Color SchemesPowerpoint
Color SchemesPowerpoint
Color SchemesPowerpoint
Yellow-green Red
Yellow Red-orange
Yellow-orange Orange
A color scheme using colors
next to each other on the color
B lue B lue- violet
Y ellow-g ree n Re d
Note that even though these are very bright hues of 5 colors next to each other
on the color wheel, that they are analogous, even though they are bright.
A color scheme using colors
opposite each other on the
color wheel.
Blue Blue-violet
Blue-green Violet
G reen Red-violet
Yellow-green Red
Yellow Red-orange
Yellow-orange O range
Blue Blue-violet
Blue-green Violet
Green Red-violet
Yellow Red-orange
Blue Blue-violet
Blue-green Violet
Green Red-violet
Yellow-green Red
Yellow Red-orange
Yellow-orange Orange
A color scheme using three
colors equal distance from
each other on the color wheel.
Blue Blue-violet
Blue-green Violet
Green Red-violet
Yellow-green Red
Yellow Red-orange
Yellow-orange Orange
A color scheme using whites,
blacks, grays and beiges.
Yellow-green Red
Yellow-orange O range
Warm Colors
Colors on the warm side of the
spectrum…red, yellow, orange.
Blue Blue-violet
Blue-green Violet
Green Red-violet
Yellow Red-orange
Blue Blue-violet
Blue-green Violet
Green Red-violet
Yellow-green Red
Yellow Red-orange
Yellow-orange Orange
Choosing Color Schemes…
Select your favorite color
Add to an established color scheme
Select colors based on the feelings or mood you wish to
Evaluate parts of the room that cannot be changed, then
consider color choices that will complement existing
Select colors that complement a particular work of art
(quilt, favorite picture, etc.)
Select colors that complement a chosen fabric or