Description of Gagné's Conditions of Learning Theory

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Gagne’s Conditions of Learning 

Robert Gagné’s seminal work is his conditions of learning theory. It includes
five categories of learning outcomes and the nine events of instruction.
Together, these two themes of Gagné’s learning theory provide a framework
for learning conditions.

Gagné’s work (1985) focuses on intentional or purposeful learning, which is

the type of learning that occurs in school or specific training programs. He
believed that events in the environment influence the learning process. His
theory identifies the general types of human capabilities that are learned.
These capabilities are the behavioral changes (learning outcomes) in a
learner that a learning theory must explain. Once the learning outcomes are
identified, an analysis of the conditions that govern learning and remembering
can occur (Gagné, 1985, p. 15).

For example, a learner who is participating in a situation where the right

conditions for learning are invoked, then he or she will experience the five
categories of learning outcomes that include the human capabilities of
intellectual skills, verbal information, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and

Gagné also relates learning outcomes to the events of instruction. He

provides systematic statements of theory to describe the ways that
instructional events are designed for each of the learning outcomes or

While Benjamin Bloom (1956) developed his taxonomy of cognitive outcomes

based on increasingly complex levels, Gagné (1985) developed his five
categories of learning outcomes based on the characteristics of the content
that a learner must learn. His outcomes do not consist of any particular order
or complexity of levels, other than the sub-categories within the Intellectual
Skills category. Gagné separated Bloom’s knowledge class into a category he
named verbal information, and he added another category of learning
outcomes he named cognitive strategies. He believed cognitive strategies
were learning strategies that learners adopted and applied in the process of
learning, and that they are not subject specific (Wager, n.d.).

Description of Gagné’s Conditions of Learning Theory

Gagné’s conditions of learning theory draws upon general concepts from
various learning theories in order to define what learning is. The theory looks
at the observable changes in human behaviour that confirm that learning has
occurred. Gagné’s theory provides an answer to the question, “what is
learning?” In answering that question, Gagné provides a description of the
conditions under which learning takes place by referring to situations in
ordinary life and in school where learning occurs, and by referring to
experimental studies in learning.

Gagné (1985) postulates that proof of learning shows by a difference in a

learner’s performance before and after participating in a learning situation. He
claims that the presence of the performance does not make it possible to
conclude that learning has occurred; but instead, it is necessary to show that
there has been a change in performance. In other words, the capability for
exhibiting the performance before learning requires consideration as well as
the capability that exists after learning (p. 16).

The following four elements provide the framework for Gagné’s Conditions of
learning theory.

 Conditions of Learning
 Association Learning
 The Five Categories of Learning Outcomes
 The Nine Events of Instruction
Conditions of Learning
Gagné (1985) describes two different types of conditions that exist in learning:
internal and external. Capabilities that already exist in a learner before any
new learning begins make up the internal conditions necessary for learning.
These internal conditions are transformed during the learning process.
External conditions include different stimulus’s that exist outside the learner
such as the environment, the teacher, and the learning situation. This means
that each new learning situation begins from a different point of prior learning
and will consist of a different external situation, depending on the learner and
on the learning environment. Therefore, the useful prototypes of learning by
association (described next) are delineated by internal and external learning
conditions (p. 17).

Association Learning
There are three basic prototypes of learning that demonstrate the
characteristics of associative learning: classical conditioning, operant
conditioning, and verbal association. Gagné adds a fourth that relates to the
three prototypes: chaining. Classical conditioning is the process where the
learner associates an already available response with a new stimulus or
signal. Operant conditioning is the process where a response in a learner is
instrumental and thereby leads to a subsequent reinforcing event. Verbal
association occurs when the learner makes verbal responses to stimuli that
are words or pairs of words. Chaining is a process where a learner connects
individual associations in sequence. For example, a learner can recite verbal
sequences consisting of lists of words, or the alphabet from A-Z (Gagné, p.

Gagné (1985) believes these four prototypes of associative learning are

components of learned human capabilities and link together as basic forms of
learning (pp. 17-18). Gagné refers to them so he may present a
comprehensive picture of how these prototypes of learning relates to the five
categories of learning outcomes.

The Five Categories of Learning Outcomes

One of the themes of Gagné’s theory is distinguishing the types of outcomes
that learning has: the categories of learned capabilities – observed as human
performances – that have common characteristics. Gagné describes five
categories of human performance established by learning:

 Intellectual skills (“knowing how” or having procedural knowledge)

 Verbal information (being able to state ideas, “knowing that”, or having
declarative knowledge)
 Cognitive strategies (having certain techniques of thinking, ways of analyzing
problems, and having approaches to solving problems)
 Motor skills (executing movements in a number of organized motor acts such
as playing sports or driving a car)
 Attitudes (mental states that influence the choices of personal actions)
The five categories of learning outcomes provide the foundation for describing
how the conditions of learning apply to each category.

Gagné (1985) postulates that if the five categories of learning outcomes and
the ways of analyzing learning requirements are combined in a rational and
systematic manner, then it will be possible to describe a set of ideas that
make up a theory of instruction (p. 243). He adds that a theory of instruction
should attempt to relate the external events of instruction to the outcomes of
learning by showing how these events lead to appropriate support or
enhancement of internal learning processes (p. 244).

The Nine Events of Instruction

The events of instruction are the external events that help learning occur, and
are designed to achieve each of the five different learning outcomes. Gagné
numbers the instructional events from one to nine, showing a sequential

The nine events are as follows:

 Gaining Attention
 Informing Learners of the Objective
 Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning
 Presenting the Stimulus
 Providing Learning Guidance
 Eliciting Performance
 Providing Feedback
 Assessing Performance
 Enhancing Retention and Transfer
Together, the conditions of learning, association learning, the five categories
of learning outcomes, and the nine events of instruction provide a description
of the framework for Gagné’s conditions of learning theory.

Main Elements of Gagné’s Conditions of Learning Theory

The following links provide a summary of the two main elements of Gagné’s

 The Five Categories of Learning Outcomes

 The Nine Events of Instruction
The Five Categories of Learning Outcomes
In his theory, Gagné (1985) describes five categories of human performance
established by learning (learning outcomes): intellectual skills, verbal
information, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and attitudes. They are
comprehensive and do not follow any specific order. Any learned capability
will have the characteristics of one or another of these categories.

Below is a brief summary of each of the five categories, summarized from

Gagné & Driscoll (1988) Essentials of Learning for Instruction (pp. 44-59).
Intellectual Skills

Intellectual skills involve the use of symbols such as numbers and language to
interact with the environment. They involve knowing how to do something
rather than knowing that about something. Intellectual skills require an ability
to carry out actions. Often they require the interactions with the environment
through symbols such as letters, numbers, words, or diagrams. When a
learner has learned an intellectual skill, he or she will be able to demonstrate
its application to at least one particular instance of the subject matter learned.

Out of the five categories, intellectual skills is the only category that is divided
into sub-categories. The division is according to the complexity of the skill
level, and how they relate to each other. The more complex skills require the
prior learning or mastery of the simpler skills before the learning process is
complete. The links below will take you to a brief summary of the five sub-
categories of intellectual skills.

 Discriminations
 Concrete Concepts
 Defined Concepts
 Rules
 Higher-Order Rules
Discriminations:  Discriminations is the first skill to master in intellectual skills.
It is the ability to distinguish one feature of an object or symbol from another
such as textures, letters, numbers, shapes, and sounds. The human
performance or learning outcome achieved by discrimination is the ability to
tell the difference among various stimuli. It is the prerequisite to further

Concrete Concepts:  Concept learning occurs after discriminations learning is

complete. Concrete concepts are the simplest of the two concept types and
consist of classes of object features, objects, and events. Some are relational
such as up, down, far, near, higher, lower. The performance or learning
outcome achieved from mastery of concrete concepts is the ability to identify a
class of objects, object qualities, or relations by pointing out one or more
examples or instances of the class.

Defined Concepts:  Concepts not only require identification, but also definition.
Defined concepts require a learner to define both general and relational
concepts by providing instances of a concept to show its definition. For
example, if a learner were to explain the concept alliteration, he or she must
define alliteration, and then be able to identify the components of alliteration,
such as consonant sound, beginning, sentence, etc., and then be able to
provide specific examples of alliteration.

Rules:  Once concepts are learned, the next sub-category of intellectual skills
is rules. A rule is a learned capability of the learner, by making it possible for
the learner to do something rather than just stating something. For example,
when a learner learns the rule for forming an adverb to modify an adjective, he
or she knows that ly must be added to the modifier. Because a learner knows
the rule to add ly, he or she can apply it to an entire class of words instead of
learning an adverbial form for every adjective in the language, enabling the
learner to respond correctly to words he or she has never seen before. Rules
make it possible to respond to a class of things with a class of performances.

Higher-Order Rules:  Higher-order rules are the process of combining rules by

learning into more complex rules used in problem solving. When attempting to
solve a problem, a learner may put two or more rules together from different
content in order to form a higher-order rule that solves the problem. A higher-
order rule differs in complexity from the basic rules that compose it.
Problem solving using higher-order rules occurs in writing paragraphs,
speaking a foreign language, using scientific principles, and applying laws to
situations of social or economic conflict.

Verbal Information

Another category of learning outcomes is verbal information. This refers to the

organized bodies of knowledge that we acquire. They may be classified as
names, facts, principles, and generalizations. Verbal information is referred to
as declarative knowledge, or knowing that.

The performance or learning outcome achieved through verbal information is

the ability of being able to state in a meaningful sentence what was learned.
Some examples of acquired verbal information are the ability to define
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development; or, stating the rules for scoring in a
tennis match.

Cognitive Strategies
Cognitive strategies refer to the process that learners guide their learning,
remembering, and thinking. Where intellectual skills are oriented toward
aspects of the environment by dealing with numbers, words, and symbols that
are external, cognitive strategies govern our processes of dealing with the
environment by influencing internal processes. A learner uses cognitive
strategies in thinking about what was learned and in solving problems. They
are the ways a learner manages the processes of learning, remembering, and

The performance or learning outcome achieved through cognitive strategies is

having the ability to create something new such as creating an efficient
system for cataloging computer discs.

Motor Skills

Motor skills are the precise, smooth, and accurately timed execution of
movements involving the use of muscles. They are a distinct type of learning
outcome and necessary to the understanding of the range of possible human
performances. Learning situations that involve motor skills are learning to
write, playing a musical instrument, playing sports, and driving a car. The
timing and smoothness of executing motor skills indicates that these
performances have a high degree of internal organization.


Another distinct category of learning outcomes is attitudes, the internal state

that influences the choices of personal actions made by an individual towards
some class of things, persons, or events. Choices of action (behaviours)
made by individuals are influenced significantly by attitudes. For example, an
attitude towards the disposal of trash will influence how a person disposes of
pop cans, food containers, organics, etc. An attitude towards music will
influence the choice of music an individual will listen to.

General classes of attitudes include attitudes that affect social interactions,

attitudes that consist of positive preferences towards certain activities, and
attitudes that pertain to citizenship, such as a love of country or showing
concern for social needs and goals.
The performance or learning outcome achieved through attitudes is evident in
an individual’s choice of actions. For example, choosing swimming over
running as a preferred exercise, or choosing not to participate in group events
reflects how attitude motivates choices.

The Nine Events of Instruction

Gagné’s (1985) nine events of instruction attempts to relate the external
events of instruction to the outcomes of learning by showing how these events
lead to the enhancement of internal learning processes (p. 244). Gagné
emphasizes that the purpose of an instructional theory is to propose a
rationally based relationship between instructional events, their effects on
learning processes, and the learning outcomes that occur as a result (p. 244).

The following is a list and a brief summary of each of Gagné’s nine events of
instruction summarized from Gagné (1985) (pp. 246-255).

1.    Gaining Attention

2.    Informing Learners of the Objective
3.    Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning
4.    Presenting the Stimulus
5.    Providing Learning Guidance
6.    Eliciting Performance
7.    Providing Feedback
8.    Assessing Performance
9.    Enhancing Retention and Transfer

1. Gaining Attention

The first event of instruction is to gain the attention of students so they are
alert for the reception of stimuli. An instructor can achieve this by introducing a
rapid stimulus change either by gesturing or by suddenly changing the tone or
volume of their voice. Another way of stimulating alertness is by visual or
auditory stimuli related to the subject matter. The stimulus chosen for gaining
attention will work equally well for all categories of learning outcomes.

2. Informing Learners of the Objective

The second event of instruction is to inform the learner of the purpose and
expected outcomes of the learning material. This will provide them with an
expectancy that will persist during the time learning is taking place. Feedback
at the end of the lesson will provide the learner with confirmation of learning.

An important part of this event of instruction is to provide learners with

motivation if learner motivation is not apparent. An instructor can achieve
learner motivation by relating an interesting career field to the learning

Instructional techniques that will inform the learner of objectives for all five
categories of learning outcomes are described below.

Intellectual Skills:  Instructors can demonstrate the activity to which the

concept, rule, or procedure applies.

Cognitive Strategy:  Instructor describes or demonstrates the strategy

Verbal Information:  Instructor describes what the learner will be expected to


Attitude:  The learner encounters attitude later in the process. (This occurs
through instructor demonstration or modeling during instructional event five,
providing learning guidance.

Motor Skills:  Instructor demonstrates the expected performance.

3. Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning

The third event of instruction asks the instructor to recall skills or knowledge
learners have previously learned. The best kind of recall should naturally
relate to the subject matter being learned. The instructional technique for
stimulating recall will be different for the different learning outcomes as
described below.

Intellectual Skills:  Instructor recalls prerequisite rules and concepts

Cognitive Strategy:  Instructor recalls simple prerequisite rules and concepts

Verbal Information:  Instructor recalls well organized bodies of knowledge
Attitude:  Instructor recalls a situation and action involved in personal choice.
He or she reminds learner of the human model and model’s characteristics.

Motor Skills: Instructor recalls the “executive subroutine” (the procedure that
constitutes the active framework within which the motor skill is executed,
practiced, and refined), and part-skills (the different parts of the procedure), if

4. Presenting the Stimulus

The fourth event of instruction is presenting a stimulus that is related to the

subject matter. The content of the stimulus should be specific to the learning
outcome. For example, if the stimulus is verbal information, printed prose such
as a chapter in a textbook or an audio tape will achieve the learning objective.
If the stimulus is an intellectual skill, the instructor can display the object
and/or symbols that require a concept or rule; or, he or she can present the
problem learners need to solve.

The instructor must present the stimulus as an initial phase of learning, so

clear indication of stimulus features such as underlining, bold print,
highlighting, pointing, or using a change in tone of voice to emphasize major
themes is helpful.

The instructional techniques for presenting the stimulus to different learning

outcomes are as follows:

Intellectual Skills: Instructor delineates features or the objects and symbols

that require defining as a concept or a rule

Cognitive Strategies: Instructor describes the problem and shows what the
strategy accomplishes

Verbal Information: Instructor displays text or audio statements, showing or

highlighting the distinctive features

Motor Skills: instructor displays the situation at the initiation of the skilled
performance, and then demonstrates the procedure
Attitude:  Instructor presents a human model that describes the general nature
of the choice that learners will be required to make.

5. Providing Learning Guidance

The fifth event of instruction, providing learning guidance requires the

instructor to make the stimulus as meaningful as possible. There are several
ways to achieve this, depending upon the learning outcome expected. An
instructor can enhance meaningfulness by using concrete examples of
abstract terms and concepts, and elaborating ideas by relating them to others
already in memory.

The instructional techniques for providing learning guidance to different

learning outcomes are as follows:

Intellectual Skills:  Instructor provides varied concrete examples of the

concept or rule

Cognitive Strategies:  Instructor provides a verbal description of the strategy,

followed by an example

Verbal Information:  Instructor elaborates content by relating to larger bodies

of knowledge; uses images and/or mnemonics

Attitude:  Instructor uses the human model and describes or demonstrates an

action choice, followed by observation of reinforcement of model’s behaviour

Motor Skill: Continue practicing procedure, focusing on precision and

accurately timed execution of movements

6. Eliciting Performance

The sixth instructional event eliciting performance asks a learner to

demonstrate the newly learned capability. This may be verbal information,
intellectual skills, cognitive strategy, attitude, or motor skill. The learner of
verbal information will have the ability to “tell it.” The learner of a new concept
or rule (intellectual skills) will have the ability to demonstrate its applicability to
a new situation not previously encountered during learning. The learner of a
cognitive strategy of problem solving will solve an unfamiliar problem whose
solution may use the strategy. The learner of a motor skill demonstrates the
learned performance. The learner demonstrates the new attitude in the
choices the learner makes.

7. Providing Feedback

The seventh instructional event, providing feedback, asks the instructor to

reinforce the newly acquired learning. An instructor can accomplish this
through informative feedback where the instructor informs the learner of the
degree of correctness or incorrectness of the performance. This feedback
may be verbal or written.

8. Assessing Performance

The eighth instructional event, assessing performance, consists of

assessments to verify that learning has occurred. In order to assure that
learning is stable, an instructor will require additional instances of the

The instructor assesses performance through testing the learner. The purpose
of testing is to establish that the learned capacity is stable, and to provide
additional practice to assist in consolidating the learned material.

9. Enhancing Retention and Transfer

The ninth instructional event, enhancing retention and transfer, refers to

retaining the learned capability over a long period of time and transferring it
into new situations outside of the learning environment. Practice ensures
retention, especially with verbal information, intellectual skills, and motor skills.

Instructors can enhance retention and transfer by conducting spaced reviews.

This means conducting recalls of information learned at various intervals of a
day or more after the initial learning. However, the recall is further enhanced
when additional examples are spaced in time over days and weeks following
the initial learning, and when including a variety of different situations.

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