The Audit Oversight Board, Malaysia
The Audit Oversight Board, Malaysia
The Audit Oversight Board, Malaysia
pril saw the introduction of a requirement for individual For shareholders, the story does not stop here,
auditors and audit firms (auditors) to register themselves with as it is a mistake to think that the AOB’s sheer
the Audit Oversight Board (AOB). In actual fact, however, only existence would assure that a PIE’s financial
auditors auditing financial statements of Public Interest Entities (PIE) are statements to be free from accounting fraud. In the
required to register. US, the Public Company Accounting Oversight
Board (PCAOB) was formed early last decade
Does this mean that the AOB is going to regulate auditors from this to govern an auditor's condust after a series of
point onwards? The answer is no. The AOB is not a statutory body, but high-profile accounting fraud like Enron and
since it was established under the auspices of the Securities Commission WorldCom. However, the last decade continued
(SC), the SC would remain accountable for all of the AOB's acts and to see more accounting frauds up to the scale of
omissions. The AOB would also work closely with all regulatory the Lehman Brothers case, despite the existence of
agencies to ensure a holistic regulatory framework for auditors in PCAOB.
Every stakeholder plays a role to ensure that
The AOB has taken its first step, by registering individual auditors companies survive and strive towards further
and audit firms that audits the financial statements of a PIE. After the success. Perhaps the AOB could play a role in
registration stage, the AOB would knock on the auditors’ doors to facilitating better and more successful businesses,
make inspections. This inspection process allows AOB officers to have while balancing their role as an oversight body.
the power to access working papers, books and accounts. Apart from Companies could also remember that fraudulent
inspections, AOB officers would also have the necessary powers to practices rarely pay, and there are prominent
conduct inquiries and impose proportionate sanctions against auditors. examples to show. Auditors could help encourage
Other functions would include the setting of auditing, quality control, better business practices, while guiding businesses
ethics, independence and other standards relating to the preparation of on their compliance with regulations, and strike a
audited financial statements. balance in their independent role.
Makes you wonder, just who's watching the watchdog? It may create
a public perception that auditors need to be monitored despite their
independence in examination of financial statements, auditors should
Khor Meng Kai is a Supervisor with UHY Assurance &
regard the AOB as a helping hand to raise auditing quality and in turn Business Advisory. He can be reached of kmk@uhy-
promote confidence in the assurance work performed by auditors.