Cosbotate Soual Kponsi BL: Obtective Ok Ae CSK Poliy

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Cosbotate Soual kponsibl

PnsAEide ndustous Limied

Euide rouustes has Beên a hesponsble wnpnate

Litigen and it hos auudus AOital oblgtions
The LOmpong has oeveloped its cspoluy in
AL40dante ueth AeLLin 35 o he lompanitAat2ol3
Obtective ok Ae CSk Poliy
he Obiuive is te iniauinly Contbute o dhe
atiwitis aehih asc Benelialto Ahe eutty and
Ahe Lovnimunity t dange
Exdehas adoptea louporate Soual ReporibiligL CSR
asan integpnll patof the L0he oganaation al
Btategu otpnigi bute to he Lemnmuniuy
heunst aheas eh dhe CSR Attivitiess-
The Eaide incdustuiu cSk engagennts kunthe
bult oindhe tndueing cOmmtment ssluwards a
Balanted Mespondible spuety kq buppoting gptath
atall Levels.

The ane 4 main Aseas ef Ae cSk AtiuiA

1 healh and anitatfon
ealth tAht and sanitatfbn he lonpaiA tOe
Ows ahes 0n souial investment ad dhe natiDnal level
h e aoe many long-Standing piojerts that have
Been oviding tainable Aenlihcase Benejasde

FO mamy Yeas,dhe team ane pulting lynamt
needs in dhe
0 t s o ouutih dhe LOnmunitrs
ecucatton The main aim o he tomuunity A
de ensuhe tveny hild hasales BasicdluLatio
and aualty eduiatitn nfpaxteuuuttzie

i i Women Empouwement
laid hld and Mmen 0iwdeted phojdA at
he ose inteaventions aA gtndeh i y zakes
he hent tage Jwhen it LOmes heenpewehment

NEmlplogte Vounteesing
ftlong wilh ihe invetiment and Khe teamuenk he
CSR teAn h alcle AOial LOmmëtment also
etends drep into the cOp0rate ulLtune dhen0ugh
fhmplayee voluntuering reuabns
CSR nltiatives b dhe Etcle Industuist
ealih amd tanitotion
The Ealde Tndultoies a pato{ he HOOnoue bOn0
nleoy (dta),DA betic dAaton e ndia and
Sorety 0a fehabilitatto panapltgis
They 01ganizs htaLh Cams in lotal VUage al
tme kbtine
In case e natuwral calamty heg pAovtlehl
hea oume hauooth an Nobile heaUn Cenvdit
Une oadhë neanky villages
Theu un Watn ant tion nogpammes 4be
Contodbute e eime into wkeliej kdamd Luealy
2 8o62 OATE

nAmeda kad, Loschee hautlwan Ahey eole
heath Lae And Santation (aulti Aine do dimeand
in any Hakes

11 Eoutation
They uppoet local Vlages Athoau in dhe lonm o
inastouultwne uuhas Building ,clasA0omset
Eaide Industnis did a Paulznshp uiM MAA
CponAupip lommltkee xholpeujeLtA Ínasezaa
ALeh uva uehhable and in many dorainng
Many hojuts ahe implemented in pantnenship Lete
balita uidgalaya nutul souily che homes
AnKollata and many me
i Women Empowveamert
h Ah t1(undatpn dhe lompang intioded
Ahaining do dhe Womens Meih dalents doérbrat
Ahei sl uaining kveliheod
Ale intaodued tailpaing , Antay naptin phit
suktinkLahe euiatila Oh 0lnen tupaeneuas
The Scholasship lon he dalented gul uudent usih
Udayan ahe to phoude hinanual and ufp0t f0
h'ghe eodutadDn
minDdued hee Schee Ed h4j2Lt AO Mat aizls
(Onq0dB Ahe Ahools eail
Eployee Nolavnteeing
he Etde vOuydteem tngaged in nuutuning andtnpa
33AOnA Ao bepst up the mohale of Ahe aahehentelgobed
2 8062 DATE

They alp genenatedheantuwaming Amile along

n a heat Amse oh Shatitudk inusveney
nd ewiboweaiment 0nal
They ase voluntcering by e pazett yoaëruna
Ondalse helhed e wakeol lovtd-192ytelbing
n o dhe Adppoet
Eude ndustaidlimited h a gheat inpaltn
Ahe Moelane of Ahe ke Loutty byAh CSRittti
They have
done avehy god in he man 4aneas
uhshAe Heath lare ondSanitatl, Edlutatn
Women Empouanet Gnd Employee voluntaein
By he lempanies CSRaltiitits may ef reLoL
Nllag n0ue have dhe Mealth Cake Qnd anteAtle
Favltie Ond bg iA Ahe Loal holes inAey
LatHogis Ond n he neah vWogeA and hagineni
paov dirg Eoilatinle ilts dhey impaut
h e s0uitky by-DVling hpoustunitis do LG

Theuphovbe qhl dutation ndkauilit litesan

npinond ht ohel bus Auhith enable dhe
Ap go ho sh0gl Ino have a go04 Aygitnte
Inne end, ithou Anat xle Tnclustois
neof inpu bn huing and imphOving the
Conditlono he Souety kg givins he uppO
The have idesezd he souiekg eg giving h
Lailitiaand makng Ahp s tty ia 000

Ans2 Sustainable Devclopment au

The Susainable Develphment tioalane a L0lleitioo e
11itulinktd global goab delgned ko athiert a
betth no moAe utafnable future:
he SDG hoau Qhe t in 20 15 and a e intendea
Jeo be auhievedDheYeaa 2030
The main 3 tagta of he gealu ane te nd povedy,
oted Ahe hlanetand anuwe dhatalpeople eni
peAL Qnd poteity bg 2.030
SD 6Sutainable Develapment noal) 1

Ne Pove
Whas s foveety
Povety A a bAate o lakso ADually aueptable
Qmound omDne h he needed lonhe oL2ten Le

whot t ma lneal about?

SDG Goal 4 Ne PovePuty
Tagets Ahat by 2030 evey penson dn khe tOunt
houl have allts do ntlsQsy neea
WA aginda iA BaMtally odhe middle AnLome
ouwea ntome Ond belous pontgptopl
Tndra implementig al0mhaehemsfne deelopmet
AaAeal doend povetu in adA L0nddheiDaga
utleAoAtea eLon Dmi h u h and Bpal
Saleg needa
2S062 PAGE

Almost lo bentemto heopleved elouo dhe povete

line in2o15. RutAhese Kodios Ondpoet he
noia doing a eat 0qa 0 Mot uda
LOm naintain a avehage Qmual CDPhouwth

L0 dhe 4et o hat idhes AAeil be egnplogment

Then, he 0veody ueil heduce
O4na mm aAe alse inthodu ed so hat hhe
p Duln he Lonpmiall tzsadvantaaed
by developing_inlhatzuttuee Pnd uppt Lendi
W mib beal s
why Ampoutant2

Povert inked ecth many aLHs h e i

Aill be ne povedy people l At healhy,
Lhildnens 9 Ho tudy insiheak, eada
fovEuty As dinetl helated osho developnaet
Ahe nation
Povety iS linted de Ahe SouRty and itD She
MaXn 90al o be athired-
hee hould be Sotal Protertionad Saletya Aet

Att to- dhe O Sowies

Pove Ahould be eadicated A0 Aht Evey n
ÄN Hhe main 20al o be athitved
TneA hould pe POvet eadtcatinhat o
houla heate obs, upport pay eai
Mdtal aid etc
28062 DATE

whar an Ahe initiatives Aapen in ndia Jo

Ahis geal
The foveiutg Plevaation Paooy1ammes ains o-Aedu te
Ane sate ef poveuty in dhe Countoy by prouiding
op ale do 00d monedaiy helpamd Bae
sertiala do dhe households and amilie BUonging
40 he Beloue Povecty line
wteAateol Runal Development Puoanamme -1a18
le aie dhe lamilies o( dhe taiget oh0us belau
ovety Line heough he deelopment l tainabbe
ppountunitits 0Altmployimert
Pradhan Mantamin Auoaas Ypsana-198S
19 Cheale housing uniA {OA eveuyone
Te aovide loa at subidized Hatesdo me people
To ugment MOOGe mplounmevt 0bplutunita
o Anehouseholds b paoviding emplogument n
li hola brandhi National Old Aae Pensten Scheme-1915
2To ovide pensionte noaLEtihens ef nota of
65geans h higheA andlliing Beloue Yoveouly line
Nadtional Family Benel Scheme 1415
ALovide a mm o keo,000 to dhe Benelaa
Aphs i lbe dhe net Aead of the amly ath he
ORaltho Xhe imaoy Bread mne
28062 DATE

0uahan bvan Scmudhi Yofana 1 4 9 9

Developing he inpastuttune o dhe Puunal heas
AMphiiA Ahcludkd LOnnetting 0ad hLal and
Te lovide staned wWoge enployemert Ao dho
amily Beloncing kohe 6elow Ae ovest Lne

v knnapuana 1191.2000
s aouide l01Ka el haee hoed qpains the
ellgtdeAenioh i e s uhp añe not egAed
unden he Natronal 0ld Age fenue Sheme

National MOteaniky Benelt Sehene20l6

ToPaovdea unb P6oooAo a aegant mutes
Mhe i aGed above L9 acs
Tw un Oded n0amally 12-k MweLk Befoae dk
Bih md Com be ha vaile d tven alte, dhe eaAhoK

he govenmenthaA AUtmamg daAGLA JOA he aihilens
Ahe gcal ond dhej ahe mänsa hallerges abo uohih
Aaeo Be kulled uwilh he enadf cattn e
fovPe1dy dhey Q Lnded uslhAe MheA jauhn

Peduung povedy heauhes eLoloaitaland Aesgure

wtainablty. matased keoa oduuti ull l
1ano degnadasi0n,hcenhonse qas.Cimtsiorsand
Brodivi LoAunlelb hoduOn Mehods and
COnbunptibn a h etones mOre stanable.


Pns Coboratee SoualResponbLidn has na new in

Ahe sRd bt Iwant ke olxuss about khe Neus
NOLms M h 0e Ahe n dhe CS ALELERA

what i CSR Ativitia

C S R aBusineabh0ahs h tLOntuibutato
Sustainable develabrnent byclelieouing eOnDel
S0ual Omdl enviromental Beneliks 0 llHakeholdes

Sutton 3S 0uys Ahot Evcey lompany having netE

Wouh 5oo (0e DAm0se (04 taanDv
RalooD (0 anet ohit oBSa0Ae 0 apA4
CueingQn nQmuinl Yeah hould gteoCGR ALtiVtiu
banlien anyunges,pevety 2anibatien na ny
oXhea Ativtia 0ge Onndesed as he CSK ACLvitis
but wouo

Minsteuo loupoate AaihA uLitden ambit of e

CSR Ativii
This ntide dalks Qbout hat dhe ve m@e itom i
added o Are CsR Attivii The Minity O pA
hau intluded lerth ol Amed folie Foles(APE)
Ond lentyal Pana Hilhae ohte[CPME)
veleaansand ein debendents inluding hhidus
2dlepib Aat a ompany npusgven dhh
poits Am hen i ill be
O he CSk Atttues
2062 DATE

h e EamlpA Kepotin Tune o a hat neerly

OnOund o hened o He Skjunds oa he
ushtnt LA havt healg Beth plegeel o
Ane Loui19 Pamdemic

and h iplfng do dhe falamert in 2ol-20|5w

hecsg aterved Psg10se bg h Aamed koa.
Ate n Ahe lOma nit Att mandotes lentain
ClaMe of 2eltable tompanie spend 2. b
Oueands CSK Autivtia

The CSR has nounm0he clevelopeo and uniae

A dhe Aave seleeded make &ei Lovesaj
e paovidL Benelt Ahe Souety in
ayeed nway
The ChRF amdCPME aN a ageA yeny ymaj0s faet
Ahe Coutty uphrth needsa buphate he
han Lles h enomentlLatusl
bond Sewilg Foate MHU be nsed anl
Lendnal ndusteuial Stueuinu koh he CP MP O
evdal Rehve oLite Foae he Duile o
gde-beAan Porolps Polne MCm0oavduun
Notronal Ceuriy_bruard
hayhdha Seema Bal
28062 DATE

As a aesut Ahe tnhaned Lohe lon CSR Cpendng

Xhe tovntoibutio Ao he knd hamad ke vege
LOpus Eund "whih uoas eHOnsly noA Dlitble
On dhe CSk cgrsdeuing she jat dhad t speialy
Beneltbs CAPE, w uwill Be toveed
Noue any Ontuibutitn kohD hunowil be lourded
fn Ahe CSR hund
Lonluion i

This hund had uidemed Xhe Mope ef Ahe CSkn

vey hept MSa
CARE Qmd CPME QAL Ahe l0es Ahilh i e dillant
nmndhe maian, HAmy, Navg Ain FOaLe
These l0enueA didnt glt eh Qun unte ndy o get
a eea Lppot e he aeveshment- But b hs
OLLeuidm vm now Ahe aoiau onLes Aue be
Alped b he Majo ompamie
A he ALLA aAoa veou4 MDnea Baseoka Lountuis
Co itAuld Be Sene ited baDue lountyy
Tnese pEDple in dhede 002A aAe paoteLingus
Ond MLhith M0uDd aluo 2uplpot he
The Savie hinut o he CAPP n9Js han Ahe
phan Aamy Auknoualecling ma atni
amentinent as Ben dateCo nat CSKAtrut
ould ánlude he OVOll0uiseuonDni
Nellane and developmbt euh lpuntuy
2-80 62 DATE

Png2 Enviko/mental Ehisand Cateiribilty

Envzometal EAiu hay a iupline i hdob

whh udiu moaal selatnlbhp of puan kein9A d
n imple Aals about houo Cnilea Hhe human

EXNA CAandan
I e al he
heed Ahe hold ngt >mpPe usnette
beein Ritualsand
Tenplu 2hould Belean
Stordand deuhihs 0ten pojtiin
houldnot Re hLi

COm oe 0AAhe MUn leas

i h Ahe nae
Eloods d depOaeAation ake Ah Main obeums
oheMan bnde uAa Cliasastes ni peo
wwding he ple e
peats ees Ond maling Loads
uuldines2kope e uirng mannM Lan) maki
hthbOluiin 0 Ane bnuingmert und
need ynly an Eveni h
People e buhing nateas jh odinsal dLpite
th AhuA 0he Loio padierds in
LnoveAment ib_A nrÁn n havall ehotipkal
Suttoa mh Ahe
O0 deghaLe ne Envn
2 So62 DATE

Wt nced to Save enhmtut Beu IA P pAovrdi

nvnement hOue Lue Cunive
nTnda we ha ve nly 20pehtent0ast Unea
amd she peope aAe ahë wttins raten hor sol
MGtAM_02ustn andoheA needs This AhouLd be a
voyfnprdavnt awaAe ushth houlAbe dode

HOe nvnoment elated e he Ethu

Plldhe Reounesg kladCD came prem Noduae dhe
it nen la Belps oh dne Cky a bove ike Solas
henGa-KM Uand ha our kdure aennaLe lan
ave a 0edLlp Then we Aae D LnsPve idnog

We sA0ula ee about Ahe lonsunLi A COnseaVOdDn

Buae weMOuld not A0te L0d AeLPA Andang
MesDun Becanse AheA A_vay moledidngt et
Ahe DaueiM he(0ouy Q 0 Abe Mhuggle siULe Aez
0 Ahe vial 1we don LCnsenee Ovtn envioment

eSolutioo A hoavt a Balaniu Beuoeen me Monm

Nature Mens Cutantpld Duld Be Areh Ahe HOn
huld ullltia needs Bt abe 1onsthn aboutAheMadur

1An ail Mehe agam (ongnizante he

whoAKnow dhat ushat latallg Ouwn Enhment
MphiK hings we hav do do e AO hat Oue ole
eneatAOn on le aoheodg Human keingsaiede
23062 DATE

pleet Ahe envihomend thtn dhey tannDt aleo An

1 a >mall us Can mabe s0mhADabl

Whn nakU uU bk distubed uehattan happen to
Jhe humn l I

What unetnial_
Viplatins Kles-Weshouldnet Viplate brovonet Rula,
LALk o lommmtment- we did not lomt A a 90d.
tnttoral bamasp n Knoo AhatMoe enLAOm n
A daaged but we did not pay atlentG.
whe ib heponside Jon ihiA
Socta ioveonmen{Poltiirsuoiinegneaa

We hould malt warene h e
Ane nhment iMnpt Be aeLted We hould s0Mt
dhe tiyiis mhh ane oleepad in make u
We hod mae auAA en Cs n dhe enuhnm
wselvey. Weshpuld
ohieok dhe On
he 0A doing oood Lo hat
nng to l AMgan aom m and
he nvMhenenk Smal ANine
2n a h g ina
bave nJanEducae peop houe tnyhnment
ged 2e aleBA DnaU ntog meAith gsve a s
amunt Kut it uill adol D dhe
Mpil mae ouh tnvýkomtnt
envzompt uuh

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