Glass Manual On The Management of Antimicrobial Consumption Data
Glass Manual On The Management of Antimicrobial Consumption Data
Glass Manual On The Management of Antimicrobial Consumption Data
3.1. Introduction to the tool 30 4.2.5. List the top 10 most used antibiotic
substances or DU75/DU90 by route of
3.2. Fill in the GLASS-AMC template 32 administration and by year 67
3.2.1. Enter availability data 32
3.2.2. Enter population data 33 5. Conclusion 72
3.2.3. Compile product and consumption data 35
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
1. Introduction
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant threat to This manual mainly targets professionals from the
health and human development, affecting our ability to national AMC surveillance technical team responsible for
treat a range of infections. Use of antimicrobials is the managing the AMC surveillance database for the national
main driver for the development of AMR. To obtain a AMC surveillance programme and for submission of
thorough and comprehensive picture of AMR and to be data to GLASS-AMC, and for analysing AMC data for the
able to identify areas in which actions are needed, data national AMC report. The manual can also be shared with
from surveillance of AMR and antimicrobial consumption AMC data-source partners, in cases where these partners
(AMC) are essential. These data should be easily are asked to compile files of their AMC data.
compared and exchanged, and should be used locally,
This manual provides:
nationally and globally.
• an introduction to the GLASS-AMC methodology for
The World Health Organization (WHO) methodology for a
calculating data consumption using the Anatomical
global programme on surveillance of AMC is a component
Therapeutic Chemical/Defined Daily Dose (ATC/DDD)
of the Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance
System (GLASS)), the system for surveillance of AMR and
antimicrobial use, referred to here as GLASS-AMC. • instructions on how to use the GLASS-AMC Excel
template to organize AMC data, generate AMC
GLASS-AMC provides a common technical basis for setting
indicators and export data into the GLASS-AMC
up national surveillance systems on AMC that can produce
reliable and comparable data at national and global levels.
The methodology can be used by all countries, regardless • instructions on how to use the AMC estimates
of the level of development of a country’s national AMC produced by the GLASS-AMC Excel template to
surveillance system. generate and display the most common AMC metrics
and indicators.
This manual summarizes the WHO methodology for a
global programme on surveillance of AMC. It is intended to The manual is based on the following WHO documents:
guide countries on how to: • WHO methodology for a global programme on
• use the GLASS-AMC Microsoft Excel template to surveillance of antimicrobial consumption 1
prepare the national AMC surveillance data according • the WHO ATC/DDD toolkit; 2 and
to the WHO methodology;
• the WHO GLASS-AMC Excel template.1
• produce national AMC data files to foster AMC data
analysis at national level; and
• facilitate the preparation of the AMC national data for
submission to GLASS-AMC.
1 See
2 See
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
The WHO methodology defines consumption data as The ATC/DDD methodology is used to standardize the data
referring to estimates derived from sources of aggregated collection and reporting of AMC.
data, such as importers or wholesalers, hospitals or
WHO collects three data elements: AMC data, denominator
pharmacies, or health insurance companies.
data, and descriptive or contextual information.
AMC surveillance provides information on the types
This manual focuses on AMC data and the population data
and quantity of antimicrobials consumed. It provides an
(denominator) that are captured by the GLASS-AMC Excel
estimate of use of antimicrobials. Consumption data can
template. Contextual data may be relevant for interpreting
be presented as total consumption for a country, or can be
the calculated consumption estimates but are not needed
disaggregated by setting (community or hospital, public or
for estimating consumption.
private sectors).
To ensure the standardization and comparisons of AMC 2.1.1. AMC data
between health facilities, between countries and between AMC data are composed of product information and
regions, GLASS-AMC methodology uses the ATC system consumption data.
to classify antimicrobial substances and the number of
DDDs as a measurement metric. Product information
WHO has defined a core set of antimicrobials that all Countries should produce a list of all medicinal product
countries should include in their surveillance programme. packages (MPPs) for the antimicrobial agents with
In addition, the WHO surveillance programme includes an marketing authorization in the country. For each uniquely
optional list of antimicrobials that countries may include identified MPP, a range of information needs to be
in their surveillance programme, according to local needs systematically collected to calculate the quantity of the
and resources. The core and optional antimicrobials are active ingredient (substance) in a package and correctly
listed in Table 2.1. apply the ATC/DDD methodology to obtain the number of
DDD contained in one MPP:
2.1. AMC data components Number of DDDs = quantity of active substance
/ DDD value
AMC is defined as the quantities of antimicrobials used
in a specific health care sector (i.e., public, private, or Consumption data
public and private) and at a specific health care level (i.e.,
community, hospital, or community and hospital) during a For each MPP reported in the registry, consumption is
specific time period (e.g. days, months and years). expressed as the total number of packages imported,
sold or dispensed (depending on the data source used
For global reporting, national estimates of consumption to extract the consumption data) during the defined time
are reported for the calendar year (January to December). period, stratified (or not) by health care sector and level.
Table 2.1. Classes of antimicrobials listed as core or optional by the WHO surveillance programme
WHO methodology for AMC
2.1.2. Denominator data In this system, the active substances are divided into
different groups according to the organ or system on
The total numbers of DDDs derived as consumption
which they act and their therapeutic, pharmacological and
estimates should be adjusted for the population to which
chemical properties. There are five different levels of ATC
the data apply. For national estimates of consumption,
the appropriate population will be the total national
population (all age and gender groups combined). WHO DDDs provide a fixed unit of measurement that is
has standardized population estimates for all Member independent of price, currencies, package size and
States in the WHO Global Observatory.3 strength. They enable researchers to assess trends in drug
consumption and to compare population groups.
It is possible for a country to use other population
estimates. For example, if surveillance is in place only in The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per
a part of the country (e.g. half of the regions), only the day for a drug used for its main indication in an adult
population of the covered territory should be included. If (assuming a person of 70 kg). The DDDs for the anti-
the surveillance is based only on health insurance data, infectives are generally based on the use in infections of
only the people insured should be included. moderate severity. However, some anti-infectives are only
used in severe infections, and their DDDs are assigned
The denominator should not reflect the coverage of the data
sources. If the system collects data at the national level, but
only captures about 80% of the drugs on the market at the DDDs are only assigned to drugs with an ATC code;
national level (e.g. missing data from some wholesalers), normally, a DDD will not be assigned for a substance until a
the total national population should be used and the product is approved and marketed in at least one country.
consumption should be noted as being an underestimate The ATC/DDD system is maintained by the WHO
owing to missing data (e.g. estimated at 20%). Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology, in
Oslo.4 ATC codes and DDDs are revised annually, with the
2.2. AMC reporting metrics and indicators aim of keeping them as stable as possible over time.
GLASS-AMC methodology presents the volume of A searchable version of the complete ATC index with
antimicrobials consumed using two metrics: DDD and the DDDs is available,5 as is a list of the DDDs of combined
weight of the antibiotic substances in metric tonnes (t). products.6 At national level, AMC surveillance officers may
The second metric can be used for comparison with AMC find substances with no ATC or DDD assigned. When this
in the animal sector. The total number of packages sold for occurs, the technical GLASS-AMC team can be consulted
a specific therapeutic group level may also be summed, to on how to proceed.7
give a total number of packages consumed.
To obtain correct consumption figures, it is vital to
This manual focuses only on the first metric, the number of correctly assign ATC and DDD, so that the amount of DDD
DDD, and on the following key indicators: in each MPP can be correctly attributed. To ensure that the
process is performed correctly, certain methodological
• quantity of antibiotics as DDD per 1000 inhabitants per
considerations on the ATC and DDD need to be considered,
day (DID) for total consumption and by pharmacological
as outlined below.
subgroup – DID = ( Total DDD x 1000) / (Population x
365); 2.3.1. Nomenclature
• relative consumption of antibiotics as a percentage of Each antimicrobial substance should be named, preferably
total consumption by route of administration (i.e., oral, using the international nonproprietary name (INN). If no
parenteral, rectal or inhaled); and INN name has been assigned, the usual approach is to
• list of the most frequently used antibiotic substances, choose a United States-adopted name (USAN) or a British-
making up 75% and 90% of the total consumption – approved name (BAN).
that is, Drug Utilization 75 (DU75) and Drug Utilization
2.3.2. ATC code
90 (DU90) – stratified by route of administration.
A medicinal substance can be given more than one
2.3. ATC/DDD classification ATC code if the substance is available in two or more
methodological considerations strengths or routes of administration with clearly different
therapeutic uses. In such cases, it is important to assign
The ATC classification system is the most commonly used the correct ATC5 based on the route of administration; for
method for aggregating medicines data, and it allows example, vancomycin is available for oral and parenteral
flexibility in reporting by medicine or groups of medicines. administration (oral: A07AA09 and parenteral: J01XA01),
as is metronidazole (oral: P01AB01 and parenteral:
3 See
4 See
5 See
6 See
7 The team can be contacted by email at
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
Table 2.2. Example of metronidazole as plain substance and combined with other antibacterials
A01AB17 Alimentary tract and metabolism, anti-infectives and antiseptics for local oral treatment
D06BX01 Dermatologicals, other chemotherapeutics
G01AF01 Genitourinary system and sex hormones, imidazole derivatives
P01AB01 Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents, nitroimidazole derivatives
P01AB51 Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents, nitroimidazole derivatives, metronidazole
J01XD01 Anti-infectives for systemic use, imidazole derivatives
J01RA10 Anti-infectives for systemic use, imidazole derivatives, combinations of antibacterials, ciprofloxacin
and metronidazole
8 See
WHO methodology for AMC
Table 2.3. Examples of DDDs for antimicrobials with different routes of administration or salts, and of different
substances with the same DDD
J01EE01 inf conc sulfamethoxazole 80 mg / trimethoprim 16 mg 20 UD
mixt sulfamethoxazole 0.2 g / trimethoprim 40 mg 8 UD
tab sulfamethoxazole 0.4 g / trimethoprim 80 mg 4 UD
ATC: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical; DDD: Defined Daily Dose; UD: unit dose.
Table 2.5. Substances for which a factor needs to be applied to convert from million international units to grams
J01CE01 benzylpenicillin P MU G 0.6
J01CE02 phenoxymethylpenicillin O MU G 0.625
J01CE08 benzathine P MU G 0.6
J01CE09 procaine benzylpenicillin P MU G 1
J01FA02 spiramycin O MU G 0.3125
ATC: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical; DDD: Defined Daily Dose; MU: million international units; O: oral; P: parenteral.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
9 See
WHO methodology for AMC
PRODUCT_ID The national code of the MPP. If no code exists for an MPP, the country should provide one arbitrary
code that should uniquely identify each MPP.
The Product_ID should not change over time. When an MPP is no longer available on the market
or is no longer registered, its Product_ID should not be attributed to another MPP, to allow for
identification of the old MPP for historical purposes (prescription history).
LABEL The label of the medicinal product. If possible, the label should contain the name of the medicinal
product, package size, strength and pharmaceutical form.
PACKSIZE Size of the package. The package size includes information on
Mandatory the number of pieces (tablets, pills or vials)
Data type: number contained in one package. For syrup, the
Pack size unit of measurement. package size should be reported as ‘mL’ of the
PACKSIZE_UNIT final reconstituted product.
Data type: coded value
PCS Pieces
ML Millilitres
ROUTE_ADMIN Route of administration. This describes how the product is administered, and it is the basis for
assigning the right DDD value. This information is also used during the analysis, where it allows for
aggregation of consumption data by route of administration.
Data type: coded variable
O Oral
P Parenteral
R Rectal
IP Inhalation powder
IS Inhalation solution
STRENGTH The strength of the substance of each item as There are special cases to consider when
defined by PACKSIZE. assigning the strength to an MPP:
Mandatory 1) For some specific substances used in
Data type: Number combination with others, only the antimicrobial
Unit measurement of strength substance needs to be considered (e.g. amoxicillin
STRENGTH_UNIT 1 g/clavulanic acid 0.2 g, strength=1 G);
Data type: coded value 2) For products with multiple antimicrobial
MG Milligram substances, DDDs are given for fixed doses,
G Gram based on the proportion of the association and
IU International unit the route of administration.
MU Million international units The strength can be “grams”, “milligrams”,
UD Unit dose “international units”, “million international units”,
“unit doses”.
INBASQ Basic ingredient quantity These variables are only valid for oral solution
Mandatory if PACKSIZE_UNIT==ML (i.e. syrup).
Data type: Number They describe the ingredient base quantity and
Unit measurement of the basic ingredient quantity, its unit (i.e. mL), which are the denominators of
INBASQ_UNIT the strength.
which is always “ML”
Mandatory if PACKSIZE_UNIT==ML
Data type: coded value
ML Millilitres
ATC5 WHO ATC code at substance level (ATC5-level).
Coded value
The information can be retrieved from:
• the ATC/DDD website
• the “ATC” worksheet of the GLASS-AMC Excel template
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
WHO methodology for AMC
CONV_FACTOR Transform strength expressed in IU into G, for situations where the DDD unit is G and the strength unit
is IU. In the GLASS-AMC Excel template this information is automatically filled in.
MANDATORY variable, automatically assigned
Data type: Number
PACKCONTENT Total amount of active substance in the MPP in G The formula to calculate the pack content is:
Mandatory variable, automatically calculated in FACTOR
the GLASS-AMC Excel template
Data type: Number Where the pack content is expressed in MG, this
Unit of the substance content. needs to be converted to G
UNIT Mandatory variable, automatically calculated
in the GLASS-AMC Excel template
Data type: coded value
G Gram
UD Unit dose
This is a technical variable that is automatically calculated in the GLASS-AMC Excel template. It is
needed for assigning the correct DDD to the MPP mandatory variable, automatically assigned in the
GLASS-AMC Excel template.
Data type: text
WHO_DDD The DDD as assigned by the WHO CC for the This information can be retrieved (together with
specific ATC5 code – route of administration – the ATC5) in the ATC/DDD official website:
salt and combination.
Mandatory variable, automatically assigned in the
GLASS-AMC Excel template combined_products/
Data type: Number The same information is also provided in the
The measurement unit in which the WHO DDD of “DDD” or “DDD combination” worksheets of the
WHO_DDD_UNIT GLASS-AMC Excel template.
the MPP is expressed.
Data type: coded value
G Gram
UD Unit dose
DPP Number of DDD contained in one MPP.
Mandatory variable, automatically assigned in the GLASS-AMC Excel template
Data type: Number
AMC: antimicrobial consumption; ATC: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical; DDD: Defined Daily Dose; GLASS: Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance
System; ID: identification; ISO: International Organization for Standardization; MPP: medicinal product package; WHO: World Health Organization.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
COMMUNITY_ The number of packages of the MPP / Product_ID consumed for use in the community.
PACKAGES Data type: number
HOSPITAL_ The number of packages of the MPP / Product_ID consumed for hospital use.
PACKAGES Data type: number
AMC: antimicrobial consumption; ID: identification; ISO: International Organization for Standardization; MPP: medicinal product package.
WHO methodology for AMC
2.4.3. Compiling antimicrobial product and The tables below give the product and consumption
consumption data information for each of these 12 MPPs.
ATC5 J01CA04
10 See
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
DPP 10.7
WHO methodology for AMC
2. A
MOXICOR 250 MG 5 ML 100 ML SUSPENSION, imported product, first authorized in 1989, market holder is
Company A
ATC5 J01CA04
DPP 3.3
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
3. AMOXYCLAV IV 1,2 GR 1 VIAL, imported product, authorized in 1988, market holder is Company A
WHO methodology for AMC
DPP 0.33
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
ATC5 J01CE01
WHO methodology for AMC
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
ATC5 J01XX05
WHO methodology for AMC
DPP 14
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
BACTRIM FORTE, Film BACTRIM, 200 mg/40 mg
BACTRIM, Film coated
LABEL coated tablets x 800mg + per
tablets 400 mg/80 mg x 10
160 mg x 10 5 mL oral, 80 mL syrup
PACKSIZE 10 10 80
WHO methodology for AMC
WHO_DDD 4 4 8
DPP 2.5 5 2
55555 40000 300
57055 41500 1800
56725 41170 1470
58225 42670 2970
Product information mandatory and calculated In the figure, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (ATC5
variables for the Bactrim products J01EE01) is available in three different fixed doses
(lines 14–16):
• Product_ID are unique identifiers (e.g. P6, P7 and P8
codes). • MPP P6 – Film coated tablets 400 mg/80 mg x 10
corresponds exactly to the fixed dose reported in
• Assign labels that provide as many characteristics as
line 16; the strength will then be 1 UD, the COMB_
possible of the product, such as the name, package
CODE is J01EE01_3, the pack content is 1 UD x 10
size, strength and pharmaceutical form.
= 10 UD, the WHO_DDD is 4 UD and the PDD = 10
• PACKSIZE: 10 pieces, 10 pieces and 80 mL (the third UD / 4 UD = 2.5
MPP is a syrup), respectively.
• MPP P7 – BACTRIM FORTE, Film coated tablets
• Route of administration is oral for the three products. x 800mg + 160 mg x 10 corresponds to twice the
• STRENGTH: these three MPPs comprise a fixed dose reported in line 16; the strength is 2 UD,
combination of antimicrobial substances; namely, the COMB_CODE is J01EE01_3, the pack content
sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. The three MPPs is 2 UD x 10 = 20 UD, the WHO_DDD is 4 UD and
differ in the proportions of the two active substances. the PDD = 20 UD / 4 UD = 5
For products with multiple antimicrobial substances, • MPP P8 – BACTRIM, 200 mg/40 mg per 5 mL oral,
DDDs are given on fixed doses, based on the proportion 80 mL syrup is a combination that corresponds
of the association of the substances and on the route to the fixed dose reported in line 15; the strength
of administration. The strength is reported as number is 1 UD, INBASQ is 5 ML, the COMB_CODE is
of unit doses (UDs) of the corresponding fixed dose. J01EE01_2, the pack content is 1 UD / 5 x 80 = 16
The list of DDD for combined product is published by UD, the WHO_DDD is 8 UD and the PDD = 16 UD /
the WHO Collaborating Centre,11 or can be found in 8 UD = 2.
the “DDD Combination” worksheet of the GLASS-AMC
Excel tool. The illustration below is an extract from
this worksheet.
11 See
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
Product information optional variables for the Consumption data variables for the Bactrim
Bactrim products products
Only the third of the three products is a paediatric product. Consumption data are available only for the public sector,
Product names and ingredients are reported in the table stratified by hospital and community, for the years 2017
above. All are imported MPP manufactured in country and 2018.
“CCC” and the market authorization holder is Company A.
None is a generic product, and all were authorized in 1985
and are still on the market.
9. VANCOCIN, capsule 250 mg, 20 pcs, imported, authorized in 1998, market holder is Company B
10. VANCOMYCIN, vial dry inf 1 g, locally produced, authorized in 2005, market holder Company B
WHO methodology for AMC
2500 3500
2170 3170
3670 4670
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
11. FLAGYL 500 MG CAPSULE, 20 pcs, imported, authorized in 1998, market holder is Company B
12. ANEROBIZOL INFU 500 mg/100 mL, imported, authorized in 1998, market holder is Company B
WHO methodology for AMC
DPP 5 0.33
8500 8500
8170 8170
9670 9670
GLASS-AMC Excel template
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
WHO provides an Excel file for collecting AMC data on • automatically calculate and export data consumptions;
the eight antimicrobial categories targeted by the GLASS- and
AMC surveillance system. The tool is updated every
• automatically generate the WHO GLASS-AMC file.
year, to account for the latest version of the ATC/DDD
classification. This section first describes the structure of the template
and explains how to fill in various worksheets. It then
To ensure that you are using the latest version of the
explains how to use the macros to validate the data, to
GLASS-AMC data consumption template, verify the year in
calculate and export consumption data, and to generate
the top-left corner of the “Macro” worksheet, as shown in
the WHO GLASS-AMC file.
the illustration below.
Countries can use one WHO–AMC Excel template to 3.1. Introduction to the tool
collect AMC data from one year or several years, stratified
(or not) by health sectors and levels (public versus private, The Excel template for data collection has 13 worksheets.
and community versus hospital). “Macro” is the worksheet from which users can launch
the routines (macros) embedded in the template. To allow
With the GLASS-AMC Excel template, the user can: the system to calculate and export consumption data,
• systematically collect: users need to fill in three worksheets: “Product data”,
“Data availability” and “Population data”. The remaining
• MPP information and consumption data at product
worksheets (ATC, DDD, DDD Combination, Conversion,
Units, RoAs [Routes of administration] and Sector) are in
• information on the population under surveillance; read-only mode; they are used by the macros, and they
provide information and codes needed for compiling the
• automatically perform some data validation steps and
“Product data” worksheet. Table 3.1. describes the content
consumption calculations at package level;
of each of the worksheets.
GLASS-AMC Excel template
1. Macro To run macros: Four macros are embedded, to assist in data checking and to automatically fill in some
of the product variables, to calculate and export consumption, and to export the data for a selected
year into the GLASS-AMC file.
2. Availability To be filled in: Here, users must indicate – for each category of antimicrobials (A07AA, D01BA, J01,
data J02, J04, J05, P01AB, N04BB) and health care sector (public, private, global) and level (hospital,
community, total) – whether AMC data are provided for a specific year. Information provided should
match with those provided in the “Product data” sheets and those provided in the “Population” sheet.
This information is used internally by the macro for calculating consumption and exporting data.
3. Population To be filled in: Here, users are asked to provide the population figure. Denominator figures can be
Data disaggregated by class of antimicrobials (A07AA, D01BA, J01, J02, J04, J05, P01AB, N04BB), health
care sector and level, if the population differs according to those factors. The information is used as
the denominator to calculate the number of Defined Daily Doses/1000 inhabitants/day (DID)
4. Product Data To be filled in: This is the key worksheet for the collection of information on the medicinal product
package (MPP) and the quantity of packages consumed stratified (or not) by health sector (global,
public or private) and health level (hospital versus community, and public versus private).
5. ATC Provides information to fill in product data: Provides the list of medicines being monitored by GLASS-
AMC, with ATC code and ATC level for each medicine. The ATC/DDD classification is revised every year.
Here, users can find the ATC5 codes to fill in the “ATC” variable.
6. DDD Provides information to fill in product data: Provides the DDD assigned by the WHO Collaborating
Centre with units of measurement (e.g. g, mg, MU) for the plain products targeted by GLASS-AMC. The
ATC/DDD classification is revised every year. Users can consult this worksheet to identify special cases
that apply to the plain antimicrobial substance contained in the MPP that would need special attention
when filling in the product data (e.g. association with salt or association with other substances).
7. DDD Provides information to fill in product data: Medicinal products containing two or more active
combination ingredients are considered as combinations in the ATC system, and they have a different ATC code
to the single components. When establishing DDDs for combination products, both components are
taken into consideration – DDDs are given on fixed doses, based on the proportion of the association
and the route of administration. This worksheet provides the list of DDDs for the combination
medicines targeted by GLASS-AMC. The list is extracted from this
list of DDDs for combination products:
Here, users can retrieve the combination code “COMB_CODE”, which they need to fill in in the
“COMBINATION” variable.
8. Conversion Provides information to fill in product data: This is the table of conversion factors from millions of
international units (MU) to grams. If the mandatory variables are provided correctly, the system will
automatically fill in the CONV_FACTOR variable for the MPP, for which the strength is provided in MU
and the DDD in G/
9. Units Provides information to fill in product data: Provides the code to fill in the UNIT variables; also
describes each variable and notes to which variable each unit applies. Here, users can find the coded
values to correctly fill in the PACKSIZE_UNITE, STRENGTH_UNIT and INBASQ_UNIT variables.
10. Salts Provides information to fill in product data: The specification of salts is only required for methanamine
(hippurate or mandelate) and where erythromycin data relate to the ethylsuccinate salt. Here, users can
find the coded values to correctly fill in the SALT variable.
11. RoAs Provides information to fill in product data: Here, users can retrieve the code to correctly fill in the ROUTE_
ADMIN variable.
12. Sectors Provides information to fill in product data: Here, users can retrieve the code to correctly fill in the
SECTOR variable.
13. Origins Provides information to fill in product data: Here, users can retrieve the code to correctly fill in the PRODUCT_
ORIGIN variable.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
12 See
GLASS-AMC Excel template
3.2.2. Enter population data • SECTOR: health care sector to which the data refer
(GLO, PUB, PRI); and
This worksheet is designed to collect information on the
population to which the given consumption data apply, for • TOTAL, COMMUNITY, HOSPITAL: numeric integer
each antimicrobial class (A07AA, D01BA, J01, J02, J04, value of the population to which the AMC data refer.
J05, P01AB, N04BB), health care sector (GLOBAL, PUBLIC, How to fill in the sheet
The information is used as the denominator to calculate As shown in the illustration below, the population data
the number of DDD/1000 inhabitants per day (i.e. the DID). worksheet initially presents as empty. Users are requested
to fill in all the variables for each “YEAR”. In cases where
WHO has standardized population estimates for all the population is the same across each “ANTIMICROBIAL
Member States, and the WHO estimate is the default value CLASS” and health “SECTOR”, these fields can be left
used for calculations. However, a country can use its own empty and the population provided will automatically
national population estimates if the WHO estimate is be applied to each available class. If consumption data
thought to be incorrect. National population estimates are are provided separately by hospital and community but
available from the WHO Global Observatory.12 the population targeted by the surveillance is the same,
The variables to be entered are: population size only needs to be reported once using the
“TOTAL” data field.
• COUNTRY: ISO 3166 alpha-3 country codes;
• YEAR: 4 digits for the YEAR;
• ANTIMICROBIAL CLASS: ATC code of the core and
optional antimicrobial classes targeted by GLASS-AMC
(J01, A07AA, P01AB, J02, D01BA, J05, J04A, P01B);
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
The three case studies below show how the data would differ the three regions where half of the country population live.
depending on where country AAA collects AMC data from. In this case, the population needs to be reported separately
for the private and the public sector using the “TOTAL” field.
Case study 1: In this example, country AAA collects AMC
data only from the public sector. Those data are reported Case study 3: In this example, country AAA collects AMC
separately for community and hospital. However, since the data without distinguishing between the public and private
population to which the data apply is the same, it is reported sector, but does separate community and hospital data.
only once using the “TOTAL” field. The surveillance of the hospitals covers only the three
regions where half of the population of the country lives.
Case study 2: In this example, country AAA collects AMC
In this case, the sector must be set as “GLOBAL” and the
data separately for the public and private sector, whereas
population must be provided separately for community
data for community and hospital use are combined.
and hospital.
However, AMC surveillance for the private sector targets only
GLASS-AMC Excel template
3.2.3. Compile product and consumption data data” worksheet and the macro “Validate Products”. The
process involves two steps, as shown below.
Two components of the worksheet allow the user to enter
and automatically compile and validate product and Step 1. Compile product information (mandatory and
consumption data; these components are the “Product optional) and consumption information.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
Step 2. Assign calculated variables and validate product” The “Product data” worksheet collects products information
– use the “Validate products” routine to assign calculated and consumption data. It includes all the information
variables and validate the data, then correct the data detailed in Sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 plus two variables,
following ”STATUS MESSAGES” and again run the “Validate “Status” and “Status Message”, which report the results
products” routine. of the validation process used when running the “Validate
Products” macro. Table 3.2 shows the grouping of variables
in the product data worksheet.
GLASS-AMC Excel template
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
3.2.4. Step 1 – Filling in product and The same MPPs described in Section 2.4.3 are used to fill
consumption variables in the worksheet (see that section for a full explanation on
how to fill in MPP information).
Countries can input the product data in two ways:
Product information mandatory
a) In cases where a country has already prepared a list of
MPPs with the “Product information mandatory” and 1. COUNTRY
“Product information optional” variables compiled to ISO 3166 alpha-3 country codes. In the example, the country
match the order and codes of the variables as requested is AAA.
by the GLASS-AMC template, users can simply copy and
paste the data here. 2. PRODUCT ID
b) In cases where a country needs to build their MPPs This should be a unique code that has been assigned to this
registry from scratch, users can employ the worksheet product. No unique code existed for MPPs in country AAA;
to do this. therefore, an arbitrary code that uniquely identifies the MPP
is assigned.
GLASS-AMC Excel template
This is label information as written on the package; for
example, product name, strength and number of tablets,
capsules or millilitres in the package. The label is an
important variable because it is the only mandatory variable
that allows an external reviewer to cross check the MPPs.
These variables contain information on the number of
tablets, pills or vials – that is, pieces (PCS) or millilitres
(ML) – contained in one package.
The information is used to calculate the PACKCONTENT
Note: The worksheet “Units” provides the codes for the
The route of administration needs to be correctly filled in
because it allows the user to select the correct ATC5 and
automatically assign the DDD.
Note: The worksheet “RoAs” provides the codes for the
9. INBASQ and
These variables collect the information to calculate the
strength of the substance or substances for each item
(e.g. tablet, vial, ampullas, sachets or mL) contained in the
MPP. INBASQ is the denominator of the strength in the
case of an oral solution. The strength is multiplied by the
PACKSIZE to automatically calculate the PACKCONTENT
and PACKCONTENT_UNIT variables.
Note: The worksheet “Units” provides the codes for the UNITS.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
Specific substances used in combination with others Note: The worksheet “DDD combination” is where users can
For some specific substances used in combination with consult the DDD combinations list to identify the fixed dose
others (e.g. antimicrobials and enzyme inhibitor), only the (here called SUBSTANCES) and the “ROUTE” corresponding
antimicrobial substance needs to be considered. to the MPP, and assign the strength (and COMBINATION, as
explained below). This situation is illustrated below for MPP
Note: The worksheet “DDD” is where, after having P6 and MPP P7.
identified the ATC5 codes, users can verify whether the
antimicrobial substances fall into the specific case A. This • MPP P6: Bactrim Film coated tablets 400 mg/80 mg:
situation is specified under “NOTES” and is illustrated 1 UD
below for MPP P3. In the “DDD combination” worksheet, the fixed dose for
• MPP P3: Amoxiclav IV 1,2 gr 1 vial: 1 G “Oral (O) sulfamethoxazole 0.4 g/trimethoprim 80 mg”
that corresponds to the content of each tablet has a
Each vial contains amoxicillin 1 g and clavulanate 0.2 strength of 1 UD.
g (ATC5 J01CR02). For the strength, we must refer
only to amoxicillin, as indicated under “NOTES”. • MPP P7: Bactrim Film coated tablets 800 mg/160 mg:
2 UD
Products with multiple antimicrobial substances
This is the same fixed doses as the previous example,
For products with multiple antimicrobial substances, but each tablet contains twice the fixed dose, so the
DDDs are given in fixed doses, based on the proportion strength is 2 UD.
of the association of the substances and on the route of
administration. The strength is reported as number of UD of
the corresponding fixed dose.
GLASS-AMC Excel template
Oral solutions
For an oral solution, the strength corresponds to the
substance contained in the defined basic ingredient
quantity (INBASQ). In such cases, it is mandatory to
provide the information on the INBASQ and on INBASQ_
UNIT (which is always ML). This situation is illustrated
below for MPP P2 and MPP P8.
• MPP P2: Amoxicor 250 mg/5 ml: 250 MG 5 ML
• MPP P8: Bactrim 200 mg,40 mg/5 ml: 1 UD 5 ML
Worksheet “ATC”: here users can find the complete
11. ATC5 list of ATC codes for the GLASS-AMC core and optional
12. SALT antimicrobials.
13. COMBINATION Special case: antimicrobials substances with multiple ATCs.
These variables collect information to correctly classify the • MPP P9: VANCOCIN, capsule 250 mg, 20 pc: A07AA09
antimicrobial substance or substances included in the MPP • MPP P10: VANCOMYCIN VIAL DRY INF 1 G: J01XA01
and, in combination with the ROUTE_ADMIN, allow the user
to automatically assign numerical values to the following There are two options in the “ATC” worksheet for
variables: CONV_FACTOR, ARS, DDD and DDD_UNIT. vancomycin:
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
Salt is the code of the salt associated with the antimicrobials;
it applies only for:
• J01FA01: erythromycin ethylsuccinate
• J01XX05: methenamine hippurate, mandelate
Worksheet “SALT”: Here, SALT codes are available
Worksheet “DDD”: Here, under “NOTES”, the worksheet
states whether the salt needs to be considered, as shown
below for hippurin. Worksheet “DDD combination”: Here, users can find the
“COMB_CODE” for the fixed doses of the GLASS-AMC core
• HIPPURIN 1 GR 28 FILM TABLET: J01XX05, HIPP and optional antimicrobials. This situation is illustrated
Contains methenamine hippurate, ATC5 code J01XX05. below for MPP P6 and MPP P8.
In the DDD worksheet, the DDD changes according to • MPP P6: Bactrim Film coated tablets 400 mg/80 mg:
the salt. We need to fill in HIPP as the SALT variable. J01EE01_3
GLASS-AMC Excel template
This variable describes the pharmaceutical formulation This variable is the company owning the market authorization
type. It is a free text field, but countries may want to for the specific MPP.
standardize these fields by grouping different forms. 21. GENERICS
16. PRODUCT_NAME This variable collects information on whether the MPP is a
This text variable usually contains the brand name and generic product. It is a coded variable where the accepted
strength. For combination products, the strength is usually values are YES or NO.
the addition of the individual ingredients (e.g. Fleming 457 for 22. YEAR_AUTHORIZATION
amoxicillin sodium 400 mg; clavulanate potassium 57 mg).
This variable is the year of authorization of the product in the
17. INGREDIENTS market. It is four-digit integer.
This variable names the ingredients in the MPP. The INN 23. YEAR_WITHDRAWAL
name should be used, and for combination products the INN
This variable is the year of withdrawal of the product from the
names should be separated by a semicolon (e.g. amoxicillin;
market (if applicable). It is four-digit integer. This variable refers
clavulanic acid).
ONLY to the FINAL withdrawal; temporary withdrawal MUST
18. PRODUCT_ORIGIN NOT be reported here.
This is a coded variable, where the source of the product can
assume the following values: import (IMP), donation (DON) or
locally produced (LOC).
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
AMC variables In the case study, Country AAA provides AMC data only
24. SECTOR for the public sector, and separated at community and
hospital level for the years 2017 and 2018.
This variable refers to the health care sector AMC data
apply. It is a coded variable, where the accepted codes are Note: Users can add or delete the AMC reporting year,
public (PUB), private (PRI) or global (GLO) (private + public). provided that the TOTAL_PACKAGE, COMMUNITY_
Note: The worksheet “Sector” provides the coded values maintained, as shown below.
to fill in this variable.
Once all the mandatory and optional product information
25. YEAR_TOTAL_PACKAGES and the consumption information have been filled in, the
26. YEAR_COMMUNITY_PACKAGES “Product data” worksheet would appear as shown below
(the worksheet has been split into three pieces to fit onto
27. YEAR_HOSPITAL_PACKAGES the page). Note that all the cells where the information is
Consumption is expressed as the total number of packages automatically calculated are currently empty.
for each MPP that are imported, sold or dispensed during
one specific year in total care, in the community, or in the
GLASS-AMC Excel template
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
3.2.5 Step 2 – Assign calculated variables, and valid combination code), but there is no DDD
and validate and correct product associated with the inputted data;
information – ERROR: if errors (e.g. invalid codes or missing data)
are found – depending on the error, all or part of the
This process includes the following steps:
information automatically calculated may not be
1. Run the “Validate products” routine in the “Macro” compiled and the PDD will be 0 or missing; and
worksheet – the STATUS will change into “Parsed and
• STATUS MESSAGES: provide useful information to
identify and correct errors.
2. Go back to the “Product data” and check the status
Note: A status of “ERROR” or “INFO” will not block the
of the Product information, it should have been
Excel macros that calculate consumption and generate
calculated automatically (if this has not happened,
export data. However, no calculation will be performed on
correct the provided information).
the specific product.
3. Go back to the “Macro” worksheet and again run the
Note: If a product has no ATC code or DDD because these
“Validate products” routine.
have not yet been assigned to the specific antimicrobial,
The process can be repeated until the user considers that the raised error is not actually an error, it is simply a flag
the data has been fully validated and is of good quality. that no ATC/DDD has been assigned. The user must keep
the record (i.e. the line) in the list because an ATC/DDD may
The “Validate products” routine is as follows:
be assigned in later years, making it possible to assess the
• Parse the provided product variables and fill in the consumption of these MPP retrospectively.
product information automatically calculated (CONV_
Note: The macro function only checks for logical
inconsistencies (e.g. typos in coded variables, missing
information, or inclusion of ATC codes and route of
• Validate the logic and the correctness of the data administrations and salts that do not exist, and missing
provided, and provide feedback on the output of the correspondence among variables). Other errors may not
validation STATUS and STATUS MESSAGES: be detected; for example, pack size wrongly assigned,
• STATUS: wrong strength or strength unit (e.g. MG instead of G, MU
instead of IU), or wrong ATC5 code assigned. It is therefore
– OK: no inconsistency detected; important to also manually check for common mistakes,
– INFO: When all data inputted are correct (e.g. valid crosschecking the value assigned to the variables with the
ATC code, valid route of administration, valid salt information provided in the “LABEL”.
GLASS-AMC Excel template
The image below shows the previous “Product data” for example:
worksheet, after running the “Validate products”. The
• P2: the ATC5 of ampicillin was entered instead of that
worksheet includes various errors. Red squares signal
of amoxicillin;
inconsistencies that the system can detect (in the image
below, the expanded window showing the error message • P3: oral administration was entered instead of
variables gives an idea of the information provided by the parenteral, and the strength was entered as 1.2 G
system). Only a human process of data validation can instead of 1 G; and
address the inconsistency issues that the system cannot • P9: a pack size of 30 PCS was entered instead of 20,
detect (shown by the blue squares in the image below); and the strength was in G instead of MG.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
Users should go line by line through the worksheet and Note: even if errors remain for a few MPPs, the GLASS-
correct each error. Once all the mistakes have been AMC template will still calculate and export consumption
corrected, users should again run the “Validate product” for all the MPPs for which no error has been detected.
macro. Remember that not all errors are real errors (e.g.
Note: It is possible that there is no ATC code available or
where the ATC/DDD has not yet been assigned), so it is
there is no DDD assigned for product. In this case, users
possible to finalize the validation process and still have
should contact the GLASS-AMC team.13
errors flagged.
The image below shows how the “Product data” worksheet
appears once it has been filled in and validated, and no
errors have been detected.
GLASS-AMC Excel template
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
The “Export consumption” macro generates two workbooks “Availability data” and “Population data” worksheets)
with the consumption estimates. has its own sheet.
• The first workbook (“Book 1”) contains the consumption • The second workbook (“Book 2”) contains the
estimates in DDD and DID at the substance level consumption estimates in DDD and number of packages
(ATC5), stratified by health care sector and level and (PKG) at the MPP level. In this workbook, all the products
by route of administration. Each of the ATC3 classes are provided in one sheet.
reported (according to the information provided in the
User can save these two files for future use (see Section 4).
GLASS-AMC Excel template
GLASS-AMC Excel template
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
This section explains how to use the workbooks produced depending on the user’s preferences. Thus, users can
by the GLASS-AMC Excel template (“Book 1” or “Book 2”, or employ some or all of the steps described in this manual.
both) to calculate and visualize the following AMC indicators:
4.1. Prepare the data analysis file
• quantity of antibiotics as DID for total consumption
and by pharmacological subgroup (ATC3 level) – DID In this step, the user will prepare a so-called “data analysis
= ( Total DDD x 1000) / (Population x 365); file”, to generate figures and tables. The data analysis file
• relative consumption of antibiotics as a percentage should include at least the following variables:
of total consumption by route of administration (oral, • Sector
parenteral, rectal or inhaled); and
• ATC5 code
• list of the most frequently used antibiotic substances
comprising the top 10 consumed antibiotics and • ATC3 class
75% and 90% of the total consumption (i.e. DU75 and • Substance name
DU90), stratified by route of administration.
• Route of administration
There are many ways of managing data and summarizing
the results in Excel. This manual demonstrates one way, but • Year
there are other possibilities that may be as or more efficient, • DID (or DDD)
AMC data analysis using the exported AMC Excel files
4.1.1. Select a workbook Here, we choose to use “Book 1” and DID estimates
because this metric accounts for the population size and
1. “Book 1” provides DDD and DID estimates aggregated
is the final metric that we are interested in.
at the ATC5 substance level, and by health care sector
and administration route. Data are split over different If there is a suspicion that the population to be used as
worksheets, with each one providing DDD or DID denominator differs from the population used to fill in the
estimates for each of the reported antimicrobials. GLASS-AMC Excel template, it may be better to generate
DID from the DDD estimates in the data analysis file.
2. “Book 2” provides DDD and number of packages by
MPP and by health care sector and administration
route for each year of data. These data are provided in
a single worksheet.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
4.1.2. Combine the data for the different The user should delete the repeated titles and the empty
antimicrobial classes and years variables, and reshape the database to allow the data to
be analysed by year. This is achieved by piling-up DID
“Book 1” provides consumption estimates in different
data from 2017 and 2018, creating the “YEAR” variable
sheets for the different classes of antimicrobials
and renaming the piled-up variable “DID”, as shown in the
reported. Users can create a new sheet with the data
image below.
from the different classes of antimicrobials included in
the surveillance. In the example below, the new sheet is
named “DID_all” – it includes all substances belonging to
A07AA, J01 and P01AB (antibacterials).
AMC data analysis using the exported AMC Excel files
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
4.1.4. Create a substance variable To better understand what the VLOOKUP function does,
more details can be found online or through the “Help”
The next step is to create a new variable containing the
section of Excel. Substeps 1–12, given below, explain how
substance name for each ATC5 code, using the VLOOKUP
to use that function.
function in the Excel sheet. That function helps to match
the ATC5 code to the correct ATC name. The INN name can 1. Make a copy of the ATC worksheet and add it to the
be retrieved from the ATC worksheet of the GLASS-AMC data analysis sheet “Book 1”, as shown in the example
Excel template. below.
Book 1
AMC data analysis using the exported AMC Excel files
2. Name the new variable SUBSTANCE. 5. Go to the ATC sheet and highlight all the text in the
sheet. The function automatically fills out the cells for
3. Use the VLOOKUP function by typing =VLOOKUP.
which the function should search for the particular
4. Select the ATC5 code and type “;” or “,” depending on ATC5 code.
your version of Excel.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
6. Type “;” or “,” depending on your version of Excel, type 7. To ensure that the range of cells for which the
“2” for the column number (since this is the column function searches for the matching ATC5 code does
with the value that we want to retrieve), type “;” or “,” not change when you repeat the function across the
and select or type “FALSE” for a direct match. Press rows, fix the range by adding $ in front of the cell
“ENTER”. You will be taken back to the sheet with your letters and numbers as shown in the image below
consumption estimates (“DID_all”) and the name of (underlined in red).
the substance that matches with the ATC5 code will
8. Pull down the cursor to repeat the formula for all rows.
automatically be filled in on the Excel template.
AMC data analysis using the exported AMC Excel files
To create the variable pharmaceutical substance, complete 11. Automatically, the first element of the formula will
substeps 9–12: change from B2 to C2 while the remaining part will
stay the same because you have used the “$” to block
9. Name the new variable PHARMACEUTICAL SUBSTANCE.
the cells delimiting the ATC range of data.
10. Repeat the VLOOKUP formula by dragging the cursor
12. Pull the cursor down to repeat the formula for all rows.
to the cell on the right.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
4.2. Generate tables and figures DID = ( Total DDD x 1000) / (Population x 365)
The population of country AAA in 2017 and 2018 was 100
The data analysis file now contains eight variables 981 437.
SUBSTANCE, ROUTE, YEAR and DID) and is ready for 1. Name the new variable DID.
analysis. 2. Create the function by typing =(H2*1000)/
Consumption data can be demonstrated in many different (100981437*365).
ways. This manual explains how to generate some of the 3. Pull down the cursor to repeat the formula for all rows.
most common results and tables and figures; showing
how to: 4.2.2. Present total AMC by year
• calculate DID from DDD; Next, we will use the “SUM” function to add up all DIDs
across the ATC5 groups for the years 2017 and 2018, as
• present total AMC by year; follows:
• present relative AMC in DID by pharmacological 1. Place the cursor in an empty cell and write the name
subgroup (ATC3) by year; of the indicator: DID_2017. In the cell below type
• present relative AMC by route of administration by year; “DID_2018”.
• list the top 10 most used antibiotic substances or 2. Go in the cell next to “DID_2017” and use the SUM
DU75/DU90 by route of administration and by year. function by typing “=SUM(“.
4.2.1. Calculate DID from DDD 3. Enter the range of the data to sum up. For 2017,
the range goes from H2 to H79 to give: DID_2017
In the dataset we prepared in Section 4.1., we used the =SUM(H2:H79).
DID estimates calculated by the GLASS-AMC template. In
this example the DDD is provided, and we will calculate 4. Use the same formula to calculate the sum for 2018
the DID for each substance using this formula: (from H80 to H157): DID_2018 =SUM(H80:H157).
AMC data analysis using the exported AMC Excel files
4.2.3. Present relative AMC in DID by ATC3 and year 2. Click on “PivotTable”. A dialogue box will open where
you need to:
The next step is to produce a summary table and
corresponding bar chart, where DID is shown by ATC3 a. Specify the table or range of your data: the system can
class and surveillance year. One of the quickest ways to propose the range or users can select the range of
collapse and summarize ATC5 substances into ATC3 preference.
classes is through a pivot table:
b. State where you want the pivot table to be displayed.
1. From the Insert tab on the toolbar at the top of Excel, In this case, select in a “New worksheet”.
select “PivotTable”, which is located under “Tables” in
c. Click “OK”.
the left-hand corner.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
3. A new worksheet opens with an empty pivot table on 4. In the PivotTable fields, add the variable “ATC3” under
the left and the menu to compile the table on the right. “ROWS”, the variable “YEAR” under “COLUMNS” and
Rename the worksheet “Pivot DID”. the variable “DID” under “VALUES”. Ensure that the
option “Sum of DID” is selected.
AMC data analysis using the exported AMC Excel files
5. Create a figure from the pivot table. Several tutorials d. The system will automatically propose the figure
are available online showing how to create and modify shown below.
figures created in Excel. In the image below, the figure
It is possible to modify the figure; for example:
was created directly from the pivot table using the
following steps: a.
Sort the antimicrobials from the largest number
consumed for the 2018 list.
a. Select “Row Labels” for the 2017 and 2018 columns
(avoiding selecting the totals). b. Insert an axis title (in this case an appropriate Y-axis
title would be “DDD/1000 inhabitants/day”).
b. Click on Insert.
c. Provide the title.
c. Select column 2D, the “Cluster” column.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
4.2.4. Present relative AMC by route of 2. Select “Row Labels” for the 2017 and 2018 columns
administration (avoid selecting the totals).
1. Use the pivot table to create a table summarizing 3. Click on Insert.
AMC by route of administration for the year 2018. 4. Select column 2D, the “Cluster” column.
In the PivotTable Fields sidebar, add the variable
“YEAR” under “FILTERS” and select 2018, then add 5. The system will automatically propose the figure shown
the variable “ROUTE” under “ROWS”, and the variable below.
“DID” under “VALUES”. Ensure that the option “Sum of 6. Modify the figure, as appropriate.
DID” is selected.
AMC data analysis using the exported AMC Excel files
4.2.5. List the top 10 most used antibiotic substances 1. Create a pivot table summarizing AMC by substance and
or DU75/DU90 by route of administration and by year route of administration for the year 2018. In the PivotTable
Fields sidebar, add the variables “YEAR” and “ROUTE”
These tables demonstrate the most commonly used
under “FILTERS” and select 2018 and O, add the variable
antibiotic substances at the ATC5 level. As discussed
“SUBSTANCE” under “ROWS” and “DID” under “VALUES”.
earlier, DU75 ranks the antibiotic substances that make
Ensure that the option “Sum of DID” is selected.
up to 75% of the consumption and DU90 contains
the antibiotic substances that make up to 90% of the 2. Place the cursor on the “Sum of DID” cell and right
consumption. click, then select “Show values as”, and select “% of
column total”.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
3. We now have a table where DID is summarized as • the cumulative percentage for the first substance
percentage over the total amount of DID consumed for on the list is equal to the “PERCENTAGE”;
the antimicrobials for oral use in 2018.
• the cumulative percentage for the next
4. The pivot table automatically orders the data in antimicrobials is to the cumulative percentage of
alphabetic order, based on the “Row Label” value. a substance, with the percentage of the substance
next in order.
5. The next step is to order the substances by “Sum of
DID”, from the largest to the smallest. Pull down the cursor to repeat the formula for all rows.
The cumulative percentage across all the substances
6. Next, create a new variable (e.g. called “CUMULATIVE
for a given route of administration should add up to
PERCENTAGE”) that adds up the percentages across
the ATC5 substances by route of administration. As
shown in the illustration:
AMC data analysis using the exported AMC Excel files
7. We now have a table with antibiotic substances for 8. Changing the “Route” filter from “Oral” to “Parenteral”
oral administration ranked according to their 2018 provides a table with antibiotic substance for
consumption, in descending order. The results for parenteral administration ranked according to their
DU75 and DU90 are shown below. 2018 consumption in descending order. The results
for DU75 and DU90 are shown below.
GLASS Manual on the management of antimicrobial consumption data
5. Conclusion
14 W
HO report on surveillance of antibiotic consumption: 2016–2018 early implementation
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018 (
World Health Organization ISBN 978-92-4-001019-2
20 avenue Appia
1211 Geneva 72 - Switzerland