Cosbotate Soual Kponsi BL: Obtective Ok Ae CSK Poliy
Cosbotate Soual Kponsi BL: Obtective Ok Ae CSK Poliy
Cosbotate Soual Kponsi BL: Obtective Ok Ae CSK Poliy
FO mamy Yeas,dhe team ane pulting lynamt
needs in dhe
0 t s o ouutih dhe LOnmunitrs
ecucatton The main aim o he tomuunity A
de ensuhe tveny hild hasales BasicdluLatio
and aualty eduiatitn nfpaxteuuuttzie
i i Women Empouwement
laid hld and Mmen 0iwdeted phojdA at
he ose inteaventions aA gtndeh i y zakes
he hent tage Jwhen it LOmes heenpewehment
NEmlplogte Vounteesing
ftlong wilh ihe invetiment and Khe teamuenk he
CSR teAn h alcle AOial LOmmëtment also
etends drep into the cOp0rate ulLtune dhen0ugh
fhmplayee voluntuering reuabns
CSR nltiatives b dhe Etcle Industuist
ealih amd tanitotion
The Ealde Tndultoies a pato{ he HOOnoue bOn0
nleoy (dta),DA betic dAaton e ndia and
Sorety 0a fehabilitatto panapltgis
They 01ganizs htaLh Cams in lotal VUage al
tme kbtine
In case e natuwral calamty heg pAovtlehl
hea oume hauooth an Nobile heaUn Cenvdit
Une oadhë neanky villages
Theu un Watn ant tion nogpammes 4be
Contodbute e eime into wkeliej kdamd Luealy
2 8o62 OATE
nAmeda kad, Loschee hautlwan Ahey eole
heath Lae And Santation (aulti Aine do dimeand
in any Hakes
11 Eoutation
They uppoet local Vlages Athoau in dhe lonm o
inastouultwne uuhas Building ,clasA0omset
Eaide Industnis did a Paulznshp uiM MAA
CponAupip lommltkee xholpeujeLtA Ínasezaa
ALeh uva uehhable and in many dorainng
Many hojuts ahe implemented in pantnenship Lete
balita uidgalaya nutul souily che homes
AnKollata and many me
i Women Empowveamert
h Ah t1(undatpn dhe lompang intioded
Ahaining do dhe Womens Meih dalents doérbrat
Ahei sl uaining kveliheod
Ale intaodued tailpaing , Antay naptin phit
suktinkLahe euiatila Oh 0lnen tupaeneuas
The Scholasship lon he dalented gul uudent usih
Udayan ahe to phoude hinanual and ufp0t f0
h'ghe eodutadDn
minDdued hee Schee Ed h4j2Lt AO Mat aizls
(Onq0dB Ahe Ahools eail
Eployee Nolavnteeing
he Etde vOuydteem tngaged in nuutuning andtnpa
33AOnA Ao bepst up the mohale of Ahe aahehentelgobed
2 8062 DATE
Ne Pove
Whas s foveety
Povety A a bAate o lakso ADually aueptable
Qmound omDne h he needed lonhe oL2ten Le
v knnapuana 1191.2000
s aouide l01Ka el haee hoed qpains the
ellgtdeAenioh i e s uhp añe not egAed
unden he Natronal 0ld Age fenue Sheme
he govenmenthaA AUtmamg daAGLA JOA he aihilens
Ahe gcal ond dhej ahe mänsa hallerges abo uohih
Aaeo Be kulled uwilh he enadf cattn e
fovPe1dy dhey Q Lnded uslhAe MheA jauhn
EXNA CAandan
I e al he
heed Ahe hold ngt >mpPe usnette
beein Ritualsand
Tenplu 2hould Belean
Stordand deuhihs 0ten pojtiin
houldnot Re hLi
What unetnial_
Viplatins Kles-Weshouldnet Viplate brovonet Rula,
LALk o lommmtment- we did not lomt A a 90d.
tnttoral bamasp n Knoo AhatMoe enLAOm n
A daaged but we did not pay atlentG.
whe ib heponside Jon ihiA
Socta ioveonmen{Poltiirsuoiinegneaa
We hould malt warene h e
Ane nhment iMnpt Be aeLted We hould s0Mt
dhe tiyiis mhh ane oleepad in make u
We hod mae auAA en Cs n dhe enuhnm
wselvey. Weshpuld
ohieok dhe On
he 0A doing oood Lo hat
nng to l AMgan aom m and
he nvMhenenk Smal ANine
2n a h g ina
bave nJanEducae peop houe tnyhnment
ged 2e aleBA DnaU ntog meAith gsve a s
amunt Kut it uill adol D dhe
Mpil mae ouh tnvýkomtnt
envzompt uuh