SG-33 Electric Induction Furnace
SG-33 Electric Induction Furnace
SG-33 Electric Induction Furnace
The main function of IF Steel Making is to convert Solid Metallics like Steel
Scrap, Sponge Iron, etc. into Liquid Steel by Induction heating. This gets
further processed into Billets, Blooms and Ingots, and by various solidifying
processes like Ingot casting or Continuous casting.
This guideline of safety is applicable to all Electric Induction Furnace (IF) of
standalone units or a Mini Steel Plant having induction furnaces.
a) Scrap Yard: The scrap is kept in the scrap yard generally under a shed.
The scrap is prepared as per the requirements of steel grade with different
quantities of scrap, sponge iron, other additives etc.
b) IF unit: This is the melting unit consisting of refractory lined crucible, water
cooled panels (WCP),water cooled power cables, hydraulic tilting
mechanism, Capacitor bank, etc. All Metallic charge and flux is charged
into the Furnace either manually or from the Scrap/DRI lifted with an EOT
crane. Power is put on through the power cables to induction coil which
starts melting the charge. The Metallic charge melts to form liquid steel. As
soon as the Liquid bath achieves a Temperature of around 1650°C, it is
tapped into Steel ladle for further processing. Normally a spare crucible is
kept for alternate use. The crucible is selected with the help of a
changeover system.
c) Water cooling system: The induction furnace coil, panel and power
cables are water cooled. An effective cooling water system is provided with
suitable water pumps, cooling towers and heat exchanger having backup
system for emergencies or break downs.
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Doc. No: SG/33, Rev no: 00
f) Pit side: The molten metal is poured in to the Bottom Pouring set through
teeming ladle for casting in ingot moulds. The ingots are taken out
manually from the moulds. In case of continuous casting the molten metal
is transferred in a teeming ladle for carrying out continuous casting after
loading on the ladle turret/ladle stand/ladle transfer car as per the shop
facility with the help of EOT Crane.
g) Fume Extraction System: A movable elbow collects the fumes from the
top of the crucible and transfer it to the dust collector/ baghouse through
ducts. The solid dust is collected in the hoppers and the fumes/air is
released through chimney.
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Doc. No: SG/33, Rev no: 00
system/motors etc.
Provision of proper
limit switches
Emergency main
switch of cranes to be
provided near
platform or at an
easily accessible
Bell/Siren is to be
provided in the cabin
for crane operator
Annual inspection of
Cranes/Lifting tackles
by competent person
every year as per
factory act
Display of safe
working load on each
Proper Guarding of
all stairs and crane’s
CT Trolley
(Refer SG-14 : Safety
Guidelines for work on
Electric Overhead
Travelling (EOT) Crane)
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Air compressors/
pressure vessels
should be checked
regularly for proper
working of Pressure
switches, safety
valves and Pressure
Auto drain valve is to
be provided on each
Pressure Vessels pressure vessel
Six monthly testing of
PV Thickness and
hydraulic testing
every four years by
competent person as
per the factory act.
(Refer SG-01 : Safety
Guidelines on storage,
handling & use of gas
Person hit by Siren, gong bell
moving machines during movement
Auto announcement
during any operation.
Permit to work prior
to undertaking any
maintenance job.
( Refer SG-09 : Safety
Guidelines in Equipment
& machine Guarding)
3) Electrical Electrical failures Proper Earthing pits
system and shock Earthing of all
Work permit system
Transformer testing
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(dielectric strength
and dehydration of
Transformer oil)
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