Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Sustainability
International Collaboration in the Field of
Environmental Protection: Trend Analysis and
COVID-19 Implications
Yelizaveta Chernysh 1, * and Hynek Roubík 2, *
1 Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies, Sumy State University,
40007 Sumy, Ukraine
2 Department of Sustainable Technologies, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences,
16500 Prague, Czech Republic
* Correspondence: e.chernish@ssu.edu.ua (Y.C.); roubik@ftz.czu.cz (H.R.); Tel.: +380-542-331-205 (Y.C.);
+420-22438-2487 (H.R.)
Received: 15 November 2020; Accepted: 9 December 2020; Published: 11 December 2020
Abstract: This paper focuses on the analysis of current cooperation trends in environmental protection
research. A unified system of interrelations between research methods in the field of implementation
of the bibliometric approach to the review of international cooperation in the field of environmental
protection taking into account the consequences of the COVID-2019 pandemic was formed. To form a
unified visualization of the analyzed bibliometric data, a special software product VOSViewer was
used. Five clusters were defined: green—international cooperation for assessing risks to public health,
in particular in the field of biosafety and the spread of social infections, with a focus on COVID-19,
in 2019 and 2020; yellow—describes the related interaction between other clusters in the field of
national and international mechanisms of cooperation in the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions
and climate change; blue—brings together research areas in the field of economics of environmental
management and control. The situation concerning the impact of the COVID-2019 pandemic is
ambiguous, and it is crucial to recognize that this is a long-term period of impact, not only directly on
public health but also due to economic and social constraints, as quarantine activities cause a chain of
socio-economic crises. The problems of the environmental and economic spread of COVID-19 on
various human activities and the environment require the development of this topic and the formation
of a new cluster of interactions due to the wave dynamics of disease in the future. Broad cooperation
and collaboration is proposed to address the challenges and accelerate sustainable development in
Europe. A diagram of the main cooperation programs has been created, illustrating the overlap
of the entire field, from basic research to the market. Further analytical studies will examine the
effectiveness of cross-analysis using various scientometric databases to form an integrated approach
to the new realities of quarantine activities.
1. Introduction
The international importance of global issues requires finding concrete measures to maintain the
stability of ecological systems. Cross-border transport leads to the spread of pollution from one state to
the territory of a neighboring state. The homogeneity of the biosphere processes and the conditionality
of the municipal borders lead to the fact that no exemplary power in terms of careful treatment of
nature, with the most effective environmental legislation and law-abiding inhabitants, can be protected
from the deterioration of the properties of water, air, land, animal and plant life. Therefore, it is not
enough to improve the legislation and system of nature management exclusively in one’s own country;
it is also necessary to promote international cooperation and international legislation governing the
common efforts of all countries in the field of nature protection [1].
The protection of the environment from harmful impacts implies two main directions [2]:
The implementation of these activities on a planetary scale will not be possible without the close
cooperation of as many states as possible in the field of environmental protection.
Thus, there are several challenges and obstacles to sustainable development. These and other
issues were on the agenda of the Rio+20 international conference (The United Nations Conference on
Sustainable Development (UNCSD)), the main topics of which were [2]:
(i) building a green economy to achieve sustainable development and overcome poverty; helping
developing countries to shift to a green development path;
(ii) improving the coordination of international efforts to achieve sustainable development goals.
Effective international cooperation in the field of environmental protection will not be possible
without the active participation of international organizations. Such participation is necessary because
of certain features of environmental issues.
Firstly, modern science is not yet able to answer questions related to the mechanism of human
impact on nature and how it addresses emerging issues. Extensive and costly research is required,
the success of which depends in no small part on the existence of permanent global and regional
systems for the exchange of scientific information and environmental monitoring [3].
Secondly, given that international agreements are now one of the main forms of the response of the
international community to environmental issues, the usual slowness of states in their development,
conclusion, and ratification cannot be overlooked. It is thought that traditional diplomacy has
largely exhausted itself concerning environmental issues and should be replaced by new normative
mechanisms capable of responding adequately to the rapid changes in the state of the environment and
the level of scientific knowledge about nature. It is also important to note that the implementation of
the international legal obligations already undertaken by states remains highly relevant. To increase the
effectiveness of environmental conventions, it is necessary, on the one hand, that the obligations of the
parties be more specific and, on the other hand, that there be bodies to monitor their implementation,
such as those established under international agreements [4].
Thirdly, environmental problems are characterized by their close, objectively related relationship
to economic development, population control, and poverty reduction. This means that the adoption
of measures aimed at overcoming negative environmental trends must take into account social,
demographic, and economic factors.
Fourthly, it is important to assess the impact of the pandemic dynamics of COVID-2019 on the
processes of international cooperation in the field of environmental security, as it is a new challenge
that has affected the world economy and the social priorities of entire states.
We decided to take bibliometric analysis as the main approach to studying the analysis of
current trends in environmental research cooperation. It should be noted that an effective tool for the
implementation of bibliometric analysis of the scientometric space are programs for visualization of
trends in the development of scientific knowledge. Thus, in the work of Yi-Ming Guo et al. (2019)
bibliometric analysis was applied using the VOSViewer visualization software to review the area related
to “smart cities” from the point of view of regular publications, the main field of activity of “smart cities”
researchers, and consider possible directions of development of this subject [5]. Wenjie Zhang and
Hongping Yuan (2018) analyzed the topic of research in the field of energy performance contracting and
formed mechanisms to implement project cooperation in this area, defining a network of relationships
with the use of bibliometric analysis and the VOSViewer software [6]. The research methodology of
Sustainability 2020, 12, 10384 3 of 17
Josué Briones-Bitar et al. (2020) consisted of the following stages: data compilation, software and data
cleaning, and analysis, interpretation, and visualization. Moreover, it allowed the authors to assess
disaster risks and to analyze the limitations of current research to shape the future direction of new
research [7]. Dorin Maier et al. (2020) provided a bibliometric approach using visualization software to
review the development of sustainable innovation from the perspective of a more practical approach
with a commercialization component for new technologies, products or services, and entrepreneurship.
As a result, a basis was created for the subsequent synthesis of research results in the field of sustainable
innovation [8].
As can be seen, bibliometric analysis of research trends is very widely used in various areas of
scientific knowledge, in particular, sustainable social development and the introduction of new areas of
cooperation for innovation development. Therefore, we believe that the bibliometric approach can be
effectively applied to the analysis of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.
At the same time, it is necessary to note the importance of the issue of COVID-2019 influence in this area.
We have limited the scope of analysis of the bibliometric approach in the context of the research subject.
Of course, COVID-2019 has an extensive sphere of influence, that can be studied in different areas of
economic and social development, health care, and industrial potential. In this article, we intend to
delve deeper into the analysis of a specific research area related to international cooperation projects in
environmental issues that are affected by the COVID-2019 situation.
Therefore, this paper focuses on the analysis of current trends in cooperation in environmental
protection research. To achieve this aim, the following tasks were set: (i) analysis of the dynamics
of cooperation in the field of environmental research; (ii) visualization of the relationship in
international cooperation under environmental protection research taking into account the impact and
the implications of the COVID-19.
1. Find adequate information on the subject under study with the possibility of detailed analysis by
authors, organizations, countries, etc.
2. Analyze actual research directions and interrelations between different directions.
3. Obtain supporting objective data for the evaluation of research results.
We used the bibliometric analysis as the main approach for studying the area of international
cooperation on environmental
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEWissues and the impact on this process. We can highlight the following
4 of 18
advantages of this method; it allows us to: integrate information about the subject area in a single
We used the bibliometric analysis as the main approach for studying the area of international
cooperation resource; obtain the
on environmental necessary
issues and the amount
impact onofthis
data on a particular
process. subject-oriented
We can highlight the followingtopic, ensure
the advantages
adequate displayof this method; it allows us to: integrate information about the subject area in a single for analysis
of the state of the subject area of research; and provide an opportunity
using information
information technologies.
resource; obtain the necessary amount of data on a particular subject-oriented topic,
ensure the adequate
Bibliometric displayofofscientometric
analysis the state of the subject area allows
databases of research; and provide anofopportunity
us—regardless our own ideas about
for analysis using information technologies.
the importance of the problem and the degree of its coverage in the media—to obtain real data on
Bibliometric analysis of scientometric databases allows us—regardless of our own ideas about
number of scientific publications on a particular issue, the sources of this information and the
importance of the problem and the degree of its coverage in the media—to obtain real data on the
number of that mostpublications
scientific fully cover onit,a the authors
particular (their
issue, the publication
sources of thisactivity), theand
information assessment
the of the
articles by the scientific
publications community
that most fully cover it, (on
the bibliometrics), and eventually,
authors (their publication activity),based on all of of
the assessment thethe
above factors,
to form by the scientific
a professional community
opinion on the(onenvironmental
bibliometrics), and eventually,
issues based on allcooperation
and international of the above in this field
are mostto form a professional
significant opinion on the
and highlighted byenvironmental
scientists, as issues
well asand
impact of thecooperation
current insituation with
this field that are most significant and highlighted by scientists, as well as the impact of the current
COVID-2019. The array of publications for bibliometric analysis in the field of international cooperation
situation with COVID-2019. The array of publications for bibliometric analysis in the field of
environmental protection
cooperation in databasesprotection
and environmental such as Scopus and Web
in databases such of
as Science
Scopus andwasWebidentified
of on the
basis of specialized
Science was identified queries onbasis
on the a setofofspecialized
relatedonto theofareas
a set underrelated
keywords consideration
to the areasin the field of
under consideration studies, verified
in the field of by experts, with
environmental special
studies, attention
verified to the
by experts, withimpact of COVID. Further,
special attention
an to the impactresearch
empirical of COVID. Further, an
database empirical
(Figure 1) research
was formeddatabase (Figure
based on1)the
formed based on thespecified for
of keywords
sets of
this area. keywords specified for this area.
Online tools
•with the help of software
visualization of clusters of
•analysis of publishing •using an databases online tools interaction directions in the field
activity on the subject of to analyze statistical data on of environmental research at the
study for environmental publication activity in the field of international level
protection (on the international cooperation in •a general network visualization in
selected topic) in scientific environmental issues the field of international
periodicals, indexed by the cooperation and environmental
science-metric database • a basis for the study was
formed based on the sets of protection
keywords specified for this area, •a network visualization under
including "COVID" combinations of
“cooperation AND environmental
Database protection AND COVID”
canbebe seen fromFigure
seen from Figure 1, important
1, an an important
elementelement is the formation
is the formation of a unified of a unified
system of system
visualization of of
of visualization analyzed bibliometric
analyzed data, fordata,
bibliometric whichfor
a special
whichsoftware product,
a special VOSViewer,
software wasVOSViewer,
Sustainability 2020, 12, 10384 5 of 17
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Publication
Publication activity
activity curve
curve over
over the
the years
years based
based on
on Scopus
Scopus database
database data by topics
data by topics of
environmental cooperation
environmental cooperation (1974–2019).
In 1982, theUnited
adopted the
the “World
“World Charter
Charter forfor Nature”,
Nature”, which
which proclaimed
proclaimed forfirst
for the the
first time at the international level the responsibility of mankind for the state of
time at the international level the responsibility of mankind for the state of nature. The Rio de Janeiro nature. The Rio de
Janeiro Conference
Conference adopted aadopted a policy document,
policy document, Agenda
Agenda 21 (1992), 21 (1992),
replacing replacing theenvironmental
the international international
action plan at the action plan from
transition at thethetransition
twentiethfromto thethe twentiethcentury.
twenty-first to the twenty-first century.over
Its implementation Its
the decade was over summedthe decade
up at thewasWorld
summed Forumup atin the World Forum
Johannesburg in Johannesburg
in 2002 as disappointingin 2002 as
The “Humanity[17]. andThe “Humanity
Global Change”and Global
program is Change” program istobeing
being implemented implemented
explore to explore
the interrelationships
in interrelationships
“Human Environment in the “Human
for Life”Environment
system [18]. for Life” system [18].
When analyzing
When analyzingthe thecurve
curveof ofpublication
we can
can note
note thethe choice
choice of of
thethe period
period of
of data
data aggregation
aggregation sincesince
wherewhere theoftrend
the trend of strengthening
strengthening and developing
and developing the conceptthe concept of
of sustainable
sustainable development
development in the world in the world is The
is determined. determined. The Fifth
Fifth Programme of Programme
Action for the of Environment
Action for the of
the Community, of adopted
the Community,
in 1993 and adopted in “Towards
entitled 1993 and sustainability”,
entitled “Towards wassustainability”,
fundamental inwas its
content. in itsProgramme
The Fifth content. The of Fifth
Action Programme of Action adopted
for the Environment for the Environment
the EC concept adopted the EC
of sustainable
concept of sustainable development, which became the official UN strategy
development, which became the official UN strategy for mankind’s recovery from the environmental for mankind’s recovery
from after
crisis the environmental crisis afteron
the 1992 UN Conference theEnvironment
1992 UN Conference on Environment
and Development in Rio deand Development
Janeiro (Rio 92) [19].in
Rio de Janeiro (Rio 92) [19].
The new program of environmental actions, as a whole, aims to provide three conditions for
The new program
environmental actions inofthe
Community [20]: actions, as a whole, aims to provide three conditions for
environmental actions in the Community [20]:
(i) Integration of the needs of the environment into the various activities of the EU and implementation
(i) Integration
of the principle of of
needs of theconditionality
environmentof into the various
Community activities
activities of in
as set out the EU and
Article 6 of
implementation of the principle
the Treaty establishing the EU; of environmental conditionality of Community activities as set
(ii) out in Article 6ofofactivities
Continuation the Treaty establishing
aimed at ensuringthe sustainable
EU; development;
(ii) Continuation of activities aimed at ensuring sustainable development;
(iii) Conducting environmental activities with a view to the current and future enlargement of the
(iii) Conducting environmental activities with a view to the current and future enlargement of the
European Union, i.e., accession of new states to it.
European Union, i.e., accession of new states to it.
The Programme also defines the main tasks of the organization in the field of international
The Programme also defines the main tasks of the organization in the field of international
cooperation on environmental issues and establishes the criteria for the formulation of environmental
cooperation on environmental issues and establishes the criteria for the formulation of environmental
policy based on the processing of relevant information and the acquisition of new data [4].
policy based on the processing of relevant information and the acquisition of new data [4].
Figure 3 shows the subject area of research on different sources of publications, which shows
Figure 3 shows the subject area of research on different sources of publications, which shows its
its connection with different scientific directions. Publications in the natural sciences, social sciences,
connection with different scientific directions. Publications in the natural sciences, social sciences,
and medicine are dominant. There is also interaction at the interface of sciences with a trend toward
and medicine are dominant. There is also interaction at the interface of sciences with a trend toward
engineering implementation of environmental solutions, development of green agriculture and
energy, and economic substantiation of environmental processes in transboundary cooperation.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 10384 7 of 17
3. The
FigureFigure 3. subject areaarea
The subject of publications
of publicationsininthe
field of international
cooperationandand environmental
Figure 3. The subject area of publications in the field of international cooperation and environmental
protection on Scopus database
protection on Scopus database data. data.
protection on Scopus database data.
As canAsbecanseen
be seen in Figure
in Figure 4, the
4, the mainsources
main sourcesofof research
research funding
attributed to the
attributed to National
the National
As can be seen in Figure 4, the main sources of research funding can be attributed to the National
Natural ScienceScience Foundation
Foundation of
of China China (485
(485 (485 publications),
publications), the European
the European Commission
Commission (210),
(210), (210), the
the National
Natural Science
National Foundation
Science Foundationof China
(193), the publications),
National the European
Institutes of Health Commission
(146), and the the
Science Foundation
National Science (193), the National
Foundation Institutes
(193), the of Health
National (146), and
Institutes of the U.S. Environmental
Health (146), and Protection
the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (74).
Agency (74).
Environmental Protection Agency (74).
Figure 4. Sources of funding for publications in the field of international cooperation and
environmental protection on Scopus database data.
Figure 4. Sources
4. Sources of funding
of funding for publications
for publications in the
in the field field of international
of international cooperationcooperation and
and environmental
protection protection
on Scopus on Scopus
database data. database data.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 10384 8 of 17
Figure 5. Distribution of countries with the highest rates of publication activity in the field of
Figure 5. Distribution of countries with the highest rates of publication activity in the field of
international cooperation and environmental protection according to data from the Scopus database.
international cooperation and environmental protection according to data from the Scopus database.
Climate change
change andand environmental
environmental degradation
degradation areare
an an existential
existential threat
threat to Europe
to Europe and and the
the world.
world. Accordingly, the European Green Deals aims to limit greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and
Accordingly, the European Green Deals aims to limit greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and promote
promote the comprehensive development of resource-efficient technologies [26].
the comprehensive development of resource-efficient technologies [26].
The General Secretariat of the Commission assesses whether new policy initiatives can afford to
The General Secretariat of the Commission assesses whether new policy initiatives can afford to
postpone their implementation because they are not directly related to COVID-19 or are considered
postpone their implementation because they are not directly related to COVID-19 or are considered
less important for the achievement of absolute key priorities (Table 1). On 7 April 2020, the priority
less important
actions of thefor theERAvsCorona
first achievementAction
of absolute key priorities
Plan were approved(Table 1). On
as a result of 7dialogues
April 2020, the priority
between the
Commission’s services and national ministries [27]. It is important to create a single platform for thethe
of the first ERAvsCorona Action Plan were approved as a result of dialogues between
Commission’s services andresearch
exchange of SARS-CoV-2 nationaldata
ministries [27]. It is important
and COVID-19-related to create
information, a single
i.e., a singleplatform
exchangethat of SARS-CoV-2 research data and COVID-19-related information, i.e., a single
will enable the rapid exchange of data and research results in an open collaborative scientific
format inthat will enable the rapid exchange of data and research results in an open collaborative
format in real-time.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 10384 9 of 17
Table 1. Green policy initiatives and the impact of COVID-19. Based on data from [28].
For a subregion that is home to 36 percent of the world’s poor, the Agenda 2030 provides South
Asia with an opportunity to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life. The study of Kumar (2019)
shows that there is great potential for regional cooperation and coordination in the implementation
and monitoring of the Agenda 2030 among countries in South Asia to build productive capacities
through a coordinated industrial development strategy, harness the potential of regional value chains
by strengthening transport links and simplifying procedures, enhancing their collective energy and
food security, and building resilience to natural disasters [29]. However, the development of an
environmental safety net should be an integral basis for regional cooperation.
The current level of transboundary pollution of the natural environment and the global nature of
environmental problems, which require adequate preventive measures at the inter-state level, result in
the emergence of new non-traditional problems in international relations, such as [2]:
− development and operation of a global monitoring system for the natural environment and
its components.
− creating conditions for quality management in the field of environmental protection.
− development of international environmental management standards.
− establishment of an international environmental safety system.
− introduction in the practice of international relations of effective mechanisms of economic and
legal responsibility for environmental violations, which may cause degradation of environmental
components and subsequently lead to the loss of ecological balance.
− public access to reliable environmental information.
− coordination of international efforts with a view to transition to the model of sustainable
development of human civilization.
Environmental monitoring and assessment include [30]:
(i) assessment of the current quality of the environment in terms of environmental integrity, i.e.,
paying attention to the function and stability in the region.
(ii) assessment of the state of natural resources, development trend.
(iii) monitoring the history, status, and development of the major ecosystem and environmental
problems, such as the destruction of vegetation, desertification, endangered animals and plants,
natural disasters, declining land productivity.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 10384 10 of 17
The structure of the Pressure-State-Response (PSR) created in this document relates mainly to the
following indicator from remote sensing, which has not considered social and economic statistics for
the PRS model implementation, and retains therefore some uncertainty about the interference of society.
Meanwhile, the remote sensing of data speaks to the strategy’s shortcomings and fragility. Due to the
population growth and economic development have, biodiversity conservation is facing an increasing
number of challenges [30,31]. The efficiency of restoring the ecological integrity of nature reserves
has become a critical issue of concern to society. For example, the work of Wu et al. (2016) examined
the existing nature parks and reserves that have been restored and conserved in large numbers in the
Mekong Subregion by ensuring the conservation of biodiversity through a corridor connecting the
divided habitat of wild animals [31].
A study by Bacon et al. (2020) identified the importance of the necessary conditions for both
cooperation and non-competitive partnership. Through a vaguely defined qualitative comparative
analysis (fsQCA) and configuration recipes for conditions, various configurations were identified as
necessary for both collaboration and non-competitive activities of the partnership in the context of
innovative ecosystems. However, there is no unified approach uniting all the trends of interaction
between partners in a consortium for the implementation of sustainable development goals of a
transboundary nature in environmental research [32].
The study by Bulmash (2019) demonstrates the impact of environmental values on employee
attitudes toward business owners and managers. It describes the impact of changing social values on
business and standards, with a focus on the increasing role of environmental movements around the
world [33].
The main cooperation programs can be presented in a diagram (Figure 6) that illustrates the
overlap of the entire field, from basic research to the market. A study by Planko et al. (2019) examines
strategies for cooperation for sustainable development at the network level. Companies implementing
innovative technologies and supporting sustainable development should collaborate with other
actors in the innovation ecosystem, including their competitors, so that they can develop standards,
interoperable products, pool knowledge as well as resources and join forces to compete with other
technologies [34]. A study by Rahmani et al. (2020) analyzed the different types of cooperation between
supply chain actors as an option to manage each of the channels more efficiently. This can be used at
the level of interaction with contractors performing certain jobs of an international consortium partner
(subcontracting) [35].
Thus, the main forms of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection, rational
use of natural resources, and environmental security include [2]:
− Parliamentary cooperation between states to address global and regional environmental issues,
the joint use of universal, multinational, and transboundary natural sites, and cooperation between
Governments for the implementation of international environmental programs and projects;
− Cooperation between individual countries and international environmental organizations to
coordinate joint environmental activities;
− International legal cooperation between countries to develop common approaches to solving
environmental problems and rational use of natural resources, as well as to prevent and eliminate
the negative consequences of the anthropogenic impact on the environment;
− Creation of special international environmental organizations;
− Organization and holding of international conferences and forums on environmental
protection issues;
− Exchange of experience, technologies, knowledge, and information in the field of environmental
protection and rational use of natural resources;
− Involving the public, public organizations, and business structures in international
environmental cooperation.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 10384 11 of 17
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 18
7. General
FigureFigure network
7. General visualization
network visualizationininthe
fieldofofinternational cooperation
international cooperation andand environmental
protection (constructed via VOSViewer v.1.6.15): 5 clusters, 69,682 links, 131,761 total link
protection (constructed via VOSViewer v.1.6.15): 5 clusters, 69,682 links, 131,761 total link strength
(green—international cooperation for assessing risks to public health, in particular
(green—international cooperation for assessing risks to public health, in particular in the field of in the field of
biosafety and the spread of social infections, with a focus on COVID-19 in 2019
and the spread of social infections, with a focus on COVID-19 in 2019 and 2020; yellow—describes and 2020; yellow—
the related interaction between other clusters in the field of national and international mechanisms of
cooperation in the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change; blue—brings together
research areas in the field of economics of environmental management and control).
At the same time, cooperation in the commonwealth of industrial sector partners with scientific
organizations, within the framework of international programs, becomes more and more important for
the realization of innovative approaches in the sphere of environmental protection and climate change.
Results obtained by Liu et al. (2020) showed that developing countries share “common but
differentiated responsibilities” with developed countries, as emphasized in the Kyoto Protocol and the
Paris Agreement. Thus, at an early stage of economic growth and capital accumulation in developing
countries, developed countries need increased environmental investment to assist developing countries.
As developing countries continue to improve their economies, they can afford to invest in pollution
control, which will reduce the necessary environmental investments from developed countries.
Moreover, in this way, developing and developed countries can control pollution without significant
social losses to their well-being [39]. This study, conducted by Chinese scientists, characterizes China’s
development dynamics as having a significant economic potential, and that the development agenda
also includes environmental priorities. It should be noted that developing countries have very different
dynamics of economic potential, and with the quarantine activities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,
funding for environmental research has declined significantly, as has a green investment.
For a more detailed consideration of the impact of COVID-19 on the trends of international
cooperation in the field of environmental research, the term “COVID” was added during the search
in the database, and a network of visualization of keyword interaction in publications was formed,
which is presented in Figure 8. Two clusters are highlighted here: a red cluster associated with research
on coronavirus infections and their pandemic spread, and international collaboration to counteract this
spread; a green cluster describes the current state of COVID-19 and increasing publication activity in
this research area. It should be noted that this direction considers the impact on human health and
refers moreSustainability
to the medical sciences.
2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 18
Figure 8. The network visualization under the combinations of “cooperation AND environmental
Figure 8. The network visualization under the combinations of “cooperation AND environmental
protection protection
AND COVID” constructed
AND COVID” via VOSViewer
constructed via VOSViewerv.1.6.15):
v.1.6.15): 22clusters,
clusters,91 91 links,
links, 452 link
452 total total link
strength (the red (the
strength cluster showing
red cluster research
showing researchon
oncoronavirus infections
coronavirus infections andpandemic
and their their pandemic
spread, andspread,
international collaboration to counteract this spread; the green cluster describes the current
and international collaboration to counteract this spread; the green cluster describes the current state of state of
COVID-19 COVID-19 and increasing publication activity in this research area).
and increasing publication activity in this research area).
At the same time, we analyzed current research in this area, in the context of the environmental,
and economic spread of COVID-19 and its impact on various human activities and the environment
will require the development of this topic and the formation of a new cluster of interactions in
publishing activities due to the wave dynamics of diseases in the future. As has been studied in many
papers [40–42], quarantine activities in themselves have had some positive impact on the
environment. Recent data republished by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Sustainability 2020, 12, 10384 14 of 17
At the same time, we analyzed current research in this area, in the context of the environmental,
and economic spread of COVID-19 and its impact on various human activities and the environment
will require the development of this topic and the formation of a new cluster of interactions in
publishing activities due to the wave dynamics of diseases in the future. As has been studied in
many papers [40–42], quarantine activities in themselves have had some positive impact on the
environment. Recent data republished by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
and ESA (European Space Agency) show that the pollution of some epicenters of COVID-19, such as
China, Italy, Spain, the United States, etc., has decreased to 30 percent [40]. This is due to the effect
of quarantine measures introduced as a consequence of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and
is an example of its environmental and economic impact on social development. If COVID-19 had
not spread and restrictions had not been imposed on industrial facilities, there would have been no
reduction in environmental pollution. Therefore, these pollution reduction effects are directly related
to the reduction of pollution activities due to the introduction of quarantine measures to prevent the
spread of COVID-19.
As set out in the work of Manzanedo and Manning (2020) [37], the following changes in
collaboration may be useful in the future:
(i) To prevent climate change, it can be reported as an investment without the necessary returns,
just as most of us take out personal health insurance, where we accept the cost of protecting
ourselves from potential negative impacts that may never occur. Such actions should prevent
public resistance to costly climate change-related actions and the risk of inaction.
(ii) Data on the COVID-19 pandemic to date show that countries that have reported consistently
and seriously to the public about the consequences and risks of the pandemic (e.g., Germany,
New Zealand, South Korea) have been more effective in containing the disease than countries that
have denied or understated the risks and have reported inconsistently to the public (Manzanedo
and Manning, 2020) [37].
However, the situation with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is ambiguous, and it is crucial
to recognize that this is a long-term period of impact, not only on public health directly, but also
through economic and social constraints, and quarantine activities trigger a chain of socio-economic
crises, as seen in Ukraine. At the same time, funding for health and environmental protection programs
is significantly insufficient.
As stated in the study by Manzanedo and Manning (2020) [37], climate change governance faces
the same challenge as combating the COVID-19 epidemic—to report on the need for timely and decisive
action in the face of a distant threat aggravated by the global nature of the problem and the lack of
counter-examples between countries to demonstrate success. The work done during the COVID-19
crisis to maintain public confidence in scientists and to build public understanding of risk aversion
can help lay the foundation for efforts to build social momentum for preventive action to protect
against climate change. Such initiatives are needed to encourage policymakers to prioritize long-term
security over short-term costs and economic benefits [37]. The European Commission has developed
and approved a plan for Horizon Europe, which aims to increase EU funding for science by 50% over
the period 2021–2027, to overcome the crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19 [43]. To address the
long-term impact of COVID-19, the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and Central Asia is launching
BOOST, a regional program to accelerate social innovation. It will support new solutions in the digital,
economic and health fields [44].
4. Conclusions
This paper presents an analysis of the dynamics of international cooperation in the field of
environmental research, including a thematic area of research on different sources of publications,
which shows its connection with different scientific directions. Publications in the natural sciences,
social sciences, and medicine predominate. At the interface of sciences, there is also interaction with the
Sustainability 2020, 12, 10384 15 of 17
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis and writing—original draft preparation,
Y.C.; Conceptualization, writing—review and editing, funding acquisition, H.R. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The research is carried out as part of a research project of the Department of Ecology and Environmental
Protection Technologies, Sumy State University, according to the scientific and technical program of the Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine (state registration no. 0116U006606) (Y.C.). Furthermore, this research was
funded by the Internal Grant Agency of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences,
Prague, grant no. 20205008 (H.R.).
Acknowledgments: In addition, we are thankful to the Czech Development Cooperation, which enabled
this cooperation.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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