Case Scenario:: Is An Eye Finding Occurring Early in
Case Scenario:: Is An Eye Finding Occurring Early in
Case Scenario:: Is An Eye Finding Occurring Early in
2 days PTA, patient had body malaise with associated bilateral lower extremity pain, abdominal pain, epigastric burning 5/10 radiating to chest, continuous,
Patient self-medicated with Ibuprofen, Loperamide, Paracetamol which provided no relief. No consult done
During interim, progression of symptoms, now with difficulty in ambulation and DOB.
cardiorespiratory distress
FMHx: • BP: 120/60, 118 bpm, 48 cpm, 38.0, 90% o2 sat at room air
• (+) heart failure - maternal • (+) conjunctival suffusion, is an eye finding occurring early in
leptospirosis, which is caused by Leptospira interrogans.
• (+) CVD - paternal
pink palpebral conjunctivae, no nasoaural discharge,
• No other heredofamilial diseases noted
no cervicolymphadenopathies, no neck vein distention
• Currently works as construction worker normal rate and regular rhythm, no murmurs appreciated
RBC: 4.44 Normal 4 to 5.5 M/uL Crea: 646.37 Normal 61.9 to 114.9 µmol/L
HGB: 121 MALE 138 to 172 grams per liter g/L BCR: 10.9 Normal 10% IS or below
They are measured in thousands per cubic milliliter (K/uL) of blood Creatinine clearance (CrCl) is the volume of blood plasma cleared of
creatinine per unit time. It is a rapid and cost-effective method for the
Neutrophils: 92.3 measurement of renal function.
Lymphocytes: 5.3 AST: 55.94 (1.39x elev)
Monocytes: 2.2 ALT: 28.64
Eosinophils: 0.2 TB: 73.42
B1: 76.07
2. Coagulation Factors B2: 2.67
PT: 14.8 Normal 11 to 13.5 seconds LDH: 311.47
Higher than that means your blood is taking longer than normal to clot CRP: 23.87
and may be a sign of many conditions, including: Bleeding or clotting
% Act: 73.03 The activated clotting time (ACT) is a test that is used 4. ABG
primarily to monitor high doses of unfractionated (standard)
heparin therapy. Normal range for ACT is 70-120 sec Fully compensated
✓ Severe Acute Kidney Injury secondary to sepsis ✓ Plan for emergency IJ catheter insertion and hemodialysis
✓ COVID suspect
o Prescription:
Collaborate with nephrologist To help with the hemodialysis
and patient care technician treatment and evaluating
(PCTs) kidneys to manage condition
Nursing Diagnosis Handbook an Evidence-Based Guide to Planning 15th Edition pg. 351-355