Iti 2021

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Affiliation norms for

Industrial Training
Institutes (ITIs)

Directorate General of Training

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Government of India

January 2021

Table of Content


1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................9
1.1 Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS):.................................................................................................9
1.2 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs):...............................................................................................9


ESTABLISHING ITIS.....................................................................................11
2.1 General Information........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Eligibility...........................................................................................................................................11
2.3 Concurrent Monitoring...................................................................................................................11
2.4 Forensic Audit...................................................................................................................................11
2.5 Accreditation and Affiliation Process.............................................................................................12

3 CHANGE MANAGEMENT......................................................................30
3.1 Addition of Trades/ Units in Existing Institute..............................................................................30
3.2 Change in Email ID/ Registered mobile no....................................................................................30
3.3 Change in Name of Institution........................................................................................................31
3.4 Change in Address (without change in geo-tagging of location) of the Institution....................32
3.5 Change in Site/ Location of the Institution (change in geo-tagging of location).........................33
3.6 Change in Ownership of the ITI.....................................................................................................35

4 EXCEPTION MANAGEMENT................................................................37
4.1 De-barring/ Termination Procedure..............................................................................................37
4.2 Transition to New Norms.................................................................................................................38

5 PROCESS FOR RENEWAL OF AFFILIATION...................................40


5.1 Renewal of Affiliation......................................................................................................................40

6 PROCESS FOR DE-AFFILIATION........................................................44

6.1 De-affiliation/ Closure of Institute/ Surrender of Unit(s)/ Trade(s)............................................45
6.2 De-affiliation in case complaint(s) is raised by any individual against an ITI...........................47
6.3 De-affiliation of ITI(s) is proposed by State Director/ RDSDE (preferably by the end of
November every year)......................................................................................................................47

7 GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM..........................................49

8 CIVIL NORMS FOR AFFILIATION OF ITIS......................................51

8.1 Civil Norms for establishment of ITIs............................................................................................52


9.1 General Guidelines...........................................................................................................................62
9.2 Guidelines for Admissions in ITIs & NSTIs..................................................................................62

10 PENALTY...................................................................................................63

Annexure 1: Fee structure for Accreditation and Affiliation..........................................................................66
Annexure 2: Application Format for Stage (I, II, III)......................................................................................68
Annexure 2A: List of documents........................................................................................................................87
Annexure 2B: Guidelines for Training and Support Infrastructure..............................................................89
Annexure 2C: Trade specific norms for Machinery/ Equipment/ Tools........................................................97
Annexure 2D: Norms for Site Visit III preparation.........................................................................................98
Annexure 2E: Guidelines for Videography for Site Visit...............................................................................100
Annexure 2F: Trade specific norms for Machinery/ Tools/ Equipment.......................................................101
Annexure 2G: Norms for deployment of Staff................................................................................................111
Annexure 2I: Workshop Norms.......................................................................................................................112
Annexure 2J: Existing Space Requirement of ITIs for Workshop & Classroom under CTS....................113
Annexure 3: Initial Scrutiny Format................................................................................................................114
Annexure 4: Desktop Assessment Format for Stage II...................................................................................116


Annexure 5: Desktop Assessment Format for Stage III.................................................................................122

Annexure 6: Site Visit Format for Stage III....................................................................................................124
Annexure 7: Recommendation of Inspection Committee in Stage III..........................................................129

Format 1: Advertisement for establishing Industrial Training Institute (ITI)............................................132
Format 2: Resolution for Establishment of New Industrial Training Institute (ITI)..................................133
Format 3: Resolution regarding Authorized Person......................................................................................134
Format 4: Resolution regarding Earmarking of Land, Building and Other Resources for ITI................135
Format 5: Resolution regarding Electrical Connection..................................................................................136
Format 6: Letter of Intent (LoI) for Stage II...................................................................................................137
Format 7: Letter of Intent (LoI) for Stage III.................................................................................................138
Format 8: Resolution for Dropping/ Surrender of Trades/Units..................................................................139
Format 9: Resolution for Closure of the Institute...........................................................................................140
Format 10: Certificate from Advocate for Registration Documents, Land documents, Land Use
Certificate, Land Conversion Certificate.....................................................................................141

List of Figures
Figure 1: Process of Accreditation and Affiliation of ITIs...............................................................................12
Figure 2: Stage I (Application Assessment) of Process of Accreditation and Affiliation of ITIs.................12
Figure 3: Stage II (Civil Infrastructure Assessment) of Process of Accreditation and Affiliation of ITIs. .16
Figure 4: Stage III (Final Scrutiny) of Process of Accreditation and Affiliation of ITIs..............................19
Figure 5: Final Stage (Inspection and Issuance of Letter of Affiliation) of Process of Accreditation and
Affiliation of ITIs.................................................................................................................................21
Figure 6: Process of change in site/ location of ITI or Shifting of ITI.............................................................33
Figure 7: Process of Renewal of affiliation certificate......................................................................................40
Figure 8: Process of de-affiliation of ITI............................................................................................................44

The “Training Manual for Industrial Training from state directorate. Accordingly, a committee was
Institutes" published by Directorate General of constituted. Committee held three meeting and
Training, is a comprehensive guide for all relevant deliberated on these new sets of norms. These norms,
information pertaining to Craftsmen Training Scheme thus finalized, bears approval of competent authority.
being implemented in Industrial Training Institutes
The Ministry of Skill Development and
(ITIs) all over the country. This Training Manual has
Entrepreneurship, Government of India is pleased to
been divided in two parts. Part-I was published in
announce the launch of new Procedural and Civil
year 2014, contains information on the
norms for establishment of ITIs across the country.
Organizational Structure, Administration in ITI,
While designing these norms, efforts have been made
manpower requirement and Trade Test Procedure.
to standardize the Civil infrastructure of ITIs, so that
Part-II containing affiliation norms and procedure of
ITIs across the country have similar buildings and
this Manual could not be published during that point
facilities. Procedure for seeking affiliation has also
of time as affiliation norms for ITIs were under
been redefined to make it further simpler and
transparent. Total Affiliation process will be
Government of India has formed Ministry of Skill completed in 3 stage process-1st stage: Desktop
Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), to give Assessmentof basic information of ITI and
attention to skill development in a bigger way. DGT Management by State Director, 2nd stage: Desk top
is sole awarding and assessing body of National assessment ofCivil Infrastructureby State Director ,
Council for Vocational Education and Training 3rd stage: Desk top assessment ofEquipment, power,
(NCVET)for long term courses. The Ministry is IT lab and other Infrastructure by State Director.
responsible for co-ordination of all skill development
An online mechanism has been established to enable
efforts across the country, removal of disconnect
the applicant Institutions to apply. This detail out the
between demand and supply of skilled manpower,
various requirements for affiliation and accreditation
building the vocational and technical training
as applicant proceeds for filling up the application
framework, skill up-gradation, building of new skills,
form. It will also help in doing self-assessment by an
and innovative thinking not only for existing jobs but
Institute. The various requirements like
also jobs that are to be created. The two verticals of
infrastructure, tools and equipment, staff strength,
erstwhile "Directorate General of Employment &
power requirement etc. are detailed in application
Training" (DGE&T) working under Deputy Director
form. The applicant does need not to seek any
General (Training) & Deputy Director General
information related to the DGT requirement from any
(Apprenticeship Training) were transferred to MSDE
office. A guidance document for filling the
as Directorate General of Training. At national level,
application and sample manual is also enclosed to
major roles of this Directorate General of Training
help the applicant's Institutes. The objective is to
(DGT) remains Policy formulation on Vocational
enable our Institution ITIs to reach an internationally
Training, Laying down affiliation norms and
acceptable level so that trainees are not accepted
procedure, Curriculum and Trade testing &
locally but also globally. It may however be clarified
Certification for ITIs.
that this manual is not a legal document but is made
To ensure that "ITI eco system" remains updated and only to serve the users for smooth implementation of
relevant to industrial requirement, DGT has taken norms prescribed by DGT. For any clarification the
initiative to review the existing Civil and other original office order relating to the recommendations
infrastructural norms, essential facilities and may be referred to.
affiliation/accreditation procedure for setting of ITIs.
We would welcome feedback and any suggestions for
Various committees were constituted to draft new set
of civil and procedural norms for establishing ITIs,
having different seating capacities both for rural and
urban areas. The report of committees was discussed
in Affiliation Norms for ITIs Year-2020 meeting of
stakeholders and based on their suggestions, these
were further modified. However, before
implementation of these norms, it was felt that, these
norms shall also be vetted by Technical Advisory
Committee consisting members of academic
expertise from IIT/Technical University, H.R &
Technical expert from Industry, and representative

Skill development of youth has occupied Centre stage affiliation system of ITIs.
in development perspective of government of the
day, for supporting its new development schemes like
Smart Cities, Make in India, Digital India and Clean
India. Apart from meeting its own demand, India has
the potential to provide skilled workforce to fill the
expected shortfall in the ageing developed world.
Industrial Training Institutes have played a vital role
in development and growth of Indian industries for
the past 6 decades. A Major workforce for industry
has been trained by these institutions across various
sectors of economy. Industry will be able to grow and
prosper only if the skilled youth coming out from
various Industrial Training Institutes are able to meet
the expectation of industry in terms of their skill
acquisition. It is, therefore, very important for
Industrial Training Institutes to impart the training in-
sync with the demands of the industry.
To ensure that the competency of trained students of
ITIs is at par with the international requirements,
NCVT, DGT and QCI had joined hands to establish
an accreditation mechanism in line with international
benchmarks. This system was implemented during
year 2012-2016, however, number of gaps were
reported in structure of ITIs across the country. On
analyzing these reports, it was felt that these gaps are
basically due to non-availability of standard
infrastructure norms for ITIs having less than 200
seats, much variation was observed in building,
approach road and other infrastructural facilities,
amongst these ITIs. It was also observed that there
was a need to review the affiliation/ accreditation
procedure for setting of ITIs as per the present
scenario to bring more clarity and transparency in

Chapter 1:
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

1 Introduction
1.1 Craftsmen Training Scheme At present there are total 14,870 ITIs (Govt.3062 +
Private 11,808) with seating capacity- 30.27 lakh
(CTS): (seating capacity for ITIs allowed for admission in
Craftsmen Training Schemewas introduced by the 2019-20: 18.78 23.99 lacs and seating capacity of
Government of India in 1950 to ensure a steady flow ITIs allowed for admission in two-year trades in 2018
of skilled workers in different trades for the domestic is 11.49 lacs) Trades Covered -137 (popular trades
industry, to raise quantitatively and qualitatively the are Electrician, Fitter, Machinist, Welder, Mechanic
industrial production by systematic training, to Motor Vehicle). Each trade has a dedicated course
reduce unemployment among the educated youth by curriculum. These are also being aligned to NSQF
providing them employable training, to cultivate and levels. (List of trades at Annexure-2F). Admissions in
nurture a technical and industrial attitude in the Government and Private ITIs are done in the month
minds of the younger generation. of August every year. The period of training: six
months, one and two years. The training courses have
Craftsmen Training Schemeimplemented through been designed to impart basic skills and knowledge
ITIs is the oldest system of skill training in country. in the trades so as to prepare trainee for employment
This scheme is the one of the major schemes in the as a semi-skilled worker or for self-employment.
field of vocational trainingand has been shaping Training programme is based on semesteryearly
craftsmen to meet the existing as well as future pattern. From Session 2018 annual pattern is
manpower need of skill manpower in the industrial as introduced.
well as service sector. The scheme is being
implemented through the vast network of ITIs in the For overall personality development of trainees, a
various states/union territories in the country. It is course on "Employability Skill" is being taught.
also viewed as backbone of technical and vocational National Trade Certificate (NTC) is awarded to
training system of country. ITIs remain the major successful trainees.of DGT affiliated trades of ITIs.
source of supply of skilled manpower for NTC enjoys National/ international recognition for
manufacturing industries for past six decades and purpose of employment/ self-employment.
have established credibility in market/ industries. 1.2.1 Advantages of getting training in
Indian industries have never imported skilled ITIs:
manpower. On the contrary, graduatespass out
students of ITIs are working proficiently in various Industrial Training Institutes played a vital role in
other countries. economic development of the country especially in
terms of supplying skilled manpower to industries.
1.2 Industrial Training Institutes Properly trained skilled manpower is the demand of
(ITIs): the industry, which is being regularly supplied by
hands-on skill training through ITIs.
Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) are training
institutes which offer range of vocational/skill Demand for skilled manpower in country would be
training courses covering a large number of economic forthcoming from newly launched schemes of
sectors with an objective to provide skilled workforce Government namely Make in India, Digital India,
to the industry as well as self-employment of youth. Smart Cities and Clean India. ITIs are ready to take
They provide post-school technical as well as up the new task and would be playing important role
vocational training courses leading to lifelong career for meeting the skilled manpower demand generated
in one- or two-year skill courses. through these new schemes.

These institutes are set up under Directorate General 1.2.2 Career prospects for ITI graduates:
of Training (DGT), Ministry of Skill Development Jobs as skilled workers/technicians in private and
and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India. public sector industries, SME and MSME Jobs in
Government Industrial Training Institutes are Government organizations like Indian Railway,
government-run training organizations. and Private Army, Navy, Air Force and also paramilitary forces
Industrial Training CentersInstitutes are privately run like BSF, CRPF etc.
equivalents. These institutes are affiliated to DGT
National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) Self-employed Entrepreneurs: ITI qualified persons
and run training program under Craftsmen Training can set up their own garage, motor/
Scheme. generator/transformer winding shops or fabrication
shops depending upon trade opted. Trainers/master
trainer role in ITIs/ATIs, after doing Crafts Instructor

Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Training Program of DGT. ITI trainees can go for

higher studies like diploma in engineering and
Engineering. NTC holders are employed successfully
for past six decades, in India and abroad, in Public
sector companies, Railways, PWD and Electricity
Department of Central and State Govt. NTC holders
are also successful entrepreneurs.

10 | P a g e
Chapter 1:
Accreditation and affiliation
processes for
establishing ITIs
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2 Accreditation and affiliation process for

establishing ITIs
This handbook is provided to the various
stakeholdersprocess onfor establishing Industrial C9 Self-De-affiliation of ITI
Training Institutes (ITIs). The handbook contains the C10 Re-activation of Trades
guidelines, related policy documents and processes
for establishing ITIs. C11 SCVT trade to NCVT Conversion

2.1 General Information The above conditions are applicable to both

Government as well as Private ITIs.
ITIs have been designed to impart basic skills and
knowledge in the designated trades so as to prepare 2.2 Eligibility
trainees as semi-skilled/skilled workers for gainful 1 In order to be eligible to apply for opening an
employment as well as for self-employment. ITI, Organizations should be either of the
Affiliation is a process of establishing competence of following:
ITIs in delivering the requisite elements of vocational  Societies or Trusts
training with ability to carry out evaluation of  Private/Public Limited Companies
competence acquired by the trainees.  Companies like Sole Proprietary
 Private Institutions/ Individual(s)
The purpose of introducing accreditation program for  Central or State Government/ UT
ITIs is to uphold high standards of quality and Administered or by a Society or a Trust
expectation of the various stakeholders of the ITI registered by them
system. Some of the salient objectives are: 2 Eligibility of ITIs for applying addition of
 To ensure that institutions meet defined quality Trades/Units in existing ITIs will be with the
standards. following conditions:
 To foster excellence in ITI, building  All existing ITIs with Grading 2 and above
effectiveness in delivering competency-based only will be eligible to apply for addition of
education and training. Trades/Units W.e.f. 01.02.2019.
 To establish framework for continuous  The ITIs which are not graded so far, needs
improvement and provide opportunity to to go through the grading process and
benchmark with other institutions. eligible ITI’s can only apply for addition of
 To facilitate development of professional Trades/Units.
competency of the trainees {Ref. DGT circular no. DGT-12/1/2018-
 To provide basis for determining eligibility for TC(Part)dt.25.02.2019
assistance and investment of public funds by (
regulatory/ affiliating agencies. aspx?fileId=636)}
Affiliation is applicable to ITIs under following 2.3 Concurrent Monitoring
categories (C):
DGT shall have the right to perform concurrent
New ITI (With minimum 4 trades, less than monitoring checks to evaluate the performance of the
C1 ITIs.
4 trades system should not accept)
Existing Institutes seeking Affiliation for 2.4 Forensic Audit
new trades/new units
DGT may inspect ITIs randomly to ensure
ITIs in spare capacity of Polytechnic/ infrastructure and delivering quality training. 5% of
C3 accreditation reports submitted by the State
Engineering college
Directorate shall be inspected by DGT. DGT may
C4 Change of Name/Address involve IIT/ NIT located within the state or nearby as
C5 Shifting of ITI Academic Technical Evaluation Advisor (ATEA) of
DGT for this purpose. DGT will have a right to take
C6 Mergerof ITI appropriate decision to override recommendations of
the State Directorate for Affiliation/De-Affiliation of
C7 Re-affiliation/ Renewal of affiliation
ITIs after considering the merits and demerits on a
C8 Self-Surrender of Trades/units case basis.

12 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2.5 Accreditation and Affiliation Process

The respective State Govt/UT will give an advertisement, at least six months in advance for the session being
sought, for inviting applications. It is mandatory for an applicant to seek NOC (as per the defined process of
respective State Govt./ UT) and submit application to State Govt./ UTon ONLINE affiliation portal in line with
the affiliation guidelines/ norms. It should be noted that applications received from unserved block/block with
low ITI concentration shall be given preference.
The applications will be processed on a first come first serve basis. Audit trail shall be available for verifying
date and time of application submitted by applicants.Applicant shall pay the requisite fee for processing of
application and physical inspection.visits to State Directorate.
The different stages involved in the accreditation process have been presented in a flowchart in this document
for better understanding. The procedure for different stages has also been described in detail in this document.
Figure 1: Process of Accreditation and Affiliation of ITIs

2.5.1 Stage I- Application Assessment

As part of this stage, the State Govt will scrutinize the applications received to ensure credentials of applicants
like Institute details, Organization details, Authorized persons’ details, Trade/ Unit details, Location details,
Category of application, land details etc. State Directorate would review the applications from the point of view
of requirement of an ITI at the proposed location as well as requirement of Trades/Units proposed by the
applicant. They will also check the correctness of land detail. At the completion of stage I, State Govt will
arrange geo tagging of proposed location and issue a Stage-I Letter of Intent (LoI) to the applicant for
proceeding to the next stage. The detailed process is explained in figure and tables, as provided below:
Figure 2: Stage I (Application Assessment) of Process of Accreditation and Affiliation of ITIs Advertisement for inviting applications for Expression of Interest (EOI)

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document

13 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021
 Publish the advertisement State/ UT As per requirement Format-1
with cut-off dates for a
 State Directorate will
intimate their requirement
of new ITIs to DGT every
year Submission of application

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Submit the application Applicant As per requirement Annexure 2
through web portal
Annexure 2A
 Pay application processing
fee to DGT/State/UT Annexure 1
 All the State Directorates
shall use the DGT portal for
further processing of
applications, for which they
will be assigned with
separate login ids
 Share the login id and
password to the applicant on
the registered email id
1 The institution shall follow the prescribed norms as per Annexure 2A to 2G.
2 ITIs can be opened with minimum 4 trades and minimum of 1 unit per shift for One Year course and 2
units for Two Year course per trade. Existing ITIs with 3 and above star ratings on MIS portal would be
appreciated to add more units after two years/ one year depending upon duration of trade.
3 Once the application details are submitted, the applicant will not be allowed to change the details.
4 Applicant shall mention the location details i.e. name of district and revenue village.
5 Name of ITI: The name of an ITI shall follow the following pattern:
a. “XXXX (Name of Institute)- Government/ Private Industrial Training Institute- XXXX (Name of
b. Name of the institute will be checked for its uniqueness. An applicant applying for a new ITI
through online application portal will have a system to check and filter the “Name of proposed ITI”
with the ITIs already existing with the same name in that state. System shall reject ITI with same
name in a state and prompt applicant to change name. If any already existing organization which is
running ITIs applies for a new ITI, they can retain the name for a new ITI. The applicant shall
submit supporting document for the same
c. Acronyms and abbreviations are not allowed. It should be noted that applicants shall not use their
ITI name (in any form or common language parlance) in an abbreviated form resembling IIM/ IIT/
IISc/ NIT/ IISER/ IIIT/ IIEST/ AICTE/ UGC/ MHRD/ GOI. The applicant shall also not use the
word(s) Government, India, Indian, National, All India, All India Council, Commission and other
names as prohibited under the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use Act, 1950)
anywhere in the name of the ITI. These restrictions shall not be applicable, in the case of
Government ITIs
d. Name of Institute shall not be changed without prior approval of DGT. DGT may permit the change
of name as per laid down procedures as given in this handbook
e. The date of submission of application form will be the date and time when the payment is made after
the submission of application on portal.
1 Similar accreditation procedure is applicable in case of addition of new trades/units in existing institutes

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Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

or conversion of existing SCVT trades into NCVT trades. Initial scrutiny

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Scrutiny of the State/ UT 15 calendar days after Annexure 3
application(s): receipt of application
Annexure 2A
▬ Reject the applicants processing fee
who have been de-
barred/black-listed by
DGT/ State/ Litigation
▬ Assess adequacy and
completeness of the
documents, Revenue
Location of ITI etc.
▬ Assess compliance with
the DGT affiliation
▬ NOC from State
▬ Give appropriate
reasons in case of
rejection of the
 Raise Non-Conformities
(NCs), if any, to the
applicant through web
 Clear all NCs, in case NCs Applicant 15 calendar days
were raised
 In case of applications State/ UT 10 calendar days after
where NCs were raised, receipt of application
verify the updated processing fee/
information as per clearing NCs, if any
 Submission of application Applicant 5 calendar days Annexure 1
 Applications which State/ UT
conform to all the
requirements to be
processed further
 Applications which do not
conform to the requirements
to be rejected. The grounds
for rejection shall be duly
communicated to the
concerned applicant and
status to be updated on

15 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

For point
1 In case of non-submission of clarification by applicant about NCs raised within the timelines, the
application shall be deemed rejected and applicant need to register as a fresh application.
2 All the institutes registered shall be “geo-tagged” in order to ensure the uniqueness of the ITIs.
1 Maximum days of timeline 45 calendar days (Ideal timeline 35 calendar days) Issuance of Letter of Intent (LOI) – Stage II

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Based on the State/ UT 10 calendar days after Format 6
recommendations, issue a receipt of application
Letter of Intent (LoI) to the processing fee/
applicant through web clearing NCs, if any
1 After the issue of Letter of Intent (LoI), the application is moved from Stage-1 to Stage-2.
2 The applicant(s) have to apply for Stage II within 1 year of issue of LoI for Stage II. In case of non-
submission within one year, this timeline may be extended by another year, provided the approved
building plan is submitted within one year from issuance of LoI. Provided it is complying to the
prevailing byelaws and DGT norms in the extended year.
3 The receipt of Letter of Intent for Stage II does not guarantee the accreditation of the institute.
1 Maximum days of timeline 10 calendar days

Maximum timeline for Stage I 55 working days

2.5.2 Stage II-Civil Infrastructure Assessment

Figure 3: Stage II (Civil Infrastructure Assessment) of Process of Accreditation and Affiliation of ITIs

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Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

After completion of civil infrastructure, the applicant will update data on portal.and thus inform to the State
Government.The State Directorate will carry out Desktop Assessment as per the latest DGT norms. After the
successful completion of assessment, system generated LOI will be issued to the applicant for Stage 3. i.e.,
proceeding to Expert Evaluation Committee/Final Inspection. State shall send the list of all applicants to DGT. Updating Application (Civil Infrastructure)

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Applicant shall upload Applicant Within 60 calendar
documents on web portal days after receipt LOI
like Approved Building
Plan, Documents showing
ownership of Plot and
Building or Registered lease
Deed, Resolution by the
applicant as mentioned in
Annexure 2 as per latest
DGT norms
 Scrutinize the uploaded State/ UT 20 calendar days
documents as per DGT
norms. Raise NCs, if any, to
the applicant through web
 Update the application with Applicant Within 1 year of issue Annexure 2
civil infrastructure details of LOI
Annexure 2A and 2B
and submit the relevant
documents as per DGT
For point &
1 The applicant has to apply for Stage II within 1 year of issue of LoI for Stage II.
 In case of non-submission within 1 year, this timeline may be extended by another year, provided
the approved building plan is submitted within 1 year from issuance of LoI. Provided it is complying
to the prevailing byelaws and DGT norms in the extended year.
 In case of non- updation of civil infrastructure details by applicant within the timelines, the
application shall be deemed rejected and applicant need to register as a fresh application.
 All the institutes registered shall be “geo-tagged” in order to ensure the uniqueness of the ITIs. Desktop Assessment

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Scrutinize the application State/ UT Within 20 calendar Annexure 4
days from application
▬ Assess adequacy and Annexure 2A and 2B
completeness of the
documents submitted
by the applicant
▬ Check the dimensions
of the classrooms,
workshops, IT labs,

17 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

administrative area,
amenities areas etc.
with respect to
approved building plan
▬ Assess compliance with
the DGT affiliation
 Raise NCs, if any, to the
applicant through web
 Clear NCs, in case NCs Applicant Within 15 calendar
were raised days of NCs raised
 In case of applications State/ UT Within 10 calendar
where NCs are raised, days from application
verify updated information submission/ clearing
as per point NCs by applicant, if
 Applications which conform
to all the requirements to be
processed further.
 Applications which do not
conform to the requirements
may be rejected. The
grounds for rejection shall
be duly communicated to
the concerned applicant.
 The status of all the
applications rejected shall
be updated in the portal
For point
1 State Directorate shall be responsible, in case of litigations raised due to extending of timelines by State
For point and
2 In case of non-submission of clarification about NCs raised within the timelines, the application shall be
deemed rejected and applicant need to register as a fresh application.
3 State Directorate shall be responsible, in case of litigations raised due to extending of timelines by State
1 Maximum days of timeline 45 calendar days (Ideal timelines 20 days) Issuance of Letter of Intent (LOI) – Stage III

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Issue a Letter of Intent State/ UT 20 calendar days of Format7
through web portal for site visit of clearing
Stage III for the applications NCs by applicant

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Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

which conform to all the

requirements of DGT norms
and process such
applications for Stage III
1 The receipt of Letter of Intent for Stage III does not guarantee the accreditation of the institute.

Maximum timeline for Stage II 125 working days

2.5.3 Stage III-Final Scrutiny
Figure 4: Stage III (Final Scrutiny) of Process of Accreditation and Affiliation of ITIs Update Application (Machinery, Equipment, Tools and Power Supply etc.)

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Update the application and Applicant Within 6 calendar Annexure 2
submit the relevant months
Annexure 2A, 2B and
documents as per DGT
1 The applicant has to apply for Stage III within 6 calendar months of issuance of LoI for Stage III. In case
where new norms have been issued, new norms will be applicable for applications wherein details have
not been submitted by the applicant within 6 months from issue of LoI. In this case, the applicant has to
submit the final details within one year of the issue of LoI for Stage III. Otherwise, the application will
be rejected and applicant need to register as a fresh application. Desktop Assessment – Stage III

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Scrutiny of the application State/ UT Within 20 calendar Annexure 6
days of application
▬ Assess adequacy and Annexure 2A, 2B and
completeness of the 2C
documents submitted by

19 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

the applicant
▬ Assess compliance with
the DGT affiliation
 Raise NCs, if any, to the
applicant through web
 Clear NCs, in case NCs Applicant Within 15 calendar
were raised days of raising NCs
 In case of applications State/ UT Within 10 calendar
where NCs were raised, days of application
verify updated information submission or clearing
as per process and timelines NCs by applicant, if
of point A any
 Applications which conform
to all the requirements to be
processed further
 Applications which do not
conform to the requirements
to be rejected. The grounds
for rejection shall be duly
communicated tothe
concerned applicant and
update thestatus on the
For point
1 In case of non-submission of clarification about NCs raised within the timelines, the application shall be
deemed rejected.

Note: - Regarding conversion of SCVT trades into NCVT trades in Private ITIs, the following
procedures will have to the adopted by all States/UTs:

2 Respective State Directorate will conduct preliminary inspection of private ITIs who are willing to
convert from SCVT trades to NCVET trades.
3 After scrutiny of Preliminary Inspection Report (PIR). ITIs fulfilling DGT norms will be forwarded to
4 Inspection of these ITIs will be carried out through Standing Committee Inspection.
5 The Recommendation Committee DGT-Affiliation, after verification of the Joint Inspection reports,
would consider the conversion of trades under SCVT into NCVET and grant affiliation accordingly.
{Ref. DGT circular no. DGT-12/1/2018-TC(Part) dt. 20.12.2018
1 Maximum days of timeline 45 calendar days (Ideal timelines 30 days)

Maximum timeline for Stage III 45 working days

2.5.4 Final Stage: Inspection and Issuance of Letter of Affiliation
Final inspection shall be carried out by a four-member committee as per following composition.

20 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

1 One member from DGT: Not bellow the rank of Group “A/B” Gazetted Officer
2 One member from respective State Govt (SCVT): Not below the rank of Gazetted Officer
3 One member from Engineering college/Polytechnic who should be technically qualified VIZ. Workshop
4 One member from employer (Industry/Chamber of commerce /Industries Dept.)
Final inspection shall be carried out by the team and inspect all the requirements in totality. The team shall
verify all the documents related to trust/society/firm/company etc, land, approved building plan, building
completion, purchase order of all major m/c, appointment of principal and authenticate a copy for onward
transmission to DGT. Based upon inspection, team shall prepare recommendation in prescribed proforma.
Figure 5: Final Stage (Inspection and Issuance of Letter of Affiliation) of Process of Accreditation and Affiliation of ITIs

State Directorate shall submit the accreditation report to DGT Headquarters (HQ) for grant of affiliation by
DGT to consider the case. The accreditation report shall comprise of geotagged, time-stamped photos, and
videography of the site visits, all approved documents and affidavits as per formats mentioned in detailed
procedural norms, duly endorsed by Principal Secretary of State Government department who is looking after
the Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS).Applicants shall upload staff details after completing the accreditation
process and before grant of affiliation.
1 ITI shall comply with all the latest DGT norms. In case of any violation, appropriate action shall be
2 Apart from affiliation norms of DGT, ITIs shall follow all existing statutes/ provisions (related to ITIs) in
that particular State/ UT. The ITIs shall also adhere to the latest notifications/ orders/ policies of Central
Government/ State Government.
3 Where local building byelaws are not available, National Building Code (NBC) of India shall be applicable.
4 The norms prescribed in this manual are only illustrative in nature; it has to be ensured that all safety norms
shall be adhered to. It has to be ensured that overall aesthetic sense of the building/ plot is maintained.
5 The civil structures shall be environment friendly and suitable for differently abled individuals. Ramp to be
provided at main entrance and other places, wherever necessary. Site Inspection

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Automatic inspection batch State/ UT Twice/ Thrice a Annexure 2D
creation on the web portal Week
Annexure 1
and conducting site visit
▬ If the state is not able

21 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

to complete the
inspection on
scheduled date, then:
New batch to be
formed for the next
available date, and
ITI does not have to
pay fee for
rescheduling the site
visit date
▬ If ITI refused for the
Inspectionon the
scheduled date, then:
A fresh date be given
after 30 days
New batch to be
formed for the next
available date, and
ITI to pay fee for
rescheduling the site
visit date
 Visit the proposed premises State Directorate shall form As per scheduled date Annexure 7
of the institute site visit inspection of visit
Annexure 2B, 2C, 2D
committee shall comprise
 Verify readiness with and 2F
respect to latestDGT
affiliation norms  A member of DGTnot
below the rank
 Adequacy of Machinery,
ofGroup “A/B”
Equipment and Tools as
per list mentioned in latest
 A Gazetted officerfrom
trade syllabus
State dealingwithCTS,
 Working condition of  A member
Machinery, Equipment and fromPolytech/Engg.col
Tools lege,
 A member
 Safe installation procedures
of Equipment/Machinery
 Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) Certificate of
 Wiring practices to
Machinery/ Equipment
 Main power supply (3
phase) as prescribed for
respective trades and
electric meter installation.
 Backup power supply
 Availability of signage
 Exhaust fans at all sides of
the walls

22 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

 Ventilation fans for roof

 Take signature of
representative(s) of
applicant and State
Directorate during the site
 Arrange geo-tagged, time Applicant At the Time of site Annexure 2E
stamped photos for review visit 5 calendar Days
of State Directorate and
upload the same on the
 Arrange videography of the
site visit through
professional videographer
(footage from mobile
phone/tablet is not
 Send video to State
Directorate after
completion of site visit
 Raise NCs, if any, and/or State/ UT 10 calendar days of
requirement of revisit, if site visit
any, to the applicant
through web portal
▬ In caseno NCsand/or
requirement of revisit
is raised, inspection
report to be submitted
online within 24 hours
 Clear NCs, in case NCs Applicant 15 calendar days of Annexure 1
were raised raising NCs
 In case need for revisit
been communicated, pay
revisit fee and select revisit
 In case of applications State/ UT 15 calendar days of
where NCsare raised, clearing NCs by
verify all the additional applicant, if any
information submitted by
the applicant
 In case revisit is scheduled,
revisit the premises as per
process and timelines of
point and

23 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021
 Submit the report to DGT, State/ UT 20 calendar days of Annexure 3, 4, 5, 6,
duly approved by Principal site visit or clearing and 7
Secretary of concerned NCs by applicant, if
department comprising the any
▬ The verification reports
including desktop
assessment and
inspection report of site
▬ Geo-tagged and time
stamped photographs
from site visit(s)
▬ Video recording for
site visit(s)
 Applications which
conform to all the
requirements as per DGT
norms will be accredited
 Applications which do not
conform to the
requirements to be rejected.
The grounds for rejection
shall be duly
communicated to the
concerned applicant and
update the status on the
For point
1 Applicant can refuse inspection only once
2 If State Directorate denies site visit on a selected date, the applicant can choose another date for the site
3 If applicant denies site visit on a selected date, the site visit fee to be repaid and applicant can select a new
date. In case of natural calamities like flood & storm, accident on selected date etc. revisit fee may not be
For Revisit:
4 The criteria for revisit are as follows:
▬ Machine(s)/ equipment/ tools not as per DGT norms
▬ Machine(s)/ equipment not installed/ not in working condition
▬ Electricity meter not installed/ not in order
▬ 3 phase power supply is not available
▬ Sanctioned power supply load with respect to trades sought for affiliation not as per DGT norms
▬ No IT connectivity/ IT lab
For point
5 In case of non-submission of clarification against NCs raised within the timelines, the application shall be
deemed rejected.
1 Re-imbursement of Inspection team to be done by DGT after submission of report online through NIMI
app. The amount proposed is Rs. 5000/- (including TA, DA)

24 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Maximum timeline for Inspection (after Stage III) 40 working days

Inspection report
Only online reports submitted by the Inspection committee will be accepted as a valid report. Please note that no
hybrid or other method of submission of report will be allowed.
Batch Creation Appointment of Staff

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Appoint Instructors/ Applicant Within 15 calendar Annexure 2G
Principal/ Superintendent days of accreditation
and other technical and
administrative staff strictly
in accordance with the
prescribed norms
 Upload the information
about these appointments of
staff on the web-portal after
accreditation and before
 The staff appointed at the
ITI shall not be attached
with any other ITI. The
duplication check will be
done through Aadhar No.
1 Maximum days of timeline 15 calendar days Issuance of Letter of Affiliation with DGT

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 After receiving DGT 21 calendar days
accreditation report from
concerned State
Directorates, the
recommendations would be
placed on DGT Portal for a
week for inviting public
comments/grievances, if
 Review the public
 Review the inspection DGT 1 calendar month
reports submitted by State
 Submission of inspection
reports which conform to all

25 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

the requirements as per

latest DGT norms to
Committee DGT-
Affiliation” for grant of
 Communicate the
objections raised by sub-
committee of DGT, if any,
to the State Directorate
through web portal
 Submission of State/ UT 15 calendar days
clarifications, for objections
communicated to State
 Review the additional DGT 15 calendar days
information submitted by
the State Directorate,
against objections
 Communication regarding
rejected application and
reasons to applicants and
State Directorate through
web portal is sent
 State Directorate DGT Sub-committee 15 calendar days
recommendations which
conform to DGT norms
shall be affiliated by
Committee DGT-
 The status of the
applications affiliated will
be duly communicated to
the applicants ITI Website Development

Process Actor/ Responsibility Timeline Relevant document
 Develop website for ITI and ITI Within 6 months of
provide link of ITI website affiliation by 30th
to State/ UT and DGT October every year
 Each DGT affiliated ITI
shall upload annual report
containing affiliation status,
trade/ unit/ shift, details of
infrastructure, details of

26 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

instructors, trainees enrolled

(Male/ Female/ Others and
Minority/ SC/ST/OBC),
training plan, postal
address, email id,
telephoneno. etc. on its
2.5.5 Guidelines for the scheme of setting up of Multi Skill Training Institutes (MSTIs) in un-
served blocks
The Directorate has been shaping country’s workforce to meet the existing as well as future manpower need,
through the vast network of ITIs spread over various States / Union Territories in the country. Presently, long-
term vocational training courses are being offered through a network of about 14,870 ITIs located all over the
country with total 28 lakhs trainees enrolled with an objective to provide skilled work force to the industry. Still
there are a number of blocks across country where there are no ITIs and hence a candidate has to travel or reside
at far locations for vocational training. Therefore, the Ministry has envisaged the following scheme to set up
Training Institutes in un-served blocks to impart technical skills to the local youth in order to improve their
prospects of gainful employment.
Last revised affiliation norms were introduced in April 2018 for setting up of new ITIs, with stringent
requirements of land, minimum number of courses etc. to ensure better quality of skill training. However, to
encourage opening of ITIs in un served blocks, it has now been decided to relax these affiliation norms for un
served blocks, as follows:
1 An un served block is one, which is listed on latest Local Government Directory (LGD) (
which is maintained by Ministry of Panchayati Raj) & does not have a single functional Govt. or Pvt. 1T1.
The LG directory maintains the complete list of latest States, Districts, Sub-Districts, Blocks and villages
across country. For Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, it has been observed that the LG Directory shows the
list of Mandals in the districts, rather than traditional blocks/tehsils. Thus, the list of un-served
blocks/tehsils in both the States will be finalized after discussion with these States.
2 Currently, new 1T1 affiliation applications are uploaded by the applicants on the portal which provides
affiliation in three stage process. If an 1T1 has been given ‘in principal' approval for affiliation (Stage -2) as
per new affiliation norms, then that block would not be treated as un-served. Also, if the building of any ITI
is in progress from any funds (Central or State Govt.) in a block, then that block would be treated as served.
3 Any agency, willing to setup an IT1(s) in the un-served blocks can setup with minimum one long term and
at least one short term course as per local need without any constraint of land of 1.07 acres, Canteen,
parking space and sports facilities etc.
4 First priority will be given for up-gradation of SCVT ITI to NCVET in un-served Blocks.
5 The ITI must equip the workshop as well as IT lab (Computer) etc as per NSQF syllabus and deploy
instructors as per DGT’ norms.
6 The relaxation of the norms would be applicable for maximum 2 ITIs in the particular un-served blocks.
Both ITIs should opt different trade(s).
7 These institutes would be titled as ‘Multi Skill Training Institute’ (MSTI) to distinguish from another ITIs
affiliated to DGT. The trainees trained in affiliated long-term trade would be eligible to get NTC certificates
after successful completion of training.
8 Institute can apply for maximum (2+2) units in long term courses.
9 The 3rd shift shall not be allowed during the operation of the institute.
10 If any institute wants to start with more than 2+2 units in any trade, the proposals of such institute shall be
processed, as per Affiliation norms 2018.
11 Institute should apply to State Directorate whereas State Directorate will verify the institute in the respective
block and forward compiled list to DGT for Standing Committee inspection.
For short term courses, these MSTIs may tie up with DGT or National Skills, Development Corporation
(NSDC)/ Sector Skill Council (SSC) or any other agency including Skill University etc.
{Ref. DGT circular no. MoSDE-01/03/2017-PCT-KVY dt. 08.03.2019
( and no. DGT-MoM/11/2019-O/o Dir (TC) dt.
07.10.2019 (}

27 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2.5.6 Guidelines for the scheme of setting up of ITI in spare capacity of Polytechnics/
Engineering colleges
1 Polytechnic/Engineering College should obtain NOC from AICTE/MHRD
2 If proposed ITI and Polytechnic/Engineering college should run in different timings, same work shop can be
3 Proposed ITI should have separate/dedicated classrooms.
4 Infrastructure and faculty as per DGT affiliation norms.
5 Proposed ITI should have ITI Cell for general administration.

28 | P a g e
Chapter 1:
Change Management
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3 Change Management
3.1 Addition of Trades/ Units in Existing Institute
3.2 Process 3.3 Actor/ 3.4 Timeline 3.5 Relevant
Responsibility document

1 3.1.1

30 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

 Request 2 Applic 3 As per 4 Annex

for ant requir ure 2
addition of ement 5 Annex
trades/ ure 2A
units in to 2G
2.0 and
web portal
using login
id and
6 3.1.2
 Follow 7 8 As per 9
procedure accred
of itation
approval proces
for new s
as per

31 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

latest DGT
norms, if
addition of
Units is
10 Instructions:
11 For point 3.1.2
1 No increase in intake shall be given to ITIs where FIR/ CBI/ CVC/ any other investigation agency/
punitive action is initiated by DGT for any violation in the norms and standards and where enquiries are
pending. Applications of such institutions shall be placed before the Recommendation Committee DGT-
Affiliation for taking appropriate action.
2 The ITIs shall mandatorily opt for “grading” before addition of trades/ units in existing institutes.
3 Addition of trades/units in existing ITIs shall be permitted only if the ITI is complying with latest DGT
norms at least for additional trades/ units.

32 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3.6 Change in Email ID/ Registered mobile no.

33 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3.7 Process 3.8 Actor/ 3.9 Timeline 3.10 Relevant

Responsibility document


 Apply for 12 Appl 13 As 14

change in icant per
email id requir
through ement
 Submit organization's
registration document,
alternative email id and
resolution by Chairman/
Secretary/ Authorized
representative/ Individual
for change of email id/
registered mobile no.

 Evaluate

details State/ Within
submitted UT 21
 Communic wor
ate the kin
objections, g
if any, to day
applicant s
web portal

34 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

 Approve
the request
for email
mobile no.

 Submissio

n of Applica Within
clarificatio nt 05
ns, against wor
objections kin
communic g
ated day
s of

 Update

email id in Online As per
the system app
and rov
35 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

communic al
ate the
same to
and other
rs Note:
1 * The web portal will also have the facility to change email id and registered mobile no. using login id
and password by the applicant as per his/ her requirements.

36 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3.12 Change in Name of Institution

37 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3.13 Process 3.14 Actor/ 3.15 Timeline 3.16 Relevant

Responsibility document

 Request

for change Applica As per
in the nt req
name of uir
the ITI em
through ent
web portal
using login
id and
 Submit
reasons for
the change

 Evaluate 15 DGT 16 With 17

details in 21
submitted worki
 Communic ng
ate the days
if any, to

38 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

web portal
 Approve change in name of
the ITI submitted by

 Submissio

n of Applica Within
clarificatio nt 05
ns, against wor
objections kin
communic g
ated day
s of

 Evaluate

clarificatio DGT
ns received

39 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

name of
the ITI in
the system
with effect
from next
of trainees.
 Before
the ITI
name, take
on from
cell for
n of ITI
issue of

40 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021


41 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3.17 Change in Address (without change in geo-tagging of location) of the


42 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3.18 Process 3.19 Actor/ 3.20 Timeline 3.21 Relevant

Responsibility document

 Request

for change Applica As per
in the nt req
address uir
without em
any ent
change in
tagging of
web portal
using login
id and
 Request
for change
in the
change in
43 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

tagging of
web portal
using login
id and

 Evaluate

details DGT Within
submitted 21
 Communic wor
ate the kin
objections, g
if any, to day
applicant s
web portal
 Approve
change in

44 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021


 Submissio

n of Applica Within
clarificatio nt 05
ns against wor
objections kin
communic g
ated day
s of

 Evaluate
clarificatio Online
45 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

ns received
address in
the system Note:
1 If DGT itself comes across any such changes in the address, it shall update in the system accordingly
without any request from the applicant.

46 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3.22 Change in Site/ Location of the Institution (change in geo-tagging of

Figure 6: Process of change in site/ location of ITI or Shifting of ITI



47 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20 Process 21 Actor/ 22 Timeline 23 Relevant

Responsibility document

 Request

for change Applica As per
in site nt req
location. uir
This leads em
to de- ent
of the
n through
web portal
using login
id and

 De- 24 DGT 25 As 26
affiliation per
of requir
institute/ ement
web portal

48 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

using login
id and
 Status of de-affiliated ITI/
trade/ units link at MIS

 Request

for re- Applica
affiliation nt
web portal
using login
id and
ure, all
, tools etc.

49 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021


 Follow

affiliation State/
procedure UT
of new
as per
latest DGT
norms for
of institute

 After
receiving DGT As per
accreditati req
on report uir
from em
concerned ent
es, the
would be

50 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

placed on
portal for
a week for
if any

 Applicatio
ns “Recom 1
conformin me cale
g to latest nda nda
DGT tion r
norms Co mo
shall be mm nth
considered itte
for re- e
affiliation DG
by T-
“Recomme Affi
ndation liati
Committee on”
51 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021


 The status
of the
ITI/ trade/
units with
will be Instructions:
1 If any existing institute relocates to a new location without following latest DGT norms or without
written prior approval of DGT/ State Directorate, then institute shall be de-affiliated and not be allowed
to re-affiliate for minimum period of 3 years from date of de-affiliation.
2 While relocating the institute to a new location, institute shall ensure all trainees enrolled complete the
training duration and no fresh admissions are admitted.
3 If any institute relocates without following DGT norms or prior written approval of the DGT/ State
Directorate, criminal proceedings may be initiated against the management of the Institute.
4 While re-affiliation of the institute, they may utilize all movable existing equipment, machinery, tools
etc. The exemption will be given for the following conditions:
▬ All the tax invoices of machinery, equipment and tools shall not be older than 6 months from the
date of application.
5 Request for change in site/location of ITIs in rural areas shall be allowed within the block only, keeping
view of mobility of students undergoing training. In case of urban areas, the request for change in
site/location shall be allowed only within municipal/corporation limits*.
6 In case of natural calamity, minor/ major damage, and any other miscellaneous cases, the final decision
lies at the discretion of the DGT.

27 *{Ref. DGT circular no. DGT-MoM/1

1/2019-O/o Dir (TC) dt. 18.09.2019

52 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3.23 Change in Ownership of the ITI

3.24 The change in ownership of the ITI such

as change in Trust/ Society/ Private/
Public Limited companies/ Companies
like Sole Proprietary/ Private
Institutions/ Individuals shall not be
3.25 Such institutions shall be de-affiliated as
per DGT norms. Follow the procedure
for affiliation of the new ITIs.

53 | P a g e
Chapter 1:
Exception Management
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

4 Exception Management
4.1 De-barring/ Termination Procedure

55 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

4.2 Process 4.3 Actor/ 4.4 Timeline 4.5 Relevant

Responsibility document

 Issue Show

Cause DGT As per
Notice req
(SCN) to uir
applicant em
through ent
by speed
post with
copy to

 Reply to

Show Applica Within
Cause nt 15
Notice cale
s of

56 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

e of

57 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

4.1.3 In

case, DGT As per
No req
reply: uir
 Issue em
reminder ent
of Show
Notice to

 Reply to

reminder Applica Within
of Show nt 15
Cause cale
Notice, if nda
any r
s of
e of
58 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021


59 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021


 Review the

matter DGT As per
 Recomme req
ndation uir
Committee em
DGT- ent
to review
the matter

 Decision of

Recomme Authoris As per
ndation ed sub
Committee Off seq
DGT- icer uen
Affiliation t
 Communic me
ation of etin
decision at g
portal and
with MIS

60 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

portal Instructions/ Note: For point 4.1.6
1 De-barring Criteria
An application for affiliation would be debarred for a minimum period of three (3) years:
▬ Violation of affiliation norms or any other violation or malpractices.
▬ If any of the documents submitted for seeking affiliation such as, lease deed/ land ownership, trust,
electricity bills, etc. are found forged/ manipulated.
▬ If any machinery or equipment is found demobilized/moved to another ITI without following latest
DGT norms or prior written approval from DGT.
▬ If any institute is relocated (change in geo-tagged location) to a new place without following latest
DGT norms or prior written approval from DGT.
▬ Any other such instances

4.6 Transition to New Norms

1 From time to time, DGT may decide to change the norms/ requirements for machinery/equipment/tools,
power supply, staff etc.
2 Such changes shall be implemented by all existing ITIs within one year of introduction.
3 All existing ITIs shall comply with the new norms, particularly those relating to compliance with the
statutory requirements concerning safety etc., within a time frame of two years.
4 Addition of trades/units in existing ITIs shall be permitted, only if the ITI is capable to comply with new
DGT norms at least for additional Trades/ Units.
5 The ITI shall comply with the revised norms, submit declaration and update the relevant information on
web portal within stipulated time.
6 On submission of the revised information, the details shall be verified in the subsequent regular inspections
by State Directorate.
On non-receipt of updated information and undertakings pertaining to transition to new norms, the status of
such ITIs shall be updated on the web portal. These ITIs shall be debarred / de-affiliated/ dealt with penal
proceedings as deemed fit by DGT.

61 | P a g e
Chapter 1:
Process forrenewal of
5 Process for renewal of affiliation
6 The step-by-step process of reaffiliation is
depicted in figure and detailed process, as
provided below:
6.1 Renewal of Affiliation
Figure 7: Process of Renewal of affiliation certificate
31 Process 32 Actor/ 33 Timeline 34 Relevant
Responsibility document

35 5.1.1
 Request 36 Appl 37 As 38
for icant per
renewal of requir
institute/ ement
web portal
using login
id and
 Submit the

 Send the

applicatio State/
n to State UT
e through
 Inspect the
institute as
per latest
norms in a
single site
 Applicatio
g to DGT
norms will
 Applicatio
ns which
do not
shall be
shall be
ated to the
update on
the portal
 Submit the
report to
DGT, duly
signed by
g the
▬ The

▬ Geo-
and time
▬ Video
g for site

 After

receiving DGT As per
accreditati req
on report uir
from em
concerned ent
es, the
would be
placed on
Portal for
a week for
if any

 Thereafter 39 Reco 40 15 41
, these mmen calend
cases dation ar
recommen – days
ded by Comm
State ittee
Directorat DGT
e and with –
no adverse Affilia
public tion
shall be
for re-
of ITI/
 The status of the
applications affiliated will
be duly communicated to
the applicants and updated
on portal

42 Note:
1 All the institutes shall be re-affiliated for every 5 years from date of affiliation. The institutes shall
submit online application at least one year prior to expiry of affiliation/ completion of five years of

Chapter 1:
Process for De-affiliation
7 Process for de-affiliation
8 The process of de-affiliation of ITI is explained in figure and
detailed process, as provided below:
Figure 8: Process of de-affiliation of ITI
8.1 De-affiliation/ Closure of Institute/ Surrender of Unit(s)/ Trade(s)
8.2 Process 8.3 Actor/ 8.4 Timeline 8.5 Relevant
Responsibility document

 Request

for de- Applica As per Format
affiliation nt req 8 or
of uir For
institute/ em mat
trade(s) ent 9
web portal
using login
ID and
 Submit the

 Evaluate

details State/ Within
submitted UT 20
 Verify the wor
appropriat kin
eness of g
the day
 Communic
ate the
if any, to
web portal
 Recomme
nd for de-
 For any
by State
e to DGT
dation for
the State
usly issue
advisory to
lTI not to
trainees in
its. The
State at its
would also
display the
status of
ITI as
for de-
, for
n to new

 Evaluate

the DGT Within
recommen 20
dation of wor
State kin
Directorat g
e day
 Communic s
ate the
if any, to
web portal
 No new
trade or
increase in
shall be
allowed in
lieu of
 Issue
order for
Closure of
of Trades/
Units. The
status to
be updated
on web-

 Submissio

n of Applica Within
clarificatio nt 05
ns, in case wor
objections kin
have been g
communic day
ated s of

 Update the

informatio As per
n in the app
system and rov
communic al
ate the
same to
and other

 Any

by DGT
shall not
be eligible
to apply
for re-
period of 3
years from
date of de-
shall be
given for
s in case of
to a new
place with
of DGT. Instructions: For point 6.1.1 and 6.1.3:
1 While De-Affiliation/ Closure of Institute/ Surrender of Unit(s)/ Trade(s), institute and DGT shall ensure
that all trainees enrolled complete the training duration and no fresh admissions are admitted

47 Note:
2 *{Ref. circular no. DGT-12/1/2018-TC(Part) dt. 04.10.2018}
3 All the affiliated ITIs should be graded. The ITI, which had not been graded so far should be physically
inspected, for gradation. If any ITI is failed to get graded itself within two years from the date of grant of
affiliation, or ITI refuses for physical inspection, action for de affiliation shall be initiated by DGT
against those ITIs.
{Ref. DGT circular no. DGT-MoM/11/2019-O/o Dir (TC) dt. 18.09.2019
4 De-activation of ITIs whose seats are laying 100% vacant for 2 consecutive years: any lTl, either
Government or Private, if 100% seats are lying vacant for 2 consecutive years in any trades/units, will
attract de-activation on MIS portal. The de-activated trades/units will be activated only after review by
Recommendation Committee DGT-Affiliation in the basis of fresh Joint Inspection Committee Report.
{Ref. DGT circular no. DGT-12/01/2018-TC (part) dt. 20.12.2018

8.6 De-affiliationin case complaint(s) is raised by any individual against

an ITI
1 DGT will issue show-cause to ITI with 15 days’ time to reply
2 If reply received within 15 days, forward to concerned State for comments with 10 days’ timeline
3 State should clearly offer comments to De-affiliate or not with reasons in either case.
4 If the State comments for De-affiliation or give opportunity to ITI to continue affiliation, inspection shall be
carried out by “Standing Committee” based on the comments from the State
5 Report of Standing Committee will be placed before “Scrutiny Committee”.
6 Report shall be placed before “Standing Committee on Affiliation” with recommendations of scrutiny
7 DGT will issue De-affiliation letter if recommended for De-affiliation by Standing Committee on
Affiliation. Else, ITI affiliation status will be retained.
8 In case if the ITI fail to reply to show-cause notice within 15 days or if the show-cause letter returned “un-
delivered”, a reminder will be sent. In case, no response is received on reminder, the case will be placed
before “Standing Committee on Affiliation” for “De-affiliation”

8.7 De-affiliationof ITI(s) is proposed by State Director/

RDSDE(preferably by the end of November every year)
1 State should forward the inspection report (inspection by minimum two members), inspection report should
clearly mention the deficiencies
2 DGT will issue show-cause to ITI with 15 days’ time to reply
3 If reply received within 15 days, forward to concerned State for comments with 10 days’ timeline
4 State should clearly offer comments on the reply given by ITI.
5 If the State comments for De-affiliationor give opportunity to ITI to continue affiliation, inspection shall be
carried out by “Standing Committee” based on the comments from the State
6 Report of Standing Committee will be placed before “Scrutiny Committee”.
7 Report shall be placed before “Standing Committee on Affiliation” with recommendations of scrutiny
8 DGT will issue De-affiliation letter if recommended for De-affiliation by Standing Committee on
Affiliation. Else, ITI affiliation status will be retained.
9 In case if the ITI fail to reply to show-cause notice within 15 days or if the show-cause letter returned “un-
delivered”, a reminder will be sent. In case, no response is received on reminder, the case will be placed
before “Standing Committee on Affiliation” for “De-affiliation”

Chapter 1:
Grievance Redressal
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

9 Grievance Redressal Mechanism

10 In case the applicant is not satisfied with
the decisions taken up the “Standing
Committee for Affiliation/De-affiliation”,
the applicant can log its grievance to the
Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)
set up by the DGT. The committee shall
be formed as per the rules and guidelines
of DGT existing on such date. The
decision of the committee shall be final
and binding on the applicant.
11 Grievance Redressal Committee–

85 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

12 The proposals of Industrial Training

Institutes (ITIs), which apply for
affiliation, are processed as per DGT
affiliation norms. The Inspection Reports
received through State Govt./ UT with
their comments are further scrutinised by
DGT and placed before the “Standing
Committee on Affiliation”/
“Recommendation Committee-DGT”. It
is aggrieved by the decision of “Standing
Committee on Affiliation”/
“Recommendation Committee-DGT” can
submit their grievances in writing to
“The Chairman, Grievance redressal
Committee, DGT, New Delhi”.The GRC
consists of the following members:

86 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

13 Deputy Director 14 Chairman

15 Director 16 Member
(Affiliation) Secretary
17 Director 18 Member
19 Director (CFI) 20 Member
21 Joint Director 22 Member
23 Functioning, role and responsibilities of
“Grievance Redressal Committee”:
 Aggrieved Institutes shall apply in writing to the Chairman within 15 days from the date of decision
announced by the “Standing Committee on Affiliation”/ “Recommendation Committee-DGT” with
supporting documents and fee of INR 10000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only).
 Application fee of INR 10000/- is payable online on online affiliation portal Application along with fee paid receipt should be submitted.
 GRC will hold its meeting once in a month usually (preferably during last week of every month), however,
depending upon the urgency of applications, Chairman may decide to hold meeting at any time.
 Affiliation section, DGT will compile the proposals and submit to the Chairman at least two days in
advance before meeting.
 GRC will record all its proceedings and their recommendations.
 In case information provided by the aggrieved ITI is incomplete, the committee may obtain details required
from the applicant in writing.
 Decision of GRC will submit their recommendation to Director General, DGT for approval within three
working days from the date of completing their meeting.
 The decision of the Director General, DGT shall be intimated to the aggrieved applicant in writing by TC
Section, DGT, New Delhi.


87 | P a g e
Chapter 2:
Civil Norms for ITIs
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

24 CivilNormsforAffiliation of ITIs

89 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

25 The Industrial Training Institutes also

known as ITIs in India are institutes
imparting technical training in
engineering and non-engineering trades.
The first ITI was established in 1950 and
since then has been instrumental in the
economic development of the country.
ITIs are adept in producing skilled
manpower for the country and
contributing to the youth self-
development. They were constituted and
managed by the erstwhile Directorate
General of Employment & Training
(DGE&T), Ministry of Labour and
Employment which is now renamed as
Directorate General of Training (DGT)
under the aegis of newly formed Ministry
of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government
of India.

90 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

26 The Ministry of Skill Development and

Entrepreneurship (MSDE) was formed in
2014 and the Skill India Mission was
launched on 15 July 2015. The ITI
ecosystem thereon was also brought
under the purview of Skill India for
garnering better results in the vocational
education and training (VET) space. The
ITI curriculum is befitting for the
students who have completed their class
8-10 formal school training and wish to
pursue technical training instead of
regular courses/ colleges available in the

91 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

27 Vocational training/skill development

training is the need of the hour which is
practical in nature and its curriculum
helps in meeting the emerging workforce
needs and the industrial growth. The ITIs
impart vocational training which is a part
of the concurrent list of the Constitution
of India and is administered by both
State and Central Government.
Currently, there are 14,870 ITIs in the
country including 3062 Government and
11,808 Private ITIs. The students are
awarded National Trade Certificates
(NTC) by DGT. This body also prescribes
the curriculum for ITIs and administers
the standards of training.
28 There has been a steady rise in the
number of ITIs starting from 1950s and it
is important that the quality aspect is
given due weightage as it ensures that the
right mix of qualification, skills and
practical knowledge is imbibed in the
candidate to suitably serve the industry

92 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

29 A better quality of vocational education

enriches learning; leading to better job
prospects and self-employment for the
candidates, further contributing to the
country's economic development. The
high unemployment rate in the country
can only be improved by improving the
quality of training imparted in ITIs. The
quality aspect needs to be completely
overhauled for a massive turnaround in
the employable skills of candidates and
employment opportunities available. It is
imperative to prepare our
students/candidates for competing in the
global market.

93 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

30 The fourth industrial and technological

revolution is at its cusp with the
introduction of new technologies merging
the physical, digital and biological
worlds. This revolution majorly
comprises emerging technology
breakthroughs in fields like artificial
intelligence, robotics, Internet of Things,
nanotechnology etc. According to a
popular estimate, 65% of children
entering primary school today will
ultimately end up working in completely
new job types that don't exist yet. So, the
newer generation youth and the ever-
changing advancements in technology call
for a complete overhaul in the skill
ecosystem and the curricula by
anticipating and preparing for future
skill requirements.

94 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

31 Against this backdrop, DGT has

proposed for a revamp in accreditation
and affiliation norms by largely
improving the infrastructure to deliver
qualitative education and training. The
existing situation has a lot of flaws which
need to be rectified on an urgent basis in
order to lay a stronger foundation.
Accreditation focuses on learning, self-
development and encourages ITIs to
pursue continual excellence.
32 Its salient objectives are:
 To assess institutions and their programs
that meet defined quality standards
 To foster excellence in ITI building
effectiveness in delivering competency-
based education and training
 To establish framework for continuous
improvement and provide opportunity to
benchmark with other institutions
 To facilitate developing professional
competency of the trainees

95 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

33 With a broader objective to improve the

quality of the training in ITIs, Ministry of
Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
had constituted a committee to review the
existing DGT affiliation norms relating to
setting of ITIs, and suggest new Civil and
Procedural norms, confirming to Local
Building Byelaws or National Building
Code of India. The Civil norms suggested
by above committee were deliberated in
various meeting of stakeholders. These
norms were further vetted by Technical
Advisory Committee headed by Shri.
Prof. Bhim Singh, Dean Academic &
Professor Electrical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi.
Claims and suggestions were also invited
from all stakeholders including State
Governments/State Directorates.

96 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

33.1 CivilNormsforestablishment of ITIs

 Sizes of the workshop and classroom shall remain the same as mentioned in existing norms placed at
Annexure 2I& Annexure 2J
 In addition to B.C.C and existing guidelines as per Annexure 2I and 2J, there are other essential
requirements that have to be met and are as follows

A. Building details

54 Building Completion Certificate of the

 Desirous Institutes are required to submit a Building Completion Certificate (BCC) with respect to name &
address of the ITI from Municipal Authority/ Development Authority/ Competent Authority clearly stating
that the Building(s) is fully constructed and ready in all respects for the intended use as Industrial Training
Institute (ITI) as per the local building Byelaws related to ITIs/ Technical Education/ Technical Institution
Buildings. If local buildings Byelaws are not available, then the building should conform to the Byelaws
prescribed for ITIs/ Technical Education/ Technical Institution Buildings in National Building Code
(N.B.C) of India (Refer to Part 3, Part 4, Part 8 and Part 9).
 If the ITI falls in an area, where presently no statutory physical plans like Master plan/ Development plan,
regional plan, peripheral plan, zonal plan etc. exist under relevant State Act, then relevant certificate
shall be submitted from District Magistrate (Collector)/ Development Authority/ Municipal Authority/ Any
other Competent revenue Authority as approved by the State Government. In such case, Building
Completion Certificate of the ITI shall be approved by Government Civil/Structural Engineer clearly stating
that the Building(s) is fully constructed, safe and ready in all respects for the intended use as Industrial
Training Institute (ITI) as per NBC of India.

a) Approved Building plan of the Institute

 Building plan shall be approved by Town Planning Department/ District Magistrate (Collector)/
Development Authority/ Municipal Authority/ Any other Competent Authority as per State Government
 If the ITI falls in an area, where presently no statutory physical plans like Master plan/Development plan,
regional plan, peripheral plan, zonal plan etc. exist under relevant State Act(s), then relevant certificate shall
be submitted from District Magistrate (Collector)/ Development Authority/ Municipal Authority/ Any other
Competent revenue Authority as approved by the State Government. In such case, building plan of the
Institute shall be approved by Government approved Architect certifying that layout plan of the ITI is
accordance with the relevant standards/requirements as envisaged in National Building Code of India.

b) Dedicated Land and Plot Size based on Capacity of the Institute

55 Minimum area of the dedicated plot and

land shall be as listed below:
 ITI with maximum 4 trades and maximum up to 8 units will be:
▬ 4291.4 sq. meter i.e. approx. 1.07 acres. for anywhere in India,
▬ 0.64 acres for metro cities in India, and
▬ 0.64 acres for North Eastern States and States of Jammu & Kashmir
 ITI with maximum 6 trades and maximum up to 18 units will be 6802.4 sq. meter i.e. approx. 1.7 acres.
 The ITI should preferably be constructed as an integrated building or in 2 parts separated by not more than
 Plot and building which has registered live lease should have minimum period of 03 years*. In urban areas
where higher Floor Area Ratio (FAR)/ Floor space index (FSI) limits are permitted, the requirement of plot
area may vary proportionately.

c) Ownership of the dedicated Plot and building of the Institute

97 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

 Owned Plot and Building or

 Plot and Building which has registered live lease for minimum period of 03 years* shall be allowed.

d) Integrated building

56 Area required shall be in one contiguous

plot. The academic, instructional,
administrative and amenities area shall
be constructed on one plot
 All the blocks of the institute should be constructed with in a single contiguous plot as per local building
byelaws, except hilly state regions.
 Considering hilly nature of land in Hilly State regions land/plot may be made available in 02 pieces, and in
accordance with 1.2 mentioned above. Similar exemption may be allowed in Metro cities also, based on the
area availability.

e) Plot Entrance Gate

57 Width of plot entrance gate shall be

minimum 06 meters as per the local
building byelaws/NBC of India.
f) Building Entrance Gate

58 Minimum 2.4 m width is required, as

per the local building byelaws/NBC of
g) Open Spaces around the Building

59 As per local building byelaws/ As per

National Building Code of India part 3-
Development control rules and general
building, Part 8- Open spaces (within
plot), Part 8.3(b)- Other occupancies
(page: 25)
h) Open spaces separate for each building/block

98 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

60 As per local building byelaws/ As per

National Building Code of India part 3-
Development control rules and general
building, Part 8- Open spaces (within
plot), Part 8.1.2 (page: 23)
i) Ceiling Height of Building

61 As per local building byelaws/As per

National Building Code of India part 3-
Development control rules and general
building, Part 12- Requirements of part
of building: 12.2: (a)
j) Approach road to the Institute

62 Institute shall have proper approach

road as per local building byelaws/NBC
of India.
B. Finishing Norms

a) Roof of workshop

 Flat/pitched RCC roof as prescribed for construction of the workshop or

 Profiled Industrial roof sheets with structural supports as per design standards should be allowed.

64 Note:
1 Sheds with tin sheets/Asbestos sheets should not be allowed
2 The pre-fabricated structures will also be permitted to use for establishing/constructing the ITIs.

b) Plastering and Painting of Internal and External Walls and Ceiling

99 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

65 All the walls of built up area should be

plastered and coloured/ distempered. The
walls of workshop made of tin sheet are
not allowed
c) Flooring

66 All built-up areas of institute should be

at least cemented/ tiled. Tiled flooring
will be preferred in Classrooms and
administrative areas and IT labs.
d) Painting/ Lamination of Door, Window, Ventilator, Gate, Grill, Railing of the Institute

67 All the doors, windows, ventilators,

gates, grills, railings of the institute
should be painted/ polished/ laminated
C. Institutional Area

a) Classroom

69 The minimum size of classroom shall be

25 Sqm with minimum width of 3 m (As
per existing norms). Floor shall be at least
b) Workshop area

100 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

70 The workshop for all trades must be

rectangular in shape and width must not
be less than 5 m. The existing norms
prescribed at Annexure 2Ishall be
c) IT labs

101 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

72 An exclusive computer lab with internet

connection for every computer with
multimedia, anti-virus software, latest
operating software with UPS. The setup
of the computer lab must have minimum
ten computers/ workstations and
peripherals with internet facility
irrespective of trade(s) or trade related
computer requirement for an ITI up to
seating capacity of 100 per shift.
73 For each additional 20 trainees of
trades/ units accredited/ affiliated, two
computers/ workstation must be added.
The space norm to accommodate 10
computers for 100 trainees per shift is to
be 25 Sq m. An additional 2.5 Sq m shall
be made available for each additional
74 Minimum width of the lab shall be 3 m
Floor shall be at least Tiled.
d) Drawing hall

102 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

75 Drawing Hall is required for all

engineering trades with minimum area of
50 Sqm except Draughtsman (civil)/
Draughtsman (mechanical) trades. This
area is upto 160 trainees per shift and
thereafter additional proportionate area
for each additional trainee. For
Draughtsman (civil)/ Draughtsman
(mechanical) trades shall follow DGT
norms prescribed for respective trades.
e) Backup power supply

103 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

76 Institute should have backup power

supply with a capacity 50% of power
supply required for all the affiliated
trades/units and the trades/units sought
affiliation. Backup power supply
generator should have proper installation
with separate arrangement of dedicated
control panel for safe switch over.
Suitable Civil infrastructure shall provide
for installation of backup power supply.
Backup power supply is the power
required to run the trades in addition to
the main 3 phase power supply in case of
power failure.
f) Raw material storage Room and oil &Gas storage room

77 It shall be minimum area 90 Sqm for all

engineering trades and minimum 30 Sqm
for all non-engineering trades. Wherever
gas/oil storage is required depending on
trades, separate room shall be provided.
D. Administrative Area

a) Principal Room

79 Minimum area 20 Sqm

b) Reception cum waiting lobby

104 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

80 Minimum area 40 Sqm

c) Staff Room

81 Minimum area 20 Sqm

d) Administrative Hall/Section

82 Minimum area 50 Sqm

e) Placement/Counselling room

83 Minimum area 20 Sqm

84 Note:
1 The area proposed upto 160 trainees per shift and thereafter additional proportionate area required for each
additional trainee. Minimum width of administrative area shall be 03 m.

E. Amenities Area

a) Multipurpose Hall/Courtyard

86 Minimum area 110 Sq m. The minimum

width of the multipurpose hall/ courtyard
shall be 5 m
b) Library & reading room

87 Minimum area required for library and

reading room should be 40 Sqm for up to
160 trainees per shift and then 10 Sqm
area for every additional 40 trainees
c) Canteen (including kitchen & pantry)

88 Minimum area 110 Sq m

d) First-Aid Room

89 Minimum area 15 Sqm

e) Playground

105 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

90 Dedicated playground is mandatory, as

per Local Building byelaws/ NBC of India
f) Drinking water facility

91 Institute shall provide treated drinking

water facility at all floors and workshops
as per the local building byelaws/ NBC of
g) Availability of staircases

92 As per local building byelaws/As per

National Building Code of India part 3-
Development control rules and general
building, Part 12- Requirement of part of
building: 12.18: 12.18.1 to 12.18.2 (page:
h) Toilets/ Water Closets

93 Institutes shall provide separate toilets

for staff, boys, girls and differently abled
individuals as per local building byelaws/
NBC of India
i) Parking Details (Car Parking, Scooter/Two-wheeler/ Bicycle)

106 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

94 As per local building byelaws/ As per

National Building Code of India part 3-
Development control rules and general
building, Part 10-Off street parking: 10.1
to 10.9 (page: 28-29).
95 The parking area mentioned for
different trades in workshop norms in
Annexure 2I is apart from general
parking area.
F. Boards and Signages

a) Signage Board on plot entrance

97 Details needed: ITI's name and full

address and ITI logo & Skill India Logo.
98 Sign board to be made in English/
Hindi/ Regional language. The signage
should be bilingual. The size of the font
should be minimum 75 mm. The size of
the board may vary from 2m x 1.5 m or
3m x 1.5 m or 4m x 2.0 m.
b) Signage Board on Institute building

99 Details needed: ITI's name, ITI logo &

Skill India logo
c) Signage Boards

107 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

100 Showing directions Directions

should be displayed showing the different
sections of the building like workshop,
admin building and hostel, scrap yard
etc. Signage boards for 3 phase power
supply, danger boards, prohibited areas
etc. also needs to displayed.
d) Trade details board

101 Trade details board shall display the

list of DGT affiliated trades, seating
capacity and number of trainees enrolled
and name/ specifications of the
e) Staff details board

102 Staff details board shall display with

name, qualification/ designation and
contact numbers at least for principal
and Group Instructor/ Training officer
f) Exit Board

103 For Emergency Exit

g) Board indicating Danger Signs

104 Near transformer, generator Set,

heavy Electrical Installation/ Panels
h) Prohibited Area Indicators

105 Near running machinery etc.

i) Boards indicating Fire Fighting Equipment

108 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

106 Directions showing the Fire Fighting

G. Desirable requirements

 Rainwater harvesting (For all the Institutes irrespective of the trainee strength)
 Solar Energy/Power Systems
 Announcement system in classrooms, strategic locations for general announcements and announcements in
case of emergency.
 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software for Student-Institution-Parent interaction
 CCTV Security System
 LCD (or similar) projectors in classrooms

107 Note:
1 Solar Energy/ Renewable energy source availability, sewage treatment plant and Rainwater conservation
and augmentation is mandatory for all the Government ITIs & Private ITIs having the strength more than
500 trainees in each shift.

a) Disaster Management Plan

108 All the Institutes shall have disaster

management plan as prescribed in the
general guide lines S No. 08 & 09
b) Fire Safety Certificate

109 Fire Safety Certificate, duly

approved by Authority from Fire and
Safety department of the concerned State
Government/ UT
H. General Guidelines

 ITI shall comply with all the latest DGTT norms. In case of any violation, appropriate action shall be
 Apart from affiliation norms of DGT, ITIs shall follow all existing statutes/ provisions (related to ITIs) in
that particular State/ UT. The ITIs shall also adhere to the latest notifications/ orders/ policies of Central
Government/ State Government.
 Where local building byelaws are not available, National Building Code (NBC) of India shall be applicable.
 The norms prescribed in this manual are only illustrative in nature; it has to be ensured that all safety norms
shall be adhered to. It has to be ensured that overall aesthetic sense of the building/ plot is maintained.
 The civil structures shall be environment friendly and suitable for differently abled individuals. Ramp to be
provided at main entrance and other places, wherever necessary as per local building byelaws pertaining to
differently abled individuals.
 Regions with diverse terrains such as hilly area, coastal area and mountain region with snowfall, respective
building code norms of the state to be followed.

109 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

 The classrooms, workshops, IT labs, administrative area, amenities areas shall not be allowed in the
basement or cellar. A basement or cellar is defined as one or more floors of a building that are either
completely or partially below the ground floor.
 The pre-fabricated structures will also be permitted to be used for constructing/establishing the ITIs.
 The minimum width of the multipurpose hall/ courtyard and work shop shall be 5 m.
 The minimum width of other rooms shall be 3 m.
 No Affiliation will be granted for 3rd shift from the session 2020-21 for any trade.

I. Essential and Desirable Requirements/ General Guidelines in case of Various Events

a) Fire

111 Essential requirements:

 All the buildings, after completion and before occupation, shall be inspected for fire and life safety
measures by the Local Fire Service Authorities and a certificate to that effect shall be obtained. In the
absence of such a certificate, following requirements shall be met.
 Fire buckets filled with sand shall be hanged in the protected stands near workshop, laboratory, DG room,
transformer and sub-station.
 Fire point should be established in front of each building with 2 fire water buckets, 2 sand buckets and 4
fire extinguishers one of each type.
 Minimum 2 numbers of extinguisher of any type should be installed at every prominent location.
 Every exit, exit access or exit discharge shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or
impediments to full use in case of fire or other emergency.
 Retro reflective Signage shall be provided for escape routes at suitable height.
 Evacuation drill shall be conducted for each building quarterly.
 To avoid stampede and to manage any emergency properly, the Institution should have a Standing Fire
Order – Document containing established procedures required to handle fire & emergency situations in
which duties & responsibilities of various Authorities & Agencies are included (Sample copy enclosed).

112 Desirable requirements:

 The CCTV camera shall be provided to cover all the important areas of the campus including fire fighting
system like extinguishers, hose reels, risers, automatic detection and alarm system, sprinkler system,
manual call points etc.
 Assembly point shall be provided in a safe place with no fencing around it.

b) Electrical Hazard

113 Essential requirements:

 Proper earthing and bonding of electrical wiring shall be ensured.
 All major equipment shall be earthed separately.
 Earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) shall be provided as required
 No overhead High-tension electric line shall pass across the premises.
 Sub stations or transformers if any shall be segregated. Carbon di-oxide, dry chemical powder (DCP) and
Mechanical foam fire extinguishers, san buckets shall be provided.

114 Desirable requirements:

 All overhead electric lines shall be at a height not less than 5.4 m from the ground.
 Electrical resistant mats should be placed in front of every electric panel.
 Only trained and licensed electricians should be allowed to do work related to electric supply.
 Vertical clearance of any bare electric line passing near a building shall be minimum 2.43 m from the
highest point in the building and the horizontal clearance shall be minimum 1.2 m from the closest part.
 A clear space of not less than 1 m in width shall be provided in front of the switchboard.

110 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

 If there are any attachments or bare connections at the back of the switchboard, the space (if any) behind the
switchboard shall be either less than 20 cm or more than 75 cm in width, measured from the farthest
outstanding part of any attachment or conductor.
 Lightning arrester shall be provided for all the buildings.

c) Drinking Water/ Food

115 Essential requirements:

 Clean all reservoirs on periodic basis.
 Test quality of water every three months.
 Desirable requirements:
 Test quality of samples of food prepared on campus in an independent laboratory preferably once in six

d) Workshop Accident

116 Essential requirements:

 Personal protective equipment shall be available for each one entering the workshop.
 Instructions for workshop safety must be displayed inside and outside the workshop.
 First-aid kit shall be maintained.
 Safety precaution for operation for each machine should be affixed with it.
 Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.) for all the equipment and system must be prepared and properly
displayed near the respective machine.
 All the electrically operated machinery should be properly earthed and bonded.
 Emergency contact numbers shall be displayed for contacting in case of any emergency which should
include Safety Officer, fire control room, medical assistance, Security assistance, Head of the concerned
department, maintenance services.
 Instructions regarding the procedure to be followed in case of an emergency occurring in the building
outside the workshop during the running of workshop shall be displayed inside and outside the workshop in
the form of Do's and Don'ts.

117 Desirable requirements:

 While installing or keeping machines and tool, racks aisles and gangways should be provided.
 There should be Schedule for standard test for machines and tools.
 Workshop floor should be made by non-skid and non-static floor tiles
 Place for disposal of materials should be properly marked.
 Housekeeping shall be done as per proper Schedule.
 Various fuels used in workshop shall be stored in minimum quantity according to requirement.
 Proper ventilation facilities shall be provided to prevent dust accumulation.

e) Emergency Situation – Physically Challenged

118 Essential requirements:

 Ramp shall be provided for the disabled for easy access to and evacuation from the building.
 Sufficient wheel chairs and stretchers shall be available for use in emergency
 Desirable requirements:
 Information regarding the number of physically challenged people in the campus should be available with
the Safety Officer.
 The time and the number of physically challenged persons among the visitors shall be recorded at security

f) Structural Failure of Building

111 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

119 General Guidelines:

 Emergency evacuation procedure with evacuation plan shall be kept ready.
 Provisions shall be made to cut off water, electricity, and LPG connections safely from outside the building.
 Structural audit of buildings shall be done periodically.

121 Guidelines to be followed:
 Proper signage for traffic control route shall be displayed.
 Public Address system shall be implemented to communicate and to direct.
 Power back up for extra illumination of exit routes shall be available.
 It is necessary to do planning and practicing mannerly and orderly evacuation and maintaining records.
 Student volunteers need to be trained for proper evacuation
 Ensure that no more than 4 persons / Sq m shall assemble in all assembly areas.
 Temporary barriers shall be provided to use in emergency to restrict and to control traffic.

g) Earthquake

122 General Guidelines:

 Construction of building shall be as per relevant Indian Standards and Codes of practice. Already
constructed structures if already not designed to satisfy earthquake resistance, shall be strengthened as per
relevant Indian Standards and Codes of practice.
 Proper evacuation plan based on the Standing Fire Order shall be maintained and it should cover all the
possible emergencies.
 Evacuation drill/ Exit drill shall be conducted quarterly and such records shall be maintained (Different
groups, members, date of conduct, observations).
 Training should be given to all members of the evacuation teams to perform their duties and records shall
be maintained
 The most suitable and safest place shall be selected as safe assembly point for each building.
 Large or heavy items if any shall be placed closest to the ground.
 Hang large items such as framed pictures, large mirrors etc. away from sitting place, bed and protected
escape routes.
 Brace overhead light fittings properly.
 An inventory for the details of heavy-duty equipment and necessary tools with the details and contact
numbers of owner and operator shall be maintained for ready reference.
 Avoid glass panelling for buildings. However, if provided, shall be protected with metal screens.

h) Cyclone

123 General Guidelines:

 Keep in contact with the concerned authorities before the cyclone season each time for warning and
precautionary measures.
 List of emergency phone numbers shall be displayed.
 Training should be given to all members of the response teams to perform their duties, and records shall be
 Provision shall be made to strongly secure all doors, windows and other openings, if any, in closed position.
 Emergency kits containing portable battery radios, torch lights, spare batteries, water container, dry fruits,
match boxes, fuel lamps, portable stove, cooking utensil, etc. shall be maintained in cyclone prone areas.
 Low frequency communication devices shall be in place.
 Avoid glass panelling for buildings. However, if provided, shall be protected with metal screens.
 Construction of buildings shall be strong enough to resist collapse during wind.
 Long and continuous structures shall be avoided so as to reduce the effect of wind.

112 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

 Deep rooted plants which can resist wind can be planted around but outside the boundary wall to reduce the
wind velocity.
 No tall plants shall be there in the compound, especially near any building.

i) Flood

124 General Guidelines:

 Provision for the storage of drinking water at the rate of 4.5 litres/ 1 Day / person for the total occupants for
a minimum of 3 days during impending flood shall be made.
 Provision for storage of non-perishable easy to prepare food for 3 days' supply during impending flood shall
be made.
 Flash light for signal (Red cross store) shall be arranged.
 Portable battery Radios (if possible NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration type) shall
be arranged.
 Flood rescue equipment like lifeboat, life jacket, and portable boats with oar and out board engine, rope
shall be stored and ready for use.
 Occupational Health centre shall be maintained.
 Paramedical Team shall be available and trained.
 Provision should be made on top floors of the buildings for shelter in case of flood.
 Insect repellents and sunscreen shall be stored.

j) Land Slide

125 General Guidelines:

 Construct Retaining walls wherever necessary to prevent erosion.
 Train permanent staff to identify the symptoms of landslide.
 Avoid buildings in steep slope or along natural erosion valleys.

J. Standard Fire Safety Norms

126 (To be displayed at all the floors at

suitable visible places with all emergency
contact numbers)
a) Responsible authorities

 The person who detects the Fire

 Safety Officer
 Maintenance Section

b) Detects the fire

 Immediately inform the Safety officer and Head of the section/ division

c) Responsibilities of safety officer:

127 On receipt of information:

 He / She shall immediately proceed to the scene of incident and assess the situation.
 If considered necessary, He/ She shall raise fire alarm for His/ Her zone, and notify the incident to Fire
department and the listed emergency services, officer shall have confirmed this action later.
 If necessary, he/she shall direct the Maintenance section to salvage the records and materials from the area.
 If considered necessary, He/ She shall evacuate His/ Her zone and/or neighbouring zones.

113 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

 At the earliest opportunity He/ She shall inform the incident to the Departmental head.

128 Duties of maintenance section

129 On receipt of call for emergency in
their own zone, all the members of
Maintenance section:
 Shall immediately proceed to the place of incident and report to their Duty Officer.
 Shall strictly follow the instructions of Safety Officer and work under him/ her as per his/ her directions.
 Shall, as per the instructions from Duty Officer/Fire Officer, switch off electrical supply to the affected
 Shall see that electric supply is restored only on instructions from the Duty Officer/Fire Officer.
 Close the air condition system at the affected area.
 Shall ensure that booster pump located in the building is switched on.
 Shall ensure that all the Hydrants in and around the Building are charged with sufficient pressure

130 Duties of other staff from the

affected zone/zones:
131 On hearing the Emergency Alarm,
all the other members of staff:
 Are requested not to panic, but to remain calm and follow instructions of the Safety Officer in an orderly
and disciplined manner.
 If directed to evacuate, shall ensure that all the electric lights at their workplace are switched off and that all
the windows and doors of their area are properly closed before leaving the place.
 During evacuation, shall proceed in an orderly manner to the ground floor by the nearest available
staircase/emergency exit.
 Shall not use the lifts.
 Shall see that, persons assigned with specific duties in an emergency are not disturbed or obstruct their

114 | P a g e
Chapter 3:
Equipment general
standards/ norms for ITIs
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

34 Equipment general standards/ norms

for ITIs
34.1 General Guidelines
1 All equipment/machinery shall have certification of BIS/ISO/DIN or equivalent quality standards.
2 The standard machinery, equipment and tools list available in the syllabus of each trade and as listed on the
DGT website under the icon 'Craftsmen Training Scheme' (link:
3 Equipment/Machinery shall be installed as per standard instructions given by the manufacturers.
4 Machinery and equipment are connected as per electrical safety standards.
5 Ensure Working condition of Machinery, Equipment.
6 Machinery and equipment are connected as per Indian standard code of practicing for electrical wiring.
7 Only new machinery/equipment/ vehicle in running condition is acceptable for granting accreditation&
affiliation. No old machinery, equipment and tools are acceptable for any new trade/ unit. All the tax
invoices of machinery, equipment and tools shall not be older than 6 months from the date of application.
8 The items which are not included in the standard list but are essential for training due to technological
development may be procured by the institute.
9 Details of equipment standards are clearly mentioned in Stage -3 of affiliation procedure in page no 25.
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

34.2 Guidelines for Admissions in ITIs & NSTIs

34.2.1 Provision of 10% EWS quota in admissions in lTls & NSTIs

34.2.2 In pursuance to this Directorate’s

order number MSDE-19/02/2018-CD
dated 26th February, 2019 regarding
removal of the system of supernumerary
the unit size of trade(s) has been
enhanced from 12 to 16, 16 to 20 and 20
to 24 and practice of supernumerary is
done away with for all trades for
admission w.e.f. session August 2019
34.2.3 There will be a provision of 10%
EWS quota for Economically Weaker
Sections (EWS‘s) in admission of ITIs &
NSTIs w.e.f. Aug, 2019 session in
addition to existing SC/ST/OBC/Ex-
serviceman/PWD category, as per
respective State Government
reservation policies. This 10% quote
will be restricted within enhanced unit
size only.
34.2.4 {Ref. DGT circular no. MSDE-
19/02/2018-CD dt.05.04.2019
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

34.2.5 (
34.2.6 Filling of vacant seats in ITIs before cut-off date of admission

34.2.7 Any vacancy arised due to leaving of

students or change of trade before the
admission cut-off date, such vacancies in
ITIs would be allowed to fill by
respective ITIs with eligible candidates.
34.2.8 {Ref. DGT circular no. DGT-MoM/1
1/2019-O/o Dir (TC) dt. 10.10.2019
34.2.9 (
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

35 Penalty
a) Violation of the Regulations/ DGT Norms

133 An Institution running any

Programme/ Course in ITI in violation of
Regulations/ DGT Norms, shall be liable
to appropriate Penal action including
fine/ no admission/ reduction in
“Approved Intake”/ Withdrawal of
Approval/ criminal action by the DGT
against defaulting Trust/ Society/
Company/ Associated Individuals/ the
Institution, as the case may be.
b) Non-Submission/ Submission of incomplete/ false information on application for Extension of

134 Non-Submission/ Submission of

incomplete/ false information while
applying for Extension of Approval, shall
invite appropriate penal action against
the Institution. The Institution shall be
liable to any one or more of the following
punitive actions by the DGT.
 Suspension of approval for one Academic Year
 Reduction in “Approved Intake”
 No admission in one/ more Course(s) for one Academic Year
 Withdrawal of approval for Programme(s)/ Course(s)
 Withdrawal of approval of the Institution

c) Non-Fulfilment of requirement of qualified Principal

Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

135 An Institution, not having qualified

Principal for a period more than 12
months shall be liable to any one or more
of the following punitive actions by the
DGT till the regular Principal is
 Reduction in “Approved Intake”
 No admission for one Academic Year

d) Non-Fulfilment of Faculty: Student ratio

136 Institutions not adhering to

qualifications prescribed for Faculty
members for more than 12 months and
not maintaining prescribed Faculty:
Student ratio shall be liable to any one or
more of the following punitive actions by
the DGT.
 Suspension of approval for one Academic Year
 Reduction in “Approved Intake”
 No admission in one/ more Course(s) for one Academic Year
 Withdrawal of approval for Programme(s)/ Course(s)
 Withdrawal of approval of the Institution

e) Non-Fulfilment of Computer, Software, Internet, Printers, Laboratory Equipment, Books, Journals,

Library facilities requirements, etc.
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

137 Institutions not maintaining

prescribed requirements of Computer,
Software, Internet, Printers, Laboratory
Equipment, Books, Journals, Library
facilities, etc. shall be liable to any one or
more of the following punitive actions by
the DGT.
 Suspension of approval for one Academic Year
 Reduction in “Approved Intake”
 No admission in one/ more Course(s) for one Academic Year
 Withdrawal of approval for Programme(s)/ Course(s)
 Withdrawal of approval of the Institution

f) Non-Fulfilment of Location/ Built-up Area/ Land at the time of year of establishment or current
Academic Year

138 Institutions working in a temporary

location or at location not approved by
the DGT andInstitutions not fulfilling
prescribed Built-up area requirements
shall be liable to any one or more of the
following punitive actions by the DGT:
 Suspension of approval for one Academic Year
 Reduction in “Approved Intake”
 No admission in one/ more Course(s) for one Academic Year
 Withdrawal of approval for Programme(s)/ Course(s)
 Withdrawal of approval of the Institution

g) Excess admission
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

139 Excess admission over the

“Approved Intake” shall not be allowed
under any circumstances.In case any
excess admission is reported to/ noted by
the DGT, appropriate penal action shall
be initiated against the ITI. The ITI shall
be liable to any one or more of the
following punitive actions:
 Five times the total fees collected per student shall be levied against each excess admission
 Suspension of approval for one Academic Year
 Reduction in “Approved Intake”
 No admission in one/ more trades for one Academic Year
 Withdrawal of approval for trades
 Withdrawal of approval of the ITI
 Any other fine to be discussed by the committee

h) Non-compliance to norms/ guidelines, usage of fake documents, etc.

140 Institutions not allowing Expert

Visit Committee for physical verification
of Infrastructural facilities/ Institutions
not having Occupancy Certificate/
Completion Certificate/ Building License/
Barrier free environment/ Institutions
demanding for theOriginal Degree
Certificates from the Faculty members at
the time of joining the Institution shall be
liable to any one or more of the following
punitive actions:
 No admission for one Academic Year
 Withdrawal of approval of the Institution
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

141 Complaints regarding the use of

fake Certificates of SC/ ST/ OBC to be
investigated in time bound manner and if
found guilty, such admission should be
cancelled. Further, appropriate action
shall be initiated accordingly with due
intimation to DGT
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 1: Fee structure for Accreditation and Affiliation

36.1 The details of applicable fee for accreditation andaffiliationfeeis

providedin subsequent sections.
Fee for Accreditation

36.1.1 The fee applicable at different steps of accreditation process

isdepictedin the table below:

125 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.1.2 Fee structure 36.1.3 Fee for up to 4 trades or up to 8 units 36.1.5 Fee for more than 4 trades or more than 8
36.1.4 (in INR)
36.1.6 (in INR)

36.1.7 Application 36.1.8 10,000 36.1.9 10,000

36.1.10 Site 36.1.11 36.1.12
Assessment Fee -
Stage II
36.1.13 Site 36.1.14 36.1.15
Assessment Fee -
Stage III
36.1.16 Revisit 36.1.17 36.1.18
36.1.19 Renewal 36.1.20 36.1.21
36.1.22 Re- 36.1.23 36.1.24

126 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.1.25 Note:
1 Application registration fee on
2 GST as applicable on date of submission of application will be charged in addition to the above fee.
3 All the payments shall be made only through online payment gateway system provided by DGT/ State Directorate/UT using your institute's login & password details.
4 The Application processing fee and site visit fees are non-refundable even application rejects at any stage.
5 The rate mentioned above can be revised any time by DGT without stating the reasons subject to approval of competent authority.

Fee structure for Affiliation

36.1.27 Proposed Fee Heads for ITI 36.1.28
S. Fee (in
148 Fresh Affiliation 149 75,
150 Upgradation/Extension of Units/trades 151 20,
000 (1

127 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.1.27 Proposed Fee Heads for ITI 36.1.28
S. Fee (in
152 Switch from SCVT to NCVT 153 75,
154 Re-inspection on appeal/court orders 155 25,
156 Periodical Inspection 157 25,
158 Surprise/Flash Inspection 159 25,
160 Permission of site shifting 161 75,

128 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.1.27 Proposed Fee Heads for ITI 36.1.28
S. Fee (in
162 Permission of name change of Institute/society 163 20,
(excluding re-inspection fee) 000
164 Transfer from one society to another (excluding 165 25,
re-inspection fee) 000
166 Restoration of affiliation (excluding re- 167 75,
inspection fee) 000*
168 Extension of Affiliation/Re-affiliation 169 50,
(excluding inspection fee) 000
170 Closure 171 10,
172 Late fee per month for extension of affiliation 173 25,

129 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.1.27 Proposed Fee Heads for ITI 36.1.28
S. Fee (in
174 Maximum Late fee for extension of affiliation 175 1,0
176 Resetting password for User IDs 177 5,0
178 Unlocking of User ID 179 5,0
181 Note:
1 *Equivalent to fresh affiliation
2 Re-imbursement of Inspection team to be done by DGT after submission of report online through NIMI app. The amount proposed is Rs. 5000/- (including TA, DA)


130 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 2: Application Format for Stage (I, II, III)

Stage I
A. Institute details

131 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

183 Name of the Institute 184 <Name>

185 Status 186 <New/ Existing>

187 Category 188 <1 to 8>
189 Type of Institute 190 <Government/ Private>
191 Location of the Institute 192 <Rural/ Urban>
193 MIS code 194 XXXX (Name of
Private Industrial Training
Institute- XXXX (Name of
195 Name of the Institute will
be checked for its uniqueness
196 State 197
198 District 199

132 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

200 Revenue village 201

B. Trust/ Society/ Company/ Sole proprietary/ Individual/ Organization Details

202 Name of the organisation 203

204 Postal address 205

206 PIN code 207
208 Telephone number 209 <with STD code>
210 Fax number 211 <with STD code>
212 Email ID 213
214 Registered mobile 215
216 Website address 217
C. Registration details

133 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

o Trust
218 Institute owned by registered body
o Society
o Company
o Sole proprietary
o Other (please specify)

219 Year of Registration 220

221 Validity of registration of 222
organization up to
223 Registration document of 224
the Organization/
Trust/Society/ Company/ Sole
ing its members, objectives
and Memorandum
ofAssociations and Rules)
225 PAN Card 226 <upload>
227 Resolution to start ITI 228 <upload>
134 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

(Format- 2)
229 Trustee/ Members/ 230 <upload>
Directors/ Owner/ Partners/
Principal Details
232 S 233 Name 234 Designation 235 Email 236 Mobile No. 237 PAN No. 238 ID Type 239 ID No. 240 ID Upload
No. ID

241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249

D. Authorized Person Details

250 Name of Authorised person 251 252 Designation 253

254 Email 255 256 Mobile 257

ID number
258 ID proof 259 <upload>
260 Resolution pertaining to 261 <upload>
nominating authorized person
E. Trades and Units for which Affiliation is Sought

135 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

262 S No. 263 Trade 264 Total Units 265 Units in 1st Shift 266 Unitsin2ndShift

267 268 269 270 271

272 Note: Minimum of 4 trades and minimum of 2 unit per shift
per trade for 2-year courses and 1 unit are allowed for 1-year
273 Display/ Mention the Details of Trades/ Units already
affiliated in case of Existing ITIs
274 S No. 275 Trade 276 Total Units 277 Units in 1st Shift 278 Unitsin2ndShift

279 280 281 282 283

F. The details of other DGT affiliated ITIs which are running under the same organization

284 DGT File Reference Number 285 MIS Code 286 DGT Affiliation Number

287 288 289

G. Staff Details
□ Declaration to recruit minimum technical staff as per norms:

290 S. 291 Designation 292 As per norms (no.)

293 Principal/ Head of 294 <pre-populate>
136 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

295 Vice-Principal 296 <pre-populate>
297 Training Officer/ 298 <pre-populate>
Group Instructor
299 IT Skills Instructor 300 <pre-populate>
301 Employability Skill 302 <pre-populate>
Instructor (If the seating
capacity is more than 1000
trainees in the institute)
303 Engineering Drawing 304 <pre-populate>
□ Declaration to recruit minimum instructional staff as per norms

137 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

305 S 306 Trade 307 Total 308 Theory 309 As per 310 Practical 311 As per 312 Trade 313 Total 314 S 315 Trad
No Name Post( Instructo norms Instructo norms Name Post( No e
. s) r r s) . Nam
316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325
<pre- <pre- <pre- <pre- <pre-
po pop po po po
pul ulat pul pul pul
ate e> ate ate ate
> > > >
326 Note: The declaration for staff shall be ticked mandatorily
327 Declaration
328 I/we hereby certify and agree:
□ I/We have carefully read and understood all criteria for accreditation of Industrial Training Institutes seeking DGT affiliation. The conformity with requirements of the
accreditation criteria has been verified by us at our end. We confirm that the information provided in support of this application is correct to the best of our knowledge
and belief.
□ That I/ We will comply with all the latest DGT norms and if any violation found, appropriate action shall be initiated
□ That I/ We are aware that the norms prescribed in this manual are only illustrative in nature, it has to be ensured that all safety norms shall be adhered to. It has to be
ensured that overall aesthetic sense of the building/ plot is impressive.

138 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

□ That I/ We will regularly check DGT web portal and follow the instructions from time to time after submitting the application. I undertake that DGT will not be
responsible for negligence on my/our part once any information is updated on the web portal and I fail to check the same.
□ That the training imparted in the ITI will be as per latest syllabus and DGT guidelines.
□ Apart from affiliation norms of DGT, ITIs shall follow all existing statutes/ provisions (related to ITIs) in that particular state. The ITIs shall also adhere to the latest
notifications/ orders/ policies of Central Government/ State Government.
□ That I/we have all tools and equipment required for the trades applied for, as per the norms.
□ That we will recruit qualified staff/faculty required for the applied trade.
□ That the building will be constructed as per local building byelaws and wherever local building byelaws are not available, then N.B.C. of India will be followed.
□ Especially that civil structure will be suitable for differently abled individuals.
□ That no other institution is being run in the same premises where the ITI is proposed to be established.
□ If any information or document submitted by the applicant is false; DGT has a right to cancel my application without notice besides taking appropriate legal action
against the applicant including blacklisting the applicant.
□ If accredited, we commitointimateDGTimmediatelyofanychangesinthestatuswhereinformation regarding such changes, if not declared may affect the consideration for
accreditation of the institute.
□ I am aware that 'Application Fee/ the Site Visit Fee/ Revisit fee once paid is 'non-refundable'. In case of surrender of 'Application/Trades/ Units' by applicant after the
payment of respective fee, the fee amount shall not be refunded to the applicant.
□ I am aware that, mere submission of an application does not ensure 'Accreditation' of the ITI. The accreditation of ITI for a particular number of trade/ units will depend
upon the infrastructural facilities available with the ITI as per DGT norms. Similarly, the accreditation of a particular number of trades/units would not imply 'Affiliation'
of ITI for that many numbers of trades/ units by DGT.

139 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

329 Note: The declarations shall be ticked mandatorily.

331 Signature 332

333 Name of 334

335 Designation 336
337 Name of the 338
339 Date 340

140 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Stage II

36.1.29 Land and building infrastructure details

A. Land details

a) Address

141 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

342 Name of the Institute 343

344 Postal 345

346 PIN Code 347
348 Latitude 349 <Enter details in Degree, Minute and
(North/ South) Seconds. Values should be from 0-59 only>
350 Longitud 351 <Enter details in Degree, Minute and
e (North/ Seconds. Values should be from 0-59 only>
352 Telephon 353 <with STD code>
e number
354 Fax 355 <with STD code>
356 Email ID 357

142 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

358 Registere 359

d mobile
b) Other details

360 S. 361 Particulars 362 Norms 363 Availability

364 Total plot 365 As 366
area (Sq. m) mentioned in civil
367 Possession of 368 As 369 Owned/
the Land mentioned in civil Registered Live
norms Lease
370 Date of 371 372
of lease.
373 Date of 374 375
143 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

expiry of lease
376 Duration of 377 As 378 <Auto-
registered Live mentioned in civil calculate>
Lease (in years) norms
379 Documents 380 Mandatory 381 <upload>
ownership in the
name of the
applicant by the
authority of
Government or
any other
documents issued
by the concerned

144 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

establishing the
ownership and
possession of the
land in the name
of the applicant.
In case, the land
documents are in
notarized English
translation of the
documents shall
be produced.
B. Building details

145 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

a) General details

382 S. 383 Particulars 384 Norms 385 Availability

386 Building 387 Mandatory 388 <upload>
plan shall be
approved by
Town Planning
Authority/ Any
other Competent
Authority as per

146 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Government/ UT
389 Building 390 Mandatory. 391 <upload>
Completion/ As mentioned in
Occupancy civil norms
Certificate as per
Local Building
byelaws/ NBC of
India duly
approved by
(Collector) (Shall

147 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

certification for
Land Use
Safety of lift
392 Fire Safety 393 Mandatory 394 <Yes/ No>
Certificate, duly (upload)
approved by
Authority from
Fire and Safety
department of
the concerned

148 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Government/ UT
395 Is the 396 As 397 <Yes/ No>
building mentioned in civil
integrated? norms
398 Plot 399 As 400
Entrance Gate mentioned in civil
401 Building 402 As 403
Entrance Gate mentioned in civil
404 Open Spaces 405 As 406 <Yes/ No>
around the mentioned in civil
Building norms
407 Open Spaces 408 As 409 <Yes/ No>

149 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Separate for each mentioned in civil

Building norms
410 Ceiling 411 As 412 <Yes/ No>
Height of mentioned in civil
Building norms
413 Photographs 414 Mandatory 415 <upload>
b) Instructional area details

i. Classroom details

416 S 417 Name of Trade 418 Space norms (in 419 Actual area 420 Width (in m) 421 Floor type 422 Upload
. sqm) available (in sqm) photographs
1  Tiled
423 424 < 425 426  Any other type of
finished floor
428 429 430 431 432 433

150 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

ii. Workshop area details

434 S 435 Name of 436 Space 437 Actual area 438 Width 439 Workshop 440 Workshop 441 Floor type 442 Upload
. Trade norms (in available (in m) height roof photographs
sqm) (in sqm) from
N lower end
o (in ft)
1  Tiled
443 444 <445 446 447 448  Any other type
of finished floor
pre- <Flat
popu RC
late> C/Pi
151 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457
458 Note:
1 The minimum size norms for each trade for the workshop can be seen at Annexure 2F
2 The minimum width of the workshop shall be 5 m
3 Tin roof sheets/Asbestos roof sheets for workshops are not allowed
4 Floor shall be tiled/ higher specification/cemented

iii. IT Lab Details (other than COPA)

152 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

459 S. 460 Space norms (in sqm) 461 Actual area available 462 Width (in m) 463 Floor type 464 Upload photographs
No (in sqm)
1  Tiled
465 As 466 467  Any other type of
finished floor
d in civil
469 470 471 472 473
474 Note:
1 The minimum size of the IT lab shall be 25 Sqm for 10 computers. An additional 2.5 Sqm shall be made available for each additional computer.
2 The minimum width of the lab shall be 3 m.
3 Floor shall be tiled/ higher specification.

iv. Drawing Hall Details [for Engineering Trade(s)(except Draughtsman (Civil)/ Draughtsman (Mechanical) trades]

475 S. No 476 Space norms (in sqm) 477 Actual area available (in sqm) 478 Upload photographs
479 As 480 481
mentioned in
civil norms
482 483 484
c) Administrative area details

153 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

485 S. No 486 Details 487 Space norms (in sqm) 488 Actual area available (in sqm)
489 Reception 490 As 491
cum Waiting mentioned in
Lobby civil norms
492 Principal 493 As 494
Room mentioned in
civil norms
495 Staff Room 496 As 497
mentioned in
civil norms
498 Administra 499 As 500
tive Hall/ Section mentioned in
civil norms
501 Placement/ 502 As 503
Counselling mentioned in

154 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

room civil norms

504 Note:
1 The minimum width of the rooms shall be 3 m.

d) Amenitiesarea details

505 S. No 506 Details 507 Space norms (in sqm) 508 Width (in m) 509 Actual area available (in
510 Multip 511 As 512 513
urpose Hall/ mentioned
Courtyard in civil
514 Cantee 515 As 516 517
n (including mentioned
kitchen & in civil
pantry) norms
518 Librar 519 As 520 521
y& mentioned

155 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Reading in civil
Room norms
522 First- 523 As 524 525
Aid Room mentioned
in civil
526 Playgr 527 As 528 529
ound mentioned
in civil
530 Drinki 531 As 532 533
ng Water mentioned
Facility in civil
534 Storag 535 As 536 537
156 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

e Room for mentioned

raw in civil
material norms
and for
Gases/ Oil
drums etc.
538 Note:
1 The minimum width of the multipurpose hall/ courtyard shall be 5 m.
2 The minimum width of other rooms shall be 3 m.

539 S. No 540 Details 541 Space norms (in sqm) 542 Actual area available (in sqm)
543 Availa 544 As 545
bility of mentioned
staircase as in civil
per norms

157 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

byelaws or
NBC of
546 Availa 547 As 548
bility of mentioned
treated in civil
drinking norms
fountains as
549 Toilets/ 553 As 554
Water mentioned
Closet in civil

158 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

details (As norms

per Local
byelaws or
NBC of
550 For
551 For
552 Parkin
g Details
(As per

159 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

byelaws or
NBC of
555 Car 559 As 560
Parking mentioned
556 Scoote in civil
r/ Two- norms
557 Bicycle
558 Ramps
re necessary
for disabled
persons as
160 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

per local
e) Finishingdetails

561 S. No 562 Details 563 Norms 564 Availability

565 Plastering and 566 As 567 <
painting of internal and mentioned in civil Yes/
external walls and ceiling norms No>
568 Painting/ lamination of 569 As 570 <
door, window, ventilator, mentioned in civil Yes/
gate, grill, railing of the norms No>
571 Declarations
1 Resolution to allocate resources (Format- 4) 572 <upload>
2 Resolution regarding Electrical Connection (Format- 5)
573 <

161 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

3 Certificate- 1 issued by an advocate in a Format prescribed regarding authenticity and appropriateness of Trust/Society Registration
Documents, Land Documents, Land Use Certificate and Land Conversion Certificate 574 <

162 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Stage III

36.1.31 Machineries, Equipment, Tools and Power details

A. Machineries, Equipment and Tools

577 <Submit trade wise information>

578 Name of Trade: 579
a) Machineries

580 S. 581 Trade 582 Description of 583 Qty. 584 Qty. 585 Qty. 586 Qty. 587 Qty. 588 Deficiency
No Name Machinery required/ required required for required actually (if any)
unit as per for total units for total available
norms no. of new already units for units
(no.) units affiliated, if (inclusive sought
applicable of units affiliation
(no.) already (no.)
589 590 < 591 592 593 < 594 595 596 <
Auto <Auto <Auto Auto <Auto Auto
popul pop pop popu pop calcu
ate> ulat ulat late> ulat late>
e> e> e>

163 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604
b) Equipment

605 S. 606 Trade 607 Description of 608 Qty. 609 Qty. 610 Qty. 611 Qty. 612 Qty. 613 Deficiency
No Name Equipment required/ required required for required actually (if any)
unit as per for total units for total available
norms no. of already units for units
(no.) new units affiliated, if (inclusive sought
applicable of units affiliation
(no.) already (no.)
614 615 < 616 617 618 < 619 <620 621 <
Auto <Auto <Auto Auto Auto Auto
popul pop pop popu pop calcu
ate> ulat ulat late> ulate late>
e> e> >
622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629
c) Tools

164 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

632 S. 633 Trade 634 Description of 635 Qty. 636 Qty. 637 Qty. 638 Qty. 639 Qty. 640 Deficiency
No Name Tools required/ required required for required actually (if any)
unit as per for total units for total available
norms no. of new already units for units
(no.) units affiliated, if (inclusive sought
applicable of units affiliation
(no.) already (no.)
641 642 < 643 644 645 < 646 647 648 <
Auto <Auto <Auto Auto <Auto Auto
popul pop pop popu pop calcu
ate> ulat ulat late> ulat late>
e> e> e>
649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656
d) Machineries, Equipment and Tools costing above INR 10,000

165 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

657 658 T 659 Descri 660 M 661 Year of 662 Purch 663 T 664 I 665 T666 Ta 667 Tende 668 Go 669 Co 670 BIS 671 Photog
S. r ption a manufact ased a n x r ods py certifi raphs
a of k uring from x v inv finalis rec of cation (uploa
d Machi e (Supp i o oic ation eiv stre (uploa d)
e nery/ lier n ic e docu ed ’s d)
Equip addre v e (u ment not inw
N ment/ ss o d plo (uploa e ard
a Tool along ic a ad d) (up reg
m with e t ) loa iste
e Tel. n e d) r
no.) o (up
. loa
672673 674675 676 677 678 679680 681 682 683 684 685
686687 688689 690 691 692 693694 695 696 697 698 699
e) Machineries, Equipment and Tools costing belowINR 10,000

166 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

700 S 701 Tra 702 Name of the 703 M 704 Purchased from (Supplier 705 Tax 706 Invo 707 T 708 Tax 709 Photograph
de Machinery/ a address along with Tel. no.) invoic ice I invoice s (upload)
Na Equipment/ Tool k e no. date N (upload)
me e
710 711 <A 712713 714 715 716717 718
f) Installation of Machineries, Equipment
□ Machinery and equipment are installed as per supplier manual and ISO safety standards
□ Machinery and equipment are connected as per electrical safety standards
□ Machinery and equipment are connected as per Indian standard code of practicing for electrical wiring

722 Note:
1 The standard machinery, equipment and tools list available in the syllabus of each trade and as available on the DGT website under the icon 'Craftsmen Training Scheme'

167 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2 Only new machinery/equipment/ vehicle in running condition is acceptable for granting accreditation. No old machinery, equipment and tools are acceptable for any new
trade/unit. All the tax invoices of machinery, equipment and tools shall not be older than six months from the date of application.
3 Vehicle registration certificate should be uploaded.
4 Vehicle registration should be in the name of the institute.
5 The items which are not included in the standard list but are essential for training due to technological development may be procured by the institute.

B. Classroom furniture details

724 S 725 Trade 726 Room 727 Chair for 728 Table for 729 Chars/ Desk for 730 Black/ White Board (4x6
. name no. Instructor Instructor Trainees ft)
731 <732 733 < 734 < 735 <Yes 736 <Yes/
pre- <Yes Yes/ Yes/ / No> No>
pop / No> No>
ulate No
> >
737 738 739 740 741 742
743 Note:
1 Submit the information for each classroom
2 One chair and table for instructor shall be available
3 One chair/ desk for each of the trainees sought affiliation in a shift, shall be available

C. IT lab details

168 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

744 S 745 Details 746 Norms 747 Actual 748 Deficiency (if
. Qty. any)
749 Desktop 750 Minimum 10 752 753
computer with nos. up to seating
latestconfiguration capacity of 100
(only LCD or trainees per shift
LEDmonitor to be For each additional
allowed) 20 trainees: 2
751 Note:
Minimum 24
computers required
for 12 units.
754 Internet 755 Minimum 10 756 757
connection mbps connection Yes/

169 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

758 Computer with 759 Mandatory 760 761
multimedia, anti- Yes/
virussoftware, latest No
software) with UPS
762 LAN Cabling, 763 As required 764 765
LAN Switch Yes/
766 Printer (Laser) 767 As required 768 769
770 Scanner 771 As required 772 773
170 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

774 Server 775 As required 776 777
778 External Hard 779 1 no. 780 781
Disk – 1TB
782 Instructor/ 783 1 no. 784 785
Office Chair
786 Instructor/ 787 1 no. 788 789
Office Table
790 Trainees/Compu 791 20 no. 792 793
ter Chairs
794 Trainees/Compu 795 10 no. 796 797
ter Tables

171 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

798 Black/ White 799 1 no. 800 801
Board 4X6 Feet
802 Note:
1 The requirement of IT lab is over and above the requirements of Trade. The institute does not need a separate IT lab, if the institute is running only COPA trade. If any
other trade in addition to COPA is running in the institute, then a separate IT lab is mandatory.
2 N-computing system is allowed with standby server and UPS. For every 10 computers, 1 Common CPU is required. Similarly, if N-computing system is used, 1 no. of 5
KVA UPS is required for 10 computers and in case ITI is not having N-computing then each computer should have a separate CPU and common/ separate UPS.
3 N-computing Server configuration prevalent at the time of procurement or with the following minimum features: CPU: 32/64 Bit Core 2 Duo/Quad Core/i3/i5, Speed: 3
GHz or Higher. Cache Memory: Minimum 3 MB or better. RAM:8 GB DDR-III or Higher. Hard Disk Drive: 500GB or Higher, 7200 rpm (minimum) or Higher, Wi-Fi
Enabled. Network Card: Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) - Wi-Fi, USB Mouse, USB Keyboard and Monitor (Min. 22 Inch), Standard ports and connectors.
DVD Writer, Speakers and Mic. Licensed Windows Operating System/ OEM Pack (Preloaded), Antivirus/ Total Security.
4 Every computer should have multimedia, anti-virus software, latest licensed operating software with UPS
5 If dongles used, separate dongles for each PC shall be available

D. Drawing Hall Details [Common to all Engineering Trades(s)except Draughtsman (Civil)/ Draughtsman (Mechanical) Trades]

804 S 805 Details 806 Norms 807 Actual Qty. 808 Deficiency (if any)
809 Drawing 810 20 no. 811 812
Board per one-unit
(Standard Size, arrangement

172 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

813 Models: 814 As 815 816
Solid & cut required
817 Table for 818 20 no. 819 820
821 Stool for 822 20 no. 823 824
825 Cupboard 826 1 no. 827 828
829 White 830 1 no. 831 832
Board (size: 8ft.

173 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

x 4ft.)
833 Trainer's 834 1 no. 835 836
837 Trainer's 838 1 no. 839 840
E. Other requirements
□ Biometric machine with GPS connection
□ Projector for e-learning classes
□ Disaster Management Plan

842 Note:
1 Availability of biometric machine with GPS connection is mandatory.
2 Availability of projector is mandatory.
3 All the institutes shall have disaster management plan as prescribed in the general guidelines for Disaster Management at Annexure 2B, S. No. 8 & 9

F. Power Supply

843 Date of connection: ______________________

□ The connection is in the name of ITI/ Applicant organization at the ITI address
□ Supply has three phase commercial connection
□ Backup electric supply is available as per norms

174 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

844 S 845 Trade name 846 No. of units applied in one 847 Power supply required for 848 Total power supply
. shift each unit as per norms (in requirement (in KW)

849 <For 850 851 852

existing trades>
853 <auto- 854 <auto 855 <auto- 856 <auto
populate> -populate> populate> -populate>
857 <auto- 858 <auto 859 <auto- 860 <auto
populate> -populate> populate> -populate>
 Total power supply required in the institute in kW: (Including New & Existing Trades/Units): ________
 Total power supply available in the institute in kW: Including New & Existing Trades/Units: ________
 Deficiency/ Surplus power available in the institute in KW: ____
 For existing institute electricity bill indicating connected load (Upload)
 For new institutes: Installation report/ Meter sealing report indicating sanctioned load or if meter sealing report does not have sanctioned load, copy of the sanctioned
load, proof of payment of dues for the same along with meter sealing report (Upload)

861 Note:
1 The connection shall be in the name of Applicant Trust/ Society/ Company/ Institute
2 Supply shall have three phase commercial connection only
3 Backup electric supply shall be available as per norms. Training equipment/ machinery will not be considered against infrastructure, equipment as per norms.
4 Total power supply available/sanctioned in the institute shall not be less than total power supply required in the institute
5 The conversion factor from Apparent power (kVA) to Actual power (kW) shall be used as standard power factor of 0.8 unless stated specifically by the respective state.
In such cases documents from the State Electricity Board to be attached specifically stating the actual value of power factor to be used for conversion.
6 The power supply norms for each trade can be seen at Annexure 2F

175 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

G. Boards and Signages

862 Please indicate the availability of the boards:

□ Signage board on plot entrance (include ITI's name, logo and complete address along with Skill India logo)
□ Signage board on institute building (include ITI's name and logo along with Skill India logo)
□ Emergency Exit Boards
□ Board indicating danger signs (Transformer, Generator Set, Heavy Electrical Installation/ Panels)
□ Prohibited area indicators (running machinery etc.)
□ Signage boards showing directions (include directions showing the different sections of the building like classrooms, workshops, IT lab, admin building etc.)
□ Boards indicating firefighting equipment
□ Trade details board (include list of trades, seating capacity, trainee enrolled and name of machinery and equipment installed)
□ Staff details board (include staff details with name, qualification/designation and contact numbers at least for Principal and Group Instructor/ Training officer if any)

863 Note:
1 All the boards are mandatory. Institute Sign Board to be made in English/ Hindi/ Regional language. The signage should be bilingual.
2 The size of the font should be minimum 75 mm. The size of the Board may be 2m x 1.5 m or 3m x 1.5 m or 4m x 2.0 m.

H. Upload Photographs

I. Other Details (optional)
□ Rainwater harvesting and augmentation
□ Solar energy/Renewal energy source
□ Sewage treatment plant
□ Announcement system in classrooms, strategic locations for general and emergency announcements
□ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for student-institution-parent interaction

176 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

□ CCTV Security System
□ LCD (or similar) projectors in classrooms

865 Note:
1 Rainwater harvesting and augmentation, Solar energy/ Renewable energy source availability and Sewage treatment plant is mandatory for all the ITIs with strength more
than 500 trainees in each shift.

177 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 2A: List of documents

A. Application submission - Stage I

1 Registration document of the organization indicating its members, objectives and Memorandum of Associations and Rules
2 PAN Card
3 Resolution by the applicant organization/Trust/ Society/Others, pertaining to starting an Industrial Training Institution in the Format- 2 prescribed.
4 Resolution by the applicant organization, pertaining to Nominating Authorised person in the Format-3 prescribed.
5 Valid ID Proof i.e. Voter Id Card/ PAN Card/Driving License/Passport/ Aadhar Card of Trustees/ Members/ Directors/ Owners/ Partners
6 Valid ID proof i.e. voter Id Card/ PAN Card/Driving License/Passport of authorized person

B. Application Submission- Stage II

1 Documents showing ownership in the name of the applicant in the form of Registered Sale Deed/ Irrevocable Gift Deed (Registered)/ Irrevocable Registered Lease (for a
period of minimum 03 years* of live lease at the time of submission of application) by the concerned authority of Government or any other documents issued by the
concerned competent authority establishing the ownership and possession of the land in the name of the applicant. In case, the land documents are in vernacular
language, notarized English translation of the documents shall be uploaded.
2 Building plan shall be approved by Town Planning Department/ District Magistrate (Collector)/ Development Authority/ Municipal Authority/ Any other Competent
Authority as per State Government/ UT.
Building plan of institute should clearly indicate the workshop for all trade/units/modules, classrooms, IT Lab, administrative area, amenities area etc. with its dimensions
in MKS System (Units based on measuring lengths in meter, mass in kilogram and time in second)
3 Building Completion/ Occupancy Certificate as per Local Building byelaws/ NBC of India duly approved by Municipal Authority/ District Magistrate (Collector)(Shall
include certification for Land Use, Land Conversion, Safety of lift wherever applicable).
4 Fire Safety Certificate, duly approved by Authority from Fire and Safety department of the concerned state government/ UT.
5 Resolution by the applicant organization, pertaining to adding new program and allocation of land and building specification, machineries/ equipment/ tools, power
supply/ backup power supply/ funds for proposed activities etc. in Format-4 as prescribed.
6 Resolution regarding Electrical Connection in Format-5 as prescribed.
7 Certificate-1 issued by an advocate in a format prescribed regarding authenticity and appropriateness of Trust/Society Registration Documents, Land Documents, Land
Use Certificate and Land Conversion Certificate.

C. Application Submission- Stage III

1 Tax invoices for machineries, equipment and tools. Tax invoices shall not be older than 6 months from the date of application.
2 Vehicle registration certificate should be uploaded.
3 For New Institutes: Installation report/ Meter sealing report indicating sanctioned load or if meter sealing report does not have sanctioned load, copy of the sanctioned
load, proof of payment of dues for the same along with meter sealing report.
4 For existing institutes, electricity bill indicating connected load and latest bill of payment made.
5 Details of provision of backup power supply.

178 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

866 *{Ref. DGT circular no. DGT-MoM/1 1/2019-O/o Dir (TC)

dt. 18.09.2019, (
867 Staff Details
1 Valid ID proof i.e. Voter Id Card/ PAN Card/Driving License/Passport of all Staff
2 Aadhar card
3 Photograph
4 High School (10th Standard) certificate needs to be uploaded on website
5 ITI/ Diploma/ Degree certificate as applicable
6 Experience certificates of the staff
7 Account details for salary transfer
8 Driving Licence of Instructor for Auto mobile sector trades

868 Additional Documents to be submitted for Closure of

Trades/ Units in Existing Institutions
1 Resolution by the applicant institution, pertaining to application for Closure of Trades/ Units in the Format- 8 as prescribed.

869 Additional Documents to be submitted for Progressive

Closure/ Closure of Institution
1 Resolution by the applicant institution, pertaining to application for Closure of Institution in the Format- 9 as prescribed.
2 Only for Closure of the Institute: Pending court cases and serious charges, violation of norms, against the institute.

870 Additional Conditions on Admission

1 For 2-year trades, ITIs will be allowed to take admissions for only 50% of units every year, so as to maintain continuity in admission process every year.However, for 1-
year trades all the units can be filled every year.

179 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 2B: Guidelines for Training and Support Infrastructure

A. Setting up of a Drawing Hall for Engineering Trade(s)

871 The following items are required for Engineering Drawing

subject in Engineering Trade(s) [except Draughtsman (Civil)/
Draughtsman (Mechanical) trades]:
872 S. No 873 Name of Tool/ Equipment 874 Norms
875 Drawing Board (Standard 876 20 no. perone-
Size, Adjustable Type) unit arrangement
877 Models: Solid & cut 878 As required
879 Table for Trainees 880 20 no.
881 Stool for Trainees 882 20 no.
(Adjustable Type)
883 Cupboard (big) 884 1 no.
885 White Board (size: 8ft. x 886 1 no.

180 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

887 Trainer's Table 888 1 no.
889 Trainer's Chair 890 1 no.
B. Setting Up of IT Lab

891 The following items are required for IT lab:

892 S. No 893 Details 894 Norms
895 Desktop computer with 896 Minimum 10 nos.
latestconfiguration (only LCD up to seating capacity
or LEDmonitor to be allowed) of 100 trainees per
shift for each
additional 20 trainees:
2 computers
897 Internet connection 898 Minimum 10
mbps connection
899 Computer with 900 Mandatory
181 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

multimedia, anti-virussoftware,
latest operating
software(Licenced software)
with UPS
901 LAN Cabling, LAN 902 As required
903 Printer (Laser) 904 As required
905 Scanner 906 As required
907 Server 908 As required
909 External Hard Disk – 1TB 910 1 no.
911 Instructor/ Office Chair 912 1 no.
913 Instructor/ Office Table 914 1 no.
915 Trainees/Computer 916 20 no.
182 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

917 Trainees/Computer 918 10 no.
919 Black/ White Board 4X6 920 1 no.
921 Note:
1 The requirement of IT lab is over and above the Trade requirement. The institute does not need a separate IT lab, if the institute is running only COPA trade. If any other
trade in addition to COPA is running in the institute, then a separate IT lab is mandatory.
2 N-computing system is allowed with standby server and UPS. For every 10 computers, 1 Common CPU is required. Similarly, if N-computing system is used, 1 no. of 5
KVA UPS is required for 10 computers, in case ITI does not have N-computing, then each computer should have a separate CPU and common/ separate UPS.
3 N-computing Server configuration prevalent at the time of procurement or with the following minimum features: CPU: 32/64 Bit Core 2 Duo/Quad Core/i3/i5, Speed: 3
GHz or Higher. Cache Memory: Minimum 3 MB or better. RAM:8 GB DDR-III or higher. Hard Disk Drive: 500GB or higher, 7200 rpm (minimum) or higher, Wi-Fi
enabled. Network Card: Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) - Wi-Fi, USB Mouse, USB Keyboard and Monitor (Min. 22 Inch), Standard ports and connectors.
DVD Writer, Speakers and Mic. Licensed Windows Operating System/ OEM Pack (Preloaded) Antivirus/ Total Security.
4 Every computer should have multimedia, anti-virus software, latest operating software with UPS.
5 If dongles used, separate dongles for each PC shall be available

C. Desirable Requirements

922 Following are the desirable requirements that can be

adopted by an ITI:
1 Rainwater harvesting and augmentation
2 Solar energy/ Renewable energy source
3 Sewage treatment plant
4 Announcement system in classrooms, strategic locations for general and emergency announcements
5 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for student-institution-parent interaction
7 CCTV Security System

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8 LCD (or similar) projectors in classrooms

923 Note:
1 The above desirable requirements are optional, and not binding on the ITI, for implementation
2 Rainwater harvesting and augmentation, Solar energy/ Renewable energy source availability and Sewage treatment plant is mandatory for all the ITIs with strength more
than 500 trainees in each shift

D. General Guidelines for Disaster Management

924 Essential and desirable requirements/ general guidelines in

case of various events:
a) Fire

925 Essential requirements:

926 All the buildings, after completion and before occupation,
shall be inspected for fire and life safety measures by the Local
Fire Service Authorities and a certificate to that effect shall be
obtained. In the absence of such a certificate, following
requirements shall be met:
 Fire buckets filled with sand shall be hung in the protected stands near workshop, laboratory, DG room, transformer and sub-station.
 Fire point should be established in front of each building with 2 fire water buckets, 2 sand buckets and 4 fire extinguishers, one of each type.
 Minimum 2 (nos.) extinguishers of any type should be installed at every prominent location.
 Every exit, exit access or exit discharge shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full use in case of fire or other emergency.
 Retro reflective signage shall be provided for escape routes at a suitable height
 Evacuation drill shall be conducted quarterly for each building

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 To avoid stampede and to manage any emergency properly, the institution should have a Standing Fire Order (SFO) – document containing established procedures
required to handle fire & emergency situations in which duties & responsibilities of various authorities &agencies are included (Sample copy enclosed).

927 Desirable requirements:

 The CCTV camera shall be provided to cover all the important areas of the campus including firefighting system like extinguishers, hose reels, risers, automatic detection
and alarm system, sprinkler system, manual call points etc.
 Assembly point shall be provided in a safe place with no fencing around it
b) Electrical Hazard

928 Essential requirements:

 Proper earthing and bonding of electrical wiring shall be ensured
 All major equipment shall be earthed separately
 Earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) shall be provided as required
 No overhead high-tension electric line shall pass across the premises
 Sub-stations or transformers, if any, shall be segregated. Carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder (DCP) and mechanical foam fire extinguishers, sand buckets shall be

929 Desirable requirements:

 All overhead electric lines shall be at a height not less than 5.4 m from the ground.
 Electrical resistant mats should be placed in front of every electric panel.
 Only trained and licensed electricians should be allowed to do work related to electric supply.
 Vertical clearance of any bare electric line passing near a building shall be minimum 2.43 m from the highest point in the building and the horizontal clearance shall be
minimum 1.2 m from the closest part.
 A clear space of not less than 1 m in width shall be provided in front of the switchboard.
 If there are any attachments or bare connections at the back of the switchboard, the space (if any) behind the switchboard shall be either less than 20 cm or more than 75
cm in width, measured from the farthest outstanding part of any attachment or conductor.
 Lightning arrester shall be provided for all the buildings.

c) Unsafe Drinking Water/ Food

930 Essential requirements:

 Clean all reservoirs on periodic basis
 Test quality of water every three months

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931 Desirable requirements:

 Test quality of samples of food prepared on campus in an independent laboratory preferably once in six months

d) Workshop Accident

932 Essential requirements:

 Personal protective equipment shall be available for each one entering the workshop.
 Instructions for workshop safety must be displayed inside and outside the workshop.
 First aid kit shall be maintained.
 Safety precaution for operation for each machine should be affixed on it.
 Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.) for all the equipment and system must be prepared and properly displayed near the respective machines.
 All the electrically operated machinery should be properly earthed and bonded.
 Emergency contact numbers shall be displayed for contacting, in case of any emergency which should include safety officer, fire control room, medical assistance,
security assistance, head of the concerned department, maintenance services.
 Instructions regarding the procedure to be followed in case of an emergency in the building or outside the workshop or during the ongoing workshop.
 Instructions shall be displayed inside and outside the workshop in the form of Do's and Don'ts.

933 Desirable requirements:

 While installing or keeping machines and tool, racks aisles and gangways should be provided.
 There should be a schedule for standard test for machines and tools.
 Workshop floor should be made by non-skid and non-static floor tiles.
 Place for disposal of materials should be properly marked.
 Housekeeping shall be done as per proper schedule.
 Various fuels used in workshop shall be stored in minimum quantity according to requirement.
 Proper ventilation facilities shall be provided to prevent dust accumulation.

e) Emergency Situation – Physically Disabled

934 Essential requirements:

 Ramp shall be provided for the disabled for easy access and evacuation from the building
 Sufficient wheelchairs and stretchers to be available for use in emergency

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935 Desirable requirements:

 Information regarding the number of physically challenged individuals in the campus should be available with the Safety Officer
 The time and the number of physically challenged individuals among the visitors shall be recorded at the security gate

f) Structural Failure of Building

936 General guidelines:

 Emergency evacuation procedure with evacuation plan shall be kept ready
 Provisions shall be made to cut off water, electricity and LPG connections safely from outside the building
 Structural audit of buildings shall be done periodically

g) Stampede

937 General guideline:

 Proper signage for traffic control route shall be displayed
 Public address system shall be implemented to communicate and direct
 Power backup for extra illumination of exit routes shall be available
 It is necessary to do planning and practicing mannerly and orderly evacuation and maintaining records
 Student volunteers need to be trained for proper evacuation
 Ensure that no more than 4 individuals/ Sqm shall assemble in all assembly areas
 Temporary barriers shall be provided to use in emergency to restrict and to control traffic

h) Earthquake

938 General guidelines:

 Construction of building shall be as per relevant Indian Standards and Codes of practice. If already constructed structures are not designed to satisfy earthquake
resistance, shall be strengthened as per relevant Indian Standards and Codes of practice.
 Proper evacuation plan based on the Standing Fire Order shall be maintained and it should cover all the possible emergencies.
 Evacuation drill/ exit drill shall be conducted quarterly and such records shall be maintained (Different groups, members, date of conducting drill, observations)
 Training should be given to all members of the evacuation teams to perform their duties and records shall be maintained.
 The most suitable and safest place shall be selected as safe assembly point for each building.
 Large or heavy items, if any, shall be placed closest to the ground.

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 Hang large items such as framed pictures, large mirrors etc. away from sitting place, bed and protected escape routes.
 Brace overhead light fittings properly.
 An inventory for the details of heavy-duty equipment and necessary tools with the details and contact numbers of owner and operator shall be maintained for ready
 Avoid glass panelling for buildings. However, if provided, shall be protected with metal screens.

i) Cyclone

939 General guidelines:

 Keep in contact with the concerned authorities before the cyclone season each time for warning and precautionary measures.
 List of emergency phone numbers shall be displayed
 Training should be given to all members of the response teams to perform their duties, and records shall be maintained.
 Provision shall be made to secure strongly all doors, windows and other openings, if any, in closed position.
 Emergency kits containing portable battery radios, torch lights, spare batteries, water container, dry fruits, matchboxes, fuel lamps, portable stove, cooking utensil, etc.
shall be maintained in cyclone prone areas.
 Low frequency communication devices shall be in place.
 Avoid glass panelling for buildings. However, if provided, shall be protected with metal screens.
 Construction of buildings shall be strong enough to resist collapse during wind.
 Long and continuous structures shall be avoided so as to reduce the effect of wind.
 Deep rooted plants which can resist wind can be planted around but not outside the boundary wall to reduce the wind velocity.
 No tall plants shall be planted/ kept in the compound, especially near any building.

j) Flood

940 General guidelines:

 Provision for the storage of drinking water at the rate of 4.5 litres/ 1 day/ person for the total occupants for a minimum of 3 days during impending flood, shall be made.
 Provision for storage of non-perishable, easy to prepare food for 3 days' supply during impending flood shall be made.
 Flash light for signal (Red Cross store) shall be arranged.
 Portable battery radios (if possible NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration type) shall be arranged.
 Flood rescue equipment like lifebuoy, life jacket and portable boats with oar and out board engine, rope shall be stored and ready for use.
 Occupational health centre shall be maintained.
 Paramedical team shall be available and trained.
 Provision should be made on top floors of the buildings for shelter in case of flood.
 Insect repellents and sunscreen shall be stored.

k) Landslide

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941 General guidelines:

 Construct retaining walls wherever necessary to prevent erosion
 Train permanent staff to identify the symptoms of landslide
 Avoid buildings in steep slope or along natural erosion valleys

l) Standing Fire Order

942 <To be displayed at all the floors at suitable visible places

with all emergency contact numbers>
i. Responsible Authorities

 The person who detects the fire

 Safety Officer
 Maintenance Section

ii. Person who detects the Fire

 Immediately inform the Safety Officer and Head of the Section/ Division

iii. Responsibilities of Safety Officer:

943 On Receipt of Information:

 He/ She shall immediately proceed to the scene of incident and assess the situation.
 If considered necessary, he / she shall raise fire alarm for his/ her zone, and notify the incident to fire department and the listed emergency services.
 If necessary, he/she shall direct the Maintenance section to salvage the records and materials from the area.
 If considered necessary, he/ she shall evacuate his/ her zone and/or neighbouring zones.
 At the earliest opportunity, he/ she shall inform the incident to the Departmental head.

iv. Duties of Maintenance Section Members:

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944 On receipt of call for emergency in their own zone, all the
members of Maintenance Section:
 Shall immediately proceed to the place of incident and report to their Duty Officer
 Shall strictly follow the instructions of Safety Officer and work under him/ her as per his/ her directions.
 Shall, as per the instructions of Duty Officer/Fire Officer, switch off the electrical supply to the affected area.
 Shall see that electric supply is restored only on instructions from the Duty Officer/Fire Officer.
 Close the air condition system at the affected area.
 Shall ensure that booster pump located in the building is switched on.
 Shall ensure that all the hydrants in and around the building are charged with sufficient pressure.

v. Duties of Other Staff from the Affected Zone/ Zones:

945 On hearing the emergency alarm, all the other members of

 Are requested not to panic, but to remain calm and follow instructions of the Safety Officer in an orderly and disciplined manner.
 If directed to evacuate, shall ensure that all the electric lights at their workplace are switched off and that all the windows and doors of their area are properly closed
before leaving the place.
 During evacuation, shall proceed in an orderly manner to the ground floor by the nearest available staircase/emergency exit.
 Shall not use the lift.
 Shall see that, individuals assigned with specific duties in an emergency are not disturbed or obstruct their work.

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Annexure 2C: Trade specific norms for Machinery/ Equipment/ Tools

36.2 The list of required Machinery/Equipment/ Toolsis available on

DGT website under the icon “Craftsmen Training
Scheme>Tradesyllabus>Latest trade syllabus” (link:

191 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 2D: Norms for Site Visit III preparation

1 All machineries, equipment and tools to be laid out as per following guidelines:
a) Manufacturing packings, instruction booklets must be removed from machineries, equipment, tools, chairs and tables before site assessment.
b) Permanent identification marking/ sticker(may be yellow sticker or any one) on all the equipment, machines and tools/items) with identification number as per the
scheme followed.
c) Mark numbering starting from 1 to n (n being the nos. of items in a trade applied by ITI). For example, for electrician trade as per DGT website, there are 140 items then
place mark starting from W1 to W140 (in sequence with DGT List) for workshop items and there are 20 items for Tool Kit so mark T1 to T20 in sequence with DGT list.
d) In case of items having value more than Rs. 10,000/-, please encircle the item number for example: (W2/1)
e) In case the quantity is more than one number of an item at a particular serial number (S No.). In such case, suffix 1, 2 or so on. For example, there are 3 nos. of Lathe
machine for workshop items at S No.1 for Turner trade. Please mark W01-1, W01-2, W01-3.
f) In case ITI has applied for more than one unit, mark items for 1st unit as W2/1 or T4/1 for 2nd unit W2/2 or T4/2 and so on as illustrated in following table:

192 | P a g e
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946 It 947 948 Workshop items 949 Tool Kit

ems as Qt 952 Valu 953 Valu 954 Valu 955 Valu
per y e less than e more e less than e more
DGT . INR than INR INR than INR
list 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
956957 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966
S. Desc 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
N rip Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un
o tio it it it it it it it it
967968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977
82 Limi 2 - - - - - - - -
t 980 981 983 985 986 987 988 989 990
Sw 1st W82- W82- - - - - - -
itc P 1 1
193 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

946 It 947 948 Workshop items 949 Tool Kit

ems as Qt 952 Valu 953 Valu 954 Valu 955 Valu
per y e less than e more e less than e more
DGT . INR than INR INR than INR
list 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
956957 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966
S. Desc 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
N rip Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un
o tio it it it it it it it it
h C982 984
1 2

194 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

946 It 947 948 Workshop items 949 Tool Kit

ems as Qt 952 Valu 953 Valu 954 Valu 955 Valu
per y e less than e more e less than e more
DGT . INR than INR INR than INR
list 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
956957 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966
S. Desc 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
N rip Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un
o tio it it it it it it it it
993 994 996 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003
2nd W82- W82- - - - - - -
P 2 2
C 995 997
1 2
195 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

946 It 947 948 Workshop items 949 Tool Kit

ems as Qt 952 Valu 953 Valu 954 Valu 955 Valu
per y e less than e more e less than e more
DGT . INR than INR INR than INR
list 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
956957 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966
S. Desc 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
N rip Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un
o tio it it it it it it it it
10041005 10061007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014
01 Lath 3 - - - - - - - -
e 10171018 1019 1020 1022 1024 1025 1026 1027
Ma 1st - - W01- W01- - - - -
chi P 1 2
196 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

946 It 947 948 Workshop items 949 Tool Kit

ems as Qt 952 Valu 953 Valu 954 Valu 955 Valu
per y e less than e more e less than e more
DGT . INR than INR INR than INR
list 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
956957 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966
S. Desc 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
N rip Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un
o tio it it it it it it it it
ne C 1021 1023
1 1

197 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

946 It 947 948 Workshop items 949 Tool Kit

ems as Qt 952 Valu 953 Valu 954 Valu 955 Valu
per y e less than e more e less than e more
DGT . INR than INR INR than INR
list 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
956957 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966
S. Desc 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
N rip Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un
o tio it it it it it it it it
10301031 1032 1033 1035 1037 1038 1039 1040
2nd - - W01- W01- - - - -
P 1 2
C 1034 1036
2 2
198 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

946 It 947 948 Workshop items 949 Tool Kit

ems as Qt 952 Valu 953 Valu 954 Valu 955 Valu
per y e less than e more e less than e more
DGT . INR than INR INR than INR
list 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
956957 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966
S. Desc 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
N rip Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un
o tio it it it it it it it it
10431044 1045 1046 1048 1050 1051 1052 1053
3rd - - W01- W01- - - - -
P 1 2
C 1047 1049
3 3
199 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

946 It 947 948 Workshop items 949 Tool Kit

ems as Qt 952 Valu 953 Valu 954 Valu 955 Valu
per y e less than e more e less than e more
DGT . INR than INR INR than INR
list 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
956957 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966
S. Desc 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
N rip Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un
o tio it it it it it it it it
10541055 10561057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1063 1065 1066
4 Scre 1 - - - - T4 T4 - -
wd e 1062 1064
riv a 1 2
er c

200 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

946 It 947 948 Workshop items 949 Tool Kit

ems as Qt 952 Valu 953 Valu 954 Valu 955 Valu
per y e less than e more e less than e more
DGT . INR than INR INR than INR
list 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
956957 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966
S. Desc 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
N rip Un Un Un Un Un Un Un Un
o tio it it it it it it it it
of h
g) Incase ITI has applied 2 or 3 trades; different coloured/shaped stickers are to be used to identify items trades wise.

201 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2 The main machinery shall be grouted in the ground/ machine foundation
3 All machines and equipment costing >Rs 10,000/- and above shall be hard punched/ engraved with the Institute Initials/State Code/Application Number at two places
near the foundation.
For E.g.: ABC Private ITI in Himachal Pradesh with Application Number APP00999 the Hard punching/ engraving is to be done as: ABCPITI/HP/APP00999

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Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 2E: Guidelines for Videography for Site Visit

36.3 Stage I
36.4 The guidelines of videography by the ITI applicant are as under:
 Duration of videography must be at least 30 minutes. Videography shall be carried out in proper lighting condition.
 The video should not be in parts. One single video clip of site visit should be sent to State Directorate.
 The video shall be geo-tagged and time stamped.
 Videography must be in PEN drive and should be of very good quality. It must cover the assessors carrying out assessment of infrastructure of institute

1068 Stage II
 Besides this, it must cover walk through video of all infrastructural facilities
 It must show sequence along with signage in following manner:
 Approach road leading to ITI gate and access road from ITI gate to ITI building
 Plot's signboard
 Institute's signboard
 Front view, around the building, elevation and back view of institute
 Full view of classrooms, workshops and IT lab
 View of roof of the workshops
 View of the floor of the workshops, classrooms, drawing hall
 View of Administrative areas
 View of Amenities areas
 Views of circulation area details highlighting entrance lobby, passages, escalators, staircases and other common areas

1069 Stage III

 All the machineries, equipment and tools in working conditions
 Meter connection
 The video should focus on grouting of machineries, installation, wiring, safety measures, running condition and the engraving on all the tools costing more than INR
 In the case of existing ITIs, videography must cover the workshops of new trade/unit sought for affiliation as well as for the existing one for that particular affiliated

203 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 2F: Trade specific norms for Machinery/ Tools/ Equipment

36.5 The list of latest required power norms & space norms is
available on DGT website under the icon “Craftsmen Training
Scheme> Trade syllabus>Latest trade syllabus” (link:
36.6 Engineering Trades

204 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1070 10711072 80+35 1073 25 1074 5
Architectural 24 for
Draughtsman Computer
1075 Attendan 10761077 104 1078 25 1079 13
t Operator
205 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1080 Civil 10811082 120 1083 25 1084 6
Engineer 24

206 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1085 Compute 10861087 70 1088 25 1089 3.45
r Hardware & 24

207 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1090 Domestic 10911092 80 1093 25 1094 2.5
Painter 24
1095 Draughts 10961097 64 1098 25 1099 5
man(civil) 24
1100 Draughts 11011102 64 1103 25 1104 3.7

208 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
man 24
1105 Electricia 11061107 98 1108 25 1109 5.2 (for
n 20 2 units in
one shift)

209 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1110 Electroni 11111112 56 1113 25 1114 3.04
c Mechanic 24
1115 Electropl 11161117 60 1118 25 1119 16
ater 20
1120 Fitter 11211122 88 1123 25 1124 3.51

210 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1125 Foundry 11261127 128 1128 25 1129 11
man 20
1130 Carpente 11311132 120 1133 25 1134 8
r 24

211 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1135 Industria 11361137 80 1138 25 1139 2.5
l Painter 24
1140 Informati 11411142 70 1143 25 1144 3.45
on Technology 24
1145 Informati 11461147 70 1148 25 1149 3.45

212 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
on and 24
1150 Instrume 11511152 80 1153 25 1154 8.07
nt Mechanic 24

213 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1155 Instrume 11561157 104 1158 25 1159 8
nt Mechanic 20
1160 Interior 11611162 40+80+3 1163 25 1164 10
214 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
and Designing 6 (6x6 for
1165 Laborato 11661167 96 1168 25 1169 6
ry Assistant 20
1170 Machinis 11711172 130 1173 25 1174 20
t 20

215 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1175 Machinis 11761177 102 1178 25 1179 23.4
t (Grinder) 20
1180 Maintena 11811182 96 1183 25 1184 13
nce Mechanic 20

216 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1185 Marine 11861187 84 1188 25 1189 3
Engine Fitter 20
1190 Marine 11911192 256 1193 25 1194 30
Fitter 20

217 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1195 Mason 11961197 80 1198 25 1199 3
(Building 24
1200 Mech. 12011202 100 1203 25 1204 3
Motor Cycle 20 (Including
218 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1205 Mechanic 12061207 192 1208 25 1209 8
Mechatronics 20
(Fitting and

219 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1210 Mechanic 12111212 210 1213 25 1214 4.8
(Motor 20 (Including
Vehicle) Parking
1215 Mechanic 12161217 80 1218 25 1219 6.82
220 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
and Air-
1220 Mechanic 12211222 210 1223 25 1224 4.8
(Tractor) 20
1225 Mechanic 12261227 56 1228 25 1229 5

221 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
Agricultural 20
1230 Mechanic 12311232   1233 25 1234  

222 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1235 Mechanic 12361237 210 1238 25 1239 4.8
Auto Body 20 (Including
Painting Parking

223 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1240 Mechanic 12411242 210 1243 25 1244 4.8
Auto Body 20 (Including
Repair Parking
1245 Mechanic 12461247 100 1248 25 1249 3
Auto (Including
224 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
Electrical and Parking
Electronics Area)
1250 Mechanic 12511252 56 1253 25 1254 3.04
Consumer 24

225 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1255 Mechanic 12561257 150 1258 25 1259 4.8
Diesel Engine 20 (Including
226 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
130, Parking
1260 Mechanic 12611262 100 1263 25 1264 7.5
Lens/Prism 16

227 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1265 Mechanic 12661267 192 1268 25 1269 17
Machine Tools 20
1270 Mechanic 12711272 120 sq 1273 25 1274 5
Medical 20 m (inclusive
Electronics of 10 sq m
228 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
Dark room
1275 Mechanic 12761277 292 1278 25 1279 20
Mining 20

229 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1280 Operator 12811282 144 1283 25 1284 25
Advanced 12
Machine Tools
1285 Painter 12861287 56 1288 25 1289 5
General 16

230 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1290 Physiothe 12911292 100 1293 25 1294 3
rapy 16

231 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1295 Plastic 12961297 Adequat 1298 25 1299 13.6
Processing 16 e Space
1300 Plumber 13011302 80 1303 25 1304 2

232 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1305 Pump 13061307 84 1308 25 1309 11
Operator- 16
1310 Radiolog 13111312 75.04 1313 25 1314 4
y Technician 16
233 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
Diagnosis &
1315 Refractor 13161317 130 (L: 1318 25 1319 13.6
y Technician 16 B::2:1)
1320 Rubber 13211322 60 1323 25 1324 5

234 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
Technician 20
1325 Sheet 13261327 80 1328 25 1329 11
Metal Worker 16
1330 Spinning 13311332 525 1333 25 1334 19
Technician 16

235 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1335 Stone 13361337 100 sq 1338 25 1339 10
Mining 20 m covered
Machine area + 250 sq
Operator m open area
1340 Stone 13411342 100 1343 25 1344 10
236 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1345 Surveyor 13461347 64 1348 25 1349 3
1350 Technicia 13511352 70 1353 25 1354 5

237 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
n Power 20
1355 Textile 13561357 240 1358 25 1359 9
Mechatronics 20

238 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1360 Textile 13611362 104 1363 25 1364 8
Wet 20
1365 Tool & 13661367 130 1368 25 1369 29.6
Die Maker
239 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
(Dies &
1370 Tool & 13711372 130 1373 25 1374 29.6
Die Maker 24
(Press Tools,
Jigs &
240 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1375 Turner 13761377 110 1378 25 1379 18.5
1380 Vessel 13811382 240 1383 25 1384 20
Navigator 20

241 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1385 Weaving 13861387 525 1388 25 1389 9.4
Technician 20
1390 Welder 13911392 80 1393 25 1394 16
1395 Welder 13961397 80 1398 25 1399 16

242 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
(Fabrication 20
& Fitting)
1400 Welder 14011402 80 1403 25 1404 16
(GMAW & 20

243 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1405 Welder 14061407 80 1408 25 1409 16
(Pipe) 20
1410 Welder 14111412 80 1413 25 1414 16
(Structural) 20
1415 Welder 14161417 80 1418 25 1419 16

244 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
(Welding & 20
1420 Wireman 14211422 88 1423 25 1424 5
20 (11x8)
1425 Mechanic 14261427 56 1428 25 1429 3.04

245 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
Consumer 24

246 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1430 Operator 14311432 144 1433 25 1434 25
Advance 16
Machine Tool

247 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1435 Electricia 14361437 1438 25 1439
n Power 20

248 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1440 Solar 14411442 50 1443 25 1444 3
Technician 20
1445 Central 14461447 120 1448 25 1449 6
Air Condition 24
249 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1450 Additive 14511452 1453 25 1454
Manufacturin 20
g Technician
(3D Printing)

250 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.7 36.8 Name of the 36.9 U

36.10 Space 36.11 Space 36.12 Power
Trade n Norms for Norms Supply
i Workshop for Load (KW)
t per unit (Sq. Classro 3-Phase,
M) om (Sq Commerci
S M) al
1455 Aeronaut 14561457 1458 25 1459
ical Structure 20

251 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

1460 Non-engineering Trades

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power
S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1467 Agro 14681469 96 1470 25 1471 6
Processing 24
1472 Tourist 14731474 56 1475 25 1476 4
Guide 24

252 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1477 Baker 14781479 96 1480 25 1481 16.6
and 24
1482 Bamboo 14831484 100 1485 25 1486 10
Works 24

253 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1487 Cosmetol 14881489 70 1490 25 1491 6
ogy 24
1492 Catering 14931494 64 1495 25 1496 19
& 20

254 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1497 Compute 14981499 64 1500 25 1501 5
r Aided 24
1502 Embroid 15031504 1505 1506
ery &

255 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1507 Compute 15081509 70 1510 25 1511 3.45
r Operator 24

256 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1512 Dairying 15131514 125 1515 25 1516 3
1517 Database 15181519 70 1520 25 1521 3.45
System 24

257 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1522 Dental 15231524 120 1525 25 1526 12
Laboratory 24

258 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1527 Desktop 15281529 70 1530 25 1531 4.3
Publishing 24
1532 Digital 15331534 48 1535 25 1536 6.35
Photographer 24

259 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1537 Dress 15381539 64 1540 25 1541 5
Making 20
1542 Fashion 15431544 64 1545 25 1546 5
Design & 20

260 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1547 Finance 15481549 80 (50 + 1550 25 1551 4
Executive 24 30 Language
1552 Fire 15531554 *1,000 1555 25 1556 2
Technology 24 sq m for
and Industrial practical
261 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
Safety training
Management ground can
be away
from the
institute at a
distance of

262 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
maximum 20
kms in safe
1557 Floricult 15581559 1 1560 25 1561 2
ure & 24 hectare plot
Landscaping of land/10000
263 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
Sq m
1562 Food 15631564 96 1565 25 1566 6
Beverages 24
1567 Food 15681569 48 1570 25 1571 8
Beverages 20

264 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
Guest Services
1572 Food 15731574 96 1575 25 1576 4
Production 24

265 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1577 Footwear 15781579 72 1580 25 1581 4
Maker 20
1582 Front 15831584 56 1585 25 1586 4.5
Office 24

266 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1587 Fruit & 15881589 96 1590 25 1591 5
Vegetable 24
1592 Health 15931594 *1,000 1595 25 1596 2
Safety and 24 Sq m for
Environment practical
267 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
ground can
be away
from the
Institute at a
distance of

268 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
maximum 20
kms in safe

269 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1597 Health 15981599 40 1600 25 1601 4
Sanitary 24
1602 Horticult 16031604 1- 1605 25 1606 2
ure 24 hectare plot
U of land/10000
270 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
n sq m

271 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1607 Hospital 16081609 40 1610 25 1611 5
Housekeeping 24
1612 Housekee 16131614 40 1615 25 1616 4.5
per 24

272 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1617 Human 16181619 80 (50 + 1620 25 1621 4
Resources 24 30 Language
Executive Lab)
1622 Leather 16231624 72 1625 25 1626 4
Goods Maker 20

273 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1627 Marketin 16281629 80 (50 + 1630 25 1631 4
g Executive 24 30 Language

274 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1632 Milk & 16331634 96 1635 25 1636 6
Milk Product 24

275 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1637 Multimed 16381639 130 1640 25 1641 6
ia Animation 24 (Studio -50
& sq m,
1642 Special 16431644 Lab- 80 1645 1646
Effect sq m

276 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1647 Old Age 16481649 100 1650 25 1651 2
Care 24
1652 Photogra 16531654 48 1655 25 1656 7
pher 24
1657 Pre/ 16581659 48 1660 25 1661 3

277 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
Preparatory 20

278 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1662 Video 16631664 96 1665 25 1666 4
Cameraman 24
1667 Secretari 16681669 48 1670 25 1671 8
al 24

279 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1672 Sewing 16731674 64 1675 25 1676 5
Technology 20
1677 Software 16781679 70 1680 25 1681 3.45
Testing 24

280 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1682 Spa 16831684 80 1685 25 1686 6
Therapy 24
1687 Stenogra 16881689 48 1690 25 1691 8
pher and 24

281 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1692 Stenogra 16931694 48 1695 25 1696 8
pher and 24
282 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
(Hindi) (As

283 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1697 Surface 16981699 64 1700 25 1701 5
Ornamentatio 20
n Techniques
1702 Travel 17031704 56 1705 25 1706 4.5
284 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1707 Weaving 17081709 144 1710 25 1711 17
Technician for 20
Silk And

285 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1712 Remotely 17131714 35 1715 25 1716 3
Piloted 24

286 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1717 Soil 17181719 (i) 200 1721 25 1722 2
Testing and 24 Sq. Metres
Crop 1720 (ii) 1
Technician Acre

287 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1723 Driver 17241725 56 1726 25 1727 6.82
cum Mechanic 20
1728 Early 17291730 48 1731 25 1732 3

288 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
Childhood 24
1733 IoT 17341735 70 1736 25 1737 3.45
Technician 24

289 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1738 IoT 17391740 70 1741 25 1742 3.45
Technician 24
(Smart City)
1743 IoT 17441745 70 1746 25 1747 3.45

290 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
Technician 24
(Smart Health
1748 Smartph 17491750 35 1751 25 1752 3
one 24
291 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
Cum App
1753 Geo- 17541755 35 1756 25 1757 3.45
Informatics 24

292 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

14611462 Name of 14631464 Space 1465 Sp 1466 Power

S. the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
N n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
o i per unit (Sq. for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1758 Fireman 17591760 1000 1761 25 1762 2

293 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

1763 Trade for Visually Impaired

1765 Name of 17661767 Space 1768 Sp 1769 Power
S the Trade U Norms for ace Supply
n Workshop Norms Load (KW)
i per unit (Sq for 3-Phase,
t M) Classro Commercia
S om (Sq l
i M)
1770 Compute 17711772 35 1773 25 1774 3.45
r Operator & 12

294 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

1775 Cutting 17761777 35 1778 25 1779 4
& Sewing 12
1780 Desktop 17811782 35 1783 25 1784 4.3
Publishing 12
1785 Hair & 17861787 35 1788 25 1789 4
Skin Care 12
1790 Metal 17911792 100 1793 25 1794 18
Cutting 12
Attendant (for

295 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 2G: Norms for deployment of Staff

36.13 The details of the technical staff, qualification and experience

and other relevant data to be followed from latest norms
mentioned in training manual of DGT.

296 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 2I: Workshop Norms

36.15 The list of latest required power norms

& space norms is available on DGT
website under the icon “Craftsmen
Training Scheme> Trade
syllabus>Latest trade syllabus” (link:
36.16 (Refer Annexure 2F)

297 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 2J: Existing Space Requirement of ITIs forWorkshop &Classroom under CTS
1 Space Requirement in ITIs (Workshop Building): The details of space requirement and electrical connected load for the trades is given in Annexure 2F
2 Space Norms for Workshop for ITIs:
 It has been approved by the Recommendation Committee DGT-Affiliation that the workshop for all trades must be rectangular in shape and width must not be less
than 05 meter.
 The walls of workshop made of tin sheet are not allowed.
 The minimum height of workshop must be 10 feet (3.048 meter) for RCC roof and 12 feet (3.65 meter) for Industrial roof shed from lower end.
 All built- up areas of Institute should be at least cemented/ tiled as prescribed.
 Keeping in view the escalating cost of land and non-availability of required land in urban areas, metropolitan and other cities, the National Council for Vocational
Training (NCVT) deliberated and approved vertical expansion, with multi-storied design for workshop with a condition that trades with heavy machineries to be
housed only in the ground floor and remaining trades may be housed at any floor.
 Further, before housing any trade involving machineries at any floor other than ground floor, a certificate regarding safety/suitability of structure to house that trade
from Government Civil/Structural Engineer would be necessary.
 It was also approved that as per building byelaws, for building having more than three floors, the provision of lift would be mandatory. It is also recommended by
DGT that following trades requiring heavy machinery must be accommodated on ground floor. However, on the basis of the certificate by competent government
authority/ Government structural engineer these trades can be allowed on the higher floors.
▬ Welder,
▬ Foundry man,
▬ Mechanic Tractor,
▬ Mechanic Diesel,
▬ Mechanic Motor Vehicle,
▬ Fitter,
▬ Turner,
▬ Machinist,
▬ Sheet Metal Worker,
▬ Carpenter,
▬ Machinist Grinder,
▬ Tool and Die Maker,
▬ Building Constructor (Mason) &
▬ Any other having single machinery weighing more than 200 kg
 Building plan shall be approved by Town Planning Department/ District Magistrate (Collector)/ Development Authority / Municipal Authority/ Any other
Competent Authority as per State government / UT.

298 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021


299 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 3: Initial Scrutiny Format

36.17 S Details
36.18 Me Remarks (fill
36.19 36.20 36.21 Decisi
ets only if norms on
No are not met)
1797 Whether applicant 1798 1799 Fill details 1800 (
has been de- Yes// Applic
barred/black-listed by No ation
DGT need
not be

300 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.17 S Details
36.18 36.19 Me 36.20 Remarks (fill 36.21 Decisi
ets only if norms on
No are not met)
1801 Whether the 1802 1803 Fill details 1804 A
proposed location falls Yes// pplicat
in un-served block. No ion to

301 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.17 S Details
36.18 36.19 Me 36.20 Remarks (fill 36.21 Decisi
ets only if norms on
No are not met)
3. a. Document not legible
1805 Registration 1806 b.
Wrong document
Incomplete document
1807 R
document of the Yes// d. Organization name does not match with the
registration document
organization (indicating No e. Date of registration does not match with the
registration document NC
f. Any other reason, please specify
its members, objectives

302 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.17 S Details
36.18 36.19 Me 36.20 Remarks (fill 36.21 Decisi
ets only if norms on
No are not met)
and MoA and Rules)
4. a. Document not legible
1808 PAN Card 1809 b.
Wrong document
Organization name (Name of Individual for
1810 R
Yes// Sole proprietary) does not match with the
PAN card
No d. Any other reason, please specify
5. a. Document not legible
1811 Resolution by the 1812 b.
Wrong document
Incomplete document
1813 R
applicant organization, Yes// d.
Resolution document content not matching.
Any other reason, please specify
pertaining to starting No NC

303 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.17 S Details
36.18 36.19 Me 36.20 Remarks (fill 36.21 Decisi
ets only if norms on
No are not met)
ITI in the Format- 2
6. a. Document not legible
1814 Valid ID Proof i.e. 1815 b.
Wrong document
Name does not match with the ID Proof
1816 R
Voter Id Card/ PAN Yes// d. Any other reason, please specify
Card/Driving License/ No NC
Passport/ Aadhar Card
of Trustees/ Members/
Directors/ Owners/

304 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.17 S Details
36.18 36.19 Me 36.20 Remarks (fill 36.21 Decisi
ets only if norms on
No are not met)
Partners/ Principal
Repeat for each
7. a. Document not legible
1817 Resolution by the 1818 b.
Wrong document
Incomplete document
1819 R
applicant organization, Yes// d. Any other reason, please specify
pertaining to No NC
nominating Authorised

305 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.17 S Details
36.18 36.19 Me 36.20 Remarks (fill 36.21 Decisi
ets only if norms on
No are not met)
person in the Format-3
8. a. Document not legible
1820 Valid ID Proof i.e. 1821 b.
Wrong document
Name does not match with the ID Proof
1822 R
Voter Id Card/ PAN Yes// d. Any other reason, please specify
Card/Driving License/ No NC
Passport/Aadhar card
of authorized person
1823 Is website of the 1824 1825 Fill 1826 R

306 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.17 S Details
36.18 Me
36.19 36.20 Remarks (fill 36.21 Decisi
ets only if norms on
No are not met)
organization Yes// remarks aise
functional? No NC

307 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 4: Desktop Assessment Format for Stage II

308 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.22 S Details
36.23 M Remarks (fill only if
36.24 36.25 D 36.26

e norms are not met) e

e c
ts i
N s
o i
r o
m n
1. a. Document not legible
1829 Whether documents 1830 1833
309 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.22 S Details
36.23 M Remarks (fill only if
36.24 36.25 D 36.26

e norms are not met) e

e c
ts i
N s
o i
r o
m n
2. a. Document not legible
1834 Whether Building 1835 1836
310 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.22 S Details
36.23 M Remarks (fill only if
36.24 36.25 D 36.26

e norms are not met) e

e c
ts i
N s
o i
r o
m n
3. a. Document not legible
1837 Whether Building 1838 1839
311 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.22 S Details
36.23 M Remarks (fill only if
36.24 36.25 D 36.26

e norms are not met) e

e c
ts i
N s
o i
r o
m n
4. a. Document not legible
1840 Is Fire Safety 1841 1842
312 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.22 S Details
36.23 M Remarks (fill only if
36.24 36.25 D 36.26

e norms are not met) e

e c
ts i
N s
o i
r o
m n
5. a. Document not legible
1843 Whether Resolution 1844 1845
313 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.22 S Details
36.23 M Remarks (fill only if
36.24 36.25 D 36.26

e norms are not met) e

e c
ts i
N s
o i
r o
m n
6. a. Document not legible
1846 Whether Resolution 1847 1848
314 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.22 S Details
36.23 M Remarks (fill only if
36.24 36.25 D 36.26

e norms are not met) e

e c
ts i
N s
o i
r o
m n
7. a. Document not legible
1849 Certificate- 1 issued 1850 1851
315 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

8. Instructional Area Details:

a. Classroom details:

18531854 1855 1856 1857 Actua 1858 Width 1859 Deci
S. Existi Name Space l Area (in m) sion
N ng/ of nor Available
o Ne Tra ms (in sqm)
w de (in 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 Rais
<pre- <pre- e NC/ Do
pop pop notraise
ulat ulat NC
e> e>

316 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

1877 Note: The details shall be verified from building plan and if
any inconsistency is found, NC shall be raised.
b. Workshop details:

1880 1881 1882 1883 Actual 1884 Width 1885 Dec
S. Existi Name Space Area (in m) ision
N ng/ of nor Available
o Ne Tra ms (in sqm)
w de (in 1890 1891 1892 1893
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 Rai
<pre- <pre- <pre- <pre- se NC/
pop pop pop pop Do
ulat ulat ulat ulat notraise

317 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

e> e> e> e> NC

1903 Note: The details shall be verified from building plan and if
any inconsistency is found, NC shall be raised.
c. IT Lab details (other than COPA):

1907 1908 1909 1910 Actual 1911 Width 1912 Dec
S. Existi Name Space Area (in m) ision
N ng/ of nor Available
o Ne Tra ms (in sqm)
w de (in 1917 1918 1919 1920
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Rai
<pre- <pre- <pre- <pre- se NC/
318 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

pop pop pop pop Do

ulat ulat ulat ulat notraise
e> e> e> e> NC
1930 Note: The details shall be verified from building plan and if
any inconsistency is found, NC shall be raised.
d. Drawing Hall details [(for Engineering Trade(s) (except Draughtsman (Civil)/ Draughtsman (Mechanical) trades)]:

1932 1933 Nam 1934 1935 Actual Area 1936 Dec
S. e of Trade Space Available (in sqm) ision
N nor 1940 Claim 1941 Verifi
o ms ed ed
1943 <pre- 1944 1945 1946 1947 Rai

319 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

1932 1933 Nam 1934 1935 Actual Area 1936 Dec

S. e of Trade Space Available (in sqm) ision
N nor 1940 Claim 1941 Verifi
o ms ed ed
populate> <pre- se NC/
pop Do not
ulat raise NC
1948 Note: The details shall be verified from building plan and if
any inconsistency is found, NC shall be raised.
e. Administrative Area Details:

320 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

19501951 Admi 1952 1953 Actual 1954 Width 1955 Dec
S. nistrative Space Area (in m) ision
N Area nor Available
o ms (in sqm)
(in 1959 1960 1961 1962
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
1964 Recep 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 Rai
tion cum <pre- <pre- se NC/
Waiting pop pop Do not
Lobby ulat ulat raise NC
e> e>
1971 Princi 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 Rai
pal Room <pre- <pre- se NC/

321 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

19501951 Admi 1952 1953 Actual 1954 Width 1955 Dec

S. nistrative Space Area (in m) ision
N Area nor Available
o ms (in sqm)
(in 1959 1960 1961 1962
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
pop pop Do not
ulat ulat raise NC
e> e>
1978 Staff 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Rai
Room <pre- <pre- se NC/
pop pop Do not
ulat ulat raise NC
e> e>

322 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

19501951 Admi 1952 1953 Actual 1954 Width 1955 Dec

S. nistrative Space Area (in m) ision
N Area nor Available
o ms (in sqm)
(in 1959 1960 1961 1962
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
1985 Admi 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Rai
nistrative <pre- <pre- se NC/
Hall/ pop pop Do not
Section ulat ulat raise NC
e> e>
1992 Place 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Rai
ment/ <pre- <pre- se NC/
Counsellin pop pop Do not

323 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

19501951 Admi 1952 1953 Actual 1954 Width 1955 Dec

S. nistrative Space Area (in m) ision
N Area nor Available
o ms (in sqm)
(in 1959 1960 1961 1962
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
g room ulat ulat raise NC
e> e>
f. Amenities Area Details:

324 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20012002 Admi 2003 2004 Actual 2005 Width 2006 Dec
S. nistrative Space Area (in m) ision
N Area nor Available
o ms (in sqm)
(in 2010 2011 2012 2013
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
2015 Multi 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Rai
purpose <pre- <pre- se NC/
Hall/ pop pop Do not
Courtyard ulat ulat raise NC
e> e>
2022 Libra 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Rai
ry & <pre- <pre- se NC/

325 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20012002 Admi 2003 2004 Actual 2005 Width 2006 Dec

S. nistrative Space Area (in m) ision
N Area nor Available
o ms (in sqm)
(in 2010 2011 2012 2013
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
Reading pop pop Do not
Room ulat ulat raise NC
e> e>
2029 Cante 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Rai
en <pre- <pre- se NC/
(including pop pop Do not
kitchen & ulat ulat raise NC
pantry) e> e>

326 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20012002 Admi 2003 2004 Actual 2005 Width 2006 Dec

S. nistrative Space Area (in m) ision
N Area nor Available
o ms (in sqm)
(in 2010 2011 2012 2013
sqm Claim Verifi Claim Verifi
) ed ed ed ed
2036 Stora 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 Rai
ge Room <pre- <pre- se NC/
for raw pop pop Do not
material ulat ulat raise NC
and for e> e>
Gases/ Oil
drums etc.

327 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20442045 Description 2046 O2047 Remarks (fill 2048
S. ptio only if decision is Dec
N n No) is
o (Yes/ io
No) n
5 a. Minimum width of stair is less than 2.0 m
2049 Availability of 2050 b. Minimum width of tread is less than 0.3 m
c. Minimum height of riser is less than 0.15 m
staircase as per d.
Riser is not limited to 12 per flight
Minimum height of head room is less than 2.2 m

standards/ Local f. Any other reason, please specify

Building byelaws or
NBC of India
2052 Availability of 2053 Y2054 Fill the 2055
treated drinking water es/ correct details Rai
fountains as per No/ se
standards (Floor wise) NA N

328 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20442045 Description 2046 O2047 Remarks (fill 2048

S. ptio only if decision is Dec
N n No) is
o (Yes/ io
No) n
7 a. Water closets are not as per standards
2056 Availability of 2057 Yb.c. Urinals are not as per standards
Wash basins are not as per standards
toilets/ water closets for es/ d. Any other reason, please specify
staff, as per standards No se
(Floor wise) N
8 a. Water closets are not as per standards
2059 Availability of 2060 Yb.c. Urinals are not as per standards
Wash basins are not as per standards
toilets/ water closets es/ e. Any other reason, please specify
available for trainees, as No se
per standards (Floor N

329 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20442045 Description 2046 O2047 Remarks (fill 2048

S. ptio only if decision is Dec
N n No) is
o (Yes/ io
No) n
wise) C
2062 Car Parking 2066 Y2067 Fill the 2068
2063 Individual: es/ correct details Rai
Minimum 3mX 6m No se
2064 Common:
Minimum 3.75mX 5m
2065 (Area for each
equivalent car space
inclusive ofcirculation

330 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20442045 Description 2046 O2047 Remarks (fill 2048

S. ptio only if decision is Dec
N n No) is
o (Yes/ io
No) n
area is 23 Sq m for open
parking, 28 Sq m for
ground floor covered
parking and 32 Sq m for
2069 Scooter/ Two- 2070 Y2071 Fill the 2072
Wheeler (Minimum 1.25 es/ correct details Rai
Sq m for each) No se

331 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20442045 Description 2046 O2047 Remarks (fill 2048

S. ptio only if decision is Dec
N n No) is
o (Yes/ io
No) n
2073 Bicycle (Minimum 2074 Y2075 Fill the 2076
1.00 Sq m for each) es/ correct details Rai
No se
g. Finishing Details:

332 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

20792080 Description 2081 O2082 Remarks (fill 2083
S. ptio only if decision is Dec
N n No) is
o (Yes/ io
No) n
2084 Are internal and 2085 Y2086 Fill remarks 2087
external walls and es/ Rai
ceilings plastered and No se
coloured/ distempered N
2088 Are door, window, 2089 Y2090 Fill remarks 2091
ventilator, gate, grill, es/ Rai
railing of the institute No se
painted/ polished/ N

333 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

laminated C

334 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 5: Desktop Assessment Format for Stage III

36.27 S Details
36.28 36.29 Mee 36.30 Remarks (fill only D

ts if norms are not e

Nor met) c
ms i
(Ye s
s/ i
No) o
1. k. Document not legible
2093 Tax Invoices for 2095 Yl.m. Wrong document
Incomplete document
Machineries, Equipment es/ No n. Date on the tax invoice does not match with the
and Tools (Verify all o. Document is not in name of applicant institution
or organization se
p. Any other reason, please specify
Machineries, Equipment NC
2094 and Tools)
2. a. Document not legible
2097 Tender Finalization 2098 Y b.
Wrong document
Incomplete document
Document (Verify all es/ No d. Any other reason, please specify
335 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.27 S Details
36.28 36.29 Mee 36.30 Remarks (fill only 36.31 D
ts if norms are not e
Nor met) c
ms i
(Ye s
s/ i
No) o
Machineries, Equipment se
costing above INR 10,000) NC
3. a. Document not legible
2100 Goods received note 2101 Yb.c. Wrong document
Incomplete document
(Verify all Machineries, es/ No d. Any other reason, please specify
Equipment costing above se
INR 10,000) NC
4. a. Document not legible
2103 Copy of Store's own 2104 Y b.
Wrong document
Incomplete document
register/ stock entry register es/ No d. Any other reason, please specify
336 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.27 S Details
36.28 36.29 Mee 36.30 Remarks (fill only 36.31 D
ts if norms are not e
Nor met) c
ms i
(Ye s
s/ i
No) o
(Verify all Machineries, se
Equipmentcosting above NC
INR 10,000)
5. a. Document not legible
2106 BSI Certification 2107 Yb.c. Wrong document
Incomplete document
(Verify all Machineries, es/ No d. Any other reason, please specify
Equipment costing above se
INR 10,000) NC
6. a. Document not legible
2109 Vehicle Registration 2110 Y b. Wrong document 2111
337 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.27 S Details
36.28 36.29 Mee 36.30 Remarks (fill only D

ts if norms are not e

Nor met) c
ms i
(Ye s
s/ i
No) o
c. Incomplete document
Certificate (if any) es/ No d. Document is not in name of applicant/ institution
or organization
e. Any other reason, please specify
7. a. Document not legible
2112 Power Supply 2113 Yb.c. Wrong document
Incomplete document
(Existing & additional) es/ No d. Document is not in name of applicant Institution
or organization
e. Supply does not have 3-phase commercial
connection se
f. Supply available on the document does not

match with the details filled
Any other reason, please specify

338 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.27 S Details
36.28 36.29 Mee 36.30 Remarks (fill only D

ts if norms are not e

Nor met) c
ms i
(Ye s
s/ i
No) o
8. a. Document not legible
2115 Backup Power Supply 2116 Yb.c. Wrong document
Incomplete document
es/ No d. Document is not in name of applicant institution
or organization
e. Supply available on the document does not
match with the details filled se
f. Any other reason, please specify

339 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 6: Site Visit Format for Stage III

36.32 S Details
36.33 Remarks
36.34 Meets
Decision36.35 36.36

(fill only
(Yes/ No)
if norms
are nor
2120 Machinery Details (fill for each machinery)
2121 Availability of 2122 Yes/ 2123 Fill 2124 Raise
required quantity No the NC
2125 Whether 2126 Yes/ 2127 Fill 2128 Raise
machinery is No remarks NC
installed as per

340 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
supplier manual
and ISO safety
2129 Whether 2130 Yes/ 2131 Fill 2132 Raise
machinery is No remarks NC
connected as per
electrical safety
2133 Whether 2134 Yes/ 2135 Fill 2136 Raise
machinery is No remarks NC

341 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
connected as per
Indian standard
code of practicing
for electrical wiring
2137 Whether 2138 Yes/ 2139 Fill 2140 Raise
machinery is in No remarks NC
working condition
2141 Equipment Details (fill for each equipment)
2142 Availability of 2143 Yes/ 2144 Fill 2145 Raise
required quantity No the NC
342 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 MeetsRemarks Decision
36.35 36.36

Norms(fill only
(Yes/ No)
if norms
are nor
2146 Whether 2147 Yes/ 2148 Fill 2149 Raise
equipment is No remarks NC
installed as per
supplier manual
and ISO safety
2150 Whether 2151 Yes/ 2152 Fill 2153 Raise

343 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
equipment is No remarks NC
connected as per
electrical safety
2154 Whether 2155 Yes/ 2156 Fill 2157 Raise
equipment is No remarks NC
connected as per
Indian standard
code of practicing
for electrical wiring

344 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 MeetsRemarks Decision
36.35 36.36

Norms(fill only
(Yes/ No)
if norms
are nor
2158 Whether 2159 Yes/ 2160 Fill 2161 Raise
equipment is in No remarks NC
working condition
2162 Tools Details (fill for each tools)
2163 Availability of 2164 Yes/ 2165 Fill 2166 Yes/
required quantity & No the No
condition of the quantity
tools actually
2167 Classroom Furniture Details (fill for each classroom)
345 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets Remarks
36.35 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
2168 Availability of 2169 Yes/ 2170 Not 2171 Raise
chair for instructor No applicable NC
2172 Is table for 2173 Yes/ 2174 Not 2175 Raise
instructor available No applicable NC
2176 Are no. of 2177 Yes/ 2178 Fill 2179 Raise
chairs/ desk for No the NC
trainees filled quantity
correct actually
2180 Availability of 2181 Yes/ 2182 Not 2183 Raise
346 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
black/ white board No applicable NC
(4X6 Feet)
2184 IT Lab Details
2185 Are the details 2186 Yes/ 2187 Fill 2188 Raise
of desktop computer No the NC
with latest quantity
configuration (only actually
LCD or LED available
monitor to be
allowed) filled

347 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
2189 Internet 2190 Yes/ 2191 Fill 2192 Raise
connectivity No the NC
2193 Computer with 2194 Yes/ 2195 Fill 2196 Raise
multimedia, anti- No the NC
virus software, quantity
latest operating actually

348 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets Remarks
36.35 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
software with UPS available
2197 LAN Cabling, 2198 Yes/ 2199 Not 2200 Raise
LAN Switch No applicable NC
2201 Printer (Inkjet, 2202 Yes/ 2203 Not 2204 Raise
Laser) No applicable NC
2205 Scanner 2206 Yes/ 2207 Not 2208 Raise
No applicable NC
2209 Server 2210 Yes/ 2211 Not 2212 Raise
No applicable NC

349 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets Remarks
36.35 Decision 36.36

Norms (fill only

(Yes/ No)
if norms
are nor
2213 External Hard 2214 Yes/ 2215 Not 2216 Raise
Disk – 1TB No applicable NC
2217 Availability of 2218 Yes/ 2219 Not 2220 Raise
instructor/ office No applicable NC
2221 Availability of 2222 Yes/ 2223 Not 2224 Raise
instructor/ office No applicable NC
2225 Are the details 2226 Yes/ 2227 Fill 2228 Raise
of Trainees/ No the NC
350 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets Remarks
36.35 Decision 36.36

Norms (fill only

(Yes/ No)
if norms
are nor
Computer Chairs quantity
filled correctly actually
2229 Are the details 2230 Yes/ 2231 Fill 2232 Raise
of trainees/ No the NC
computer tables quantity
filled correctly actually
2233 Availability of 2234 Yes/ 2235 Not 2236 Raise
black/ white board No applicable NC

351 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
(4X6 Feet)
2237 Other Equipment
2238 Availability of 2239 Yes/ 2240 Not 2241 Raise
biometric machine No applicable NC
with GPS
2242 Availability of 2243 Yes/ 2244 Not 2245 Raise
project for e- No applicable NC
learning Classes

352 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
2246 Power Supply
2247 If supply has 2248 Yes/ 2249 Fill 2250 Raise
three phase No the NC
commercial connectio
connection n actually
2251 Power supply 2252 Yes/ 2253 Fill 2254 Raise
availability as per No the NC
the required total deficiency
power supply for all in power

353 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets Remarks
36.35 Decision 36.36

Norms (fill only

(Yes/ No)
if norms
are nor
the trades supply
2255 Availability of 2256 Yes/ 2257 Fill 2258 Raise
backup electric No the NC
supply as per norms deficiency
in power
2259 Boards and Signages
2260 Signage Board 2261 Yes/ 2262 Fill 2263 Raise
on plot entrance No remarks NC
(include ITI's name,
354 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
logo and full
address along with
Skill India logo)
2264 Signage Board 2265 Yes/ 2266 Fill 2267 Raise
on Institute building No remarks NC
(include ITI's name
and logo along with
Skill India logo)
2268 Exit board for 2269 Yes/ 2270 Fill 2271 Raise
emergencies No remarks NC

355 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 MeetsRemarks Decision
36.35 36.36

Norms(fill only
(Yes/ No)
if norms
are nor
2272 Board 2273 Yes/ 2274 Fill 2275 Raise
indicating danger No remarks NC
signs near
generator set, heavy
installation/ panels
2276 Prohibited 2277 Yes/ 2278 Fill 2279 Raise
area indicators near No remarks NC
running machinery

356 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
2280 Signage Boards 2281 Yes/ 2282 Fill 2283 Raise
showing directions No remarks NC
indicating the
different sections of
the building like
building etc.
2284 Boards 2285 Yes/ 2286 Fill 2287 Raise

357 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
indicating No remarks NC
2288 Prohibited 2289 Yes/ 2290 Fill 2291 Raise
area indicators near No remarks NC
running machinery
2292 Trade details 2293 Yes/ 2294 Fill 2295 Raise
board (include list No remarks NC
of trades, seating

358 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
capacity, and
trainee enrolled and
name of machinery
and equipment
2296 Staff details 2297 Yes/ 2298 Fill 2299 Raise
board (include staff No remarks NC
details with name,
qualification and
contact numbers at

359 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
least for Principal
and Public
Relations Officer, if
2300 Disaster 2301 Yes/ 2302 Fill 2303 Raise
Management Plan No details for NC
(The institute shall deviation
have disaster
management plan as
prescribed in the

360 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
general guidelines
for Disaster
Management at
Annexure- 2B, Sl.
No. D)
2304 Other details (optional, but Rainwater Harvesting and
Augmentation, Solar Energy/ Renewable Energy Source
availability and Sewage Treatment Plant is mandatory for all
the ITIs with strength more than 500 trainees in each shift)
2305 Rainwater 2306 Yes/ 2307 Fill 2308 Not

361 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
harvesting and No remarks applicable
augmentation / Raise
2309 Solar 2310 Yes/ 2311 Fill 2312 Not
energy/renewable No remarks applicable
energy source / Raise
2313 Sewage 2314 Yes/ 2315 Fill 2316 Not
treatment plant No remarks applicable
/ Raise

362 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
2317 Announcement 2318 Yes/ 2319 Fill 2320 Not
system in No remarks applicable
strategic locations
for general and
2321 Enterprise 2322 Yes/ 2323 Fill 2324 Not
Resource Planning No remarks applicable

363 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.32 S Details
36.33 36.34 Meets 36.35 Remarks 36.36 Decision
Norms (fill only
(Yes/ No) if norms
are nor
(ERP) Software for
parent interaction
2325 ATM System 2326 Yes/ 2327 Fill 2328 Not
No remarks applicable
2329 CCTV Security 2330 Yes/ 2331 Fill 2332 Not
System No remarks applicable
2333 LCD (or 2334 Yes/ 2335 Fill 2336 Not
similar) Projectors No remarks applicable
in classroom
364 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021


365 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Annexure 7: Recommendation of Inspection Committee in Stage III

36.37 Stage -III, Inspection Committee Members Inspected the

36.38 Various information furnished in the report on the prescribed
proforma have been checked and verified as per the prescribed
norms and standards. Based on the inspection, the comments and
recommendations are made as under:
1 Defects and deficiencies noticed during the inspection, which should be communicated to the Principal of the Institute for rectification.

23402341 Trades with units for 2342 Defects and deficiencies

S. which affiliation has been noticed
N sought
2343 2344 2 2345 3
23462347 2348

366 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2 Availability of tools, equipment and machinery shown in the lists have been verified. The lists have been signed by all the members.
3 Infrastructural facilities available at the Institute have been verified additionally and separately for the trades/units for which affiliation is sought now. These facilities are
not mixed up with those, which are required as per the norms for the trades/units, which had already been affiliated.
4 Trades/Units, which had already been affiliated to DGT:

2349 S 2350 N 2351 Y 2352 Number of Units 2353 T

. No ame ear/ 2357 1 2358 2 2359 3 otal
of the Sessio st
Shift nd rd numb
Trade n of Shift Shift er of
Start Units
2361 1 2362 2 2363 3 2364 4 2365 5 2366 6 2367 7
2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374
5 Details of trades/units existing in the Institute:

367 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2375 S. 2376 Na 2377 Number of units started with year-

No me of wise breakup
the 2380 Ye 2381 1st 2382 2nd 2383 3rd
Trade ars Shift Shift Shift
2384 1 2385 2 2386 3 2387 4
2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393
6 Trades/Units, which are now recommended for affiliation:

2394 S. 2395 Na 2396 Ye 2397 Number of 2398 To

No me of ar/ Units tal
the Session 2402 1st 2403 2nd number
Trade of Start Shift Shift of Units
2405 1 2406 2 2407 3 2408 4 2409 5 2410 6
2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416
7 Other observations/comments, if any:

368 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2418 The above comments/recommendations from Sl. No. 1 to 7
are made by us. A copy of the complete Inspection Report has
been collected by the representative of the State Directorate for
sending the same to the DGT Headquarters, New Delhi.
2420 Date:
2421 Signature of the Members
2423 DGT 2425 SCVT 2427 Polytech/ Engg 2429 Industry/ Trade union
2424 Representative 2426 Representative 2428 Representative 2430 Representative

2431 <Name and designation of the members and Office Seal>

2432 Note:
1 Each page of this proforma should be signed in ink with date by the Members.
2 The Committee should consist of minimum three members for Inspection.

369 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2435 Signature of State Director
2436 Date
2437 Name of the State Directorate and Office seal

370 | P a g e
Format1: Advertisement for establishing Industrial Training Institute (ITI)

36.39 Timelines for Processing Applications:

S No. Details Last date

1. Last date for submitting application

2. Last date for accreditation for the particular session

3. Last date for affiliation for the particular session

DGT is not responsible for grant of affiliation for any particular session.

Format 2: Resolution for Establishment of New Industrial Training
Institute (ITI)


36.41 That the Trust/ Society/ Company/

Institute vide its meeting held on
…….....................…….at …....................
vide item no.………….have resolved
that,<Name of the Trust/ Society/
Company/ Institute> shall apply to DGT
for approval to start <Name of the ITI>
to offer skill development and vocational
training shall allocate required funds for
procurement of building, equipment,
furniture and other required entities for
smooth functioning of the same.



36.45 (Signature and Name of Chairman/

Secretary/ Member/ Trustee/ Director/
Proprietor of Trust/ Society/ Company/


36.49 (Designation)
36.50 (Name of the Organization)
Format 3: Resolution regarding Authorized Person


36.53 I/We,
i. <Name> Chairman/ Secretary/ Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor <Name of the Trust/ Society/
Company/Institute>,sonof…….................................................……..............., aged……years and resident
ii. <Name> Principal <Name of the institute>, son of..…...................................aged……years and resident
hereby declare that the Trust/ Society/ Company/ Institute vide its meeting held on………………………
…………. vide item no. …………. has resolved that “Name of Authorized Person”, will be the
authorized person to sign and communicate all the matters on behalf of <Name of the institute>
2441 This is for your kind information
and necessary action.
2444 (Name of Chairman / Secretary/
Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor of
Trust/ Society/ Company/ Institute)
2445 (Designation)
2446 (Name of the organization)
2449 Accepted
2452 Authorized Signatory
2453 Signature
2454 (Designation)
2455 (Name of the ITI)
Format 4: Resolution regarding Earmarking of Land, Building and Other
Resources for ITI


36.55 I/We,
i. <Name>1Chairman/ Secretary/ Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/Authorized representative
of<NameoftheTrust/Society/Company/ Institute>, son of..................................,aged………yearsandresident
ii. <Name>2Principal <Name of the institute>, son of..…...aged………years and resident of
……………,hereby declare that the Trust/ Society/ Company/ Institute vide its meeting held on …………
atvide itemno……………..has resolved toearmark the land & building located at <address of the ITI>
exclusively for the proposed ITI namely <Name of ITI>. The Trust/Society/ Company/ Institute reaffirms
that it shall not utilise the said premises for any other purpose except the proposed ITI namely <Name of

2456 The Trust/ Society/ Company/

Institute also resolved to provide the
infrastructural facilities (detailed below)
as per the DGT norms/guidelines in
<Name & address of ITI for the smooth
functioning of <Name of ITI>:
1 Machines, equipments and tools in workshops
2 Computers & peripherals in IT lab
3 Furniture in classrooms, labs and workshops
4 Power connection of capacity as per norms
5 Staff as per norms
6 Other required entities such as water, power backup etc.

For private ITIs, Chairman / Secretary/ Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/ Authorized Representative's
signature will be required
For government ITIs, principal’s signature will be required
2457 In the event of non-compliance with
regard to guidelines, norms and
conditions prescribed by DGT, as also in
the event of violation of any of the
undertaking mentioned herein, DGT
shall be free to take appropriate action
against<Name of the ITI> without
consideration of any related issues and
that all liabilities arising out of such
action shall solely be that of the (Society/
Trust/ Company/ Institute).
2458 That the facts stated in this
declaration are true to my/ our
knowledge. No part of the same is false
and nothing material has been concealed
2460 Name of the Chairman/ Secretary/
Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor
2461 Signature
2462 Designation
2463 Name of the Organization
2465 Name of the Principal
2466 Signature
2467 Designation
2468 Name of the ITI
Format 5: Resolution regarding Electrical Connection


36.57 I/We,
i. <Name>3Chairman/ Secretary/ Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/ Authorized representative of <Name
of the Trust/ Society/ Company>, son of….................................................................aged……….………
years and resident of
ii. <Name>4Principal <Name of the institute>, son of...…........................................ aged...………....… years
and resident of….
……………………………………………………………………………………………,hereby declare that
the Trust/ Society/ Company vide its executive meeting held on …………at …………. vide item no.
…………. has resolved to establish the proposed ITI Namely <Name of the ITI> at <location of the ITI> in
a building (please √ the appropriate):
□ having ownership in the Name of Trust/ Society/ ITI and exclusively earmarked for <Name & address
of ITI> with separate electrical connection as per norms,
□ having ownership in the Name of Trust/ Society/ITI but the building is shared with (Name of the
Institute with which shared)
□ ...………....…Sqm of area is exclusively earmarked for <Name & address of ITI> providing separate
entrance and separate electrical connection as per norms,
□ leased for ...………....… years vide lease deed no. ...………....… and exclusively earmarked for
<Name & address of ITI> with separate electrical connection as per norms.
□ Leased for ...………....… years vide lease deed no. ...………....… but the building is shared with
(Nameof the Institute) and -------
□ Sqm of area is exclusively earmarked for <Name & address of ITI> providing separate entrance and
separate electrical connection as per norms.

For private ITIs, Chairman / Secretary/ Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/ Authorized Representative's
signature will be required
For government ITIs, principal’s signature will be required
2470 In the event of non-compliance with
regard to guidelines, norms and
conditions prescribed by DGT, as also in
the event of violation of any of the
undertaking mentioned herein, DGT
shall be free to take appropriate action
against the ...………....…...………....…
<Name of ITI> without consideration of
any related issues and that all liabilities
arising out of such action shall solely be
that of the (Society/ Trust /ITI).
2471 That the facts stated in this
declaration are true to my/ our
knowledge. No part of the same is false
and nothing material has been concealed
2473 Name of the Chairman/ Secretary/
Member/ Trustee/ Director/
Proprietor/Authorized representative
2474 Signature
2475 Designation
2476 Name of the Organization
2478 Name of the Principal
2479 Signature
2480 Designation
2481 Name of the ITI
Format 6: Letter of Intent (LoI) for Stage II


36.59 To
36.60 <Name of Authorised Person>
36.61 <Name of ITI>
36.62 <Address of ITI>

Subject: Letter of Intent (LoI) for


setting up Industrial Training Institute

(ITI) under the handbook for
Accreditation and Affiliation Norms
andProcedures for establishing ITIs.

36.66 Application No.
1 In terms of Section _ of the handbook for
Accreditation and Affiliation Norms and
Procedures for establishing ITIs, your
Institute had applied on
…………………... for grant of approval
for establishing an ITI.
2 On the basis of the documents submitted
by the institution and the details verified
by State Directorate, it has been
observed that the institution has
adequate resources and has committed to
earmark land, building, machinery/
equipment/ tools, power supply and staff
etc. as per the standards prescribed by
3 You are requested to submit the
application for Stage II and follow the
terms and conditions.
4 The applicant has to apply for Stage II
within 1 year. This timeline may be
extended for another year, provided the
approved building plan is submitted
within one year from issuance of LoI,
failing which appropriate action will be
taken as deemed fit and appropriate. No
further extension of time would be
granted thereafter.
5 The issue of Letter of Intent (LoI) for
Stage Idoes not guarantee affiliation of
the institute.

36.68 Yours faithfully


36.70 (Authorised Person)


36.72 Copy to:

2 IT team to upload letter and update
information on website
Format 7: Letter of Intent (LoI) for Stage III


36.75 To
36.76 <Name of Authorised Person>
36.77 <Name of ITI>
36.78 <Address of ITI>

36.80 Subject: Letter of Intent (LoI) for setting

up Industrial Training Institute (ITI)
under the handbook for Accreditation
and Affiliation Norms andProcedures
for establishing ITIs.
36.81 Reference: Application No.

1 In terms of Section _ of the handbook for

Accreditation and Affiliation Norms and
Procedures for establishing ITIs, your
institute had applied on …………………...
for grant of approval for establishing an
2 On the basis of the documents submitted
by the institution and the details verified
by State Directorate for Stage II, it has
been observed that the institution has
adequate infrastructure as per the
standards prescribed by DGT.
3 You are requested to submit the
application for Stage III and follow the
terms and conditions.
4 The applicant has to apply for Stage III
within 6 calendar months of issuance of
LoI for Stage III. In case where new
norms have been issued, new norms will
be applicable for applications wherein
details have not been submitted by the
applicant within 6 months from issue of
LoI. In this case, the applicant has to
submit the final details within one year of
the issue of LoI for Stage III. Otherwise,
the application will be rejected.
5 The issue of Letter of Intent (LoI) for
Stage III does not guarantee affiliation of
the institute.
36.84 Yours faithfully

36.86 (Authorised Person)


36.88 Copy to:

4 IT team to upload letter and update
information on website


Format 8: Resolution for Dropping/ Surrender of Trades/Units



i. <Name>5Chairman/ Secretary/ Member/

Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/
Authorized representative of <Name of
the Trust/Society/Company/Institute>,
son of ………………......, aged……….
……… years and resident of

For private ITIs, Chairman/ Secretary/ Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/Authorized Representative's
signature will be required
ii. <Name>6Principal <Name of the
institute>, son of...
………..................................., aged.
………....… years and resident of …….
hereby declare that the Trust/ Society/
Company/ Institute vide its meeting held
on ………….at …………. vide item no.
…………. has resolved to drop/
surrender the Trades & Units (detailed
below) presently being conducted/
proposed to be conducted at <Name &
address of ITI> fromthe academic year
2483 Trades & Units being Dropped/ Surrendered

2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490

S. Na Ne Shif Shif Shif Tot
No me w/ t-1 t-2 t-3 al
of Exi
the stin
Tra g
2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497
For government ITIs, principal’s signature will be required
2498 It is further certified that no claim
in respect of the above-mentioned trade(s)
& units dropped/surrendered shall be
made by the Trust/Society/ITI in future.
2499 Further, the Trust/ Society/
Company/ Institute is fully aware that in
case it desires to start the above-
mentioned trade(s)/units in future, it shall
have to apply afresh as per the DGT
2501 Name of the Chairman/ Secretary/
Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/
Authorized Representative
2502 Signature
2503 Designation
2504 Name of the Organization
2506 Name of the Principal
2507 Signature
2508 Designation
2509 Name of the ITI
Format 9: Resolution for Closure of the Institute


36.95 I/ We,
i. <Name>7Chairman/ Secretary/ Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/ Authorized Representative of
<Name of the Trust/Society/Company/Institute>, son of …………………..., aged……….……… years and
resident of ………………….,
ii. <Name>8Principal <Name of the institute>, son of ...………..., aged ..………....… years and resident of
…….……………,hereby solemnly affirm, state and undertake to comply with the following in connection
with my/ our application <application number> to DGT for the closure of our institution <Name and
address of institution>,

For private ITIs, Chairman/ Secretary/ Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/Authorized Representative's
signature will be required
For government ITIs, principal’s signature will be required
2511 That the institution has applied for
closure on DGT's web portal. Further, it
is submitted that there exists NO
LIABILITY as on date with respect to
“Trainees” who have taken admission to
the institution. The institute also
undertakes to submit that no admission
will be made during the academic year
____ in lieu of the institute application for
closure. In case the trainees fail, the
institute undertakes to provide all
facilities towards tuition and other
facilities till they pass out from the
2513 Name of the Chairman/ Secretary/
Member/ Trustee/ Director/ Proprietor/
Authorized Representative
2514 Signature
2515 Designation
2516 Name of the Organization
2518 Name of the Principal
2519 Signature
2520 Designation
2521 Name of the ITI
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

Format 10: Certificate from Advocate for Registration Documents, Land

documents, Land Use Certificate, Land Conversion Certificate


<To be produced on advocate's letter


36.98 copies of <Trust/Society>
Registration documents, Land documents,
Land Use Certificate, Land Conversion
Certificate with respect to application
submitted by <Name and address of the
applicant> who is an applicant for
establishment of new technical institution
offering technical education programs
were provided to me by <Name and
address of the applicant> for verification
regarding their authenticity and
A. Trust/Society Registration


396 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

36.100 Registration Certificate No. 36.101

36.102 Date of 36.103

36.104 Registered at 36.105

36.106 Registered under 36.107

1 I have verified the above-mentioned Trust/Society registration documents from the office of <Competent
2 The abovementioned Trust/Society registration documents are/are not registered at the office of
<Competent Authority>
3 The abovementioned Trust/Society registration documents are/are not authentic

2523 A. Land Documents:

2524 S 2525 Document 2526 Survey 2527 Registration No. and Date 2528 Land area (in
. No. No. acres)
2529 2530 2531 2532
2533 2534 2535 2536
2537 Total land area (in 2538
2539 I hereby certify that:
1 I have verified the abovementioned land documents from the Sub Registrar's Office <place>
2 The abovementioned land documents are/are not registered at Sub Registrar's Office <place>
3 The abovementioned land documents are/are not authentic
4 The abovementioned land documents are/ are not in the name of the applicant
5 The title of the land pertaining to the abovementioned land documents is/ is not clear
6 The applicant is/ is not in lawful possession of the land pertaining to the abovementioned land documents

397 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2540 C. Land Use Certificate:

2541 Letter No. 2542

2543 Letter dated 2544

2545 Issued by 2546
2547 Extent of 2548
2549 I hereby certify that:
1 The Competent Authority to issue the Land Use Certificate with respect to land under reference and for
the proposed institution mentioned above is ________
2 It has/ has not been approved by the Competent Authority
3 I verified the abovementioned Land Use Certificate from the Office of <Competent Authority>
4 The abovementioned land use Certificate is/ is not authentic
5 It has been/ not been issued for the full extent of land

2550 D. Land Conversion Certificate:

2551 Letter No. 2552

2553 Letter dated 2554

2555 Issued by 2556
2557 Extent of 2558
2559 I hereby certify that:
1 The Competent Authority to issue the Land Conversion Certificate with respect toland under reference
and for the proposed institution mentioned above is ___________
2 It has/ has not been approved by the Competent Authority
3 I verified the abovementioned Land Conversion Certificate from the Office of <Competent Authority>
4 The above-mentioned Land Conversion Certificate is/ is not authentic
5 It has been/ not been issued for the full extent of land

398 | P a g e
Affiliation norms for Industrial Training Institutes, 2021

2563 S
2561 S eal/
ignature Stamp
of ofthe
theAdvoc 2562 _________ Advocat 2564 _________
ate ________________ e ________________

me 2567
of Pr
the act
Ad ici
voc 2566 _
ng 2568 _

ate _________________
_______ at _________________

n 2570 _
No. _________________
_______ 2572
2573 2575
Dat 2574 _
Pla 2576 _

e _________________
_______ ce _________________


399 | P a g e

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