Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences: Original Article
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences: Original Article
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences: Original Article
Original article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Dairy production is threatened by antibiotic resistant pathogens worldwide, and alternative solutions to
Received 3 July 2019 treat mastitis are not available. The prevalence of antibiotic resistant strains is not well known in less
Revised 4 September 2019 developed countries. The prevalence of pathogenic bacteria and their resistance to 21 commercial antibi-
Accepted 9 September 2019
otics were studied in milk samples taken from 122 dairy cows suffering from the symptoms of mastitis in
Available online 14 September 2019
Egypt. The bacterial species were identified with molecular methods, and antibiotic resistance was stud-
ied with disc diffusion method. The prevalence of Streptococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa were 30%, 17% and 3.5%, respectively. Most (90%) of the S. aureus strains showed resistance to
Drug resistance
penicillin whereas only 10% of the strains were resistant to oxacillin. Nearly half (40%) of E. coli strains
Cattle showed resistance to streptomycin. Six P. aeruginosa strains showed resistance to several antibiotics,
Biological control including ceftriaxone, enrofloxacin and levofloxacin. This points out that despite P. aeruginosa was not
Traditional medicine common, it should be followed up carefully. Potential biocontrol agents against antibiotic resistant mas-
Antibiotics titis bacteria were searched among 30 endophytic actinobacterial strains derived from wild medicinal
Pathogenic bacteria plants. Three plants, namely Mentha longifolia, Malva parviflora and Pulicaria undulata were chosen for
a more detailed study; their endophytic actinobacteria were used to prepare metabolic extracts. The
crude metabolites of the actinobacteria were extracted with ethyl acetate. All metabolic extracts inhib-
ited the growth of S. aureus, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), E. coli and P. aeruginosa
in vitro. The 16S rRNA sequence analysis revealed that the most efficient actinobacterial strains were two
Micromonospora sp. and one Actinobacteria bacterium. We conclude that the combination of the metabo-
lites of several endophytic actinobacteria derived from several medicinal plants would be the most effi-
cient against pathogens. Different metabolite cocktails should be studied further in order to develop
novel biocontrol agents to treat antibiotic resistant mastitis bacteria in dairy cows.
Ó 2019 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction
1319-562X/Ó 2019 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
F. Ameen et al. / Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26 (2019) 1492–1498 1493
et al., 2009; Elbendary et al., 2018; Gurung et al., 2009; Li et al., (50 CGATTCTGGAAATGGCAAAAG30 and 50 CGTGATCAGCG GTGAC
2008; Matsumoto and Takahashi, 2017; Zhang et al., 2012). TATGAC30 ) following the reaction mixture and thermal cycle
One worldwide need for a novel biocontrol agent is a common described in Gashgari et al. (2019).
infection in dairy cows, bovine mastitis. Mastitis have usually been MRSA was identified according to Quinn et al. (2011). Briefly,
treated with several commercial antibiotics; the frequent use of when S. aureus strains showed antimicrobial resistance against
antibiotics have sometimes been inappropriate for a long time oxacillin with the disc diffusion technique (below), the isolates
(Hogan and Smith, 2003; Rajala-Schultz et al., 2004; Robert et al., were analyzed for mecA gene (genetic marker for MRSA indicated
2006; Vijayarathna et al., 2012). Therefore, mastitis therapy with by specific bands at 310 bp in agarose gel. To identify pathogenic
antibiotics is suffering from the development of antibiotic resistant E. coli strains, three isolates of the most prevalent serotypes
bacterial strains (Das et al., 2017; Klibi et al., 2018; Srednik et al., (O114, O128 and O158) of E. coli were detected for phoA gene
2018; Wu et al., 2007). Despite a huge amount of studies all over (specific gene for E. coli strains) (Wenz et al., 2006).
the world, the prevalence of antibiotic resistant strains, and thus
the urgency for novel biocontrol agents, is not well known in many 2.3. Antibiotic resistance test
less developed countries, such as in Egypt.
Mastitis has been treated with different ethno-veterinary The antibiotic resistance of 87 pathogenic bacterial isolates
medicines, i.e. for instance with traditional medicinal plants were tested using the standard kibry Bauer method (disc diffusion
(Bullitta et al., 2018; Mushtaq et al., 2018). Recently, an in vitro technique). A total of 21 commonly used antibiotics (Oxoid) was
study observed that the extracts derived from two medicinal tested (Table 1). The results are described as antibiograms where
plants, namely Allium sativum and Bunium persicum, were efficient the bacterial strains are divided into resistant, intermediate and
against mastitis pathogens (Amber et al., 2018). sensitive groups.
However, no great advancements in alternative treatments
against clinical mastitis have been achieved; no recommendations
2.4. Actinobacterial extracts
about any alternative treatment was found by a recent review of
Francoz et al. (2017). Therefore, novel solutions are still needed.
A total of 30 endophytic actinobacterial extracts were tested for
In this study, we first identified the most prevalent bacterial
their efficiency to inhibit the mastitis pathogens. Actinobacteria
strains causing clinical bovine mastitis in Egypt and investigated
had been isolated from wild medicinal plants of Sinai and reported
their resistance to 21 commonly used antibiotics. Second, we pro-
in detail by El-Shatoury et al. (2006, 2013). The actinobacterial
duced metabolic extracts using plant endophytic actinobacteria
metabolites extracts, referred only metabolites hereinafter, were
and tested in vitro how efficiently they could inhibit the pathogenic
prepared as follows. First, the spore suspensions of the actinobac-
bacteria causing mastitis. We aim to find biological and economic
teria isolates were grown in 30 ml sub-cultured broth at 28 °C,
solutions to treat mastitis in dairy cows.
100 rpm for 7 days. The crude metabolites were extracted with
ethyl acetate (1:1 v/v) for three successive times, with vigorous
2. Materials and methods shaking for 30 min. The solvent layers were combined and concen-
trated under vacuum using rotary evaporator (HS2005S-N-Hahn
2.1. Sample collection Shin Scientific Co.) and re-dissolved in ethyl acetate to give a final
concentration of 160 mg mL1.
The samples were collected randomly from a total of 122 lactat- The disc diffusion method with slight modifications (Mythili
ing Holstein dairy cows showing palpable signs (hard and swollen et al., 2018), was used to evaluate the antimicrobial activities of
quarter, kicking up on touching the udder and heat) from different the metabolites. Isolated bacteria were inoculated on Muller Hin-
dairy farms located in Ismailia Governorate, Egypt. Milk from each ton agar plates (Himedia, India) (107 CFU mL1, 0.5 McFarland
udder quarter was collected and examined visually for any anoma- standard). The metabolites (10 ml) were impregnated in sterile
lies (watery secretions, clots in milk, and blood-tinged secretions). discs (Whatman, 6 mm) that were placed on the plates. The plates
Samples with any anomalies were collected aseptically; a total of were incubated at 37 °C for 18–24 h and the inhibition zones were
172 mastitis milk samples were transferred into laboratory and recorded. Ethyl acetate saturated discs were used as negative con-
stored at 4 °C. trols. Standard antibiotic discs were used as positive controls; imi-
penem for P. aeruginosa, chloramphenicol for MRSA and E. coli, and
2.2. Isolation and identification of pathogens oxacillin for S. aureus. All combinations of pathogens and metabo-
lites were tested as duplicates.
Bacteria were isolated according to Islam et al. (2014) with Three metabolites that inhibited several pathogenic strains
some minor modifications. The loopful streaking technique was were measured for the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
used to enrich the cultures, a loop of a milk sample was streaked using the broth dilution method according to Forbes et al. (2007).
in MacConkey agar and incubated aerobically at 37 °C for 24– Pathogenic bacteria were cultured (107 CFU mL1) in the serial
48 h. The DNA was extracted from the isolates using DNA Purifica- dilutions of the metabolites (range from 160 to 1.25 mg mL1) at
tion Kit (Qiagen). The DNA was amplified with universal primers 37 °C for 24 h. The minimum metabolite concentrations with no
Table 1
Frequency of bacterial species isolated from dairy cows suffering from clinical mastitis in Egypt.
detectable pathogenic bacterial growth were considered as MIC. tazidime (Fig. 1). All isolates were susceptible to imipenem.
The absence of turbidity confirmed the absence of growth. However, high susceptibility (>50% of the strains) was observed
only to four antibiotics, namely amikacin, chloramphenicol, gen-
tamicin and piperacillin.
2.5. Identification of endophytic actinomycetes
Isolates that produced the most effective extracts against mas- 3.2. Actinomycetes
titis pathogens were identified. The 16S rRNA gene was amplified
using the universal primers 27f & 1522r (Lane, 1991). The reaction Each of the 30 actinomycete metabolites exhibited antimicro-
mixture and the thermal cycles have been described in Gashgari bial activity against at least one of the pathogens tested. Pathogen
et al. (2019). PCR products were purified and sequenced by Macro- S. aureus was inhibited by all metabolites, except one derived from
gen Inc. (Seoul, Korea, plant Fagonia mollis (Table 3). MRSA, P. aeruginosa and E. coli were
The sequences were analyzed against NCBI database using the each inhibited by most of the metabolites. Three of the metabolites
BLAST program. A phylogenetic tree was created using the Maxi- showed antibacterial activity against almost all pathogens with
mum Likelihood method based on the Kimura 2-parameter model wide inhibition zones (10–13.5 mm).
(Tamura et al., 2004). These most efficient metabolites had been derived from actino-
mycetes strains that had been isolated from plants M. longifolia, M.
parviflora and P. undulata. The metabolites’ MIC against different
3. Results pathogenic bacteria varied from 80 to 160 mg mL1 (Table 3).
The phylogenetic analysis revealed that two most efficient acti-
3.1. Bacterial species identified in milk nobacterial strains showed close similarity to Micromonospora sp.
(KP784800), Micromonospora chokoriensis strain B020
The dominant bacterial species in milk were S. aureus and E. coli. (KY858243). One species showed close similarity to Actinobacteria
They were isolated from 38% and 19% of the 122 cows, respectively bacterium strain 650–37 (MG807525) (Fig. 4).
(Table 2). Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from 5% of the
cows. Five isolates of S. aureus gave a positive result for mecA gene
showing the specific bands at 310 bp, and were thus identified as 4. Discussion
MRSA (Fig. 2). From a total of 30 E. coli isolates, three isolates were
detected for the phoA gene (a bands at 720 bp) (Fig. 3) indicating All milk samples were originating from cows suffering from the
pathogenicity for these three isolates. symptoms of mastitis. However, only about 50% of the milk sam-
Out of the 51 S. aureus strains, 90% showed high resistance to ples showed positive pathogenic bacteria cultures in our tests. This
penicillin (Fig. 1). Many S. aureus strains were resistant also to may be explained by the fact that E. coli induced clinical mastitis
tetracycline (57% of the strains) and gentamicin (27%). In contrast, infections are often of very short duration. In such cases, milk sam-
many S. aureus strains were sensitive to amoxicillin-clavulanic a ples may not show any positive pathogen cultures (Sears et al.,
(80%), erythromycin (84%), oxacillin (73%), and trimethoprim–sul 1993). The severe cases of mastitis showed that the Egyptian cows
phamethoxazole (84%). Out of the 30 E. coli strains, 40% showed were infected most often by S. aureus, E. coli and P. aeruginosa.
resistance to streptomycin (Fig. 1). Resistance was observed also These pathogen species have been found to be responsible for clin-
to ampicillin (33%), trimethoprim–sulphamethoxazole (23%), cef- ical mastitis also elsewhere (Akram et al., 2013; Hegazi et al., 2014;
triaxone (20%), cefepime (16%) and tetracycline (16%). High sus- Riekerink et al., 2008).
ceptibility of E. coli was observed to several antibiotics; amikacin, The knowledge about the prevalence of antibiotic resistant
amoxicillin- clavulanic a, ciprofloxacin, and for neomycin. More strains causing mastitis in dairy cows is fragmentary in less devel-
than 60% of the strains were sensitive to these antibiotics. oped countries in Asia, Africa and South America. Published results
Out of the six P. aeruginosa strains, five (83%) showed resistance show great variation in the antibiotic resistance. For instance, in
to ceftriaxone, enrofloxacin and levofloxacin, and four (67%) strains Ecuador, all mastitis pathogens were susceptible several antibi-
showed resistance to streptomycin, tetracycline, aztreonam, cefe- otics recently (Amer et al., 2018). In Ethiopia instead, a relatively
pime, trimethoprim – sulphamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin and cef- high prevalence of S. aureus was found; more than half of mastitis
Table 2
Inhibition of the metabolic extracts of actinobacteria derived from different plant species against four pathogenic bacteria. The species in bold were the most efficient and chosen
for minimum inhibitory concentration analysis.
Fig. 1. Antibiogram of pathogenic bacteria S. aureus (A) P. aeruginosa (B) and E. coli (C) isolated from milk samples. Bacteria is divided into resistant, intermediate and
sensitive groups according to the sensitivity to antibiotics.
Fig. 3. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the amplified phoA gene PCR product (720 bp)
for pathogenic E. coli.
Fig. 2. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the amplified mecA gene PCR product
(310 bp) for the five methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). of the three pathogen species we observed, S. aureus, E. coli and P.
aeruginosa, included antibiotic resistant strains. We observed a
very high (90%) resistance of S. aureus against penicillin, however;
infections were caused by S. aureus that was penicillin resistant, only 10% of the strains were resistant to oxacillin.
and resistant to several other antibiotics as well (Ayana et al., We identified five MRSA strains in our milk samples. MRSA
2017). About two thirds of mastitis infections were caused by S. specifically has shown high resistance against penicillin and other
aureus and about 30% of them appeared to be MRSA in Saudi Arabia b-lactam antibiotics as studied in many countries (Akindolire et al.,
(Alzohairy, 2011). About half of the Streptococcus infections were 2018; Erskine et al., 2003, 2002; Guven et al., 2010; Sabour et al.,
resistant to all antibiotics tested in Syria (Al Laham and Al Fadel, 2004). MRSA strains have become a major problem because the
2013). One third of the cows suffering from mastitis had an antibi- strains are frequently resistant not only to most b-lactam antibi-
otic resistant strain in Egypt (Ahmed and Shimamoto, 2011). Each otics but also to many other antibiotics, including tetracyclines,
1496 F. Ameen et al. / Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26 (2019) 1492–1498
Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree of ITS rDNA sequences of the endophytic actinobacteria used to prepare metabolic extracts against pathogenic bacteria causing mastitis in dairy
cows. The tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining algorithm using the maximum composite likelihood model. Bootstrap percentages from 1000 replicates are shown.
F. Ameen et al. / Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26 (2019) 1492–1498 1497
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