For A Synodal Church:: Vademecum
For A Synodal Church:: Vademecum
For A Synodal Church:: Vademecum
DV VATICAN COUNCIL II, Dogm. Const. Dei Verbum (18 November 1965)
EC FRANCIS, Ap. Const. Episcopalis communio (15 September 2018)
FT FRANCIS, Encyclical Letter Fratelli tutti (3 October 2020)
GS VATICAN COUNCIL II, Pastoral Const. Gaudium et spes (7 December 1965)
ITC, Sync International Theological Commission, Synodality in the life and mission of
the Church (2 March 2018)
LG VATICAN COUNCIL II, Dogm. Const. Lumen gentium (21 November 1964)
PD Preparatory Document
RM JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Missio (7 December 1990)
Prayer for the Synod:
Adsumus Sancte Spiritus
Every session of the Second Vatican Council began with the prayer
Adsumus Sancte Spiritus, the first word of the original Latin, meaning, “We
stand before You, Holy Spirit,” which has been historically used at Councils,
Synods and other Church gatherings for hundreds of years, and is attributed
to Saint Isidore of Seville (c. 560 - 4 April 636). As we embrace this Synodal
Process, this prayer invites the Holy Spirit to be at work in us so that we may
be a community and a people of grace. For the Synodal journey from 2021 to
2023, we propose to the following simplified version,1 so that any group or
liturgical assembly can pray it more easily.
1 The original version of the Adsumus Sancte Spiritus can be found on the Synod website.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 What is the purpose of this Vademecum?
1.2 What is Synodality? Background for this Synod
1.3 What is the aim of this Synod? Objectives of the Synodal Process
1.4 The theme for this Synod: Towards a Synodal Church: Communion,
Participation, and Mission
1.5 The Experience on the Local Level
A Word of Gratitude
NOTE: This Vademecum is intended to be used by the entire Catholic Church. Therefore, “local
Church” refers interchangeably to a diocese, an eparchy, an ordinariate, or any equivalent
ecclesial body. Likewise, where this Vademecum uses the term “episcopal conference,” this
corresponds to the relevant synodal institution of each Church sui iuris.
I. Glossary of Terms
II. More Consultation Questions to Guide the Synodal Process
III. Involving Various Groups in the Synodal Process
IV. Guidelines and Tips for Listening at the Local Level
V. Biblical resources
VI. Liturgical resources
VII. Excerpts from Relevant Church Documents
VIII. The Meaning of Consensus in the Synodal Process
In creating the opportunity for listening and dialogue on the local level
through this Synod, Pope Francis is calling the Church to rediscover its deeply
synodal nature. This rediscovery of the synodal roots of the Church will involve
a process of humbly learning together how God is calling us to be as the
Church in the third millennium.
In the midst of this context, synodality represents the path by which the
Church can be renewed by the action of the Holy Spirit, listening together
to what God has to say to his people. However, this journey together not
only unites us more deeply with one another as the People of God, it also
sends us out to pursue our mission as a prophetic witness that embraces the
entire family of humanity, together with our fellow Christian denominations
and other faith traditions.
By convening this Synod, Pope Francis invites the entire Church to reflect
on a theme that is decisive for its life and mission: “It is precisely this path
of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium.”3
Following in the wake of the renewal of the Church proposed by the Second
Vatican Council, this common journey together is both a gift and a task. By
reflecting together on the journey that has been made so far, the diverse
members of the Church will be able to learn from one another’s experiences
and perspectives, guided by the Holy Spirit (PD, 1). Enlightened by the Word
of God and united in prayer, we will be able to discern the processes to seek
God’s will and pursue the pathways to which God calls us – towards deeper
communion, fuller participation, and greater openness to fulfilling our mission
in the world. The International Theological Commission (ITC) describes
synodality this way:
First and foremost, synodality denotes the particular style that qualifies
the life and mission of the Church, expressing her nature as the People
of God journeying together and gathering in assembly, summoned by
the Lord Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel.
Synodality ought to be expressed in the Church’s ordinary way of living
and working.
In this sense, synodality enables the entire People of God to walk forward
together, listening to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, to participate in
the mission of the Church in the communion that Christ establishes between
us. Ultimately, this path of walking together is the most effective way of
manifesting and putting into practice the nature of the Church as the pilgrim
and missionary People of God (PD, 1).
The entire People of God shares a common dignity and vocation through
Baptism. All of us are called in virtue of our Baptism to be active participants in
the life of the Church. In parishes, small Christian communities, lay movements,
religious communities, and other forms of communion, women and men,
young people and the elderly, we are all invited to listen to one another in
order to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit, who comes to guide our
3 FRANCIS, Address for the ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the institution of the Synod of
Bishops (17 October 2015).
human efforts, breathing life and vitality into the Church and leading us into
deeper communion for our mission in the world. As the Church embarks on
this synodal journey, we must strive to ground ourselves in experiences of
authentic listening and discernment on the path of becoming the Church that
God calls us to be.
One of the fruits of the Second Vatican Council was the institution of
the Synod of Bishops. While the Synod of Bishops has taken place up until
now as a gathering of bishops with and under the authority of the Pope, the
Church increasingly realizes that synodality is the path for the entire People
of God. Hence the Synodal Process is no longer only an assembly of bishops
but a journey for all the faithful, in which every local Church has an integral
part to play. The Second Vatican Council reinvigorated the sense that all the
baptised, both the hierarchy and the laity, are called to be active participants
in the saving mission of the Church (LG, 32-33). The faithful have received the
Holy Spirit in baptism and confirmation and are endowed with diverse gifts
and charisms for the renewal and building up of the Church, as members of
the Body of Christ. Thus the teaching authority of the Pope and the bishops
is in dialogue with the sensus fidelium, the living voice of the People of God
(cf. Sensus Fidei in the Life of the Church, 74). The path of synodality seeks
to make pastoral decisions that reflect the will of God as closely as possible,
grounding them in the living voice of the People of God (ICT, Syn., 68). It is
noted that collaborating with theologians – lay, ordained, and religious – can
be a helpful support in articulating the voice of the People of God expressing
the reality of the faith on the basis of lived experience.
While recent Synods have examined themes such as the new evangelization,
the family, young people, and the Amazon, the present Synod focuses on the
topic of synodality itself.
In this light, the objective of the current Synod is to listen, as the entire
People of God, to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church. We do so by
listening together to the Word of God in Scripture and the living Tradition
of the Church, and then by listening to one another, and especially to those
at the margins, discerning the signs of the times. In fact, the whole Synodal
Process aims at fostering a lived experience of discernment, participation,
and co-responsibility, where a diversity of gifts is brought together for the
Church’s mission in the world.
In this sense, it is clear that the purpose of this Synod is not to produce
more documents. Rather, it is intended to inspire people to dream about the
Church we are called to be, to make people’s hopes flourish, to stimulate
trust, to bind up wounds, to weave new and deeper relationships, to learn
from one another, to build bridges, to enlighten minds, warm hearts, and
restore strength to our hands for our common mission (PD, 32). Thus the
objective of this Synodal Process is not only a series of exercises that start and
stop, but rather a journey of growing authentically towards the communion
and mission that God calls the Church to live out in the third millennium.
This journey together will call on us to renew our mentalities and our
ecclesial structures in order to live out God’s call for the Church amid the
present signs of the times. Listening to the entire People of God will help
the Church to make pastoral decisions that correspond as closely as possible
to God’s will (ITC, Syn., 68) The ultimate perspective to orient this synodal
path of the Church is to serve the dialogue of God with humanity (DV, 2) and
to journey together the kingdom of God (cf. LG, 9; RM, 20). In the end, this
Synodal Process seeks to move towards a Church that is more fruitfully at the
service of the coming of the kingdom of heaven.
1.4 The theme of this Synod, For a Synodal Church:
Communion, Participation, and Mission
For a Synodal
The first phase of the Synodal Process is a listening phase in local Churches.
Following an opening celebration in Rome on Saturday, October 9, 2021, the
diocesan phase of the Synod will begin on Sunday, October 17, 2021. To assist
the initial phase of the synodal journey, the General Secretary of the Synod
of Bishops, Cardinal Mario Grech, wrote to each Bishop in May 2021, inviting
him to appoint a contact person or team to lead the local listening phase. This
person or team is also the liaison between the diocese and parishes, as well as
between the diocese and the episcopal conference. Local Churches are asked
to provide their responses to their episcopal conference to enable aggregation
of ideas prior to the deadline of April 2022. In this way, episcopal conferences
and the synods of Oriental Churches can in turn provide a synthesis to the
Synod of Bishops. This material will be synthesised as the basis for the writing
of two working documents (known as the Instrumentum Laboris). Finally, the
Assembly of the Synod of Bishops will be held in Rome in October 2023.
The purpose of the first phase of the synodal journey is to foster a broad
consultation process in order to gather the wealth of the experiences
of lived synodality, in its different articulations and facets, involving the
Pastors and the Faithful of the [local] Churches at all the different levels,
through the most appropriate means according to the specific local
realities: the consultation, coordinated by the Bishop, is addressed “to the
Priests, Deacons and lay Faithful of their [local] Churches, both individually
and in associations, without overlooking the valuable contribution that
consecrated men and women can offer” (EC, 7). The contribution of
the participatory bodies of the [local] Churches is specifically requested,
especially that of the Presbyteral Council and the Pastoral Council,
from which “a synodal Church [can truly] begin to take shape.”4 Equally
valuable will be the contribution of other ecclesial entities to which the
Preparatory Document [and this Vademecum] will be sent, as well as that
of those who wish to send their own contribution directly. Finally, it will be
of fundamental importance that the voice of the poor and excluded also
find a place, not only that of those who have some role or responsibility
within the [local] Churches.
4 FRANCIS, Address at the Ceremony Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Institution of the Synod of
Bishops (17 October 2015).
in Episcopalis Communio (art. 6 on the Consultation of the People of God):
§1. The consultation of the People of God takes place in the particular
Churches, through the Synods of Bishops of the Patriarchal Churches and
the Major Archbishoprics, the Councils of Hierarchs and the Assemblies of
Hierarchs of the Churches sui iuris and through the Episcopal Conferences.
In each particular Church, the Bishops carry out the consultation of the
People of God by recourse to the participatory bodies provided for by the
law, without excluding other methods that they deem appropriate. §2. The
Unions, the Federations and the male and female Conferences of Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life consult the Major Superiors,
who in their turn may approach their own Councils and other members of the
Institutes and Societies in question. §3. In the same way, the Associations of
the Faithful recognized by the Holy See consult their own members. §4. The
dicasteries of the Roman Curia offer their contribution, taking account of their
respective particular areas of competence. §5. The General Secretariat of the
Synod may identify other forms of consultation of the People of God.
The Diocesan Contact Person(s) are encouraged to tap into the richness of
the lived experience of Church in their local context. Throughout the diocesan
phase, it is helpful to keep in mind the principles of the Synodal Process and
the need for some structure to the conversation, so that it can be synthesised
and effectively inform the writing of the working documents (Instrumentum
Laboris). We aim to be attentive to how the Spirit speaks through the People
of God.
2. Principles of a Synodal Process
2.1 Who can participate?
We see throughout the Gospels how Jesus reaches out to all. He does
not only save people individually but as a people that he gathers together,
as the one Shepherd of the entire flock (cf. John 10:16). The ministry of Jesus
shows us that no one is excluded from God’s plan of salvation.
In this light, the objective of this diocesan phase is to consult the People
of God so that the Synodal Process is carried out through listening to all the
baptized. By convoking this Synod, Pope Francis is inviting all the baptised to
participate in this Synodal Process that begins at the diocesan level. Dioceses
are called to keep in mind that the main subjects of this synodal experience
are all the baptised. Special care should be taken to involve those persons
who may risk being excluded: women, the handicapped, refugees, migrants,
the elderly, people who live in poverty, Catholics who rarely or never practice
their faith, etc. Creative means should also be found in order to involve
children and youth.
Together, all the baptised are the subject of the sensus fidelium, the living
voice of the People of God. At the same time, in order to participate fully
in the act of discerning, it is important for the baptised to hear the voices
of other people in their local context, including people who have left the
practice of the faith, people of other faith traditions, people of no religious
belief, etc. For as the Council declares: “The joys and the hopes, the griefs
and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or
in any way afflicted, these are the joys and the hopes, the griefs and the
anxieties of the followers of Christ. Indeed, nothing genuinely human fails to
raise an echo in their hearts” (GS, 1).
For this reason, while all the baptized are specifically called to take part
in the Synodal Process, no one – no matter their religious affiliation – should
be excluded from sharing their perspective and experiences, insofar as they
want to help the Church on her synodal journey of seeking what is good and
true. This is especially true of those who are most vulnerable or marginalized.
5 FRANCIS, Address at the Ceremony Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Institution of the Synod of
Bishops (17 October 2015).
2.3 Attitudes for Participating in the Synodal Process
On various occasions, Pope Francis has shared his vision for what the
practice of synodality looks like concretely. The following are particular
attitudes that enable genuine listening and dialogue as we participate in the
Synodal Process.
Much of the richness of this listening phase will come from discussions
among parishes, lay movements, schools and universities, religious
congregations, neighbourhood Christian communities, social action,
ecumenical and inter-religious movements, and other groups. Bishops
initiate the process, so it is likely that involvement at the diocesan level will
be coordinated through the regular communication channels of the diocesan
Bishop. Those parishes with a Parish Pastoral Council, and those dioceses
with a Diocesan Pastoral Council, can make use of these existing “synodal”
bodies to organize, facilitate, and give life to the Synodal Process at the local
level, provided that efforts are made to reach out to the peripheries and to
those voices that are seldom heard. The aim is not to overwhelm dioceses
and parishes, but rather to integrate the Synodal Process into the life of
the local Church in creative ways that promote deepen communion, fuller
participation, and a more fruitful mission.
Thus this Synod not only expects responses that can assist the Assembly
of the Synod of Bishops to be held in Rome in October 2023, but also desires
to promote and develop the practice and experience of being Synodal in the
course of the process and in the future moving forward. There are excellent
resources available from those local Churches that have already embarked
along this journey, such as the Methodological Guide for the Ecclesial
Assembly of the Latin American Episcopal Conference and the Plenary
Council of Australia and its key documents. We encourage you to consult
these resources to assist and inspire your work in your local Church.
3.2 The role of Episcopal Conferences and Synods
of Oriental Churches
These syntheses will then serve as the basis for the first edition of the
Instrumentum Laboris, which will be published by the General Secretariat of
the Synod of Bishops.
This initial Instrumentum Laboris will be the “working document” for the
seven continental meetings: Africa (SECAM); Oceania (FCBCO); Asia (FABC);
Middle East (CPCO); Latin America (CELAM); Europe (CCEE) and North
America (USCCB and CCCB).
Bishops and auditors will gather with the Holy Father Pope Francis in
the Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome in October 2023 to speak
and listen to one another on the basis of the Synodal Process that began
at the local level. The aim of the Synod of Bishops is not to overshadow the
diocesan, episcopal conference/synod of Oriental Churches, and continental
phases, but rather to discern at a universal level the voice of the Holy Spirit
who has been speaking throughout the entire Church.
3.5 The Implementation Phase
Since this Synod aims to promote a new style of living out the
communion, participation, and mission of the Church, the implementation
phase will be crucial for walking forward together on the path of synodality.
This implementation is intended to reach all the local Churches throughout
the world, so that the Synodal Process has the entire People of God as its
point of departure as well as its point of arrival (EC, 7). The Diocesan Contact
Person(s) and other persons and bodies that were involved in the diocesan
phase can be helpful in this regard, including the Diocesan Pastoral Council,
the Presbyteral Council, and Parish Pastoral Councils.
The hope is that the experience of the Synodal Process will bring about a
new springtime for listening, discernment, dialogue, and decision-making, so
that the whole People of God can better journey together with one another
and the entire human family, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
4. Travelling the Synodal
Path in Dioceses
4.1 Summary of what is envisaged in the diocesan phase
This first stage of the Synodal Process provides the foundation for all the
other phases that follow. More than simply responding to a questionnaire, the
diocesan phase is meant to offer as many people as possible a truly synodal
experience of listening to one another and walking forward together, guided
by the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit of God, who illuminates and brings to life this journey together,
is the same Spirit who is at work in the mission that Jesus entrusted to his
apostles. The Holy Spirit works through all the generations of disciples who
hear God’s Word and put it into practice. The Spirit sent by Christ does not
only confirm the continuity of the Gospel of Jesus, but illuminates the ever-
new depths of the Word of God and inspires the decisions necessary to sustain
the Church’s journey and invigorate her mission (cf. John 14:25-26; 15:26-27;
16:12-15) (PD, 16).
In this sense, the diocesan phase should begin by finding the most effective
ways of achieving the widest participation possible. We must personally reach
out to the peripheries, to those who have left the Church, those who rarely or
never practice their faith, those who experience poverty or marginalization,
refugees, the excluded, the voiceless, etc.
How these meetings take place will depend on your local circumstances.
Several parishes can join together, as well as ministries such as pastoral
health care or Catholic education, religious communities, lay movements, and
ecumenical groups.
The feedback received from these local gatherings will then be compiled
in an overall synthesis at the diocesan level. The synthesis that each diocese will
elaborate at the end of this work of listening and discernment will constitute
its concrete contribution to the journey of the whole People of God. It can
also serve as a helpful document for identifying next steps in the journey of
the local Church on the path of synodality. To facilitate the subsequent phases
of the Synodal Process, it is important to condense the fruits of prayer and
reflection into a maximum of ten pages. Other texts can be attached to the
diocesan synthesis in order to support or accompany its contents.
Synodality does not exist without the pastoral authority of the College
of Bishops, under the primacy of the Successor of Peter, as well as the
pastoral authority of each diocesan Bishop in the diocese entrusted to his
care. The ministry of Bishops is to be pastors, teachers, and priests of sacred
worship. Their charism of discernment calls them to be authentic guardians,
interpreters, and witnesses to the faith of the Church. In and from the local
Churches exists the one unique Catholic Church (LG, 23). The fullness of the
Synodal Process can only truly exist with the involvement of the local Churches,
requiring the personal involvement of the diocesan Bishop. “In virtue of this
catholicity, each part contributes its own gifts to other parts and to the entire
church, so the whole and each of the parts are strengthened by the common
sharing of all things and by the common effort to achieve fullness in unity”
(LG, 13). The diversity of the local Churches and their context and culture
bring different gifts to the whole, enriching the entire Body of Christ. This is
key to understanding the Church’s path of synodality.
The Bishop can seek feedback and participation wherever helpful in the
organization process. The Bishop is invited to communicate with the respective
bodies, organizations, and structures in the diocese, including the Diocesan
Pastoral Council, the Presbyteral Council, parishes, religious communities,
lay movements, various pastoral ministries (such as in schools and hospitals),
and diocesan commissions to encourage their participation in the Synodal
Process and to request their help as is fitting. Under the authority of the
Bishop, the Diocesan Contact Person(s) can communicate directly with the
coordinators in parishes and other local communities to prepare and facilitate
the consultation process.
At the same time, the Bishop can ensure that appropriate resources are
set aside, including financial, logistical, technical, and personnel resources.
The Bishop also has a role in encouraging the involvement of diverse groups
and individuals so that the Synodal Process can be a truly collaborative effort,
drawing on the wide participation of the faithful and reaching the full diversity
of the People of God: priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, and
the laity. Diocesan structures that already aim at exercising synodality can be
a vital support in this regard, particularly the Diocesan Pastoral Council, the
Presbyteral Council, Parish Pastoral Councils, etc.
During the consultation process, the key role of the Bishop is to listen.
Though the personal involvement of the diocesan Bishop in the listening
process may take many forms, he is encouraged to take part and be attentive to
the voice of the faithful. Besides participating in local listening sessions across
the diocese, the Bishop may convene ad-hoc small community gatherings of
his own if he wishes to do so, inviting representatives from a cross-section of
the diocese, especially those at the peripheries. In addition, he can also listen
by reviewing the feedback gathered from the consultations, discerning what
the Holy Spirit is saying through the people entrusted to his care. On a regular
basis, the Bishop should meet with the Diocesan Contact Person(s) to review
progress of the consultation and address any challenges faced. Care should
be taken to ensure that the presence of the Bishop and clergy does not have
the inadvertent effect of stifling authentic and unfettered input by the faithful,
especially in circumstances where there has been scandal, or simply because
of cultural deference.
The ministry of priests and deacons has two vital points of reference: on
one hand, the diocesan Bishop; and on the other hand, the people entrusted
to their pastoral care. Thus the clergy present in the local Church provide a
helpful point of connection between the Bishop and those they serve. This
gives priests and deacons a key role in journeying together in the midst of the
People of God, united with the Bishop and at the service of the faithful. They
are able to communicate to the people on behalf of the Bishop, and they are
also able to communicate from the people to the Bishop. They are agents of
communion and unity in building up the Body of Christ, helping the faithful
to journey together, walking forward with one another in the midst of the
Church. The clergy are likewise heralds of renewal, attentive to the evolving
needs of their flock, and pointing out how the Holy Spirit is opening new
pathways. Finally, they are men of prayer who promote a genuinely spiritual
experience of synodality, so that the People of God can be more attentive to
the Holy Spirit and listen together to the will of God.
In this sense, priests and deacons have a crucial role to play in accompanying
the entire People of God on the path of synodality. Their efforts towards
promoting and putting in practice a more synodal way of being the Church
of Christ are of vital importance. Priests and deacons can raise awareness
about the synodal nature of the Church and the meaning of synodality in
the parishes, ministries, and movements that they serve. Priests and deacons
are also called to support, encourage, promote, and enable the unfolding
of the diocesan phase of the Synodal Process in the local Church. They do
so through the participatory bodies that are already established across the
diocese, such as the Diocesan Pastoral Council, the Presbyteral Council, and
Parish Pastoral Councils. The involvement of the “synodal” bodies of the
local Churches is specifically requested, especially the Presbyteral Council
and the Pastoral Council (PD, 31). On the Church’s path of synodality, these
participatory bodies on the diocesan level “can prove fundamental, and from
here a synodal Church can begin to emerge” (EC, 7).
At the same time, priests and deacons can find new and creative ways
of fostering an authentically synodal experience among the lay faithful, in
connection with the initiatives of the diocesan Bishop and the Diocesan
Contact Person(s) that are designated for this Synodal Process. It is worth
noting that the consultation undertaken by the diocesan phase of the Synodal
Process is coordinated by the diocesan Bishop and addressed “to the priests,
deacons and lay faithful of their [local] Churches, both individually and in
associations, without overlooking the valuable contribution that consecrated
men and women can offer” (EC, 7).
The tasks involved in carrying out the listening and dialogue phase within
each diocese will vary depending on local factors, but the general approach
will involve the following steps:
7. Communicating to everyone
To raise awareness and encourage participation, wide publicity about the
Synod can be carried out to communicate the significance and objectives
of the Synod and how people can participate. Some examples of publicity
materials are provided on the website.
Appointing the Diocesan
Contact Person(s)
2 Setting up a diocesan
synodal team
Communicating to everyone
Implementing, monitoring,
8 and guiding the synodal
consultation process
The steps listed above in Part 4.4 are to be used as guidelines. Ultimately,
the diocesan phase involves similar “ingredients” as the Assembly of the
Synod of Bishops, such as the one that will occur in Rome in October 2023.
These elements are: a liturgical celebration to begin, gathering in a large
assembly, small group meetings, moments of silence and prayer, informal
conversations, shared experiences (such as pilgrimages, artistic expressions,
and experiences with those who are vulnerable, handicapped persons, and
the elderly), and a liturgical celebration to conclude. These basic ingredients
of synodality can be easily adapted to your local circumstance to foster a
fruitful synodal experience in your local Church, keeping in mind the principles,
attitudes, and pitfalls outlined above in Part 2.
5. Resources for organizing the
Synodal Process
5.1 Methodology for the Diocesan Synodal Process
Each diocese can discern the most conducive ways of enabling a Spirit-
led synodal experience for its people, paying particular attention to those
whose voices have not been heard in the past. There is advice and resources
on how to go about this on the Synod website.
- Recall our experiences: What experiences of our local Church does this
question call to mind?
- Re-read these experiences in greater depth: What joys did they bring?
What difficulties and obstacles have they encountered? What wounds
did they reveal? What insights have they elicited?
- Gather the fruits to share: Where in these experiences does the voice
of the Holy Spirit resound? What is the Spirit asking of us? What are
the points to be confirmed, the prospects for change, the steps to be
taken? Where do we register a consensus? What paths are opening up
for our local Church?
Listening is the first step, but it requires an open mind and heart,
without prejudice. How is God speaking to us through voices we sometimes
ignore? How are the laity listened to, especially women and young people?
What facilitates or inhibits our listening? How well do we listen to those on
the peripheries? How is the contribution of consecrated men and women
integrated? What are some limitations in our ability to listen, especially to
those who have different views than our own? What space is there for the voice
of minorities, especially people who experience poverty, marginalization, or
social exclusion?
All are invited to speak with courage and parrhesia, that is, in freedom,
truth, and charity. What enables or hinders speaking up courageously,
candidly, and responsibly in our local Church and in society? When and how
do we manage to say what is important to us? How does the relationship with
the local media work (not only Catholic media)? Who speaks on behalf of the
Christian community, and how are they chosen?
“Walking together” is only possible if it is based on communal listening
to the Word and the celebration of the Eucharist. How do prayer and liturgical
celebrations actually inspire and guide our common life and mission in our
community? How do they inspire the most important decisions? How do we
promote the active participation of all the faithful in the liturgy? What space
is given to participating in the ministries of lector and acolyte?
The dialogue between Christians of different confessions, united by one
baptism, has a special place in the synodal journey. What relationships does
our Church community have with members of other Christian traditions and
denominations? What do we share and how do we journey together? What
fruits have we drawn from walking together? What are the difficulties? How
can we take the next step in walking forward with each other?
For a Synodal Church:
Communion, Participation, and Mission
Appendix A
The Diocesan
Contact Person(s)/Team
• Serve as the point(s) of reference for parishes and other ecclesial groups
in the diocese regarding the synodal consultation.
• Serve the main contact person(s) for the Bishop of the diocese regarding
the Synodal Process.
o Suggesting that parishes/communities conduct one, two, or more
consultation meetings with people in the local community. Parishes/
groups may wish to have a special consultation for certain groups
(for example, adolescents, young adults, married couples, migrants
and refugees, those who are less active in the faith, and those who
experience poverty and marginalization).
Regularly check in with each parish/community throughout
the consultation phase, providing support, encouragement,
accompaniment, and reiterating gratitude along the way.
The Diocesan Contact Person(s) and team should have the following
• A spiritually mature person with a living faith.
• A natural collaborator.
• An effective communicator.
• The ability to synthesize a variety of information.
• The ability to interact well with people of diverse cultural, generational,
and ecclesial backgrounds.
• Familiarity with diocesan structures and processes.
• Prior experience working in collaborative initiatives or synodal
• Humility in working with a co-leader and/or team, graciously open to
the insights and gifts of others as well as trying new ways of proceeding.
It should be noted that the Diocesan Contact Person(s) does not have
to be a member of the clergy. If a co-leadership model is used, it is highly
recommended that the co-leaders be one man and one woman. At least one
of them should be a lay person.
The team collaborating with the Diocesan Contact Person(s) should reflect
the diversity of the diocese and include key diocesan leaders: lay women and
men, clergy, and consecrated religious, of different cultures, generations, and
backgrounds, representing the Church’s diverse ministries and charisms in
particular the diocese’s pastoral work with young people, families, migrants
and refugees, and the poor. It would be helpful if some members of the team
had previously/recently worked with local, diocesan, or national synodal
processes, or similar endeavours.
* Note: In the Vademecum and all of the accompanying appendices and resources, the term
“diocese” refers to local Churches in general, and can be substituted with the terms eparchy,
ordinariate, or any other equivalent ecclesial body.
Appendix B
Suggested guide
for organizing a synodal
consultation meeting
1. An organizing team can be formed to plan and carry out the consultation
process and gatherings on the local level, including discerning how
to reach out to people and the most suitable methods for fostering
dialogue and participation in an authentic synodal experience.
4. About 2-3 weeks before the gathering, preparatory materials for prayer
and reflection should be sent to all participants. These can include a
brief background reading on synodality, the main reflection question(s),
and suggested ways of praying and discerning about these questions,
including recommended Scripture passages. Participants should also
be informed about the method to be used at the synodal meeting.
They should set aside time for personal preparation using all these
materials because this is crucial for a fruitful dialogue.
To help people explore this fundamental question more fully, ten themes
have been developed to highlight significant aspects of “lived synodality”
(PD, 30). The questions accompanying each of the ten themes can be used
as a starting point or helpful guideline for enriching the consultation. These
questions can be found in Part 5 of the Vademecum and a more detailed
version is available in the accompanying materials on the Synod website.
7. At the gathering, communal prayer and liturgy will play a vital role.
Listening to one another is grounded in listening to the Word of God
and the Holy Spirit. Meaningful forms of prayer can be used to ask
God’s guidance and inspiration and let him deepen our communion
with one another. The liturgy and meditating together on Scripture can
be very helpful means in this regard.
9.Once the group dialogue has taken place, participants should review
and share about their experience of the process within their small group.
How was their experience? What were the ups and downs? What new
and refreshing insights might they have discovered? What have they
learned about the synodal way of proceeding? How was God present
and at work during their time together?
11. All participants can then come together to conclude the gathering.
One representative from each small group can briefly share about the
experience of the group. The participants should be informed about
the next stage of the Synodal Process, so that they know how their
input will contribute to the whole Church. It is recommended that the
gathering conclude with a prayer or song of thanksgiving.
Appendix C
Pre-Synodal Meeting
Each local Church culminates the diocesan phase with a Diocesan Pre-
Synodal Meeting. This gathering provide the opportunity for diverse members
of the diocese to come together for a liturgical celebration, to pray together,
to reflect on their experience of the Synodal Process in the diocese, to listen
to feedback that has emerged from the synodal consultation meetings across
the diocese, to dialogue about the current reality of the local Church and
the signs of the times, and to discern the Holy Spirit’s call for the diocese on
the path of synodality. While much of the consultation process during the
diocesan phase might have occurred within specific communities of the local
Church, such as parishes, ministries, and other ecclesial groups, the objective
of the Diocesan Pre-Synodal Meeting is to bring together a representative
cross-section of the whole diocese, including minority groups and people on
the peripheries, and to enable participants to pray, listen, reflect, and discern
together. After this gathering, the outcome of the Diocesan Pre-Synodal
Meeting should be included as part of the diocesan synthesis, together with
the feedback that emerged from the synodal consultation meetings from
across the diocese. (See Appendix D for more information on the diocesan
a. To culminate the months of the diocesan phase of synodal consultations
with the People of God.
b. To celebrate and reflect on the emerging realities and experience of
the diocesan journey of travelling together on the synodal path.
c. To highlight the main themes of the diocesan consultations with a
chosen group of representatives from different communities of the
d. To involve members of diverse communities (parishes, ministries,
movements, schools, clergy, religious communities, the marginalized,
young persons, cultural groups, etc.) in reflecting on the experience
and input of the consultation process, in view of the diocesan synthesis
on the basis of the feedback received from across the diocese.
e. To listen to what God has been saying through the people of the
diocese, to discern his will for the local Church and the pathways he is
inviting the Church to follow in the diocese towards deeper communion,
fuller participation, and more fruitful mission.
f. To bring out the best practices, synodal pathways, and a new momentum
and vitality towards being a more synodal Church of journeying
together, mutual listening, and co-responsibility.
g. To develop the diocesan synthesis that conveys what was shared by
the People of God during the consultation process in the diocese, as a
contribution to the current Synodal Process of the entire Church.
The members of this Synodal meeting depend on the local situation of
the diocese. Dioceses may adapt these guidelines according to population
size, geographical distances, resources available, cultural background of
people, etc. Ideally the members should include:
the objectives mentioned above in the context of the diocese. (See the Synod
website for more suggestions and resources.) It is highly recommended that
the diocesan phase culminate in a liturgical celebration, giving thanks to God
for what has been experienced and invoking the guidance of the Holy Spirit
on the journey ahead. How to put in place the other elements of the gathering
can be discerned by each diocese. The Diocesan Contact Person(s) would be
responsible for assembling all the feedback received from the consultation
process throughout the diocese. The feedback could be presented to the
participants at the gathering that culminates the diocesan phase.
Tools like social media, virtual platforms, and interactive technology could
be put to great use in reaching out to more people and collecting responses
that could be handed over to the Diocesan Contact Person(s)/Team. Young
people can play a key role in contributing creatively and effectively to these
Appendix D
Preparing the
diocesan synthesis
The diocesan synthesis conveys the main fruits of the discernment of the
whole People of God across the diocese. It is recommended that this be
captured in a written document of up to 10 pages. Other materials such as
images, videos, stories, artistic expressions, and personal testimonies can be
submitted as attachments, insofar as they help to bring out the experience
and input of participants.
• In terms of the process of the consultation, what were the main steps
taken in the diocese? What were the main questions posed? What
was done to engage as many participants as possible and to reach out
to the peripheries? Approximately what proportion of people in the
diocese participated in one way or other? Were there any groups of
people whose participation was especially noteworthy? Where there
specific groups of people who did not participate for any reason?
What was most significant about the whole experience of the
consultation? What were the high points and low points, or the
consolations and desolations? What dispositions, attitudes, or feelings
were notable? What tensions or disagreements emerged from the
listening process? What topics or issues gave rise to diverse points of
view? Overall, what were the fruits that the Holy Spirit has brought
about through this experience?
• Among the feedback from the local meetings, what was particularly
significant, surprising or unexpected? What new perspectives or new
horizons opened up? Which particular stories or real-life experiences
were especially moving and why? Which points of view seem to have
strong resonance? Which points of view were mentioned less but are
interesting and noteworthy?
• Overall, what has the Holy Spirit inspired the community to see
regarding the current reality of synodality in the local church, including
the present lights and shadows? What did participants have to say
about areas where the Church is in need of healing and conversion,
in its spiritual life, culture, attitudes, structures, pastoral practices,
relationships, and missionary outreach?
• In what ways is the Holy Spirit inviting the local church to grow in
synodality? What dreams, desires, and aspirations for the church were
expressed by participants? Based on their feedback, what steps does
the diocese feel called to take in becoming more synodal? What are
the next steps forward for our diocese on the path of synodality, in
communion with the whole Church?
Each diocese can choose to prepare the synthesis either before or after
the Diocesan Pre-synodal Meeting, as long as the fruits of that meeting are
also incorporated into the diocesan synthesis. As much as possible, everyone
should feel that his or her voice has been represented in the synthesis. As
a model of transparency, the members of the drafting team as well as the
process of synthesizing the feedback can be made known to all. It is strongly
recommended that the synthesis be made public once it has been drafted, as
a touchstone for the journey of the diocese along the path of synodality. As
much as possible, opportunities can be given to the People of God to review
and respond to the content of the diocesan synthesis before it is officially sent
to the episcopal conference.
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