name

Patient Registration\Enable Append Case

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whethear IHE Append Case is supported for Appending an unscheduled procedure.
0 - Dissable
1 - Enable

Patient Registration\Patient Status Enabled

Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-296

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Defines whether patient list in the Patient Reg. Screen will consist a section for pending
0 - No pending patients section
1 - With pending patients section

Patient Registration\Same Data For All Examinations

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines how to add Examinations to the Visit.
0 - Create different ProcedureStep per Examination
1 - Create same ProcedureStep for all Examinations

Patient Registration\Clean Current List On Logon

Production Default Value=1
Description=Clean patient registration's current list on Logon.
0 - List is not cleaned on Logon
1 - List is cleaned on Logon

Patient Registration\Default Patient Size

Production Default Value=0
Description=Default patient size
0 - Normal
1 - Fat
2 - Thin
3 - Child
4 - Infant

Patient Registration\Date Threshold Mode\Month Threshold

Production Default Value=24
Description=Display month threshold

Patient Registration\Date Threshold Mode\Days Threshold

Production Default Value=30
Description=Display days threshold

C.16 Post
Post\Angio\AutoRegistration\AutoRegistration Enabled
Production Default Value=1
Description=Automatic pixel shift availability in the Angiography package

Post\Angio\AutoRegistration\Algorithm Type
Production Default Value=1
Description=Type of algorithm used for automatic pixel shift.
1 - Gradient based algorithm
2 - Vectors based algorithm
3 - Absolute derivative differences based algorithm

Post\Angio\AutoRegistration\Smoothing level
Production Default Value=2
Description=Smoothing level

Post\Angio\AutoRegistration\Distance for derivative calculation

System Parameters B-297

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1

Description=Distance for derivative calculation

Post\Angio\AutoRegistration\Derivative Threshold
Production Default Value=0
Description=Threshold value for derivative.

Post\Angio\AutoRegistration\Max Shift
Production Default Value=10
Description=Maximum pixel shift for calculation

Post\Angio\AutoRegistration\Default ROI Width

Production Default Value=100
Description=Default ROI length/width

Post\Angio\AutoRegistration\Max ROI Width

Production Default Value=256
Description=Maximum ROI length/width

Post\Common\No Operation Accumulation
Production Default Value=1
0 - More than one flip and more than one filter can be applied to an image.
1 - Only one flip and one filter can be applied to an image.

Post\Common\Tuner psw
Production Default Value=123456
Description= user password for ART tuner and for Reject Analysis

Post\Common\Apply Gamma Change to Print

Production Default Value=1
0 - Changing Gamma level of an image in the viewer changes only the Gamma level of this image in the
1 - Changing Gamma level of an image in the viewer changes the Gamma level of this image both for
the Workstation and the printers.

Post\DCF\Post Radio DCF Type
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specify if post radio DCF is enabled
0 - disable
1 - enable

Magnifying Glass
Post\Magnifying Glass\Allow Graphics in Magnifying Glass Mode
Production Default Value=1
Description=Determines whether the Graphics elements (lines, arrows, ROI, etc.) and their text will be
displayed in Magnifying Glass Mode.

System Parameters B-298

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Monitor Gamma
Post\Monitor Gamma\WSM
Production Default Value=0
Description=Required monitor gamma file index:
0: No correction (no input log, all LUT linear)
1: CRT live monitor incorporated in DCD
2: Monochrome LCD live or reference monitor
3: Colour LCD system monitor
4: Monochrome LCD system monitor
5: Spare
6: Spare
7: Monochrome monitor whose setting is adjusted to DICOM part 14
(maximum brightness: 300 to 600 cd/m2)
8: Colour monitor whose setting is adjusted to DICOM part 14
(maximum brightness: 150 to 600 cd/m2)
9: Spare

Post\Monitor Gamma\IRM
Production Default Value=0
Description=Required monitor gamma file index:
0: No correction (no input log, all LUT linear)
1: CRT live monitor incorporated in DCD
2: Monochrome LCD live or reference monitor
3: Colour LCD system monitor
4: Monochrome LCD system monitor
5: Spare
6: Spare
7: Monochrome monitor whose setting is adjusted to DICOM part 14
(maximum brightness: 300 to 600 cd/m2)
8: Colour monitor whose setting is adjusted to DICOM part 14
(maximum brightness: 150 to 600 cd/m2)
9: Spare

Post\Monitor Gamma\REF
Production Default Value=0
Description=Required monitor gamma file index:
0: No correction (no input log, all LUT linear)
1: CRT live monitor incorporated in DCD
2: Monochrome LCD live or reference monitor
3: Colour LCD system monitor
4: Monochrome LCD system monitor
5: Spare
6: Spare
7: Monochrome monitor whose setting is adjusted to DICOM part 14
(maximum brightness: 300 to 600 cd/m2)
8: Colour monitor whose setting is adjusted to DICOM part 14
(maximum brightness: 150 to 600 cd/m2)
9: Spare

Post\Monitor Gamma\LI
Production Default Value=0
Description=Required monitor gamma file index :
0: No correction (no input log, all LUT linear)
1: CRT live monitor incorporated in DCD
2: Monochrome LCD live or reference monitor
3: Colour LCD system monitor
4: Monochrome LCD system monitor
5: Spare
6: Spare

System Parameters B-299

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

7: Monochrome monitor whose setting is adjusted to DICOM part 14

(maximum brightness: 300 to 600 cd/m2)
8: Colour monitor whose setting is adjusted to DICOM part 14
(maximum brightness: 150 to 600 cd/m2)
9: Spare

Post\Shutters\Gradient Kernel Half-Size
Production Default Value=16
Description=Half of the gradient filter kernel length

Post\Shutters\Percent of Peak Height

Production Default Value=10
Description=Percent of peak height for threshold

Post\Shutters\Percent of Lines to Add

Production Default Value=0
Description=Shutter additional closing in percents

Post\Shutters\Index of Symmetry
Production Default Value=150
Description=Permissible assymmetry parameter

Production Default Value=1000
Description=Low level value of the window used when displaying subtracted image

Production Default Value=3300
Description=High level value of the window used when displaying subtracted image

Post\Zoom\Interactive Zoom ROI Gray Level for BW

Production Default Value=255
Description=User-Selectable zoom ROI gray level

Post\Zoom\Fit Method
Production Default Value=0
Description=Fit Method
0 - Fit Image
1 - Fit to shutters
2 - Fit to shutters and Auto Fit to shutters on Acquire

C.17 Printer
Printer\Maximum number of characters in patient ID
Production Default Value=10
Description=Maximum number of characters in Patient ID

Printer\Apply expand of circular blank

Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-300

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

0 - Don't expand circular blank when image was applied with filters or zoom.
1 - Expand circular blank when image was applied with filters or zoom to erase white frame.

Printer\Max expand of circular blank

Production Default Value=4
Description=Maximum pixels to expand circular blank width from each side.

Printer\Display Resolution
Production Default Value=0
Description=Printer resolution.
0 - Low.
1 - High.

Printer\Number Of Pixels In Line

Production Default Value=1280
Description=Printed image width. If set to 1024, system text isn't printed.
User Interface

Printer\Font Size\System Text\Portrait\FOV High Resolution\Film Format (1x1)

Production Default Value=40
Description=Size of font for system text for film in portrait format 1X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx2K or

Printer\Display user annotations with changed colors

Production Default Value=1
0 - A fixed user defined value - without any change in annotations color 1 - User Annotations colors have
been computed refer to image background colors
2 - User white annotations with black border

Printer\User annotations fixed grey level

Production Default Value=255
Description=Define a fixed color to be used in fixed color mode(0-255)

Font Size
Printer\Font Size\System Text\Portrait\FOV High Resolution\Film Format (1x2)
Production Default Value=40
Description=Size of font for system text for film in portrait format 1X2 for FOV images of size 1Kx2K or

Printer\Font Size\System Text\Portrait\FOV Low Resolution\Film Format (1x1)

Production Default Value=40
Description=Size of font for system text for film in portrait format 1X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx4K or

Printer\Font Size\System Text\Portrait\FOV Low Resolution\Film Format (1x2)

Production Default Value=40

System Parameters B-301

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Size of font for system text for film in portrait format 1X2 for FOV images of size 1Kx4K or

Printer\Font Size\System Text\Landscape\FOV High Resolution\Film Format (1x1)

Production Default Value=40
Description=Size of font for system text for film in Landscape format 1X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx2K or

Printer\Font Size\System Text\Landscape\FOV High Resolution\Film Format (2x1)

Production Default Value=40
Description=Size of font for system text for film in Landscape format 2X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx2K or

Printer\Font Size\System Text\Landscape\FOV Low Resolution\Film Format (1x1)

Production Default Value=40
Description=Size of font for system text for film in Landscape format 1X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx4K or

Printer\Font Size\System Text\Landscape\FOV Low Resolution\Film Format (2x1)

Production Default Value=40
Description=Size of font for system text for film in Landscape format 2X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx4K or

Printer\Font Size\User Text\Portrait\FOV High Resolution\Film Format (1x1)

Production Default Value=30
Description=Size of font for User text for film in portrait format 1X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx2K or

Printer\Font Size\User Text\Portrait\FOV High Resolution\Film Format (1x2)

Production Default Value=30
Description=Size of font for User text for film in portrait format 1X2 for FOV images of size 1Kx2K or

Printer\Font Size\User Text\Portrait\FOV Low Resolution\Film Format (1x1)

Production Default Value=20
Description=Size of font for User text for film in portrait format 1X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx4K or

Printer\Font Size\User Text\Portrait\FOV Low Resolution\Film Format (1x2)

Production Default Value=20
Description=Size of font for User text for film in portrait format 1X2 for FOV images of size 1Kx4K or

Printer\Font Size\User Text\Landscape\FOV High Resolution\Film Format (1x1)

Production Default Value=30

System Parameters B-302

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Size of font for User text for film in Landscape format 1X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx2K or

Printer\Font Size\User Text\Landscape\FOV High Resolution\Film Format (2x1)

Production Default Value=30
Description=Size of font for User text for film in Landscape format 2X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx2K or

Printer\Font Size\User Text\Landscape\FOV Low Resolution\Film Format (1x1)

Production Default Value=20
Description=Size of font for User text for film in Landscape format 1X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx4K or

Printer\Font Size\User Text\Landscape\FOV Low Resolution\Film Format (2x1)

Production Default Value=20
Description=Size of font for User text for film in Landscape format 2X1 for FOV images of size 1Kx4K or

Margins Width for system text

Printer\Margins Width for system text\FOV\Image size 1Kx2K
Production Default Value=128
Description=Margins Width for system text for long image of size 1Kx2K

Printer\Margins Width for system text\FOV\Image size 1Kx2.5K

Production Default Value=128
Description=Margins Width for system text for long image of size 1Kx2.5K

Printer\Margins Width for system text\FOV\Image size 1Kx4K

Production Default Value=128
Description=Margins Width for system text for long image of size 1Kx4K

Printer\Margins Width for system text\FOV\Image size 1Kx5K

Production Default Value=128
Description=Margins Width for system text for long image of size 1Kx5K

Maximum Mode
Printer\Maximum Mode\Number of text lines added
Production Default Value=1
Description=Number Of system Text Lines Overlayed On Image

Printer\Maximum Mode\Distance between lines

Production Default Value=7
Description=Distance between system text lines superimposed on image

System Parameters B-303

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Printer\Maximum Mode\Handling of Multiformat/Subdivided

Production Default Value=2
Description=How Multiformat/Subdivided images will be handled:
0. Always handle MF images in "full text" mode
1. Always handle MF images in "maximum size" mode
2. Handle MF images according to the way single images are handled.

Printer\Maximum Mode\Max number of characters in line for font 30

Production Default Value=60
Description=Maximum number of characters in text line displayed with font 30

Printer\Maximum number of characters in Patient Name

Production Default Value=32
Description=Maximum number of characters in Patient Name

Printer\Maximum Mode\Print characters with black background

Production Default Value=1
Description=Text Overlapped on image with black or transparent background

Printer\Maximum Mode\L/R mark overlapped in printed image

Production Default Value=1
Description=Show L/R signs on image

Printer\Maximum Mode\L/R font size

Production Default Value=80
Description=L/R signs font size

C.18 Programmable Input-Output

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 00\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 00\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 00\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 00\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 00\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 01
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 01\Polarity

System Parameters B-304

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 01\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 01\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 01\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 01\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 02
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 02\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 02\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 02\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 02\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 02\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 03
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 03\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 03\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 03\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 03\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 03\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 04
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 04\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 04\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 04\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 04\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 04\Interrupt Enable

System Parameters B-305

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1

Description=Should be set during CMT factory setup as follows:
0 - For R1/E1 systems
1 - For R2/E2 systems
Input pin 05
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 05\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 05\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 05\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 05\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 05\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Description=Should be set during CMT factory setup as follows:
0 - For R1/E1 systems
1 - For R2/E2 systems
Input pin 06
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 06\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 06\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 06\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 06\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 06\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Description=Shall be set during CMT factory setup as follows:
0 - For R1/E1 systems
1 - For R2/E2 systems
Input pin 07
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 07\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 07\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 07\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 07\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 07\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 08

System Parameters B-306

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 08\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 08\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 08\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 08\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 08\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 09
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 09\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 09\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 09\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 09\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 09\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 10
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 10\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 10\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 10\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 10\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 10\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 11
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 11\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 11\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 11\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 11\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-307

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 11\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 12
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 12\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 12\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 12\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 12\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 12\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 13
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 13\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 13\Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 13\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 13\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 13\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=0
Input pin 14
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 14\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 14\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 14\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 14\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 14\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 15
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 15\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 15\Debounce
Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-308

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 15\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 15\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 15\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 16
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 16\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 16\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 16\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 16\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 16\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 17
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 17\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 17\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 17\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 17\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 17\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=0
Input pin 18
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 18\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 18\Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 18\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 18\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 18\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 19
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 19\Polarity

System Parameters B-309

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 19\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 19\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 19\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 19\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 20
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 20\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 20\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 20\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 20\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 20\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 21
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 21\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 21\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 21\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 21\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 21\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 22
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 22\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 22\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 22\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 22\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 22\Interrupt Enable

System Parameters B-310

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1

Input pin 23
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 23\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 23\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 23\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 23\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 23\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 24
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 24\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 24\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 24\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 24\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 24\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 25
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 25\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 25\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 25\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 25\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 25\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 26
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 26\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 26\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 26\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-311

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 26\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 26\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 27
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 27\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 27\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 27\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 27\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 27\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 28
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 28\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 28\Debounce
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 28\Half Debounce
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 28\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 28\Interrupt Enable
Production Default Value=1
Input pin 29
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 29\Polarity
Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 29\Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 29\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 29\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 29\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=0
Input pin 30

System Parameters B-312

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 30\Polarity
Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 30\Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 30\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 30\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 30\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=0
Input pin 31
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 31\Polarity
Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 31\Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 31\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 31\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 31\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=0
Input pin 32
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 32\Polarity
Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 32\Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 32\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 32\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 32\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=0
Input pin 33

System Parameters B-313

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 33\Polarity
Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 33\Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 33\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 33\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 33\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=0
Input pin 34
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 34\Polarity
Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 34\Debounce

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 34\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 34\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 34\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=1
Input pin 35
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 35\Polarity
Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 35\Debounce

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 35\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 35\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 35\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=1
Input pin 36

System Parameters B-314

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 36\Polarity
Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 36\Debounce

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 36\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 36\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 36\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=1
Input pin 37
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 37\Polarity
Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 37\Debounce

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 37\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 37\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 37\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=1
Input pin 38
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 38\Polarity
Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 38\Debounce

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 38\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 38\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 38\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=1
Input pin 39

System Parameters B-315

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 39\Polarity
Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 39\Debounce

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 39\Half Debounce

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 39\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Properties\Channel 39\Interrupt Enable

Production Default Value=1
Input Pins Assignment
Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\Fluoro Request (FLREQ)
Production Default Value=0
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of FLREG signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\Prep Request (PREPREQ)

Production Default Value=2
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of PREPREQ signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\Exposure Request (EXPREQ)

Production Default Value=3
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of EXPREQ signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\PF-mode

Production Default Value=6
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of pulse fluoro mode signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\PF-Rate0

Production Default Value=4
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of PF_Rate0 signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\PF-Rate1

Production Default Value=5
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of PF_Rate1 signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\SYS Standby

Production Default Value=64
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of System Standby signal

System Parameters B-316

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\High Level Fluoro

Production Default Value=9
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number for High Level Fluoro signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\Fluoro LIH

Production Default Value=64
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of LIH signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\H-Rev

Production Default Value=64
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of H-Reverse signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\V-Rev

Production Default Value=64
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of V-Reverse signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\DR-Mode

Production Default Value=16
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of DR-Mode signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\F-Code1

Production Default Value=14
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of F-Code1 signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\F-Code2

Production Default Value=15
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of F-Code2 signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\Ready

Production Default Value=64
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of READY signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\Exposure On (EXON)

Production Default Value=64
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of EXON signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\MAG1

Production Default Value=1
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of MAG1 signal. Relevant only to X-ray rooms with digital type of image
intensifier size signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\MAG2

System Parameters B-317

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=7

Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of MAG2 signal. Relevant only to X-ray rooms with digital type of image
intensifier size signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\MAG3

Production Default Value=8
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of MAG3 signal. Relevant only to X-ray rooms with digital type of image
intensifier size signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\MAG4

Production Default Value=64
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of MAG4 signal. Relevant only to X-ray rooms with digital type of image
intensifier size signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\MAG5

Production Default Value=64
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of MAG5 signal. Relevant only to X-ray rooms with digital type of image
intensifier size signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\DCF Off pin

Production Default Value=34
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of DCF Off signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\DCF 1 pin

Production Default Value=35
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of DCF 1 signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\DCF 2 pin

Production Default Value=36
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of DCF 2 signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\DCF 3 pin

Production Default Value=37
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of DCF 3 signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\DCF 4 pin

Production Default Value=39
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of DCF 4 signal

Programmable Input-Output\Input\Channel Assignment\DCF Auto pin

Production Default Value=38
Unit=Input Pin
Description=Input pin number of DCF Auto signal

System Parameters B-318

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 00\Polarity
Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 00\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 00\Multiplex

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies output pin 0 source:
0 - Controlled by software
1 - Pulsed fluoro expose signal
2 - Radio expose signal
3 - Cine expose signal

Output pin 01

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 01\Polarity

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 01\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 01\Multiplex

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies output pin 1 source:
0 - Controlled by software
1 - Pulsed fluoro expose signal
2 - Radio expose signal
3 - Cine expose signal

Output pin 02

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 02\Polarity

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 02\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 02\Multiplex

Production Default Value=2
Description=Specifies output pin 2 source:
0 - Controlled by software
1 - Pulsed fluoro expose signal
2 - Radio expose signal
3 - Cine expose signal

Output pin 03

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 03\Polarity

System Parameters B-319

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1


Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 03\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 03\Multiplex

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies output pin 3 source:
0 - Controlled by software
1 - Pulsed fluoro expose signal
2 - Radio expose signal
3 - Cine expose signal

Output pin 04

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 04\Polarity

Production Default Value=1

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 04\Wet-Dry

Production Default Value=0

Output pin 05

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 05\Polarity

Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 05\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 06

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 06\Polarity

Production Default Value=1
Output pin 07

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 07\Polarity

Production Default Value=1
Output pin 08

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 08\Polarity

Production Default Value=1
Output pin 09

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 09\Polarity

Production Default Value=0
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 09\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-320

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Output pin 10
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 10\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 10\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 11
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 11\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 11\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 12
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 12\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 12\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 13
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 13\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 13\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 14
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 14\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 14\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 15
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 15\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 15\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 16
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 16\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 16\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 17
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 17\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 17\Wet-Dry

System Parameters B-321

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Output pin 18
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 18\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 18\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 19
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 19\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 19\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 20
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 20\Polarity
Production Default Value=1
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 20\Wet-Dry
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 21
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 21\Polarity
Production Default Value=0
Output pin 22
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Properties\Channel 22\Polarity
Production Default Value=1

Output Pins Assignment

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\Harmony Active
Production Default Value=23
Unit=Output Pin
Description=System Active signal

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\Prep Acknowledge (PREPACK)

Production Default Value=1
Unit=Output Pin
Description=Specifies output pin for PREP_ACK signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\Fluoro Grant (FLGNT)

Production Default Value=4
Unit=Output Pin
Description=Specifies output pin for FLR_GNT signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\Fluoro Mirror Position (F_POS)

Production Default Value=23
Unit=Output Pin
Description=Specifies output pin for F-pos signal.

System Parameters B-322

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\Radio Mirror Position (R_POS)

Production Default Value=23
Unit=Output Pin
Description=Specifies output pin for R-pos signal.

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\Injector (INJ)

Production Default Value=23
Unit=Output Pin
Description=Currently not in use.

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\Disable Bypass

Production Default Value=23
Unit=Output Pin
Description=Specifies output pin for signal, disabling emergency fluoroscopy mode.

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\VCR pin

Production Default Value=23
Unit=Output Pin
Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\Generator Off
Production Default Value=3
Unit=Output Pin
Description=Specifies output pin for shutdown mechanism

Programmable Input-Output\Output\Channel Assignment\RCT turn off pin

Production Default Value=7
Description=Room Control Table Off command at system 'Log-Off'

C.19 Reserved
Reserved\Integer 1
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

Reserved\Integer 2
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

Reserved\Integer 3
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

Reserved\Integer 4
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

Reserved\Integer 5
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

Reserved\Integer 6
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

Reserved\Integer 7
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

System Parameters B-323

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Reserved\Integer 8
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

Reserved\Integer 9
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

Reserved\Integer 10
Production Default Value=0
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

Production Default Value=Reserved
Description=Reserved for future use

C.20 Scaling
Scaling\Display Scale with Pixel Spacing Production Default Value=0
Description=Display Scale with Pixel Spacing

Scaling\Display Scale with Zoom

Production Default Value=1
Description=Display Scale with Zoom

System Parameters B-324

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Scaling\Fluoro\Display on IRM
Production Default Value=0
Description=Display scaling on IRM for fluoro images

Scaling\Fluoro\Display on Workstation
Production Default Value=0
Description=Display scaling on workstation monitor for fluoro images

Scaling\Fluoro\Display on Imager
Production Default Value=0
Description=Display scaling on Imager for fluoro images

Scaling\Fluoro\Display on Dicom Store

Production Default Value=0
Description=Display scaling on Dicom Store for fluoro images
0 - Scale is not displayed
1 - Scale is displayed
2 - Scale is displayed only for images without pixel spacing

Scaling\Radio\Display on IRM
Production Default Value=0
Description=Display scaling on IRM for radio images

Scaling\Radio\Display on Workstation
Production Default Value=0
Description=Display scaling on workstation monitor for radio images

Scaling\Radio\Display on Imager
Production Default Value=0
Description=Display scaling on Imager for radio images

Scaling\Radio\Display on Dicom Store

Production Default Value=0
Description=Display scaling on Dicom Store for radio images
0 - Scale is not displayed
1 - Scale is displayed
2 - Scale is displayed only for images without pixel spacing

C.21 Stations
4343 RF:
Stations\Station 1. Tube1 with RF4343 FPD\Support Grid In/Out
Production Default Value=0
0 - Take Grid In/Out not supported.
1 - Take Grid In/Out supported Manualy.
2 - Take Grid In/Out supported by HW Notification.

4343 FL:

System Parameters B-325

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Stations\Station 1. Tube1 with FL4343 FPD\Support Grid In/Out

Production Default Value=0
0 - Take Grid In/Out not supported.
1 - Take Grid In/Out supported Manualy.
2 - Take Grid In/Out supported by HW Notification.

Stations\Station 2. Tube 1 with WiFi FPD\Support Grid In/Out

Production Default Value=0
0 - Take Grid In/Out not supported.
1 - Take Grid In/Out supported Manualy.
2 - Take Grid In/Out supported by HW Notification.

Stations\Station 3.Tube 2 with WiFi FPD out of bucky\Support Grid In/Out

Production Default Value=0
0 - Take Grid In/Out not supported.
1 - Take Grid In/Out supported Manualy.
2 - Take Grid In/Out supported by HW Notification.

Stations\Station 4.Tube 2 with WiFi FPD in bucky\Support Grid In/Out

Production Default Value=1
0 - Take Grid In/Out not supported.
1 - Take Grid In/Out supported Manualy.
2 - Take Grid In/Out supported by HW Notification.

C.22 Storage
Storage\External Devices\External Device\External Device 'Yellow' Zone (in percentages)
Production Default Value=20
Description=Define the minimum required free space for warning level on External Device (in percentage
of total size)

Storage\Local Disk Management\'RED' zone

Production Default Value=4300
Description=Minimal amount of disk free space needed to perform radiography acquisition

Storage\Local Disk Management\'YELLOW' zone

Production Default Value=14336
Description=Minimal amount of disk free space before displaying Disk Warning message

Storage\Local Disk Management\Copy Delay

Production Default Value=500
Description=Delay time between successive disk save operations

C.23 System Timeouts

System Timeouts\TaskIsRunning Timeout

System Parameters B-326

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=60000

Description=Time to wait for TaskIsRunning events

System Timeouts\Init Phase One Timeout

Production Default Value=180000
Description=Time to wait for Init Phase One to finish

System Timeouts\Init Phase Two Timeout

Production Default Value=180000
Description=Time to wait for Init Phase Two to finish

System Timeouts\Protocols manager report Timeout

Production Default Value=10000
Description=Time to wait for switches status check

System Timeouts\Spooler report Timeout

Production Default Value=10000
Description=Time to wait for spooler to report its status

System Timeouts\Hold acquisition Timeout

Production Default Value=10000
Description=Time to wait for protocol manager to hold acquisition

System Timeouts\System hold Timeout

Production Default Value=300000
Description=Time to wait for system to be held

System Timeouts\Unmount devices Timeout

Production Default Value=300000
Time to wait for unmount devices

System Timeouts\Finish processes Timeout

Production Default Value=60000
Description=Time to wait for processes to finish

C.24 Table Management

Table Management\Table Position Available
Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether Xray diagnostic table supply table position information
0 - disable.
1 - use "AMa" command.

System Parameters B-327

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

2 - use "AMh" command.

Table Management\Source to Image Distance

Production Default Value=0
Description=Set distance between source to image receptor for systems that this distance is static

Table Management\Source to isocenter Distance

Production Default Value=0
Description=Set distance between source to isocenter

Table Management\Table SID Dynamic

Production Default Value=1
Description=Defines whether the system has static or dynamic SID
0 - Static
1 - Dynamic

Table Management\Table AP/PA Status

Production Default Value=0
Description=Set over or under table tube status
0 - AP
1 - PA
2 - Mobile

Table Management\Arm Rotation angle Available

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether the table arm can rotate
0 - Not Available
1 - Available

Table Management\Arm Sliding angle Available

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether the table arm can slid
0 - Not Available
1 - Available

Table Management\Table C-arm isocenter Available

Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether the table C-arm isocenter Available
0 - Not Available
1 - Available

Table Management\Tabletop to Image Receptor Distance

Production Default Value=107
Description=Set distance between tabletop to image Receptor

Table Management\Lateral pixel spacing available

Production Default Value=0
Description=Lateral pixel spacing available
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled

System Parameters B-328

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

C.25 Text
System Text
Text\System Text\Work Station Font Size For Big Letters
Production Default Value=90
Description=Size of font for big letters system text in Workstation

Text\System Text\In Room Monitor Font Size

Production Default Value=30
Description=Size of the messages font printed on IRM

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\CLong Value\Visible

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if 'Accession Number' message visible.
0 - Invisible
1 - Visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Accession Number\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Accession Number' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Accession Number\Characters Number

Production Default Value=16
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Accession Number' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Angio Mask\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Angio Mask' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Angio Mask\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Angio Mask' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\AP/PA table status\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'AP/PA table status' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

System Parameters B-329

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\AP/PA table status\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'AP/PA table status' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\CAU/CRA degree Value\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'CAU/CRA degree Value' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\CAU/CRA degree Value\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'CAU/CRA degree Value' message. for
no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Date\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Date' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Date\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Date' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Dose mode\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Dose mode' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Dose mode\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Dose mode' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Edge LP/BP1/BP2\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Edge LP/BP1/BP2' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Edge LP/BP1/BP2\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-330

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Edge LP/BP1/BP2' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Edge Soft/Med/Sharp\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Edge Soft/Med/Sharp' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Edge Soft/Med/Sharp\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Edge Soft/Med/Sharp' message. for
no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Fluoro Image\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Fluoro Image' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Fluoro Image\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Fluoro Image' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Gamma\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Gamma' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Gamma\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Gamma' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Hospital Name\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Hospital Name' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Hospital Name\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Hospital Name' message.

System Parameters B-331

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\II size\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'II size' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\II size\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'II size' message.
for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Image Data\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Image Data' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Image Data\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Image Data' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Image In Series\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Image In Series' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Image In Series\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Image In Series' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\KV\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'KV' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\KV\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'KV' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\LAO/RAO degree Value\Visible

System Parameters B-332

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=1

Description=Specifies if 'LAO/RAO degree Value' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\LAO/RAO degree Value\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'LAO/RAO degree Value' message. for
no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\mAs\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'mAs' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\mAs\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'mAs' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\msec\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'msec' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\msec\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'msec' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Patient Age & Sex\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Patient Age & Sex' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Patient Age & Sex\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Patient Age & Sex' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Patient Age & Sex\Display DOB

Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-333

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies if to display Age or DOB

0 - Display Age
1 - Display DOB

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Patient Id\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Patient Id' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Patient Id\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Patient Id' message. for no limitation
- set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Patient Name\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Patient Name' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Patient Name\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Patient Name' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Physician Name\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Physician Name' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Physician Name\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Physician Name' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Referring Physician\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Referring Physician Name' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Referring Physician\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Referring Physician Name' message.
for no limitation - set value to 0.

System Parameters B-334

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Procedure Description\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Procedure Description' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Procedure Description\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Procedure Description' message. for
no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Post Operators\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Post Operators' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Post Operators\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Post Operators' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Remark\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Remark' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Remark\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Remark' message.
for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Image Storage Mark\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Image Storage Mark' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Series Label\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Series Label' is visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Series Label\Characters Number

System Parameters B-335

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in Series Label. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Study Name\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Study Name' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Study Name\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Study Name' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Technique & Sequence\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Technique & Sequence' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Technique & Sequence\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Technique & Sequence' message. for
no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Tilt degree Value\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Tilt degree Value' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Tilt degree Value\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Tilt degree Value' message.
for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Time\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Time' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Time\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-336

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Time' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Body Part Examined\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Body Part Examined' message is visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Body Part Examined\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Body Part Examined' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Window High Title\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Window High Title' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Window High Title\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Window High Title' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Window High Value\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Window High Value' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Window High Value\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Window High Value' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Window Low Title\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Window Low Title' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Window Low Title\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Window Low Title' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

System Parameters B-337

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Window Low Value\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Window Low Value' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Window Low Value\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Window Low Value' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Angle\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Angle' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Angles In Long Image\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Angles In Long Image' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Lines In Long Image\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Lines In Long Image' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Display Patient or Image Comment on WSM and IRM\Display

Patient or Image Comment
Production Default Value=1
Specifies whether the 'Image Comments', 'Patient Comments' or 'medical Alerts' will be displayed on
both WSM and IRM, only if '\Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Remark\Display Scheduled Procedure
Description on IRM' is invisible.
0 - Display the 'Patient Comments' (0010,4000)
1 - Display the 'Image Comments' (0020,4000)
2 - Display the 'Medical Alerts' (0010,2000)

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\Physicians Order on WSM\Physicians Order on WSM

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies whether the Performing Physician will be displayed above the Referring Physician
on the WSM.
0 - Performing Physician above Referring Physician
1 - Referring Physician above Performing Physician

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\F-Codes\Visible
Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-338

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies if 'F-Codes' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Patients Menu\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Patients Menu' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Patients Menu\Characters Number

Production Default Value=15
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Patients Menu' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Sequences Menu\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Sequences Menu' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Sequences Menu\Characters Number

Production Default Value=15
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Sequences Menu' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\SeriesLabels Menu\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'SeriesLabels Menu' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\SeriesLabels Menu\Characters Number

Production Default Value=15
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'SeriesLabels Menu' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Date\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Date' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Date\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-339

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Date' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Disk Full\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Disk Full' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Disk Full\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Disk Full' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Disk Low\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Disk Low' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Disk Low\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Disk Low' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Fluoro Image\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Fluoro Image' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Fluoro Image\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Fluoro Image' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Fluoro Level\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Fluoro Level' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Fluoro Level\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Fluoro Level' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

System Parameters B-340

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Hospital Name\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Hospital Name' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Hospital Name\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Hospital Name' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\II Changed Warning\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'II Changed Warning' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\II Changed Warning\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'II Changed Warning' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\II Size\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'II Size' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\II Size\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'II Size' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Image Data\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Image Data' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Image Data\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Image Data' message. for no
imitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Image Label Position\Visible

Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-341

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies if 'Image Label Position' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Image Label Position\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=pecifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Image Label Position' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Inject\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Inject' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Inject\Blink
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Inject' icon is blinking
0 - not blinking
1 - blinking

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Iris Not In Position\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Iris Not In Position' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Iris Not In Position\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Iris Not In Position' message.
for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\kV\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'kV' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\kV\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'kV' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\LIH\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'LIH' message visible.

System Parameters B-342

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\LIH\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'LIH' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\mA\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'mA' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\mA\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'mA' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\mSec\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'mSec' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\mSec\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'mSec' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\OLP flag\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'OLP flag' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\OLP flag\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'OLP flag' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Over Exposure\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Over Exposure' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

System Parameters B-343

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Over Exposure\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Over Exposure' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Images Secure\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Images Secure' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Images Secure\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Images Secure' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Patient Age & Sex\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Patient Age & Sex' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Patient Age & Sex\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Patient Age & Sex' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Patient Age & Sex\Display DOB

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if to display Age or DOB
0 - Display Age
1 - Display DOB

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Patient Id\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Patient Id' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Patient Id\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Patient Id' message. for no limitation
- set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Patient Name\Visible

Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-344

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies if 'Patient Name' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Patient Name\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Patient Name' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Physician Name\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Physician Name' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Physician Name\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Physician Name' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Physician Name\Displayed Name

Production Default Value=1
0 - display Referring Physician
1 - display Study (Performing) Physician

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Accession Number\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Accession Number' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Accession Number\Characters Number

Production Default Value=16
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Accession Number' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Recommended mAs\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Recommended mAs' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Recommended mAs\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Recommended mAs' message.

System Parameters B-345

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\REF\Ref Index\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Ref Index' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\REF\Ref Index\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Ref Index' message. for no limitation
- set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\REF\RefZoom Factor\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Ref Zoom Factor' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\REF\RefZoom Factor\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Ref Zoom Factor' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Remark\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Remark' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Remark\Characters Number

Production Default Value=32
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Remark' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Remark\Display Scheduled Procedure Description on IRM

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies whether the 'Display Scheduled Procedure Description' (tag 0040,0007) will be
displayed on the IRM (Instead of the Patient/Image Comment).
0 - Display the 'Image Comments', 'Patient Comments' or 'medical Alerts' 1 - Display the 'Scheduled
Procedure Description' (study description)

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Roadmap Warning\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Roadmap Warning' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

System Parameters B-346

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Roadmap Warning\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Roadmap Warning' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Rotation Left-Right\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Rotation Left-Right' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Rotation Up-Down\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Rotation Up-Down' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Series Data\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Series Data' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Series Data\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Series Data' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Spot LIH\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Spot LIH' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Spot LIH\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Spot LIH' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Study Name\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Study Name' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Study Name\Characters Number

System Parameters B-347

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Production Default Value=0

Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Study Name' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Subtract\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Subtract' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Subtract\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Subtract' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Cine On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Cine On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Cine On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Cine On' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Fluoro On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Fluoro On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Fluoro On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Fluoro On' message. for no limitation
- set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Generator Stab Fluoro\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Generator Stab Fluoro' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Generator Stab Radio\Visible

Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-348

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies if 'Generator Stab Radio' message visible.

0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Ready For Roadmap phase I\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Ready For Roadmap phase I' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Ready For Roadmap phase I\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Ready For Roadmap phase I'
message. for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Ready For Roadmap phase II\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Ready For Roadmap phase II' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Ready For Roadmap phase II\Characters Number

Production Default Value=16
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Ready For Roadmap phase II'
message. for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Ready For Sequence (Fps)\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Ready For Sequence (Fps)' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Ready For Sequence (Fps)\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Ready For Sequence (Fps)' message.
for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Ready For Sequence (Steps)\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Ready For Sequence (Steps)' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Ready For Sequence (Steps)\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Ready For Sequence (Steps)'
message. for no limitation - set value to 0.

System Parameters B-349

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Ready For Single\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Ready For Single' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Ready For Single\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Ready For Single' message.
for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Ready For Test Shot\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Ready For Test Shot' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Ready For Test Shot\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Ready For Test Shot' message.
for no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Ref Protocol On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Ref Protocol On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Ref Protocol On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Ref Protocol On' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Review On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Review On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Review On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Review On' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Roadmap phase I On\Visible

Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-350

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies if 'Roadmap phase I On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Roadmap phase I On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Roadmap phase I On' message. for
no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Roadmap phase II On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Roadmap phase II On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Roadmap phase II On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Roadmap phase II On' message. for
no limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Sequence On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Sequence On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Sequence On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Sequence On' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Sequence Step\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Sequence Step' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Sequence Step\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Sequence Step' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Single On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Single On' message visible.

System Parameters B-351

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Single On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Single On' message. for no limitation
- set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Testshot On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Testshot On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\System Status\Testshot On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Testshot On' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Time\Visible
Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Time' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Time\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Time' message. for no limitation - set
value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Window High\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Window High' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Window High\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Window High' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Window Low\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Window Low' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

System Parameters B-352

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Window Low\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Window Low' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Zoom Factor\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Zoom Factor' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Zoom Factor\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Zoom Factor' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Fluoro Store Ready\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Fluoro Store Ready' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Fluoro Store Ready\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Fluoro Store Ready' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Fluoro Store On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'Fluoro Store On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Fluoro Store On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Fluoro Store On' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Exception Message\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if software failure message appears on IRM when exception occurs.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Exception Message\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-353

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Exception Message' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\VCR Ready\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'VCR Ready' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\VCR Ready\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'VCR Ready' message. for no
limitation - set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\VCR On\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'VCR On' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\VCR On\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'VCR On' message. for no limitation -
set value to 0.
Sub-divides frame

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Subdivide Frame\Display printed area\Visible

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies if Sub divided frame is displayed on sub-divided images on the IRM.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Subdivide Frame\Line Width

Production Default Value=0
Description=Width of sub-divided frame in pixels

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Subdivide Frame\Line Brightness

Production Default Value=3
Unit=Gray levels
Description=Brightness of sub-divided frame:
2-gray, 3-White

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Virtual Collimator Frame\Line Width

Production Default Value=4
Description=Width of virtual collimator frame in pixels

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Virtual Collimator Frame\Color

Production Default Value=3

System Parameters B-354

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Unit=Gray levels
Description=Brightness of virtual collimator frame:
2-gray, 3-White

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Offset Calibration Warning\Display Warning

Production Default Value=1
Description=Display warning message when offset calibration should be performed.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Offset Calibration Warning\Minimum time from last calibration

Production Default Value=15
Description= The time between last calibration and first message appearance.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Offset Calibration Warning\Message display period

Production Default Value=60
The time the warning message remains on IRM.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Offset Calibration Warning\Time between message appearance

Production Default Value=5
The time the warning is displayed again after it cleared.

Text\System Text\Messages\REF\Messages Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=1 - display patient and image details
0 - otherwise

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\General Color

Production Default Value=3
Description=Irm Messages Color

System loading/unloading steps time-out

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\SID Value\Visible

Production Default Value=1
Description=Specifies if 'SID Value' message visible.
0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\Console\SID Value\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'SID Value' message. for no limitation
- set value to 0.

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Test Shot result cancel\Visible

Production Default Value=1

System Parameters B-355

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Specifies if 'Test Shot results were canceled' message visible.

0 - invisible
1 - visible

Text\System Text\Messages\IRM\Test Shot result cancel\Characters Number

Production Default Value=0
Description=Specifies maximum number of characters to display in 'Test Shot results were canceled'
message. for no limitation - set value to 0.

User Text
Text\User Text\Color
Production Default Value=Green
Description=Color of user text

Text\User Text\Font Size

Production Default Value=30
Description=Size of font for user text

Text\User Text\FOV High Resolution Font Size

Production Default Value=30
Description=Size of font for user text for long images of size 1x2 or 1x2.5

Text\User Text\FOV Low Resolution Font Size

Production Default Value=15
Description=Size of font for user text for long images of size 1x4 or 1x5

C.26 User Interface

User Interface\Acquisition\Enable Clear Mode
Production Default Value=0
Description=Allow clear mode

User Interface\Acquisition\Enable review old visits on IRM

Production Default Value=0
Description=Enable review old visits on IRM

User Interface\Acquisition\Automatic send upon IRM Clear

Production Default Value=1
Description=Upon pressing IRM clear option, perform Auto transfer/print

User Interface\Acquisition\RAD accept reject mode Enabled

Production Default Value=0
Description=Enable accept reject mode for RAD acquisition

System Parameters B-356

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

User Interface\Console\Shutters\Initial HW Shutters Opacity
Production Default Value=100
Description=Set Greyscale Opacity 0..100% of Shutters automatically applied over collimators

User Interface\Console\BP Protocol Annotation Display Type

Production Default Value=1
Description= Sort Current list by:
0 - (laterality)
1 - BP (laterality)
2 - Protocol Name (laterality)
Description=Determines theConfiguration to display the Body Part, Protocol and Latiralety

User Interface\Generator\Enable Reset Accumulative Fluoro Timer
Production Default Value=0
Description=Enable reset accumulative fluoro timer in acquisition console

User Interface\Generator\Reset Accumulated AK_DAP value by User

Production Default Value=0
Description=Enable reset Accumulated AK_DAP value by user in acquisition console

User Interface\Generator\Enable ResetGenerator

Production Default Value=1
Description=Enable reset to theGenerator :
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled

Patient Registration
User Interface\Patient Registration\Patient Query\Current List Header Sorting
Production Default Value=1
Description= Sort Current list by:
0 - First Name
1 - Last Name
2 - Civil Id
3 - Date Of Birth
4 - Sex
5 - Exam Date
6 - Accession Number
7 - Physician Name
8 - Protocol

User Interface\Patient Registration\Patient Query\Current List Sort Direction

Production Default Value=0
Description= Current list sorting direction:
0 - Ascending
1 - Descending

User Interface\Patient Registration\Patient Query\Work List Header Sorting

Production Default Value=0
Description= Sort Current list by:

System Parameters B-357

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

0 - First Name
1 - Last Name
2 - Civil Id
3 - Date Of Birth
4 - Sex
5 - Exam Date
6 - Accession Number
7 - Physician Name
8 - Protocol

User Interface\Patient Registration\Patient Query\Work List Sort Direction

Production Default Value=0
Description= Work list sorting direction:
0 - Ascending
1 - Descending

User Interface\Settings\Date and Time Format
Production Default Value=0
0 - YYYY/MM/DD H:mm (Japan)
1 - DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm (Europe)
2 - M/DD/YYYY h:mm tt (US)
3 - YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (ISO-8601)

User Interface\Settings\Apply Distance Measurement On All Series Images

Production Default Value=1
0 - Distance measurement operation will apply on active image only
1 - Distance measurement operation will apply on all series image(s) with the same image size

User Interface\Settings\Enable Auto-Annotation

Production Default Value=0
0 - Auto-Annotation is disabled and will not be seen in settings and on image
1 - Auto-Annotation is enabled

User Interface\Settings\Enable Protocol Preset Collimator

Production Default Value=1
0 - RAD Protocol Preset Collimator is disabled
1 - RAD Protocol Preset Collimator is enabled

User Interface\Settings\Generator Exposure Parameters Settings Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Enable presetting X-Ray conditions in Protocol settings

User Interface\Settings\Generator Table Position Settings Enabled

Production Default Value=1
Description=Enable presetting Table/Gantry position in Protocol settings

Status Bar
User Interface\Status Bar\Flip Control Disable
Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-358

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Set 0 to enable image flip control buttons

User Text
User Interface\User Text\Text Annotation Default Font Size
Production Default Value=3
Description=Default font size of the annotation user text

C.27 VCR
VCR\Record Fluoro
Production Default Value=1
Description=When activating the VCR ( VCR ON ), record Fluoro acquisition on VCR.
0 - Do not record fluoro acquisition.
1 - Record fluoro acquisition.

VCR\Record Sequence
Production Default Value=1
Description=When activating the VCR ( VCR ON ), record Sequence acquisition on VCR.
0 - Do not record sequence acquisition.
1 - Record sequence acquisition.

VCR\Record Roadmap
Production Default Value=1
Description=When activating the VCR ( VCR ON ), record Roadmap acquisition on VCR.
0 - Do not record Roadmap acquisition.
1 - Record Roadmap acquisition.

VCR\Level signal
Production Default Value=1
Description=The type of VCR control signal:
0 - latched
1 - level signal

C.28 Viewer
Viewer\Subtraction Type
Production Default Value=1
0 - Subtract operation applied in Viewer screen is Linear
1 - Subtract operation applied in Viewer screen is Logarithmic

C.29 Wall Management

Wall Management\Wall SID Dynamic
Production Default Value=0
Description=Defines whether the system has static or dynamic Wall SID
0 - Static
1 - Dynamic

Wall Management\Source to Wall Bucky Top Distance

Production Default Value=0

System Parameters B-359

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Description=Set distance between source to wall Bucky top

Wall Management\Wall Bucky Top to Image Receptor Distance

Production Default Value=0
Description=Set distance between wall Bucky top to image Receptor

System Parameters B-360




Installation Evaluation C-361

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09


Installation Evaluation & System

Performance Report

• Report Date ________

This report contains a set of tests that should be carried out upon completion
of the installation of the system in order to approve that it performs within its
specification and is ready to be operated for its intended use.

This report aims to assure that the system was properly installed and calibrated and
its subcomponents are performing appropriately – in accordance to the delivery of its
specified X-ray imaging quality (indicated herewith as ‘Reference Values’).

This report does not intend to test regulatory compliances; therefore it does not
replace any other document that may be required by your local authorities.

Once this report is filled out you are kindly requested to send an electronic copy of it
by E-mail having the same title to the following address:


Installation Evaluation C-362

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

Contact Details
Installed by: Signature:
Email: Phone number:
Reported by: Signature / Date:
Installation Start date: Installation end date:
Customer Data
Customer: Address: Postal Code:
City: State: Country:
System Data
DUET DRF System Serial #:
System SW version: PC Serial #:
Manufacture date: Serial #: S/W ver.:
Pixium 4343 Serial #:
Manufacture date: Detector type : RF , FL
Pixium 3543EZ Serial #:
Manufacture date: FM
Brand: Serial #:
Brand: Model: Serial #:

Brand: Model: Serial #:

Filtration: Total Filtration:
Brand: Model: Serial #:
Filtration: Total Filtration:
Brand: Model: Serial #:
Grid Main Line per cm: Ratio:
Focal distance: Line filler:
Brand: Model:
Grid Portable Line per cm: Ratio:
Focal distance: Line filler:
Brand: Serial #:
AEC Photo Timer
Manufacture date: Model:

Installation Evaluation C-363

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

D.1 Ground-looping and Random Noise Check

This section verifies that the image displayed on the system monitors is clean from random noise
typically caused by ground loops and bad "earthing". Tests that are clear of noise should be
confirmed by checking the corresponding checkbox.

All noise tests should be performed from the main software by observing the system monitors under
nominal ambient light condition.

In case visible noise is detected in one or more of the tests, all imaging system grounding should be
re-checked. In this case disconnect all power and data cables from the monitors and the FPD as
well as the connection to FPU and RCU. By using a multi-meter check that all units ground is
properly connected and that this ground is isolated from the Generator and Table ground.

Perform the following checks using the standard 21mm AL filter:

- Image on the monitors after logon is clean of random noise
- Perform CF (ABC on) and check that no noise is seen on the ‘live’ monitors
- Perform PF (ABC on) and check that no noise is seen on the ‘live’ monitors
- Acquire a Rad image and check that no noise is shown on the display monitors
- Send the acquired image to the ‘Ref’ monitor and check that the image is free of noise

D.2 FPD Sensitivity

4343 FL/RF FPD:
Note: Sensitivity as detected in section of this Manual:

Mode Expected Sensitivity Range
Fluoroscopy Mode 3 (RF Detector) S3 = 12.07< S3 <20.12
(Mode 15 for FL Detector) S15 (FL) 12.5<S15<23
Radiography Mode 4 (RF Detector) 0.9< S4 <1.5
S4 =
(Mode 4 For FL Detector) (FL) 0.98<S4<1.6

3543EZ FPD:
Conditions: SID =135cm, 70kV, 21mm aluminum

Mode Expected Sensitivity Range

1000ms Sez= 0.45< Sez <0.7

Installation Evaluation C-364

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

D.3 Flatness and Artifact

• Measurements should be performed under Calibration software

• Settings
- For 4343 RF/FL detector: as per FPD gain Calibration section for each used mode.
For 3543 EZ detector: as per FPD calibration section 6.8.2
- Set Auto Windowing to 100 for Radiography modes and 400 for Fluoroscopy modes

• Artifacts check
- Acquire an image for each of the modes and verify image is clean of artifacts. If necessary
remove any object suspecting of causing an artifact and repeat recheck. If artifact still exist
repeat calibration for the relevant mode.

• Flatness check:
- Using the default size ROI check image average GL at center and at 4 corners. Deviation
should not very more than 5%, otherwise repeat calibration for the corresponding mode.

Installation Evaluation C-365

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

D.4 4343 RF/FL DR Gray Levels Measurements

• Measurements should be performed under Calibration software

• Settings
- ROI default (centered 100x100 - if changed, double click on the viewable image area to set ROI
- Grid and tabletop mounted
- Absorption: Acryl/Plexiglas or water 18cm
- Collimator collimated within the Acryl/Water view
- S.I.D: (Source to Image Distance): ________ meter [should match grid focal distance]
- Calibration Mode: ‘Confirm’ mode (for each mode, repeat; Acquisition Settings  Manual 
- kV = 70; mA = 200 (Radiography) – (F/R-Off); Pulse Fluoro = 15fps, 13ms
- ABC and AEC on
- Recursive filter (Alpha) - 0 for Fluoro measurements
• Continuous Fluoroscopy target GL confirmation (DR):

FOV size Obtained

Digital gain Obtained GL Reference GL
[cm] kV/mA


• Pulse Fluoroscopy target GL confirmation (DR):

FOV size [cm] Digital gain Obtained GL Reference GL


• Radiography Standard Res. 250ms Target GL Confirmation (DR):

FOV size Obtained

Digital gain Obtained GL Reference GL
[cm] mAs


Installation Evaluation C-366

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

D.5 4343 RF/FL Standard Deviation Measurements

• Measurements should be performed under Calibration software with ROI default
• Settings
- ROI Default (centered 100x100 - if changed, double click on the viewable image area to set
ROI default)
- Grid and tabletop mounted
- Aluminum Filter = 21 mm (installed under the collimator)
- S.I.D: (Source to Image Distance): ________ meter [should match grid focal spot distance]
- Digital Gain = 1
- kV = 70; mA = 200 (Radiography) – (F/R-Off); Pulse Fluoro = 15pps 13ms
- ABC and AEC Off
- Recursive filter (Alpha) - 0 for Fluoro measurements
• Continuous Fluoroscopy SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) measurement (DR):

FOV size mA to obtain Obtained Obtained SD%

kV Ref. SD%
[cm] 1024±50 GL: GL SD (SD/GLx100)

N 70 < 4%
M3 70 < 5%

• Pulse Fluoroscopy SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) measurement (DR):

FOV size mA to obtain Obtained Obtained SD%

kV Ref. SD%
[cm] 1024±50 GL: GL SD (SD/GLx100)

N 65 < 4%
M3 65 < 5%

• Radiography Standard Res. 250ms SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) measurement (DR)

FOV size mA to obtain Obtained Obtained SD%

kV Ref. SD%
[cm] 4095±400 GL: GL SD (SD/GLx100)

N 70 < 1%
M3 70 < 1.2%

• Radiography High Res. 500ms SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) measurement (RAD)

FOV size mA to obtain Obtained Obtained SD%

kV Ref. SD%
[cm] 4095±400 GL: GL SD (SD/GLx100)

N 70 < 1%
M3 70 < 1.2%

Installation Evaluation C-367

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

D.6 Resolution (High contrast)

• Measurements should be performed under Main Application software
Readout is done by observing the image 50cm distance from the monitor at dim ambient light
For Fluoro acquire LIH image by ‘Save LIH’ button from the Acquisition screen
Check resolution both on ‘live’ monitors and workstation
For Workstation use interactive zooming to improve visible resolution (drag mouse and release!)
and adjust windowing to optimize image

For ‘live’ monitors in high resolution mode, zoom image by using the Acq. Console ('Gen' icon)
Zoom icon
• Settings
- Protocol setting Recursive Filter =0.9 (Fluoro)
- Absorption: NONE
- Grid: without, if movable
- S.I.D: (Source to Image Distance): ________ meter [should match grid focal spot distance]
- Resolution Chart: LEEDS Ht18 (or compatible) positioned as close as possible to the detector
entrance plane, angled 30 - 45degrees:

Note: Readout is done from IRM (50cm distance; Dimmed ambient light).

FOV Ref. Values

Max. Visible
Mode PU Mode size
3 (15 FL) N >1.12
Cont. Fluoro
15 (14 FL) M3 >1.25
Pulsed 2 (10 FL) N >1.12
Fluoro 7 (9 FL) M3 > 1.6
Radiography 21 (2 FL) N >2.8
High res. 250 21 (2 FL) M2 >3.15

3543 EZ
1000ms N/A >3.15
(HQ active)

Installation Evaluation C-368

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

D.7 Low Contrast Delectability

Measurements should be performed under Main Application software
Readout is done by observing the image 50cm distance from the monitor at dim ambient light
For Fluoro acquire LIH image by ‘Save LIH’ button from the Acquisition screen
Check image both on ‘live’ monitors and workstation
For Workstation adjust windowing to optimize image
• Settings
- Absorption: Acryl/Plexiglas or water 18cm
- S.I.D: (Source to Image Distance): ________ meter [should match grid focal distance]
- Grid: In
- KV: _____ [80] for Radio; Auto for Fluoro (ABC: On)
- Phantom LEEDS N3 (or compatible) positioned as close as possible to the detector entrance

Note: Readout is done from IRM (50cm distance; Dimmed ambient light).

FOV size Max. Visible Discs

Mode PU Mode Ref. Value
(Mag) or Contrast%
3 (15 FL) N 13 / 2.3
C. Fluoro
15 (14 FL) M3 14 / 1.8
2 (10 FL) N 13 / 2.3
Pulsed Fluoro
7 (9 FL) M3 14 / 1.8
Radiography 21 (2 FL) N 14 / 1.8
High res. 250 21 (2 FL) M2 15 / 1.6
Radiography 16 (FL N/A) N 14 / 1.8
Std Res. 20ms 16 (FL N/A) M2 15 / 1.6
3543EZ 500ms HQ active 14 / 1.8

Installation Evaluation C-369

THALES Electron Devices S.A. DUET Installation & Maintenance Manual
REV C SW Ver. 1.09

D.8 Notes

Installation Evaluation C-370

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