Ifr Com 120b
Ifr Com 120b
Ifr Com 120b
Communications Service Monitor
Split Screen digitized full scan Fast Effective Wireless Test Solutions COM-120B boasts an impressive set of
spectrum analyzer to 1 GHz The COM-120B has become an industry standard features:
recognized standard in Communication
EasyCom software allows Service Monitors. A tough, portable • Digitized oscilloscope
monitor with a full performance spectrum • RF and Auxiliary RF Generator
simplified testing of land mobile • 2 µV receiver sensitivity
analyzer and digital oscilloscope, the
transceivers COM-120B combines over 20 instruments • Frequency Selective RF Counter
EasySpan automated test into one unit, the versatile COM-120B • RF Frequency Error Meter
offers a cost effective alternative to higher • FM Deviation Meter
software allows you to display and • ΦM Deviation Meter
cost test sets.
capture spectrum analyzer and • AF Frequency Counter
tracking generator sweep Unique Split Screen Spectrum Analyzer • AM Modulation Meter
The COM-120B offers a split screen • RF Power Meter
information dual display spectrum analyzer. This • RF Level Meter
LIVE-REF and REF-LIVE feature allows you to view two signals or • Distortion Meter
the same signal in two different ranges • SINAD Meter with 0 - 55 dB range
comparisons for spectrum analyzer simultaneously. In addition, the spectrum • LIVE-REF and REF-LIVE on the
display analyzer can be viewed along with the RF Spectrum Analyzer and Oscilloscope,
Digitized full scan oscilloscope to Generator or RF Receiver screens giving Average, peak hold and min hold can
you full control over testing details at one be displayed independently
50 kHz glance. • The FM and ΦM Deviation Meters
Enhanced PCMCIA for easy data allow toggling of the deviation meter
analysis from the standard mode to the
± peak mode. The measurement
Optional AutoCell-NT automated shows the + and - peak deviation as
cellular base station test software two separate readings
High speed EDACS data capture EDACS and LTR Testing
capabilities with up to 50 user The EDACSTM option provides a
comprehensive system test for both
defined set-ups repeaters and terminals.
Full paging test for analog paging The EDACSTM option also incorporates:
formats and advanced digital • High speed data capture which reads
paging with the AC510 option EDACS data as soon as the
COM-120B’s DSP decodes valid
Optional independent tracking Split screen spectrum analyzer gives you more EDACS messages.
generator flexibility • Individual Call System All-Call
200 W power measurement RF Solutions decodes a dual message on the
For RF testing professionals, the fully inbound control channel.
capability • Support for Narrow-band (900) MHz
independent generator and receiver
RS-232 control interface with functions yield truer signal tracing, testing.
• User definable frequencies as
optional IEEE-488 (GPIB) expanded analyzer capabilities and cross
band duplex testing. In addition, the
http://www.ifrinternational.com COM-120B 1
• Expanded storage capability that may be used to create custom test Accuracy
± 2 dB (>-90.1 dBm, <400 MHz)
allows users to store and recall up to applications. Using the COM-120B’s ± 2.5 dB otherwise
50 EDACSTM system test set-ups. TMAC programming language, complex
The CLEARCHANNEL LTRTM trunking tests can be reduced to simple “one- <1.15:1 (0.25 to ≤100 MHz)
option allows the COM-120B to be touch” test procedures. <1.23:1 (100 to ≤400 MHz)
configured to simulate LTR repeater And with its intuitive internal/external <1.38:1 (400 MHz to 1 GHz)
systems. The test set can perform system data file storage and retrieval system, Spectral Purity
encode/decode functions as well as Home complex testing is simple and efficient. Residual FM
and Next repeater access procedures. This system allows users to create user- <20 Hz RMS (0.3 to 3 kHz BW)
defined tests and customized results logs. Residual AM
It also gives you the flexibility to store data <0.5% RMS (0.3 to 3 kHz BW)
internally or download test results to a PC. Harmonics
<-26 dBc
RS-232 or IEEE-488 (GPIB) Remote Non-Harmonics
Testing Ability <-45 dBc (below 1 GHz)
Fully automated or remote testing <-40 dBc (above 1 GHz)
abilities in a stand alone or multiple Input Protection
instrument environment can be realized (T/R)
with the standard RS-232 interface or with 50 W CW continuous
100 W CW (90 sec - 3 min cycle)
the IEEE-488 (Option 13) interface. 150 W CW (30 sec - 3 min cycle)
Power Tests from 2 mW to 200 Watts 200 W CW (15 sec - 3 min cycle)
The COM-120B provides low level Frequency Modulation
measurements with high power protection RF Frequency Range
Clear Channel LTR Menu for measuring off air signals as well as 250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz
direct base station power measurements Deviation Range
Full Paging Support up to 200 Watts. The antenna input is 100 Hz to 100 kHz
The standard COM-120B performs protected to 10 Watts with a built in alarm Deviation Resolution
encode/decode of 2-tone and sequential to notify you if you are in an overload 10 Hz (0.01 kHz to 2.55 kHz)
50 Hz (2.60 kHz to 12.75 kHz)
tone testing, as well as tone squelch, DCS condition. 100 Hz (12.8 kHz to 25.5 kHz)
and DTMF. The flexibility of the COM-120B 500 Hz (26.0 kHz to 100.0 kHz)
is enhanced with optional analog/digital Software Options Simplify Testing
signaling. This feature allows you to test For those requiring automated test 10 Hz to 20 kHz (FSK rates up to 40 kbps)
the following formats: capability, several applications software
packages are available: ±5% + residual FM + resolution (1 kHz rate,
EEA EIA NATEL EasyCom-B (AC1022)
±10% + residual FM + resolution (DATA GEN)
ZVEI DZVEI DDZVEI Simplifies routine performance testing ±15% + residual FM + resolution (DTMF GEN)
EURO 5/6 TONE POCSAG of land mobile transceivers. Distortion
Adding the AC510 option enables the AutoCell - NT (AC1037) <2% (1 kHz sine wave, 10 kHz deviation, 0.3 to
Provides automated testing and 3 kHz BW)
COM-120B to encode advanced digital EXT MOD Sensitivity
paging formats including FlexTM, Golay calibration of Northern Telecom, Novatel
2 kHz/Vpk ±15% (FM Narrow)
Sequential Code (GSC) and NEC D3. and GE analog cellular base stations. 10 kHz/Vpk ±15% (FM Wide)
Analog Cellular Solutions EasySpan (AC1009W) Amplitude Modulation
The COM-120B may be configured with Can store, display and manipulate RF Frequency Range
an optional AMPS Mobile Station testing spectrum analyzer and tracking 250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz
feature which is designed to verify proper generator sweep information to a PC AM Depth Range
operation of AMPS handsets and mobiles. running windows. 30% to 90%
Flexible testing includes both automatic Resolution
and manual test functions. All IFR software can be down loaded 0.5 %
using the PCMCIA memory card or through Rate
the RS-232 interface using a PC controller. 100 Hz to 10 kHz
The COM-120B is compatible with popular Accuracy
accessories from other manufacturers ±5% + residual AM + resolution (1 kHz rate, RF
Level <0 dBm)
including the Optoelectronics Super Scout ±15% + residual AM + resolution (RF Level
and the STI 9100 series mobile signal <0 dBm)
analysis and data acquisition system. Distortion
<2% (30% to 90% modulation, 1 kHz rate, 0.3 to
3 kHz BW)
Specification EXT MOD Sensitivity
5% to 15% per Vpk
RF Signal Generator Phase Modulation
Frequency Range RF Frequency Range
250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz 250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz
Resolution Modulation Range
Analog AMPS Capabilities 100 Hz 0.1 to 10 radians peak
Complex Testing Made Simple Accuracy Resolution
Same as Master Oscillator 0.1 radian (2.6 to 10.0 rad)
Even with its impressive list of testing 0.01 radian (below 2.55 rad)
capabilities, the COM-120B retains the Output Level
simplicity that has earned the respect of (T/R and AUX Connectors)
100 Hz to 6 kHz
thousands of dedicated users. A modem Range (T/R)
capability turns the COM-120B into a -130 to -20 dBm (Simplex mode)
-130 to -40 dBm (Duplex mode)
remote controlled instrument. Tests can
now be initiated remotely by simply Range (AUX)
-130 to +13 dBm
plugging in a modem.
For more specialized testing, the 0.1 dB
COM-120B programmable test function
2 COM-120B http://www.ifrinternational.com
Wireless - Radio Test Sets
Accuracy Receiver Frequency Modulation Meter
±5% + residual PM + resolution (1 kHz rate)
±15% + residual PM + resolution (DTMF GEN) Range Ranges
250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz 2 kHz, 5kHz, 10 kHz, 20 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz full
EXT MOD Sensitivity scale
2 rad/Vpk ±15% Resolution
100 Hz Resolution
Audio Data Generators Tunable Range 10 Hz (2,5 & 10 kHz range)
Tunable from 0 Hz to 1.0 GHz 100 Hz (20, 50, and 100 kHz Ranges)
AF GENERATOR #1 (characteristics below 250 kHz are not specified) Accuracy
Frequency Range Sensitivity ±5% full scale ± 50 Hz ± 1 digit + source residual
5 Hz to 20 kHz (sinewave only) 2 µV (10 dB SINAD, >2 MHz, 1 kHz tone, 3.3 kHz FM (300 kHz IF BW, 1 kHz tone, 5 kHz deviation,
5 Hz to 10 kHz (other waveshapes) deviation, 15 kHz IF BW, C-Message weighted filter, C-Message weighted filter)
Frequency Resolution 10 kHz FM deviation meter range, 15 to 35°C Modulation Rate
0.1 Hz <2.5 µV otherwise 0 to 20 kHz
Frequency Accuracy Antenna Input Protection Carrier Range
Same as timebase ±0.1 Hz 10 W CW (5 sec with alarm) 250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz (The received frequency
Output Range (High Lvl) Selectivity must be within the IF bandpass)
0.01 Vpk to 2.5 Vpk (into 150 Ω) 300 kHz Carrier Level
Output Resolution (High Lvl) 15 kHz 0 to +53 dBm (T/R connector)
0.01 Vpk 30 kHz -60 to 0 dBm (ANT connector)
Output Accuracy (High Lvl) Adjacent Channel Rejection ΦM Meter
±3% full range ±5 mVpk (≤10 kHz, ≥0.03 Vpk) IF Bandwidth Selectivity Ranges
±7% full range ±5 mVpk (>10 kHz, ≥0.03 Vpk) 1 rad, 2 rad, 5 rad, 10 rad peak full scale
(3 dB) >30 dB Down
Output Range (Low Lvl) 300 kHz ±485 kHz Resolution
1 mVpk to 250 mVpk (into 150 Ω) 15 kHz ±15 kHz 0.01 rad (1 and 2 radian scales)
Output Resolution (Low Lvl) 0.1 rad (5 and 10 radian scales)
1 mV Demodulation Output (<50 Ω) Accuracy
Output Accuracy (Low Lvl) FM: 0.20 Vpk/kHz ±10% ±5% of full scale ±0.1 rad ±1 digit + source
±4% full range ±0.25 mVpk (≤10 kHz, (10 kHz range) residual PM (300 kHz IF BW, 1.0 kHz tone, 1.0 rad
.03 Vpk < level ≥ 1 mVpk) 0.10 Vpk/kHz ±10% deviation, C-Message weighted)
±7% full range ±0.25 mVpk (>10 kHz, (20 kHz range) Modulation Rate
0.03 Vpk < level ≥1 mVpk) 0.04 Vpk/kHz ±10% 100 Hz to 6 kHz
(50 kHz range)
THD 0.02 Vpk/kHz ±10% Carrier Range
<0.7% (1 kHz sinewave, 2.5 Vpk, 150 Ω load) (100 kHz range) 250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz (The received frequency
<1% sinewave (all other frequencies/levels) AM: 1.13 ±0.06 V RMS must be within the IF bandpass )
Waveshapes (80% modulation) Carrier Level
Sine, Ramp, Square, Triangle ΦM: 0.2 Vpk/rad ±10% 0 to +53 dBm (T/R connector)
-60 to 0 dBm (ANT connector)
AF GENERATOR #2 Selective RF Counter
Frequency Range Frequency Range AM Modulation Meter
5 Hz to 20 kHz (sinewave only) 250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz (The received frequency Range
5 Hz to 10 kHz (other waveshapes) must be within the IF bandpass of the COM-120B) 1% to 100%
Frequency Accuracy Tunable Range Resolution
±0.2 Hz 0 Hz to 999.9999 MHz (characteristics below 250 0.1%
Output Range (High Lvl) kHz are not specified)
0.01 Vpk to 2.5 Vpk (into 150 Ω) Resolution ±5% of full scale ±1 digit +source residual AM
Output Resolution (High Lvl) 1 Hz (10 sec gate time) (300 kHz IF BW, 1 kHz tone, 50% AM depth,
0.01 Vpk 10 Hz (1 sec gate time) C-Message weighted filter)
Output Accuracy (High Lvl) Accuracy Modulation Rate
±3% full range ±5 mVpk (≥ 0.03 Vpk) Same as Master Oscillator ±2 Hz 50 Hz to 10 kHz
Output Range (Low Lvl) RF Level (Input Range) Carrier Range
1 mVpk to 250 mVpk (into 150 Ω) 0 to +53 dBm (T/R connector) 250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz (The received frequency
-60 to 0 dBm (ANT connector) must be within the IF bandpass of the COM-120B)
Output Resolution (Low Lvl)
1 mV RF Frequency Error Carrier Level
Meter Range 0 to +53 dBm (T/R connector)
Output Accuracy (Low Lvl) 0 Hz to 100 kHz -60 to 0 dBm (ANT connector)
±4% full range ±0.25 mVpk
(0.03 Vpk < level ≥1 mVpk) Meter Accuracy AGC Attack Time
Same as Master Oscillator ±2 counts 50 msec maximum
0.7% (2.50 V peak, into 150 Ω) Meter Resolution RF Power Meter
1 Hz (10 sec gate time) Meter Ranges
DTMF Generator 10 Hz (1 sec gate time) 2 mW to 200 W in a 1-2-5 sequence
Output Range (High Lvl) RF Frequency Range
0.01 Vpk to 2.5 Vpk (into 150 Ω) Resolution
250 kHz to 999.999999 MHz (The received 1 % of full scale or 0.1 mW whichever is greater
Output Resolution (High Lvl) frequency must be within the IF bandpass of the
0.01 Vpk COM-120B) Accuracy
±10% ±0.1 mW ±1 digit (>200 mW, 15 to 36°C)
Output Accuracy (High Lvl) RF Level ±15% ±0.1 mW ±1 digit (<200 mW below 15°C
±10% full range ±5 mVpk (≥30 mV) 0 to +53 dBm (T/R connector) and above 35°C)
-60 to 0 dBm (ANT connector)
Output Range (Low Lvl) Frequency Range
0.1 mVpk to 25 mVpk (into 150 Ω) AF Frequency Counter 1.5 MHz to 999.9999 MHz
Output Resolution (Low Lvl) Frequency Range RF Level Range
1 mVpk 10 Hz to 20 kHz 2 mW to 200 W average power
Output Accuracy (Low Lvl) Accuracy Usable Level
±10% full range ±0.25 mVpk (1 mV to 30 mV) Same as Master Oscillator ± 1 count 0.2 mW to 200 W average power (characteristics
Modes Resolution below 2 mW not specified)
Continuous, single shot 0.1 Hz (1 sec gate time, 10 Hz to 500 Hz) Operating Conditions
1 Hz (1 sec gate time, 500 Hz to 20 kHz) 50 Watts CW continuous (50°C)
Digits 0.1 Hz, (10 sec gate time)
16 (0-9, *, #, A, B, C, D) 100 Watts CW (90 sec/3 min, 50°C)
Input Signal Level 150 Watts CW (30 sec/3 min, 50°C)
Mark/Space Timing SCOPE/DMV Input: 200 Watts CW (15 sec/3 min, 50°C)
25 to 999 msec 90 mVp-p (50 mV range, any waveform) VSWR
Mark/Space Timing Resolution AUDIO/DATA Input 1.15:1 (0.25 to 100 MHz)
1 msec 450 mVp-p (any waveform) 1.23:1 (100 to 400 MHz)
Mark/Space Timing Accuracy 1.38:1 (400 MHz to 999.9999 MHz)
±20% Alarms
Audible and visual (if applied power exceeds 200 W
http://www.ifrinternational.com COM-120B 3
in the 200 W range or the COM-120B’s power term HORIZONTAL Master Oscillator
module temperature exceeds 105°C) Ranges TCXO
Receive Level Meter 100 µs to 200 ms per division
(1-2-5 sequence) Frequency
Range 10 MHz
-101 to -30 dBm (15 kHz IF BW) Accuracy
1 % full scale, 500 data points, 10 major divisions Uncertainty
-80 to -30 dBm (300 kHz IF BW) ±0.1 ppm
Accuracy Resolution
1 % full scale Temperature Stability
±3 dB ±0.2 ppm (0 to 50°C)
Frequency Range Input Impedance
1 MΩ, unbalanced (nominal) Ageing Rate
250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz (The received frequency ±0.5 ppm/year
must be within the IF bandpass of the COM-120B)
Spectrum Analyzer Power Requirements
Distortion Meter Center Frequency
Range 250 kHz to 999.9999 MHz Line Voltage
1 % to 20% 90 to 130 VAC (50 to 400 Hz)
Tunable Range 180 to 265 VAC (50 to 60 Hz)
Resolution 0 Hz to 999.9999 MHz (characteristics below
0.1 % 250 kHz are not specified) DC Input
12 to 30 VDC
Accuracy Resolution
±0.5% distortion ±1 digit (1 to 10%) 100 Hz Power Consumption
±2% distortion ±1 digit (>10% to 20%) AC 180 W maximum
Signal Frequency Ranges DC 150 W maximum
1 kHz sine wave 1 kHz to 100 MHz per division in a DC 90 W typical
Signal Level 1-2-5 sequency and zero span General Characteristics
0.03 to 200 VRMS (SCOPE/DVM input) Accuracy
0.15 to 15 VRMS (AUDIO/DATA IN) Operating Temperatures
±5% of span width 0 to 50°C
SINAD Meter Operational Modes Dimensions
Normal, Split Screen 400 mm (15.75 in) W, 190 mm (7.5 in) H,
3 to 30 dB Frequency Span Modes 429 mm (16.875 in) D (without bail handle and
front panel cover)
Resolution Scan Width RBW 440 mm (17.32 in) W, 190 mm (7.5 in) H,
0.1 dB 537 mm (21.125 in) D (with bail handle and front
100 MHz/div 3 MHz
Accuracy panel cover)
50 MHz 3 MHz
±1 dB ±1 digit (at 12 dB SINAD) 20 MHz 3 MHz Weight
Signal Frequency 10 MHz 3 MHz 17.3 kg (38.5 lb) (without options, lid, accessories)
1 kHz sine wave 5 MHz 300 kHz Versions and Accessories
Signal Level 2 MHz 300 kHz When ordering please quote the full ordering number
0.03 to 200 VRMS (SCOPE/DVM input) 1 MHz 300 kHz information.
0.15 to 15 VRMS (AUDIO/DATA IN) 500 kHz 30 kHz
Digital Voltmeter 200 kHz 30 kHz Ordering
100 kHz 30 kHz Numbers Versions
50 mV to 200 V in a 1-2-5 sequence 50 kHz 30 kHz 120B-3 COM-120B Service monitor; 30 kHz IF Filter
20 kHz 3 kHz 120B-3-C 120B-3 with Certificate of Calibration
Range (DC) 10 kHz 3 kHz 120B-3T 120B-3, 0.01 ppm OCXO time base
10 mV to 200 VDC (SCOPE/DVM input)
5 kHz 3 kHz 120B-3T-C 120B-3, 0.01 ppm OCXO time base with
Range (AC) 2 kHz 300 Hz Certificate of Calibration
10 mV to 200 V RMS (SCOPE/DVM input) 1 kHz 300 Hz 120B-8 COM-120B, SSB Receive filter
150 mV to 15 V RMS (AUDIO/DATA IN) 120B-8-C 120B-8 with Certificate of Calibration
0 kHz 30 kHz
Resolution 120B-8T 120-B-8 with 0.01 ppm OCXO time base
3 ½ digit 120B-8T-C 120B-8 with 0.01 ppm OCXO time base with
LEVEL Certificate of Calibration
±5% full scale ±5 mV ±1 digit Display Accessories
(SCOPE/DVM input) Log, 2 and 10 dB per division AC 510 Paging encoder (FLEX)
±7% full scale ±5 mV ±1 digit Vertical Resolution AC0600 Maintenance manual
(AUDIO/DATA IN) 1 dB AC1009W EasySpan for Windows (Waveform Transfer
Frequency Software)
Dynamic Range
DC, 50 Hz to 20 kHz 60 dB AC1022 EasyCom-B
AC1023 Applications library
Input Impedance Bandwidth Switching Error
1 MΩ, unbalanced (SCOPE/DVM/SINAD IN) AC1025 EasySweep (req AC3012)
<3 dB
100 kΩ, unbalanced (AUDIO/DATA IN) AC1037 Autocell-NT (req 120E or 120F)
Log Linearity AC1201 Telescopic antenna
Oscilloscope ±2 dB (referenced to -40 dBm, 15 to 35°C) AC3001 Internal rechargeable battery
Bandwidth (3 dB) ±3 dB (referenced to - 40 dBm, 0 to 15°C and
AC3007 Data generator/BER meter
50 kHz 35 to 50°C)
AC3009 RCC Signaling
VERTICAL Input Attenuator AC3011 Digital/Analog Sampling
0, 30 dB (ANT connector) AC3012 Tracking generator
10 mV to 50 V per division (1-2-5 sequence) RS-232C AC3013 IEEE-488
Operations Mode AC3014 CLEAR CHANNEL LTR
Max Input
200 RMS Off, PC (input/output) AC3015 AMPS Mobile station test (req 120E or 120F)
Accuracy Baud Rate
100, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, AC4101 Return loss bridge (5 MHz to 1 GHz)
5% full scale
19200, 38400 AC8645 Microphone
Resolution AC9161 MPT-1327 Trunking
1 % full scale, 256 data points, 8 major divisions Stop Bits
1,2 AC9162 7.5 kHz IF Filter
Coupling AC9925 Soft padded carrying case
DC, AC and GND Parity
Odd, Even, None
CLEARCHANNEL LTR is a registered trademark of Transcrypt
Handshake International, Inc.
None, Xon/Xoff, CTS/RTS EDACS is a registered trademark of Ericsson, Inc.
Flex is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
EasyCom-ΦΜ, EasySweep and EasyScan are copyrighted by
IFR Systems, Inc.
IFR Americas, Inc., 10200 West York Street, Wichita, Kansas IFR Ltd, Longacres House, Norton Green Road, Stevenage, Herts
67215-8999, USA. E-mail: info@ifrsys.com SG1 2BA, United Kingdom. E-mail: info@ifrinternational.co.uk
Tel: +1 316 522 4981 Toll Free USA: 1 800 835 2352 Fax: +1 316 522 1360 Tel: +44 (0) 1438 742200 Freephone UK: 0800 282 388 Fax: +44 (0) 1438 727601
As we are always seeking to improve our products, the information in this document gives only a general indication of the product capacity, performance and suitability, none of which shall form part of any
contract. We reserve the right to make design changes without notice. All trademarks are acknowledged. Parent Company IFR Systems, Inc. © IFR Ltd. 1999.
4 COM-120B Issue 1