Final Year Project
Final Year Project
Final Year Project
Submitted by
ARAVINTH.N (922516103006)
BRITHIVIRAJ.S (922516103008)
CHANDRA PRAKASH (922516103009)
AUGUST- 2020
Department of Civil Engineering, Assistant Professor,
V.S.B.College of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering,
and Technology, V.S.B.College of Engineering
Karur-639 003. and Technology,
Karur- 639 003.
1.1 Back Ground 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Scope of Work 3
1.4 Outline of Report 3
3.1 General 8
3.2 Material 8
4.1 General 14
4.2 Types of Pervious Pavements 15
4.3 Detention and Retention Designs 17
4.4 Passive or Active Mitigation System 17
4.5 Material Properties 18
4.6 Permeability 25
4.7 Construction and Maintenance 29
5.1 Mix Design 34
Density and Void Ratio 38
Fibre Results 56
The following symbols carrying the meaning noted against them. Which are used in this project work.
mm : Millimeter
lbs : Pound
Cc : Curvature Coefficient
Uc : Uniformity Coefficient
Kg : Kilo gram
IS : Indian Standard
in : Inch
hr : Hour
1.1 Background
Portland cement pervious concrete (PCPC) is gaining a lot of attention. Various
environmental benefits such as controlling storm water runoff, restoring groundwater
supplies, and reducing water and soil pollution have become focal points in many
jurisdictions across the United States (Kajio et al 1998). Portland cement pervious
concrete is a discontinuous mixture of coarse aggregate, hydraulic cement and other
cementations materials, admixtures and water. By creating a permeable surface, storm
water is given access to filter through the pavement and underlying soil, provided that
the underlying soil is suitable for drainage. This allows for potential filtration of
pollutants. To achieve this permeability, PCPC is typically designed with high void
content (15-25%). The U.S. EPA has published a Porous Pavement fact sheet (US EPA
1999) that lists the advantages of pervious pavements. These advantages are:
• Water treatment by pollutant removal;
While it is seen as a new and emerging application, pervious concrete does have
its disadvantages. Poor performances in cold regions, arid regions, regions with high
wind erosion rates, and areas of sole-source aquifers have shown the downside of using
pervious concrete (Pratt 1997). In addition, the use of porous concrete is highly
constrained, requiring deep permeable soils, restricted traffic, and adjacent land uses.
Although PCPC has seen an increase in application in recent years, there is still limited
experience with the material. According to the EPA, approximately 75 percent of
pervious concrete pavements have failed. This has been attributed to poor design,
inadequate construction techniques, low permeability soil, heavy vehicular traffic, and
poor maintenance (US EPA 1999). Failure has been determined by the EPA as a
pervious pavement that can no longer function as a stormwater retention material due to
clogging and/or structural failure. Prior to wide use of pervious concrete in Tamil Nadu,
it is important to study the effect of Tamil Nadu weather conditions with regional
materials used in standard State Highway Administration (SHA) projects.
Haselbach, L.,
Freeman, R.M., ¨Vertical Porosity Distribution in Pervious Concrete Pavement,¨
ACI Materials Journal, Volume 103, No. 6, Nov-Dec 2006, pp. 452-458.
Kajio, S.,
Tanaka, S., Tomita, R., Noda, E., Hashimoto, S., “Properties of Porous Concrete
with High Strength”, Proceedings 8th International Symposium on Concrete Roads,
Lisbon, 1998, pp 171-177.
Kevern, J.T.,
Schaefer, V.R., Wang, K., and Suleiman, M.T., “Pervious Concrete Mixture
Proportions for Improved Freeze-Thaw Durability,” Journal of ASTM International, Vol.
5, No. 2, 2008.
R.C., “No-Fines Pervious Concrete for Paving,” Concrete International, Vol. 10, Issue
8, Aug 1998 pp. 20-27.Nelson, P. M., Philips, S. M., "Quieter Road Surfaces," TRL
Annual Review, Transportation Research Laboratories, UK, 1994, pp. 13.
"What, Why, and How? Pervious Concrete," Concrete in Practice Series. CIP 38,
2004.Paine, J., “Portland Cement Pervious Pavement Construction,” Concrete
Construction, September 1992, pages 655 to 659.
Ramakrishnan, V.,
“Latex-Modified Concrete and Mortars,” NCHRP Synthesis 179, Transportation
Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.1992.Rizvi, R.,
Tighe, S.L., Norris, J., Henderson, V., “Incorporating Recycled Concrete Aggregate
in Pervious Concrete Pavements”, Proceeding from the National Transportation
Research Board, 2010.
This chapter discusses the pervious concrete mix design, types of materials, and
the procedures used for sample preparation. The research tested three different
admixtures: viscosity modifier, delayed set modifier, and cellulose fiber.
3.2 Materials
To simulate mixtures for use in Tamil Nadu State Highway Administration
(SHA) projects, materials often used for SHA projects were specified. Vulcan materials
supplied the coarse and fine aggregates. The aggregates originated from their quarry in
3.1 outlines the aggregate properties.
Table 3.1: Aggregate Properties
Material Input
Aggregate Properties
Coarse Aggregate
Name of Supplier Vulcan Materials
Location Hanover, PA
Round or Angular Angular
Specific Gravity 2.71
Aggregate Absorption 0.80%
Moisture 1.00%
Fine Aggregate
Specific Gravity 2.62
Aggregate Absorption 1.00%
Moisture 1.00%
A maximum of 1/2 in. diameter aggregate was used in each mix design. Fine
aggregates were used to help achieve higher design strengths. Portland Type I cement
was used in each mix. One control mix and three mix designs with the following
admixture were batched: viscosity modifier, delayed set modifier, and cellulose fibers.
The following matrices shown in Figures 3.1-3.6 were developed for the different batches
and different tests to be performed:
Pervious Concrete
Control Mix (CM) Delayed Set Modifier (DM) Cellulose Fibers (CF) Viscosity Modifier (VM)
Density and
Void Test (D)
4.1 General
Sustainable construction designs have become extremely popular within the last
few years. Reducing the strain on our environment is essential to the overall health and
wellbeing of our society. While a variety of new designs and technologies have
transpired from this green movement, one of the more profound impacts has been in the
area of stormwater management (SWM). Named one of the best management practices
for SWM quality, pervious concrete has the ability to capture the runoff of rainwater and
remove trace pollutants (NRMCA 2004). While pervious concrete has been around for
many years, it has seen a significant increase in interest in recent years with the adoption
of the federal clean water legislation. One of its first uses was in southern Georgia where
the preservation of the natural ecosystem played an important role in selecting pervious
concrete (Ferguson 2005). Since then, other states such as Florida, New Mexico, Utah,
California, Oklahoma, Illinois, and Wisconsin have implemented pervious concrete
designs (Mathis 1990).
Pervious concrete can be defined as an open graded or “no-fines” concrete that
allows rain water to percolate through to the underlying sub-base (ACI Committee 522
2006). The principal ingredients are quite similar to conventional concrete: aggregate,
Portland cement, admixtures, fine aggregate (optional), and water. The main difference
is the percentage of void space within pervious concrete. Typical ranges of void space
are between 15-25 percent or roughly .08 in to .32 in (2 mm to 8 mm) (NRMCA 2004).
To create a pervious concrete pavement, the pervious concrete (ranging from 4 to 8
inches in thickness) is placed on top of an aggregate base. The thickness of this
aggregate base is dependent on a number of influencing factors. A filter fabric can be
placed to separate the underlying soil from the pervious concrete (see Figure 2.1). This
allows the impediment of the soil from percolating or penetrating up and clogging the
pores of the concrete (Tennis et al 2004). The use of sub-base material is dependent on
soil conditions as well as the intended application.
Fine Particles
While pervious concrete is considered a “no fines” concrete, a small percentage of
fine particles can be added to increase the compressive strength of the pervious concrete
mix. The inclusion of fine particles has a direct correlation to the paste/mortar strength.
Providing a thicker paste layer around the coarse aggregates results in improved
compressive strength (Schaefer et al 2009). As seen in Figure 2.3, there is a significant
relationship between compressive strength and sand to gravel ratio. When the sand to
gravel ratio is increased to 8 %, the mortar bulks up and increases the strength. When the
sand to gravel ratio increases beyond the 8 % mark, the 7 day compressive strength
begins to fall (Schaefer et al 2009).
Both Europe and Japan have been using smaller aggregates as well as the
inclusion of sand for their mix design (Kajio et al 1998 and Beeldens et al 2003). An
optimization of 10%-20% of fine sand to coarse aggregate has been shown to increase
compressive strength from ~2000 pounds per square inch (psi) to ~2700 psi (Meininger
1988). A slight decrease in permeability correlates to the increase in fine particles.
Figure 4.3: Relationships between Fine Aggregate and Porosity/Compressive
Cementations Materials
Portland Type I or II conforming to ASTM C150 or Type IP, IS conforming to
ASTM C-595 have been used as the binder for the aggregates (ACI Committee 522
2006). Additional materials that can be used in the cementitious mix are silica fume, fly
ash, and slag cement (ACI Committee 522 2006 and Tennis et al 2004).
While any potable water can be used for mixing, the amount of water is critical
for the formation of the voids in pervious concrete. Water-to-cement ratios can range
from 0.27 to 0.30 with ratios as high as 0.40. Careful control of water is critical. A mix
design with little water can create a very weak binder. This will create a very dry mix
that is susceptible to spalling and crumbling. A mix design with too much water can
collapse the void space, making an almost impenetrable concrete surface (NRMCA
2004). As seen in Figure 2.4, the specimen in Figure 2.4a has too little water, the
specimen in Figure 2. 4b has the correct amount of water, and the specimen in Figure
2.4c has too much water.
Figure 4.4: Pervious Concrete With a. Too little Water, b. Appropriate Amount of
Water, c. Too much Water
A study done by Meininger (1998) demonstrated the relationship between
compressive strength and water-to-cement ratio (see Figure 2.5). The optimal w/c ratio
with the highest compressive strength was found to be between 0.3 and 0.35. Lower w/c
ratios provide poor cohesion between the aggregates. Higher w/c ratios reduce the tensile
capacity by the introduction of capillary pores.
The use of admixtures in conventional concrete is essential and vital to
performance and workability. High-range water-reducing (HRWR) admixtures are
applied to concrete mixes to affect the set time of concrete (NRMCA 2004). They
require less water and increase the slump of concrete. Caution must be used when
applying HRWR to pervious concrete. Large dosage can cause the cement to segregate
from the aggregate and settle at the bottom of the concrete, forming an impervious layer
of cement (Flores et al 2005).
Latex, a styrene butadiene rubber material which has been used to improve the
cement-aggregate bond (Ramakrishnan 1992), was used to replace a certain amount of
Portland cement to determine its potential application in pervious concrete pavements
(Wang et al 2006). Approximately 10% of Portland cement was replaced with Latex and
it was found that pervious concrete specimens with Latex had, on average, a lower
compressive strength. Although the use of Latex lowered the compressive strength, the
specimens showed an increase in tensile strength, indicating an improved resistance to
The uses of hydration controlling admixtures (HCA) were beneficial by slowing
down the rate of hydration. This extended the time before the fresh concrete started to
set, thereby allowing more time to form and finish the concrete surface. Using 5 fl
oz/cwt of the HCA allowed 60 to 90 minutes of added working time (Bury et al 2006).
Viscosity Modifying Admixtures (VMA) may also play a pivotal role on the
performance of pervious concrete. While little has been researched about the use of
viscosity modifiers, the small amount of research has shown that VMA’s can increase
flow of concrete as well as provide ease of compaction and placement. While different
VMA’s can have differing effects on the overall result of pervious concrete, special
attention is needed to determine and verify the correct type and amount prior to
installation (Bury et al 2006).
Void Ratio
Percentage of voids in a sample of pervious concrete can vary significantly. The
amount of void space is dependent on the amount of water needing to permeate through
to the sub-base. Zouahi et al (2000) compared the relationship between percentage of
voids in pervious concrete and compressive strength. Not surprisingly, he found there
was an inverse proportion of compressive strength to void ratio. Generally, pervious
concrete will have a void ratio between 15%-30% with an average of 20%. This
accommodates both the structural requirements and the hydrological requirements of the
design (Tennis et al 2004).
Two testing methods, ASTM D 7063 and ASTM C 140, can be used to test void
ratio or porosity of the pervious concrete specimen. While both methods are acceptable,
ASTM D 7063 can be used to determine the storage capacity of the pervious pavement.
By determining the densities with the use of the displaced water method, the fractional
number of voids can be used to determine the amount of water that can be accessed by
the voids in the concrete (Mata 2008).
A lower void ratio increases the potential for clogging. Joung and Grasley (2008)
devised a test to clog the pervious concrete specimen and measure the permeability. The
clogging procedure applied 50 g of sand and 1 kg of water and thoroughly mixed the two
together. The fluid like material was then poured over the pervious concrete samples.
They were then flushed with clear water. This procedure was repeated five times. The
specimens were then placed in a falling-head permeameter and the permeability was
measured. It was found that a void ratio of 33% or greater was not affected by clogging.
Specimens from 21%-31% showed increased clogging and a decrease in permeability.
While laboratory tests revealed clogging to be a factor with limited void ratios,
the EPA has listed clogging as one of the primary methods of failure for pervious
concrete pavements (US EPA 1999). The Florida Concrete and Products Association has
reported successful removal of clogged pores from pervious pavements in service.
Careful inspection, power washing, and vacuuming/sweeping of loose debris help
maintain the quality and permeability of the pervious concrete system. It has been
reported that much of the potential clogging material in Florida is primarily made up of
sand (Mata 2008).
4.6 Permeability
The ability of the concrete to drain runoff water is the key to the success of
pervious concrete. Interconnected voids within the concrete allow the water to penetrate
to the sub-base and remove trace contaminants (Tennis et al 2004). While there is an
inverse relationship between porosity and compressive strength, it is imperative that
proper pervious concrete pavement designs allow for full saturation of the sub-base and
not allow the runoff water to pond within the concrete layer or above the surface
(NRMCA 2004).
While there is no set standard for testing the permeability of concrete, Flores,
Martinez, and Uribe (2007) have devised a testing procedure that evaluates the filtration
ability of pervious concrete cores. The test involves measuring the time it takes for a
given amount of water to pass from the top of a 4 x 8 inch cylinder to the bottom. To
account for bi-directional flow, the pervious concrete cylinder was wrapped in a
waterproof, non-absorbent material.
Another method developed to measure the permeability of pervious concrete has
been the use of the falling head permeameter (Schaefer et al 2006). Figure 2.6 shows a
schematic diagram of the falling head permeameter. The pervious concrete cores are
encased in an impermeable, non-absorbing membrane and connected to a vertical PVC
pipe with open ends on each side, labeled upstream and downstream. To remove the air
voids in the pervious concrete, water was filled in the downstream end up until water
reached the top of the concrete core. Water was then filled on the upstream end.
Equilibrium was allowed to be reached. Water was then added to the upstream side to a
height of 12 in., and fall to about 4 in. The time for the water to drop a predetermined
height was recorded
Once the groundwater has percolated through the pervious concrete, the sub-base
then needs to filter and infiltrate the stormwater. The size, depth, and type of sub-base
material are just as important in reducing stormwater runoff as pervious concrete. The
sub-base beds should have a total volume to capture and store runoff water generated by
a storm in a 24 hr period (Kwiatkowski et al 2007). Undisturbed and uncompacted soil
should be the foundation for the sub-base material. Applying compaction to the soil,
even inadvertent compaction due to construction equipment, can have major implications
on drainage. By compacting the soil, the natural voids within the underlying soil will be
tightened and filtration rate will decrease.
While the thickness and stone base can play a significant role in the permeability,
Tyner, Wright, and Dobbs (2009) explored the different types of treatment for pervious
concrete sub-base as it relates to increased infiltration. Three different types of sub-base
soil treatment were tested: 1. trenched soil and backfilled with stone aggregate, 2. ripped
soil, and 3. boreholes backfilled with sand. A controlled sub-base with no treatment was
also put in place and analyzed. The plots were then fully saturated and infiltration was
measured. It was determined that the use of treatments greatly influenced the infiltration
rate with the trenched treatment having the highest rate (25.8 cm/d) followed by ripped
treatment (10.0 cm/d) and then boreholes (4.6 cm/d) (Tyner et al 2009).
It is important to try to maintain a flat ground level for pervious concrete
pavements. If the slope is too steep, the runoff might collect and exit at the low point of
the pavement. Ponding could occur if the collected stormwater is greater than the
filtration rate (see Figure 2.7)
Figure 4.7: Sloped Pervious Concrete Pavement with Dug Trenches Filled with
Figure 4.8: Structural Plan and Elevation of a Sloped Pervious Concrete Pavement
The trenches are dug across the slope, perpendicular to the pavement. A
perimeter drain usually constructed of PVC pipe is installed at the bottom of the trench
and then filled with washed stone. The depth and spacing of the trenches are often
dictated by the slope of the pavement, the soil infiltration rate, and the maximum rainfall
intensity for the site (NRMCA 2004).
4.7 Construction and Maintenance
Sub-base Preparation
Creating a uniform sub-base is a critical component to an effective and efficient
pervious pavement design (Tennis et al 2004). As stated previously, care must be used
when compacting the sub-base soil. Over compaction will decrease the porosity of the
soil and will not allow the pervious pavement to drain well. Under compaction could
allow differential settlement in the pervious pavement which would result in cracking.
Due to the minimal water in the pervious concrete mix, the sub-base must be moist prior
to placement of the pervious concrete. If the sub-base is too dry, the soil will draw water
from the pervious pavement and dry out the pavement prematurely (Tennis et al 2004).
widely accepted that consolidation and compaction can play a very large role in
compressive strength as well as permeability of concrete. It was reported that porosity
varied linearly in concrete slabs 6 in. or greater (Haselbach et al 2006). This was due to
the compaction methods using the steel roller.
Figure 4.9: Mechanical Vibrating Screed
To help prolong the service life, an active maintenance program has shown to be
beneficial in pervious concrete pavements. Over time, dirt and debris can get trapped and
lodged within the voids of the pervious concrete pavement. With the dirt and debris
creating an impervious layer within the pervious concrete pavement, water can then
become trapped. Once this happens, freeze-thaw damage in the pervious pavement is
An active maintenance program starts with the initial planning of the site. The
design and layout of the surrounding landscaping should eliminate the potential of flow
of materials onto the pavement surface. Careful construction techniques should also be in
place. Temporarily placing topsoil, mulch, etc. on the pavement should be avoided due
to the potential of these materials seeping into the pervious concrete pavement.
Once the pervious pavement has been placed into service, an active regiment of
vacuuming and power washing should be implemented. Several tests have shown that
pressure washing of a clogged pervious pavement restored up to 80% of the permeability.
Vacuuming is recommended to be done on an annual basis. This allows the easily
removable debris to be swept before it has a chance to become trapped.
Design for 1 cy of
Required Materials concrete
Weight (lbs) Volume
Coarse Aggregate 2426 53.10%
Fine Aggregate 183 4.10%
Cementitious Material 620 11.70%
Water 181 11.00%
Water Gallons 21.7
Volumetric Void Content 20.00%
Design Unit Weight 126.4 pcf
Portland Cement (lbs) 43.4 43.4 43.4 43.4
Coarse Aggregate (lbs) 170 170 170 170
Fine Aggregate (lbs.) 12.81 12.81 12.81 12.81
Water (lbs) 12.67 12.67 12.67 12.67
Delayed Set Modifier (fl oz) X .56 X X
Cellulose Fibers (lbs.) X X .5 X
Viscosity Modifier (fl oz) X X X .56
Mix Procedure
The pervious concrete for the four mixes were prepared in four separate batches
using a rotating drum concrete mixer.
The density and void content was found by first determining the theoretical
density of the concrete computed on an air-free basis. This is computed by dividing the
total mass of all materials batched by the sum of the absolute volumes of the component
ingredients in the concrete mix. Densities of the different mix designs of pervious
concrete are noted .
Table 6.1: Density and Theoretical Density of the Pervious Concrete
The absolute volumes were determined by taking the quotient of the mass of the
ingredient divided by the product of its relative density times the density of water. The
specific gravities for the coarse and fine aggregates were given by the aggregate supplier.
The Portland cement was assumed to have specific gravity of 3.15 as stated in ASTM C
1688. Equation 1 denotes the theoretical density of the concrete computed on an air-free
To calculate the actual mix density, the mass of the concrete filled container must
be subtracted from the mass of the container and then divided by the volume of the
container. Equation 2 denotes the density of the pervious concrete mix:
D = (Mc-Mm)/Vm ..................................................................................... Eq.2
The void content of the sample was found by the following equation:
The target void content of the mix design was 20%. As shown in Table 4.2, all
four mix designs are within an acceptable range. The cellulose fiber mix had the lowest
void content. This was primarily due to the fibers taking up a small portion of the void
Table 6.2: Calculated Void Content
Void Content:
Control Mix 19 %
Delayed Set
Modifier 20 %
Viscosity Modifier 19 %
Cellulose Fiber 18 %
2476.38 psi
2614.384 psi
2905.255 psi
contain the results of the 7, 14, 28, and 120 day compressive strength results
respectively. Each specimen was loaded until the load began to decrease rapidly and a
well-defined fracture appeared.
The compressive strength was calculated by dividing the final maximum load
recorded by the cross-sectional area of the cylindrical specimen. If the specimens had a
Length-to-Diameter ratio less than 1.75, the compressive strength calculated must be
modified with a correction factor. If the Length-to-Diameter ratio is greater than 1.75, no
correction factor is needed. Since the ratio for all specimens exceeded 1.75, no
correction factor was used.
The average 28 day compressive strength varied from 2048 psi to 3227 psi. The
low variation in the compressive strength can be attributed to the same method of
compaction of the specimens. Each specimen was compacted at two lifts – one at the
mid height and the other at the top. It has been discussed that for pervious concrete
samples there is a high degree of correlation between compressive strength and the
method of compaction. Due to the open voided structure of the pervious concrete, the
more compaction each sample receives, the more these voids tend to close. The
relationship between compressive strength and void ratio .
Compressive Strength in Psi
R 2 = 0.9548
17 18 19 20
Void Content in Percent
Figure 6.4: Split Tensile Strength Test with Bearing Strips Prior to Loading
Table 6.7: Tensile Strength Results
Not surprisingly, the split tensile strength was considerably low with cellulose
fibers exhibiting the highest amount of tensile stress. Figure 4.5 shows the relationship
between compressive strength and tensile strength. Clearly, there is no real correlation
between compressive strength and tensile strength of the pervious concrete samples.
Tensile Strength in psi
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Comprssive Strength in psi
PVC pipe was used to allow the water height to be read as it dropped down the sample.
Standard PVC pipes were used for the remainder of the apparatus. A separate oversized
rubber hose clamp was used to connect the bottom of the specimen to the standard PVC
pipe. A rubber stopper was used at the end of the standard PVC pipe. Once all the pieces
were setup, the stopper was put in and the apparatus was filled with water. No leakage
was apparent. The rubber stopper was removed and the specimen was allowed to drain.
This allowed the pervious concrete specimen to become fully saturated prior to testing.
Once the water height reached equilibrium, the rubber stopper was applied and water was
added to the clear PVC pipe. Markings for the water height were noted on the clear PVC
The rubber stopper was released and the time was recorded. The coefficient of
permeability (k) was determined by Equation 5:
Date of Test 10/24/2010 in/hr.
Control Mix 1 417
Control Mix 1b 400
Control Mix 1c 412
All of the specimens that were tested had very similar permeability results.
Permeability is highly correlated to void ratio; and since the void ratios varied from 18%-
20%, the permeability results were also fairly similar as expected. Permeability
coefficients for actual field conditions would be different from the laboratory results due
in part to potential clogging of the pervious pavement, underlying soil conditions, and
compaction methods which are all factors that would affect the permeability coefficient .
ACI 211.3R “Guide for Selecting Proportions for No-Slump Concrete” American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2008.
ACI 305 “Hot Weather Concreting”, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills,
Michigan, 2008.
ACI 306 “Cold Weather Concreting”, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills,
Michigan, 2008.
Ashley, E., “Using Pervious Concrete to Achieve LEED Points,” Concrete In Focus,
NRMCA, Winter 2008.
ASTM Standard C 29, 2007, “Test for Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate”, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM Standard C 33, 2007, “Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates,” ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM Standard C 39, 2005, “Standard Test Methods for Compressive Strength of
Cylindrical Concrete Specimens,” ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM Standard C 42, 2007, “Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and
Sawed Beams of Concrete”, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM Standard C 117, 2007, “Test Method for Material Finer than 200 Sieve in Mineral
Aggregates by Washing”, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM Standard C 138, 2007, “Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content of
Concrete”, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM Standard C 150, 2007, “Standard Specification for Portland Cement,” ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM Standard C 172, 2007, “Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete”, ASTM