Errata and Faq: As at January 2021
Errata and Faq: As at January 2021
Errata and Faq: As at January 2021
as at January 2021
This Errata and FAQ contains official documentation issued by or endorsed by the game publisher and game author.
Errata & Recommended Variants................................................................................................................................2
Scythe Core Game FAQ..............................................................................................................................................3
How the Mill building works: The Definitive Guide......................................................................................................5
Invaders from Afar FAQ.............................................................................................................................................7
The Wind Gambit Errata and FAQ...............................................................................................................................8
The Rise of Fenris FAQ..............................................................................................................................................9
Automa FAQ............................................................................................................................................................11
Tips, Curiosities and Unofficial Variants....................................................................................................................12
E R R AT A & R E C O M M E N D E D V A R I A N T S
(Source: Stonemaier Games )
FORCING WORKERS TO RETREAT: The first two sentences on the right column of page 11 (Moving into Opponent-Controlled
Territories/Controlled by Workers) should read, “If your character or mech move into a territory controlled by an
opponent’s workers (and no other units), its movement ends (even if you have a mech ability that would allow it to move
further). Each of the opponent’s workers on that territory immediately retreats to their faction’s home base, leaving
behind any resource tokens.”
This reflects the original intention of the rule, which allows a player to move a character/mech into a territory containing
opponent worker(s), force those worker(s) to retreat, and then move a different unit through that territory.
COMPLETING OBJECTIVE CARDS: There was some ambiguity in the original rules about exactly when on your turn you could complete
an objective. Usually the timing doesn’t matter, but for a few cards it does. So we clarified the timing as follows: “You may
reveal a completed objective card during your own turn before or after you complete a top- or bottom-row action.”
Basically, you can’t complete an objective in the middle of an action.
Due to the speed at which an experienced player can finish a game of Scythe with the following faction mat/player mat
combinations, they are banned (except when used by brand-new Scythe players during their first game). If you draw into
either of these combinations during setup, return your player mat to the pool and gain another.
2 • Rusviet – Industrial
• Crimea – Patriotic
• Also, in 2-3 player games (where each player is likely to get more encounters), the Rusviet player cannot use their
faction ability to place their player token on their Factory card on sequential turns.
(Source: Stonemaier Games )
I have 8 worker meeples. 6 start on my player mat. Where do the other 2 go?
Place those meeples on the 2 territories adjacent to your home base.
When I use the Move action, can I move the same unit twice?
No. You may only move 2 different units (or more, if you’ve upgraded the Move action).
When I use the Produce action, how much does it cost to produce workers?
You produce workers in the same way that you produce resources, with Village as the terrain type that produces villagers.
You first pay the cost to use the Produce action (the revealed cost in red at the top of the action). Then you gain the benefit
(produce on 2 different territories–ALL workers on those 2 territories may produce).
For example, let’s say that you have 3 total workers on the board, which means that there is no exposed Produce cost in red. 3
2 of those workers are on a Mountain and the other worker is on a village. When you Produce, you pay nothing. Then you
gain the benefit: Each of the workers on the mountain produces 1 metal, and the worker on the village produces 1 worker.
The action is complete. The worker you produced revealed a cost, so the next time you take the Produce action, you must
first pay that cost.
If I’ve already deployed all 4 mechs, can I ever use the Deploy action again?
Yes. All printed benefits on your player mat are optional, so you can pay to use a bottom-row action even if it is only to gain
the associated coins and/or recruit ongoing benefit.
In 1-5 player games, does Crimea’s Wayfare ability allow it leave resources on home bases (theirs and inactive factions)?
When using Wayfare, it’s possible for your character/mech to transport and drop off resources onto a home base. While
those resources are on the home base, you cannot spend them and you will not count them during end-game scoring.
When certain mech abilities have been unlocked, can Rusviet’s mechs and character move from their home base across the
river onto the farm to the north? Can Polania do the same with the lake adjacent to their home base?
Rusviet can use Riverwalk to cross from their home base to the farm to the north, and Polania can use Submerge to move
from their home base to the lake to the north.
(Source: Board Game Geek by @killersnake10
Referred to by the Stonemaier Games Scythe Core Game FAQ: “A BGG user created a short guide that explains the Mill
here.” )
MILL: Whenever you take the Produce action, the territory with your Mill may count as an extra (bonus) territory for
production. The Mill will produce 1 resource (as if it were a worker). If there are actual workers on the Mill territory, they
may also produce resources.
Example: Bob has 2 workers on Territory A (Mountain hex), 3 workers on Territory B (Tundra hex), and 1 Mill building + 1
worker on Territory C (Forrest hex).
Bob chooses the Produce action and selects Territory A and B for production. AND he decides to take advantage of the Mill
therefore he also selects Territory C (alongside A and B for production).
Bob gains 2 Metals on Territory A, 3 Oils on Territory B, and 2 Woods on Territory C.
Does activating production on the territory hex with the Mill count towards my initial 2 (or 3) selection of territory
No, the Mill territory hex production is ON TOP OF/IN ADDITION TO the 2 (or 3) territories you chose to produce in.
Can I choose not to produce on the territory hex with the Mill?
Yes, you may choose not to produce anything on it. (There may be strategic reasons why you wouldn't.)
Can I choose the territory with the Mill with my produce action AND activate the bonus Mill production -effectively
doubling up my production on one single territory hex?
No, you may not do this. The same territory hex can only produce a total of once per turn. You are better off selecting a
different territory for your Produce action.
Does the Mill produce any type of resource or the resource is based on the terrain it is on?
The Mill produces resources based on the terrain it is on. Example: If it is on a Mountain, it will produce a Metal.
Can my Mill produce a resource even if no units are on that territory?
Yes, it can produce a resource even if there are no units on that hex. As long as a territory remains in your control, you may
produce on it. Remember, an otherwise empty territory hex with your building on it counts as being under your control
(Territory Control, pg18).
Can my Mill produce if it is currently occupied by my opponent's Character, Mechs, and/or Workers?
No, your Mill cannot produce if the territory it is on is not under your control. Remember, a territory is not under your
control if there are any units (Character, Mechs, and/or Workers) on it that do not belong to your faction.
Can my opponent use my Mill on their turn if they have control over the territory it is on?
No, they cannot use your Mill and that hex does not count as a bonus territory for them to use. However, they can still
produce resource(s) on that hex if they have worker(s) on it as part of their normal Produce action. Remember, NONE of
your structures' abilities can be used by your opponent (pg 18).
Can the Mill be built on a Village hex and be used to produce workers?
Yes, the Mill can be used to produce 1 worker if it were placed on a Village hex (Source).
Edit (Feb 28 2018): A few people seem to be confused by my original rewording of the Mill building because I used the
term "resource" and not the more generic term "tokens" (which should include both resources and workers). This was a
stylistic decision on my part because I think resource is much more intuitive than the word "token" to the casual player
and in most cases the Mill building will be built on a resource rich hex rather than a village. However, nothing precludes
building a Mill on a village and producing workers if one so desired.
I am absolutely floored by all the positive feedback this post has generated! Especially the initial comment by boss creator
Jamey Stegmaier himself! I'm super glad my clarification has helped everyone enjoy Scythe to its full potential. Game on!!
I added some parts to re-clarify that the Mill can produce workers and not just "resources" as this seems to be a
reoccurring point of contention. I am surprised this thread is still generating both discussion and positive feedback!
Appreciate all those who bothered to leave a THUMP UP/GOLD and/or thank you note. I am glad my writing is still helping
people even today.
(Source: Stonemaier Games )
If my mech/character ability lets me gain 2 power at the beginning of combat, and if that power boost would give me a star
(16 total power), does the game end immediately or does that combat happen?
Each individual combat happens in a self-contained bubble–once a combat begins, it continues through completion. This
is a rare case where it’s possible for two players to have 6 stars (it is not possible to get a 7th star, as there is no 7th star
How exactly does the timing of placing a Flag work with the Rally ability (or Traps with Shinobi)?
If your character lands on a territory that results in no combat and no encounter, they may immediately place a trap/flag
token. If you have movement available (and shinobi/rally unlocked), you may then move a mech to that territory.
If your character is on a combat/encounter territory, you must wait until all units’ movements end. Then you perform the
combat and/or encounter, and afterwards–if you still control the territory–you may place a trap/flag.
8 2. The cost to make a high-quality mould for a miniature this size is about $10,000. Expansions like this are a low-
margin product, so adding an additional $60,000 for six more moulds is a significant expense.
3. And this is really important–when we get the original sculpt from a 3D modeler, it’s not like we instantly start
making miniatures. Rather, it’s the beginning of an extensive process to maximize the durability and aesthetics,
as well as exactly how different parts of the mini will fit into the mould (big miniatures like this are often
comprised of multiple pieces).
For the Wind Gambit, this process took 2 months for a single miniature. At the end of that process, I actually sent the
updated digital model to the original sculptor so he could do some final touch-ups to the updated design. This was
particularly important because Panda was in charge of ensuring that workers and resource tokens could fit onto the
ALLIANCES (EPISODE 2): If you’re playing with 6-7 players (Invaders from Afar), Polania has an upgraded faction ability.
However, their Alliance token retains their original faction ability for the player they ally with. The fewest coins you can
end the game with–even after breaking an Alliance that may drop you below $0–is $0.
TOWNSHIP (EPISODE 3): In this episode, the rulebook notes that the Rusviet faction is required to replace the normal “Township”
mech ability with an alternate ability. However, if mech mods have been unlocked, the Rusviet player could replace
Township with a mech mod instead.
VESNA (END OF EPISODE 3): The new Vesna player actually should not use their previous home base, as that faction may be claimed
by another player. Rather, after faction selection, the Vesna player chooses a home base from among the unselected
factions (placing their home base tile there on subsequent games). Vesna’s airship does not include a plastic stand, as you
need The Wind Gambit to play with the airship, and more than enough plastic stands are included in The Wind Gambit.
AUTOMA (CHOOSING A HOME BASE): If at any time the Automa needs to choose a home base, mix the icon tokens for all unselected
home bases and draw one for the Automa.
FENRIS AGENTS (EPISODE 4 – FRENCH VERSION): There is a small mistranslation in the French version. Please put 2 Fenris agents on the
Factory at the beginning of the game, not 1. 9
FENRIS AGENTS (EPISODE 4 AUTOMA): For the move worker action, territories with Fenris agents cannot be valid. For ALL other
Automa movement actions, Fenris agents are ignored when identifying valid territories.
INFRASTRUCTURE MODS: For the Spy mod, remove the words “or Faction”–that’s a remnant from an older version. The Spy mod
only impacts mech abilities (which grant special abilities to mechs and characters). Infrastructure mods such as Spy,
Propaganda, and Cavalry may only be used in combat/movement that the mod owner is participating in. All other
infrastructure mods may only be used during your turn.
FIRST UNLOCK (EPISODE 5): Play game 5 until a player has the opportunity to move a unit to the Factory for the first time, then read
the next line here.
Continue movement of all units as usual, but any units that reach the Factory while Box C is still in play must stop.
When dealing with the thing you unlock, draw 4 cards, not 3 (the original rulebook says 3).
AUTOMA (EPISODE 5): The following note should be visible from the beginning of Episode 5: “During setup, place the Automa’s
popularity token on space 2 of the popularity track. When the Star Tracker token reaches row 4 on the Star Tracker card,
move the Automa´s popularity token to space 10.”
END OF EPISODE 5: You’ve now unlocked 2 airships (1 for Vesna, 1 for Fenris), but no airship stands. This is on purpose–no
stands are included in The Rise of Fenris. You can only use the airships when playing with The Wind Gambit expansion,
and you can only use a total of 7 airships at a time (in a 7-player game), so you already have enough stands (7) in The Wind
Gambit to cover that necessity.
POLISH VERSION (END OF EPISODE 5): While the Vesna player may not change factions at this point, they may change later when the
game tells them.
FENRIS (END OF EPISODE 5): The fewest coins you can end the game with–even after gaining Influence tokens that may reduce your
coin total below $0–is $0. Also, when using the faction ability, you can only place the faraway influence token if your
character also placed an influence token on its territory this turn.
DEATH RAY (END OF EPISODE 5): For each combat, you can decide to use or not use the Death Ray ability.
EPISODE 8B: If you enter 2 combats on your turn, and if one of them is against Mad Tesla on the Factory, you must execute that
combat first.
EPISODE 8B (AUTOMA): The Automa gains popularity in the exact same way that you do when (and only when) fighting Mad Tesla.
END OF EPISODE 8: If you don’t want to write in your book, you can download and print the campaign scoring guide here.
(Source: Stonemaier Games )
What are some things I should keep in mind during my first play of Scythe (single player)?
Here are two detailed threads on BoardGameGeek to check out:
Do I need multiple sets of the expansion Automa cards if I also have multiple sets of the original Automa deck?
Basically, if you purchased Scythe after the Kickstarter campaign, you have the correct versions of cards 5, 8, 18, and 19.
You don’t need any other versions of those cards, and if you got them in your copy of Invaders from Afar, you can recycle
them, as they’re redundant.
The current version of the deck will work with any faction (original or expansion). The original deck wouldn’t work with
the two new factions. The 4 replacement cards (the expansion set) are identical to the cards they replace in the original
deck, with the following exception: These 4 new cards have faction specific actions for the two new factions. Therefore, you
ONLY need to have these cards in your deck, if that deck was published before the expansion and if you are having the
Automa play one of the two new factions (the new cards still work fine if you are not playing one of the two new factions).
If you are updating original Automa decks, you need a maximum of two expansion sets and this is only if you are having the
Automa play as BOTH of the new factions at the same time. As an example, you could play as Albion against the Automa
who is playing, Togawa, Rusviet, and Polonia, with three Automa decks, but only one needs to have been updated with the
expansion set (for Togawa).
When the Automa gains its first star from the Star Tracker, when do I reshuffle its deck? 11
Reshuffle before the Automa’s next turn.
If the character and the mech are at the home base, what is the automa priority order for combat?
Choose the character.
How does an attacking move work when no Automa combat units are on any territory but there’s a mech and the character
on the Automa’s base?
In this case, the Automa moves the character.
(Source: Stonemaier Games )
What are some things I should keep in mind during my first play of Scythe (multiplayer)?
Complete the steps of each action from top to bottom. This is particularly important on the Produce action. Before you do
anything else on that action, pay the cost (if any). Are you done paying the cost? Good. Now proceed to gain the benefit.
Overlapping turns. There is a note in the rule book that says that when the opponent to your right is taking a bottom-row
action, you can start to take your turn. That’s because an opponent’s bottom-row action rarely has an immediate impact on
you. Once you get into the flow of doing this, you can significantly decrease Scythe’s playing time.
Scoring over $100 is very rare, except in low-player-count games with little combat. If you score over $100, there’s a good
chance you might be missing an important rule. I would recommend you read Highlighted Rules on page 31 (in fact, I
would recommend that to everyone after your first game).
Since the first player is the player with person with the lowest-numbered player mat, it’s possible for the next player
(clockwise) to have a much higher-numbered player mat with more starting components than the next player. How is that
The starting resources on the player mats are staggered based on two factors (both of which have a very minor impact on
the game): One, player order. Two, the playtest data for each individual mat (which shifted around in terms of numerical
12 order during playtesting). So even if the #5 mat is in the second position in clockwise order, part of the balance of that
mat’s starting resources is that the #5 player mat appeared to be ever so slightly weaker than the others during the blind
playtest process.
Overall, though, the impact on the game is very, very small. If you find it’s more fun for you to deal out the mats clockwise
by number, it will not break the game.
Team Variant: Play Scythe in teams of 2 (decide teams at the beginning of the game). Play everything as normal, except each
team has 10 stars to place (instead of 6 per player), and they may only place 1 star on each section of the Triumph Track
(the Saxony player does not have this limitation for objectives and combat). At the end of the game, count up each player’s
coins, add them to their partner’s coins, and compare each team’s total to determine the winner.
End-Game Variant: When a player places their 6th star, their turn immediately ends, and each other player may take one
final turn. However, those players may not take Move actions.
Here is some of the official music from Scythe Digital, playable via Soundcloud during any game of Scythe.
• Mihir Shah: Secret Desires, Magic Potion, and the Golden Scythe (also Winds of Change)
• Hoby Chou: Christmas Expansion and Easter Expansion
• J C: Roaming Factions
• Ryan Lopez: Lessons of the Past
• Conor M. O’Brien: Variations Cards
• Marcus Ekman: new faction
• Mark Caro: Elder Scythe
• Steven St. John: more objective cards
• Patrice Piron: more structure bonus tiles
• Per Holmgren: new faction
• Dan Michalowski: balance changes and tweaks, new player mats, and The Reaping epilogue to The Rise of Fenris
• The various fan factions depicted in this thread.
• Ahmad Siddiqi: Underdogs of Europa (3 new factions)
• Brandon Francis and Jamie Siciliani: New Horizons campaign
Why does a little bit of the back-of-board art show up on the edges of the front of the board?
When you print a double–sided board, you’re actually printing two pieces of paper and applying one to side A and one
to side B. You have to apply one piece of paper first, then the other. The second piece of paper has to wrap around the other 13
side a little bit to stay in place.
Usually you don’t notice this in a game because the board only has one side or the two sides
are very similar. But in the case of Scythe, the art of the back is at a different scale than the
front. We decided to wrap it the way we did so players who use the extended board would
have a seamless game board—the seam between the board and the board extension would be
disrupted by the extra wrapping.
Can I log my game stats somewhere and see if some factions or player mats are stronger than others?
Sure! Fabrice Essner set up two surveys for this purpose (BGG link). This site is also great for tracking stats:
• Part 1 (8 questions)
• Part 2 (7 questions)
Why do the character miniatures in the current retail version look slightly different than the original versions?
After making 40,000 or so miniatures, we had to update the moulds for the original Scythe characters. Whenever we do
that, we take the opportunity to improve details and durability. They’re the same miniature sculpts, just with slightly
different moulds. A few people have asked if they could purchase the updated models, so we’ve made them
available here (the 2 Invaders from Afar characters are included, though they have not changed).
Will you ever sell a special version of Scythe that includes everything?
While we appreciate the interest that some people might have in an all-in-one version of Scythe (the game, all expansions,
all accessories, and all promos), there are a few reasons why we won’t be doing that. First, it would be prohibitively
expensive for customers (around $300), which also makes it very difficult to sell via distribution channels. Second, it
would be a 180 reversal for us, as we’ve said for years that we wouldn’t make such a product, and many people have bought
into Scythe’s ala-carte style system–it wouldn’t be fair to them. Third, the ala carte system allows people to pick and choose
exactly which elements of Scythe they want, which ensures that everyone pays for exactly what they want, nothing more. For
those reasons, we won’t be making an all-in-one version of Scythe.